To Be Determined - North West Section

The Northwest Section of The Ninety-Nines, Inc.
International Organization of Women Pilots
**To Be Determined**
Volume: MMXV
North Dakota
South Dakota
Issue 1
April 2015
***Name the Newsletter Contest***
It has been quite some time since the Northwest Section has
published a newsletter and we are searching for a good name for it.
We would like to invite all members to email your ideas to the Newsletter Editor Aimee Malmberg ( who will share all of the
ideas with the Governor and the Communications Committee. Out of all the entries 3
will be chosen for a vote by the full membership in the next publication of the newsletter in June.
***All ideas must be submitted by May 30, 2015***
A Message from Governor Andrea Chay
As Governor of the Northwest Section, I represented the 99s
on the Selection Committee for the Pathfinders Award for
the Museum of Flight. We met in early March after having
prescreened the nominees at home, held an executive session
with presentations made by the people who submitted the
nominations, and made our selections. It was a pleasure to
review the highly qualified nominees information. We have
some truly amazing people, right here in the Pacific Northwest!
The recipients will be advised of the selections in Mid April,
and we will have a banquet honoring them in the Fall.
Andrea Chay
*Save The Date*
Sept 10-13, 2015
Spokane, WA
The Red Lion Inn at the Park
hosted by:
Intermountain Chapter
Liz Jones ~ (208 691 4217)
Ann Easterly ~ (509 290 0541)
Registration Packet is available
on pages 10-13 and on the
Northwest Section website.
Check the website often for updates
Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to Vanessa Nelson of the Oregon Pines chapter
who was presented the Northwest Section Scholarship by
Karin Rodland at the Spring Board of Directors meeting in
McMinnville, OR. She will use this scholarship for ski plane
Congratulations also go to Cindy Fritz of the Idaho chapter who
is the recipient of the Mountain Flying/Backcountry Scholarship. She is active in the Idaho Aviation Association’s (IAA’s)
efforts to maintain backcountry airstrips. She will present a
slideshow at the annual section meeting.
The Greater Seattle Chapter of the NinetyNines and The Historic Flight Foundation
The Story of the Jim Moss Reproduction of
the 1934 GeeBee Q.E.D. on April 11, 2015 at
Paine Field in Everett, WA
The program was attended by members of both the
Greater Seattle and the Western Washington Chapters
and was narrated by Judy Moss and Rich Alldredge.
Gee Bee Q.E.D. was the last in a series of racing and
touring airplanes from the Granville Brothers. The original QED was built in 1934 for the MacRobertson Air
Race from England to Australia flown by the famed
Jackie Cochran.
Jim Moss, an aviator, builder and visionary, had the inspiration to build the grandest of the Granville Brother's
creations, the QED. Together with a team of skilled
craftsmen, (and eleven years of work and dedication),
Jim's vision came to fruition.
Rich Alldredge worked on the QED II, did taxi and flight
testing, and flew the Big, Beautiful Beast to both the
2014 EAA Oshkosh AirVenture and the 2014 Reno Air
Greater Seattle and Western Washington chapter members
with Rich Alldredge and Judy Moss by the Jim Moss reproduction of the 1934 QED GeeBee.
Theresa White with Rich Alldredge, the pilot of the QED
who also led the effort to continue the rebuild project
after Jim Moss passed away and Judy Moss,
Jim Moss’ wife.
Northwest Section 2015 Spring Board of Directors Meeting
March 28, 2015 ~ McMinnville, OR
The Spring Board of Director’s meeting was held at the McMinnville Airport with a wonderful
lunch and self guided tour of The Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum across the street. Among
the topics discussed were upcoming events such as A Gorgeous Air Race in Troutdale, OR and the
Northwest Section Meeting which will be held in Spokane, WA this fall.
Northwest Section Board of Directors convene for dinner
the evening before the meeting
NW Section Governor Andrea Chay enjoying a lunchtime
tour of the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum
The Mighty Spruce Goose
Northwest Section Board Meeting attendees gathered
under the wing of The Spruce Goose
Come To An Adventure Under The Midnight Sun!!
