ABNS Elects President-Elect - American Board of Nursing Specialties

 For Immediate Release Bonnie Niebuhr, MS, RN, CAE Chief Executive Officer, ABNS and ABSNC 330‐995‐9172 abns@nursingcertification.org ABNS Elects President‐Elect AURORA, OH (March 25, 2015) – The American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS) announced today that it has elected C. Lynne Grief, PhD, RN, CEN, as the President‐Elect, beginning July 1, 2015. She will serve in this position for two years, followed by a two‐year term as President. “We are honored to serve with volunteers and leaders who share our commitment to promoting excellence in nursing certification,” Maria Shirey, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA‐BC, ANEF, FACHE, FAAN, current ABNS President, said. “ABNS will continue to advance the industry and promote the needs of its members through the thoughtful leadership of experienced and dedicated professionals like Lynne.” For the past four years, Dr. Grief has served as Vice President of Blake Medical Center, Bradenton, FL where she provides leadership for Trauma Services. She implemented a Level II Trauma Center to meet and exceed Florida Department of Health Trauma Center Standards as well as standards from the American College of Surgeons. As a Doctoral prepared nurse, Lynne has diverse experience and demonstrated abilities as an accomplished healthcare leader, administrator, director, educator, clinician and speaker with a background in community and national leadership positions. She has served as Chair of the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN). As an invited member of the ABNS Research Committee, she has represented ABNS on the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Task Force on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Planning Committee for a Workshop on Future Directions of Credentialing Research on Nursing. Editors Note: The American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS) is a membership organization whose mission is to promote the value of specialty nursing certification to all stakeholders. Currently 34 ABNS Regular Member organizations represent nearly 750,000 specialty certified registered nurses. Its 13 Affiliate Member organizations include providers of key certification‐related testing products and services. One Public Member represents the consumer’s perspectives on issues about specialty nursing certification. For further information about ABNS, visit www.nursingcertification.org or email Bonnie Niebuhr, MS, RN, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, at abns@nursingcertification.org.