Objectives Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) The Power of Poop • Review the burden and patient outcomes related to C. difficile infection and disease. • Understand the rationale for FMT as an option in treating recurrent C. difficile disease. Fecal Microbiota Transplants in the 21st Century • Describe the options for preparing and administering FMT. Kathy Aureden MS, MT(ASCP)SI, CIC March 23th, 2015 • Review the challenges related to donor testing and FD’s enforcement policy on FMT as an investigational new drug. Epidemiology and Infection Prevention 2 Definitions and acronyms C. difficile disease (CDI) CDC information Clostridium difficile = C. difficile = C dif Anaerobic spore-forming bacteria ubiqitous in nature, often found in soil. Some strains make toxins that cause inflammation and diarrhea. Clostridium difficile infection = C. difficile disease = CDI CDI is of concern as a hospital associated infection. It is one of the most common causes of antibiotic associated diarrhea (10 – 25%) Pseudomembranous colitis – infectious, inflammatory condition of the gut resulting from CDI. Microbiota or microbiome = bacteria, viruses, and eukaryotic microbes in and on our bodies, which impact physiology in health and in disease. Note: In stool culture results, “normal flora” refers to healthy gut microbiota Fecal microbiota transplant = FMT = “stool transplant” 3 4 http://www.cdc.gov/hai/pdfs/cdiff/CDiff-OnePager.pdf Estimated U.S. Burden of Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI), According to the Location of Stool Collection and Inpatient Health Care Exposure, 2011. CO-HCA : community-onset healthcare associated NHO: Nursing Home onset HO: Hospital onset Burden of Clostridium difficile in U.S. Lessa et. al. Study estimate of 500,000 cases (2011 data) > one recurrence of C. difficile infection • 21% after Healthcare Associated (HCA) CDI event • 14% after Community associated (CA) CDI event 83,000 CDI cases – at least one recurrence 29,000 died within 30 days Lessa FC, et al . Burden of Clostridium difficile infection in the United States. N Engl J Med. Feb 2015 5 Lessa FC et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:825-834 6 Risk to patients: poor antimicrobial prescribing practices 50% hospitalized patients get an antibiotic in hospital 30-50% of those antibiotics are unnecessary or incorrect 7 8 HOW C. DIFFICILE SPREADS CDI can be prevented by using infection control recommendations and more careful antibiotic use. SOURCE: CDC 2012 • George, a 68-year-old man, goes to the doctor's office and is diagnosed with pneumonia. • Antibiotics are prescribed to treat the pneumonia. • These drugs put him at risk for C. difficile infection for several months. 9 ONE MONTH LATER 10 TWO DAYS LATER • George breaks his leg •George transfers to a rehab facility and gets begins to experience diarrhea. • He is admitted to a hospital. • A health care worker forgets to wear gloves when caring for a C.difficile infected patient prior to providing care to George. 11 •He is not tested for C.difficile. •The health care worker doesn't wear gloves and infects other patients. 12 Background: Pathogenesis of CDI THREE DAYS LATER • George goes back to the hospital for treatment of diarrhea • He tests positive for C.difficile. • Health care workers wear gloves and do not spread C. difficile. 3. Altered lower intestine flora (due to antimicrobial use) allows proliferation of C. difficile in colon 1. Ingestion of C. difficile spores 4. Toxin A & B production leads to colon damage +/- pseudomembrane 2. Germination into growing (vegetative) form George recovers upon completing treatment : Metronidazole, oral Vancomycin, or Fidaxomicin for 10 – 14 days Sunenshine et al. Cleve Clin J Med. 2006;73:187-97. 13 Antibiotic disrupts normal intestinal flora “colonization resistance” 14 Pseudomembranous colitis Medscape Dec 2014 <3 months for microbiota to normalize Exposure to C difficile Endoscopic image of pseudomembranous colitis Pathogenesis Spore form – resistant to gastric acid Yellow pseudomembranes On wall of the sigmoid colon Spore passes easily through stomach into intestinal mucosa Toxins open tight junctions between intestinal mucosal cells Suggestive for CDI Resultant increased vascular permeability and hemorrhage Gross pathology specimen revealing characteristic yellowish plaques http://emedicine.medscape.com/a rticle/193031-overview Induction of TNF-alpha and pro-inflammatory interleukins inflammation and formation of pseudomembranes 15 http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/186458overview#a0101 Gregory Ginsberg, MD, U of Penn 16 GEORGE HAS RECURRENT C DIFFICILE DISEASE ONE MONTH LATER • George has symptoms of UTI and is treated with antibiotics at local ED • A few days after starting antibiotics, he is still weak, lethargic, slightly feverish (UTI?) Recurrent CDI: episode < 8 weeks after a previous resolved event Historically, recurrent CDI occurs in 20%–25% of patients after the initial event • Symptoms worsen and he starts having diarrhea Recurrent CDI patients experience additional events more than 45% after the first recurrence He is admitted for dehydration and sepsis. He tests positive for