The Desmond Hotel Albany, New York Friday, March 27th – Sunday, March 29th, 2015 1 New York District Key Club Governor Hello Mighty New York District! th I would like to welcome you all to the 67 Annual New York District Key Club Leadership Training Conference. For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Jacob Spencer and I am your soon to be retired District Governor. This past year has been one of many triumphs in the New York District. We have chartered seven clubs so far with another five being processed, we have reached our fundraising goal and our service hour’s goal, and we are celebrating the anniversaries of 16 Key Clubs throughout the district. Leadership Training Conference is a time to learn, grow, and celebrate our achievements. I encourage you to take advantage of every moment that you have this weekend. At the end of this weekend, I will have been at an LTC for 282 hours, 16,920 minutes, and 1,015,200 seconds. I am glad to say that I have cherished all 1,015,200 seconds and the best piece of advice that I can give you is for you to do the same. I thank you for an incredible year of service. It has truly been the best year of my life. I encourage you to come up and talk to me this weekend. It would be my pleasure! Now let’s celebrate! Yours in Service, Jacob Spencer New York District Key Club Governor New York District Administrator To the New York District Key Clubbers, Welcome to the 67thannual New York District Leadership Training Conference. We would like to thank the Desmond Hotel staff for all they have done to help make this conference a success. Their support of this conference is greatly appreciated. I want to also thank Mr. David Vail for his 30 years of dedicated service to the New York District Key Club. Congratulations my friend on a job well done. Your District Board and Conference Committee have worked very long and hard to make this event the best ever. They have tried to make this years Conference a little different and even more enjoyable. They considered your evaluations and where possible made changes. We have some new and exciting workshops for you to try. We have brought back PLAY FAIR by popular demand. Governor Jacob and I are very excited to offer you this great conference and we would encourage you to take full advantage of all that is offered. I want to thank each of you for all the time and service that you give to your communities and the world. You truly epitomize the term “Servant Leaders.” It is a privilege to serve as your Administrator. Yours in Key Club Service, John Goldstein District Administrator 2 Code of Conduct 1. No Key Clubber will be permitted to leave the hotel building for any purpose until the close of the Conference. 2. No adult will be permitted to leave the grounds for any purpose until the close of the Conference. 3. Food deliveries from outside vendors must be delivered to the front desk only, and before 11:30 P.M. An adult advisor must be there to pay for the order. 4. No Key Clubber will be allowed to charge any expense to the hotel. All Key Clubbers must pay cash for hotel expenses. 5. No Key Clubber will be permitted to drink or have in their possession or in their room any intoxicating beverage. This rule applies to all Key Clubbers regardless of age, as well as guests. If alcoholic beverages are found in any room, all Key Clubbers or persons in that room at that time may be held equally responsible for a violation of these rules. The state police will be notified and violators subject to arrest. The same rule applies to the use of any drug, narcotic, or controlled substance, except prescribed medicine. 6. Care shall be taken not to deface any property. Throwing objects out windows is strictly prohibited. 7. The Conference Staff are authorized to confiscate any materials causing or likely to cause a disturbance of the orderly procedure of the Conference. 8. No Key Clubber will be allowed to have fireworks. 9. A 12:00 A.M. curfew will be observed and strictly enforced. All chaperones must make sure that those Key Clubbers for whom they have assumed responsibility are in their assigned rooms at curfew. Unnecessary noises at any hour are prohibited. 10. All persons attending the Conference will be expected to cooperate with and respect the authority of the Conference Staff at all times. 