Dr. Mary Lou de Leon Siantz

The College of Nursing and the
Health Sciences Office of Health
Equity and Inclusion Present
Dr. Mary Lou
de Leon Siantz
April 8, 2015
As a professor at the Betty Irene
Moore School of Nursing, de
Leon Siantz teaches, conducts
research and mentors students
in leadership, policy and population health partnering with rural
Latino agricultural communities.
She is nationally recognized for
her interdisciplinary efforts to
prepare health professionals for
leadership and health policy. Her
funded studies have focused on
the impact of migration on the
health and development of Latino migrant/immigrant infants,
children, adolescents and their
families in the U.S. She is co-director of the Mentorship Core for
the Latino Research Resource
Center (LARRC), one of seven
national Resource Centers for
Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) funded by NIA.
12pm-1pm: Social determinants:
Research on the impact of global
migration on child and family.
College of Nursing, room 2600
3pm-4pm: Transformational research:
Engaging interdisciplinary teams and
community partners to promote health
equity in multicultural communities.
HSEB, room 3515B
Lunch will be provided; must RSVP
before April 3rd to Sheri Kerr: