WILKES TELEPHONE & ELECTRIC COMPANY IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE ROLL OUT OF AN EXCITING NEW SERVICE FOR ITS CUSTOMERS Wilkes Telephone & Electric Company is pleased to announce that effective M ay 4, 2015 w e are rolling out an exciting new billing and on-‐line payment platform for our customers! W ith change, comes transition so we are w riting you as a current on-‐line bill payment account holder-‐ that beginning Tuesday, April 21st -‐ the current online bill payment portal w ill be closed for good as W ilkes m igrates to a new improved system. This new platform w ill become available to us on M onday, M ay 4, 2015. This m eans for you, as our customer that the days between April 21st and M ay 4th will be used as a transition period in w hich w e migrate W ilkes to a new improved end user billing system. W e are excited to m ake these changes as the new system w ill bring w ith it m any new opportunities for us to serve you in a m uch m ore efficient m anner relative to billing and customer-‐to-‐company interaction regarding your Voice-‐Internet-‐Video services that we are providing to m eet your communication and entertainment needs. With this said, your existing on-‐line profile w ill cease to w ork as of 5:00 pm EST April 21st. So following the close of business on April 21st until w e open for business M ay 4th, no payments w ill be able to be m ade or processed using the existing on-‐line bill payment portal. Our new online account and bill payment portal w ill be called SmartHub. W hile w e realize this leaves a small gap in available days on w hich to m ake convenient on-‐line payments for your W ilkes accounts; w e assure you that this small inconvenience w ill be w orth the w ait for SmartHub! The new system w ill not only allow you to m ake credit-‐debit card payments but now-‐ W ilkes is able to offer electronic check payment options for you-‐ something you have been asking for but until now, w e have been unable to provide w hich will m ake your payment options even m ore convenient and suited to your individual needs. Another great feature of SmartHub is its e-‐bill functionality! W ith SmartHub e-‐bill you w ill have the option to choose to receive your m onthly statements electronically rather than on paper-‐ so no m atter w here you are during the busy times in your life-‐ you are simply a click away from viewing your W ilkes Telephone billing statements. You m ay access the SmartHub portal from any Internet source including m any w ireless handsets. M ore information w ill be coming your w ay soon regarding how to establish a SmartHub profile and the m any opportunities having this profile w ill allow you w ith access to your W ilkes services. With the change to a new on-‐line portal-‐ W ilkes m ust comply w ith the m any industry and banking policies regarding any credit or debit card information that you m ay have previously stored w ith us on the existing payment site. At W ilkes Telephone & Electric Company w e take great care to comply w ith all payment card industry compliance laws w hich are in place to protect your credit and debit card and banking information. That m eans that w e are unable to m ove any existing credit/debit card information that is currently stored in our existing on-‐line portal that you use to m ake payments to the new billing system. Therefore, if you previously set up automatic credit card payments, or if you simply paid from time to time using our existing payment portal-‐ you w ill be required to have to re-‐register on the SmartHub system. Post Office Box 277 – 110 E. Liberty Street – Washington, Georgia 30673 – Phone 706-678-2121 – Fax 706-678-1000 Due to the compliance requirements w ith Federal Banking rules regarding the handling of credit/debit card information-‐ no customer profile or card information is allowed to be be transitioned from one on-‐line system to the other-‐ and again-‐ this is our m easure of taking every step to protect your personal information and any bank card information that you m ay have stored in the existing system. In order to establish a new SmartHub-‐ or to re-‐establish an account in SmartHub you w ill need several pieces of information. Beginning on the m orning of M onday, M ay 4, 2015-‐ you m ay access the SmartHub system by going to our company W ebsite: w ww.nu-‐z.net and clicking on the PAY YOUR BILL O NLINE box located at the bottom left hand corner of the screen or by simply going to the following URL Link: https://nuz.smarthub.coop Where you w ill sign up to access our online self-‐service bill payment portal. During this process, you w ill be asked to choose the m ethod of payment that you w ould prefer to establish to m ake your m onthly W ilkes payments. “Credit/Debit Card” or “Checking Account” you w ill then simply enter your personal account or card information to establish the m eans to pay for services automatically each m onth. For further security m easures you w ill be asked to verify your identity by answering a series of validation questions that w ould only be relative to you personally. Once registration is complete, an email w ill be sent to you at the email address that you provide in the registration process. The email w ill provide you w ith a temporary password required for the first login. You w ill be asked to change the password upon initial login, and then you w ill be prompted to change the password every ninety (90) days thereafter to further protect your on-‐line account profile. Sincerely, Your W ilkes Telephone & Electric Company Team
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