NEW YORK STATE BUILDING OFFICIALS CONFERENCE INC. April 16, 2015 The New York State Building Official Conference Code Development Committee has completed the review of the Code Change Proposals for the ICC Group A Hearings. The following are the positions on each of the Proposals that will be heard at the Group A Hearings April 19-30, 2015. The position identifiers are as follows; Support NYSBOC committee supports the code change proposal Support/ Modify NYSBOC committee supports the code change proposal but would the proposal needs modification(s) Neutral NYSBOC committee is neutral on the proposal and wants to hear the debate on the floor Opposed in Support of .... NYSBOC committee is opposed to this proposal because a similar proposal is a better choice Opposed NYSBOC committee is opposed to this proposal Opposed/Modify NYSBOC committee is opposed to this proposal, however if modifications are made on the floor we could support all or portions of the proposal TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CODE The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some SP code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. SP1-15 SP2-15 SP3-15 SP4-15 SP5-15 SP6-15 SP7-15 SP8-15 SP9-15 SP10-15 SP11-15 SP12-15 SP13-15 SP14-15 SP15-15 SP16-15 SP17-15 SP18-15 SP19-15 SP20-15 SP21-15 SP22-15 SP23-15 SP24-15 SP25-15 SP26-15 SP27-15 SP28-15 SP29-15 SP30-15 SP32-15 SP31-15 SP33-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 SP2 Change # Code(s) Affected Section(s) Notes Position Reason SP1-15 ISPSC 101.3.1 (New) SP2-15 ISPSC 202 (New) Support/ Modify Support SP3-15 SP4-15 ISPSC ISPSC 202 202 Creates an exception to the requirements for flotation tanks used for therapy. Adds new definitions for Ready Access and Access To Revises the depth in the Shallow Areas definition Revises the Swimout definition SP5-15 SP6-15 ISPSC ISPSC 202 302.6 Deletes the Underwater Ledge definition Revises the waste-water section for clarity Support Neutral SP7-15 SP8-15 SP9-15 ISPSC ISPSC ISPSC Support Support Support SP10-15 ISPSC 303.1.3 Revises the exception for outdoor heated pool 305.1 Revises the language that is commentary 305.2.4.1 (New), 305.2.10 Revises the barrier language regarding setbacks to mesh fences 305.2.10 (New) Prohibits plastic flexible fencing SP11-15 ISPSC 305.3 Adds language for egress gate swing on pool decks Opposed There does not seem to be an excemption for Residential uses and this is overly restrictive. Whe you have a building, it is covered by IBC, Means of Egress. I do not see this as necessary. SP12-15 SP13-15 ISPSC ISPSC 305.3, 305.3.3, 305.4 306.1 Revises the latching requirements Revises the section for clarity Support Support SP14-15 ISPSC 307.1, 307.2, 307.7, 307.8, Revises these sections for clarity and ease of use Support 307.9, 307.2 (New), 307.3, 307.3.1, 307.3.2, 307.4, 307.4.1, 307.5, 307.6 SP15-15 ISPSC 307.6 (New), Chapter 11 Adds a new standard for pool plastering SP16-15 ISPSC 307.9 Deletes confusing language from the section This section is more suitable if placed in Section 101.2.1 Support Neutral Support Opposed The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process. Submitted in draft form. Support SP17-15 ISPSC 308.3 Revises the language reagarding pool shape Opposed The proposal is a run-on sentence and does not add clarity SP18-15 ISPSC Revises the language for suction piping Support SP19-15 SP20-15 ISPSC ISPSC Attempts to add clarity to the section Adds requirements for solar pool heating and adds new reference standards Neutral Support SP21-15 SP22-15 ISPSC ISPSC 311.3, 311.3.1 (New), 311.3.2 (New) 313.7, 202 (New) 316.2, Table 316.2, 316.4, 316.6 (New), 316.6.1 (New), 316.6.2 (New), Chapter 11 318.2 401.1 Revises the protection of the water supply Revises the scoping language Support Neutral SP23-15 SP24-15 ISPSC ISPSC 401.2 401.4.1, 401.6 SP25-15 ISPSC SP26-15 SP27-15 ISPSC ISPSC Attempts to add clarity to the section Support Revises the dimensional requirements for Class A Neutral pools 402.1, 402.2, 402.3, 402.4, Adss and revises language regarding diving and Neutral 402.5, 402.12, Table dimensional requirements 402.12, Figure 402.12, Table 402.12(2) (New), Table 402.12(3) (New), Table 402.12(4) (New), Table 402.12(5) (New), Table 402.12(6) (New), Figure 402.12 (6) (New) 402.3 Editorial change Neutral 402.6 Revises the location of pool features Neutral SP28-15 ISPSC 410.1 Revises the language for clarity Opposed Dressing facilities would then not be required SP29-15 ISPSC 609.3.1 Revises the deck shower requirements Neutral Not sure that this adds any clarity. SP30-15 ISPSC SECTION 612 (New) Adds a new section for Spray Pads Neutral SP32-15 ISPSC 809.3 Support SP31-15 ISPSC 809.3 SP33-15 ISPSC 809.5.1, 809.5.2 Adds an exception to the secondary exit requirements from pools Adds an exception to the secondary exit requirements from pools Revises the entry step requirements Support Support TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some FG code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. Number(s) Not Used: FG15-15 FG1-15 FG2-15 FG3-15 FG4-15 FG5-15 FG43-15 FG6-15 FG7-15 FG8-15 FG9-15 FG10-15 FG11-15 FG12-15 FG13-15 FG14-15 M109-15 Part II FG16-15 FG17-15 FG18-15 FG19-15 FG20-15 FG21-15 FG22-15 FG23-15 FG24-15 FG25-15 FG26-15 FG27-15 FG28-15 FG29-15 FG30-15 FG31-15 FG32-15 FG33-15 FG34-15 FG35-15 FG36-15 FG37-15 FG38-15 FG39-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 FG40-15 FG41-15 FG42-15 Part I FG2 Change # FG1-15 Code(s) IFGC Affected Section(s) 202 (New) Notes Adds a definition for "gas fired toilets" FG2-15 FG3-15 IFGC IFGC 202 202 FG4-15 IFGC 202 Modifies the term "appliance" Attempts to clarify the Press-connect fitting meaning Revises the definition of Central Furnace FG5-15 FG43-15 FG6-15 IFGC IFGC IFGC 202 202 (New) 202 FG7-15 IFGC FG8-15 Position Reason Support The term is used but not clearly defined Support Neutral Neutral The items to be deleted are useful knowledge Neutral Neutral Support 202 (New) Revises the definition of "piping" Revises the definition of "piping" Revises the definition of "regulator, gas appliance" Adds a definition for "Regulator, Monitoring" IFGC 202 (New) Adds a definition for "Regulator, Series" Neutral FG9-15 FG10-15 FG11-15 IFGC IFGC IFGC 202 202 303.3 Support Support Opposed FG12-15 IFGC 303.3.1 (New) Deletes the definition of "Integral gas valve type" Revises the definition of "Unit Heater" Adds language to permit clothes dryers to be installed in bathrooms Adds a new section for fireplaces and decorative appliances in Group I-2 Condition 2 occupancies FG13-15 FG14-15 M109-15 Part II FG16-15 IFGC IFGC IFGC 303.7 304.13(IFGS) (New) 305.13 (New) Revises the pit location language Adds language for existing appliances Adds requirements for circulating air Support Opposed Support IFGC 401.9 Adds exceptions to pipe identification FG17-15 IFGC 401.9 Adds exceptions to pipe identification FG18-15 IFGC 401.9 Revises the pipe identification language FG19-15 FG20-15 IFGC IFGC 401.1 401.1 FG21-15 IFGC 404.6 FG22-15 IFGC 404.6 FG23-15 IFGC 404.6 Removes piping from 3rd party testing Revises the language for testing of piping and fittings Attempts to revise the language for underground gas lines Revises the language to permit underground gas piping penetrations Revises the language to permit underground gas piping penetrations Opposed/ It may not be clear to code officials Modify that the first exception is for "fittings" only Opposed in support of FG 16-15 as modified Support The proposal deletes "fittings" from the language Opposed Neutral Neutral Not sure that this was meant is section 416.3 Not sure that this was meant is section 416.3 Support Opposed The proposal does not add clarity Opposed Opposed FG24-15 IFGC FG25-15 IFGC FG26-15 IFGC FG27-15 IFGC FG28-15 IFGC FG29-15 IFGC FG30-15 IFGC FG31-15 FG32-15 IFGC IFGC FG33-15 IFGC FG34-15 IFGC FG35-15 IFGC FG36-15 IFGC FG37-15 IFGC FG38-15 IFGC FG39-15 IFGC FG40-15 IFGC FG41-15 IFGC 404.11, 404.11.1 (New), Revises the corrosion protection requirements 404.11.2 (New), and adds new sections 404.11.2, 404.11.3 (New), 404.11.4 (New), 404.11.1 404.14 Revises the language to allow underground piping through listed sleeve systems 404.17.3 Revises the lanuge to allow product specific tracer systems 408.4 Deletes the "other effective sediment trap" term from the section 408.4 Revises the language to not allow clothes dryers to be exempt from the sediment trap requirement 409.5.1 Revises the language for movable appliance access 409.5.3 Revises the language to require that the shutoff be on the same floor as the appliance served 409.7 (New) Adds a new section for shutoff valves in tubing 410.2 Revises the language to allow an appliance test port as an alternative 410.4 Revises the language to reference ANSI Z21.93/CSA 6.30 411.1, 411.4 (New) Revises the language to allow unlisted gas hoses for bunsen burners 411.2 Revises the language to require that the gas connection of a modular home be outside of the footprint of the building 502.1 Revises the language to require plastic vents to comply with the standard 618.2 Deletes this section for forced air system outdoor air and return air openings 618.4 Adds indoor swimming pool areas to prohobited locations of return air 621.4 Revises the language by adding "Unvented room heaters shall not be installed within new dwelling units" 623.2 Adds an exception to allow commercial cooking appliances in residential occupancies if designed by a design professional 624.3 (New) Adds a new section that is only a reference to an existing section for hazardous locations Support Neutral The section already permits other conduits Neutral Support Opposed This would then require a sediment trap for all clothes dryers Support Support Support Opposed Neutral Opposed Neutral Opposed These were typically based on manufactures installation instructions Neutral Support Neutral Opposed Commercial cooking appliances do not have the safety features that domestic appliances do, they have greater ventilation required and hotter surface temperatures Support FG42-15 Part I IFGC 624.2 Adds the text "Water heaters shall not be utilized Opposed solely for space heating purposes" TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some M code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. Number(s) Not Used: M7-15 M16-15 M74-15 M1-15 M2-15 M3-15 M4-15 M5-15 M6-15 M8-15 M9-15 M11-15 M12-15 M13-15 M14-15 M15-15 Part I M17-15 M61-15 M130-15 M157-15 M18-15 M10-15 M19-15 M20-15 M21-15 M22-15 M23-15 M24-15 M25-15 M26-15 M27-15 M28-15 M29-15 M30-15 M31-15 M32-15 M33-15 M34-15 M35-15 M36-15 M37-15 M38-15 M39-15 M40-15 M41-15 Part I M42-15 M43-15 M44-15 M45-15 M46-15 M47-15 M48-15 M49-15 M50-15 M51-15 M52-15 M53-15 M54-15 M55-15 M56-15 M57-15 M58-15 M59-15 M60-15 M62-15 M63-15 M64-15 M65-15 M66-15 M67-15 M68-15 M69-15 Part I M69-15 Part II M70-15 Part I M70-15 Part II M160-15 Part I M160-15 Part II M71-15 M72-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 M73-15 M75-15 M76-15 M77-15 M78-15 M79-15 M80-15 M81-15 M82-15 M83-15 M84-15 M86-15 M87-15 M88-15 M89-15 M90-15 M91-15 M92-15 M93-15 M94-15 M95-15 M96-15 M97-15 M98-15 M99-15 M100-15 M101-15 M102-15 M103-15 M104-15 M105-15 M106-15 M107-15 M108-15 M109-15 Part I FG42-15 Part III M110-15 M111-15 M112-15 M113-15 M114-15 M161-15 M115-15 M116-15 M117-15 M118-15 M119-15 M120-15 M121-15 M122-15 M123-15 M124-15 M125-15 M127-15 M128-15 M129-15 M131-15 M132-15 M133-15 M134-15 M135-15 M136-15 M137-15 M138-15 M139-15 M140-15 M141-15 M142-15 M143-15 M144-15 M145-15 M146-15 M147-15 M148-15 M149-15 M150-15 M2 M151-15 M152-15 M153-15 M154-15 M155-15 M156-15 M158-15 M159-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 M3 Change # M1-15 Code(s) IMC Affected Section(s) 202 M2-15 M3-15 IMC IMC M4-15 IMC M5-15 IMC 202 202 COMMERCIAL COOKING APPLIANCES 202 LOCKING-TYPE TAMPER-RESISTANT CAP 202 MACHINERY ROOM M6-15 M8-15 IMC IMC M9-15 IMC 202 PIPING. 202 PRESS-CONNECT JOINT. 202 VENTILATION M11-15 M12-15 IMC IMC 303.7 Pit locations 303.9 (New), 901.5 (New) M13-15 M14-15 IMC IMC Table 305.4 305.4 Notes UPDTAES REPORTING AGENCY Position Reason Support provides current reporting agency, nonexclusive REMOVES TERM FROM DEFINITION Support provides clarity Simlifies and clarifies term Support Strong supporting argument, Provides clarity 202 LOCKING-TYPE TAMPEROpposed existing language sufficient RESISTANT CAP Contains regulatory language Opposed A definition should not contain regulatory language adds definitionfor copper alloy Support more inclusive relabels term Support uses industry common name Aligns term with use in the code Support provides clarity, aligns with use in the codes Opposed cites other codes, no examples Support consistencey with other codes, health and safety considerations Support consistencey with other codes Support simplifies requirements M15-15 Part I IMC 306.1.1 M17-15 IMC 307.2.2 M61-15 IMC 512.2 adds requirements limits the use of devices in "I" occupancies updates table modifies hanger spacing, eliminates redundencey eliminates language specific to central Support furnaces adds copper alloy to approved Support materials per alloy to approved materials Support M130-15 M157-15 M18-15 IMC IMC 308.1 Support M10-15 IMC M19-15 IMC M20-15 IMC adds drywall to list of combustible materials SECTION 313 SYSTEM adds new provisions for all building DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS water systems 401.2 eliminates reference to IECC and ventilation requirements 202 (New), 401.2 adds definition for non-transient and removed reference to the IECC included elsewhere in the code commonly used materials commonly used materials, more inclusive consistency with the IFGC, accurate Opposed overly broad, many unintended consequences Opposed should retain reference to special requirements of the IECC Opposed should retain reference to special requirements of the IECC M21-15 IMC 401.2, 501.3 M22-15 IMC TABLE 401.5, revisions M23-15 IMC M24-15 IMC 202 (New), 403.1, 403.3, 403.3.1, 403.3.2, 403.3.2.1, 403.3.2.2, 403.3.2.3 Table 403.3.1.1 M25-15 IMC 403.3.2.4 (New) M26-15 IMC 403.3.2.4 (New) M27-15 IMC 404.1 M28-15 M29-15 IMC IMC 404.1, 404.2 404.2 M30-15 IMC 501.2, 506.1, 507.1, 507.1.2, 509.1 M31-15 IMC 501.3.1 M32-15 IMC 501.6 (New) M33-15 IMC 502.14 M34-15 IMC 504.3 M35-15 IMC 504.4 M36-15 IMC 504.4, 504.8.2 specifies where mechanical ventilation Support is required corrects an error in measurement Support modifies the code to require machanical ventilation for non-transient occupancies modifies minimum ventilation rates for some uses adds requirement for labeling required ventilation systems requires listing and labeling of ventilation equipmnet Neutral provides standard for detectors in open parking garages clarifying language, no intent change garage ventilation only when space occupied modifications to clarify the requirment for Type I hoods, based on cooking operation, not equipment modifies separation between enviromental air discharge and intake eliminates common duct for multiple exhaust fans , manifold duct Support Support Support Support/ Modify in many instances natural ventilation is not practical or energy effiecient clarifies the code and corrects an error in measuring openings in screening the modifications are apporproiate for the non-transisent occupancies, except deletion of 403.2.2 without substitution. provides consistencey with updates ASHREA standard educated the owner/operator to the requirement of a system's operation concept is sound, language should be clear that the minimum airflows are per the IMC, not the standard. strengthens code Support clarifys code intent Opposed could permit occupant to enter dangerous levels Support bases requirement on potential use on equipment type Opposed unenforcable, no standard for manufacturer testing Support/ support with clarification that manifold Modify duct is permitted with a single master fan at discharge adds automatic mechanical makeup air Support tighter construction should not rely on for vehicle garage exhaust systems infiltration for makeup air require designed cleanout of dry duct Support provides for proper cleaning of duct and terminations termination adds requirement for sealing of dryer Support provides guidance for propoer duct at wall and roof penitrations installations removes redundent language regarding Support reduces redundancy installation of screws in dryer duct M37-15 IMC 504.4 M38-15 IMC 504.4.1 (New) M39-15 IMC 504.4.1 (New) M40-15 IMC 504.6.1 (New) M41-15 Part I IMC 504.8.1 M42-15 IMC 504.8.2 M43-15 IMC 504.8.2 M44-15 IMC 505, 505.1 (New), 505.2 (New), 505.1, 505.4 M45-15 IMC 505.1 M46-15 IMC 505.2, 505.2.1 (New) M47-15 IMC 506.3.11.2 M48-15 IMC 506.3.13.2 M49-15 IMC 506. (New) M50-15 IMC 506.3.2.5 adds language to require dryer duct sealing establishes a minimum size for dryer duct terminations specifes the dryer duct terminal open area increases based on configuration of termination requires makeup air for dryers in very tight buildings adds specification for round dryer ducts Support claifys requirement that has been overlooked in the field Neutral concept sound need to understand availability of compliant products Opposed unenforcable, no data to support percentages proposed adds reference to IBC and IFC ofr I-1 and I-2 occupancies adds requirment for makeup air dampers when specifc exhaust rates are met Support Opposed unenforcable, applicable only after building is built and tested Support recognizes effectivness of round duct over other styles requires round dryer duct maintain its Support recognizes effectivness of round duct shape over other styles decreases the spacing of duct hangers Opposed does not account for short lengths of duct and inherient weakness requires UL listed and labeled exhaust Opposed/ 505.4 limits domestic cooking appliances systems for domestic cooking Modify that should be provided exhaust systems, should be based on potential hazard adds clarity, does not change intent Opposed/ backdrafting in tight construction is a Modify serious concern, but this does not address comulative exhausting, conditioning of makeup air in cold climates or variations in volume to balance demand add language found in ASTM standard Opposed laready found in standard and installation instructions references provisions for through the Support provisions already exist, provides calrity wall terminations found elsewhere in the code creates new restrictions for exhaust Opposed overly restrictive, no justification discharge locations new test method for grease duct Support addresses an issue with current method systems of testing M51-15 IMC 202 (New), 506.5.2 (New) M52-15 IMC 507.1 M53-15 IMC 507.1 M54-15 IMC 507.2 M55-15 IMC 507.2.6 M56-15 IMC 507.6.1 M57-15 IMC 510.5 M58-15 IMC 510.8 M59-15 IMC 510.8.4 (New) M60-15 IMC 511.1.3 M62-15 IMC 601.5 M63-15 IMC 601.6 (New), 601.6.1 (New) M64-15 IMC 602.1 M65-15 IMC 602.2 M66-15 IMC 602.2.1 add Pollution Control Devices to grease ducts attempts to clarify installations per the listing and label are acceptable without meeting all of the code specifications removes NFPA-96 listed hoods as accepted ofr down-draft systems adds provisions for solid fuel fired ovens provides for Type 1 hoods listed and labeled to UL-710 provides a general term to idnetify testing methods for capture performance exempts educational facilities form provisions related to hazardous exhaust duct discharge Neutral potential for significant cost increase,some validity in urban areas Opposed overly broad, many unintended consequences Opposed eliminates reasonable choices, do not agree with rationale Support fills void in code for natural draft solid fuel ovens Support permits clearances in accordance with listing Support provides flexibility for code official Opposed educational facility hazardous exhaust systems are utilized by individuals who are learning the potential hazards of the materials they are working with limits dust collection duct fire detection Opposed overly limiting to spark detection requires cleanouts in dust conveying Neutral no sound rationale provided ducts at 20 foot intervals would permit recirculation air from Opposed not enforcable following intial installation exhaust discharge if flammable vapors are not intended to be present would permit return air from swimming Opposed sets no level of dehumidification or pool area with dehumidification adress chemical odors adds provisions to address issuses Support/ Valid issue, uncertain why door undercut related primarily with central air returns Modify required if pressure differential maximum and unbalanced air flows met through other fixed means permits framing cavities to be used as Support provides consistencey w plenums provides an exception for plenum Opposed impacts non-combustible buildings materials tomeet the IBC requirements for combustible material requires plenum materials to be listed Support provides clarity for such use M67-15 IMC M68-15 IMC M69-15 Part I IMC M69-15 Part II IBC M70-15 Part I IMC 602.2.1.1, 602.2.1.2, 602.2.1.3 adds language requiring labeling and updates testing agencys 602.2.1.2, 602.2.1.7 adds plastic plumbing piping to permitted material in plenums 602.2.1.6, 602., permits foam plastic finish materials 602., 602. and trim to be exposed in plemun, removes insulation as acceptable material Support updates does not change intent Opposed rationale not sound, adds risk to building occupants Opposed adds additional foam plastic in plenums 602.2.1.6, 602.2.1.6 (New), 602., 602., 602. reduces flame spread rating and smoke Opposed confusing language, misleading devloped for foam plasics exposed to plenum air flow, but excepts most instances removes listing requirement for plastic plumbimg pipe permit plastic pipe tested to UL-2846 (new)to be used in plenums adds new testing standard for plastic pipe and tube requires plasitc pipe and tube to be labeled adds new testing standard for plastic pipe and tube adds testing protocal to code identifes other provisions of the code related to piping in plenums adds requirments for smoke and flame spread of pipe insulation in plenums prohibits modification of approved Ul and ASTM testing M70-15 Part II M160-15 Part I M160-15 Part II M71-15 IBC IMC IMC 602.2.1.7 M72-15 IMC 602.2.1.7 M73-15 IMC 602.2.1.7 M75-15 IMC 602.2.1.7 M76-15 IMC 602.2.1.7 M77-15 M78-15 IMC IMC 602.2.1.7 602.2.1.8 (New M79-15 IMC 602.2.1.8 (New) M80-15 IMC 602.2.2 (New) IMC Opposed would add to unapproved materials use Neutral review of testing standard required Neutral review of testing standard required Support keeps untested materials out of buildings Neutral review of testing standard required Opposed test protocals should not be in the code Support provides clarity Support fills a gap in the code regarding materilas in plenums Opposed modifications are not permitted unless specifically identified, not required M81-15 IMC 603.1, 603.6.2, 603.6.2.1 M82-15 IMC M83-15 IMC 603.6, 603.6.2.1, 603.6.2.2, 603.6.3, 603.6.4 Table 603.4 M84-15 IMC 603.6.5 (New) M86-15 IMC 603.5 M87-15 IMC M88-15 IMC 603.5, 603.6.2.1, 603.6.2.2, 603.6.3, 603.6.4 603.5, 603.8.3 M89-15 IMC 603.5.2 (New), CHAPTER 15 M90-15 IMC 603.6 M91-15 IMC 603.6.1 M92-15 IMC 603.6.1.1 M93-15 IMC 603.8, 603.8.3 M94-15 IMC 603.8.2 M95-15 IMC 603.8.3 M96-15 IMC 603.9 removes the use of air connectors, removes requirement for listed and labeled removes air connectors from acceptable materials modifies table to apply to only ducts over 14 feet provides installation specifications for flexible duct prohibits flexible duct upstream of VAV box removes provisions for flexible air connectors adds Polyethylene duct and fittings for underground ducts adds phenolic duct to permitted materials and SMACNA standard Opposed inconsistent with listed and labeled requirements Opposed limits acceptable materials , rationale not sound Opposed restricts acceptable materials Support Support Support addresses issue often found in the field, prefer M97-15 consistent with ASHREA standard air connectors are not held to the same UL testing as flexible air ducts Opposed needs more work, no test applicable, removes air temperature threshold Opposed no information or criteria on flame spread and smoke, no testing criteria or labeling. The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process. Submitted in draft form prohibits flexible duct in inaccessible Support eliminates cleaning issues, inspection for spaces damage prohibits screws from penitrating inside Support not permitted by manufacturers liner of flexible duct installation instructions prohibits unlimited length flexible ducts Support flexible duct impacts the effectiveness of the system the length should be limited provides UL listing standard for plastic Support currently no specific standard, perfer M95underground ducts and fittings 15 requires code official to witness Support/ remove "shall" and add "may be required underground duct pressure test Modify to" provides UL and ASTM testing Support provides testing standard, currently none standard for plastic underground ducts is provided and fittings