Volume 6 April 2015 Dear Friends, DISTRICT STAFF District Superintendent Barry Burns bburns@wocumc.org One thing I think we can all agree on is that we are ready for Spring and the change of weather that comes with it. The longer days, warmer weather, more sunshine, all give us hope that the long winter is done. It reinforces the message of Easter! Asst. to the Dist. Supt. Amy Haines ahaines@wocumc.org Office Administrator Debra Lee deblee@wocumc.org Administrative Assistant Sandy Pergram spergram@wocumc.org IN THIS ISSUE: A word from our DS…………1 Message from Amy….……...2 County Gatherings………….3 Thank You Notes...………....3 Retirees Gathering………….4 Mission News…………….....4 Spring Conference……….....5 This ‘n That…………………..6 Connectional Giving………...7 Denman Award……………...8 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 NKJV Northwest Plains District United Methodist Church 910 E. Third Street Ottawa, OH 45875 Telephone: 419.523.9901 800.589.7828 FAX 419.523.3479 E-mail: nwplains@wocumc.org Website: www.nwpumc.org Like us on Facebook! Issue 4 Rev. Barry Burns Northwest Plains District Superinten- Isn’t this what we all need to hear, and even more, need to experience? We need to be reminded of the message of Easter – There is hope! With all the signs of brokenness and darkness surrounding us, we long for the hope of resurrection. In the midst of the terrorism, racism, violence, and abuse that is so prevalent in our world, we as the Body of Christ need to live out our commitment to be Easter people. With illness, grief, depression, and anxiety touching so many of our families or even us personally, we need to be reminded of that resurrection message that there is light in the midst of darkness! With so many of our congregations experiencing conflict, brokenness, decline, and a loss of hope, we need to live out that promise of the empty tomb that there is life even in the midst of death! So as we gather in our congregations and families to celebrate the Easter season, may we experience the joy of the resurrection once again. But even more, may we commit ourselves anew to living out the resurrection in our communities, in our congregations, and even in our own families and relationships. Where there is brokenness, may we bring healing. Where there is injustice, may we strive for justice. Where there is anger, may we be peacemakers. Where there is death, may we bring life. And where there is darkness, may we shine the light of Christ. In other words, may we truly be the Body of Christ! It is my prayer that we will be able to move beyond empty traditions and just simply going through the motions in our celebrations this year. I pray that we can each experience a deep renewal of hope and new life as we reflect on the message of the resurrection! As the ancient liturgy states so simply: He is risen! He is risen indeed! Blessings! Page 2 Northwest Plains Compass April 2015 Songs That Tell Our Story Rev. Amy Haines Assistant to the District Superintendent As I write this we are heading into Holy Week. Soon our churches will be filled with songs that once again tell the story that is central to our faith, the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. “Hosanna, loud hosanna, the little children sang.” “Go to dark Gethsemane, ye that feel the tempter’s power.” “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” “In Christ alone my hope is found, he is my light, my strength, my song.” “You came from heaven to earth to show the way; from the earth to the cross my debt to pay; from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky; Lord I lift your name on high.” “Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!” “Easter people raise your voices…Easter people let us sing.” Every Sunday we sing songs that proclaim our faith or offer our prayers to God. “Blessed assurance Jesus is mine.” “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.” “Bless the Lord, o my soul, worship his holy name.” “Savior he can move the mountains, my God is mighty to save, he is mighty to save.” Do you ever pay attention to the words that you sing? Sometimes the words may be ancient texts written in a way that is hard for us to understand today. Sometimes the words may undergird a theology that is not where we find ourselves at the moment. Sometimes the words convey a