Volume 8, Issue 3 March 2015 EVENT CALENDAR All events sponsored by NWCCers unless noted by * ************************* 2015 Calendar Apr 23-26, Gig Harbor . WA ~ Frank & Dana Suttell w/Al & Ruth Sorensen. May 14-17, Flowers in Bloom Rally, Silver Spurs RV Park, Silverton, OR ~ Vern and Glenda Serex. Jun 11-14, Stone Ridge Resort, Blanchard, ID ~ John & Cathy Lamb. Jul 16-19, Oregon Coast ~ TBD. Aug ????? Sep 17-20, Casey’s on the River, OR ~ Need host(s). Oct 15-18, Prosser Wine Country, WA ~ Harris/Becks. Nov 25-29, Thanksgiving, Hee Hee Illahee, Salem, OR ~ Dec ~ Dana and I had another quiet month with the highlight being the Mardi Gras North Rally we had in Puyallup. It was a small rally, but the people that went had a good time. The Edingers should have a detailed write-up. Bruno and Loretta had their daughter, Terry, feed us. Terry has a degree in the finer art of food preparation and it showed. Terry did a great job and everyone was appreciative of her work. Terry, thank you for a job well done. Dana and I are gearing up for the Gig Harbor Rally April 23 to 26. It is being held at the Gig Harbor RV Resort. Al and Ruth Sorensen have volunteered to co-host with us. The registration forms should be in the newsletter. Gig Harbor is a small community on a small bay west of Tacoma. It is a very nice area. It is the home of the Harbor History Museum. This a unique place as it restores Thunderbird Sailboats. So, what's a Thunderbird? The Thunderbird class sailboat was designed in 1958 in Seattle in response to a request from the Douglas Fir Plywood Association. Part of the request was that they could be built by reasonably skilled amateur woodworkers. There were more than 1250 built. Last time we were in Gig Harbor, Vern and I got a tour of the wood shop where they do the restoration. I am hoping to set up a similar tour again this time. Here is short link about the sailboat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEU2_kwd77k If you are not interested in sailboats, there is the three-story Christmas and Beachcomber Gift Shop that is open year round. Dana has completed the banners and already delivered one of them to the Edingers in Puyallup. She plans on delivering two at the Rally in Gig Harbor. The Apples want one. There is one not spoken for. The Salem Rally is being set up by the Serex's. It will be at the Silver Spur RV Park in Silverton, Oregon. The dates are May 14 to 16. See you at the Gig Harbor Rally April 23 to 26. Frank Suttell, President Northwest County Coachers Page 1 NEWSLETTER EDITOR NOTES Hello everyone. Following are preferences for newsletter submissions: Submissions are needed before the end of each month. If you cannot meet that timeframe, do inform me and I will wait for you if possible. Please submit only .jpeg and .doc or .docx materials. I might be able to convert .pdf materials, but … ? Always include sources for any previously published materials. I will format submissions as appropriate for positioning in the newsletters. I will edit the submissions, so please do not send text in a format that cannot be corrected, e.g., in a picture/jpeg. Do send lots of rally pictures and identify them as to persons and places (if you know them), but do not identify pictures by inserting text into the pictures. Thanks. s/Terry Apple Country Coach The new Country Coach Corporation is publishing the Destinations magazine again and distributes it via e-mail. Many of you have mentioned that you are not receiving the magazine. If you are not receiving the magazine via e-mail and would like to, send your e-mail address to them and include a request to be added to the distribution list. Their Contact Us form at: http://www.countrycoach.com/contact-us/ You can view current and past issues of Destinations at: http://www.countrycoach.com/category/destinations/ Join the NWCCers Yahoo Group The Yahoo Group is a great way to share information in a quick manner. There is considerable conversation about parts, repairs and general items of interest. This site is even more popular as we all search for answers about our Country Coach. It’s fun, informative and free. Contact Lee Casebeer at Lcasebeer@gmail.com. Officer Contact List Our Board of Directors is ready to help you at any time. Frank Suttell, President President@nwccers.org fdsutt@wavecable.com, 360-876-1197 Rod Robbins, Vice President Vicepresident@nwccers.org, 206-331-6607 Sibylle