eliminates sealing of seams on some Opposed exception is flawed, should exempt ducts ducts inside condition space M97-15 IMC M98-15 IMC M99-15 M100-15 IMC IMC M101-15 IMC M102-15 IMC M103-15 M104-15 IMC IMC M105-15 IMC M106-15 IMC M107-15 IMC M108-15 IMC 603.5, 603.6, 603.6.1.1, provides specif installation instructions 603.6.2.1, 603.5 (New), 603.9, for flexible ducts 603.10, 603.10.1 (New), Chapter 15 604.3, 604.4 permits installation of ofam insulation on ducts complying with IBC requirements 604.7, 202 (New), Chapter 15 permits reflective duct insulation 604.11 permits spray polyurethens foam as a vapor retarder 605.4 (New) sets standard limiting bypass air flow sround filters 805.7 (New) requires shields where chimineys pass through insulation materials 805.7 (New) same as above 916.1, CHAPTER 15 provides additional standards for pool and spa heaters 929 (New), 929.1 (New) provides standards for the design and installation of ground source heat pumps 929 (New), 929.1 (New), 929.2 provides regulations for the use of (New), 929.3 (New), 929.4 unvented alcohol fuel burning (New), 929.5 (New), 929.6 decorative appliances (New), 929.7,(New), CHAPTER 15 202 (New), 929 (New), 929.1 defines high volume low speed fans (New), CHAPTER 15 and provides testing standard 202 (New), 929 (New), 929.1 (New), CHAPTER 35 same as above Support addresses issue often found in the field complete and consistent with ADC requirements Opposed only adresses polyurethane foam (propritary) Opposed does not adress listing and labeling Opposed does not justify reduction in perm rating by 60X Support consistent with IGCC, improves air quality Support provides minimum protection from fire potential Support same as above Opposed review standards. The reference standard is not developed with a consensus process. Support no standard currently identified in the IMC, review standard Opposed unenforcible, needs more restrictions on use locations, unknow effects in tightly constructed SFDs, devices require very specifc fuel use of incorrect fuel could be dangerous Opposed review standard. The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process. Submitted in draft form. Opposed review standard. The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process. Submitted in draft form. M109-15 Part IMC I FG42-15 Part IMC III M110-15 IMC 929.1 (New) requires common enclosure for air Support/ handler, furnace or heat pump and fuel Modify fired apliance to be hard piped to outside the enclosure 1002.1, 1401.4, 1401.4.1 (New), CHAPTER 15 changes standards for solar thermal collectors, water heating systems and concentrated collectors 1006.6, CHAPTER 15 provides details specifications for installation of safety and relief valve discharge 1006.9 (New) adds requirement for boiler shut down switch consistent with ASME-CSD-1 standard 202 (New), 1009.1, Chapter 15 complete rewrite of regulations for solar thermal collector system installations. The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process 1101.6 removes standard no longer addressing ammonia refrigeration systems M111-15 IMC M112-15 IMC M113-15 IMC M114-15 IMC M161-15 IMC 1101.6 M115-15 IMC 1101.6, CHAPTER 15 M116-15 IMC Table 1103.1 M117-15 IMC Table 1103.1 M118-15 IMC 1104.2.2 enclosure should be defined by volume, size or some relationship to the air handler so it is clear when this is required, needs more work Support consistent with IRC, existing standards are not correct for products Support/ Modify conflict in language, requires discharge in room of appliance then permit exterior discharge, review standard often missed in standard but currently required by standard Support Support Support adopts changes made to the IRC, adds protections to potable water, food grade products, provides protections when using potentially hazardous heat transfer fluids, need to review standards removes inconsistencey use ASHRAE IIAR2 as an alternate, Opposed proposer's reasoning does not support not an additional requirement change adds standards for ammonia system Neutral need to review standards, one of may not valves, installations and commissioning be completed before the hearing update the refrigerant table with the Neutral new refrigerants added to Standard 34 since adds footnote impacting 2 refrigerants Neutral clarifies the exception to machinery rooms in industrial occupancies Support standard resently updated, but not complete at time of code change submission,need to review not adopted by ASHREA at the time of submittal, need to review standard provides clarity M119-15 IMC 202 (New), 1104.2.2 M120-15 IMC 1104.2.2 M121-15 IMC 1104.2.2 M122-15 IMC 202, 1104.2.2 M123-15 IMC 1105.6.1.1 (New) M124-15 IMC 1105.6.3 M125-15 IMC 1105.8 M127-15 IMC 1107.2 M128-15 IMC 1107.2 M129-15 IMC 1107.9.1 (New) M131-15 IMC 1107.5.3, CHAPTER 15 M132-15 IMC 1107.5.3, CHAPTER 15 M133-15 IMC 1107.5.3 M134-15 IMC 1201.4 (New), CHAPTER 15 M135-15 IMC Table 1202.4, Table 1210.4 adds definition and exception for lowprobability pumps in calculation for total connected compressor power removes floor area requirements and exit provisions adds exception to refrigerant detection devices deleates definition and uses language within the applicable text clarifies location of mechanicalexhaust location based on hazard identifes the 30 air changes per hour as the emergency rate adds new standard for amonia pressure relief valves modifies prohibited locations for refrigerant piping modifies prohibited locations for refrigerant piping provides for vibration isolation for refrigerant piping apssing through exterior walls adds ASTM standard and tested tubing to acceptable materials adds ASTM standard and tested tubing to acceptable materials but removes material that is currently used for repairs adds press-connect joints to approved connections in refrigerant lines adds new standard for installtion of hydronic heating systems Support removes standard that does no longer adresses piping or tubing Support adds incentive for use of safer, leak resistant pumps Neutral Opposed second provision is unenforcible Support Support provides clarity without having serch for applicable locations provides for safer installations Support eliminates potential confussion Support most current standard Neutral closely defines prohibited locations Neutral provides clarity Support eliminates a concern Support testing is to higher pressure, need to review standard Opposed perfer M131-15 Neutral definitions approval required, approved for other uses in IMC Opposed need to review standard, should consider extraction of specific provisions rather than require it as the only methodology not an applicable standard for the table M136-15 IMC Table 1202.4, Table 1210.4, Chapter 15 add new standards for hydronic and ground source heat pump piping M137-15 IMC Table1202.5, CHAPTER 15 M138-15 IMC Table 1202.5, Table 1210.5, Chapter 15 adds new standard for fittings in hydronic piping add new standards for hydronic and ground source heat pump piping M139-15 IMC Table 1202.5 adds new standard for fittings in hydronic piping M140-15 IMC 1203.3.3 M141-15 IMC 1203.3.3, Chapter 15 requires tinning flux to meet ASTM B813 adds standard for soldering copper joints M142-15 IMC 1203.3.4 M143-15 IMC 1203.8.1 (New) M144-15 IMC 1203.5, 1203.6 M145-15 IMC 202, 1203.8, 1203.8.3 M146-15 IMC 1206.12 (New) M147-15 IMC 1206.12 (New) M148-15 IMC 1206.13 (New) M149-15 IMC 1207.3 (New) add exception for use of primer on CPVC joints requires annealing of coppoer tube when forming a tee branch opening delete brass piping from acceptable materials renames press joints as press connect joint specifies tee applications in hydronic supply piping prohibits radiation elements of dissimilar heat transfer in a zone, unless part of an engineered design requires hydronis system installation to accommodate drainage and air bleeding requires antifreeze solutions in cold climate hydronic systems Support need to review standard, one standard already in the IMC this is a new application Support need to review standard, but already in the IMC for other uses Support need to review standard, one standard already in the IMC this is a new application Opposed standard appears to be for cold fitting fitting need to review standard for high temp applications Opposed language exclusionary, not inclusive Support perfer over M140-15, language more consistent with IPC, need to review new standard Opposed already available if cement is Tested to ASTM standard Neutral Support Support is a copper alloy and already covered as such no content change Support provides for more efficient flow Support provides for more efficient operation Opposed does not permit air pressure drain down Opposed potential for substantial cost impact, does not account for systems protected with emergency power, alternate supplimental heat M150-15 IMC 1208.1 M151-15 M152-15 IMC IMC 1208.1 1209.3, 1209.3.5 (New) M153-15 IMC 1209.5, 1209.5.1, 1209.5.2 M154-15 IMC Table 1210.4, Table 1210.5, CHAPTER 15 M155-15 IMC Table 1210.4, Table 1210.5, CHAPTER 15 M156-15 IMC 1302.7, CHAPTER 15 M158-15 IMC 1303.4, 1303.5 M159-15 IMC 1402.4, 1402.4.1 allows air pressure testing on hydronic systems as an alternate, provided the manufacturers of all materials in system permit permit testing adds language for installation of PEX piping when embedded directs that R-values of thermal barrier be consistent with the IECC adds piping and fittings for polypropylene, tested to American National standard adds piping and fittings for PEX, tested to American National standard Opposed unenforcible, requires inspection all components in system to determine acceptability of testing method Support Support provides direction for installation of a permitted material provides consitencey Neutral need review of standard Neutral need review of standard. The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process. Submitted in draft form provides an additional pump testing Support retains the existing need review of standard standard removes rspecifications for connecting Support change to the term copper-alloy negates brass pipe and tubing these specifications adds specific IBC sections for plasitc Opposed an unintended impact could be the solar collectors used on roofs narrow interpretation of certain plastics currently accepted TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (PLUMBING) The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some RP code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. P3-15 Part II RP1-15 RP2-15 P20-15 Part II P98-15 Part II P166-15 Part II P99-15 Part II RP3-15 P15-15 Part II P19-15 Part II P115-15 Part II P117-15 Part II P51-15 Part II P53-15 Part II RP4-15 P55-15 Part II P82-15 Part II P162-15 Part II FG42-15 Part II RP5-15 RP6-15 RP7-15 P93-15 Part II RP8-15 P107-15 Part II P109 Part II RP9-15 RP10-15 P101-15 Part II P150-15 Part II P124-15 Part II RP11-15 RP12-15 RP13-15 P113-15 Part II RP14-15 RP15-15 P133-15 Part II P131-15 Part II P135-15 Part II RP16-15 P132-15 Part II P170-15 Part II P172-15 Part II P174-15 Part II P184-15 Part II P128-15 Part II RP17-15 P181-15 Part II P190-15 Part II P178-15 Part II P191-15 Part II P194-15 Part II P195-15 Part II P197-15 Part II P198-15 Part II P202-15 Part II P203-15 Part II RP18-15 P204-15 Part II P205-15 Part II P215-15 Part II P218-15 Part II P219-15 Part II P220-15 Part II P221-15 Part II P224-15 Part II P226-15 Part II P228-15 Part II RP19-15 RP2 Change # Code(s) P3-15 Part II RP1-15 IRC RP2-15 P20-15 Part II IRC Affected Section(s) P202 P2503.4 P2503.5.1 P2503.7 P98-15 Part II P166-15 Part II P2602.1 P2602.1 P99-15 Part II P2602.1 RP3-15 IRC P2603.2.1 P15-15 Part II P2605.2 P19-15 Part II P2605.1 P115-15 Part II P20906.5 P117-15 Part II P51-15 Part II P2906. Table P2701.1, P2702.4 P2704, P3201 P53-15 Part II RP4-15 P55-15 Part II IRC P2708.4 P2713.1 Notes Position Full open valve definition Needs mod-add water level (test pressure) 3rd sentence Support This is just adding new definition Opposed This is impractical in some instances. Test performed in the winter before the vent is terminated on the roof, should be allowed to be performed. This would not allow that. Limited compressed gas testing of Plastic supply NA in NY but OK Public,septic, greywater disposal clarified Will supercede 98-15 II, See Apr 2 posting of standard Max.Screw length not limited, so reasonable Support of Xpansion tank, silent on howto:Mod to incl manuf specs piping support for horizontal change in direction Supply piping pressure rating for hot and cold PEX chlorine resist rating Sets RS for wall hung W/C carriers Support Support Reason Support Support This is fine This is good change though it may be hard to know Adds another standard Adds another ICC Code Support This is the same as P98-15 Support Modify What is there is fine. They gave no evidence of problems or failures Tanks should have their own support Support Looks like a good change Support Support Support Just a change in old standard Slip joint connections and access, trap design matches flow to rating of faucet Support should look at standard, no overflow protection seems foolhardy Opposed OK for this though I have never heard of a problem with this Support This is eliminating some ways that could be performed This in not practical to enforce. We will not know what the flow of water is and that can vary from time to time in the system P82-15 Part II P2713.3 P162-15 Part II P2725, 2902.6 Humidifier discharge_supply backflow FG42-15 Part II P1002.2 prohibit Water htr solely as space htr- Opposed what about access'y strctr conditional on ICC-ES approval for use Support put in energy code and option w/timer re- Opposed circ valve typical leak small discharge, #7 already Opposed mandates visibility RP5-15 RP6-15 IRC IRC RP7-15 IRC P93-15 Part II RP8-15 IRC P107-15 Part II P109 Part II RP9-15 IRC RP10-15 IRC P2801.6 P2802, 2802.1,2802.2 P2804.6.1 P2902.5.4, P2904.1 Table 2903.2 P2903.2 P2903.4, 2903.4.1, 2903.4.2 P2903.5 Option, not mandate Opposed Are there other means to control water hammer. Support Would oversize for some cases Support There is a requirement for Backflow for lawn irragations Support New standards Table 2903.9.4 Revise standard for plastic ball valvesck Apr 2 same as RP8-15, define Standaloneand connection points P113-15 Part II RP14-15 IRC Provides another option Removes to many options and adds to the cost of building. Not practical The pressure relief dos not dump the whole tank. Pans should have drains also. This is just to make sure that the size is the same Water purveyor would have say in most Support Should not require itmes that are not instances necessary. Reduce w/c flush to 1.29 gal Opposed Make some fixtures illegal reduce lav flow to 1.5 GPM Support This is better for Green Codes Support Seems to eliminate any other means and are we seeing failures in these in the field P124-15 Part II IRC IRC I am not aware of why this is a problem Support Upsize wtr lateral to 1" Backflow reg for yard hydrant RP12-15 RP13-15 Support upsize PRV dischrg for insert ftg P2903.7 P2903.9 IRC This is practical to have this in the code P2804.6.1 P101-15 Part II P150-15 Part II RP11-15 Support P2902.5.4, P2904.1 P2906.6 P2906.6.1 Tbl 2906.4,5 P2906.9.1.5 Hard to regulate in the retrofit market, OK for new Revise RS listing Breaks out PEX from solvent cement section Opposed I perfer RP8-15 and not this one. They do the same thing Support Want for standard review Support Eliminates certain values Support Updating of standards Cleaning up of the section RP15-15 P133-15 Part II P2906.9.1.3 P131-15 Part II P2906.14 P135-15 Part II P2906.17.2 Provides further options for newer technology No primer lang for CPVC/AL/pipe per manuf specs-wait for RS chng require tinning flux in advance of anticipate RS change-wait for chng PVC/CPVC supply transition P2906.4 et. al ck ICC web after April 2 RP16-15 IRC IRC P132-15 Part II P170-15 Part II P2906.20 Table 3002.1 P172-15 Part II P174-15 Part II P184-15 Part II P128-15 Part II RP17-15 P181-15 Part II P190-15 Part II P178-15 Part II P191-15 Part II P194-15 Part II P195-15 Part II P197-15 Part II P2906.9.1.4 IRC Support This adds another item to use Opposed Adds another item to use Opposed Seems to be fine if they are accurate in their reason statements Support Think this is a new item and as long as it meets performance Support We should make sure of the standard but this is away things are happening in the field today and this helps bring the code up to this work Support Makes new items available to Support Use an approved pipe in a new way new section for "push-fit" jnts Add ASTM F714 for undergound polyolefin pipe Table 3002.3 Remove pressure fitting standard for Support DWV (non pressure) Table 3002.3 Add polyethylene fiitings standard for Support approved piping P3003.2, Add new standard for solvent transition Support 3003.13.4 Review Apr 2 P3003.2,3, Semantic word clean up by action Support committee P3003.9.2 Provides further options for newer Support technology P 3003.13.1,2,3, cleans up copper to cast wording-seems Support OK P3003.13.4 Plastic adaption-unclear/undefined Opposed terminology, ck Apr2 RS P3005.1.6 WC 4 to 3 exception clarification Support P3005.2.6 Consistency use of copper alloy vs Support brass P3007.3.2 Ejector sump pit confusing "grade leve"l- Support modify to only floor lvl? P3007.3.3 sump discharge pipe wording clean up Support P3007.6 capacity/size of pump/ejectors- reduce Support nonWC to 1/2" If the proponant is correct, OK Allows for new alteratives The wording is not clearer and may be less so. Give more options for owners and builders They are adding copper alloy in other sections We corrected this in an eariler proposal This is a change for all codes Do not see the need. Wording is not needed See P198 P198-15 Part II P202-15 Part II P3007.6 P3008.1, 3008.2 P203-15 Part II P3008.2, .3,4,.5 . backwater v language clean up Support RP18-15 IRC P204-15 Part II P205-15 Part II P3010.4, 3010.5 P3010.4, .5 P3011 Support Support Support P215-15 Part II P3103.1 clean up terminology HDPE pipe/ftg clarity to ASTM std Add new section for fold and form technology-repair Vent termination Could result in snow drifted obstruction under PV P218-15 Part II P3107.1, .2, .3 Common vent clarification Support I am not sure about all of this and would rather leave this up to John If his reason statement is correct Support Like P219 better Modify This would undo what was jus performed in P219. There may be parts that are fine and should be supported. P219-15 Part II Withdraw P3111.1 n P220-15 Part II P3111.1 apparently same as above Support Backwater valve clarification_ "normally Support/ open" usage Modify Combination waste and vent modify to exception for listed disposer same as above- is silent on type of disposer: listed or approved Rewok/clarify silent on above itemmodify w abv and support P221-15 Part II P3111.1 P224-15 Part II P3114.1 AAV silicone rubber mandate P226-15 Part II P3114.8 P228-15 Part II RP19-15 IRC P3114.8 P3201.1 et al prohibit use of outdoor AAV to mitigate clearance problem mandate "hard pipe" AAV connection Need ICC-ES approval for application, need access for future repair Like this one better than P197 This seems good except for the change of naming the section. It would seem that you could just add "Where required" and not eliminate the Sewage backflow The information is important for inspectors. Just term changes Not sure but soound plausible Like the thought but not sure about the technology. Opposed There have been a number of times that people have not wanted to penetrate a metal roof and side wall would be great Opposed This will eliminate approved types of air addmittance valves. Support Some instances, these being outside is an option Support Not sure about this one. Opposed Adds a new device.which if no one has any fault with, should be added to give more options for builders TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (MECHANICAL) The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some RM code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. M15-15 Part II RM1-15 RM2-15 RM3-15 RM4-15 RM5-15 RM6-15 RM7-15 RM8-15 RM9-15 RM10-15 RM11-15 M41-15 Part II RM12-15 RM13-15 RM14-15 RM15-15 RM16-15 RM17-15 RM18-15 RM19-15 RM20-15 RM21-15 RM22-15 RM23-15 RM24-15 RM25-15 RM26-15 RM27-15 RM28-15 RM29-15 RM30-15 RM31-15 RM32-15 RM33-15 RM34-15 RM35-15 RM36-15 RM37-15 M109-15 Part III RM38-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 RM39-15 RM40-15 RM41-15 RM42-15 RM43-15 RM44-15 RM45-15 RM46-15 RM47-15 RM48-15 RM49-15 RM50-15 RM51-15 RM52-15 RM53-15 RM54-15 RM2 Change # M15-15 Part II Code(s) Affected Section(s) IRC, IMC M1305.1.1 Notes Deletes Central furnace regulations Position Support Reason RM1-15 IRC M1305.1.4.2 Opposed Opposed in support of RM-2 RM2-15 IRC M1305.1.4.2 RM3-15 RM4-15 IRC IRC M1401.3 M1411.1 Revises the language for appliance pit locations Deletes the language for appliance pit locations Deletes equipment sizing exceptions Refrigerants RM5-15 IRC M1411.6 Refrigerant pipe insulation New Section Opposed RM6-15 See Errata M1411.7.1 New Sections Opposed RM7-15 IRC M1416 & M1416.1 New Sections Opposed New Standard that needs to be vetted by ICC still. Otherwise I do not see problem with this RM8-15 IRC M1502.3 New Sections Opposed/ Modify RM9-15 IRC M1502.3 Duct termination Opposed RM10-15 RM11-15 IRC IRC M1502.3 M1502.3.1 Duct termination Opposed New Sections about dryer exhaust termination Opposed This is one of the problems that we are causing by the code to tighten our dwellings. This will add air that is cold or hot into the conditioned environment. Keep "hood" in the text, and there needs to be some changes in exceptinos 3&4 Seems that this maybe covered under general terms and not necessary Seems intuitive without the code Would eliminate some options and should be left up to Manufacture's specifications Support Support Opposed Adds requirement for having Mechanical Code to enforce this one. Could be "modified to add "or insulation approved for this application The idea is fine but there could be other means that would be effective but not allowed under this new section M41-15 Part II IRC M1502.4.1 Material & size Opposed RM12-15 IRC M1502.4.2 Duct Installation Support RM13-15 IRC M1502.4.2.1 New Exhaust Termination Parthways Opposed RM14-15 IRC M1503, M1503.1(New), Range Hoods, Domestic Cooking Exhaust M1503.2 (New), Equipment M1503.2.1 (New) M1503.1, M1503.2, M1505, M1505.1 Support RM15-15 IRC M1503.4, M1503.4.1 M1503.4.2 (New) Makeup air required Opposed RM16-15 RM17-15 RM18-15 IRC IRC IRC M1503.4 M1503.4 M1503.4 Makeup air required Makeup air required Makeup air required Opposed Opposed Opposed RM19-15 IRC Microwave and Clearances Opposed RM20-15 IRC IRC Exhaust openings Location and intake openings Exhaust openings Support RM21-15 M1504.1, M1901.1M1901.2 M1506.3, R303.5, R303.5.1, R303.5.2 M1506.3 RM22-15 IRC M1507.2 Recirculation of air Support RM23-15 IRC M1507.3 New Section Opposed Support Would eliminate other ducts that could and have been used for exhaust Almost does not need to be added bu it it OK Should be left up to Manufacture specifications not code This is better each time I re-read it. It is still better than what was there. Eliminates exception which should not be. The reason section talks about items that are not covered under this section. There may be good parts but needs further work Need to remove "hood" Change 3 & 4 to "a & b. Not sure that removal of section 1504.1 is necessary. #4 of exception should be removed OK Good to have information in both locations Support with the idea that adds clarity Not sure that this is necessary RM24-15 IRC Whole House Mechanical Ventilation System Opposed Understand the purpose of the proposal but it is very complicated for those not used to doing this type of work. IRC IRC N1507.3, M1507.3.1, M1507.3.2, M1507.3.3,Table M1507.3.3(1), Table M1507.3.3(2), M1507.3.4 (new), Mtable M1507.4.4, M1507.3.5 (New), M1506.4, Table M1507.4 M1507.3.2 M1507.3.3 RM25-15 RM26-15 System Controls Mechanical Ventilation rate Opposed Support RM27-15 IRC M1507.4 New Opposed RM28-15 IRC M1507.4 ? Local exhaust rates Opposed RM29-15 RM30-15 IRC IRC M1601.1.1 M1601.1.1 Above-ground duct systems Above-ground duct systems Support Support RM31-15 IRC M1601.1.1 Above-ground duct systems Support RM32-15 IRC M1601.1.1 Above-ground duct systems Support RM33-15 IRC M1601.1.1 Above-ground duct systems Support RM34-15 IRC M1601.1.2 Underground duct systems Opposed RM35-15 IRC M1601.4.1 and New ones New-Non metallic Ducts. The reference standard is not developed with a consensus process. Opposed Not necessary Seems easier to review and enforce. Should make sure about standard though Would not allow for Natural draft type without a ventilation system This takes control away from the owner and increases the cost. Make it more clear Give greater flexibility for builders to use for ducts This is better than the other one and is in a right location This maybe not allowed by Energy Code as you have to have duct sealing and tested