message that our lives are really not ready to live. “O sacred head now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down, now scornfully surrounded with thorns, thine only crown: how pale thou are with anguish with sore abuse and scorn! How does that visage languish which once was bright as morn?” “Crucified, laid behind a stone, you lived to die, rejected and alone, like a rose trampled on the ground, you took the fall and thought of me above all.” “Spirit, lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me; take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior.” “Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me… melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.” Do you ever pay attention to the words that you sing? I don’t want to scare you away from singing. I firmly believe that the one who sings prays twice, as the old saying goes. And we are ALL called to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Some of us call that noise music, and others call it, well, noise. Yet this Holy Week, and every Sunday, and whenever you sing along to praise and worship on CD or on the radio, pay attention to the words you sing. May they become for you a time of devotion rather than rote, a time of praise rather than background noise. I have been at more than one bedside of a dying parishioner who suddenly finds comfort in the reassuring words of the hymns of faith that convey the promises of God. The songs may change over the years, yet the power of these songs of faith does not. May we recognize the power of the words of faith we sing! May we sing them in the shower and in the car, hum them at work or around the house. May they undergird our faith, and be a foundation for our lives. May we sing them together with the saints before us and those yet to come, offering praise to God, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer, now and forevermore! “Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heavens and earth reply, Alleluia!” April 2015 Northwest Plains Compass Page 3 County Gatherings for Clergy April 7 1st Tuesday 8:30 am 11:30 am Hancock County Allen County April 8* 1st Wednesday 8:30 am 11:30 am Auglaize County Mercer County April 9* 1st Thursday 8:30 am 11:30 am Williams County Defiance County April 21 3rd Tuesday 8:30 am Putnam County April 15 3rd Wednesday 8:30 am 11:30 am Van Wert County Paulding County April 16 3rd Thursday 8:30 am 11:30 am Hardin County Wyandot County Scrambler Marie's, 516 S. Main St., Findlay Old Barn Out Back, 3175 W. Elm St., Lima R J’s Coffey Cup, 901 Defiance St., Wapakoneta Orchard Tree, 501 Grand Lake Rd., Celina Rita’s Family Dining, 103 N. Michigan Ave., Edgerton Sherwood UMC, 512 Harrison St., Sherwood Henry’s, 810 N. Locust St., Ottawa VW Hospital Cafeteria, 1250 S. Washington St., Van Wert Fiesta Habaneros Mexican Grill, 209 N. Williams St., Paulding Henry's, 995 N. Detroit St., Kenton Meet at Trinity Evangelical UMC, 108 Malabar Dr., Upper Sandusky *denotes date change With thanks and appreciation to… ...Pastor Lynda and the staff at Trinity UMC, Ottawa for the outstanding hospitality extended to our Lay Servant workshop leaders and participants on March 7. Thank you for the use of your facility and also for Noon meal. ...Pastor Justin and the staff at Trinity UMC, Defiance for hosting the District Committee on Ministry Interviews on March 17. Lunch was delicious and the hospitality outstanding. ...Pastor Jennifer and the staff at Howard UMC for hosting the Certified Lay Ministry Breakfast on March 21. Thank you for the delicious breakfast and the use of your facility. ...Pastor Andy and the folks at Alger First UMC for hosting the United Methodist Women’s Spiritual Half-Day. We appreciate your hospitality! Page 4 Northwest Plains Compass April 2015 NORTHWEST PLAINS RETIREES SPRING LUNCHEON Retired Pastors, Spouses and Surviving Spouses APRIL 20 Monday, April 20, 12:00 Noon Otterbein St. Marys Senior Lifestyle Community 11230 State Route 364, St. Marys Cost: $5.70 per person (Otterbein St. Marys residents are not required to pay for lunch but a reservation is necessary.) If you did not receive an invitation/reservation form and would like to attend the luncheon, please call the district office—800.589.7828. SIERRA LINDA MISSION TRIP A LEARNING EXPERIENCE Article