TABLE 2. Country Research reactor Scheduled and planned life- time Operation cycle Argentina RA-10 (planned) Argentinean multipurpose reactor PLANNED RESEARCH REACTORS. OVERVIEW OF FUTURE CAPACITIES FOR MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH Power Type Fuel Coolant Moderator Reflector 30 MW Open-pool Square array with 19 MTR LEU fuel assemblies Light water as coolant and moderator Heavy water reflector Irradiation positions: – number – height – diameter Flux, (ncm-2s-1): – total flux – fast flux (≥0.1 MeV) Estimated dpa/year in steel 6 in-core irradiation channels Ø 5–8 cm 12–65 cm long Total flux: ≤ 6 1014 ncm-2s-1 fast flux (max): ≤5×1014 ncm-2s-1 8 dpa/year Test configuration Test environment temperature and pressure range Loop facility for testing PHWR and PWR fuels, linear power 500 W/cm and a maximum heat flux of 130 W/cm2 in steady state conditions (3 rods) and 600 W/cm and 150 W/cm2 in ramp conditions (1 rod) Temperature 320ºC (max.) Pressure 15bar (max.) Instrumentation and control (in-pile temperature, pressure, fission gas monitoring, stress strain, etc.) Auxiliary facilities (beams, neutron activation analysis, gamma-ray, etc.) On-site PIE capabilities (hot cells, glove boxes, tools for stress analysis, etc.) In pile temp, pressure, stress, strain Pneumatic system for NAA and long irradiation capsules, cold source and beams guides (cold and thermal), Isotope production, neutron transmutation doping (NTD) Hot cell for fresh and irradiated experimental material in-pool neutron radiography facility for irradiated devices inspection Design, manufacturing, disposition, shipping, waste handling and other capabilities Method of access and degree of utilization Miscellaneous and readiness for material testing research (MTR) MYRRHA Planned to be operational by 2024 65–100 MW ADS system capable of operating in critical mode Max 35 wt% enriched MOX fuel Pb-Bi eutectic (LBE) coolant 2 layers dummy FA (LBE and YZrO) 6+1 instrumented In-pile-sections (IPS) positions, 21 additional Test configuration is IPS positions for inserts design dependent from top available Sample surface Core height 600 mm, temperature range irradiation space: 100–650°C hexagonal, ID ΔT over sample < 30°C 101.5 mm IPS coolant possibilities: Total flux inert gas (He, Ar, 15 -2 1 10 ncm sCO2…), water, liquid Fast flux (>0.75 metal (LBE, Pb, Na) MeV) 4.2 1014 Possibilities for material ncm-2s-1 testing, fuel tests, dpa/year: 23 in IPS, instrumentation tests, etc. up to 30dpa/year below target zone in ADS mode Instrumentation & control is IPS dependent On-site hot cells available On site PIE facilities IPS design group and IPS manufacturing/ assembly inhouse Waste handling & shipping possible Via MYRRHA consortium Commercial access Scientific merit (via PAC) Primary mission: demonstration No paper TABLE 2 (cont). PLANNED RESEARCH REACTORS. OVERVIEW OF FUTURE CAPACITIES FOR MATERIAL TESTING RESEARCH Irradiation positions: Power – number Type – height Test configuration Fuel – diameter Test environment Coolant Flux, (ncm-2s-1): temperature and pressure Moderator – total flux range Reflector – fast flux (≥0.1 MeV) Estimated dpa/year in steel Irradiation position, thermal neutron (<0.621 eV), Epithermal (0.625 eV–821 keV), Fast neutron 30 MW (Th) (>821keV) Open pool Materials irradiation In-core water hole, type facility planned: 6.7 × 1014, Plate type temperatures up to 14 3.4 × 10 , U3Si2, 19.75 10000C 1.8 × 1014 India % Planned In-core peripheral enrichment HFRR 200°C–450°C with inert water holes, (LEU) gas environment such as 4.4 × 1014, Planned – dispersed in helium 14, 2.4 × 10 2022 start-up Al matrix 14 450°C–1000°C with 1.3 × 10 12 cycles in with a clad of molten salt environment Irradiation holes in a year, each Al-alloy Fuel test loop facility: D2O, 7 cm away Coolant and 25 days temperatures up to 350C, from core edge, moderator 14 pressure 17.5 MPa demineralised 3.7 × 1013, 6.0 × 10 , Facility for changing water 1.2 × 1013 water chemistry Heavy water reflector tank Irradiation holes in D2O, 20 cm away from core edge, 2.9 × 1014, 5.0 × 1013, 1.7 × 1012 Country Research reactor Scheduled and planned life- time Operation cycle Instrumentation and control (in-pile temperature, pressure, fission gas monitoring, stress strain, etc.) Auxiliary facilities (beams, neutron activation analysis, gamma-ray, etc.) On-site PIE capabilities (hot cells, glove boxes, tools for stress analysis, etc.) Design, manufacturing, disposition, shipping, waste handling and other capabilities Temperature, pressure, fluence Six beam tubes NAA facility NTD silicon facility Hot cells Planned: Necessary inhouse expertise exists Method of access and degree of utilization Miscellaneous and readiness for material testing research (MTR) Material irradiation facility planned JULES HOROWITZ High performances material testing reactor 100 MW Light-water reactor, slightly pressurized core U3Si2 Al fuel (19.75% or 27%) 10 cycle per year 25 days cycle 20 irradiation positions (about 10 for fuel experiments; Experimental loops 10 for material under developments experiments) allowing to represent Fast flux thermo hydraulic (E > 0.1 MeV): conditions of PWR, 5.5 E14 ncm-2s-1 BWR and WWER (nominal, incidentalThermal flux ramps and accidental 5.5 × 1014 ncm-2s-1 scenario – LOCA – are Material ageing: up considered) to 16 dpa/year – For material corrosion max value in loop to address specific location irradiated assisted stress Diameter available corrosion cracking in the core: 30 mm (IASCC) (3 possibility to Sodium loop under 80 mm) feasibility for GENIV Outside the core in support displacement system (6 available) flexibility Many up to date modern on-line instrumentation to measure: thermal and fast neutron flux, gamma heating, elongation mono and biaxial, stress strain, temperature, pressure…. On-line fission gas release analysis Non-destructive equipment to perform X and Gamma analysis (tomography) on fuel in the reactor pool, in the storage pools and in hot cells No neutron beam available Non-destructive analysis: X and Gamma measurement (tomography) – elongation via LCDT… 4 hot cells to perform first level of PIE before sending sample to Cadarache Hot Labs (or others) Modern facility with all support activities such as: design of new experimental device, transport, waste management JHR is an material testing research steer and Advanced fund by an Under International construction Consortium Plan to be in (12 members full operation at the end of by the end of 2013) this decade According to Multi purpose the with primary Consortium mission – agreement, material possibility for testing non-member to have access to JHR experimental capacity
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