C. difficile. Severe pseudomembranous colitis is found. Mortality rate if C. difficile infection becomes fulminant may be up to 50% 17 18 RECURRENT C DIFFICILE DISEASE RISK FACTORS FOR RECURRENCE OF C. DIFFICILE INFECTION CDI due to epidemic strain BI/NAP1/027 Failure to mount systemic anti-toxin antibody response. This may be due to age, or genetic factors Use of antibiotics for non-C.difficile infections Use of proton-pump inhibitors (gastric acid suppressive agents) Severe underlying illness • Study during a 30 day follow-up period after original episode • Molecular testing of original and recurrent strain per enrolled patient Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Aug 1; 55(Suppl 2): S104–S109. Figueroa, Iris et al. “Relapse Versus Reinfection: Recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infection Following Treatment With Fidaxomicin or Vancomycin.” 19 Treatment Of Recurrent CDI 20 An old therapy comes of age American College of Gastroenterology Fecal transplantation consists of putting healthy donor stool into the stomach, small intestine, or colon to restore normal flora. ACG guidelines for the management of recurrent CDI 1. repeat metronidazole or a pulsed vancomycin regimen This is more effective than vancomycin for the treatment of patients with recurrent CDI, but natural antipathy toward fecal therapy hinders its wide implementation. 2. consider fecal microbiota transplantation after 3 recurrences Kelly CP. Fecal microbiota transplantation—an old therapy comes of age. N Engl J Med. 2013; 368:474–475. *Surawicz CM, Brandt LJ, Binion DG, et al. Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Clostridium difficile infections. Am J Gastroenterol. 2013;108:478–498. 21 22 Treatment Options : FMT “Re-establish the balance of nature” 1958: Denver doctors used enema of a stool infusion to treat patients with life-threatening pseudomembranous enterocolitis with “immediate and dramatic” responses. “This simple yet rational therapeutic method should be given more extensive clinical evaluation.” Eiseman B, Silen W, Bascom GS, Kauvar AJ. Fecal enema as an adjunct in the treatment of pseudomembranous enterocolitis. Surgery 1958;44:854-9. What has happened since1958? Why is this therapy not adopted? A: Antibiotic use destroys sensitive bacteria. It reduces microbiota diversity and resistance to colonization by opportunistic pathogens B: In the absence of opportunistic infection, microbiota usually recover its homeostasis C: Infection with C. difficile can lead to persistent dysbiosis D: Fecal microbiota transplantation restores microbiota diversity and colonization resistance and allows the elimination of C. difficile. •Aesthetically unappealing •Logistically challenging •Lack of efficacy data from randomized, controlled trials Kelly CP. Fecal microbiota transplantation—an old therapy comes of age. N Engl J Med. 2013; 368:474–475. 23 World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Jun 21; 20(23): 7416–7423. Recurrent Clostridium difficile infections: the importance of the intestinal microbiota. 24 Disruption of fecal microbiome CDI and non-CDI Treatment Options : FMT However, today there is sufficient evidence in randomized, controlled trials to prove efficacy and sustainable outcomes. Supplementary Figure 7. Interindividual variation in the proportion of major phyla. Each bar is a subject. The y-axis shows the relative proportion of reads that mapped to each phylum. Subjects are ordered from left to right according to increasing proportions of Firmicutes reads. (A) HC: healthy cohort (n=40) (B) CDI: C. difficile infection (n=39) (C) CDN: subjects with nosocomial diarrhea but C. difficile negative (n=36). Fecal microbiota transplant can successfully reestablish appropriate microbe diversity and normalcy. Evidence…….. 25 Compositional comparison of donor, pre-, and post-FMT samples. 26 Duodenal Infusion of Donor Feces for Recurrent Clostridium difficile This trial was closed to new enrollment after only 43 of a planned 120 patients had undergone randomization. Almost all patients in the two control groups had a recurrence. Of patients having 1 or 2 infusions, nearly 95% had not recurred. Anna M. Seekatz et al. mBio 2014; doi:10.1128/mBio.00893-14 van Nood E, Vrieze A, Nieuwdorp M, et al. Duodenal infusion of donor feces for recurrent Clostridium difficile. N28Engl J Med 2013;368:407-15. 27 Long-term follow-up of colonoscopic fecal microbiota transplant for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection Am J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jul;107(7):1079-87. doi: 10.1038/ajg.2012.60. Epub 2012 Mar 27. Study: Multicenter long-term follow-up study of 77 of 94 eligible patients Follow-up timeframe > 90 days post FMT Average suffering prior to FMT was 11 months Patients had failed an average of 5 conventional antimicrobial regimens Results: Diarrhea resolved in 82% and improved in 17% of patients within an average of 5 days after FMT. •Primary cure rate was 91%. –7 patients failures had subsequent FMT success •Secondary cure rate was 98% . “Physician attitudes toward the use of fecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection” Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Jun; 