Competitor Information Pack NVSDC 2015 CLASSIC and ASSA National Championships Congratulations on entering the 2015 Northern Victorian Sled Dog Classic and a special welcome to mushers also entering the ASSA National Championships. We can also confirm that this IS an IFSS accredited world cup event. This race as many of you know continues on a 24 Year History of racing on the June long Weekend in the Goulburn Valley and we hope to continue this tradition for many years to come. The NVSDC committee and club members have been working very hard to bring a great race and a great racing venue to the Sledding community. We have had tremendous support and would like to thank our Individual Class Sponsors, those who have made general donations, offered special prizes, donated to our raffle, offered to lend equipment and those who have offered their help and support. Without you all this event would not have been possible and because of your help we look forward to putting on a Spectacular Race Event!!! As a competitor the spotlight is now on you. We wish you all the best in our race and hope that all your passes are perfect, your dogs stay fast and sound and you have a fabulous time with fellow mushers from all across Australia. Now for some housekeeping The NVSDC Committee always aim to accommodate its members and competitors as best we can but we can only do this within reason. This year with over 220 entries the pressure will be on to make sure all classes are run in a timely manner and at optimum temperatures for all competitors. The onus will be on all Competitors to be at the start chute at the appropriate time, with all necessary equipment and in the correct order. Penalties will apply to competitors who are late as per the ASSA rules. Please make sure you are organised and on time so there is no need for penalties to be applied. If there are any issues please let the race Marshall or Committee know as soon as possible so we can aim to resolve them. An important thing to note is that the NVSDC Committee runs this event strictly to the times noted in this race pack, 6.00am means 6.00am SHARP. It is the only way we can run an organised and professional event of this size. It is your responsibility to attend meetings and be on time to your events. We will not wait for individuals or groups who are late. Compulsory Check In : This year there will be two competitor check in sessions. Competitor Race bags, bibs and merchandise orders are available to be picked up at check in. The bib draw is conducted electronically on the 30/5/15. Friday 5th June – 5.00pm to 7.00pm and ; Saturday the 6th of June – 10.00am to 12.00 noon at the Race Office (Scout Camp buildings). Any changes to classes must be made before 12.00 noon on Saturday 6th June. Official Race Opening and Compulsory Drivers Meeting : To be held Saturday the 6th of June at 1.00pm in the marquee outside the Race Office. Attendance is Compulsory for ALL Drivers. Racing will commence at 3.00pm temperatures permitting. Further driver meetings will be held Sunday Morning and Monday Morning and race start times for Sunday and Monday mornings will be confirmed and communicated at the Saturday Drivers meeting. If temperatures co-operate, these Drivers Meetings will be held at 6.00am with a 7.00am start but this will be confirmed at the initial Drivers Meeting on the Saturday as start times may need to be altered if temperatures and humidity are high. Please Note adequate Lighting will be required for all classes for the Saturday night heat and for day heats if classes need to start prior to daylight due to temperature issues. Race Order for Saturday 6th June Start times, either 30 or 15 seconds will be decided at the Drivers Meeting Minor classes commence at 3.00pm After the last team returns, there will be a 10 minute break between all minor classes, announcements will be made over loudspeakers at 10 minutes and 5 minutes before the start of each class. 1. Heat 1 – Men’s and Women’s Canicross (run together) – will be MASS START 2. Heat 1 – Men’s and Women’s Bikejoring (run together) 3. Heat 1 – Novice, Junior and 2 and 1 Dog Veterans classes (run together) 4. Heat 1 – 2 and 1 Dog Touring classes (run together) 20 minute break to start of 1 dog open class After the last team returns, there will be a 20 minute break between all open classes, announcements will be made over loudspeakers at 20 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes before the start of each class. 5. Heat 1 – 1 Dog Open Class 6. Heat 1 – 3 and 2 Dog Open Class (run together) 7. Heat 1 – 8, 6 and 4 Dog Open Class (run together) Race Order for Sunday 7th June Drivers meeting at 6.00am Racing commences at 7.00am (subject to temperature) All open classes will be run at 30 second starts and reverse timed order may be used if required. After the last team returns, there will be a 20 minute break between all open classes, announcements will be made over loudspeakers at 20 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes before the start of each class. 1. Heat 2 – 8, 6 and 4 Dog Open Class (run together) 2. Heat 2 – 3 and 2 Dog Open Class (run together) 3. Heat 2 – 1 Dog Open Class 20 minute break to start of 2 and 1 Dog Touring Class Start times, either 30 or 15 seconds will be decided at the Drivers Meeting and reverse timed Order may be used if required After the last team returns, there will be a 10 minute break between all minor classes, announcements will be made over loudspeakers at 10 minutes and 5 minutes before the start of each class. 