March 2015 update - Health Education North West

North West Workforce Transformation Update
March 2015
Strategic Update
To ensure appropriate focus on a whole system approach, the workforce transformation
team has been structured to reflect service development across in-hospital, primary care
(including General Practice, Optometry, Dentistry and Pharmacy) and Community Based
Care (including the third sector, volunteers and carers) – each with a number of key
priorities for delivery in 2014-15.
Priorities for 2014/15 recognise and reflect the very mixed picture of workforce
transformation activity across the care sectors and span the need to;
Develop the systems and processes for systematic transformation at pace
Identify the key deliverables and ‘quick wins’
Generate the evidence base and learning for wider adoption and spread
Workforce Repository and Planning Tool (WRaPT)
Since the last Workforce Transformation team update to the LETB in October, the new
Workforce Repository and Planning Tool (WRaPT), has been presented at the Stakeholder
Forum event in December. The live demonstration illustrated how the tool can be used to
intelligently workforce plan across whole health and social care economies, aligning
workforce with activity data. For more information on this free tool, or to see a
demonstration, please contact
Primary Care
General Practice Workforce Data Collection
The HENW General Practice Workforce Data Collection has been revamped and upgraded
for improved user experience and to align with nationally mandated data items. General
Practices across the North West are now updating their workforce data, or entering it for
We are the Local Education and Training Board for the North West
Developing people
for health and
the first time in some instances, to improve our intelligence on the
profile of the General Practice workforce. HENW is supporting North West General
Practices with the nationally mandated workforce data submission to HSCIC by submitting
on Practices behalf, reducing duplication and burden on Practices to submit data.
HENW Workforce Plan
Later this month the HENW Workforce Plan will be published which includes a chapter on
Primary Care investment. The data collected in 2014 via the General Practice Workforce
Data Collection, as well as a Greater Manchester pilot with Optometry, informed
educational and workforce investment. The Workforce Plan also covers other HENW
programmes and work and investment.
Education Commissions
 Recruitment to ring-fenced places for Assistant and Advanced Practitioner programmes
continues with it anticipated that all places will be filled
 Recruitment to Community Specialist Practitioner programme for General Practice
Nursing continues with spaces available for September 2015 start dates, contact for more information
 The development of the Physician Associate role continues with a service provider event
scheduled for 31st March, contact to book a place
 Further to our additional investment in 2014/15, the new financial year brings increased
investment in Primary Care
o An additional £1m CPD cash allocation to CCGs for Primary Care
o An additional £500k CPD SLA allocation to CCGs for Primary Care
Integrated Care
Integrated Care Demonstrator Sites
Following the launch of the Integrated Care Workforce Demonstrator Sites funding in
December, a total of 35 bids were received across the region, with a total value of
Against a set of criteria bids were reviewed, yielding 24 Integrated Care Workforce
Demonstrator Sites across the North West, with a total value of £2,388,841.
Demonstrator Sites were required to support one of 3 local integrated care initiatives:
 Those already in place requiring capture of evidence base to support
adoption and spread i.e. Learning
 Those planned, requiring implementation resource to kickstart i.e. Product
 Those to enable spread and adoption of recognised best practice initiatives
i.e. Process
An overview of each of the successful bids is available at
We are the Local Education and Training Board for the North West
Developing people
for health and
Interim reports will be submitted to HENW in June with final reports due in September.
The outputs of the Demonstrator Sites will be showcased at an event on November 3rd;
further details will be circulated shortly.
For further information on the Integrated Care Demonstrator Sites please contact
Apprenticeship Project Managers Third Sector / Primary Care
Apprenticeships have now been established as a key route for the development of
knowledge and skills through work for work. Given the success that Health Education North
West has had in supporting the adoption of apprenticeships by NHS organisations
and recognising the value that apprentices are now bringing to the workforce, an early
focus of the workforce transformation programme is to explore how we might support
primary care and third sector organisations in taking more advantage of apprenticeships
and using them as a development pathway to upskill existing staff without a recognised
minimum level 2 qualification and /or in the recruitment of new staff to ensure effective
and sufficient workforce capacity and capability out of hospital.
Scoping has commenced to assess the workforce need and future investment requirements
across both Primary Care and Third Sector.
For further information on the programme please contact or
one of the dedicated Project Managers:
Tracey Arden, Apprenticeship Project Manager Third Sector,, 07475 004902
Helen Podmore, Project Manager Primary Care Apprenticeships,, 07887 210743
HENW currently commissions over 400 Cadets across both non–clinical and clinical
programmes through Skills for Health Academy North West. Work is currently underway to
ensure that Cadets have exposure to all sectors. To express an interest in providing
placements for cadets please email
Further information is available at
We are the Local Education and Training Board for the North West
Developing people
for health and
Upcoming events
Physician Associates in the North West
31st March 2015, 09:30-13:00
Bolton Whites Hotel, Macron Stadium, De Havilland Way, Bolton, Greater Manchester,BL6
For more information and to book your place on this event please contact
Workforce Transformation have created a booklet which presents existing, new and
emerging roles supported by health Education North West which contribute to workforce
You can find copies at
Enabling Workforce Transformation in General Practice Event
Enabling Workforce Transformation in General Practice’ was hosted by Health Education
North West. A total of three sub-regional events were held, with events in Warrington,
Preston and Manchester. Each event was attended by approximately 70 healthcare
professionals, including practice managers and general practitioners.
The ‘Enabling Workforce Transformation in General Practice’ event was set up to increase
awareness of and engagement in the work of HENW, to share information on the courses
and emerging roles the organisation invests in, and to showcase the opportunities available
in general practice for 2015.
You can find resources and videos from the events via the links below;
Event overview (Warrington):
We are the Local Education and Training Board for the North West
Developing people
for health and
Applications now being accepted for Assistant, Associate and Advanced Practitioner Roles
Health Education North West continues to support the development of Assistant, Associate
and Advanced Practitioner roles and you can find the process for applying for funding at ;
For more information on any of our
Work programmes please contact us at; or 0161 625 7366
We are the Local Education and Training Board for the North West
Developing people
for health and