duct systems Would support if you remove the word at "6". I like 29 better This is complicated to enforce. How am I to determine "2 inches of W.C. for not less than 5 minutes It would appear that we are trying to make this code a "step-by-step" book for construction. Some of this needs to be left up to the contractor and owner RM36-15 IRC M1601.4.1 and New ones Joints, seams and connections Opposed RM37-15 IRC M1602.2 Retun air openings Support M109-15 Part III IRC M1602.3 (New) Adds requirements for circulating air Opposed RM38-15 M2005.1, M2005.2, M2005.2.2 Water heaters Opposed RM39-15 M2006.1, M2006.3 Pool heaters Support RM40-15 Table M2101.1, M2103.3 Table M2101.1, Table M2105.4 Table 2101.1 Table M2101.1, Table M2105.4, table M2105.5, M2105.13, M2105.13.3 New, M2105.13.4 New Table M2101.9 M2101.10 M2101.10 M2101.10 Hydronic piping materials Support I would say that removing the sentence in section M2005.1 is wrong. The proponent adds it in the lower section but that Is about "access" and not compling with a code section. Some good points but it needs more cleaning up as the proponent states. Have not looked at the new Standards but should so this is a wait and see. This seems fine to add Hydronic piping materials Support This seems reasonable Hydronic piping materials Hydronic piping materials Support Neutral Sound fine if it is true. Waiting for the standard to be reviewed. Hanger Spacing Intervals Tests Tests Tests Support Support Support Opposed Just clarifying the section This is good, but see below Like this one better than RM45-15 I agree with him that it is not necessary RM41-15 RM42-15 RM43-15 RM44-15 RM45-15 RM46-15 RM47-15 It would appear that some changes in the 2015 cycle left out, but this is unclear This seems intuitive but it would make it a requirement RM48-15 M2103.2, M2103.2.1, M2103.2.2 Thermal barrier required Opposed RM49-15 M2103.3 Piping Joints Opposed RM50-15 Table M2105.4, Table Ground-source loop pipe M2105.5 Table M2105.4, Table Ground-source loop pipe M2105.5 M2005.1, M2301.2.1, Solar Energy M2301.2.2.2, M2301.2.4,M2301.2.6, M2301.2.8, M2301.2.11.1, M2301.3, M2301.3.1, M2301.3.2, M2301.2.6.1(new), M2301.2.6.2 (New) Opposed RM53-15 M2301.3.3 Labeling of solar energy sytem Opposed RM54-15 R202(New), M2301.4.1.1(New), M2301.4.1.2(New) Food and non food grade liquids Opposed RM51-15 RM52-15 Support Support I disagree. This is a "stand alone code" and therefore making person or inspectors go to another code is wrong. Would like to hear the discussion about this. I seem to think that it is not necessary. Would wait for the standard to be ready for submission Approve this one in favor of the previous one The standard is not new so we are good to go. This may increase cost by minor but it is another step that installers are going to have to do. Not only will this cost more, it is another item that is mandated to do that can be accomplished by other means. This information is in the contract and should be part of the record that owner keeps Water as "FOOD GRADE FLUID"? This seems overly protective. Not sure that it is needed. This should be covered by the manufacturer specifications. TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some PM code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. PM1-15 PM2-15 PM3-15 PM4-15 PM5-15 PM6-15 PM7-15 PM8-15 PM9-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 PM2 Change # PM1-15 Code(s) Affected Section(s) IPMC 301.4 (New), [A] 110.1, 202 (New), PM2-15 IPMC PM3-15 IPMC PM4-15 IPMC 304.1.1, 305.1.1, 306.1.1 PM5-15 IPMC PM6-15 IPMC 505.4, 505.5 (New), 505.6 (New), 505.7 (New), 505.8 (New) 505.5 (New), 505.5.1 (New) PM7-15 PM8-15 PM9-15 IPMC IPMC IPMC 602.6 (New) 603.1 Appendix B (New), Chapter 8 202, 302.5, 302.5.1 (New), 302.5.2 (New), 309.1, 309.2, 309.5, B101 (New), B101.1 (New),B101.2 (New), B101.3 (New), B101.4 (New) 202, 302.7, 304.1, 304.4, 304.11, 305.1, 305.2, 306.1 Notes Position Reason Adds a provision for flood hazard areas Opposed We would rather get the repairs that makes the cost of all repairs to be done included in determining the cost of substantial improvement Revises language for infestation and adds Opposed The language contains provisions a new appendix that are not enforceable. Oppose because it is way too specific. If modifications are made we may support Revises the language in an attempt to Opposed clarify the structural maintenance provisions Revises and deletes language in the Opposed unsafe sections in an attempt to reference the IBC or IEBC instead Adds language for regulating hot water Support Support anti-scald not all the temperatures and adds new reference language standards. Adds provisions for nonpotable water Support reuse systems Adds a new section for freeze protection Support Adds the term "equipment" to the section Support Adds a new appendix for asbestos, radon Opposed No enforceable language. and similar Document is a website database for a government organization that catalogs lead-based paint hazards. As this is not a specific standard, a review cannot be made TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some EB code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. EB1-15 EB76-15 EB2-15 EB17-15 EB26-15 EB4-15 EB5-15 EB6-15 EB7-15 EB8-15 EB9-15 EB10-15 EB11-15 EB32-15 EB12-15 EB14-15 EB15-15 EB16-15 EB18-15 EB19-15 EB21-15 EB25-15 EB22-15 E57-15 Part II EB23-15 EB24-15 EB27-15 EB28-15 EB29-15 E147-15 Part II EB30-15 EB31-15 EB13-15 EB34-15 EB33-15 EB20-15 EB66-15 EB35-15 EB94-15 EB36-15 EB37-15 EB38-15 EB39-15 EB40-15 EB41-15 EB42-15 EB43-15 EB44-15 EB45-15 EB46-15 EB49-15 EB47-15 EB48-15 EB50-15 EB3-15 EB51-15 EB52-15 EB53-15 EB54-15 EB55-15 EB56-15 EB57-15 EB58-15 EB59-15 EB60-15 EB61-15 EB62-15 EB63-15 EB64-15 EB65-15 EB67-15 EB68-15 Part I EB68-15 Part II EB69-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 EB70-15 EB71-15 EB72-15 EB73-15 EB74-15 EB75-15 EB77-15 EB78-15 EB79-15 EB80-15 EB81-15 EB82-15 EB83-15 EB84-15 EB85-15 EB86-15 EB87-15 EB88-15 EB89-15 EB90-15 EB91-15 EB92-15 EB2 Change # EB1-15 Code(s) IEBC Affected Section(s) 101.4.2, 301.1.1, 301.1.3, 301.1.2, 1301.2, 1401.3.2 Notes Add reference to the retroactive and maintenance requirements of the Fire Code Position Opposed/ Modify EB76-15 IEBC 1401.3.2 Where the IFC or IPMC conflict the Section 1401.3.2, the provisions of Section 1401.3.2 takes precedence Opposed EB2-15 IEBC 104.2.1, 302.3, 401.2.1, Changes all reference of "building official" Support 401.3, [BS] 404.2.1, 407.1, or "building code official" to "Code 407.1.1, 408.2, [BS] Official". A106.2, [BS] A107.1, [BS] A108.1, [BS] A113.7, [BS]A206.2, [BS] A505.1 EB17-15 IEBC 401.3, 1401.3.1 EB26-15 IEBC 404.1, 502.1 EB4-15 IEBC 202 (New) EB5-15 IEBC 301.1 EB6-15 IEBC 301.1 EB7-15 IEBC 301.1, 301.2 (New) Deletes the Dangerous conditions and the Opposed Hazards sections. Reason 1. Unable to determine retroactive and maintenance requirements. 2. It is not proper for Section 301.1.2 the Work Area Method. 3. The retroactive and maintenance requirements are OK for 301.1.1 the Prescriptive Method. There are no provisions in Section 1401.3.2? If the intent is the entire chapter 14, then there still is a problem, the provisions are not similar enough to compare to. This clarifies and makes the term consistent. Not all communities use Chapter 1. Also, Chapter 1 states "as provided in this code" Attempts to clarify the difference between Modification Retain Section 401.2 because maintenance and repair. Section 404 does not describe the materials permitted. Adds a new definition of "Existing Neutral Not sure that the last sentence Structure" regarding flood hazard is necessary because that is what the first sentence says already. Flood hazard clarification so that the code Neutral It may add some clarity. official does not undermine the structural requirements Adds reference to other compliance Support It may add some clarity. methods Separates out the seismic design criteria Support It may add some clarity. EB8-15 IEBC 301.1, [BS] 301.1.4, [BS] Separates out the seismic design criteria Support 301.1.4.1, [BS] Table 301., [BS] 301.1.4.2, [BS] Table 301., 303 (New) 301.1, 301.1.1, Chapter 4, Deletes the Prescriptive Method from the Support 1401.2.5, [BS] B101.3, IEBC [BS] B101.4 It may add some clarity. EB9-15 IEBC EB10-15 IEBC 301.1 (New), 301.2 (New), 301.1, 301.1.1, 301.1.2, 301.1.3, 401.1, 401.1.1, 401.2.2, 404, 501.1, 501.1.1, 502, 1401.1, 301.1, 301.2 (New), 301.1.2, 301.1.3, 301.3 (New), 401.1, 401.1.1, 409, Chapter 13, 1401.1 The concept is needed. Repairs should be it's own chapter, this way damaged buildings could be addressed better. Then the Classification of work could be The concept is needed. Then the Classification of work could be moved to the general and each work type would have a chapter. EB11-15 IEBC EB32-15 IEBC 409 EB12-15 IEBC 301.1.1, 301.1.2, 301.1.3 Attempts to clarify the language Modify EB14-15 IEBC Removes duplicate and unneeded provisions Support EB15-15 IEBC 401.2, 401.2.1, 401.2.2, 401.2.3, 403.1, 404.1, 602.1, 602.2 401.2.1, 401.2.2, 602.1, 602.2 Removes duplicate and unneeded provisions Oppose in Support of EB 14-15 Removes the topic of Repairs from the methods and makes it it's own chapter Support, needs more review, maybe modification Removes the topic of Relocated Buildings Support, from the methods and makes it it's own needs more chapter review, maybe modification s Deletes Moved buildings section Support, needs review This would make the use of the IEBC more effective with less confusion for code changes. This aligns with the deletion of Chapter 34 of the IBC More review would be needed to make sure that the relocated buildings section addresses all issues for moved buildings. Modify to delete the prescriptive based on EB 9 through 11. Further Modify by changing the sentence to "The repair, alteration, addition, change of occupancy including….. This proposal misses some sections that should be addressed EB16-15 IEBC 401.2.4 (New) New section that is the same as IEBC 803.6 for fire resistance ratings EB18-15 IEBC 401.4 (New), 804.2.4.1 (New) Proposal to allow Pyrophoric materials in OPPOSE existing buildings based solely on some type of suppression system EB19-15 IEBC Attempt to clarify "no less conforming" to Opposed "no less complying" EB21-15 IEBC EB25-15 IEBC 402.1, 403.1, [BS] 403.9, 407.1, 601.2, 608.1, 805.2, [BS] 807.6 402.6 (New), 403.11 (New), 804.4.4 (New), 1105 (New), 1105.1 (New) 403.11 (New), 703.2 (New) EB22-15 IEBC 403.1, 801.3, 1401.2.6 (New) Adds provisions for carbon monoxide alarms to reflect IFC 1103.9 Oppose Neutral Adds provisions for carbon monoxide Oppose alarms to reflect IFC 1103.9 Add language similar to IBC 3004.2.2 for Oppose / reduced width of escalators in below Modify grade transportation facilities Hopefully the prescriptive provisions are removed. If not then still oppose because the prescriptive requirements would send you to the IBC anyway. There are a significant amount of regulations regarding Pyrophoric materials that are not addressed here. Pyrophoric materials can pose a detonation hazard or deflagration hazards. There are operating permits required, explosion venting and prevention systems and alarms, max quantities that can be stored, used or be at workstations. There are electrical requirements, liquid tight floors etc etc etc etc... Modify to strike out the language for chapter 4 if the prescriptive chapter is deleted. This language should not be placed in Alteration Level1 The Exception in the IBC states: The clear width is not required in existing facilities undergoing alterations . This was not intended to allow new escalators to be less than 32", it was meant that alterations to existing escalators could be done without requiring the minimum 32" if they did not have it. E57-15 Part II IBC, IEBC New definition, 406 (New), Provides language for school locks in 704.2 (New) group E. Oppose / Modify EB23-15 IEBC Neutral 403.2 (New), 704.1, 704.2 Provides language for school locks in (New) group E. EB24-15 IEBC 403.1 Attempts to make smoke alarm language consistent in chapter 4 EB27-15 IEBC 405.1.3, 805. Adds language to allow fire escape ladders EB28-15 IEBC 405.5 Modifies language for opening protectives along fire escapes EB29-15 IEBC 406.2, 406.3, 702.4, 702.5 Window control devices for 1 and 2 family and townhouses. E147-15 Part II IEBC 406, 406.4 (New), 701.4 Emergency escape window requirements (New) that are found in the IBC EB30-15 IEBC 407.1, 410.4 Change of occupancy language/clarification attempt EB31-15 IEBC 408.3 (New), 1203.2 (New) Reference to fire code for fire protection plans EB13-15 IEBC 301.1.5 (New) Language to retain the 2009 ANSI A117.1. EB34-15 IEBC 410.2 (New), 410.7, Language to retain the 2009 ANSI 705.1.1 (New), 705.1.13, A117.1. 705.2, 1012.8.2 EB33-15 IBC, IEBC 410, 705, 801.1, 806, Moves all the accessibility requirements 901.2, 906, 1006, into chapter 3. 1012.1.4, 1012.8, 1105, 1204, 1401.2.5, B101.3, B101.4, B102.2.3 EB20-15 IEBC 402.1.1 (New), 410.6, Accessible means of egress for additions 705.1, 1105.2 (New) EB66-15 IEBC 906.3 (New) Accessible means of egress for alterations EB35-15 IEBC 410.2, 705.1, 1508.2 (New) Attempts to clarify the "maximum extent feasible" issue Oppose Oppose Neutral Oppose Support The proponent states that this proposal will not require existing doors to comply, however the language does require it. Oppose in support of deletion of Chapter 4. Language is not needed, 805. does not prohibit them Oppose in support of deletion of Chapter 4. oppose only because the IEBC/IRC issue is not fully resolved I attempted to do this last code cycle Opposed Support Support Support Opposed Support Opposed Neutral Existing buildings would be difficult to comply with the new A117.1 Existing buildings would be difficult to comply with the new A117.1 Opposed to moving requirements to chapter 3, this will lead to code changes to chapter 3 in order to apply to all methods EB94-15 IEBC 705.1.2 Adds language to require audio video for Opposed deaf and speech impaired 410.3, 705.1.13 Clarification language for accessible Support means of egress 410.4.1, 410.4.2, 1012.8.1, Adds a 3000 sqft limiting factor for Support 1012.8.2 change of occupancy EB36-15 IEBC EB37-15 IEBC EB38-15 IEBC 410.4.2, 1012.8.2 EB39-15 IEBC 410.6 EB40-15 IEBC 410.8.1, 705.1.1 EB41-15 IEBC 410.8.4, 806.2 EB42-15 IEBC 410.8.6, 410.8.7, 410.8.8 EB43-15 IEBC EB44-15 Opposed 410.8.8, 410.8.9 (New) Requires at least one accessible route throughout the building Eliminates a portion of the accessibility requirements in chapter 4 Alteration to entrance accessibility requirements clarification Accessible route required when major structural modifications are made in order to construct an escalator Requires compliance with IBC Chapter 9 for visible alarms Attempts to clarify language in chapter 4 IEBC 410.8.8, 410.8.9 Attempts to clarify language in chapter 4 Opposed EB45-15 IEBC 410.8.9, 705.1.6 EB46-15 IEBC Modifies accessibility language for jury boxes 410.8.10, 410.9.4, 705.1.9, Modifies language for unisex toilet room 1204.1.4 Neutral This would be costly for existing elevators This would allow small buildings to undergo a change of occupancy without full compliance with accessibility. This could be difficult and costly for existing buildings Oppose in support of deletion of Chapter 4. Support Support Neutral Opposed Support Support Oppose in support of deletion of Chapter 4. Oppose in support of deletion of Chapter 4. Furthermore adding the term additions does not cover change of occupancy with additional units, it implies that it is only required if an addition is built. Oppose in support of deletion of Chapter 4. Furthermore adding the term additions does not cover change of occupancy with additional units, it implies that it is only required if an addition is built. EB49-15 IEBC 410.8.11 (New), 806.3 (New) Requirements for family or assisted use toilet rooms Opposed EB47-15 EB48-15 IEBC IEBC 410.9, 1204.1, 1205.15 410.9.3, 1204.1.3 Support Support EB50-15 IEBC Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Clerical corrections Changes the term from "Main" entrance to "Public" entrance for accessible entrances Proposal to place the work area method into one single chapter EB3-15 IEBC 202 (New), 501.2.1 (New) Adds a new definition of "Damage" and a Opposed new section for reconfiguration of space EB51-15 IEBC 202, 502.4(New) EB52-15 EB53-15 IEBC IEBC EB54-15 IEBC 601.2, 608.1 202 (New), 609.1, 609.3 (New), 609.4 (New), 609.4.1 (New), 609.4.2 (New), Chapter 16 609.2 An attempt to clarify what is excluded from alterations References damage in repairs Adds scald protection in the Repairs chapter EB55-15 IEBC 705.1.5 Deletes the section for the exception to raised dining areas EB56-15 IEBC 705.1.13 Removes "element, space, or area" from Opposed the text EB57-15 IEBC 802.1 Removes special occupancy section from Support alteration level 2 Opposed Section 806 refers you to Section 705 which contains an allowance for family or assisted use toilet room Oppose in favor of deletion of chapter 4. This would not be needed. If chapter 4 is not deleted then we could support this option. The language of 5% of spatial volume is unenforceable. Opposed Support Opposed Adds additional exceptions to water closet Opposed replacements Opposed Repairs are for damaged facilities. The repairs chapter would already allow for the re-installation of existing fixtures, or like kind This would require an accessible route to raised dining areas in existing buildings undergoing an alteration level 1. Leaving the language to just facility may lead to mis-application of the code to only facilities. The user would have to rely on the definition. The current language is useful here. Support, however if there are any changes that would affect these uses, then this language would have to be retained. EB58-15 IEBC 804.2.2 Removes R4 occupancies from this Section Opposed EB59-15 IEBC 804.2.2 Opposed EB60-15 IEBC 804.2.3 EB61-15 IEBC 804.2.4 EB62-15 IEBC 804.4.1.7 EB63-15 IEBC EB64-15 EB65-15 IEBC IEBC 805.3, 805.3.1, 805.3.1.1, Table 805.3.1.1(1) (New), Table 805.3.1.1(2) (New) 805.3.1.1 906.2 Revises fire protection water supply requirements Revises fire protection water supply requirements Revises fire protection water supply requirements Attempts to clarify the requirements for Group R4 alarm systems Revises single exist building language Revises single exist building language Removes type B dwelling unit exception Opposed Opposed EB67-15 IEBC EB68-15 Part I IEBC EB68-15 Part II IBC Support Modify by removing the word "site" Opposed Modify by removing the word "site" Neutral Opposed Table 1012.4, Table Revises the tables by adding specific 1012.5 conditions to R4 occupancies 1106 (New), 1106.1 (New), Adds language for storm shelters 1106.1.1 (New), 1106.1.2 (New), 1401.2.3.1 (New), 402.6 (New) Neutral Adds and revises language for storm shelters Support Relocates sections for clarification Removes limitation of finishes to only walls and ceilings Removes language that belongs in chapter 1 Adds chapter 4 to the language to allow for compliance option Support Support EB69-15 EB70-15 IEBC IEBC 423, 423.1.1, 423.4, 423.4.2 (New), 423.4.1 (New) 1202.2, 1202.3 1203.5 EB71-15 IEBC 1401.2 EB72-15 IEBC 1401.2 The reason statement states that R4 would never have more than 30 occupants, but fails to address more than one tenant. We support the need to further clarify the single exit buildings, but this language is not acceptable The reason statement states that it is to coordinate with chapter 4. Our preference would be to delete chapter 4 and retain this language. Support Support Opposed In favor of deletion of chapter 4 EB73-15 IEBC 1401.2.3 Deletes reference to the IEBC as a reference for additions Revises language for portions of building that do not conform Revises language to add all methods for accessibility compliance Neutral EB74-15 IEBC 1401.2.4 EB75-15 IEBC 1401.2.5 EB77-15 IEBC 1401.6 Adds clarification language to the Evaluation section Revises table for separation values Support EB78-15 IEBC Table 1401.6.4 EB79-15 IEBC 1401.6.6, 1401.6.6.1 EB80-15 IEBC 1401.6.8 Adds clarification language for Vertical Support opening value to not exceed 2 Adds language that require smoke alarms Neutral EB81-15 IEBC Table 1401.6.8 Revises table to replace "-" with "NA" Neutral EB82-15 IEBC Table 1401.6.9 Support EB83-15 IEBC 1401.6.12.1 Revises table by separating out F and M occupancies and giving them different values than S occupancies Attempts to clarify dead end corridor values as not a fixed number EB84-15 IEBC 1401.6.15.1 Revises the means of egress emergency Support/ lighting values Modify EB85-15 IEBC 1401.6.17 EB86-15 IEBC 1401.6.17, Table 1401.6.17, 1401.6.17.1 Revises to provide sprinklers in change of Support occupancy to Group R Revises sprinkler values and language Opposed Support Opposed/ Modify Neutral Support/ Modify Modify to reference the IBC because the user is utilizing the Performance Chapter We agree with the idea of increasing the values, just not sure what methodology is used to come up with a number It helps with clarification and use Though I agree with the reason statement, the Performance chapter is intended to evaluate the building. There should be values for all occupancies because this method is an evaluation of the building. Modify by stating cannot use. Not sure that a minimum needs to be in the language. I agree with the less than or equal to sign. I believe that this section should be for the whole mean of egress lighting not just emergency lighting. Do not agree with the increase in the table values EB87-15 IEBC Table 1401.6.17 Revises sprinkler values for R occupancies Support/ Modify EB88-15 IEBC Table 1401.6.17 Opposed EB89-15 IEBC EB90-15 IEBC Table 1401.6.17, Table 1401.6.18 Table 1401.6.18 Revises sprinkler value table with a new footnote to increase the values based on quick response heads or early suppression design Revises the values in sprinkler and standpipe tables Revises the standpipe value table EB91-15 IEBC Table 1401.6.18 Revises the standpipe value table Neutral EB92-15 IEBC Table 1401.7 Revises the Performance Compliance Summary Sheet to add not applicable value to standpipes column for means of egress Support Neutral Opposed We agree with the idea of increasing the values, just not sure what methodology is used to come up with a number Possibly modify to a 1 point for group f Not sure what the methodology is for the changes The values should not be comparable Not sure what the methodology is for the changes Standpipes would not have an impact on the means of egress and therefore should not receive the value. TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (GENERAL) The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some G code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. Chapter 2 G1-15 G2-15 G237-15 G6-15 G8-15 G9-15 G11-15 G12-15 G20-15 Chapter 3 E5-15 Part II G22-15 G23-15 G24-15 G131-15 G134-15 G166-15 G25-15 G26-15 G27-15 G29-15 G30-15 G31-15 G36-15 G48-15 G13-15 G141-15 G222-15 G28-15 G32-15 G33-15 G34-15 G35-15 G37-15 G38-15 G7-15 G39-15 G40-15 G41-15 G42-15 G43-15 G44-15 G45-15 G46-15 G47-15 Chapter 4 G49-15 G50-15 G51-15 G52-15 G53-15 G54-15 G55-15 G56-15 G57-15 G58-15 G59-15 G60-15 G61-15 G62-15 G63-15 G64-15 G65-15 G66-15 G67-15 G68-15 G69-15 G70-15 G71-15 G72-15 G73-15 G74-15 G75-15 G76-15 G77-15 G78-15 G79-15 G80-15 G81-15 G82-15 G83-15 G84-15 G85-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 G86-15 G87-15 G3-15 G88-15 G89-15 G90-15 G91-15 G92-15 G93-15 G94-15 G95-15 G18-15 G96-15 G97-15 G98-15 G99-15 G100-15 G101-15 G102-15 G103-15 G104-15 G105-15 G106-15 G107-15 G108-15 G109-15 G110-15 G111-15 G112-15 G113-15 G114-15 G115-15 G116-15 G117-15 G118-15 G119-15 G120-15 G121-15 G123-15 G122-15 G124-15 G125-15 G126-15 G4-15 G19-15 G127-15 G128-15 Chapter 5 G129-15 G130-15 G132-15 G133-15 G135-15 G136-15 G137-15 G138-15 G139-15 G142-15 G144-15 G143-15 G145-15 G140-15 G152-15 G171-15 G146-15 G147-15 G148-15 G149-15 G150-15 G151-15 G153-15 G154-15 G155-15 G156-15 G157-15 G158-15 G159-15 G160-15 G161-15 G162-15 G163-15 G164-15 G165-15 Chapter 6 G2 G167-15 G168-15 G169-15 G170-15 G172-15 G173-15 G174-15 G175-15 G176-15 G177-15 G178-15 G179-15 G180-15 G181-15 G182-15 G183-15 G184-15 G185-15 Chapter 12 G186-15 G187-15 G188-15 G189-15 G190-15 G191-15 P54-15 Part II G216-15 G217-15 G218-15 G219-15 G220-15 G211-15 G221-15 G223-15 G224-15 Chapter 33 G225-15 G226-15 G227-15 G228-15 G229-15 G230-15 G231-15 G232-15 Appendix I G233-15 Appendix N (New) G234-15 G235-15 G236-15 Chapter 15 S7-15 S8-15 S9-15 Chapter 27 G192-15 Part I Chapter 29 G193-15 P46-15 Part II Chapter 30 G194-15 G195-15 G196-15 G197-15 G198-15 G199-15 G200-15 G201-15 G202-15 G203-15 G205-15 G204-15 G206-15 G210-15 G207-15 G208-15 Chapter 30 (New) G209-15 Chapter 31 G212-15 G213-15 G214-15 G215-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 G3 Change # Code(s) Affected Section(s) Notes G1-15 IBC 202 Revises the definition of Building Area Opposed G2-15 G237-15 G6-15 IBC IBC IBC 202 202 202 G8-15 