The Nelson Thomlinson School, Wigton Sixth Form New A Level Art The Nelson Thomlinson School, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 9PX Tel: 016973 42160 Fax: 016973 49160 Email: Art AS/A2 Level Exam Board - AQA Course Outline Art in the Sixth Form is an extension of methods and practices developed at GCSE. We offer a general, broad-based course in the belief that flexibility and breadth of experience is important. Projects can involve painting, drawing, 3D work, photography, graphics, textiles or any combination of these. Students are advised to keep a broad base and specialise if they wish later, although those with a strength in particular areas can opt to build a course around this. The AS Level in the Lower Sixth can be taken on its own or as a preliminary step to progressing to the full A Level in the Upper Sixth. Art is about your own experience, not about a fixed body of knowledge. Projects will have a framework of teacher inputs, technical guidance and working methods, but will encourage students to identify, analyse and explore their own ideas. Contextual studies of artists and aspects of Art History will be integrated into the course and will be related to visits to local centres such as Tullie House, Abbot Hall Kendal or Grizedale, and further afield to Manchester, Liverpool or Edinburgh or a long weekend in Paris. The assessment requirements for the AS Level are: A portfolio of work representing 60% of the AS Level marks; One controlled assessment, making up 40% of the marks at AS Level. This will consist of a 10-hour exam preceded by 3 months’ preparation. Students who go on to take the full A Level will undertake two more assessments: One personal investigation in which students develop a response to a theme or idea (60% of A Level marks) The investigation is supported by a 1000 – 3000 word study. An externally set assignment, 15 hours exam preceded by 3 months preparation (40% of the marks) Coursework units are not fixed in terms of content and will change from year to year. Controlled tests are produced in response to question ‘starting points’ set by the exam board. What kind of person would be suited to this course? The course builds on experience at GCSE, however, interest, involvement and commitment are really the key factors. A competence in drawing is required but the willingness to interact with materials and processes and interact visually is even more important. Comments from current A Level students:‘A Level Art encourages self development in a comfortable environment with creative freedom.’ ‘A Level Art gives you much more freedom to express your ideas in contrast to the structure at GCSE. I have found my strengths through trying lots of different artistic techniques.’ ‘A lot of work but well worth it.’ Potential opportunities at the end of the course Students wishing to pursue a course in Art and Design, or designrelated areas, usually take a ‘Foundation Course’ before applying for degree courses. This foundation course is diagnostic and helps to clarify specific directions at degree level. At least a grade C in Art GCSE is required. For further information see Mrs C Jones, Head of Art
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