CURRICULUM VITAE MARY CUNNINGHAM AGEE President and Founder of the Nurturing Netw ork, Corporate Strategic Planner, Charitable Entrepreneur, Best-selling Author, Devoted Wife and Mother C URRENT EMPLOYMENT Mary Cunningham Agee is the Founder and President of the Nurturing Netw ork, an international charitable organization that prov ides a positiv e alternativ e to abortion to any w oman facing the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy. Since 1985, the Netw ork has specializ ed in offering an indiv idually -tailored program of practical support free of charge to college students and working w omen all ov er the w orld. TNN’s 48,000 Resource Members are located in all 50 states and in ov er 30 foreign countries w here they provide counseling, medical serv ic es, nurturing homes, employment, educational opportunities and financial assistance. Setting politics and rhetoric aside, the Netw ork has prov ided for the urgent and practical needs of ov er 18,000 w omen. Each has been empow ered to nurture her child's life . . . w ithout compromis ing her ow n. For almost thirty y ears, Mrs. Agee has als o serv ed as President and CEO the Semper Charitable Foundation. She is a general partner in Semper Partners, a v enture capital and strategy consulting firm founded in partnership with her husband. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Mrs. Agee has serv ed in the top management of tw o Fortune 100 companies as the Vice President of Strategic Planning. As a result of her successful efforts in the dev elopment of a w orldwide wine strategy for Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, she w as promoted to the position of Ex ecutiv e Vice President of the Seagram Wine Company. Mrs. Agee’s international banking experience als o includes serving as Assis tant Treasurer in the Corporate Banking Department of the Chase Manhattan Bank World Headquarters and as a Financial Analy st in the Corporate Finance Department of Salomon Brothers. EDUC ATION AND DEGREES Mrs. Agee graduated in 1979 from the Harv ard Business School w ith a Master's Degree in Finance and International Business. She w as appointed to the highly -selectiv e Century Club and was a finalist for the Copeland Marketing Aw ard. She graduated with Honors from Wellesley College where she majored in Logic and Philosophy and w as elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She receiv ed a Slater fellow ship for study at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, w here she studied Law, Ethics and Political Philosophy. Mrs. Agee has been aw arded Honorary Doctoral degrees from Francis can Univ ersity of Steubenv ille, Loyola College, Stonehill College, Franklin Pierce College, Chestnut Hill College and Notre Dame College. BOARD EXPERIENC E Mary Cunningham Agee is the President and CEO of the Nurturing Netw ork and Semper Charitable Foundation. She serves on the Adv is ory Board of the National Council for Adoption, the Aquinas House at Dartmouth College, the Susan B. Anthony List, the Thomas More Law School, the National Memorial for the Unborn and Women Affirming Life. Board Leadership includes appointment as both President and Vic e Chairman of the Culture of Life Foundation and Vice Chairman of the National Council for Adoption w hose Board of Directors she served on for ov er a decade. She has serv ed on the Corporate or Adv is ory Boards of the Gregorian Univ ersity Foundation, the Graduate School of Business at Univ ersity College Dublin, Loy ola College in Mary land, Marymount Manhattan College, Franklin Pierce College, the Catholic Schools Foundation in Boston, the Sisters of Life, Crisis Magazine, the Cardinal Newman Society , the Salv ation Army, the Diocesan Board of Stew ards in Idaho and Monterey , CA , Trinity Grammar and Prep, and Justin-Siena High School w here she w as appointed Co-Chairman of their $5,000,000 Capital Campaign. Mrs. Agee has als o serv ed on the Board of Directors for Key Bank of Idaho, the First Women's Bank of New York, the Board of Gov ernors of the Music Center of Los Angeles, the Institute of Business Ethics, the Common Ground for Life and Choic e, Idaho Family Forum and "Enough Is Enough!", a national campaign to break pornographic abuse. Ov er AWARDS & HONORS For tw o successiv e y ears, Ms. Agee was v oted by World Almanac one of "The 25 Most Influential Women in Americ a." She was selected by Good Housekeeping in their 100th Anniv ersary Edition as one of "100 Young Women of Promis e". Ms. Agee has been recognized as one of the "Outstanding Young Women of America" and is included among the YWCA's Academy of Women Achiev ers and