11. It is a misdemeanor or criminal offense in the State of New York for anyone to be staying in a room other than the one(s) he or she is registered to, or to be under an assumed name. 12. No Key Clubber will be permitted in any room of the hotel assigned to the Key Clubbers of the opposite sex. 13. A program will be held at each of the meal sessions. In view of the fact that attendance is mandatory in such sessions, no Key Clubber or other persons will be allowed to leave the room during a meal session or program without the express authority of the Conference Staff. Members of the Staff will be posted at the entrances to enforce this regulation. Anyone not abiding by these directions will be held in violation of these rules. 3 Code of Conduct 14. Name badges must be worn around neck at all times during the Conference. 15. Attendance of all Key Clubbers at caucus sessions is mandatory. 16. No Key Clubber, Kiwanian, or adult advisor shall be allowed to be present in any of the caucuses except the caucuses of the division in which his/her Kiwanis or Key Club is located. However, the Key Club Governor, District Administrator or persons designated by them shall not be subject to this provision. All others must be accompanied by one of the above-mentioned persons, or they shall only be allowed to attend the caucus session of their home division. The Conference Staff, Key Club Lieutenant Governors, and the Kiwanis Advisors shall enforce this regulation and may prohibit any unauthorized persons from entering the caucus. No person other than the assigned Key Club Lieutenant Governor, a Key Club recognized by the Lieutenant Governor, the Kiwanian assigned to the caucus or the assigned advisor are allowed on the floor. No person other than Key Clubbers may question a candidate and may only do so when recognized by the Key Club Lieutenant Governor. 17. Jacket and tie is mandatory dress for all Business Professional sessions and appropriate programs. Dress skirts, dress pants, or appropriate pants are required for women. Jeans, designer, or other types, will not be acceptable dress for meal sessions. Sneakers are not acceptable. Neat dress and dress that is not distracting is expected during the Conference at all times. At Saturday afternoon lunch sessions and all Saturday workshops and contests (excluding the evening meal and general session), Key Clubbers may wear “business casual” attire, i.e., pants and a dress shirt, sweater, or any other such attire excluding sneakers and jeans. 18. Every person attending the Conference will be expected to attend all general sessions, mandatory meal sessions, and other activities as directed in the Conference Program. 19. All Key Clubbers running for office, campaign managers, and committee members are to abide by the official rules for campaigning, which are sent to each club and given to each candidate. 20. Smoking is not permitted at any time in the hotel or on hotel property. 21. No person will be entitled to any refund of registration fees if dismissed from the Conference for any and all disciplinary reasons. Anyone dismissed from the Conference should understand that they must pay their own expenses home and that a letter will be sent to their parents, school principal, and their sponsoring Kiwanis Club. 4 Dress Code a nd Workshop Symbols The following is the description of acceptable dress for Conference weekend. Under no circumstances whatsoever are clothing with inappropriate language or graphics allowed. Neat dress is expected during the whole of the Conference. Conference attendees must wear your lanyards and name badges at all times. Please refer to the schedule to see the dress code for each event. Business Professional: Males: Dress shirt, slacks, necktie, sport jacket or tuxedo, appropriate shoes. Females: Dress suit or skirt/slacks with blouse, appropriate shoes. (ALL RECEPTIONS, SATURDAY DINNER, CAUCUS SESSIONS AND GENERAL SESSIONS AS DESIGNATED IN THE PROGRAM) Business Casual: Males: Slacks, collared shirt, appropriate shoes. Female: Slacks/skirt/skort, blouse or collared shirt, appropriate shoes. (WORKSHOPS, FRIDAY DINNER, FRIDAY GENERAL SESSIONS, AND LUNCHES) Casual: Males: Jeans/shorts, collared shirts/sweatshirt/t-shirt, casual footwear. Female: Jeans/shorts/skirt/skort, collared skirt/sweatshirt/t-shirt, casual footwear. (FREETIME AND BREAKFAST) The following symbols indicate the workshop required for each Key Club position. Nevertheless, every workshop is open to all Key Clubbers. Presidents & Vice Presidents Secretaries Editors & Webmasters Treasurers Advisors 5 2014-2015 Executive Boa rd Governor Jacob Spencer Secretary Heather Farley Treasurer Anusha Syed Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin Webmaster Danny Qiu Executive Assistant Kiera Solomon Executive Assistant Theresa Lin 6 2014-2015 District