Call for Abstracts 2015 Nursing Research

10th Annual Nursing Research Conference;
“Nursing Research: Unlocking Best Practice”
Date: October 23, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: Intermountain Medical Center, Doty Education Center
Call for Abstracts: Submission Guidelines
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 3, 2015
Welcome to the 10th Annual Nursing Research Conference sponsored by Intermountain Healthcare, University of Utah
College of Nursing, University of Utah Healthcare, Veterans Administration Healthcare, and the Gamma Rho Chapter of
Sigma Theta Tau.
There will be two presentation formats: podium and poster. Please submit abstracts online at Submit Abstracts here..
Abstract submission deadline is August 3, 2015. The abstract must be no more than 250 words, single spaced.
Please designate on the online application your preferred format (poster, podium, either) and track (education, practice
research) as defined below. The Selection Committee will notify you of the format and track in the acceptance letter.
Track 1: Education
Intended for presentations to share information, projects, programs, or innovative processes addressing the development,
validation and/or maintenance of competency in nursing education, staff development, or student learning.
Track 2: Practice Based
Intended for presentations of clinical projects or quality improvement activities that impact care processes or preventative
activities in the hospital, clinic or community setting or public policy. Also applies to validation of theoretical knowledge in
Track 3: Research
Intended for presentations of original research, systematic reviews, and other knowledge discovery. Abstracts presented at
prior regional, national or international meeting are welcome. Priority will be given to completed research.
Abstract Submission Guidelines (online):
1. Enter the name, credentials, title, place of employment, and contact information for each author and identify the
corresponding author (to whom all communications will be sent).
2. Enter your choice of format (podium, poster, or either) and track (education, practice, research).
3. Abstract outline guidelines:
a. Title (Limit 90 characters including spaces)
b. Author Names
c. Purpose (or question)
d. Background and/or significance
e. Method or approach used
f. Results and/or Outcome –if available
g. Conclusions and/or Implications
4. The abstract should be written in complete sentences using grammatically correct English. Please spell out all
abbreviations on first usage.
5. Only the abstract body (c, d, e, f, g above) will count toward your 250 word limit.
6. All abstracts that are accepted will be published in the conference proceedings as received. No copy editing will be
performed. All submissions must be in English.
7. If you need help on how to write an abstract please contact the representative for your organization: IHC, Linda
Hofmann,; UHosp, Sue Childress,; UU CoN, Ginny Pepper,; VA, Donna Richards,; Gamma Rho, Nancy Allen,
Submitted poster abstracts will be reviewed by the Selection Committee and notification of acceptance will be provided to the
corresponding author no later than September 1, 2015. Primary authors of accepted presentations are required to register for
and attend the conference according to directions provided with acceptance letter.
Poster Format and Podium Presentation Guidelines
Poster Presenters: Posters will be displayed vertically on carpeted boards attached by tacks with 2 posters per board. The
maximum poster display dimensions are 45 inches wide x 60 inches tall. Larger posters can be accommodated on special
request after acceptance. Plan to provide copies of the poster as handouts.
Podium Presentations: Podium presentations will be a maximum of 15 minutes in length including introductions and questions.
Equipment for presentation of PowerPoint slides will be provided. Slides must be submitted in advance of the conference so
that they can be loaded onto the computers according to instructions provided with the acceptance letter.