G9-15 G11-15 G12-15 G20-15 IBC IBC IBC IBC IBC 202 202 202 202 202 Revises the definition of Revises the definition of Revises the definition of Care Revises the definition of Revises the definition of Revises the definition of Revises the definition of Revises the definition of Pool E5-15 Part II IBC G22-15 G23-15 Part II: Chapter 3, 301, 301.1, 302, 302.1, 302.2 (New) IBC, IFC 304.2, [F] 307.2, 308.2, 310.2, 402.2, 404.1.1, 406.2, 408.1.1, 410.2, 411.2, 412.2, [F] 415.2, [F] 421.2, 423.2, 502.1, 702.1, 722.1.1, 802.1, 902.1, 1002.1, 1102.1, 1202.1, 1402.1, 1502.1, 1602, 1602.1, 1609.2, 1612.2, 1613.2, IBC 302.1, 508.2.4, 508.3.3 Position Building Area Neutral Attic Support Custodial Neutral Dwelling Sleeping Unit Food Court Grade Plane Swimming Reason The proposed language does not add clarity The reason statement has some validity Opposed Neutral Support Support Opposed The IBC uses the term in general for occupancy classifications etc. We agree that the 24" requirement should be deleted Determination of occupant load and occupancy Opposed classification Revises the language for definitions found in other parts of the code G24-15 IBC G131-15 IBC Revises the language by adding requirements for separation of roof decks 302.1, 503.1.4 (New) Revises the section regarding occupancy classification, and adds a new section for roof decks 503.1.4 (New), 1004.5 Adds a new section for occupied roofs G134-15 IBC 504.4 Support / Modify Modify by deleting sections 304.2, [F] 307.2, 308.2, 310.2, 402.2, 404.1.1, 406.2, 408.1.1, 410.2, 411.2, 412.2, [F] 415.2, [F] 421.2, 423.2, 502.1, 702.1, 722.1.1, 802.1, 902.1, 1002.1, 1102.1, 1202.1, 1402.1, 1502.1, 1602, 1609.2, 1612.2, 1613.2, 1615.2, 1702.1, 1802.1, 2302.1, 2402.1, 2502.1, 2602.1, 3102.2, 3105.2, 3110.2 entirely as these are not needed. And revise sections 1602.1 and 2102.1 to refer to just notations. Support Roof decks represent a distinct hazard and should be separated from the remainder of the building Roof decks should be classified based on their use not on the occupancy that they are accessory to. Section Tables 504.3 and 504.4 are not related to permitted uses, they are for allowable building height Opposed Opposed Revises the language to exempt an Opposed occupied roof from being considered a story G166-15 IBC 511.1 (New), 511.2 (New), 511.3 (New), 511.4 (New) 303.1.1, 303.1.2 Adds new sections for occupied roofs G25-15 IBC G26-15 IBC G27-15 IBC G29-15 IBC G30-15 IBC G31-15 IBC G36-15 IBC G48-15 IBC G13-15 G141-15 IBC IBC G222-15 IBC G28-15 IBC 303.5 Adds Sports practice facilities to Group Neutral A4 G32-15 IBC 202 (New), 308.3, 310.6, 420.4 Adds a definition and new sections for Crisis Centers Revises the assembly occupancy requirement for occupant loads less than 50 303.1.1, 303.1.2 Attempts to clarify the assembly occupancy requirement for occupant loads less than 50 303.4 Adds Greenhouses to Group A3 occupancy 304.1 Adds Greenhouses to Group B occupancy 305.1.2 (New) Adds a new section to Group E occupancies for Greenhouses accessory to Group E 306.3 Adds production greenhouses to Group F2 occupancy 309.1 Adds greenhouses with public access wtih plants for display and sale to Group M occupancy 312.1, 312.1.1 (New) Removes greenhouses from Group U and adds a new section 202 (New) Adds a new definition for Greenhouse TABLE 506.2 Revises table 506.2 for greenhouse maximum area 3112 (New), 3112.1 Adds a new section and sub-sections (New), 3112.2 (New), for Greenhouses 3112.3 (New), 3112.4 (New), 3112.5 (New), 3112.6 (New), 3112.6.1 (New) Opposed The language appears to be for events Support Modify by adding group M as well Support Opposed Exhibition halls are already in this section Opposed Support Support Support Opposed Neutral Opposed Opposed Opposed The language would not correlate with the previous proposals. For Example a greenhouse that is an M occupancy would not have to be accessible? Not sure why A4, it could be eitherA3 or A4. A4 is typically for Events and A3 is is for recreation and Assembly not classified elsewhere The language is too vague and the definition adds language regarding occupant prompting G33-15 IBC, IFC 308.3.4, 308.4.2, Revises the language by deleting the 310.5.1, [F] 903.2.8.4 allowance for compliance with the (IFC 903.2.8.4) Residential Code G34-15 IBC 308.3.4, 308.4.2, 310.5.1 G35-15 IBC 202 (New), 308.2, Adds provisions for "lockup facilities" 308.5, 308.5.6 (New) Opposed G37-15 IBC 310.4, 310.5 Revises the section by moving boarding houses and similar occupancies into congregate living facilities IBC 310.4 Adds "Student residence facilities" to dormitories in group R2 IBC, IFC 421, [F] 421.1, [F] Moves Hydrogen Fuel Cell 421.2, [F] 421.3, [F] requirements from chapter 4, Special 421.4, [F] 421.4.1, [F] Occupancy requirements to chapter 5 421.4.2, [F] 421.5, [F] Incidental uses 421.6, [F] 421.6.1, [F] 421.6.2, [F] 421.6.3, [F] 421.6.4, [F] 421.7, [F] 421.8 Neutral G39-15 IBC 310.4 Neutral G40-15 IBC 310.5, 310.5.2 G41-15 IBC 310.5.2 G42-15 IBC 310.6 G43-15 IBC 311.1.1 G44-15 IBC 311.2 G45-15 IBC 202, 202 (New), 312.1, C101.1 G46-15 IBC 312.1 G38-15 G7-15 Opposed Some jurisdictions do not adopt the sprinkler provisions, the current language needs to remain Deletes the sprinkler requirement from Opposed this occupancy Some jurisdictions do not adopt the sprinkler provisions, the current language needs to remain This would allow a lockup facility to be in a mall. Furthermore not sure how this addresses the I occupancy conditions Adds "Condominiums (nontransient)" to Group R2 Revises the language for lodging houses Revises the language to clarify that a speinkler system is required Revises the language for Group R4 occupancies Removes the area requirements for storage rooms Opposed Adding this terminology could lead to misinterpretation of the code Neutral Neutral Support Opposed Opposed Adds Self Service Storage facilities to Support the list of S1 occupancies Revises the language and adds a new Opposed definition for "ANIMAL HOUSING FACILITY" Adds Maintenance and groundskeeping Opposed storage to Group U This would allow a group R4 to be constructed in accordance with the IRC This could allow for large storage rooms to be classified as a part of the main occupancy This could conflict with Group B occupancies They are S occupancies G47-15 IBC G49-15 IBC, IFC 402, 402.1,402.3, 402.4, [F] 402.5, 402.6, [F] 402.7, 402.8, 507.13 IBC, IFC 403, 403.1, 403.2, [F] 403.3, [F] 403.4, [F] 403.4.5, [F] 403.4.6, 403.4.7, [F] 403.4.8, 403.5, 403.6 Moves the covered mall building requirements to the Unlimited area buildings section Opposed Moves the High Rise building provisions to Section 504.3 Opposed IBC, IFC 404, 404.1, 404.1.1, 712.1.7, 404.2, [F] 404.3, [F] 404.4, 404.5, 404.6, [F] 404.7, 404.8, 404.9, 404.9.1, 404.9.2, 404.9.3 IBC, IFC 405, 504.4, 405.1, 405.2, [F] 405.3, 405.4, 405.4.1, 405.4.2, 405.4.3, 405.5, 405.5.1, 405.5.2, [F] 405.6, 405.7.1, IBC, IFC 405.7, 406, 406.1, 406.2, 406.3, 406.3.1, 406.3.2, 406.3.3, 406.3.4, 406.3.4.1, 406.3.4.2, 406.3.4.3, 406.3.5, 406.3.5.1, 406.3.6 IBC 406.4, 406.5, 406.6, 406.7, 406.8 Moves the Atrium requirements from chapter 4 to Chapter 7 Opposed/ Modify G50-15 G51-15 G52-15 G53-15 G54-15 312.1 Adds Communication equipment Opposed structures with a gross floor area of less than 1,500 square feet to Group U The language in the current section states "not limited to". This language is not necessary. Furthermore it adds a square footage requirement in occupancy classification Section 507 is for height and fire area. The proposal would move other language such as lease plans and means of egress etc. to the Height and Fire Area Chapter This is the Height in Feet section, The proposal would move other language to Section 504.3. Though the reason makes some sense, we feel that this proposal should not be supported Moving this could add clarity, however the better place for Atriums would be in 706 Moves the Underground Buildings from Opposed Chapter 4 to Chapter 5 We agree that these sections are difficlut to find, however the proposal does not fix the situation without creating more complications or problems. Moves the Motor Vehicle related Opposed occupancy requirements form Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 We agree that these sections are difficlut to find, however the proposal does not fix the situation without creating more complications or problems. Moves the Motor fuel-dispensing facilities, Repair garages and Public parking garages from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 We agree that these sections are difficlut to find, however the proposal does not fix the situation without creating more complications or problems. Opposed G55-15 G56-15 G57-15 G58-15 G59-15 IBC, IFC 407, [F] 407.6, [F] 407.7, [F] 407.8, 308.3.4.3 (New), 308.4.3.2 (New) IBC, IFC 408, 408.1, 408.2, 408.3,408.4, 408.5,408.6, 408.7, 408.8, 408.9, [F] 408.10, [F] 408.11 IBC, IFC [F] 307.1.1, 409, 409.1, 409.1.1, 409.2, 409.3, 409.3.1, 409.3.2, 409.3.3, 409.4, 409.5 Moves I2 requirements from Chapter 4 Opposed to Chapter 3 IBC, IFC 410, 410.1, 410.2, 410.3, 410.4, 410.5, 410.6, [F] 410.7, [F] 410.8, 602.6 (New) IBC, IFC 411, 411.1, 411.2, [F] 411.3, [F] 411.4, [F] 411.5, [F] 411.6, 411.7, 411.7.1, 411.8, 304.3 (New) Moves Stages, platforms and technical Opposed production areas from Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 The construction type chapter is not the appropriate place for this language Moves Special Amusement Building requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 We agree that these sections are difficlut to find, however the proposal does not fix the situation without creating more complications or problems. Moves I3 requirements from Chapter 4 Opposed to Chapter 3 Adds new language for motion picture rooms and moves motion picture projection rooms from chapter 4 to chapter 3 Opposed Opposed We agree that these sections are difficlut to find, however the proposal does not fix the situation without creating more complications or problems. We agree that these sections are difficlut to find, however the proposal does not fix the situation without creating more complications or problems. We agree that these sections are difficlut to find, however the proposal does not fix the situation without creating more complications or problems. G60-15 G61-15 G62-15 IBC, IFC 412, 412.1, 412.2, Moves Aircraft related requirements 412.3.1, 412.3, 412.3.2, 412.3.3, 412.3.4, 412.3.4.1, [F] 412.3.5, 412.3.6, 412.3.7, 412.3.7.1, 412.3.8, 412.7, 412.7.1, [F] 412.6, [F] 412.6.1, 412.6.2, [F] 412.6.3, [F] 412.6.4, [F] 412.6.5, [F] 412.6.6, 412.4, 412.4.1, 412.4.2, 412.4.3, 412.4.4, 412.4.5, [F] 412.4.6, [F] 412.4.6.1, [F] 412.4.6.2, 412.5, 412.5.1, 412.5.2, [F] 412.5.3, 412.5.4, 412.5.5, [F] 412.8, [F] 412.8.1, [F] 412.8.2, [F] 412.8.3, [F] 412.8.4, [F] 412.8.5 IBC, IFC 412, 412.4, 412.4.1, Moves Aircraft related requirements 412.4.2, 412.4.3, 412.4.4, 412.4.5, [F] 412.4.6, [F] 412.4.6.1, [F] 412.4.6.2 Opposed IBC Opposed 413, 413.1, 413.2 Moves Combustible storage requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 Opposed G63-15 IBC, IFC 414, [F] 414.1, [F] Moves the Hazardous Material 414.1.1, [F] 414.1.2, requirements from Chapter 4 to [F] 414.1.2.1, [F] Chapter 3 414.1.3, [F] 414.2, [F] 414.2.1, [F] 414.2.2, [F] 414.2.3, [F] 414.2.4, [F] 414.2.5, [F] 414.3, [F] 414.4, [F] 414.5, [F] 414.5.1, [F] 414.5.2, [F] 414.5.2.1, [F] 414.5.2.2, [F] 414.5.3, [F] 414.6, [F] 414.6.1, [F] 414.6.1.1, [F] 414.6.1.2, [F] 414.6.1.3 Opposed G64-15 IBC, IFC [F] 307.2, 307.6.1 Moves the Hazardous Material (New), [F] 415.2, [F] requirements from Chapter 4 to 415.1, [F] 415.3, [F] Chapter 3 415.4, [F] 415.5, [F] 415.6, [F] 415.7, [F] 415.8, [F] 415.9, [F] 415.10, [F] 415.11 Opposed G65-15 IBC, IFC 416, [F] 416.1, [F] 416.2, [F] 416.2.1, [F] 416.2.2, [F] 416.3, [F] 416.3.1, [F] 416.4, [F] 416.5 IBC, IFC 417, [F] 417.1, [F] 417.2, [F] 417.3, [F] 417.4 IBC, IFC 418, [F]307.1.3 (New), [F] 418.1, [F] 418.2, [F] 418.3, [F] 418.4, [F] 418.5, [F] 418.6 Moves the Flammable Finish requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 Opposed Moves the Drying Room requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 Opposed Moves the Organic Coatings requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 Opposed G66-15 G67-15 G68-15 IBC, IFC 419, 419.1, 419.1.1, Moves the Live/Work Units 419.2, 419.3, 419.3.1, requirements from Chapter 4 to 419.3.2, 419.4, [F] Chapter 5 419.5, 419.6, 419.7, 419.8, 419.9 G69-15 IBC, IFC 420, 420.1, 420.2, 420.3, 420.4, 420.4.1, [F] 420.5, [F] 420.6, 308.3.5 (New), 308.3.6 (New), 308.3.7 (New), 308.3.8 (New), 308.3.8.1 (New), 310.3 (New), 310.4 (New), 310.5 (New) IBC, IFC 421, [F] 421.1, [F] 421.2, [F] 421.3, [F] 421.4, [F] 421.4.1, [F] 421.4.2, [F] 421.5, [F] 421.6, [F] 421.6.1, [F] 421.6.2, [F] 421.6.3, [F] 421.6.4, [F] 421.7, [F] 421.8 Moves the R Occupancy requirements Opposed from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 Moves the Hydrogen Fuel Cell requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 5 Opposed IBC, IFC 422, 422.1, 422.2, 422.3, 422.3.1, 422.3.2, 422.3.3, [F] 422.4, [F] 422.5 IBC 423, 423.1, 423.1.1, 423.2, 423.3, 423.4 IBC, IFC 424, 424.1, 602.6 (New), 424.2, [F] 424.3, 424.4, 424.5 IBC 425, 425.1, 304.5 (New) Moves the Amulatory Care Facilities requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 Opposed G70-15 G71-15 G72-15 G73-15 G74-15 Opposed Moves the Storm Shelter requirements Opposed from Chapter 4 to Chapter 5 Moves the CHILDREN'S PLAY Opposed STRUCTURES requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 Moves the Hyperbaric facilities Opposed requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 G75-15 G76-15 IBC, IFC [F] 426, 426.1, [F] 426.1.1, [F] 426.1.2, [F] 426.1.3, [F] 426.1.4, [F] 426.1.5, [F] 426.1.6, [F] 426.1.7 IBC 402.7.6 (New) G77-15 IBC 402.8.6.1 G78-15 IBC 402.8.7.1 (New) G79-15 IBC 403.1 G80-15 IBC 403.2.1.1 G81-15 IBC 403.5.2 G82-15 IBC 403.5.2 G83-15 G84-15 IBC IBC 403.5.2 403.5.2 G85-15 IBC G86-15 IBC 403.5.3, 403.5.3.1 (New), 403. (New), 403.5.3.1 403.5.3.1 G87-15 IBC 403.6.1 G3-15 IBC 202 Moves the Combustible dusts, grain processing and storage requirements from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 Opposed Adds a reference to fire command center Revises the Exit Passageway language to reference 1024 Adds provisions to permit Utility systems in exit passageways in covered malls Revises the language to not permit the provisions to apply to A5 occupancies on the roof Adds group H to the occupancies not allowed to have fire resistance ratings reduced Adds the term "ancillary spaces" to this section Adds Group R1 to the section Support Changes the term width to capacity Adds an additional exception to the section Revises and adds new sections for high rise stairway doors Support Opposed Deletes the stairway communication section Adds an exception that allows Group R2 occupancies to not have the minimum 2 fire service access elevators Opposed Adds a reference to Section 712.1.9 and 1019.3 in the definition of Atrium Opposed Support The currrent section does not contain all the requirements Neutral Opposed Support Opposed This term does not add clarity Opposed R1 occupancies are transient in nature and this proposal would allow high rise R1 occupancies to not have the additional exit stair that is currently requried Support/ Modify Opposed The language needs seome cleanup This requirement was for fire service operations. The proposal would permit high rise R2 occupancies with only 1 fire service elevator. This would greatly impact fire service operations This does not add clarity. 712.1.9 is not applicable because 712.1.7 already addresses atriums. 1019.3 deals with Exit access stairway enclosures G88-15 IBC 404.2 G89-15 IBC, IFC 404.2, [F] 404.3 G90-15 IBC, IFC 404.5 G91-15 IBC, IFC 404.5 G92-15 IBC 404.6, 709.4.2 G93-15 IBC 404.6 G94-15 IBC 404.6 G95-15 IBC 406, 406 (New), Chapter 35 G18-15 IBC 202 G96-15 IBC 202 (New), 406.2 G97-15 IBC 406.3 G98-15 IBC 406.3.1 G99-15 IBC 406.5.1 G100-15 IBC TABLE 406.5.4 G101-15 IBC TABLE 406.5.4 G102-15 IBC 406.6.2 Adds language regarding ceiling height Neutral of the atrium Revises the atrium language Opposed Revises the smoke control requirements Removes the smoke control system requirements for other than I1 and I2 occupancies Replaces the word fire barrier with smoke barrier Revises the gasket language for atriums Revises the atrium enclosure language and adds a new exception Revises and adds new sections for motor-vehicle related occupancies Support Opposed Opposed Support Support Opposed Adds "owner" t the definition of oprivate Support garage Adds a definition of repair garage Support/ Modify Adds an exception to private garages if constructed as public garages Adds an exception for the area of garages accessory to R3 Allows open parking garages to be constructed of Type III or V construction Revises the table to reduce common provisions Revises the allowable area for open parking garages Revises the language to reference both ventilation and exhaust This proposal would prohibit the use of the atrium floor Not sure that the word "atmospherically" is needed Support Support Opposed Support Opposed Support There is too much wrong with the language. In the standard, there is frequent use of the word ‘may’ which can indicate the provisions that are non-mandatory. The vast majority of the uses of ‘may’ are found where options to a requirement of the standard are allowed or where equipment not specified by the standard is allowed to be connected to the equipment regulated by the standard. The definitions in Section 406.2 are proposed to be deleted in a different proposal G103-15 IBC G104-15 IBC G105-15 IBC G106-15 IBC G107-15 IBC G108-15 IBC G109-15 IBC G110-15 IBC G111-15 IBC G112-15 IBC G113-15 IBC G114-15 IBC G115-15 IBC 406.6.2 Adds an exception for R3 parking garage ventilation 407.2.1 Attempts to clarify the language of what types of uses that can be open to the corridor in Group I2 407.2.6 Revises the language for nursing home cooking facilities 407.4.1.1 Revises the language for locking devices 407.5 Revises the smoke barrier requirements 407.5 Revises the smoke barrier square footage 407.5 Adds 2 exceptions to the smoke barrier requirements 407.5 Revises the language to limit all I occupancies to 22500 square feet 407.5.2 Revises the egress requirements from smoke compartments 407.6 (New), 709.5.1 Adds a reference to door closers in I2 occupancies and revises the language for smoke barriers Neutral 408.9 Opposed Revises the windowless I3 building language 410.3.4 Revises the language for stages in Type I construction 412.3, 412.3.1 (New), Revises and adds new sections for Air 412.3.1.1, TABLE Traffic Control Towers 412.3.1, 412.3.1.2 (New), 412.3.1.3 (New), 412.3.2 (New), 412.3.2, 412.3.3, 412.3.4, 412.3.4.1, 412.3.3 (New), [F] 412.3.5, 412.3.3.2 (New), 412.3.3.3 (New), 412.3.6, 412.3.4.1 (New), 412.3.7, 412.3.7.1, 412.3.8 Support/ Modify Not sure that "public use areas" is clear for the code official. Could this mean that a café could be open to the corridor? Support Support Support Support Opposed Opposed Opposed Support/ Modify Strike the language "protecting openings in smoke barriers". Because without striking this text out, the proposal would only require closers in smoke barriers not all corridor walls Support Support/ Modify The reference to 403.2.3 is not clear - Does this reference only apply to Risk Category III or IV, all ATCT's or only high rise ones? The language in 403.2.3 and 403.2.4 should be copied in 412 as new sections instead of references to high rise. Also there appears to be incorrect numbering? G116-15 IBC 412.3.4, 412.3.4.1, 412.3.4.2 (New) G117-15 G118-15 IBC, IFC 412.3.7, 909.20.6.1, [F] 913.2.2, (IFC 913.2.2), [F] 2702.3, 3007.8.1, 3008.8.1, Chapter 35 IBC 420.2 G119-15 IBC 420.2, 420.3 G120-15 IBC 420.7 (New) G121-15 IBC G123-15 IBC 420.7 (New), 420.7.1 (New), 420.7.2 (New) 420.8 (New), 420.8.1 (New), 420.9 (New) G122-15 IBC Revises the remoteness of exits in Air Traffic Control Towers Support/ Modify Revises several sections in an attempt Support to standardize the methods of protecting wiring or cables The new porposed section should be 412.3.4.1 and then renumber the other section References to proprietary products in reference standard Adds 2 exceptions to separation walls Opposed between dwelling and sleeping units Adds exceptions to separations Opposed between dwelling and sleeping units Adds a new section for spaces open to Support the corridor in Group I1 occupancies The langauge has unintended consequences Adds new sections for cooking Opposed appliance in Group R2 Adds new sections for cooking facilities Opposed in Group I1 and R occupancies There is not really limited to dorms, approved locations are not clearly defined Adds a new section for Group R2 dormitories, motels, hotels, apartment houses, condominiums, and vacation timeshare properties to have a peephole IBC, IFC 202, 422.2, [F] Revises the definition and sections for 903.2.2 (IFC 903.2.2) amulatory care facility Support Opposed This proposal does not add any clarity Adds sections for electrical systems in ambulatory care facilities Opposed We undertand the reasoning, however the language is poorly written andhas incorrect reference/sections G126-15 IBC, IFC 422.6 (New), 604.2.1(IBC [F] 2702.2.1) (New) IBC 424.1 Opposed G4-15 IBC 202 (New) G19-15 IBC 202 (New) G127-15 IBC 427 (New), 427.1 (New) Revises the languge for childrens play areas Adds a definition of "Childrens Play Structure" Adds a definition of "SOFT CONTAINED PLAY EQUIPMENT STRUCTURE" Adds Medical gas systems to the Special Detailed Requirements based on occupancy. G124-15 G125-15 420.7 (New) Opposed Opposed Opposed There is no need to have this requirement in Chapter 4 of the IBC, this is not a special occupancy. G128-15 IBC G129-15 IBC 427.1 (New), 427.2 (New), 427.3 (New), 427.4 (New) 503.1 Adds requirements for "High Risk Areas" to limit the height and area of the structure. Revises the section to address the issue that buildings shall not cross property lines. Support Caution on the use of "High Risk Areas" as this term is used elsewhere in the code. Support/ Modify This has been an issue in the past and should be addressed in other codes. Modify by adding "Where a building crosses a property line, or where a property line is placed within a builidng, there shall be a party wall at the property line. G130-15 IBC 503.1, 706.1 G132-15 IBC G133-15 IBC G135-15 IBC Section 504.5 (New) Adds requirements for Fire Apparatus Access Roads to the Building Height and Stories section Opposed G136-15 IBC 505.2 Support G137-15 IBC G138-15 IBC 505.2.1, 505.2.1.1 (New), 505.3.1 505.2.1 G139-15 IBC 505.2.3 G142-15 IBC 506.3, 506.3.1 Adds an exception that allows a ceiling height of 7 feet for a mezzanine Revises the mezzanine language for clarity Adds an exception to mezzanines for dwelling units Revises the language for clarity and consistency Revises the frontage increase language to further restrict type III and V construction Clarifies the language that this section Support is for determing height and fire area. 503.1.2.1 (New) Adds a new section for buildings on Opposed properties with courts TABLE 504.3, TABLE Revises the language and tables for Support 504.4, TABLE 506.2, Group R occupancies TABLE 803.11, 1006.2.2.6 (New), TABLE 1017.2, TABLE 1020.1; (IFC, TABLE 1006.2.1, 1006.2.2, 1006.2.2.6 (New), TABLE 1017.2, TABLE 1020.1) The proposal does not make sense and is not needed The Fire Code Section 503 already addresses fire apparatus access roads. The change should take place there. The termination language is unclear. Support Support Support Opposed Not sure on the clarity of the 3.2? G144-15 IBC G143-15 IBC 506.3.3, 506.3.3.1 (New), 506.3.3.2 (New) 202 (New), 506.3.1 Revises the area factor increase formula and language Opposed Copies the definition of fire apparatus acces road from the fire code and revises the language in Section 506.3.1 for clarity Revises the lanuage to ensure that yards are accessible for fire fighting Adds restrictions for height and area for buildings located in disaster prone areas Adds restrictions on fire resistance rating reductions for disaster prone areas Revises these sections in an attempt for building resilience Revises the language to add automatic sprinkler systems in storage rooms, press boxes, concession booths or other spaces Adds an exception to increase the allowable area of accessory occupancies in NFPA 13R systems Adds language for Group I2 condition 2 occupancies in non-separated buildings Support G145-15 IBC 202 (New), 507.2 G140-15 IBC 506.1.4 (New) G152-15 IBC 508.4.4.2 (New) G171-15 IBC G146-15 IBC 602.1, 602.1.1, 602.1.1.1 (New) 507.4 G147-15 IBC 508.2.3 G148-15 IBC 508.3.1 G149-15 G150-15 IBC IBC 508.3.2, 508.4.3 508.4.1 G151-15 IBC Revises these sections for clarity Revises the language to address the most restrictive provisions for unseparated occupancies 508.4.1, TABLE 508.4 Attempts to clarify the language G153-15 IBC 508.4.5 (New) G154-15 