Boa rd Division 1 Sarah Strebel Division 2 Zachery Payton Division 3 Christine Shen Division 4 Rohit Mathew Division 5 Matthew Garber Division 6 Zainab Nathani Division 7 Anish Jain Division 8 Henry Wang Division 8A Cindy Pietrakowski Division 9 Clifford Young Division 10 Ryan Coffey Division 11 Aaron Cheung Division 12 Diyu Pearce-Fisher Division 13 Jai Agarwal Division 14 Chloe Peer 7 2014-2015 District Boa rd Division 15 Logan Graham Division 16 Hanna Nichols Division 17 Hailey Etherton Division 18 LeeAnn Owens Division 19 Nathaniel Moretz Division 21 Kenneth Vreeland Division 22 Bryana Snyder Division 23 Victoria Syracusa Division 24 Rebecca Monroe Division 25 Julia Dressler Distinguished IP Governor Paul DeSantis Laken Kelly Trustee from New York Division Liaison Lillian Xie Shane Meyers Trustee to New York 8 2015 Conference Honoree David Vail, Assistant Administrator For 35 years of service to New York District Key Club 2014-2015 Kiwanis Committee John D. Goldstein, District Administrator David Vail, Assistant Administrator Andrew Lowenberg, Michael Berthel, Kim Scharoff, Charlotte Owens, Rebecca Ovadia, Herman Ovadia, Leonard Gioia, Jason I. Steiner, Ed Sexton, David Morse, Joseph Eppolito, Virginia Eppolito, Patti Dean, Christina Frank, Jane Murray, Kevin Love, Mary Beth Vail 2014-2015 Conference Committee Conference Committee Chair – Kiera Solomon Tech Chair – Danny Qiu Elections Chair- Paul DeSantis 2014-2015 Conference Staff Letitia Ryan – Norwood Norfolk High School Shanaya Bulmer – Tamarac High School Bhupindra Singh – Richmond Hill High School Jessica Malleck – La Guardia High School Brent Legenbauer – Tamarac High School Jungwon “Olivia” Shin – Staten Island Tech High School Erick Morocho – Sunnyside Community Victoria MacMaster – Sunnyside Community Evan Batov – Staten Island Tech High School Kyle Pacia – Middletown High School Carly Edelman – Staten Island Tech High School 9 2015 Conference Honoree David Vail, Assistant Administrator Biography Mr. Vail has served on the Adult Committee for Key Club since 1982, serving on this committee under all of the district administrators since Judge D’Auria. From 1985 to the present he has served as Financial Advisor and Assistant Administrator of New York District Key Club. Former Key Club members from all of these years still comment on the influence he has had on their lives and the lives of others through his service to the countless teenagers served by Kiwanis. He has been Director of Conventions for many years, working with schools and advisors to help get as many teens attending the Leadership Training Conference as want to attend. Mr. Vail has served all elected offices in Latham Kiwanis and has continuously promoted the values of Kiwanis through services to the Colonie community. He is the “go to” person in the area when Kiwanis is needed to help in the community. He has served in numerous district chairs since 1987, and this year as Kiwanis Spiritual Aims chairman. He served on the Kiwanis District Foundation Board for three years. He is a commissioned Deacon in the Lutheran Church of the Atlantic District, and serves as Chaplain for the Good Samaritan Nursing Home in Delmar, NY. He has served as the Human and Spiritual Aims chairman for Capital Division and for Latham Kiwanis. Mr. Vail helps with collections for Disaster Relief for the District. Dave began his “Kiwanis”service in 1964 as an active member of the Philip Schuyler High School Key Club. (Schuyler was Key Club #2 formed in the District). Mr. Vail and his wife Mrs. Mary Beth Vail are very active on the Kiwanis Committee on Key Club and their daughter, Susan, is a current Kiwanis LTG and an active Kiwanis representative at Key Club meetings and activities. In the Kiwanis Club of Latham he has served terms as treasurer, director and President. Dave served as LTG under Governors Charlie Price, Ralph Vasami, Justin Underwood and Bill Risbrook. Last year he serves as Spiritual Aims chairman for Gov. Joe Aiello. He has driven probably thousands of miles transporting Key Clubbers to local and District events. His dedication to Key Club and its mission were prevalent throughout his entire tenure on the Kiwanis Committee. Mr. Vail will truly be missed. 