4. 2nd and Final Heat – 2 Dog and 1 Dog Touring Classes (run together) 5. 2nd and Final Heat - Novice, Junior and 2 and 1 Dog Veterans classes (run together) 6. 2nd and Final Heat – Men’s and Women’s Canicross (run together) – will be MASS START 7. 2nd and Final Heat – Men’s and Women’s Bikejoring (run together) 8. Mini Pee Wee and Pee Wee Races Race Order for Monday 8th June Drivers meeting at 6.00am Racing commences at 7.00am (subject to temperature) All open classes will be run at 30 second starts and reverse timed Order may be used if required. After the last team returns, there will be a 20 minute break between all open classes, announcements will be made over loudspeakers at 20 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes before the start of each class. 1. 3rd and Final Heat – 8, 6 and 4 Dog Open Class (run together) 2. 3rd and Final Heat – 3 and 2 Dog Open Class (run together) 3. 3rd and Final Heat – 1 Dog Open Class Free Mushers BBQ and Race Presentations at approximately 11.00am Distances In view of the unseasonal warm weather and lack of training opportunities for most teams, distances have been slightly shortened for some classes. The proposed distances for each class (temperatures permitting) are as follows but these may change depending on track condition and weather conditions. Final track distances for each heat will be announced at the Drivers meetings and maps posted outside the race office; Saturday Sunday Monday Total 1 Dog 2km 2km 2km 6km 3-2 Dog 3.47km 3.47km 4.6km 11.54km 8, 6-4 Dog 4.6km 4.6km 6.2km 15.4km Novice 2km 2km 4km Touring 2km 2km 4km Junior 2km 2km 4km Vets 2km 2km 4km Canicross 2km 2km 4km Bikejoring 3.47km 3.47km 6.94km Pee Wee's .5km .5km Mini Pee Wee's .5km .5km PEE WEE’s and MINI PEE WEE’s : Entries for these classes will be taken up until half an hour before the Pee Wee Bib Draw which will be held half an hour after the completion of the rest of the classes on Sunday morning. Pee Wee and Mini Pee Wee classes are awarded on points which are allocated for safety equipment and track etiquette. All Pee Wee’s and Mini Pee Wee’s will receive a prize to be awarded at the special presentation at the Sunday night dinner at 6pm prior to the Monster Raffle. Race Officials, Volunteers and NVSDC Committee All race officials and volunteers will be wearing fluoro vests whilst on duty and executing their race duties, there are approximately 15 – 20 of us around. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask any of these people for assistance and if they don’t have an answer they will point you to someone who does. 2015 Race Giving Organisation Committee President: Vaughan Winther Vice President: Jo Winther Secretary: Kirsty Cameron Treasurer: Shelly Shewring Race Co-ordinator: E’vette Levett Track Marshall: Rod Murphy Publicity Officer: Cate Macnamara Fundraising Officer: Deb Murphy 2015 Race Officials Race Marshall: Wayne Baker Race Vet: Richard Ploeg Entry Co-ordinators: Shelly Shewring and Kirsty Cameron Chief Time Keeper: Kirsty Cameron Time Keepers: Jo Winther, Deb Murphy, Beth McCombe, Cate Macnamara, Craig Heard Chief Steward and Incident Manager: Vaughan Winther Start and Finish Line Steward: Vaughan Winther Trail Bosses: Rod Murphy and E’vette Levett Assembly Stewards: TBA Corner Marshalls: TBA Race Vet : We are very grateful to Dr Richard Ploeg and his wife Sarah who are returning this year to once again act as our Race Vet. The Race Vet is available for general examinations and first aid requirements for driver’s dogs but any cases requiring emergency care will be referred to the Shepparton Veterinary Clinic at the owner’s expense. Dr Ploeg has contacted the Shepparton Clinic and will work in consultation with them over the race weekend (hopefully no dogs will need to be referred). The Race Vet will be situated around the finish chute area while racing is underway. Race Marshall : We are very pleased to have Wayne Baker as our Race Marshall this year. Wayne has been involved in sled dog racing for over 2 decades having run Alaskan Huskies and Siberian Huskies. He brings to the race a wealth of knowledge and experience and has attended many of the races held at Moira Park over the last 24 years. The Committee is very grateful to the Baker family who have given so much back to the sled dog community. Race Rules : The Northern Victorian Sled Dog Classic is run under the ASSA Race Rules, Aggressive dog policy and Sportsmanship Policy. All Drivers need to have read and understood these documents (which will be included in this competitor pack) prior to competing in the race. These can also be accessed from or Equipment Checks : Please insure all your gear and equipment meets the relevant criteria set out in the ASSA Rules. Equipment will be checked and teams that do not meet minimum requirements will not be allowed to race until equipment is upgraded to meet the minimum requirements. Obviously the event will run better if everyone turns up to the start chute with all required equipment in good working order. Camping and Parking: Camping is available at Moira Park. Camp fires are allowed but please keep these to a minimum and follow standard procedures for camp fires in public parks. There is to be no destruction of native vegetation. Designated Parking and Camping Areas are marked on the map below. This year we have allocated the areas closest to