The Women’s Forum. Mrs. Agee has receiv ed several inaugural aw ards including the John Paul II Aw ard from the Institute for the Psy chologic al Sciences, the ExCorde Ecclesiae Award from the Cardinal Newman Society , the Ambassador of the Year Aw ard from Legatus, the ITV Woman of the Year Aw ard from the Archdiocese of New York, the Citizen of the Year Aw ard from the Idaho Family Forum and the Archbishop John Hughes Award. Mrs. Agee has als o receiv ed the Freedom Aw ard from Provo, Utah, the Economic Equity Aw ard from the Women's Equity Action League, Pro-Vita Award from the Archdiocese of Bro oklyn, and the Humanita rian Lifetime Award from the Wisdom Institute. Mrs. Agee receiv ed the Centennial Medal of Honor from the Columbus School of Law at Catholic Univ ersity of Americ a, the James Keller Aw ard from The Chris tophers, and a national Aw ard by the members of the U.S. Senate and Childhelp USA for her unique efforts to assis t children and families in need. Her lifetime commitment to charitable causes has been recogniz ed by appointment to both The Order of Malta and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. PROFESSIONAL AND PO LITIC AL AFFILIATIONS Mrs. Agee is a member of the National Leadership Roundtable and has serv ed as a Chairman's Advisor for the Journal of Business Strategy and the Strategic Planning Committee of the Conference Board. She is a member of the Founder's Circle of the Women's Leadership Netw ork, the Women's Forum, the Women's Equity Action League and the International Platform Association. She has serv ed as a Chairman's Adv is or for the United States Congressional Adv isory Board and has presented testimony before the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources. Other affiliations hav e included the United Negro College Fund, Economic Club of New York, the National Association of Business Economists and the American Management Association, the Family Policy Council and the Speakers Bureau for the National Policy Forum. ACH IEVEMENTS Mary Cunningham Agee is the best selling author of Pow erplay, which reached the New York Tim es list in record time for a first-time author. Her literary talent w as recognized w ith the Golden Pen Aw ard for outstanding achiev ement from the Authors' Guild. Her v iews are included among other prominent Catholics in sev eral books including Catholics in the Public Square, Public Catholicis m, and Why I am Still Catholic. Nightingale-Conant, the world's largest Audio cassette producer, selected Mrs. Agee for their renow ned "Insight" series along w ith Norman Cousins and Phil Caldw ell; a tw elv e-part series featured her v iews on Strategic Planning, Management and Business Ethics. Mrs. Agee's accomplishments in founding and directing The Nurturing Netw ork hav e been featured in Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Good Housekeeping, Human Life Rev iew, USA Today, Our Sunday Visitor, and Newsw eek among many others. Mrs. Agee receiv ed the highest rating as a public speaker from the International Platform Association and continues to speak out w ith courage and conviction about empow erment for women, the defense of the family and human life, humanizing the corporate culture, and reforming the society at large. She has been interv iew ed on many prominent national radio and telev ision programs including: CBS "48 Hours," ABC News Forum w ith Peter Jennings, CBS This Morning, CBS News Nightw atch, The Phil Donahue Show, The Barbara Walters Special, NBC Today Show, Good Morning Americ a, James Dobson’s Focus on the Family , Ted Koppel, the Hour Magazine Show, EWTN, and National Empow erment Telev is ion. Mrs. Agee has addressed such div erse and prestigious organizations as the Commonw ealth Club of California, the Young Presidents' Organization, the Americ an Newspaper Publishers Association, the National Association of Accountants, the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Americ an Personnel and Guidance Association, the Pontifical Athenaeum of the Holy Cross and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome, Italy . Her speeches and commentaries hav e been widely published in such w ell-know n publications as TV Guide, Newsweek, Harper's Bazaar, International Management, Working Woman, Industry Week, Conference Board Magazine, The Human Life Review and Vital Speeches. Her views on corporate ethics hav e been publis hed in Institutions for Projecting American Values Abroad, III. Mrs. Agee liv es in the Napa Valley with her husband of 25 years and their tw o children, Mary Alana and Will. 2
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