10 Interna tiona l Trustee Hello Key Clubbers! I’m Shane Meyers and I currently serve as your International Trustee! Welcome to the Desmond Hotel for the New York District’s annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC). As a resident of West Palm Beach, Florida, I’m hoping that New York’s cold weather doesn’t bother me too much! I can’t wait to meet you all and find out about the things your clubs are doing to serve your homes, schools, and communities. There are several reasons why I’m attending LTC, the first of which is to meet members of the New York District. As the liaison between the Key Club International Board and the New York District, it is my responsibility to get in touch with as many members as possible. I love to share everything I know about Key Club with anyone who will listen, so please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself if you see me at any time throughout the weekend. One of my other functions is to discuss Key Club International in a more formal setting during workshop sessions. This weekend, I’ll be teaching a workshop on the process of running for higher officer positions. During my time at LTC, I also plan to connect with the incoming District Board so that I can help ease the transition between terms. I look forward to meeting all of you this weekend and I can’t wait to hear more about all the service clubs throughout the state are completing as I approach the end of my term as International Trustee in June at the International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana! Yours in service, Shane Meyers Interna tiona l Trustee Hello, New York District Key Clubbers! I am so excited to be joining all of you as an attendee at this year’s Leadership Training Conference. Throughout this past year, I have been given the opportunity to see the New York District grow and devote countless hours to serving our homes, schools, and communities, and this event is the perfect way to celebrate all of our accomplishments. For those of you who have never attended a Leadership Training Conference before, I can assure you, this will be one of the most life-changing experiences that you will ever have. I attended my first convention four years ago as a freshman, and the path that it has led me on has absolutely changed my life. The opportunities that you will receive as a result of your attendance at this convention will be never ending. I strongly encourage you to continue your service with Key Club and the Kiwanis Family after you leave this weekend. I cannot wait to meet each and every one of you at the conference this weekend. If you see me, please feel free to come up to me and introduce yourself, I would absolutely love to speak with you. Yours in Service, Laken Kelly Key Club International Trustee 11 New York District Kiwa nis Governor Key Clubbers & Guests: I am especially proud to be writing this greeting, as the first New York District Kiwanis Governor to have previously served as a Key Club District Officer. I am proud to have been a Key Club Lieutenant Governor and gotten my servant leader start in High School. This year, Kiwanians have concentrated much of our energies in a ReDedication to our Sponsored Programs, especially Key Club and Circle K. We have asked clubs to become closer partners with their Key Clubs and to re-evaluate and increase their financial support of your attendance at Conferences and Conventions. I hope these efforts have benefitted your clubs. Please stop and speak to me and my fellow Kiwanians in attendance this weekend. You will find a group of adults committed to the Kiwanis mission of improving the world, one child and one community at a time, and supporting your efforts as servant leaders. Congratulations to my good friend David Vail for his many years of Service on the Kiwanis Key Club Committee! I was proud to have served with you. And, Congratulations to Governor Jacob Spencer and his Board on a fine year. I also want to thank Administrator John Goldstein and his hard working Kiwanis Committee for their continuing dedication to the Key Club Program in New York. Enjoy the weekend! I look forward to meeting you and hearing of your many efforts! ERIC G. PAUL 2014-2015 Governor New York District Kiwanis International New York District Circle K Governor Hello Key Clubbers, My name is Renee Girard and I’m currently serving as the New York District Governor of Circle K International, the collegiate branch of Kiwanis, for the 2014-2015 service year. I recently graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Hospitality Management and will be moving to Chicago for work once my term ends. I am thrilled to be spending this weekend with you. I always wanted to attend LTC when I was a Key Clubber, but I never got the chance! Please feel free to stop me to chat anytime throughout this weekend or at the Circle K booth, if you have questions about Circle K or college in general. If you’re a senior and looking for more information on joining Circle K at your college, visit! Enjoy this lovely weekend at the Desmond! Yours in service, Renee Girard New York District Governor Circle K International P.S. Shout out to Eva Reese (my favorite Key Clubber…sorry Jacob!) 