FedEx Maintenance Hangar
Ted Stevens International Airport
Saturday, May 2, 9am-5pm
Sunday, May 3, 10am-5pm
The Great Alaska Aviation Gathering is about flying in Alaska complete with a
frontier flair.
Discover industry trends
Learn about new products and safety equipment
Enjoy live presentations and demonstrations
Now in its 18th season, this is Alaska’s premier, must-see aviation event with attendance of over 23,000
pilots and aviation enthusiasts. Alaska is the “flyingest” state in the union with more pilots and aircraft per capita
than anywhere in the world. It is the largest aviation trade show in Alaska.
Over 275 aviation exhibitors featuring the latest technology, state-of-the-art products, new innovations and comprehensive safety conference. Indoor & Outdoor Static Displays featuring every type of aircraft – sport, general aviation, vintage, experimental, commercial, corporate and military.
For more information and to register visit:
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Presented by the Northwest Section of The Ninety Nines
International Organization of Women Pilots
Join Northwest area pilots for the premier event of
A Gorgeous Air Race
Registration is now open!! Click link above
160 NM open course loop, starting and stopping at Troutdale, OR (KTTD)
Medals will be awarded to fastest in class. Prizes for best ETE, and best estimated fuel burn.
Join NW pilots for this premier event!! Racing will start Sunday morning at Troutdale, OR and
flow eastward through the Columbia River Gorge in a circular open course.
Prizes and lunch afterwards at Troutdale.
Proceeds will be donated to the NW 99s’ new scholarship fund, and the International 99s’ Endowment Fund
For questions and registration information, go to the website or contact
In loving memory of her father Vince Welsh, Jr., Idaho Chapter member
Trista Welsh-Becker generously contributes $500 to the
Northwest Section Scholarship Fund
Last October I lost my father to cancer. He passed away at our home
peacefully - his last days were spent
with me and our aviation community
at Sunrise. He was always my biggest
fan and believed I could do anything. Next to graduating vet school,
becoming a pilot was something he
was always proud that I did on my
own. He never hesitated to help me
when he could, even though he sometimes didn't have the means to. That
is why I want to donate to a scholarship fund for other women struggling
to reach their goals with very little
means. In a man's world it is tough,
but my dad never believed that being
a girl should stop me from being
traditionally Catholic family. Those
who knew him spoke of him as a
"diamond in the rough", as he was
tough on the outside but always had a
soft spot for children and helping
those in need. He worked hard his
whole life to provide for his family as a
fence contractor and raised two
daughters. He passed away from complications due to cancer on October 7,
2014 at the age of 64 and a memorial
service was held in Ramona, California. My husband and I transported his
ashes back to California from Idaho
for the service, one month after we
flew there to pick him up in our 170
so he could spend his last days with
me in my home.
My Dad was born the second oldest of
10 children in San Diego, California.
He was named Vincent Francis Welsh,
Junior after his father and raised in a
Trista Welsh-Becker and her father
Vince Welsh, Jr. on her wedding day.
Call for Newsletter Content
The Northwest Section Newsletter has been out of print for awhile and that provides us with a wonderful
opportunity to bring it back to life in a format that will be most meaningful to our membership. In this first
issue, my goal has been to highlight some past events, share some important business information, alert
you to some upcoming activities and extend some recognition where it is due.
Going forward, I would love to include Information specific to individual States and Chapters including
Member Accomplishments and Profiles, Chapter Events and Happenings, upcoming meetings and any
other information you would like to see shared with the Northwest Section as a whole.
Please feel free to send your suggestions and requested content to me personally. It would be most
helpful if text content was sent in Word format and photos sent in JPEG format. The projected
publication calendar going forward is bi-monthly. The next scheduled publication will be distributed in
June 2015. Content received prior to the 30th of the preceding month (5/30/15) will receive
first priority for inclusion.