Beck, Secretary Secretary@nwccers.org, 503-399-0636 Dana Suttell, Treasurer Treasurer@nwccers.org, 360-876-1197 Don Schleuse, National FMCA Director Nationaldirector@nwccers.org 949-230-0390 Herb Harris, Alt. National FMCA Director AltNationaldirector@nwccers.org 360-430-3697 Terry Apple*, Newsletter Editor Newsletter@nwccers.org awptyper@gmail.com 503-982-0280; Cell 619-318-0318 Lee Casebeer*, Membership Chair Kris Casebeer*, Assistant Membership Chair Membership@nwccers.org, 503-807-9936 *denotes non-voting member Northwest Country Coachers Chapter of FMCA Chapter Address: NorthWest Country Coachers c/o Sibylle Beck 4485 River Road S., Salem, OR 97302 NorthWest Country Coachers web site: www.nwccers.org Webmaster: Cathy Lamb2014@gmail.com Our Yahoo Group: NW-CC-ers@yahoogroups.com Page 2 2015 Tentative Rally Schedule At the FMCA rally, we discussed some pre-planning for the rally calendar for 2015. We had Bob Fite from the Puget Sounders Motor Coach Club as a guest speaker. He explained how they did their rallies and answered questions. He explained that they put their calendar together as much as two years in advance. This allowed them to get into places that might otherwise be booked and gave members a lot of time to plan their travels. They then got host and co-host who wanted to participate in a particular rally. If there was no host, the rally would be a no-host rally and members would just plan on the fly. The following is our current work in progress: Our tentative approach is to schedule the rally date and locations and, hopefully, the host will volunteer. We have some hosts, but would like to see co-hosts as well, so don’t be afraid to throw your name in if any of the locations interest you. AprilMay- Gig Harbor, WA April 23-26 Silver Spurs RV Park, Silverton, OR May 14-17 JuneStoneRidge, Blanchard, ID June 11-14 JulyOregon Coast July 16-19 TBT August- ????? SeptCasey's on the River, OR September 17-20 OctProsser Wine Country, WA October 15-18 NovHee Hee Illahee, Salem, OR November 25-29 DecWe also have scheduled space for the Prosser Balloon Festival for 2016. This will be a corally with the Puget Sounders Motor Coach Club. We hope this new approach will encourage participation by members to volunteer to host and co-host and also facilitate planning for members who are putting together their travel plans for next year. If anyone has a suggestion for a location that they think would make for a good rally, please let me know. If you have any interest in hosting or co-hosting please e-mail me at: rod.robbins@comcast.net Rod Robbins, VP Page 3 Gig Harbor Plans The Suttell's and Sorenson's invite you to join us in Gig Harbor, Washington, for a relaxed weekend of fun. Some of you came to this park for Oktoberfest a couple of years ago and it is worth a return trip. This is a cozy park just up the hill from the harbor and all it has to offer, restaurants, shopping, great views, walking trails, lots of geo caches, museums and more. Frank and Vern found a great boat shop on our last visit and we are working on setting up a tour for this rally. The club's charity this year is Spina Bifida and Frank has been able arrange to have one of his friends from the shipyard come and speak with us. Her family has been living with the realities of this disease and she will be able to answer any questions we have. We have 15 sites for this rally and we booked this one solid the last time, so check your calendars and sign up early. We will have a waiting list on the chance the park can fit in a couple more of us. Hope to see you there! Due to the generosity of Guarantee RV, we will have a pizza feed one night as well as our normal food feasts. The Online Membership Directory For additional information on ways to give, please contact our Development office at development@sbaa.org or 800-621-3141 ext. 11. You can also donate by check (made payable to SBA) mailed to: SBA PO Box 17427 Thank you to Webmaster Kathy Lamb for updating our Online Membership Directory. She added the city & state of our members. Check it out. The directory is a convenient way to put faces with names of our membership. If your picture is missing or it needs revising, our newsletters contain information regarding updating. The Directory information is case sensitive (i.e., some letters must be capitalized) and password protected. Because our newsletter is distributed to more than just