IBC TABLE 509 G155-15 IBC TABLE 509 G156-15 IBC TABLE 509 G157-15 IBC TABLE 509, 509.5 (New), 716.5 Not sure that the definition is necessary Support Support Disaster prone areas are not defined and the language is not clear Support Support Support This clarifies the language Neutral Support Support Support Opposed Adds a new section for exterior building Opposed wall separation Revises the table to reference the fire Support code for stationary battery systems Adds language to the table Opposed Revises the table for stationary battery Opposed systems Revises the incidental uses table and Support adds language for transformer rooms Does not add clarity Already addressed in the code The table is for separation and the proposal adds additional requirements Opposed in support of G 154-15 G158-15 IBC 509.3 G159-15 IBC G160-15 IBC TABLE 509, 509.1, 509.2, 509.3, 509.4, 509.4.1, 509.4.2, 509.4.2.1 510.2 - See Errata G161-15 IBC G162-15 IBC G163-15 IBC G164-15 IBC G165-15 IBC G167-15 IBC G168-15 IBC G169-15 IBC G170-15 IBC Deletes that area requirements for incidental uses Relocates the provision for incidental uses to from Chapter 5 to Chapter 4 Revises the language for vertical offsets 510.2 Requries a horizontal assembley to be of type I construction 510.2 Revises the horizontal builiding separation requirements 510.2, TABLE 510.2 Revises the horizontal builiding (New) separation requirements and adds a new table 510.2 510.5, 708.3, 711.2.3, Increases the fire resistance rating 711.2.4.1, 711.2.4.3 requirements for Group I-1, R-1 and R2 510.12 (New) Adds a new section to permit allowances for type IV heavy timber TABLE 601 Attempts to clarify the language in table 601 TABLE 602 Adds clarification requirements for Group R occupancies in table 602 TABLE 601 Adds a new footnote and reference in table 601 to reduce exterior wall ratings in type III and IV construction buildings with a separation distance of 30 feet or greater 602.1, TABLE 601, Relocates the provisions for 602.2, 602.3, TABLE combustible materials permitted in 602.4, 602.4, 602.4.1, noncombustible construction 602.4.2, 602.4.3, 602.4.4, 602.4.5, 602.4.6, 602.4.6.1, 602.4.6.2, 602.4.7, 602.4.8, 602.4.8.1, 602.4.8.2, 602.4.9, 602.5, 602.2 (New), 603, 603.1, 603.1.1, 603.1.2, 603.1.3 Opposed Opposed The placement of these in Chapter 5 are for protection of/from these spaces Support Opposed Neutral Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed Support Support Support The construction type is for the buidings not individual items or components. G172-15 IBC G173-15 IBC G174-15 IBC G175-15 IBC G176-15 IBC G177-15 IBC G178-15 IBC G179-15 IBC G180-15 602.3 Adds a reference to Section 602.4.2 and 602.4.8.2 in type III construction 602.3 Revises the language in an attempt to clarify 602.4.1 Revises the language in an attempt to clarify 602.3, 602.4.1 Revises the language in an attempt to clarify 602.3, 602.4, 602.4.8 Revises the language to limit to only non-bearing framing 602.3 Revises the language to be limited to FRTW to only be permitted when enclosed in exterior walls 602.4 Attempts to clarify heavy timber construction requirements 602.4, TABLE 602.4, Attempt to relocate the provision for 602.4.1, 602.4.2, cross laminated timber for easeier use 602.4.3, 602.4.4, 602.4.5, 602.4.9, 2304.11, 2304.11.1, TABLE 2304.11.1.1, 2304.11.2, 2304.11.3, 602.4.8, 602.4.8.2, 602.4.8.1, 602.4.6, 602.4.6.2, 602.4.6.1, 2304.11.4, 2304.11.5, 602.4.7, 2304.11.4.2 (New) Opposed IBC 406.7.2, TABLE 601, Reorganization of existing 603.1, 705.2.3, 803.3, requirements 803.13.3, 1406.3, [BG] 1510.2.5, [BG] 1510.3, 3105.3, D102.2.8, 803.1 Support G181-15 IBC G182-15 IBC 602.4, 602.4.6, 602.4.7, 602.4.10 (New) 602.4.2, 602.4.8.2 Support Support Opposed Opposed Neutral Support Support Adds language for concealed spaces in Support/ Modify Revises the requirements for corss laminated timber to allow other elements Opposed in support of G 173 and G174 Opposed The reasoning makes sense, hoiwever the language is run-on and could be modified to read better G183-15 IBC 602.4.8.2 G184-15 IBC 602.4.8.2 G185-15 IBC 603.1 G186-15 IBC 1203.2 (New), 1203.2 Attempts to add clarity to the section G187-15 G188-15 IBC IBC 1203.3 TABLE 1203.3 Identifies a technical error Neutral Deletes and reduces ratings in the table Opposed G189-15 IBC Revises the underfloor ventilation requirements for clarification and readablility G190-15 IBC 1203.4, 1203.4.1, 1203.4.1.1 (New), 1203.4.1.2 (New), 1203.4.2 (New), 1203.4.3 (New), 1203.4.3.1 (New), 1203.4.3.2 (New), 1203.4.2 1207.2, 1207.3 G191-15 IBC P54-15 Part II IBC S7-15 IBC S8-15 IBC S9-15 IBC G192-15 Part I IBC Revises the exterior walls construction Neutral requirements Revises the exterior walls construction Neutral requirements Adds fire treated wood to be used on Support Balconies, porches, decks and exterior stairways not used as required exits on buildings three stories or less above grade in type I and II construction Revises the requirements for sound transmission class testing 202 (New), 1208.3, Revises the language for efficiency 1208.4 dwelling units IBC 1211 (New), IBC Requires nonabsorbant floor finish in 1211.1 (New) laundry rooms 1510.1.1 (New), [BG] Revises the language for penthouses 1510.2.1, [BG] and rooftop structures 1510.2.2, [BG] 1510.2.3 [BG] 1510.6.2 Revises the mechanical screen requirements [BG] 1510.7.3 Deletes redundant language 2701.1 Attempts to provide clarity to the language Already permited in Section 1406.3 Neutral Support Support Support Neutral Support Neutral Support Support No reason G193-15 IBC Support IBC 2901, [P] 2901.1, Removes duplicate provisions that are 2902, [P] 2902.1, [P] in the plumbing code TABLE 2902.1, [P] 2902.1.1, [P] 2902.1.2, [P] 2902.2, [P] 2902.2.1, [P] 2902.3, [P] 2902.3.1, [P] 2902.3.2, [P] 2902.3.3, [P] 2902.3.4, [P] 2902.3.5, [P] 2902.3.6, [P] 2902.4, [P] 2902.4.1, [P] 2902.5, [P] 2902.6 2902.3.7 (New) Adds language for equal distribution of fixtures 3001.2, TABLE Adds a table and revises the language 3001.2 (New) for the reference standards for ease of use 3001.2 (New) Adds a new section to require emergency elevator communication systems for the deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired 3004.1, 3004.5 (New) Adds a section for automotive lifts P46-15 Part II IBC G194-15 IBC G195-15 IBC G196-15 G197-15 IBC 3004.2.2 Support G198-15 IBC 3005.4 G199-15 IBC 3005.7 (New) G200-15 G201-15 IBC IBC 3006.2 3006.2.1 (New), 1020.1.1(IFC [BE] 1020.1.1) (New) Removes the exception for existing escalators Increases the requirements for machine rooms Adds language for Fire service access and occupant evacuation elevator machine rooms Revises the hoistway langauge Revises language for hoistway openings Opposed Support Opposed Support Opposed Support Support Opposed Opposed in support of G193 G202-15 IBC G203-15 IBC G205-15 IBC G204-15 IBC G206-15 IBC G210-15 IBC G207-15 IBC G208-15 IBC G209-15 IBC G212-15 405.4.3, 708.1, 716.5.9.3, [F] 907.5.2.1 (IFC 907.5.2.1), 3006.4, 3007.6, 3007.6.1, 3007.6.3, 3007.9, 3007.9.1, 3008.6 3007.1 Revises the language for elevator lobby enclosures Support Revises the language for elevator fire service 3007.1 Revises the language for elevator fire service 3007.3, 3008.3 Revises the language for prevention of water penetration of hoistways 3007.8, 3007.8.1 Revises the language for standby (New) power for elevators 3008.8, 3008.8.1 Revises the language for standby (New) power for elevators 3008.1, 3008.1.1, Revises the language for occupant 3008.8.1 (new) evacuation elevators 3008.1, 3008.6.1 Adds exception for occupant evacuation elevator lobby to have direct access to exit stairway or ramp, where serving open parking garage 202, 30001.1, 3002 - New radon definitions and provisions 30008 (new) for Group E occupancies in Zone 1 (High-radon Table) areas. Opposed IBC 3102.1.1 Neutral G213-15 IBC 3102.1, 3103.1, 3103.5 (new) G214-15 IBC 3103.5 G215-15 IBC 3104.3 Add reference to ASCE 55 standard for air-supported structures Provides structural requirements reference to Chpt 16 for temporary tents and membrane structures when they exceed certain thresholds. Adds a section for accessible routes and temporary outdoor structures Includes awnings and canopies as exceptions to non-combustible construction for pedestrian walkways. Opposed Support Opposed Opposed Neutral Neutral Similar exception to standard elevator lobbies Reference standard language could affect enforceability. See Sections 1.3, 1.4, 4.3, 4.4,,, 5.3, 5.4, 5.4.1, 5.6.1, 5.7.1, 5.8, 5.8.1, 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 6.1, 6.2.2 and 6.2.3. ASCE 55 standard includes air-supported structures Support Oppose Oppose? Section 107.2 already requires accessibility for temporary structures G216-15 IBC 3104.5.2.2 Intends to clarify the type of glazing allowed in Pedestrian Walkways Oppose G217-15 IBC 3104.9 Support G218-15 IBC 3105.1 Clarifies travel distance for pedetrian walkways is 200' "that occurs within a pedestrian walkway" Incorporates scoping for Trellises G219-15 IBC G220-15 IBC G211-15 IBC G221-15 IBC G222-15 IBC G223-15 IBC G224-15 IBC 3112 (New) G225-15 IBC 3302.3 G226-15 IBC 3302.3, 3302.3.1 (New) Support with comments 202, 3105.3 New definition for Trellis (similar to Support canopy, but no cover) and incorporates with trellises in design and construction comments scoping 3105.4 Adds another compliance option for Support awning and canopy covers through NFPA 286 3101.1, 3111, Consolidates and organizes solar Support 3111.1.1 - 3111.3.5.1 energy system requirements in one (new) place. 3111, 3111.1.1.1 Adds height and area limitations of roof- Support (new ), 3111.1.12 mounted photovoltaic panels and with (new) provisions for fire-resistance ratings,in comments respect to fire fighting and these rooftop structures 3112 (New) New section for Greenhouse provision Support requirements that are already provided in the 2015 IBC. 202, 107.2.7, 3101.1, Adds definition, scope and provisions Support 3112 (New) for Relocatable Modular Buildings To amend IBC to permit public restrooms to be constructed below the BFE provided they are designed to meet specific requirements. Adds "and security" to Fire safety during construction provisions Adds special requirements for fire safety during construction of Type V buildings with combustible framing. Support with comments Oppose Oppose Chapter 24 already has glazing requirements in hazardous (pedestrian) locations, and the rewording limits the wall to glass walls, when they could be individual windows. Clarification Similar to State of California regulations. Provides clear path to referenced, applicable sections for Greenhouses. Intends to provide provisions to deal with specific construction issues with Relocatable Modular Buildings that are different then permanent on-site buildings. Several Technical flaws that need to be addressed. G227-15 IBC 3304.1.5 (New) Provides new requirements for burial of Oppose construction debris by referencing EPA standard 40 CFR Part 267,Subpart C 2005 Prohibition on Land Disposal G228-15 IBC 3304.2 (New) Proposal to require fire fighting vehicle access plan, particularly for Type V combustible construction 4 stories or more to require access all sides. Support with modificatio ns? G229-15 IBC/IFC 3310.1, F3311.1 Support with comments G230-15 IBC 3312.1 (new) G231-15 IBC 3314 (new) G232-15 IBC 3314 (new) Intends to provide consistency of temporary stairway requirements and access to standpipes during construction. Requires sprinkler system to be installed and activated in buildings of combustible construction 40' or higher during construction. Adds provision for safety of inspection personnel Adds provision for Fire Watch during off-work hours, where required by code official, for buildings of combustible construction over 40' in height G233-15 IBC I103.1 G234-15 IBC Appendix N (new) G235-15 IBC Appendix N (new) The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process Oppose Support with more specific criteria/par ameters Support Options for enclosure walls in Patio Cover Appendix Adds a new appendix for "Guidelines ??? for Replicable Buildings" to provide a format and direction regarding implementation of a Replicable Building Program, for faster turnaround after a disaster. Adds a new appendix for "Guidelines Support for Replicable Buildings" to provide a format and direction regarding implementation of a Replicable Building Program, for faster turnaround after a disaster. The standard contains language that could affect enforceability. See the Scope, Expert Qualifications, Definitions and Process Methodology sections G236-15 IBC Appendix N (new) IBC 202 Adds a new appendix for "Enhanced Building Resilience" to promote enhanced public health, safety, and general welfare and to reduce public and private property losses due to hazards and natural disasters associated with fires, flooding, high winds and earthquakes. Change Attic definition from "ceiling beams" to "ceiling framing". ??? Support TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (MEANS OF EGRESS) The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some E code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. Chapter 10 E1-15 G-1510-15 E2-15 E3-15 E4-15 E5-15 Part 1 E6-15 E123-15 E7-15 E8-15 E9-15 E10-15 E11-15 E12-15 E13-15 E14-15 E15-15 Part 1 E15-15 Part 2 E16-15 E17-15 E18-15 E19-15 E20-15 E21-15 E80-15 E22-15 E23-15 E24-15 E25-15 E26-15 E27-15 E28-15 E29-15 E30-15 E31-15 E32-15 E33-15 E34-15 E35-15 E36-15 E37-15 E38-15 E39-15 E40-15 E41-15 E42-15 E43-15 E44-15 E45-15 E46-15 E47-15 E48-15 E49-15 E50-15 E51-15 E52-15 E53-15 E54-15 E55-15 E56-15 E57-15 Part 1 E58-15 E60-15 E61-15 E62-15 E63-15 E64-15 E65-15 E66-15 E67-15 E68-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 E69-15 E70-15 E71-15 E72-15 E73-15 E74-15 E75-15 E76-15 E77-15 E78-15 E79-15 E81-15 E82-15 E83-15 E84-15 E85-15 E86-15 E87-15 E148-15 E88-15 E89-15 E90-15 E91-15 E92-15 E93-15 E94-15 E95-15 E96-15 E97-15 E98-15 E99-15 E100-15 E101-15 E102-15 E103-15 E104-15 E105-15 E106-15 E107-15 E108-15 E109-15 E110-15 E111-15 E112-15 E113-15 E114-15 E115-15 E116-15 E117-15 E118-15 E119-15 E120-15 E121-15 E122-15 E124-15 E125-15 E126-15 E127-15 E128-15 E129-15 E130-15 E131-15 E132-15 E133-15 E134-15 E135-15 E136-15 E137-15 E138-15 E139-15 E140-15 E141-15 E2 E142-15 E143-15 E144-15 E145-15 E146-15 E147-15 Part 1 E59-15 Chapter 11 E149-15 EB93-15 E150-15 E151-15 E152-15 E153-15 E154-15 E155-15 E156-15 E157-15 E158-15 E159-15 E160-15 E161-15 E162-15 E163-15 E164-15 E165-15 E166-15 E167-15 E168-15 E169-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 E3 Change # E1-15 Code(s) IBC, IFC G10-15 IBC E2-15 IBC, IFC E3-15 IBC, IFC E4-15 IBC, IFC 1003.4.1 (New), References ANSI A137.1 for ceramic (IFC[BE]1003.4.1 (New)) tile. E5-15 IBC, IFC Part I: 1004.1 (IFC[BE]1004.1) Part II: Chapter 3, 301, 301.1, 302, 302.1, 302.2 (New) 1004.1.1.1, 1026.4; (IFC[BE] 1004.1.1.1, 1026.4) 1026.4; (IFC[BE] 1026.4) IBC E6-15 IBC, IFC E123-15 IBC, IFC E7-15 IBC, IFC E8-15 IBC, IFC Affected Section(s) 406.4.1, 1003.2, 1003.3.1, 1003.3.2, 1003.3.3, 1003.4, 1012.5.2, 1208.2; (IFC[BE] 1003.2, 202(New) Notes Language is for clarification Position Neutral Reason Adds a definition for "Egress Side" Support/ Modify Shoul have the term "space" 202(New), 1003.4, 1011.5.4, 1011.7.1, 1012.7.1, 1029.11.1, Chapter 35; (IFC[BE] 1003.4, 1011.5.4, 1003.4.1 (New), (IFC[BE] 1003.4.1(New)) Changes the term "slip resistant" to "high Opposed Most people can determine what slip traction" and adds 2 new reference resistant is. High Traction would standards ANSI/NFSI B101.1-2005 and appear to require something more than ANSI/NFSI B101.3-2012 slip resistant. References ANSI A137.1, Section, but attempts to guide the Code Official to remember to substitute words for the word "tile". Opposed Slip resistant should be left to the discretion of the code official. Furthermore, This was not the intent of the reference standard. This type of change belongs with the reference standard. Neutral More research needed on ANSI A137.1 Determination of occupant load and occupancy classification Determination of occupant load and occupancy classification Support/ Not sure about the term "assigned" Modify Opposed Design occupant load Opposed Revises the calculation for the Support anticipated occupant load of an adjoining compartment for refuge areas Multiple function occupant load Support 1004, 1004.1.3 (New); (IFC[BE] 1004, 1004.1.3 (New)) Table 1004.1.2, 1004.1.3 Adds a new section and revises Table (New); (IFC[BE] Table 1004.1.2 for conference rooms and 1004.1.2, 1004.1.3 meeting rooms in Group B occupancies (New)) Support E9-15 IBC, IFC E10-15 IBC, IFC E11-15 IBC, IFC E12-15 IBC, IFC E13-15 IBC, IFC E14-15 IBC, IFC E15-15 Part 1 IBC Table 1004.1.2, 1004.6 (New); (IFC[BE] Table 1004.1.2, 1004.6 (New)) TABLE 1004.1.2; (IFC[BE] TABLE 1004.1.2) TABLE 1004.1.2; (IFC[BE] TABLE 1004.1.2) Adds a new section and revises Table 1004.1.2 for concentrated business use areas in Group B occupancies Adds a new section and revises Table 1004.1.2 for conference rooms and break rooms in Group B occupancies Reduces the occupant load factor for Industrial uses TABLE 1004.1.2; Reduces the occupant load factor for (IFC[BE] TABLE Decks of R2 and R3 occupancies. 1004.1.2) 1004.3; (IFC[BE] 1004.3) Revises the language for posting of the occupant load 1004.5; (IFC[BE] 1004.5) Proposal to add "occupied roofs" to this section 1005.3.1, 1005.3.2 Deletes exception number 1 from the stairway capacity requirements Support/ Modify Modify to leave Business areas to 100 Support Prefer E 8-15 Opposed Not sure of the methodology used for the reduction. We agree with the reason statement, however the proponent may not have considered that there could be a need for the increase in exit doors and restrooms. Support Though the reason statement makes some sense, the language does not necessarily make perfect sense. Would this require signs for each configuration or for the original design only. Support Support The reason statement is valid, there are other than fire emergencies that egress width is applicable to E15-15 Part 2 IEBC 402.6 (New), 403.2 Adds exception language to the Existing Opposed 402.6, would allow for no requirements (New), 407.4 (New), Building Code for means of egress for egress width based on the 408.3 (New), 704.2 capacities. proposed language. 403.6, 407.4, (New), 1005.2 (New), would allow for below standard egress 1012.4.3, 1107 (New), widths for any alteration, including an 1107.1 (New), 1203.4 alteration level 3 involving relocating (New), 1401.6.11, Table egress stairs. 704.2 is not needed 1401.6.11(1) (New), because Alterations level 1 already 1401.6.11.1 permits this. 1005.2 would allow for below standard egress widths regardless of the hazard classification. 1012.4.3 would further reduce the required egress width in a change of occupancy. 11007 and 1107.1 would allow for no requirements for egress width based on the proposed language. 1203.4 is not needed because 1203.3 already allows for this. 1401.6.11 defeats the purpose of evaluating an existing building. E16-15 IBC, IFC E17-15 IBC, IFC E18-15 IBC, IFC 1006.2.1, 1006.3; (IFC[BE] 1006.2.1, 1006.3) 1006.2.1, TABLE 1006.2.1; (IFC[BE] 1006.2.1, TABLE 1006.2.1) TABLE 1006.2.1; (IFC[BE] TABLE 1006.2.1) E19-15 IBC, IFC E20-15 IBC, IFC TABLE 1006.2.1; (IFC[BE] TABLE 1006.2.1) 1006.2.2.1, 1006.2.2.2 (New), 1006.2.2.2, 1010.1.10; (IFC[BE] 1006.2.2.1, 1006.2.2.2 (New), 1006.2.2.2, 1010.1.10) Revises egress from spaces Opposed The proposed language does not make any sense. Revises the single exit spaces for R2, Support R3 and R4 by deleting the exception and revising the table. Changes single exit table for R1, R2, R3 Opposed The reason statement states that an occupancies by adding a non-sprinklered addition could not occur without full value for travel distance compliance. The IEBC would allow the addition Deletes footnote f from table 1006.2.1 Support Adds door swing requirements for boiler, Support electrical and refrigeration rooms E21-15 IBC, IFC E80-15 IBC, IFC E22-15 IBC, IFC E23-15 IBC, IFC E24-15 IBC, IFC E25-15 IBC, IFC E26-15 IBC, IFC E27-15 IBC, IFC E28-15 IBC, IFC E29-15 IBC, IFC E30-15 IBC, IFC 1006.2.2.2 (New); (IFC[BE] 1006.2.2.2 (New)) 1010.1.10, 1010.1.10.1(New); (IFC[BE] 1010.1.10, 1010.1.10.1(New)) 1006.2.2.2; (IFC[BE] 1006.2.2.2) 1006.2.2.4, Table 1017.2, Table 1020.1; (IFC[BE] 1006.2.2.4, Table 1017.2, Table 1020.1) 1006.3; (IFC[BE] 1006.3) New exiting requirement for electrical rooms Support Requirements for door swing and panic hardware for electrical rooms Support Clarifies door swing direction in refrigeration machinery rooms Revises travel distance for I4 Occupancies Support Adds the term "independent" to exiting requirements Revises separate and distinct exits Opposed Opposed in support of E 25-15 1006.3, 1006.3.1; (IFC[BE] 1006.3, 1006.3.1) 1006.3; (IFC[BE] 1006.3) Attempts to clarify egress from stories or occupied roofs 1006.3, 1006.3.1 (New); Revises egress path from adjacent (IFC[BE] 1006.3, stories 1006.3.1 (New)) 1006.3.2, Table Changes the term "common path" to 1006.3.2(1) and Table "exit access" in these locations 1006.3.2(2); (IFC[BE] 1006.3.2, Table 1006.3.2(1) and Table 1006.3.2(2)) Table 1006.3.2, 1030.1 Revises single exit provisions for R4 (IFC[BE] Table 1006.3.2, occupancies 1030.1) 1008.2; (IFC[BE] 1008.2) Requires means of egress illumination for F and S occupancies that are not provided with artificial light Support Support Opposed The language does not make any sense Support Support Neutral Support E31-15 IBC, IFC 202(New), Revises the lighting control requirements Neutral 1008.2.1.1(New), 1008.3, 1008.3.1, 1008.3.4, 1013.6.3, 1025.5; (IFC[BE] 1008.2.1.1(New), 1008.3, 1008.3.1, 1008.3.4, 1013.6.3, 1025.5) E32-15 IBC, IFC E33-15 IBC, IFC E34-15 IBC, IFC 1008.2.2, 1008.3.5; (IFC[BE] 1008.2.2, 1008.3.5) 1008.2.2, 1008.2.3 (New); (IFC[BE] 1008.2.2, 1008.2.3 (New)) 1009.1; (IFC[BE] 1009.1) E35-15 IBC, IFC Clarifies that accessible means of egress Support for existing buildings shall comply with the IEBC 1009.1 (IFC[BE] 1009.1) Deletes the mezzanine exception Support E36-15 IBC, IFC 1009.2; (IFC[BE] 1009.2) Adds an exception for existing buildings Opposed The IEBC already provides for this E37-15 IBC 1009.2 E38-15 IBC, IFC E39-15 IBC, IFC E40-15 IBC, IFC 1009.7.2; (IFC[BE] 1009.7.2) E41-15 IBC, IFC E42-15 IBC, IFC E43-15 IBC, IFC 1009.7.2, 1009.7.4 Clarification by adding the term (IFC[BE] 1009.7.2, "minimum" 1009.7.4) 1009.8; (IFC[BE] 1009.8) Clarifies two way communication for elevators 1009.8; (IFC[BE] 1009.8) Revises two way communication fro elevators Attempts to clarify what constitutes a failure of a light Neutral Add language for exit discharge illumination Support Does "dispersal area" need to be defined Attempts to provide clarification for Support accessible means of egress 1009.2.1; (IFC[BE] Revises elevator requirements for floors Support 1009.2.1) or roofs 1009.3, 1009.4 (IFC[BE] Clarification of these section by Support 1009.3, 1009.4) separating out the listed items Adds an exception to allow no rating if the building is sprinklered Opposed The rating is additional protection of the occupants that assume they are in a safe refuge area Support Support Modify by adding the term "each" before landing Opposed Opposed in support of E 42-15 E44-15 IBC, IFC 1009.8; (IFC[BE] 1009.8) Adds a new exception for Group I2 condition 2 occupancies E45-15 IBC, IFC E46-15 IBC, IFC E47-15 IBC, IFC E48-15 IBC, IFC E49-15 IBC, IFC E50-15 IBC, IFC E51-15 IBC, IFC 1009.8; (IFC[BE] 1009.8) Adds a new exception for Group I2 occupancies 1009.8; (IFC[BE] 1009.8) Adds a new exception for Group I3 occupancies 1010.1.1, 1010.1.1.1; Attempts to clarify door opening (IFC[BE] 1010.1.1, requirements 1010.1.1.1) 1010.1.1; (IFC[BE] Revises door size requirements 1010.1.1) 1010.1.1 (IFC [BE] Attempts to eliminate a conflict with the 1010.1.1) door requirements 1010.1.1; (IFC[BE] Adds an exception for double doors 1010.1.1) without a mullion 1010.1.2.1; (IFC[BE] Requires public restroom doors to swing 1010.1.2.1) in the direction of egress travel E52-15 IBC, IFC E53-15 IBC, IFC E54-15 IBC, IFC E55-15 IBC, IFC Opposed I don't believe this proposal is required, since buildings with I-2 occupancy fire areas are required to be sprinklered throughout, and sprinklered buildings do not require accessible means of egress elevators to be accessed by areas of refuge (Section 1007.4, exc. #2 - 2012/1009.4, exc. #2 ? - 2015), and it is areas of refuge that require the two-way communication. So, I oppose, because I don't think it is necessary. Opposed This exception would permit nursing homes Support Support Neutral Neutral Opposed This would allow two 16" leafs in a set of doors Support/ Replace the word "and" with "or" Modify 1010., 1010.; (IFC[BE] 1010., 1010. 1010.; (IFC[BE] 1010. 