12 A Tribute to Pa st New York District Governors ‘49-‘50 Donald Catone ’50-‘51 Darwin Bolden ‘51-‘52 William Wolfrom ‘52-‘53 William Dean ‘53-’54 Robert Mosell ’54-’55 George Leyland ’55-’56 Charles Darrow ’56-’57 Marty Fieldstrom ’58-’59 Robert Di Cocco ’59-’60 James Kelly ’60-’61 Michael Killion ’61-’62 Robert Beebe ’62-’63 Jon Wilcox ’63-’64 Steve Saunders ’64-’65 Nicholas Garaufis ’65-’66 James Estep ’66-’67 Mark Ruchman ’67-’68 Michael Abeles ’68-’69 Richard Levine ’69-’70 Neal Haber ’70-’71 Martin Sable ’71-’72 Richard Gorman ’72-’73 Richard Guertin ’73-’74 Phillip Calderone ’74-’75 Steve Spiro ’75-’76 Gregory Rajchel ’76-’77 Bruce Yablon ’77-’78 Dave Ott ’78-’79 Edward Hennessey ’79-’80 Scott Squillace ’80-’81 Nelson Raust ’81-’82 Kenneth Maiman ’82-’83 Denise Ippolito ’83-’84 James Goebelbecker ’84-’85 Ray Winicki ’85-’86 Matt Natcharian ’86-’87 Doug Madenberg ’87-’88 Adam Greene ’88-’89 Kristina Kolkas ’89-’90 Kyle Maxstadt ’90-’91 Joe McDonald ’91-’92 Mike Valvo ’92-’93 Gene Koo ’93-’94 Frank Vivacqua II ’94-’95 Eileen Faulkner ’95-’96 Jordan Factor ’96-’97 Mike Sosso ’97-’98 Adam Weiss ’98-’99 Laura Priester ’99-’00 Lindsey Freeman ’00-’01 Stephanie Kissel ’01-’02 Mahaliel Bethea ’02-’03 Katherine Thullen ’03-’04 Michael Berthel ’04-’05 Kristin Kramer ’05-’06 Kristen Reed ’06-’07 Joey Denoncourt ’07-’08 Karen DeMaria ’08-’09 Amy Lorenc ’09-’10 Allen Yu ’10-’11 Nadyli Nuñez ’11-’12 Domenick Pesce ’12-’13 Daniel Ivan Lin ’13-’14 Paul DeSantis 13 Sample Caucus Questions 1. How has Key Club shaped the way you view community service? 2. Where does your biggest source of motivation come from? 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 4. Why did you first join Key Club? 5. What does service mean to you? 6. What is your favorite service project and why? 7. How well do you feel you are able to work with others? Why is this important in Key Club? 8. How has Key Club influenced your life and how will your life change, both positively and negatively, as a result of serving as a district officer? 9. How do you intend to accomplish your stated objectives in just one year in your position? 10. What is the importance of Key Club being a student-led organization? What are the advantages and disadvantages? 11. What is your favorite service project and why? 12. What is your greatest weakness as a leader? How will you address this in order to have a successful year in your position? 13. What sort of problems do you foresee in the future of our organization and what would you do to address them? 14. What makes Key Club different from other student organizations? 15. What would you do to improve communication between the club and the district? 16. What unique skills and qualifications would you bring to the New York District Board? 17. What do you think is the key to organizational growth? How will you support growth through your position? 18. What do you believe should be a major goal or priority for NYD Key Club in the next year, and what do you feel you could do as a member of the International Board to help accomplish this goal? 19. If elected, what would you do to strengthen relationships between Key Club and other branches of the Kiwanis family? 20. How will you effectively voice the concerns of the members you are elected to represent? 21. What other clubs and/or extra-curricular activities are you involved in; and how will that affect your role on the District Board? 22. What do you see as the biggest challenge for the person elected to the position? 14 15 Key Club International Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. Beaver Song Beaver one, beaver all, let’s all do the beaver call! Beaver two, beaver three, let’s all climb the beaver tree! Beaver four, beaver five, let’s all do the beaver jive! Beaver six, beaver seven, let’s all go to beaver heaven! Beaver eight, beaver nine, STOP! IT’S BEAVER TIME! Go Beaver! Go Beaver! Go Beaver! New York District Song I’m a New Yorker Born and a New Yorker bred, and when I die, I’ll be a New Yorker dead. Rah! Rah! New York, New York! Rah! Rah! New York, New York! Rah! Rah! New York, New York District GO WILD! Conference Chair Kiera Solomon | © MMX by the New York District of Key Club International. All rights reserved. 16
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