our members, the password has been sent to each of you. If you misplace that information, e-mail Lee at Lcasebeer@gmail.com and he’ll send it to you again. Another item regarding information sharing is a FaceBook page for Northwest Country Coachers. Some members already are friends of that social media. If you are interested, feel free to “Like” or “Join” the NorthWest Country Coachers Motor Coach Club Facebook page. Lee Casebeer Page 4 Resort Website: gigharborrvresort.com Address: 515 Burnham Drive Northwest Gig Harbor, WA 98332 Phone: (253) 858-8138 Welcome to Gig Harbor, Washington April 23-25 Reservation Cutoff is March 23, 2015 The rally masters, Frank and Dana Suttell and Alan and Ruth Sorenson, have reserved 15 sites for $43.09 per night. E-mail Dana at fdsutt@wavecable.com with any questions. Please register online at: NWCCers.org NWCC Member Registration Fees First Night’s Stay Rally Fee Total $43.09 $10.00 $53.09 or mail your reservation fee* ($53.09 NWCC members or $63.09 non-members) to: Non-Member Registration Fees First Night’s Stay Rally Fee Non-Member Fee Total $43.09 $10.00 $10.00 $63.09 Dana Suttell, NWCC 3965 Bethel RD SE, Ste 1 Box 32 Port Orchard, WA 98366 *Checks should be made payable to Northwest Country Coachers. Pilot and Co-Pilot_____________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Coach Length_____________ Slides_____________ Towing Yes or No __________ Number of People________ Member of NWCC____________ E-mail__________________ Arrival Date_____________ Departure Date______________ Note: We can attempt to book additional nights for you depending upon if the park is full. Please list the nights you want to stay_____________________________________________ Cancellations are accepted up to 7 nights before your stay. After that, you will forfeit the First night’s stay ($43.09) to the park. Page 5 May 14-17, 2015 Silver Spur RV Park 12622 Silverton Rd. NE, Silverton, Oregon 97381 www.SilverSpurRVPark.com The Silver Spur RV Park is located in the foothills of the Willamette Valley on the outskirts of the small town of Silverton. Activities in and around the park are many and varied. It’s a nice clean park and we’ll be there for their “FLOWERS IN BLOOM” getaway. The park fee is $35 per night, payable to our treasurer, Dana Suttell. For an additional fee of $45.00 per person, 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, and 2 Happy Hours will be provided by the Park and a group of local merchants. (No cooking for the entire weekend!) Several small gift shops, antique stores and a yarn shop, nearby wineries and a local brewery might appeal to some, while others will enjoy the challenge of hiking the Waterfall Trail in Silver Falls Park. The Oregon Garden (www.oregongarden.org) is having a special event on Saturday, May 16 (http://mustseeor.com), that looks interesting. The Gordon House, a Frank Lloyd Wright Home, is open for tours for a fee. Outdoor/hiking folks will love Silver Falls State Park (maybe some “caches” in the park?) (www.everytrail.com/best/hiking-silver-falls-state-park) with a (seven-mile or shorter) hike around the falls at a time when the falls should be in full roar. We can carpool to have cars at each end & save the return hike. Mt. Angel Abbey—Museum http://benedictinebrewery.com/ There are a couple of outstanding nurseries nearby if you want to add to your summer garden. Fessler’s is known for spectacular hanging baskets! Fessler Nursery (www.fesslernursery.com) & Conifer Kingdom (www.coniferkingdom.com) Der Glockenspiel (http://www.glockenspielrestaurant.net) is a great place to have authentic German food for lunch as you are out and about. Page 6 May 14-17, 2015 Silver Spur RV Park 12622 Silverton Rd. NE, Silverton, Oregon 97381 www.SilverSpurRVPark.com REGISTRATION Deadline for registration is April 1, 2015 Please fill out the form and include the Park Fee of $35.00 per night and the rally fee of $50 per person which includes Thursday’s soup and salad dinner, 2 Breakfasts, 2 Dinners and 2 Happy Hours (hosted by the Park and local merchants). All fees are to be paid through NWCCers. Checks should be made payable to NWCC and sent to Dana Suttell, 3965 Bethel Rd, Suite 2, PMB32, Port Orchard, Oregon 98366 or register on-line using PayPal. Pilot_________________________ CoPilot_____________________ Address___________________________________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail_________________________ Coach Length_______ Slides_____ Towing? Y/N Number of People_____________ Pets____________ Member of NWCC? Y/N Member of FMCA? Y/N Arrival date________________ Departure date___________________ CONTACT: Glenda @ (503)-580-5590 or Vern @ (503)-580-9401 or e-mail: glendaserex@gmail.com Page 7 All of us that attended the recent MGN rally want to share a special thank you to Bruna and Loretta Edinger and their daughter Terry Stone for a wonderful weekend. Terry is an accomplished chef and catered the whole weekend for us. The food was incredible and we were all very pampered from the start. Bruno and Loretta attended MGN last winter and by default (ask them the story) got the king cake baby and were told they got the privilege of planning this event. Being the typical NWCC members they jumped in and put on a wonderful rally. Loretta told us she wanted to make sure we all came back next year and I am sure we will. Great company, wonderful food, and weather you could not beat made for a great event. Thank you again for a really wonderful rally. Frank and Dana Suttell Meet and Greet Meet and Greet Baked Potato Bar with trimmings Down Time Page 8 d n a y d d e T CC asebeer These pictures were taken during the C trips of our FMCA Northwest Country Kris Coach Traveling Teddy aka CC Teddy. She continues her adventures with Kris Casebeer as part of the Northwest Country Coachers family who travel with her until she returns to Coos Bay for the next Northwest FMCA Rally there. [Excerpted from a submission by Michele Huffman.] [Editor’s Note: See the link to all of CC's pictures so far: photos/112906443624168454164/albums/6088398757725656113 .] https://plus.google.com/ s end s Am da ter mT ri el F w o Page 9 om r f s k c a r t Side Harris Herb Looks like we are all doing our part to keep the state’s coffers full! Herb Outdoor recreation brings big dollars to Washington February 2, 2015 in Campground News ISSAQUAH, Wash. — Outdoor recreation generates $21.6 billion a year in spending on trips and equipment in Washington state, a new study prepared for the Legislature shows, according to SnoValley Star. Washingtonians spend an average of 56 days a year in some form of outdoor recreation, SnoValley Star reported. Earth Economics, did the research for the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office at the direction of the Legislature. SnoValley Star reported on the highlights: · $21.6 billion is spent every year on outdoor recreation trips and equipment on both public and private land in Washington. · Nearly 200,000 jobs are supported by outdoor recreation · $10.4 billion is spent on sightseeing and nature activities, including $7 billion on wildlife watching and photography. · $8 billion is spent on activities around water, including fishing, boating, swimming and diving. · Out-of-state visitors play an important role — accounting for 12 percent of recreation days, but 27 percent of dollars spent on outdoor recreation. To read the full story by SnoValley Star: http://snovalleystar.com/2015/01/31/outdoor-recreationbrings-big-dollars-to-state ?????? Do we have your photograph ?????? If you have a favorite close-up photo you would like used, you can easily send it to us via our Don’t let this happen to you!! chapter web site. You will find a link on the left side of our home page or use this direct link NWCCers Photo http://nwccers.org/Members/photoupdate.htm. Directory is now online !! Thank you You can also find someone with a camera at a chapter function to capture your smiles for the Cathy Lamb !! directory. Page 10 Arizona Happy Hours Last August at FMCA Rally in Redmond, four NWCC couples made plans to meet in Arizona in February 2015. On the first Tuesday in February, that plan came to fruition in El Mirage, Arizona. El Mirage is a small suburb in Northwest Phoenix. One interesting fact about this resort is that it is directly in the flight path of Luke Air Force Base where every morning our “Boys in Blue”, in their F-16 fighter jets, would roar over our coaches. Some park residents felt the jet noise was irritating, but most thought it was the sound of freedom. Vern & Lee were both in the Air Force so the sights & sounds of the military overhead brought back fond memories. desert. It was fun catching up on everybody’s experiences since our last meetings. Plus, the bonus was getting acquainted with Mary & Dick Svith for the first time. Continuing the main story, Michele & Denny Huffman, Barb & Don Shleuse, Barb & Bill Holmes, and Kris & Lee Casebeer came from four different directions for a one-week stay. Unknown to us, there were two other NWCC couples staying in the resort. Sharon & Vern Kondra are regular long-term residents of the park each winter. Dick & Mary Svinth were staying at the park for a month before moving on to Tucson. With six NWCCers in one spot, a plan was made for a Happy Hour Social one evening. As usual, with our coach group, there was plenty of good food & conversation filling the evening air in the Arizona www.organstoppizza.com. On Saturday evening, we During the evening’s conversation, Barb Schleuse suggested going to an attraction for Saturday night. The Organ Stop Pizza Parlor is in Mesa on the southeast side of the Phoenix area. The Pizza Parlor boasts the largest Wurlitzer Pipe Organ in the World. It has 23 sets of pipes and a large assortment of other wind-powered instruments. For more detail on this amazing attraction, go to car pooled the 25 miles (one way) to have pizza, more conversation and enjoy the sounds from an amazing musical instrument. Wish you all could have been there. If you are ever in the Phoenix area, it is worth the trip to Mesa to hear the enjoyable music generated by the enormously large pipe Organ. The music was enjoyed by All ! Submitted by Lee Casebeer Page 11 om r f s k Herb c a r t Side Harris Driver suffers severe burns when Herb This fire happened while the coach was moving and burned rapidly – it illustrates just how important it is to get out of a coach quickly if a fire starts. motorhome catches fire in East Oakland By Harry Harris hharris@bayareanewsgroup.com Posted: 02/11/2015 01:04:03 PM PST OAKLAND -- A 63-year-old man suffered severe burns when the motorhome he was driving erupted into flames Wednesday afternoon on Hegenberger Road near the O.co Coliseum, fire officials said. Authorities said the driver, whose name was not released, suffered burns over 80 percent of his body and was on fire when he was pulled from the inferno by three good Samaritans. They dragged him to safety and put out the flames on his clothing and body, staying by his side until authorities arrived. One of the men had his sweater burned and another was covered with soot, police said. None of them were injured. Police did not immediately identify them. "They risked their lives to save his," Sgt. Dom Arotzarena said. The driver was the only person inside the 36-footlong vehicle when it burst into flames about 12:25 p.m. Wednesday in the northbound lanes of Hegenberger Road at Hawley Street. The fire, which sent thick plumes of smoke over a wide area, was brought under control by 18 firefighters in about 10 minutes. A man was severely burned Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 when his motorhome burst into flames while he was driving near the O.co Coliseum in Oakland, Calif. (Harry Harris/Bay Area News Group) The cause is still under investigation, but firefighters were hampered by exploding propane tanks inside the vehicle, Battalion Chief Erik Logan said. No firefighters were injured. The fire gutted the motorhome, and damage was estimated at more than $30,000. Police shut down the northbound lanes of Hegenberger, from the top of the San Leandro Street overpass to Hamilton Street, for more than an hour after the blaze. The driver was initially taken to an Oakland hospital but was to be transferred to a burn center in San Francisco, officials said. Page 12 Page 13 NWCCers Directory for CC Service and Parts The following companies have been submitted to this directory by our club members. They have been found to be knowledgeable and helpful about Country Coaches. Most of these companies offer services locally (unless noted otherwise) but in many cases have provided technical assistance over the phone. If you need service or technical assistance call one of these companies to get started. ** Offers NWCCer Discount Company Contact Service Amazing Creations Scott Adams 93150 B Prairie Rd Junction City, OR 541-556-0501 Custom cabinets, flooring and general remodeling/upgrades Amazingcreations1@yahoo.com Bend RV Repair Jeff Spear 62980 Boyd Acres Rd. Unit A-2 Bend, Oregon 97701, 541-388-5448 Complete RV Repair www.bendrvrepair.com Referred: Lee Casebeer & Tom Lowery Brazel’s Performance Alan Sanders 