submitted by Rosalie and Bob Lora The first week in March my husband and I went to Mexico on our first mission trip together. I was a little apprehensive at first as this was my first trip out of the states. But once I got there the blessings began to overflow. Our trip was delayed one day because of ice at the Dallas airport. We were then picked up Sunday evening from the airport in Monterey and taken directly to Camp Sierra Linda. On Monday morning after breakfast we began to work. Bob’s first job was helping to build three bunk beds for the children’s cabins. Brooke Sauer and I even used electric saws to cut the boards for the beds. I was very humbled when I saw the dining area and the chapel. Most of the windows were broken or no windows at all. We started to repair them when Pastor Neal said maybe we should just replace all of the chapel with new windows. So we then proceeded to replace nearly 300 windows with plexiglass for safety for the children. I had the easy job of taking a hammer and breaking out the old windows and Pastor Neal, Bob and Brooke were placing in the new ones. It was a blessing to see the finished job with all the windows replaced or repaired. There was a lot of laughter mixed in with the work. On Friday we took a walking tour of Monterey. Ate at Carl Jrs., (American hamburgers) went to a museum, took a boat ride through the city, went shopping and ended our day with ice cream. Bob and I were extremely blessed and humbled at the same time. It helps us to appreciate even more how much we are blessed by God. Bob is looking forward to going back again next year. If you ever get the opportunity to go on the Mexico Mission trip, don’t pass it up. You will be greatly blessed. I would like to thank Victor for his hospitality, those who prepared our meals, and all those who worked with us. Many thanks also for the Northwest Plains District for helping to coordinate this trip. During our time at Camp Sierra Linda, we may have spoken to each other in different languages, but that was soon overcome by the outpouring of God’s love for each other. God Bless. April 2015 Northwest Plains Compass Page 5 Spring District Gathering Sunday, May 17, 3 PM Wesley UMC 551 Center Street, Van Wert, OH All pastors, lay members, district at large members, and lay persons are invited to participate in this year’s Spring District Conference. Gathering time begins at 2:30 pm, allowing participants to meet one another and build relationships with others across the Northwest Plains. The District Conference will begin at 3:00 pm. There will also be an “Orientation to Annual Conference for first-time Lay Members” at 2:30 pm. The Book of Reports for Annual Conference will be available for pick-up. During the Conference, we will worship together and recognize graduates, those being commissioned, first-time licenses for local pastors, newly certified candidates, transitions and retirements. Conference business should conclude by 4:30 pm. A time for fellowship and light refreshments will follow giving everyone the opportunity to bid farewell to those who are retiring and transitioning to new appointments. The following people will represent the Northwest Plains District as At-Large Members to Annual Conference Betty Alder, Community Wayne Arnold, Wapakoneta Salem Betty Augsburger, Kenton First Debra Bame, Arcadia Suzanne Bandy, Oakdale Scott Barrett, Kenton First Tyler Bowers, Bryan Wesley Jacqi Bradley, LaFayette First Jane Brown, Delphos Trinity Larry Brown, Delphos Trinity Luke Burkhart, Delphos Trinity Julie Burns, Findlay St. Paul’s Nila Clementson, Twin Oaks Tamara Coleman, Cairo Brenda Delong, North Union Candy Dicke, St. Marys Wayne St. Tim Dicke, St. Marys Wayne St. Joan Dinnen, Ayersville Carol Doseck, Sherwood Marjorie Dresbach, Leipsic Mark Dresbach, Leipsic Virginia Fadley, Wharton Big Oak Ron Fanning, Celina St. Paul’s Phyllis Fell, Kossuth Zion Linda Flesher, Pulaski dj Fuerstenau, Delphos Trinity Donna Gallaway, Leipsic Crystal Goodnight, Edgerton Keira Grandey, Evansport Rebecca Graves, Leipsic Michael Greer, Cridersville Katelyn Harrington, Lima Trinity Janet Harshman, Cairo Beverly Hasselswerth, Defiance Trinity Joe Hochstettler, Forest Linda Holman, Elida St. Paul Mary Honecker, Arlington Bill Huber, Celina Bethany Connie Iler, Evansport Marian Kauffman, Defiance