eNewsletter by Strata Community Australia (NSW) Having troubles viewing this email? Click here to view the web version. To ensure receipt of these mailings, please add enquiries.nsw@stratacommunityaustralia.org.au to your address book. 24/4/2015 In This Edition... Industry News - Click Here Upcoming Events - Click Here Upcoming Education - Click Here Industry News MEETING WITH MINISTER FOR INNOVATION AND BETTER REGULATION SCA (NSW) has been contacted by the new Minister Victor Dominello, MP, offering us the opportunity to meet with him next week. We have a small delegation of Directors representing all Chapters available to attend and are in the process of putting together a brief from the Board of issues we'd like raised. An update on the outcomes will be circulated to members. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP BY 30 APRIL AND WIN Renew your 2015 membership by 30 April to go into the draw to win a 'Golden Ticket'. The Golden Ticket provides the winner with one (1) free entry to all eligible events/seminars within their Membership type from the period 1st May to 31st December 2015. There are three (3) Golden Tickets to be won - one for each Membership category (strata, services and owners). For those memberships paid for by employers, a further reward for the employer will be offered one (1) free registration to the NSW Convention in November 2015. You only have a few days left to renew so don't wait until the last minute. Contact membership.nsw@stratcommunity.org.au if you need help with your renewal or phone 9492 8204 THE STRATA EXPERIENCE SURVEY Research at City Futures at UNSW Australia is calling for strata residents to complete a survey. It asks what you like and dislike about strata living, whether you feel at home in your property and how well managed it is. The information you provide will help to understand how the needs of different people living in strata schemes can best be accommodated and what can be done to make strata properties attractive places to live for everyone. It take 10 minutes and you can enter a draw to win 1 of 5 $200 Visa Gift Cards. To complete the survey, go to www.cityfutures.net.au and follow the 'Strata Experience Survey" Link. You can read more about the project click here. Upcoming Events CELEBRATE EXCELLENCE The 2015 Whitbread Strata Community Awards are designed to recognise and reward those individuals and companies who make a significant contribution to the strata industry and community. Highlight your most outstanding qualities, biggest successes and most innovative initiatives. Each and every organisation, individual committee within the Strata Community is unique but all striving to reach the same goal, excellence. Submissions are open from Monday 20th April, Closing Friday 29th May 2015. Sponsorship Opportunities SCA (NSW) is offering an opportunity to sponsor the 2015 Whitbread Strata Community Award categories. To view the prospectus please click here We thank our award category sponsors SCA (NSW) ANNUAL GOLF DAY EGM | FRIDAY 15TH MAY| KOGARAH GOLF CLUB Join us on Friday 15 May at Kogarah Golf Club for the SCA (NSW) Annual Golf Day. There are 2 options for the day; Ambrose Golf Competition, Breakfast & Lunch The day will kick off from 7.00am with an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and breakfast followed by the Golf Competition. A carvery lunch and presentation will take place from 2.00pm. Putting Coaching & Competition For non-golfers wanting to learn or refresh their skills, there is a putting coaching and competition at 12.30pm (registrations from 12.00pm) followed by a carvery lunch and the presentation from 2.00pm Type Ambrose Golf Competition Ambrose Golf Competition - Team of 4 Putting Coaching & Competition Member $160 $600 $80 Non-member $190 $720 $110 For more information Click here To register click here We have sponsorship opportunities available, for further information please click here EGM NOTICE The SCA (NSW) Board is calling an EGM to enable it to put two special resolutions to the Strata Manager and Strata Services membership as per the Notice of Business. The EGM will take place prior to the Golf Day on Friday, 15th May 2015 at 7.30am at Kogarah Golf Club, 18 Marsh Street Arncliff. For those unable to attend but who still would like to have their say on this matter, please vote by Proxy Form and lodge either by post, fax or email. See details on Proxy Form footer. We thank our Golf Day Sponsors Upcoming Education CPD ROADSHOW WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY| NOVOTEL NEWCASTLE BEACH FRIDAY 29th MAY | TWIN TOWNS TWEED HEADS If you need to get your twelve (12) CPD points for the year, Strata Community Australia (NSW) is holding two CPD sessions for regional members. These sessions will be held Wednesday 20 May Novotel Newcastle Beach, 5 King St, Newcastle Beach 12.30pm - 4.30pm and Friday 29 May Twin Towns Wharf St Tweed Heads 12.30 - 4.30pm. It's free for members (Licensed Chapter & Associate Chapter) and $395 incl. GST for all other types of members & non-members. The 2015 topic for CPD will be "NCAT and Strata Title Dispute Resolution" which will cover the below processes in more detail. • Authorities • Application Process • Mediation • Adjudicator's Orders • Appeals to the Tribunal • Tribunal Orders The content includes how the new NCAT systems work with examples given of cases. There will also be discussions on tribunal orders and tribunal appeals. To register for this session please click here or contact SCA (NSW) on 02 9492 8200 or enquiries.nsw@stratacommunity.org.au CPD ROADSHOW - TRADE EXHIBITIONS SCA (NSW) is offering the opportunity for Corporate Strata Services members to purchase a trade table at the CPD Road show to interact with the CPD Road show delegates. This is a great opportunity to network with strata managers in particular areas of NSW and build cement relationships as well as increase the awareness of your products and services. To take up this opportunity please email events.nsw@stratacommunity.org.au To register your interest or to ask further questions please email our Education Manager. Course CPD Roadshow Location Novotel Newcastle Beach Date Time Wednesday 20th May 12.30 2015 4.30pm Fee *Free to members. $395 for nonmembers Registration Click here to register CPD Roadshow Certificate of Registration Twin Towns, Tweed Heads Friday 29th May 2015 12.30 4.30pm *Free to members. $395 for nonmembers Chatswood Monday 11th May Friday 15th May 2015 8.30am 5.00pm $990 Applies Click here to to members and non register members Click here to register *Free to members (licensed chapter & associate chapter only) If you are unable to attend the scheduled CPD roadshows please contact our Education Manager to arrange a CPD direct at your office (minimum 15 attendees). WE THANK OUR PLATINUM SPONSORS .
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