3.4 Graupel and hailstone density • • • Bulk density of large rimed ice particles varies greatly, depending on denseness of packing of cloud drops frozen on the ice crystal, growth mode (dry vs. wet), surface (dry vs. wet), and internal state (solid ice, air/ice mixture, ice/water mixture) Density of graupel particles range from 0.05 g cm-3 to as high as 0.89 g cm-3. See Table 2.8 Pruppacher and Klett (1997) Density of hailstones usually > 0.8 g cm-3 and approaches solid ice (0.917 g cm-3), especially if in wet growth – Growth mode and history (and melting/freezing) matters – External wet surface during wet growth or melting can slightly increase bulk density of particle – Earlier dry growth can reduce overall bulk density – But water can soak into ice/air matrix and dramatically increase bulk density of particle 1 3.5 Graupel and hail dielectric (or refractive index) • Use Debye mixing theory, Debye (1929), for ice and air mixtures (e.g., graupel or dry growth hail) (e.g., Battan 1973) ρ M= Ki ρi Mi + Ka ρa Ma m −1 [4] K= 2 m +2 2 • • 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 n 0.001 k 0.0005 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Ice density (ρi, g cm-3) Where M:mass, ρ: density, m: refractive index; subscript i=ice and a=air (no subscript=mixture) Can simplify [3] by noting that ma in [4] is ≈ 1 so Ka ≈ 0 and M ≈ Mi ∴→ K/ρ is constant. Hence, K for mixture is K K = i ρ ρi • [3] 0.003 Imaginary component of refractive index (k) K Real component of refractive index (n) Refractive index of bulk ice, m=n+ik 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 [5] Combine [4] and [5] to solve for refractive index of mixture (m) 2χ + 1 m = where 1− χ 2 Ki χ = ρ ρi [ 6] 2 • • • For melting hail, you can model it as 1) concentric oblate spheroids with ice inside and liquid melt water outside or 2) spongy ice For 2) spongy hail (water+ice), Deybe mixing theory does NOT apply. Cannot be strongly absorbing. For 2) spongy hail, must use different theory like Maxwell Garnett (1904) mixing theory to calculate dielectric (e.g., Bohren and Battan 1980; Longtin et al. 1987 JTECH) – Dielectric of spongy ice εsi is a function of dielectric constant of solid ice εi, liquid water εw and volume of water fraction (f) in ice-water mixture C-band [7] – Where assumed ice inclusions in water matrix best simulates spongy ice, especially where f is high Longtin et al. (1987) Bohren and Battan (1980) “MG ice in water” = spongy ice Where ƒ is high 3 3.5 Impact of hailstone properties on polarimetric radar observables • Balakrishnan and Zrnic (1990, JAS): Large hail discrimination at S-band (mostly ρhv) • To understand size effect on ρHV, first recall definition of correlation coefficient from radar ρ hv = Shh Svv e (S 2 hh − j ( δ +φdp ) Svv ) 2 1/ 2 • Where δ is differential phase shift on backscattering (or backscatter differential phase) • Variability in δ (or increasing the effective width of distribution of δ) reduces ρHV • δ is non-zero during resonant (Mie) scattering • ∴ presence of Mie scatters lowers ρHV [8] • Resonant scattering (non-zero δ) occurs for wet or spongy hail as D approaches and exceeds about 10 mm (D >≈ 10 mm) • Not much δ for dry hail except when very large 4 • Wet hail (solid ice surrounded by water film) • 10 cm wavelength (S-band) • Minor axis in vertical (i.e., largest dimension in horizontal) • Shape according to Knight (1986) for Oklahoma storms • Vary size • Specify fraction of hailstones that are randomly tumbling • Increasing fraction of randomly tumbling hail lowers ρhv • Tumbling increases variability of effective shapes in RRV • Extent of tumbling is enhanced by resonance at particular size ranges once D >≈ 10 mm • Resonance causes further reduction in ρHV • See δ for extent of resonance effects on ρHV Effect of tumbling and size (resonance) on S-band ρHV Balakrishnan and Zrnic (1990) 5 Balakrishnan and Zrnic (1990) • Effect of size, shape, dielectric on S-band Zdr and ρhv • • • • Dielectric: dry, wet, spongy Shape: axis ratio = 0.6 or 0.8 Fall mode: minor axis in horizontal plane Size: varied up to 60 mm • Dry hail has little response in ρHV except for the largest sizes in resonance Wet hail and especially spongy hail show much more lowering (troughs) in ρHV associated with resonance peaks • • • • ρHV More oblate shapes enhance effect For non-Mie, Zdr is negative due to Zdr orientation (major axis in vertical) Resonance complicates Zdr. Some resonance peaks cause enhanced negative Zdr while at larger sizes resonance can also cause positive Zdr for hail as modeled here 6 • Effect of hailstone lobes or protuberances on ρhv • • • • Balakrishnan and Zrnic (1990) Modeled protuberance size σD relative to hailstone diameter (D) Increasing lumpiness of hail lowers ρhv (σD /D)=0.1 can lower ρhv to 0.92 Very lumpy hail can lower ρhv significantly When considering ρhv of hail, you must integrate all the effects shown so far (size or resonance, shape, dielectric and lumpiness) • Possible for some hailstones to cause S-band ρhv to lower enough to be confused with debris (even more so at Cband) Increasing Lumpiness 7 Enhanced S-band LDR aloft before surface hail fall Red arrow: LDR=-25 to -22dB Zdr > 1 dB color shaded; every 1 dB • Wet Growth Hail (Aloft) Canting Angle and Water fraction (dielectric effects) on S-band LDR and Zdr (Kennedy et al. 2001) • D = 1 cm (mono), axis ratio=0.8, Canting angle Std Dev=35°-55° , minor axis vertical in mean • T=0°C, S-band, radar elevation angle=5° • Spongy hail (left) and wet hail (right) • LDR (contoured), Zdr (#’s) Spongy • • Wet hail Increasing spongy water fraction (lesser extent water thickness) increases LDR Increased canting decrease Zdr. Not big effect on LDR since all values near 45°. 