28(6): 319–324. Physicians greatly overestimated intensity of patients’ aversion and how much the gross factor would act to deter patients’ willingness to consider FMT All late recurrences of CDI occurred after antimicrobial therapy for infections unrelated to C. difficile. In all, 53% of patients stated they would have FMT as their preferred first treatment option if CDI were to recur. No definite adverse effects of FMT 29 were noted (more studies needed) 30 “Patient Attitudes Toward the Use of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in the Treatment of Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection “ Treatment by FMT So what do patients think? But there are other significant considerations and/or impediments to FMT Antibiotics Antibiotics + FR Alone Conditions After reading scenario 1 - did not explicitly disclose fecal nature of FR 162 (85%) 29 (15%) After reading scenario 2 - disclosed fecal nature of FR 154 (81%) 37 (19%) If FR provided as colorless, odorless liquid given by NGT, enema, or colonoscopy 158 (83%) 33 (17%) If FR provided as colorless, odorless pill 171 (90%) 20 (10%) If FR (in any form) recommended by doctor 179 (94%) 12 (6%) •FDA guidance •Fees and insurance •Harvesting and processing donor stool •Testing protocols •In-patient vs Out-patient procedure Abbreviations: FR, floral restoration; NGT, nasogastric tube. Table 2. Patient Preferences for Antibiotics Alone vs Antibiotics Plus “Floral Restoration” in the Treatment of Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection Clin Infect Dis. (2012) 55 (12): 1652-1658. 32 31 FDA guidance on FMT FDA guidance on FMT March 2014 update “Guidance for Industry” for FMT in treatment of recurrent CDI May 2013 FDA statement Fecal microbiota defines FMT as a biologic product Point #1: Interim FDA decision: will exercise discretion on IND use provided that the treating physician obtains adequate informed consent from the patient or his or her legally authorized representative. This enforcement discretion does NOT extend to other FMT uses. Therefore it requires an investigational new drug (IND) before use in humans. big outcry! Stakeholder meeting convened “ Informed consent should include, at a minimum, a statement that the use of FMT products to treat C. difficile is investigational and a discussion of its potential risks. “ July 2013 UPDATED guidance http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-07-18/html/2013-17223.htm http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformati on/Guidances/Vaccines/ucm387023.htm 33 34 http://fmt.gastro.org/ FDA guidance on FMT March 2014 update “Guidance for Industry” Point #2: the FMT product is obtained from a donor known to either the patient or to the licensed health care provider treating the patient Point #3 the stool donor and stool are qualified by screening and testing performed under the direction of the licensed health care provider for the purpose of providing the FMT product to treat his or her patient. http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformati on/Guidances/Vaccines/ucm387023.htm 35 36 Recipient Consensus guidelines – donor screening and stool testing Who is a Candidate for FMT? FMT may be an option for people who have had one of the following: • At least three episodes of mild to moderate C. difficile infection that have not responded to six to eight weeks of treatment with antibiotics. • Have had at least two episodes of severe C. difficile infection that required them to be admitted to the hospital. • Moderate C. difficile infection that did not respond to antibiotics (namely vancomycin) for at least a week. • Severe C. difficile infection or severe colitis caused by C. difficile that did not respond to antibiotics within two days. http://www.gastro.org/research/Joint_Society_FMT_Guidance.pdf 37 38 Donors Recipient Who is NOT a Candidate for FMT? Not everyone is a good candidate for FMT. The procedure may be risky for people who: •are taking immunosuppressive drugs •have had a recent bone marrow transplant •have cirrhosis of the liver Preferred donor is – an intimate, long-time partner of adult patient – in the case of a pediatric patient, an adult first-degree relative – close family friend – well-screened universal donor – over the age of 18 Children could potentially serve as donors as long as both parental consent and child assent are obtained. •have advanced HIV or AIDS Donor questionnaire – similar to current screening blood donors http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/BloodBloodProducts/ApprovedPro ducts/LicensedProductsBLAs/BloodDonorScreening/ucm164185.htm 39 Donor exclusions 40 Donor Testing - Guidelines Donor exclusion criteria: •Antibiotic treatment during the preceding 3 months •History of intrinsic GI illnesses, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, GI malignancies or major GI surgical procedures •History of autoimmune or atopic illnesses, or ongoing Immune modulating therapy •A history of chronic pain syndromes (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue) or neurologic, neurodevelopmental disorders •Metabolic syndrome, obesity (BMI of >30), moderate-to-severe