COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT ACTIVE SHOOTER RESPONSE INSTRUCTOR Hosted by the Carlsbad Police Dept. DESCRIPTION This 32hour course will provide the student with the knowledge and ability to instruct his or her agency personnel in the history, tactics and concepts necessary for law enforcement personnel responding to active shooter, rapid intervention critical incidents. Topics will include history, applicable tactics, instructor and scenario development, range drills, legal aspects and incident management issues. Two days of classroom will be followed by one day of practical application and one day on the range. Students will be required to demonstrate their proficiency with the firearm in active shooter related drills, as an instructor during class presentations, and successfully pass a written test. A comprehensive manual will be provided to each student. This course is POST certified. POST Control # 10762230915001 LEAD INSTRUCTOR R. K. Miller: Huntington Beach, Police Department, (ret.). 30+ years law enforcement experience and over 17 years of tactical assignments including SWAT Team Leader. Certified as a firearms instructor by H&K, Singleton International, the NRA and the FBI. R.K. has a wide range of experience in providing firearms and tactical training. DATE: LOCATION: TUITION: August 47, 2015 Class will start promptly at 0800 on first day. Carlsbad Police Dept, 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad, CA $495.00 payable in check to: National Training Concepts, Inc. P.O. Box 5268 · Orange, CA 928635268 (Federal Tax ID 571188596) NOTE: Reduced tuition of $455 for students with individual current CATO (California Association of Tactical Officers) membership. (Please provide individual membership number when registering.) REGISTRATION This course is limited on a first come, first served basis. To make reservations, please contact R. K. Miller at (714) 3631569 or Please leave contact name, number and email. The NTC cancellation policy requires at least two (2) weeks notice prior to the start of the class for cancellation of reservations. Agencies cancelling previously made reservations with less than two weeks notice will be charged an appropriate fee. “Noshows” will result in the agency being billed the full tuition if no replacement student is enrolled by the agency making the reservation. EQUIPMENT. Normal patrol duty gear including pistol, extra magazines, ballistic vest, elbow & knee pads and 400 rounds of applicable handgun ammunition. (Due to range limitations, only handguns will be used for this course.) Wrap around style clear eye protection, hearing protection, Body Armor, BDU type clothing and inclement weather gear. If available, Red/Blue training guns should be brought to the class for the dry fire scenarios. A small notebook for taking notes is also required. NOTE: NTC Course certifications do not have a specific time limit. Students are encouraged to maintain their skills and knowledge. To help accomplish this, it is N.T.C.’s policy that past students in good standing be allowed to attend future NTC courses in the same discipline at no additional cost. SUGGESTED ACCOMODATIONS: Upon request
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