Thanks a bunch! Let’s make this newsletter awesome!!
Aimee Malmberg
Northwest Section Newsletter Editor
June 6 ~ The Greater Seattle Chapter is planning a Flying Companion Seminar at KPAE on . Please visit the
Greater Seattle Chapter website ~ ~ for more information and updates to be added soon.
June 20 ~ Cascade Airport (U70) , 3rd Annual Food, Forum, & Flight Safety Program. Forum at 0930; Food &
Flight Demo at 1045. click HERE for a Flyer about the event.
June 22-25 ~ Air Race Classic ~
Please feel free to submit your NOTAM event announcements to ~
Your Northwest Section Board of Directors
Andrea Chay
Vice Governor
Monica Weyhe
Patty Viall
Sherry Kandle
Director, chapter liaison for ID, MT, Eastern WA & SD
Annette Orton
Director, chapter liaison for Western WA and AK
Judy Masura
Director, chapter liaison for OR and WY
Bev Clark
Past Governor
Kim Rayburn
Spring 2015 REPORT
The National Intercollegiate Flying Association was formed for the purposes of developing and advancing aviation education; to
promote, encourage and foster safety in aviation; to promote and foster communications and cooperation between aviation students, educators, educational institutions and the aviation industry; and to provide an arena for collegiate aviation competition.
SAFECON 2015 will be held at The Ohio State University Airport (KOSU) starting on Monday, May
11, 2014 and finishing on Saturday, May 16, 2015. I am requesting your continued support, hopefully as a
volunteer and through contributions.
When you donate to NIFA, you can be assured that most of the money goes directly into the hands of students, not to
support staff or facilities. We are all volunteers. The 99s, Inc., has pledged to continue funding the 99s Women’s
Achievement Award at NIFA SAFECON even though the International budget for this project has been cut drastically!
It currently costs us $3,000 to support NIFA: 1) $1,500 to be a named sponsor and 2) $1,500 to cover the 99s Women’s
Achievement Awards of $700, $500 and $300. These awards should be considered “scholarships in reverse” as the
students who apply are heavily in debt due to rising costs of a college education and obtaining pilot ratings. We actually
hand The 99s, Inc., checks to the winning students.
Sections, Chapters and Individual 99s: We need your contributions now. Checks should be sent to The 99s
Headquarters where they will be kept in a separate account until a significant balance is reached. The priority will be
funding the 99s Women’s Achievement Award. Amounts received over the basic $3,000 will be applied to our fund for
next year. Recognition of all donations from 99s members will be in the 2015 SAFECON Program
Check out the NIFA website for the latest information and how to volunteer as a judge:
Best wishes to you all,
99s NIFA Chairman
NIFA wishes to thank the following members of the NWS for their donations to
the 99s Achievement Award at National SAFECON:
Carolyn Carpp
Andrea Chay
Beverly Clark
Trish Hanna
Marilyn Husser
Joan Knapp
Aimee Malmberg
Judy Masura
Annette Orton
Debra Plymate
Fran Postma
$361.00 TOTAL
At an AOPA Air Safety Seminar in 2007, I had
the honor of reading an introduction that
MayCay Beeler had written for the volunteer
presenters. She advocated, “the best way to
maintain pilot proficiency is to continually train
for a higher certificate or rating.” What an inspiring idea!
knowledge. FAA exams are based on the information in the Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical
Knowledge (PHAK), the Airplane Flying Handbook (AFH), and the Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information Manual
(FAR/AIM), which every pilot should have in
their library, anyway. They are online for free,
too. You also need the Aviation Instructors
Handbook for the Fundamentals of Instructing
MayCay Beeler, a professional AOPA Seminar
(FOI). These are all available from ASA and they
presenter and CFI, is also a member of the Kitty publish great test prep, too.