undernutrition (malnutrition) Serum Testing (to be performed within 4 weeks of donation): •HAV-IgM - hepatitis A virus Antibody (IgM) •HBsAg - hepatitis B surfage antigen •HCV-Ab - hepatitis C virus antibody •HIV-EIA - HIV screening test •RPR - syphilis screening test Stool Testing (to be performed within 4 weeks of donation): •C. difficile toxin B (preferably by PCR) •Culture for enteric pathogens •O+P, if travel history suggests •A history of malignant illnesses or ongoing oncologic therapy 41 42 The Procedures Insurance, coding, Medicare beneficiaries All appropriate donor testing has been completed and patient has been approved per protocol. http://www.gastro.org/practice/coding/aga-provides-fmt-codingguidance CPT code 44705, "Preparation of fecal microbiota for instillation, including assessment of donor specimen” Patient and donor have met pre-FMT questionnaire requirements. Patient Preparation Preparation and testing of the donor and specimen may be covered by the recipient’s insurance – but even with insurance this may cost the donor several hundred dollars Thorough laxative prep - no residual stool on day of procedure Stop antibiotics 2-3 days prior Medicare does not cover the costs of screening of the donor specimen, thus beneficiaries should be advised of the cost of screening, which they may be at risk of paying for out-ofpocket. Donor Preparation •Purgative (night before) •Formed soft stool •Deliver to lab fresh day of procedure 43 The Procedures Procedure • Performed by colonoscopy • A “fistful-sized” amount (50 gms) stool collected in “hat” • Saline added and stool blended, emulsified o Onsite: use blender in biolevel 2 safety hood o At home: some sites require initial emulsifying prior to bringing in specimen • • • • 44 – Multiple syringes, approx. 100 ml total prepared suspension • Colonoscope is advanced through the colon, as withdrawn, the prepared suspension is delivered • Outpatient Procedure discharge instructions Strained (coffee filter, layers of gauze, etc) Refrigerate if not used immediately Used within 6 hours of collection Reconstitute in 500-600 ml sterile water or nonbacteriostatic sterile saline – Retain contents 35 – 45 minutes (as long as possible) – Regular activities within a few hours – Transient diarrhea, abd pain, rectal bleeding, fever • Alternate procedure : administer via NG tube* Postigo R1, Kim JH. Colonoscopic versus nasogastric fecal transplantation for the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection: a review and pooled analysis. Infection. 2012 Dec;40(6):643-8. Rectal tubes and retention enemas have been used with some success but this route is not as thoroughly studied and vetted. Question: What happens to that blender? 45 46 ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01914731 Current and future research updated: October 22, 2014 Massachusetts General Hospital • Recent literature unequivocally supports the use of FMT in treating relapsing CDI. Experimental: Capsule Fecal microbiota transplant ("stool transplant") from healthy, unrelated donor via frozen capsule • Trials are underway to determine the therapeutic potential of FMT in other conditions, particularly inflammatory bowel disease. •Healthy volunteers were screened as potential donors •FMT capsules were generated and stored at −80°C • Possible potential in autoimmune disease and metabolic diseases Patients received 15 capsules on 2 consecutive days and were followed up for symptom resolution and adverse events for up to 6 months. • Therapeutic FMT is a dynamic field with new and emerging indications along with ongoing developments in optimal mode of administration. Youngster I, Russell GH, Pindar C, Ziv-Baran T, Sauk J, Hohmann EL. Oral, capsulized, frozen fecal microbiota transplantation for relapsing Clostridium difficile infection. JAMA. 2014 Nov 5;312(17):1772-8. doi: 10.1001/jama.2014.13875. Erratum in: JAMA. 2015 Feb 17;313(7):729. • New methodologies for reconstitution of gut microbiota Therapeutic faecal microbiota transplantation: current status and future developments http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3868025/ Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2014 Jan; 30(1): 97–105. 47 Youngster I., et. All. Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Relapsing Clostridium difficile Infection Using a Frozen Inoculum From Unrelated Donors: A Randomized, Open-Label, Controlled Pilot Study Clin Infect Dis. (2014) 58 (11): 1515-1522 (Frozen FMT via NG tube) 48 Bacteria – our friends (usually!) Fig 1 Association of the microbiota with humans. Microbiota presents in all parts of our body which has direct contact with external environment. The numbers of bacteria in the mouth (1010), on the skin (1012), and in the distal gut (1014) are presented in a relation to total number of parenchymal cells (1012). The composition of the microbiota in the digestive tract greatly differs in each of specialized compartments as illustrated Physiological functions and chemical environment of each compartment are likely key factors influencing the bacterial habitants. J Obes. 2012; 2012: 879151. Published online 2012 Jan 24 49
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