St. Paul’s Ronald Kaufman, Gilboa Valerie Strohl-Kramer, Celina St. Paul’s Rick Lamb, Cairo Paul Ledyard, Montpelier St. Paul’s Daniel Lee, Wapakoneta First Jonah Lee, Wapakoneta First Rebekah Lee, Wapakoneta First Vanessa Lee, Wapakoneta First James Mallory, Celina St. Paul’s Tesia Mallory, Celina St. Paul’s Justin McCall, Bluffton First Myrna McCurdy, Ada First Dominic Mejia, Bryan Wesley Dean Metzger, Arcadia Owen Moore, Lima Trinity Carolyn Musser, Ottawa Trinity Genevieve Noggle, Melrose Matt Overman, Celina St. Paul’s John Peters, West Independence Gabrielle Phelps, Kenton Epworth Laura Plaugher, Rockport Will Ploughe, Evansport Douglas Pummell, John Stewart Nancy Rader, Leipsic Karen Rank, Kingsley Roger Rank, Kingsley Ben Rose, Lima Trinity Nancy Rose, Lima Trinity Diane Sheffield, Celina Bethany Angie Smith, Celina St. Paul’s Becky Snyder, Marseilles Lindsay Tissot, Van Wert Wesley Mike Vollmar, Alger First Karen Wack, Bethel/North Union Paul Warren, New Hope Bethel Dena Weatherly, Leipsic Jane Wilder, Celina St. Paul’s Casey Wood, Bryan Wesley Page 6 Northwest Plains Compass April 2015 Lay Servant Courses April 11 Advanced Lay Servant Training, “Pastoral Care” Clergy & Laity Spiritual Formation Retreat Finding Your Spiritual Direction April 27-28, 2015 April 11 Advanced Lay Servant Training, “United Methodist Polity” Information/Registration: http://nwpumc.org/ index.php?page=lay-ministry-training Retreat Leader: Sister Kathleen Flood An Illinois native, Kathleen R. Flood, OP, presently resides in Nashville, Tennessee. She became a member of the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation (the Order of Preachers) in 1981, and served as a campus minister in Illinois and Wisconsin. She came to Nashville in 1988 to serve as University Catholic Chaplain at Vanderbilt University, a position she held for seven years. She is presently Director of Contemplative Programs and Coordinator of the Mentorship in Spiritual Direction for StillPoint, INC. In addition, Kathleen serves as an adjunct faculty member for the Doctor of Ministry program at Drew University in New Jersey and the Spiritual Formation Academy sponsored by the Upper Room where she teaches in both the two-year and the five-day academies. Retreat Rates REGISTRATION IS LIMITED TO 50 ATTENDEES $100 $180 $150 $200 per person within Northwest Plains per married couple residing within Northwest Plains District (sharing a room) per person residing outside of the Northwest Plains District. per married couple residing outside of the Northwest Plains District (sharing a room) Registration fee covers 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner, snacks, and retreat materials. Information/Registration: http://nwpumc.org/ index.php?page=leadership-training Interested in serving at the Conference level? The West Ohio Conference Nominations Committee is working hard to deepen the pool of lay and clergy that are interested in serving on the conference level on various committees and teams. If you are interested in serving on the conference level please click on the link below to submit an interest form. http:// www.westohioumc.org/conference/webform/westohio-conference-leadership-interest-form Imagine No Malaria “Sunday to Save Lives” Every sixty seconds, malaria claims another life. Help to save lives through participating in Imagine No Malaria, a life-saving campaign of prevention, education, communication and treatment of malaria in subSaharan Africa. Bishop Palmer invites every West Ohio congregation to participate in reaching our goal of raising $3.5 million dollars to save 350,000 lives. The good news—we are 90% toward our goal! Would you consider helping to reach that goal by Annual Conference? Every gift, large or small, makes a difference. Resources are available on the conference website to host a “Sunday to Save Lives” prior to Pentecost on May 24. Consider how your church can be creative to raise money and awareness about Imagine No Malaria in your congregation and community. Every $10 helps to save the life of a child, a mother, a grandparent in Africa. Resources are found at www.inmohio.org/ imaginenomalaria April 2015 Northwest Plains Compass Page 7 2015 CONNECTIONAL GIVING MOVING FULL STEAM AHEAD 100% Conference Giving (as of 3/31) On track with Conference giving (25% or more) Crawford Landfair Mercer Middle Point Mt. Zion (Hardin Co.) Otterbein Roundhead St. Johns Willshire Union Alger First Allentown Arlington Bryan Faith Bryan Wesley Carey Grace Carey Memorial Celina St. Paul’s Chattanooga Columbus Grove St. Johns Continental United Defiance St. Paul’s Delphos St. Paul Delphos Trinity Edon Elida St. Pauls 100% District Giving (as of 3/31) On track with District Giving (25% or more) Arcadia Bryan Faith Celina Mt. Zion Coldwater Country Chapel Crawford Erastus Fort Recovery Grover Hill Zion Hamilton Bethel Harrod Hepburn Landfair Leipsic Liberty Chapel Melbern Melrose Mercer Middle Creek Alger First Allentown Antwerp Ayersville Bluffton First Bryan Wesley Caret Grace Carey Memorial Celina Bethany Celina St. Paul’s Chattanooga Col Grove St. John Continental Christ Continental United Convoy Cridersville Defiance St. Paul’s Delphos St. Paul Delphos Trinity Edgerton Elida Immanuel Elida St. Paul Evansport Farmer Middle Point Mt. Tabor Mt. Zion (Hardin Co.) New Knoxville Otterbein Pleasant View Rhinehart Riley Creek Rockport Roundhead St. Johns Trinity Evangelical Wapakoneta First Westminster Wharton Big Oak Wms Center Asbury Wms Center Calvary Willshire Union Where Your Money Goes The cost of our Christcentered global ministry is significant, but it is only a tiny portion of our local church budget. Of every $1 given in offering (see graphic). Evansport Farmer Findlay St. Andrew’s Fort Recovery Friends Harrod Hepburn Journey at Christ Leipsic Lima Trinity Lima Westside Mendon Montpelier St. Paul’s Mt. Blanchard Mt. Tabor Ney Oakdale Findlay Howard Findlay St. Andrew’s Findlay St. Paul’s Friends Gilboa Hicksville Trinity Houcktown Journey at Christ Kenton Epworth Kenton First Kingsley Lima Forest Park Lima St. Marks Lima Trinity Lima Westside Mark Center Marseilles McComb Mendon Montpelier First Montpelier St. Paul’s Mt. Blanchard Mt. Cory Mt. Zion (Paulding Co.) Ohio City Ottawa Trinity Ridgeway Rockford Rockport Salem Cass Spencerville Trinity St. Marys Grace St. Marys Wayne Street Uniopolis Vanlue Christ Van Wert Bethel Walnut Grove (Aug. Co.) Westminster Wharton Big Oak Wms Center Asbury Wms Center Calvary New Beginnings Ney North Creek Oakdale Ohio City Paulding Pleasant Chapel Ridgeway Rockford Salem Cass Sherwood Spencerville Trinity St. Marys Grace St. Marys Wayne Street Sugar Grove Uniopolis Van Wert Bethel Van Wert First Van Wert Wesley Vanlue Christ Walnut Grove (Aug. Co.) Walnut Grove (Hardin Co.) Waynesfield West Independence Your church's expense figures will vary. depending on your support of annual conference benevolences. Source: General Council on Finance and Administration data, 2012 (most current data available). http://www.umc.org/how-wes erve/where- your -m one ygoes Nominations for Denman Awards Honoring Excellence in Evangelism Each year at the West Ohio Annual Conference session, the Bishop presents the prestigious Harry Denman Evangelism Award http://foundationforevangelism.org/recognition/harry-denman-evangelism-award/ to celebrate the outstanding personal evangelism ministry of clergy, laity and youth in West Ohio. Pictured at right are Keith and Diane Richardson from New Horizons United Methodist Church receiving the 2014 Denman Award for Lay persons from Bishop Palmer and Rev. Kathleen Brown. Nominations for the 2015 awards are now being accepted via the forms below. Deadline for all nominations is April 20. Denman Award Nomination for Clergy http://files.ctctcdn.com/d20bd20a001/42bf3bc3-cac4-4c64-92ed-396b648a6c54.pdf Denman Award Nomination for Lay Person http://files.ctctcdn.com/d20bd20a001/42bf3bc3-cac4-4c64-92ed396b648a6c54.pdf Denman Award Nomination for Young Person http://files.ctctcdn.com/d20bd20a001/bd92872e-0382-4dc2-8f2cb69fce15f8d1.pdf Northwest Plains Compass The Northwest Plains Compass is published monthly. News releases relating to the Compass should be emailed to: nwplains@wocumc.org or mailed to: Northwest Plains Compass, Northwest Plains District United Methodist Church, 910 E. Third St., Ottawa, OH 45875. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 16 Ottawa, Ohio 45875 NORTHWEST PLAINS DISTRICT THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 910 E THIRD ST OTTAWA OH 45875 Return Service Requested
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