Hawk 99s. With an extensive career in television, she initially learned to fly for a TV assignment, and went on to become a licensed Airline So this began a progression of reviewing and
Transport Pilot. MayCay’s many adventures in- testing. First I became a Basic Ground Instrucclude competing in the all-women's transconti- tor (BGI), then an Instrument Ground Instrucnental Air Race Classic, and sharing the gift of
tor (IGI). Fundamentals of Instruction need only
be taken once for the first instructor certificate.
flight with others.
After I became certified, I began preparing
course material for Private Pilot Ground School.
Now, flight training is big bucks. It won’t cost
That’s when you really start learning.
much to become a ground instructor, though,
and that is a great way to refresh airman
Debra Plymate and her 1947 Aeronca Chief Scout
A couple years into teaching ground school and
covering pilot certification requirements, I got
intrigued with the entry level Sport Pilot Certificate, that was created in 2004. Some very exciting light sport aircraft (LSA) began showing up
on the market with 6-figure price tags. This, of
course, limited accessibility of training to only
those with ample resources. Several legacy aircraft also qualified as LSA, Cubs, Champs, Taylorcraft, Luscombe, Ercoupe, etc. Many of them
were abandoned “projects,” while some were
very expensive for simple old airplanes with only
65 h.p. and no flaps or electrical system. Then I
came across an Aeronca Chief with good fabric
and paint, and a rebuilt engine, all for under
$20K. I didn’t think twice; I took it!
Mine is actually a 1947 Scout, one of the last
Chief’s built by Aeronca, a company struggling
to compete in the post WWII aircraft market.
Primitively engineered by today’s standards, it
has a 13 pound wooden propeller, instead of a 35
pound aluminum prop. If you haven’t flown with
a wooden prop, you absolutely must. It is an esthetic, organic flight experience. The wooden
blades absorb vibrations like a table knife
through soft butter. The sun glistens off the
brass sheathing and the golden grain of the
birch. Immensely fun to fly . . . without even
going very far!
To become a CFI in an Aeronca, or any LSA, it
requires a Sport Pilot Certificate or higher, and a
minimum of 150 hours of flight time, 15 of which
must be in LSA. I began studying and took the
Sport Pilot Instructors exam. The fun part was
the flying, reviewing and practicing flight maneuvers, takeoffs, departures, approaches, landings, and developing lesson plans for teaching
them in accordance with the Practical Test
Standards. Since it had been years since I had
done spins, I plotted a practice area beyond the
lateral limits of airways and entered and recovered from spin after spin with my instructor. A
spin endorsement is required to become a flight
instructor. Now, as a CFI, I am qualified to conduct spin training, WINGS flight activities, flight
reviews, proficiency checks, tailwheel training,
and teaching sport pilots and sport pilot instructors.
Having been in aviation for many years, it is exhilarating to earn a new certificate and learn so
much more about flying. MayCay Beeler is right.
Training for a higher certificate or rating is a
great way advance pilot proficiency.
Submitted by: Debra Plymate
Its all about passion and the
fire in the belly. About following your heart aloft- and being
one with the plane. Richard
Bach says it best:
“The highest art form of all is a
human being in control of himself and his airplane in flight,
urging the spirit of the machine to match his own."
Get cape. Wear cape. Fly!!!! ~ MayCay Beeler
Northwest Section of the Ninety-Nines
International Organization of Women Pilots
The Northwest Section Special Projects Fund was established at the annual meeting in 2013 by vote of
the membership, out of funds accumulated by investment earnings. The Finance Committee and the
Board have agreed that the funds will be used as a source of small grants and seed money loans for
chapters that wish to sponsor or participate in activities or projects that further the mission of the 99s,
and have no other funding available. The Northwest Section encourages chapters to collaborate on projects to benefit the 99s and aviation. The Special Projects Fund will be a revolving fund, where projects
that generate proceeds will repay the Special projects Fund before proceeds are used for any other purpose. The Finance Committee and the Northwest Section BOD will review proposals for compliance
with our non-profit purposes before approval.