202, 1010.1.4.2; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.4.2), Chapter 35 Revises calculation of revolving doors used in the means of egress Opposed This would allow for greater than a 50 person occupant load and are not an effective means of egress Editorial change to use their term "breakout" Adds provisions for low powered sliding and folding doors and adds a new appendix Support 709.5, 1010.1.4.2; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.4.2) Adds Special purpose, accordion and folding doors to this section Opposed Sliding doors are covered in other sections of the IBC. Need to review the new proposed reference standard BHMA A156.38-2014 Neutral E56-15 IBC, IFC E57-15 Part 1 IBC, IFC 202 (New), 1010.1.4.4 (New); (IFC[BE] 1010.1.4.4 (New)) 202 (New), 1010.1.4.4 (New), 1010. (New); (IFC[BE] 1010.1.4.4 (New), 1010. (New)) 202(New), 1010.1.2, 1010.1.4.5 (New); (IFC[BE] 1010.1.2, 1010.1.4.5 (New)) 1010.1.9.3 (New); (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.3 (New)) Adds a new section for Control Vestibules Adds a requirement for monitored or recorded egress doors E58-15 IBC, IFC E60-15 IBC, IFC E61-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.3 (New); (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.3 (New)) E62-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.3; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.3) E63-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.3; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.3) E64-15 IBC, IFC 1010. (IFC[BE] 1010. E65-15 IBC, IFC E66-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.6; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.6) 1010.1.9.7; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.7) Adds new requirements for school classroom doors Opposed This door arraignment is permitted already and should be provided with panic hardware Support Adds provisions for high speed doors to be permitted in the means of egress Opposed Not enough information regarding high speed doors in the language. Does this imply roll up doors? Adds a requirement for monitored or recorded egress doors Opposed Sections 1010.1.9.6, 1010.1.9.7, 1010.1.9.8, 1010.1.9.9 or 1010.1.9.10 contain permissive language, not required language. This would allow card reader or similar devices to be installed without compliance Opposed Sections 1010.1.9.6, 1010.1.9.7, 1010.1.9.8, 1010.1.9.9 or 1010.1.9.10 contain permissive language, not required language. This is better language than E 60-15. Adds language that would allow a door to Opposed "not intended" is questionable a roof is permitted to be locked to language. This would still mean that it prevent entry if the roof is not intended could be occupied but was not to be occupied. originally intended to be occupied. Unsure how the automatic re-entry mechanism would actually work. Adds language to permit egress doors Opposed This language would permit an interior from outdoor areas to be locked. courtyard capable of an occupant load of 300 people to be locked in such area with no means of escape Deletes the requirement that closet Opposed This language is necessary in this doors be openable from the inside and occupancy. bathroom doors from the ingress side in R4 occupancies Revises the language for controlled Support egress doors in I1 and I2 occupancies Revises the delayed egress language to Support permit court rooms to utilize delayed egress locks in A occupancies E67-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.7; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.7) Revises the delayed egress language to permit small class rooms to utilize delayed egress locks in E occupancies Revises the delayed egress language to permit small class rooms to utilize delayed egress locks in E occupancies Revises the delayed egress language for I1 and I4 occupancies Opposed Opposed in support of E 68-15 E68-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.7; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.7) E69-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.7 (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.7) E70-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.8; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.8) E71-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.8 (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.8) E72-15 IBC, IFC Revises the Electromagnetically locked egress doors language Support E73-15 IBC, IFC IBC, IFC Revises the Locking arrangements in correctional facilities language Revises stairway door locking Support E74-15 1010.1.9.9, 1010.1.10; (IFC [BE] 1010.1.9.9, 1010.1.10) 1010.1.9.10 (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.10) 1010.1.9.11; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.11) E75-15 IBC, IFC Revises stairway door locking Support E76-15 IBC, IFC E77-15 IBC, IFC E78-15 IBC, IFC E79-15 IBC, IFC 1010.1.9.11; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.9.11) 1008.3.3, 1010.1.9.12 (New); (IFC[BE] 1008.3.3, 1010.1.9.12 (New)) 1010.1.10; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.10) 1010.1.10; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.10) 1010.1.10; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.10) Support Support/ Modify Exception number 1 should be revised to include all I occupancies. No need for an exception 2 because the building is already required to be sprinklered. Revises the Sensor release of Neutral electrically locked egress doors language to permit all occupancies except H occupancies Revises the Sensor release of Support electrically locked egress doors language in an attempt to clarify the language Support The revision is only applicable to the 5th and 6th stories. All other stories are permitted Opposed in support of E 74-15 Adds a new section for Electronic locking Opposed Not sure that this language is devices on elevator lobby doors for necessary Group B Occupancies Attempts to clarify the language Support Revises exception 2 to doors with panic hardware or fire exit hardware Adds a new exception for doors serving Group A occupancies with an occupant load of 100 or fewer Neutral Opposed Defeats the purpose of the section E81-15 IBC, IFC 1010.3, 1010.3.2 (New), Revises language regarding turnstiles Support 1010.3.1, 1010.3.2; (IFC[BE] 1010.3, 1010.3.2 (New), 1010.3.1, 1010.3.2) 1011.6; (IFC[BE] 1011.6) Revises the stairway landing Neutral requirement to require a minimum 48" depth 1011.4; (IFC[BE] 1011.4) Attempts to clarify the walkline Neutral determination 1011.10; (IFC[BE] Revises spiral stair tread depth Opposed 1011.10) 1011.11, 1014.1; Adds the term "flight" to the section for Neutral (IFC[BE] 1011.11, clarification 1014.1) 1011.16 (IFC[BE] Attempts to clarify permanent ladder Support 1011.16) language 1013.2; (IFC[BE] 1013.2) Revises Floor-level exit signs in Group R- Support 1 from 12" to 18" [BE] 1031.4 Revises language for maintenance of Opposed exit signs 1013.4, 1111.3; (IFC[BE] Revises language where raised Neutral 1013.4) character exit signs are required 1013.4, 1111.3; (IFC[BE] Revises language where raised Support 1013.4) character exit signs for clarification 1013.6.3; (IFC[BE] Revises exit sign power source for Support 1013.6.3) Group I2 for clarification 1014.9; (IFC[BE] 1014.9) Revises intermediate handrail Support requirements by adding an exception E82-15 IBC, IFC E83-15 IBC, IFC E84-15 IBC, IFC E85-15 IBC, IFC E86-15 IBC, IFC E87-15 IBC, IFC E148-15 IBC E88-15 IBC, IFC E89-15 IBC, IFC E90-15 IBC, IFC E91-15 IBC, IFC E92-15 IBC, IFC 1015.3 (IFC[BE] 1015.3) Revises guard height requirements Support E93-15 IBC, IFC E94-15 IBC, IFC 1015.3; (IFC[BE] 1015.3) Attempts to clarify the guard height requirements 1015.3; (IFC[BE] 1015.3) Adds a new exception for guards in F occupancies Opposed The term "and serving" is not necessary and may lead to confusion Opposed Unable to find the appropriate provision of OSHA. OSHA requires 42" E95-15 IBC, IFC, 1015.6 (IFC[BE] 1015.6, Revises mechanical system guard Support IMC IMC[BE] 304.11), requirements for clarification and adds a 1015.7, (IFC[BE]1015.7, new section to the mechanical code. IMC[BE] 304.12 (New)) Not sure the language actually clarifies or confuses more This allows a range of 8" instead of 2" Intermediate handrails in 61-75" stairs would reduce the egress width to less than 36" E96-15 IBC, IFC, 1015.6 (IFC[BE] 1015.6), Revises mechanical system guard IMC 1015.7 (IFC[BE] 1015.6), requirements IMC [BE] 304.11 Neutral E97-15 IBC, IFC 1017.2, 1017.2.3 (New); Adds a new requirement for exit access (IFC[BE] 1017.2, travel distance for A, B, E and R 1017.2.3 (New)) occupancies E98-15 IBC, IFC 1017.2.2 (IFC[BE] 1017.2.2) E99-15 IBC, IFC 1017.2.3 (New); (IFC[BE] Adds an increase allowance of an 1017.2.3 (New)) additional 100' of travel distance if the corridor for that 100' is 1 hour rated. E100-15 IBC, IFC E101-15 IBC, IFC E102-15 IBC, IFC E103-15 IBC, IFC 202, 1017.3; (IFC[BE[ 1017.3) 1018.6 (New); (IFC[BE] 1018.6 (New)) 202, 1006.3, 1006.3.1, 1017.3.1, 1019.2(New), 1019.3, 1019.4, 1023.2; (IFC[BE] 1006.3, 1006.3.1, 1017.3.1, 1019.2(New), 1019.3, 1019.4, 1023.2) 202, 1019.3; (IFC[BE] 1019.3) Neutral / The language only provides for a 50' Opposed decrease in travel distance. The reason statement discusses building resilience, however the proposed text does nothing for resilience. Opposed The language found in the Fire Code is already applicable as determined by the code official. The proposed language would make the additional fire protection mandatory Opposed No substantial reasoning for the proposal. Furthermore the language could then be used to increase the in allout of the Support / travel Modifydistance to not strike the additional word "the" E104-15 IBC, IFC 1019.3 (IFC [BE] 1019.3) Clarifies the language E105-15 IBC, IFC 1020.1; (IFC[BE] 1020.1) Revises corridor construction - rating E106-15 IBC, IFC E107-15 IBC, IFC Table 1020.2; (IFC[BE] Table 1020.2) 1020.4 (IFC[BE] 1020.4) Revises the exceptions to dead end corridors Adds an additional requirement to exit access travel distance in F-1 and S-1 occupancies Attempts to clarify the common path of travel Modify in the definition Adds a requirement outside of Assembly Neutral occupancies for aisle widths Attempts to clarify exit access Opposed The language can lead to more requirements confusion than clarity Revises the definition of Atrium to exclude unenclosed exit access stairs Opposed Unenclosed exit access stairways provide the same hazard as atriums and are used for egress purposes Support Opposed The reason statement discusses building resilience, however the proposed text does nothing for Clarifies ambulatory facilities in the table Support Opposed This would require all sprinklered R4 occupancies to not exceed 20 for dead end corridors. E108-15 IBC, IFC 1020.4; (IFC[BE] 1020.4) Adds a new exception to dead end corridors Opposed We understand how the proponent cam to the logic in the reason statement, however disagree on the language Opposed E109-15 IBC, IFC E110-15 IBC, IFC E111-15 IBC, IFC E112-15 IBC, IFC 1021.4; (IFC[BE] 1021.4) Revises egress balcony distance separation 1023.3.1; (IFC[BE] Adds a new exception to this section 1023.3.1) 1023.4; (IFC[BE] 1023.4) Changes the word "necessary" to "required" 1023.5; (IFC[BE] 1023.5) Adds the term "security" to the text E113-15 IBC, IFC 1023.5, 1024.6; (IFC[BE] Penetrations into or through interior exit 1023.5, 1024.6) stairways and ramps E114-15 IBC, IFC 1023.11; (IFC[BE] 1023.11) Adds a reference back to section 412.3.2 Support for air traffic control tower stairs E115-15 IBC, IFC Adds new sections that reference standpipe requirements E116-15 IBC, IFC E117-15 IBC, IFC 1023.12 (New), 1024.8 (New), 1026.5 (New); (IFC[BE] 1023.12 (New), 1024.8 (New), 1026.5 (New)) 403.5.5, 1025; (IFC[BE] 1025) 1025.1; (IFC[BE] 1025.1) E118-15 IBC, IFC 1025.1 (IFC[BE] 1025.1) Deletes Group I-4 from the requirements Opposed Day care occupancies should not be of luminous egress markings deleted from this requirement E119-15 IBC, IFC E120-15 IBC, IFC 1025.1; (IFC[BE] 1025.1) Deletes Group I-3 from the requirements Opposed The proposal does not distinguish what of luminous egress markings conditions, therefore any I3, not just jails would be exempt 1025.2.5; (IFC[BE] Adds an exception for markings listed in Support 1025.2.5) accordance with UL 1994 Opposed Neutral Opposed Opposed in support of E 113-15 Support Support however, "two-way communication" may need to be modified because this does not include security systems Support Moves the requirements for luminous Support egress markings from 1025 to 403 Deletes Group I-2 from the requirements Support of luminous egress markings E121-15 IBC, IFC E122-15 IBC, IFC E124-15 IBC, IFC E125-15 IBC, IFC E126-15 IBC, IFC E127-15 IBC, IFC E128-15 IBC, IFC E129-15 IBC, IFC E130-15 IBC, IFC E131-15 IBC, IFC 1025.4, 1025.4.1(New). Revises the requirements to allow 1025.4.1.1(New), Electroluminescent materials 1025.4.1.2(New), 1025.4.1.3(New); (IFC[BE] 1025.4, 1025.4.1(New). 1025.4.1.1(New), 1025.4.1.2(New), 1025.4.1.3(New)) 1025.4; (IFC[BE] 1025.4) Revises the language to require listing instead of compliance with the UL standard 1026.4.1; (IFC[BE] Revises the language to reference back 1026.4.1) to chapter 4 1027.5; (IFC[BE] 1027.5) Revises the fire separation distance requirements for exterior stairs and ramps 1027.5, 1027.6; (IFC[BE] Revises the fire separation distance 1027.5, 1027.6) requirements for exterior stairs and ramps in Group R3 occupancies 1028.1; (IFC[BE] 1028.1) Revises the language by replacing the word "exit" with "path of travel" 403.5.1, 1028.1, 1028.2; Revises the language for two or more (IFC[BE] 1028.1, 1028.2) exits egressing through the same area Opposed Photoluminescent materials are necessary in high rise buildings. Electroluminescent material require power supplies. If the building loses both power supplies, then there are no markings. Support Support Opposed Neutral Support Support 1028.4, 1028.4.1; (IFC[BE] 1028.4, 1028.4.1) Revises the language and adds an Support exception for gradual reduction of egress not required if the capacity is 1.5 times the required 1028.4.1; (IFC[BE] Deletes the gradual reduction Neutral 1028.4.1) requirement of the code 1028.5; (IFC[BE] 1028.5) Revises the dispersal area requirements Support "each person using.." Is this ambiguous language? E132-15 IBC, IFC 202(New), 1005.3.1, Revises the language for smoke 1005.3.2, 1009.3, protected seating and adds a new 1009.4, 1019.3, 1029.6, definition for open air assembly seating 1029.6.3, 1029.7, 1029.8, 1029.8.1, 1029.9.5, 1029.12.2.1, Table 1029.12.2.1, 1029.12.2.2 (IFC[BE] 1005.3.1, 1005.3.2, 1009.3, 1009.4, 1019.3, 1029.6, 1029.6.3, 1029.7, 1029.8, 1029.8.1, 1029.9.5, 1029.12.2.1, Table 1029.12.2.1, 1029.12.2.2) Support E133-15 IBC, IFC 1029.6.2; (IFC[BE] 1029.6.2) Removes the requirement for an Support evaluation in accordance with NFPA 101 E134-15 IBC, IFC E135-15 IBC, IFC Revises minimum aisle width. Specifically for accessible route Attempts to revise the stepped aisle language for clarification E136-15 IBC E137-15 IBC, IFC E138-15 IBC, IFC E139-15 IBC, IFC 1029.9.1 (IFC[BE] 1029.9.1) 1029.10.1, 1029.10.2, 1029.10.2.1, 1029.10.2.2, 1029.10.3; (IFC[BE] 1029.10.1, 1029.10.2, 1029.10.2.1, 1029.11, 1029.11.1, 1029.11.2, 1029.13, 1029.13.3 (New), 1029.13.3.1 (New), 1029.13.3.2 (New) 1029.11(New), 1029.11.1(New), 1029.11.2(New); (IFC[BE] 1029.11(New), 1029.11.1(New), 1029.11.2(New)) 1029.13.2.1; (IFC[BE] 1029.13.2.1) 1029.16.3; (IFC[BE] 1029.16.3) Support Neutral Not sure the revision add clarity Adds requirements for aisle accessways Opposed Adds requirements for stepped aisles at vomitories Neutral Adds language for aisle accessway Support transitions Revises the guard height requirement in Opposed This would require a guard that would assembly seating to 26" above a drinking disrupt the viewing area and defeats surface the purpose of the code E140-15 IBC, IFC 1030.1; (IFC[BE] 1030.1) Revises the requirements for emergency Opposed Opposed in support of E 141-15 escape and rescue windows E141-15 IBC, IFC 1030.1; (IFC[BE] 1030.1) Revises the requirements for emergency Support escape and rescue windows E142-15 IBC, IFC 1030.1; (IFC[BE] 1030.1) Revises the requirements for emergency Opposed Opposed in support of E 141-15 escape and rescue windows E143-15 IBC, IFC E144-15 IBC, IFC E145-15 IBC, IFC E146-15 IBC, IFC 1030.1; (IFC[BE] 1030.1) Revises the requirements for emergency Support escape and rescue windows by allowing the provision found in the Residential Code Table 1006.3.2(2), Revises the requirements for emergency Opposed 1030.1; (IFC[BE] Table escape and rescue windows 1006.3.2(2), 1030.1) 1030.1; (IFC[BE] 1030.1) Revises the requirements for emergency Opposed The language would permit only one escape and rescue windows emergency escape window and does not define where 1030.1.1(New), 1030.4; Revises the requirements for emergency Opposed / The language of 1030.1.1 and 1030.4 (IFC[BE] 1030.1.1(New), escape and rescue window constraints Modify do not contain dimensional 1030.4) requirements 1030.4 (IFC[BE]1030.4) Revises the requirements for emergency Support escape and rescue window constraints to not reduce the net clear opening E147-15 Part 1 IBC, IFC E59-15 IBC, IFC E149-15 This language clarifies the requirements Adds language to permit hurricane protection to be installed on emergency escape and rescue windows Opposed We understand the concern, however the hurricane protection devices should be openable from the inside IBC 1010.1.4.5 (New), 1030.4; (IFC[BE] 1010.1.4.5 (New), 1030.4) 1103.2.4, 1106.5 Revises these sections in an attempt to clarify Private garage regulations EB93-15 IBC [BE] 1508.1 E150-15 IBC 1103.2.14 Revises construction site accessibility exemption Revises walk-in cooler and freezer accessibility requirements Opposed The proposed language does not meet the intended objective of the reason statement. Just adding the term "Group U" does nothing Neutral E151-15 IBC 1104.4 Adds "occupiable roofs" to the accessibility requirements Opposed We understand the reasoning, however the proposed language does not add clarity and may add more confusion Support E152-15 IBC E153-15 IBC E154-15 IBC E155-15 IBC E156-15 IBC E157-15 IBC E158-15 IBC E159-15 IBC E160-15 IBC E161-15 IBC E162-15 1104.4 Revises the language of the aggregate area calculation 1105.1, 1105.1.1 (New), Adds a new requirement to have TABLE 1105.1.1 (New) automatic doors 1106.5 Attempts to clarify van spaces in R occupancies 1107.5.1, 1107.5.1.1, Revises accessibility provisions in Group 1107.5.1.2, 1107.6.2.2, I-1 and R-2 occupancies 1107., 1107., 1107.6.2.3, 1107., 1107. Neutral 1107.5.1.2 Adds an exception for swing up grab bars 1107.5.2.2 Adds an exception for swing up grab bars 1107.5.3.2 Adds an exception for swing up grab bars 1107.6.1, 1107.6.1.1 Revises language to better address buildings vs. multi buildings accessibility 1107.6.2.2, 1107., Revises the language in an attempt to 1107.6.2.3, 1107.6.3, clarify counting of bedrooms as dwelling 1107.6.4 units for accessibility Neutral Combines R-3 and R-4 occupancies Support IBC 1107.6.3, 1107.6.4, 1107.6.4.1, 1107.6.4.2 1107.6.4.2 Neutral E163-15 IBC 1107.7.1.2 E164-15 IBC 1109.2 E165-15 IBC 1109.2.1.2 Adds an exception for swing up grab bars Attempts to clarify the language for entrances Adds an exemption for toilet rooms for areas that are exempt from Chapter 11 Adds an allowance for child height water closet to be included in calculations E166-15 IBC 1109.13 E167-15 IBC 202(New), 1109.15 E168-15 IBC 1110.4.13 (New) Opposed This requirement exceeds A117 standards Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Support Neutral Neutral Support Neutral Attempts to clarify that only one outlet is Support required to be accessible Revises the language for accessible Support gaming areas Requires an accessible route to a play Opposed area Dan Nichols?? E169-15 IBC 1111.1 Revises the language to add signage for Neutral a lavatory in a group of lavatories that are not all accessible G21-15 FS159-15 FS160-15 FS161-15 FS162-15 FS163-15 FS164-15 FS165-15 FS166-15 FS167-15 FS168-15 S1-15 S2-15 S3-15 S4-15 S5-15 S6-15 S10-15 G15-15 G16-15 FS169-15 FS170-15 FS171-15 FS172-15 FS173-15 FS174-15 FS175-15 FS176-15 FS177-15 FS178-15 FS179-15 G17-15 FS180-15 FS181-15 FS182-15 FS183-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 FS3 FS 1-15 703.4, 703.4 (New) Proponent: Jeffrey Shapiro, Tyco Fire Protection Products, representing Tyco Fire Protection Products 2015 International Building Code Delete and substitute as follows: 703.4 Automatic sprinklers. Under the prescriptive fire-resistance requirements of this code, the fire-resistance rating of a building element, component or assembly shall be established without the use of automatic sprinklers or any other fire suppression system being incorporated as part of the assembly tested in accordance with the fire exposure, procedures and acceptance criteria specified in ASTM E 119 or UL 263. However, this section shall not prohibit or limit the duties and powers of the building official allowed by Sections 104.10 and 104.11. 703.4 Automatic Sprinklers Assemblies utilizing fire sprinklers as an alternative to complying with a required fire resistance rating for a building element, component or assembly shall only be permitted where approved by the Building Official in accordance with Sections 104.10 and 104.11. Reason: This proposal is based on text that was agreed to by major parties on both sides of the sprinklered-protected assembly issue during the last NFPA code cycle. At the second revision meeting of the NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Protection Features, a great deal of effort went into gaining this agreement, and it was supported by a majority of the committee members in attendance. Following the meeting, NFPA distributed the recommendation to the full committee for balloting, and it fell short of the required majority to advance in the process. Nevertheless, the proposed text provides a cleaner way of conveying the intent of this section, and it warrants consideration by ICC, recognizing that previous efforts to delete the section or argue that it is not needed have not been successful. This text will make it clear that a sprinkler-protected assembly is an alternative to a fire-resistive assembly that requires approval of the building official, as opposed to being a fire-resistive assembly. This "alternative to" approach is consistent with terminology approved by ICC-ES for inclusion AC385 as a basis for evaluating assemblies that use window sprinklers. Cost Impact: Will not increase the cost of construction The proposal simply clarifies current provisions. FS 1-15 : 703.4-SHAPIRO5682 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 FS4 Change # FS1-15 Code(s) IBC Affected Section(s) 703.4, 703.4 (New) FS2-15 IBC 703.4 G5-15 IBC 202 (New) FS3-15 IBC 703.5.1, Chapter 35 FS4-15 IBC 703.7 FS5-15 IBC 703.7.1 (New) FS6-15 Part II IBC 704.3 Notes Position Reason Replaces the automtic sprinkler requirement Opposed This proposal changes the scope of for fire resistance rating reductions the section and leaves the discretion to the code official Deletes the automtic sprinkler requirement Support Dan? for fire resistance rating reductions Adds two new definitions for Combustible Neutral Not sure that the language of and Noncombustible noncombustible addresses it with clarity Revises the language in this section to add Opposed a new reference standard ASTM E2652 IBC increased the marking and identification Support Support but needs clarification that lettering to a minimum of 3" (76 mm) with a the identification is only for concealed 3/8" (9.5mm) stroke incorporating the spaces suggested wording: "FIRE AND/OR SMOKE BARRIER—PROTECT ALL OPENINGS," to be repeated every thirty feet. Lettering may still not be visible if placed behind above ceiling equipment, on other side of a duct, etc. the code change to also Require that fire stop request systemsisand joint allow Support systems be marked or identified systems. Should a repair be needed, knowing the system design number may allow the repair If the face of the primary structural frame is Support unexposed, in all likelihood, the same face of the column is also unexposed column adjacent to a masonry wall, where the wall assembly has a different and individual fire resistance tested design equal to the hourly rating of the individual encasement requirements of the column. FS6-15 Part I IBC 704.2 text states that the encasement must be on Support all four sides of the beam, the exception will allow tested assemblies that have the encasement on only the "exposed" sides of the beam. FS7-15 IBC 704.2, 704.4.1 FS8-15 IBC 704.2 FS9-15 IBC Part I: 704.2 Part II: 704.3 FS10-15 IBC 704.3, Table 704.3 (New) FS11-15 IBC 202 (New), 705.2 provide further clarification to a code change proposal that was approved last cycle. Some jurisdictions are interpreting that those construction boundary elements, such as, built-up and solid structural elements, are columns and are requiring them to be provided with individual fire protection. Clarifies this provision is not intended to address continuous columns, does not have any connections to any elements of a structural frame, and is within a rated wall clarifying for the structural elements that exceed the limits of Section 2308, and specifically 2308.8.1 and 2308. 