the start and finish chutes for drivers entering the 4/6/8 dog classes and their associated handlers and camping buddies. This is to assist in getting these large teams to the start chute on time. Please help us by sticking to allocated camping areas based upon the size of your team entered. The areas will be clearly signed and also taped. We have also allowed an area for day parking as we have numerous teams staying offsite, please stick to these areas and do not park on the main track/road leading up to the start/finish chutes – this must be kept clear. Other areas are reserved for official use only (scouts, Race Officials, NVSDC Committee) and are clearly marked, please check that you are not setting up on a marked area. If you do you will be politely asked to move. Designated Camping areas Areas marked red are available for camping. The area marked ‘orange with a purple outline’ is a designated DAY PARKING area for competitors staying offsite. The area marked green is reserved for the Scouts who will be helping on the course. Areas in yellow are reserved for official use only. Showers and Toilets are located behind the main building. Porta-loo's will be located near the start/finish chute. Amenities Showers and Toilets are available at the Scout Camp near the race office. If these areas need attending to please let one of the NVSDC Committee know immediately. Portaloo’s will also be available in the Start/Finish chute area. Rubbish bins are provided on site for general waste and general recycling items, there are skips located near the race office. Please do not put general rubbish or dog waste in the recycle bins or the club will be charged significant excess fees on top of what we are already paying to provide this service. There will be transfer bins situated around the camp for rubbish. Dog waste should be bagged and disposed in the general waste bins only. There will be a light tower situated near the start/finish chute area marked yellow on the map. The tower is run by generators and is noisy, so please be aware of this when deciding on where to set up. A public address system will be in use for this year’s race to make announcements regarding race details. Camping Fees All Competitors have paid a $15 camping fee to cover the cost of permits, camp and Amenity costs. Non competitors who are camping are encouraged to make a donation to help cover these costs. Catering Options and Inclusions The NVSDC Canteen will be operating for breakfast and lunch from the scout kitchen building at the following times: Saturday: 9.00am – 2.00pm Sunday: 7.00am – 2.00pm Monday: 7.00am – 11.00am Our canteen is run by a group of volunteers with very generous donations by club members, it is a key fundraiser for the club to ensure this race continues on in the future. It will be selling high quality, home made hot food at very reasonable prices, see menu and prices below. Please support us and the future of the NVSDC Classic by having your brekky and lunch at the canteen. NVSDC Canteen Menu Item Item Item Egg and bacon rolls Dim sims Homemade Quiche Assorted Toasties Home made sausage rolls Hots dogs Pancakes Tea and coffee Soup - vegie and pumpkin Hamburgers (made to order) A mobile Coffee Van for all the caffeine desperados will be onsite from 7am on Sunday and Monday. The Mobile Potato Van will be onsite serving dinner on Saturday night from 4pm till late. We had this same business last year and the potatoes and hot dogs were fantastic and great value for money. Our annual Musher Spit Roast Banquet will be happening again on Sunday night at 6.00pm, $25 per head is an absolute bargain. We have over 100 people feasting at the Marquee. A free BBQ sausage sizzle will be provided for all competitors at the Race Presentation on Monday at approximately 11am. Our special guest Iditarod Musher ‘Christian Turner’ will present a talk on some of his amazing experiences at 5pm Sunday prior to the Musher Banquet. Christian became the best performed Australian ever after his brilliant performance in the 2015 Iditarod finishing in 15 th place. Christian will be on site all weekend. Following the Banquet the Annual monster raffle and auction will be held with first prize being a brand new Kick Bike. Tickets will be sold Friday, Saturday and Sunday leading up to the auction. Track Distances : 1 Dog - 3x2km = 6km Canicross, Novice, 2 and 1 Dog Touring, Veterans and Juniors Track – 2 x 2KM = 4km. The Start chute is on the left hand side and the track follows the blue line in a clockwise fashion. Three and Two Dog Track – 2 x 3.47KM + 1 x 4.6km = 11.54km - The Start chute is on the left hand side and the track follows the green line (overlaying the blue in parts) around in a clock wise motion. Bikejoring 2 x 3.47km = 6.94km. . Eight, Six and Four Dog Track – 2 x 4.6km + 1 x 6.2 KM = 15.4km - The first and second heat is as per the 3-2 dog track above. The third heat is as per track below. NVSDC Classic Contact: Vaughan Winther (President) – 0439 651 852 Shellie Shewring (Treasurer) – 0418 635 778 E’vette Levett (Race Coordinator) – 0427 301 043 Directions: The race Site is located at the Moira Scout Camp, Moira Road, Kialla West, South of Shepparton on the Goulburn Valley Highway. Signs will be placed on the highway in both directions. Moira Dr, Kialla West Victoria 3631 - Google Maps The race is organised and run by volunteers, any help would be appreciated.
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