3912 Harrison Avenue, Centralia, WA 98531 877-786-1576 Referred by Russell Warren Alignment, suspension, maintenance, dynamometer, electrical & mechanical repairs shop—50-amp sites and dump www.brazelsrv.com Coach Masters of Bend Blake 29525 Brandis Ct., Bend, OR 97701 541-330-6863 Parts, Service, Repair Coachmasters@bendcable.com Coach Solutions 3451 Kendra St, Eugene, OR 97404 541-514-9000 Brian Van de Walker House and Chassis Electrical; Audio/ Video, including RTI Remotes. Local service & Fly-in Anywhere USA Country Coach Corporation (2011)** 135 East First Street Junction City, Oregon 97448 541-234-2167 Service Center www.countrycoach.com/coach-servicecenter/ CC Apparel: http:// countrycoachwearables.promoshop.com Doug Beaudry, Service Manager Ask about service discounts for NWCCers Dave Root RV Glass Repair Dave Root, Bend, OR 541-280-3612 Reseals, Thermo-Pane windows, all RV side windows www.daverootrvglassrepair.com/ Davis Cabinets 150 E 10th Ave., Junction City, OR 97448 541-998-8778, Shaun Davis Interior upgrades, cabinetry, window shades www.daviscabinets.com Guaranty RV Center ** So Hwy 99, Junction City, OR 877-463-0067 NWCCers exclusive sales dealer NWCCer $25 discount on retail service Service, Parts, Body Shop and RV Sales www.guarantyrv.com JDRV Inc John Davis LaPine, OR 541-306-6473 Service and Repairs Kaiser Brake and Alignment 265 Taylor St., Eugene, OR 97402 541-344-5887 Alignment, brakes, tires K&M Mobile R.V. Repair LLC Kevin Waite (Former Country Coach Service Tech. & Owner) 95430 Noraton Rd., Junction City, OR 97448 541-953-6162 (Cell) Mobile Repairs, Technical Support Country Coach Parts kvn.wt.7629@gmail.com Page 14 Company Contact Service Kustom Coach Works Bobby Vodden PO Box 395, Halsey, OR 97348 541-501-3371 Custom audio/video installations KustomCoachWorks@yahoo.com Ollie’s Fiberglass Lynnwood, WA 425-776-6040 Fiberglass repairs Oregon Motorcoach Center ** 29417 Airport Rd, Eugene, OR 97402 541-762-1505 Effective 01/03/2012: Current NWCCers Badge gets 10% discount on Parts.* Bob Lee, Founder of OMC and NWCCer Honorary Lifetime Member Premier RV Services Gary - 541-554-3997 Office: 541-998-2640 325 E First Ave, Junction City, OR 97448 *Present your NWCCer badge for discount. You will need verification that your club dues are current. Interior restoration, modifications, remodel, service and parts Fax: 541-762-1509 www.oregonmotorcoachcenter.com Sales - Service - Storage premierrvstorage@gmail.com Referred by: Brian & Kay Case, Bend RCV Custom Coach Service Mobile RV Service and Upgrades POB 41779, Eugene, OR 97404 Bob Vinson, Owner, Phone 541-870-6233 Referred By Herb Harris and Cathy Lamb Quality Solutions Brought to You Fax 541-359-1962 www.rcvcustomcoach.com bob@rcvcustomcoach.com RV Glass Solutions Eugene, OR 888-777-6778 Doug Rutherford – former CC Service Manager www.RVGlassExperts.com Windshield replacement, glass and windows. Many CC windshields in stock. Call for a referral in your area. Salem Brake and Wheel Inc. 1235 12th Street SE, Salem, OR 97302 Kevin Smith, 503-581-3214 Alignment, Wheel Balance, Chassis Repair, Complete Brake Svc, Complete Service, Gas/ Diesel Repair and More Silverleaf Electronics 2472 SW Ferry St., Albany, OR 97322. 888-741-0259, 541-220-5494 Total Coach Monitoring System, Vehicle Monitoring System www.silverleafelectronics.com Specialty Crate, Inc Logistics Division 41 North Danebo Ave. Eugene, OR 97402 Randy Stout 541-689-8840 Country Coach parts – chassis, body and house. Splendide (Westland Sales) 15650 SE 102nd Ave., Clackamas, OR 97015 Washing machine repairs Specialty Marine and RV 20781 Olmstead Road NE Aurora, OR 97002 503-678-6595 503-678-6501 Diesel-powered coaches only Custom Accessories, Installations, Repairs and Services Superior Tire Service 33960 Old Willamette Hwy Eugene, OR 97405 541-744-2000 Referred by Don Schleuse Participants in the FMCA Michelin Advantage Program Ground Hog Day Page 15 Watson Diesel Repair LLC PO Box 2478 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-5255 watsondieselrepair.com Services and repairs all diesel engines primarily big rig trucks but also works on coaches. Do you have experience with anyone else who offers CC expertise and assistance that has helped you in a pinch? Send us their information and we’ll add them to our list. newsletter@nwccers.org Rev. 02/02/2015 Page 16
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