8 2, and keep the code user in this section of code for all primary structural frame elements. spaces are typically crawl spaces or under structural floor areas where the area is not being used for any building use such as mechanical equipment or storage. The concept is that there would not be anything that would start on fire so it does not make sense to delete the membrane of the floor/ceiling assembly but to still require the rating of any structural columns located within the unusable space. Section 704.3 is a run on sentence which combines too many subjects to be understood clearly. The construction requirements are relocated into a new table. Next to each support category is the fireresistance requirements for that category. Support Support Opposed Support some confusion as to what a projection is or Support isn't. We have provided a new definition to clarify what they may be FS12-15 IBC FS13-15 IBC FS14-15 IBC FS15-15 IBC 705.2 proposal provides that direction by requiring an exterior wall to extend the full width of the projection. The exterior wall would provide protection from fire to and from adjacent properties. The areas on either side would not be required to be protected similar to exterior walls of a building that are perpendicular to the line Table 705.2 the maximum distance that a projection would be required was 40 inches. In the current edition, a building that has a fire separation distance of 30 feet would be required to hold the projection back from the lot line by a minimum of 20 feet. The writer felt that was over-restrictive. This change puts the requirement back to what was permitted in previous codes and eliminates the anomaly that was present in the 2012 edition. Table 705.2 Add formula 2' + 2/3(FSF - 3') to replace text "24 inches plus 8 inches for every foot of FSD beyond 3 feet or fraction thereof" to simplify use 705.2.3, 705.2.3.1 This proposal is editorial in nature, making (New), 705.2.4 (New), no technical changes. It simply relocates the 1406.1, 1406.3, provisions that state the protection and type 1406.4 of construction requirements for combustible decks and balconies, and bay and oriel windows from Chapter 14 to Chapter 7 because it gets missed in Chapter 14. Section 1406.1 is deleted since it only contained general charging language, Opposed Opposed Support Support FS16-15 IBC 705.8 G14-15 FS17-15 IBC 705.8.1 FS18-15 IBC 705.8.1 code change addresses exterior opening Neutral protection for structures and buildings, and portions thereof that do not include surrounding exterior walls. the code does not seem to regulate the proximity of the useable space relative to the lot line. Most Building Officials will consider that the face of the building to be the structural frame and would regulate the percentage of exterior openings within, however the IBC as written does not support this interpretation. the IBC implies that if an exterior wall is not provided then the openings on the exterior perimeter are not regulated since they are not openings in an exterior wall. A written interpretation from ICC confirms this Neutral clarify that the limitation of openings in Support exterior walls is based on the fire separation distance of each individual story. The opening protection would depend on the distance to the lot line at each story, not the first story. IBC does not clearly regulate exterior Opposed opening protection when buildings include vertical offsets under which useable space occurs. Proposed exception # 3 addresses buildings with occupancies other than R-3, and Group R-2 constructed of Type VB construction, since they have been historically separated 5 ft from a lot line. Additionally these buildings will always be protected with sprinklers. The proposed code change treats outdoor areas under a building, for example outdoor dining in a restaurant part of which is indoors and part of which is under a larger second floor, similarly to parking garages and requires a fire separation distance of 10 ft f This may add confusion between projections andother building elements FS19-15 IBC 705.8.2 FS20-15 IBC 705.8.5 FS21-15 IBC 705.8.6 FS22-15 IBC 705.8.6 FS23-15 IBC 705.8.6.1 (New) This proposal allows the same assemblies that are exempt from the interior fire window requirements of Section 716.6 to also be exempt from opening requirements for exterior walls. The existing provision indicates that openings in exterior walls shall be separated vertically not less than 3 feet (914 mm) by spandrel girders exterior walls or other similar assemblies that have a fireresistance rating of not less than 1 hour, rated for exposure to fire from both sides. the last sentence of 705.8.5 then waives the unexposed surface temperature limitations specified in ASTM E 119 or UL 263. That vertical portion of the curtain wall is often immediately adjacent to combustible materials such as window coverings, drapes and carpets. this proposal will make it clear that in order to apply the fire-resistive provisions of this section, both buildings would have to have a fire separation distance of less than 15 feet to the imaginary line buildings on the same lot with an imaginary line designed to determine fire separation distance, it adds additional requirements that are not required in an identical situation with a real property line between buildings and with the same identical physical arrangement. This is the section that creates the conflict between imaginary lines and real property lines. this proposal is to eliminate a conflict and align it with Section 705.8.6. Having a requirement for roof and opening protection for two buildings on the same lot with an imaginary line between them and ignoring the same exact scenario for two building on separate lots is not logical Support Support Support Support Support FS24-15 IBC 705.9 (New), 714.3, 1403.4 FS25-15 IBC 705.11 FS26-15 IBC 705.11.1 FS27-15 IBC 706.1.1.1 (New) FS28-15 IBC 706.2 FS29-15 IBC 706.2 this code change will require all fireSupport resistance rated exterior walls to have penetrations protected in accordance with Sections 714.3.1 through 714.3.3. This is consistent with the intent of the listed assembly requirements and maintains the type of construction fire-resistance rating requirements of Tables 601, 602 Where the entire building is provided with a Neutral Class C B roof covering, exterior wall shall be permitted to terminate at the underside of the roof sheathing or deck in Type III, IV and V construction. Will allow the provision in other occupancies when the roof covering classification is a least a Class B. This proposal would impose a limit on Support parapets heights (48") while still allowing a reasonable degree of flexibility on a case by case basis. The proposed language specifies that where Opposed a property line divides a building for ownership purposes, and the building portions on both sides of the line do not exceed the maximum height and area requirements of the code, a fire wall is not required to be constructed on the property line. loading requirements for firewalls in NFPA Neutral 221 – 15 are based on Allowable Stress Design level loads. They need to be revised to coordinate with the current strength level loading of ASCE 7 and to clarify how to combine them with other loads. Adds and exception Where double fire walls Opposed are used in accordance with NFPA 221, floor and roof sheathing not exceeding 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) thickness shall be permitted to be continuous through the wall assemblies of light frame construction. FS30-15 IBC 706.3 FS32-15 IBC 706.5.1 FS31-15 IBC 706.3 FS33-15 IBC 706.8 proposal would permit cross-laminated timber fire walls to be used in Types III and IV construction in lieu of noncombustible materials. These solid wood elements can easily achieve a high fire resistance rating and have inherent structural advantages in fire conditions, when protected and rated appropriately Substituting two 2-hour light frame walls for a single required 3-hour wall provides flexibility in design and construction while improving fire resistance, which outweighs material considerations. set a limitation of 15% of the area of the protected wall to limit the amount of openings. The 15% is based on the amount of protected openings permitted in Table 705.8 for a fire separation distance of 3-5 feet Occasionally, a limited fire wall is needed to separate two buildings that are connected with a narrow corridor. The 25% rule limits the opening to 36".the proposed change would allow that opening to be 12' wide. The 24' limit proposed would allow for loads up to 16" wide, which would accommodate most wide industrial loads. Opposed Opposed Support Opposed FS34-15 Part I IBC 706.10, 706.10.1 (New), 706.10.2 (New), Chapter 35 FS34-15 Part II IBC 707.9, 707.10 (New), 715.4 (New), 715.4.1 (New), Chapter 35 FS34-15 Part III IBC 715.7 (New), Chapter 35 FS35-15 707.3.11 (New), 711.2.4.7 (New) FS36-15 707.6 the Code is silent as to how the joints created between the top of a fire wall and a fire fire resistance. Using tested joint systems at the top of the firewall where the firewall ends below the roof deck will provide an assurance that fire cannot get past the fire wall at this potential weak point. ASTM E 2837, "Standard Test Method for Determining the Fire Resistance of Continuity Head-of-Wall Joint Systems Installed Between Rated Wall Assemblies and Nonrated horizontal Assemblies" was developed precisely to address this condition rated and/or non-fire-resistance rated roof are to be protected from fire spread through the top-of-wall joint when any of the parapet exceptions are used. This proposal then recognizes the existence of the new Standard ASTM E 2837, entitled "Standard Test Method for Determining the Fire Resistance of Continuity Head-of-Wall Joint Systems Installed Between Rated Wall Assemblies and Nonrated Horizontal Assemblies" The ASTM E 2837 Standard was created to evaluate continuity head-of-wall joint systems for this specific application, providing exactly the code-mandated performance Fire pump rooms are constructed of fire barriers and horizontal assemblies as stated in Section 913.2.1 but a pointer should be inserted in the fire barrier section for designers and code officials rolling steel fire doors, the most common opening protective greater than 156 square feet. The proposed Exception reflects longstanding common practice where the use of rolling steel fire doors have been determined to be both necessary and practical as opening protective's Support Support Support Support Opposed Rolling fire shutters present challenges to egress requirements that are often overlooked or missed. FS37-15 707.9 FS38-15 708.4 FS39-15 708.4 would allow fire barriers such as shafts, Opposed occupancy separations and similar to be discontinued through the cavity space of a non-fire resistance rated roof-ceiling assembly while the same fire barrier has to be continuous thru the cavity space of a fire resistance rated roof-ceiling assembly proposal correlated Section 903.3.1.2 with Neutral NFPA 13R Section 1.1. recognizing that the intent of the exceptions is to cover buildings protected by NFPA 13R systems and limit the exceptions to buildings not exceeding 60feet in height above grade plane. As currently written, the exceptions could be applied to buildings that are taller than 60 feet, which was not intended and should not be allowed FRTW is permitted in numerous areas of Opposed the Code in non-combustible construction because of its fire retardant properties. NFPA 13 combustible concealed spaces that are constructed entirely of FRTW are not required to have sprinkler protection (NFPA 13 Section If draft stopping were required at each dwelling unit, it would block cross ventilation, eliminating the use of ridge vents FS40-15 708.4 Sections 718.3.2 exception #1, 718.3.3 Support exception, 718.4.2 exception #2, and 718.4.3 exception allow elimination of draft stops in concealed combustible floor or attic spaces when the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system. NFPA 13 has specific provisions that would allow elimination of sprinkler protection in combustible concealed spaces. Either exceptions to section 718.3 and 718.4 have to be revised to indicate that draft stopping can only be eliminated when concealed combustible spaces are sprinkler protected or another exception would be required in Section 708.4 to coordinate the noted exceptions with each other. proposed exception creates this consistency FS41-15 708.4 it is recognized that draft stops are not Opposed intended to offer significant fire resistance. this proposal is to provide draft stops that have a more robust fire performance at increased intervals. IBC Table 722.6.2(1) for guidance, 2 layers of ½" gypsum board or 2 layers of 15/32" wood structural panel (such as plywood) bonded with exterior glue may provide 20 minutes of fire resistance. The proposed 5,000square foot or 4-dwelling unit (whichever is smaller) threshold for applying this exception is included to ensure that someone won't argue that attics with a total area that is smaller than these thresholds don't need any draft stopping at all. FS42-15 708.1, 708.4, 708.4 (New), 708.4.1 (New), 708.4.2 (New), 718.3, 718.3.2, 718.3.3, 718.4, 718.4.2,718.4.3 FS43-15 Part I 708.6 FS43-15 Part II FS44-15 709.5, 716.6.7 709.5 Editorial correlation with 2015 IBC Section 420.1, which added the requirement for separation walls in R-4 occupancies to be fire partitions. to include all Group R occupancies will eliminate the appearance that R-4 has been omitted from the requirements of 708.4. the 6 exceptions that follow aren't clear with respect to which parts of the main paragraph they apply to. thresholds in 718.3.2 and 718.4.2 were moved to Section 708.4 to eliminate the conflict and consolidate all of the draft stopping requirements for Group R in a single location. Without fixing this, R-3 and R-4 will continue to have conflicting requirements in 708.4.2 and 718.4. proposal is to address an anomaly in the current code language. For fire barriers there is a limitation on the total amount of openings permitted of any type in 707.6. In addition to that restriction the code also limits fire-protection-rated glazing to 1 hour or less fire-resistance-rated assemblies. And the amount of fire protection rated fire windows in a wall in further restricted in Section 716.6.7. However, when you get to the Fire Partition portion of the code there is no overall limitation in openings. This allows for additional fire-protection-rated glazing and radiant heat transfer beyond the amount restricted by Section 716.6.7.2 for fire windows. Same as Part 1. This proposal would allow the installation of a non-labeled protective plate, usually made of steel or other resilient material, to be installed on these doors to protect them from excessive wear and damage Support Neutral Neutral Opposed Unless NFPA 80 allows 20 minute rated doors to have this. Smoke barrier doors are in 1xhour rated walls with 20 minute opening protective's. FS45-15 709.5, FS46-15 712.1.10.1 Exception 1 is the only application in the Neutral code where non-fire-rated and non-smokerated doors are allowed to "protect" openings in required smoke barriers. Elsewhere in the code, openings in smoke barriers are required to be protected with opening protective's which comply with Section 716. openings in the required smoke barriers in an occupancy which may have defend-in-place fire safety procedures should be held to no less of a performance standard than required for other occupancies current language in the code is redundant Support and confusing Shaft Enclosures - adding ASTM E2336Support 04(2013) standard test methods for Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosures systems. FS47-15 IBC 713.2 FS48-15 IBC 713.2 FS49-15 FS50-15 FS51-15 FS52-15 IBC IBC IBC IBC 713.8.2 (NEW) 713.13 fix for pcblished error 713.13,713.14,3002.1 langauge fix 713.13.1 Support Support support Support FS53-15 IBC 713.13.3 Support FS54-15 IBC 714.2 (NEW) FS55-15 IBC 714.2 (NEW) FS56-15 IBC 714.3.1.1, 714.4.1.1 helps support the intended protection in 713.13.1 The standard provides no indication that it is promulgated according to a consensus process states that through - penetration fire stop systems be installed per manufactures instructions States that through - penetration fire stop systems be installed as tested FS57-15 IBC Membrane penetrations Support FS58-15 FS59-15 IBC IBC 714.3.2, 714.4.2,717.6.1 (IMC)607.6.1 714.3.2 714.3.3,714.4.3 langauge clarification langauge clarification Support Support Same as above Reject Doesn't allow interconnecting ducts beyond the space of origin Same as above with the connecting ducts allowed as long as it is on the outside allows one shaft to contain a recycling and a waste chute Opposed need more info why only I - 2 occupancy only Support opposed I like installed per manufactures instructions like in the above proposal FS60-15 IBC 714.4.1 FS61-15 IBC 714.4.1.2 FS62-15 FS63-15 IBC IBC 714.4.1.2 714.4.1.2 FS64-15 FS65-15 IBC IBC 714.4.1.2 714.4.1.2 FS66-15 FS67-15 IBC IBC 714.4.2 714.4.2 FS68-15 IBC 715.1 FS69-15 IBC 715.1 FS70-15 FS71-15 FS72-15 IBC IBC IBC FS73-15 IBC FS74-15 IBC FS75-15 IBC langauge that will make exceptions consistent with the overall intent clarifies existing exception for floor penetrations by floor drains, tub drains or showers langauge fix specifys what is penetrating the top of the switch gear added exception for parking garages aims to rectify the significant inconsistency in performance requirements for floor penetrations Support Support Support Support Support Support Support adding Exception #8 to allow listed Support luminaires to penetrate ceiling membranes this proposal is editorial in nature and Support makes no change to the current requirments addition to exceptions for fire - resistant joint Support ( if in deed there is no current systems editorial) available tp protect this joint 715.2 language fix support 715.2,715.4 support 715.3 changes the exteroir walls with a horizontal support fire separation distance from 5' to 10' for consistenancy between the requirements for exterior walls and fire -resistant joint systems 707.5,711.4(New),711. The proposal is a reorganization of existing support 5(new),712.1.5,715,71 requirements 5.1(new),715.1,715.3( New),715.3.1(new),71 5.3.2(new)715.4.2,715 .1.1 402.8.6.1,405.4.2,405. clarifying and slightly revising the text and support 4.3,407.3.1, the reference. (technical revisions) 408.3.8,410.3.5,510.2, 705.8.2,706.8,722.2.4. 4,909.20.3.1,909.20.3. 2, 1023.3.1,3008.6.3,300 7.6.3,3104.10 716.1,716.5 makes all required opening protective be support installed in accordance with NFPA 80 FS76-15 IBC FS77-15 IBC FS78-15 IBC FS79-15 IBC FS80-15 IBC FS81-15 IBC FS82-15 IBC FS83-15 IBC FS84-15 IBC FS85-15 FS86-15 IBC IBC FS87-15 FS88-15 FS89-15 IBC IBC IBC FS90-15 FS91-15 FS92-15 FS93-15 IBC IBC IBC table 716.3,2409.1 The changes to the table better reflect existing code requirements 716.3.1 allows the use of the comparable UL standard 716.4 Allows options for engineering analysis based on two UL standards Table 716.5 Clarifies the marking requirements for a specific type of glaze Table 716.5 Clarification of the code language through deletion of misleading note Table 716.5, 716.5.5, all changes deal with fire - protection tared 716.5.5.1, 716. glaze Table 716.5, 716.5.6 corrects an inconsistency in the way fire windows are treated in comparison to transoms and sidelights found in the same frame with a fire door table 716.5, allows fire protection rated glazing as vision 716., panels in 3hr fire doors but limits it to 100 sq 716., inches in 3 and 4 hr fire walls and fire 716. barriers. table 716.5 This code change is intended to provide requirements for opening protection asemblies in 1hr fire walls 716.5.1 clarifies references to testing criteria 716.5.1.1(New), adds criteria for fire door assemblies to 716.5.3.1 meet the requirement for smoke and draft control doors 716.5.2 clarifies references to testing criteria 716.5.2 just language change 716. provides guidance where terminated stops would be allowed 716.5.3.1 editorial changes 716.5.8 editorial changes 716. proposal allows greater contruction options 716.5.9.1 Latch required. Unless otherwise specifically permitted, single side-hinged swinging fire doors and both leaves of pairs of side-hinged swinging fire doors shall be provided with an active latch bolt that will secure the door when it is closed. support support support support support support support support support support support support support support support support support Support Clarification is needed to show that side-hinged swinging fire doors, and no other types of fire doors, are being addressed in these provisions. FS94-15 202 (New), 716.5.9.2, Add new definition as follows: Neutral 716.5.9.3 (New) SECTION 202 DEFINITIONS DELAYED ACTION CLOSER. Self-closing device that incorporates a delay prior to the intiation of closing. Delayed action closers are mechanical devices with an adjustable delay. 716.5.9.2 Automatic-closing fire door assemblies. Automatic-closing fire door assemblies shall be self-closing in accordance with NFPA 80. Add new text as follows: 716.5.9.3 Delayed action closers Doors required to be self-closing and not requried to be automatic closing shall be permitted to be equipped with delayed action closers with not more than 60 seconds delay before the door is closed. The IBC is silent regarding allowing delayed action closers, and applicable requirements. Delayed action closer functionality is commonly required and / or desired for closers installed on doors. Example: delayed action closers are frequently used in schools to allow a teacher to lead a group of students from one area of the building to another. A door with a delayed action closer allows the teacher with a group of students to pass through the door before it closes, helping to keep the group intact. Unlike automatic-closing doors which are commonly held in an open position, self-closing doors which are not automatic-closing doors are normally in a closed position unless being used. Thus, in a fire situation, the doors within the scope of this proposal would be closed except when being used and during the relatively brief delay caused by the delayed action closer. The delay of delayed action closers is usually adjustable. A maximum 60 FS95-15 716.5.9.3 FS96-15 716.5.9.4 Smoke-activated doors. Automatic-closing Support doors installed in the following locations shall be permitted to have hold-open devices. Doors shall automatically closeautomatic-closing by the actuation of smoke detectors installed in accordance with Section 907.3 or by loss of power to the smoke detector or hold-open device. Doors that are automatic-closing by smoke detection shall not have more than a 10-second delay before the door starts to close after the smoke detector is actuated.: Automatic-closing doors that protect openings installed in the following locations shall comply with this section: 1. Doors installed across a corridor. 2. Doors installed in the enclosures of exit access stairways and ramps in accordance with Sections 1019 and 1023, respectively. 3. Doors that protect openings in exits or corridors required to be of fire-resistancerated construction. 1.4. Doors that protect openings in walls that are capable of resisting the passage of smoke that seperate incidental uses in accordance with Section 509.4. 2.7. Doors installed In fire wall walls in accordance with Section 706.8. 