8 Monodisperse PSD with hailstone diameter – – • – • • • • 0.45 g cm-3 0.91 g cm-3 (solid ice) 0.91 g cm-3 (solid ice) with water coating Spongy ice (40% water) Shape = Oblate spheroid – – • Effect of dielectric/density, size, shape of hail on S-band Zdr and LDR Varying ice density – – – • D=15 mm (left) D=35 mm (right) 0.75 axis ratio • Axis ratio =0.75 except Axis ratio = 0.6 (last row) Gaussian canting with 0° mean and 75° standard deviation In mean, minor axis in the vertical Zdr and LDR increase with increasing dielectric strength (from low to high density ice to wet to spongy) LDR increase with size except when spongy Zdr and LDR increase with decreasing axis ratio Depue et al. (2007) 9 Zdr • LDR S-band Zdr (left) and LDR (right) as a function of hail diameter (monodisperse, abscissa) and various dielectric and canting assumptions – – – – Resonance peaks are apparent, depending on dielectric and size LDR increases with diameter generally except resonance peaks/troughs when wet or spongy Increasing dielectric increases LDR and Zdr Canting tends to decrease Zdr. Above a certain value, increasing canting doesn’t change LDR too much (saw that in Kennedy et al. 2001) Depue et al. (2007) 10 • Exponential size distribution. Recall: N ( D ) = N 0 exp( − ΛD ) [1] N 0 = AΛb [2] – Cheng and English (1983) – set Λ = 14/Dmax where Dmax varied from 8 to 53 mm (Ulbrich and Atlas 1982) – One parameter size distribution terms of Dmax • S-band Zdr and HDR increase systematically with increasing Dmax • Zdr and HDR larger when wet • Exponential PSD integrates out resonance peaks seen earlier Depue et al. (2007) 11 C-band polarimetric radar observations of melting hail Zh (dBZ) Anderson et al. (2011) Zdr (dB) CFAD Zdr (dB) 0.7° 0°C melting 4.2° 11.0° Zdr= 3-8 dB in melting hail at C-band. Why? Water torus around melting hail whose size is resonant at C-band 12 Sensitivity study of varying wet hail properties on C-band Zdr (Anderson 2010) Answer Question: Why Zdr= 3-8 dB in melting hail at C-band? • • • Shape: Oblate spheroid with axis ratio of 0.6 or 0.8 Fall Mode: Major axis either in the horizontal or vertical. Gaussian canting angle distribution with 0° mean and varying standard deviation (STD=5° to 45°) Density/dielectric: Assume 0.5 mm outer water torus with inner oblate spheroid solid ice at T=20°C. – Could be wet due to wet growth (aloft) or melting (at lower heights). More on these topics later. • Particle Size distribution: mono-disperse, exponential, or gamma. – Fixed diameters ranged from 0.5 to 2.2 cm – For exponential and gamma, median volume diameter (D0) varied from 0.5 cm to 2.2 cm. Maximum diameter set to 4.0 cm • Radar model: T-matrix model for individual particle scattering properties (size, shape, dielectric) and Mueller matrix method for computing radar observables (Zdr) for simulated particle size distributions, radar elevation angle and particle canting angle (e.g., Vivekanandan et al. 1991, JAM) – C-band (5.3 cm) – 0° elevation angle 13 Monodisperse PSD: Zdr vs. STD canting angle Solid: axis ratio=0.8 Dash: axis ratio = 0.6 • • • • • • Wide range of Zdr possible! As expected, |Zdr| is larger for smaller axis ratio (more oblate) Major axis horizontal (vertical) produces positive (negative Zdr) Increasing standard deviation of canting angle decreases Zdr significantly (tumbling) At C-band, resonance affects Zdr for the simulated effective sizes and shapes (i.e. including fall mode and dielectric) To be consistent with observations at C-band (Zdr=38 dB), monodisperse wet hail would need to be fairly oblate (0.6), in a stable fall mode (small STD canting angle) with major axis horizontal and sizes between 1.1-1.8 cm. – Hail with water torus doesn’t tumble (more later) Diameter 0.5 – 1.0 cm 1.1 – 1.6 cm 1.7 – 2.2 cm Anderson (2010) Major axis horizontal Major axis vertical 14 Solid: axis ratio=0.8 Dash: axis ratio = 0.6 • • Similar trends of Zdr with shape, canting angle and orientation as before Difference in size range where D0 causes maximum positive Zdr. • • • Exponential PSD: Zdr vs. STD canting angle Median Volume Diameter (D0) 0.5 – 1.0 cm 5.5 dB for D0=0.6 cm where there is peak in resonance As D0 increases, |Zdr| actually decreases Resonant peaks seen in mondisperse are smoothed out by exponential PSD. Seen earlier with Depue et al. (2007) Anderson (2010) 1.1 – 1.6 cm 1.7 – 2.2 cm Major axis horizontal Major axis vertical 15 Resonance peak in Zdr for monodisperse • µ sensitivity study for Gamma PSD – – – – – • • • Increasing µ approaches monodisperse Major axis horizontal axis ratio = 0.6 Wet (0.5 mm) Stable (not canting much, 5°) µ= 4 to 20 As you increase µ to increasing positive values, PSD becomes more narrow and peaked (more like monodisperse) Ziegler et al. (1983) found hail gamma PSD’s with large +µ up to 9 So could get peak of Zdr=6 dB at D0 = 1 cm for gamma PSD with µ=9 Anderson (2010) 16
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