The requesting chapter(s) must describe the proposed project or activity and how the use of the
funds will further the mission of the 99s.
2. The requesting chapter(s) must describe the budget of the project or activity. They must detail the
uses of the requested funds and when the funding is required. They must state whether they are requesting a grant or a loan of funds. Grants amount will be limited to a maximum of $200;
loans will be limited to $500. The requesting chapter(s) must indicate whether other funds will
be raised to fund the project or activity, and the source and uses of proceeds. Special Project Fund
loans must be repaid before any other use of the proceeds.
3. The requesting chapter(s) will apply to the chair of the Northwest Section Finance Committee at
least 30 days in advance of the need for the funds. The Finance Committee may discuss the request
by email, telecon or at a scheduled BOD meeting. The Finance Committee will vote to recommend
or not recommend to the BOD of the Northwest Section. The BOD of the Northwest Section will
make the final decision.
4. The requesting chapter(s) will submit a written accounting of the use of the funds to the Northwest
Section Treasurer no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the project or activity along with
repayment, if applicable.
Attachment: Application Form
Northwest Section of the Ninety-Nines
International Organization of Women Pilots
Chapter Name(s)_____________________________________________________________
Contact Person Name, Phone # and email:____________________________________________
Request Amount:______________________ Check if requesting:
Date funds needed by: _________________
Describe the project or activity and how it will further the mission of the 99s:
What is the budget for the project or activity, and what other funding is being used?
Will the project or activity generate proceeds? (Special project loans must be repaid before other uses of
proceeds.) How will the proceeds be used?
Submit application to the Chair of the Northwest Section Finance Committee at least 30 days prior to
funds needed date.
Written report must be submitted to the Northwest Section Treasurer (along with loan repayment)
within 30 days of conclusion of the project or activity.
Northwest Section Awards
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Final Call For Nominations
We give the following awards to honor the women who have been a part of our 99s flying history,
and to inspire us all to continue in the great tradition and spirit of this group.
Governor's Award - This award is given by the Northwest Section Governor to honor a 99 for her achievements in aviation. It is given each year to honor a member of the section who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in aviation. This award allows the Section to honor and acknowledge accomplishments in
areas outside our organization. Nominations come from chapter members or another Ninety-Nine who has
personal knowledge of her achievements. Send to Section Governor Andrea Chay
( The Governor makes the final selection.
Behind the Clouds Award - The success of our chapters depends upon the hard-working individuals who
put in time and energy and are always there to help. This award honors those individuals. This award is to
honor someone who has not had prior recognition for her efforts. It may be given to a chapter officer or
general member. Nominations come from chapter chairmen and sent to the Section Awards Chair, Gin
Hildebrant ( The Awards chair selects the winner.
Aviation and Space Education Award - In keeping with the educational mission of the Ninety-Nines, this
award is given to the chapter who has made the most contributions to Aerospace Education in a given
year. Nominations are made by the chapter chair or chapter aerospace education chair. Send nominations to the Section Aerospace Education Chair, Larae Stotts (, who makes the
final selection for the award.
Spinning Prop Award - This is an award to encourage us to get out in our planes and log some hours. It is
given to the person who has logged the most time between our annual section meetings in a noncommercial status. Individuals receiving instruction training may count those hours toward the award. Selectee will
verify hours by submitting her logbook entries to the Section Awards Chair, Gin Hildebrant
( NOTE: Logged time will be from August 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015.
Hot Pavement Award - Airmarking has been an important and fun tradition of The 99s. This award honors
those chapters that have been active in airmarking. Submit all airmarking reports to the Section Airmarking
Chair, Patty Viall (, who will select recipient(s).
Scrapbook Award - The award may be submitted for one of two categories: (1) hard copy scrapbook or
(2) web-based scrapbook. This award is to encourage chapters in their use of the Internet. Chapter websites are reviewed for their currency, interest, graphic design and information. Submit your nominations to
Mary Cooke (, Section Website Chairman.