3. In fire barriers in accordance with Section Doors in pedestrian ways. Vertical sliding Support Sliding or vertical rolling steel fire doors in openings through which pedestrians travel shall be heat activated or activated by smoke detectors with alarm verification. The intent of this proposal is clarification. Current items 1, 2, 3, 10 and 11 are addressed in the items specific to smoke barriers, shaft enclosures, fire barriers and smoke barriers respectively. They should be deleted as redundant. Current items 4 through 9 and 12 are reworded to be consistent and to be technically correct. Fire barriers were added to the list to address doors that protect openings in exit enclosures, vertical shafts, incidental uses, etc. Items are proposed to be renumbered to be in the same order as they are found in the code. Sliding fire doors can operate horizontally, thus the "vertical" descriptor is not needed because it is too limiting. Rolling steel fire doors always operate vertically by definition, so the "vertical" descriptor is redundant and unnecessary. FS97-15 Table 716.6, 716.6.7.1 Where 3 /4-hour fire protection window Support assemblies permitted. Fire-protection-rated glazing requiring 45-minute opening protection in accordance with Table 716.6 shall be limited to fire partitions designed in accordance with Section 708 and fire barriers utilized in the applications set forth in Sections 707.3.6, 707.3.7 and 707.3.9 where the fire-resistance rating does not exceed 1 hour. Fire-resistancerated glazing assemblies tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 shall not be subject to the limitations of this section. The purpose of this proposal is to clarify application of the code. Sections 404.6 Enclosure of atriums, 707.3.6 Atriums, and 707.6 Openings Exception 4 all provide for the use of a 1 hour fire-resistance rated fire barrier for enclosing an atrium and provide for the use of fire windows. FS98-15 716.6.2 Nonsymmetrical glazing systems. Support Nonsymmetrical fire-protection-rated glazing systems in fire partitions, fire barriers or in exterior walls with a fire separation distance of 5 10 feet (15243048 mm) or less pursuant to Section 705 shall be tested with both faces exposed to the furnace, and the assigned fire protection rating shall be the shortest duration obtained from the two tests conducted in compliance with NFPA 257 or UL 9. This proposal is submitted by the ICC Fire Code Action Committee (FCAC). This ICC committee was established by the ICC Board of Directors to pursue opportunities to improve and enhance assigned International Codes or portions thereof. This includes both the technical aspects of the codes as well as the code content in terms of scope and application of referenced standards. The Fire-CAC has held 10 open meetings and numerous Regional Work Group and Task Group meetings and conference calls for the current code development cycle which included members of the committees as well as any interested party to discuss and debate the proposed changes. Related documentation and reports are posted on the FAC website at: default.aspx?usertoken={token}&Site =icc Section 705.5 of the 2015 International Building Code (IBC) states the required fire-resistance rating of exterior walls with a fire FS99-15 716.6.5 Installation. Fire-protection-rated glazing Support shall be in the fixed position or be automaticclosing and shall be installed in approvedlabeled frames. This proposal is submitted by the ICC Fire Code Action Committee (FCAC). This ICC committee was established by the ICC Board of Directors to pursue opportunities to improve and enhance assigned International Codes or portions thereof. This includes both the technical aspects of the codes as well as the code content in terms of scope and application of referenced standards. The Fire-CAC has held 10 open meetings and numerous Regional Work Group and Task Group meetings and conference calls for the current code development cycle which included members of the committees as well as any interested party to discuss and debate the proposed changes. Related documentation and reports are posted on the FAC website at: default.aspx?usertoken={token}&Site =icc Fire door and fire window frames are commonly listed and labeled, and code authorities typically look for labels during installation. This FS100-15 716.6.7.3 FS101-15 716 (New) Where 1 /3-hour fire-protection window Support assemblies permitted. Fire-protection-rated glazing shall be permitted in window assemblies tested to NFPA 257 or UL 9 insmoke barriers andfire partitions requiring 1 /3-hour opening protection in accordance with Table 716.6. Support This code change is intended to remove the term "smoke barrier" from this section on the grounds that: A) The charging section for this sub section does not include smoke barriers. Section 716.6.7 addresses the use of fire window assemblies in fire partitions and fire barriers only. B) This section states the fireprotection rating for window assemblies in smoke barriers is 1/3hour in accordance with Table 716.6, however Table 716.6 states the minimum fire window assembly rating in a smoke barrier is 3/4-hour. FS102-15 Part I 202 (New), 717 (New), 717.1 (New), 717.2 (New), 717.3 (New), 721.1.17 (New), Chapter 35 Add new definition as follows: Oppose SECTION 202 DEFINITIONS Fire Curtain FIRE CURTAIN. A flexible membrane assembly constructed of materials designed to restrict the spread of fire when tested in accordance with UL 10D. Add new text as follows: SECTION717 Fire and Smoke Curtains 717.1 General Fire and smoke curtains permitted by other sections of this code shall comply with the provisions of this section. 717.2 Fire Test Criteria Fire and smoke curtains shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of UL 10D. 717.3 Activation Fire and smoke curtains shall comply with the following criteria: 1. Fire and smoke curtains shall be actuated by approved spot-type detectors listed for releasing service. 2. Fire detection systems providing control input or output signals to fire and smoke curtains or elements thereof shall comply with the requirements of Section 907. Such systems shall be equipped with a control unit complying with UL 864 and listed as smoke control equipment. 721.1.17 Fire curtains. Vertical floor openings shall be permitted where protected This proposal introduces fire curtains into the code to be used in protecting vertical openings. The current code has several different ways to protect these openings. These curtains have been tested in accordance with UL 10D which is similar to UL 263 without the hose stream test. Horizontal assemblies are not required to pass the hose stream test. Therefore, the standards are similar in how they evaluate the system. This proposal would permit a horizontally deployed curtain that would enclose the vertical floor opening and provide the same protection as the horizontal assembly. FS102-15 Part II 404.6, 717 (New), 717.1 (New), 717.2 (New), 717.3 (New), 202 (New), Chapter 35 Revise as follows: Oppose 404.6 Enclosure of atriums. Atrium spaces shall be separated from adjacent spaces by a 1-hour fire barrier constructed in accordance with Section 707 or a horizontal assembly constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. Exceptions:1. A fire barrier is not required where a glass wall forming a smoke partition is provided. The glass wall shall comply with all of the following: 1.1. Automatic sprinklers are provided along both sides of the separation wall and doors, or on the room side only if there is not a walkway on the atrium side. The sprinklers shall be located between 4 inches and 12 inches (102 mm and 305 mm) away from the glass and at intervals along the glass not greater than 6 feet (1829 mm). The sprinkler system shall be designed so that the entire surface of the glass is wet upon activation of the sprinkler system without obstruction; 1.2. The glass wall shall be installed in a gasketed frame in a manner that the framing system deflects without breaking (loading) the glass Section 404.6 requires that an atrium be separated from other spaces of the building by a one-hour fire barrier. The exceptions to that requirement permit the installation of a non-fire rated assembly in exception 1. ThIS proposal will permit the installation of a fire curtain around the perimeter of the atrium as an additional option. It is our position that a fire curtain provides an equivalent level of protection to glass forming a smoke partition protected by automatic sprinklers outlined in exception 1. In fact, this installation has been approved by many jurisidictions as an equivalent design. The intent of the exception is to provide a smoke separation at the atrium. The proposal is also creating a new section and definition to address the testing and installation requirements for the curtain. UL 10D has been specified as the test standard for the fire curtains. It is similar to other fireresistance tests with the exception of a hose stream test. FS102-15 Part III 202, 717 (New), 717.1 (New), 717.2 (New), 717.3 (New), 1019.3, Chapter 35 Add new definition as follows: Oppose SECTION 202 DEFINITIONS FIRE CURTAIN. A flexible membrane assembly constructed of materials designed to restrict the spread of fire when tested in accordance with UL 10D. Add new text as follows: SECTION717 Fire and Smoke Curtains 717.1 General Fire and smoke curtains permitted by other sections of this code shall comply with the provisions of this section.717.2 Fire Test Criteria Fire and smoke curtains shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of UL 10D. 717.3 Activation Fire and smoke curtains shall comply with the following criteria: 1. Fire and smoke curtains shall be actuated by approved spot-type detectors listed for releasing service. 2. Fire detection systems providing control input or output signals to fire and smoke curtains or elements thereof shall comply with the requirements of Section 907. Such systems shall be equipped with a control unit complying with UL 864 and listed as smoke control equipment. Revise as follows: 1019.3 Occupancies other than Groups I-2 and I-3. In other than Group I-2 and I-3 This proposal presents a new type of separation requirement for exit access stairways. It introduces the concept of fire curtains into the code and permits their use to enclose exit access stairs that serve a maximum of four stories. Fire curtains are tested to UL 10D which does not include the hose stream test. The intent is to allow an alternative to a full enclosure. The current code permits stairs to be open between adjacent stories without enclosure. This proposal is also consistent with the protection that Exception 4 of Section 1099.3 provides, with the draft curtain and closely spaced sprinklers. In fact, the fire curtain will provide a better level of protection than the 18 inch draft curtains. FS103-15 717.1.2 (IMC 607.1.2) Ducts that penetrate fire-resistance-rated Support assemblies without dampers. Ducts that penetrate fire-resistance-rated assemblies walls and are not required by this section to have dampers shall comply with the requirements of Sections 714.2 through 714.3.3. Ducts that penetrate horizontal assemblies not required to be contained within a shaft and not required by this section to have dampers shall comply with the requirements of Sections 714.4 through 714.5.2. The purpose of this proposal is to clarify that Section 714.3 is on rated walls and 714.3 is on horizontal assemblies. To say "fireresistancerated assemblies" may confuse some code users. FS104-15 714.1.1, 717.1.2 This proposal is editorial in nature, but may have minor technical implications for some jurisdictions. The proposal clarifies that requirement to comply with 714.2 through 714.3.3, and 714.4 through 714.5.2 applies to all ducts that penetrate fire resistancerated assemblies, not contained within a shaft, and not required by this section to have fire dampers. This change would then employ the defined terminology "fire damper" instead of the term "damper", which can include "Ceiling radiation dampers," "Combination fire/smoke dampers," "Corridor dampers," "Fire dampers" and "Smoke dampers.". 717.1.2 Ducts that penetrate fire-resistance- Support rated assemblies without dampers. Ducts that penetrate fire-resistance-rated assemblies and are not required by this section to have fire dampers shall comply with the requirements of Sections 714.2 through 714.3.3. Ducts that penetrate horizontal assemblies not required to be contained within a shaft and not required by this section to have fire dampers shall comply with the requirements of Sections 714.4 through 714.5.2. FS105-15 717.2.1 (IMC 607.2.1), 717.2.1 Smoke control system. Where the Support Chapter 35 installation of a fire damper will interfere with the operation of a required smoke control system in accordance with Section 909, ducts used to supply uncontaminated air shall be protected with a shaft enclosures in accordance with Section 713, or tested in accordance with ASTM E2816-11, with a minimum F and T rating of not less than 2 hours, continuously from the air handling appliance or equipment to the air outlet and inlet terminal, or approved alternative protection shall be utilized. Where mechanical systems including ducts and dampers utilized for normal building ventilation serve as part of the smoke control system, the expected performance of these systems in smoke control mode shall be addressed in the rational analysis required by Section 909.4. Add new standard(s) as follows: ASTM E2816-11, Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems. This proposal would require HVAC ducts installed for the purposes of stairwell pressurization to be enclosed within a shaft or protected by a tested and listed assembly conforming to the new ASTM E281611, Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems evaluated for the specific purpose. The new ASTM Standard evaluates the HVAC duct systems for surface burning characteristics, non-combustibility, fire resistance, durability, and fire engulfment with horizontal and vertical through-penetration firestops. The Standard can evaluate the fire performance of HVAC ducts for both supply (pressurization) and return air, in the vertical and horizontal orientation, with or without openings. These test methods evaluate the ability of a HVAC duct system to resist the spread of fire from one compartment to another compartment separated by fire resistance rated construction when the HVAC FS106-15 717.2.3 (New) [IMC 607.2.3 (New)] 717.2.3 Smoke damper location. Smoke Support damper blades in the closed position shall be located at or adjacent to but not more than 24 inches away from the smoke barrier or partition penetration. There shall be no inlets or outlets between the damper and the smoke barrier. This user friendly language is found in all smoke damper installation instructions that few in the industry are aware of. This language will aid in understanding the flexibility associated with property location requirements for installers, designers and inspectors. These requirements can be found in Greenheck, Ruskin, Pottorff and all the other manufactureres instructions. One of the problems is UL 555-S only requires that one set of instructions be furnished per shipment of dampers and are rarely available for those who may need them in the field. This is consistent with NFPA 90.A FS107-15 717.3.1 (IMC 607.3.1) 717.3.1 Damper testing. Dampers shall be Support listed and labeled in accordance with the standards in this section. 1. Fire dampers shall comply with the requirements of UL 555. Only fire dampers and ceiling radiation dampers labeled for use in dynamic systems shall be installed in heating, ventilation and airconditioning systems designed to operate with fans on during a fire. 2. Smoke dampers shall comply with the requirements of UL 555S. 3. Combination fire/smoke dampers shall comply with the requirements of both UL 555 and UL 555S. 4. Ceiling radiation dampers shall comply with the requirements of UL 555C or shall be tested as part of a fireresistance-rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assembly in accordance with ASTM E119 or UL 263. Only ceiling radiation dampers labeled for use in dynamic systems shall be installed in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems designed to operate with fans on during a fire. 5. Corridor dampers shall comply with requirements of both UL 555 and UL 555S. Corridor dampers shall demonstrate acceptable closure performance when subjected to 150 feet per minute (0.76 mps) velocity across The phrase "and ceiling radiation dampers" was added to Section 717.3.1, Provision 1 during the previous code cycle to differentiate ceiling radiation dampers labeled for use in dynamic systems. However, Provision 1 deals with fire dampers so the reference to ceiling radiation dampers is inappropriate. This proposal relocates the reference to ceiling radiation dampers labeled for use in dynamic systems to Provision 4 addressing ceiling radiation dampers. FS108-15 717.3.2.1 (IMC 607.3.2.1), 717.3.2.3 (IMC 607.3.2.3) 717.3.2.1 Fire damper ratings. Firedampers Support shall have the minimum fire protection rating specified in Table 717.3.2.1 for the type of penetration. 717.3.2.3 Combination fire/smoke damper ratings. Combination fire/smokedampers shall have the minimum fire protection rating specified for firedampers in Table 717.3.2.1 for the type of penetration and shall have athe minimum rating specified for smoke damperdampers rating as specified in Section 717.3.2.2. This proposal is intended to clarify the requirements in this section. The term "fire-protection rating" is being changed to "rating" because fire dampers carry an hourly rating, not a "fire-protection rating". The term "for the type of penetration" was deleted because it is not needed. FS109-15 717.5.2 (IMC 607.5.2), 717.5.2 Fire barriers. Ducts and air transfer Support Chapter 35 openings of fire barriers shall be protected with approved fire dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Ducts and air transfer openings shall not penetrate enclosures for interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways, except as permitted by Sections 1023.5 and 1024.6, respectively. Exception:Fire dampers are not required at penetrations of fire barriers where any of the following apply: 1. Penetrations are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the fire-resistance-rated assembly. 2. Ducts are used as part of an approved smoke control system in accordance with Section 909 and where the use of a fire damper would interfere with the operation of a smoke control system. 3. Such walls are penetrated by ducted HVAC systems, have a required fireresistance rating of 1 hour or less, are in areas of other than Group H and are in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. For the purposes of this exception, a ducted HVAC system shall be a duct system for conveying supply, return or exhaust air as part of the structure's HVAC system. Such a duct This proposal permits an additional exception to the requirement to install fire dampers in duct and air transfer openings through fire barriers provided the HVAC ducts are protected by a tested and listed assembly conforming to the new ASTM E2816-11, Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems evaluated for the specific purpose. The test method evaluates the ability of a HVAC duct system to resist the spread of fire from one compartment to another compartment separated by a fire resistance rated construction when the HVAC duct system is exposed to fire. The level of fire protection offered by the proposal is typically greater than currently required by Table 717.3.2.1 for fire dampers. For example, a typical 2-hour fire-resistance rated construction only requires a fire damper having a 1-1/2-hour fireresistance rating, whereas the duct will maintain the same fire-resistance rating of the building construction being FS110-15 717.5.2 (IMC 607.5.2), 717.5.2 Fire barriers. Ducts and air transfer Neutral 717.5.3 (IMC 607.5.5) openings of fire barriers shall be protected with approved listed fire dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Ducts and air transfer openings shall not penetrate enclosures for interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways, except as permitted by Sections 1023.5 and 1024.6, respectively. Exception: In occupancies other than Group H,Firefire dampers are not required at penetrations of fire barriers where any of the following apply: 1. Penetrations are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the fire-resistance-rated assembly. 2. Ducts are used as part of an approved smoke control system in accordance with Section 909 and where the use of a fire damper would interfere with the operation of a smoke control system. 3. Such walls are penetrated by ducted HVAC systems, have a required fireresistance rating of 1 hour or less, are in areas of other than Group H and are in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. For the purposes of this exception, a ducted HVAC system shall be a duct system for conveying supply, return or exhaust air as part of the Section 717.5.4 (fire partitions) already exclude H occupancies from these exceptions. Fire barriers which are more restrictive than fire partitions should have the same requirements. in entire Section 717.5, fire and smoke dampers or combination of F/S dampers are required to be "listed", except for these two locations that are calling for "approved" for no apparent reason. FS111-15 717.5.2 (IMC 607.5.2), 717.5.2 Fire barriers. Ducts and air transfer Neutral 717.5.3 (IMC 607.5.5) openings of fire barriers shall be protected with listedapproved fire dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Ducts and air transfer openings shall not penetrate enclosures for interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways, except as permitted by Sections 1023.5 and 1024.6, respectively. Exception:Fire dampers are not required at penetrations of fire barriers where any of the following apply: 1. Penetrations are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the fire-resistance-rated assembly. 2. Ducts are used as part of an approved smoke control system in accordance with Section 909 and where the use of a fire damper would interfere with the operation of a smoke control system. 3. Such walls are penetrated by ducted HVAC systems, have a required fireresistance rating of 1 hour or less, are in areas of other than Group H and are in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. For the purposes of this exception, a ducted HVAC system shall be a duct system for conveying supply, return or exhaust air as part of the structure's HVAC system. Such a duct Section 717.3.1 of the 2015 International Building Code is very clear that all five types of dampers shall be listed and labeled. However there are two provisions within Section 717 which reference "approved" dampers instead of "listed" dampers. This intent of this proposal is simply to bring consistency in terminology within Section 717. This does not represent a technical change, as Section 717.3.1 already requires dampers to be listed and labeled. FS112-15 See Errata 717.5.2 (IMC 607.5.2) 717.5.2 Fire barriers. Ducts and air transfer Support openings of fire barriers shall be protected with approved fire dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Ducts and air transfer openings shall not penetrate enclosures for interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways, except as permitted by Sections 1023.5 and 1024.6, respectively. Exception:Fire dampers are not required at penetrations of fire barriers where any of the following apply: 1. Penetrations are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the fire-resistance-rated assembly. 2. Ducts are used as part of an approved smoke control system in accordance with Section 909 and where the use of a fire damper would interfere with the operation of a smoke control system. 3. Such walls are penetrated by fully ducted HVAC systems, have a required fireresistance rating of 1 hour or less, are in areas of other than Group H and are in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. For the purposes of this exception, a fully ducted HVAC system shall be a duct system for conveying supply, return or exhaust air as part of the structure's HVAC system. Such a The code currently implies that any flex duct (or equipment flex connections) negates the use of the exception for fire dampers in 1 hour walls in fully ducted, fully sprinklered buildings. The code permits the omission of the fire damper for a metal duct system that terminates either at a wall (such as a sidewall grille) or continues on to a duct opening past the fire barrier and has openings in the duct ("continuous from the air-handling appliance or equipment to the air outlet and inlet terminals"). This section does not even prohibit openings to be on both sides of the duct as long as the openings are in metal duct. However, for some reason, if flex duct is used to connect a metal duct to a ceiling diffuser (standard practice) this triggers the requirement for a fire damper. See attached sketch. The flex connection within the concealed space does not constitute a greater hazard then other conditions that would permit the omission of the fire dampers. Likewise, an flex connection at the AHU within the mechanical space FS113-15 717.5.3 (IMC 607.5.5) 717.5.3 Shaft enclosures. Shaft enclosures Support that are permitted to be penetrated by ducts and air transfer openings shall be protected with approved fire and smoke dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Exceptions: 1. Firedampers are not required at penetrations of shafts where any of the following criteria are met: 1.1. Steel exhaust subducts are extended not less than 22 inches (559 mm) vertically in exhaust shafts, provided there is a continuous airflow upward to the outside, provided by an exhaust fan installed at the upper terminus of the shaft that is powered continuously in accordance with the provisions 909.11. 1.2. Penetrations are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the fireresistance-rated assembly. 1.3. Ducts are used as part of an approved smoke control system designed and installed in accordance with Section 909 and where the firedamper will interfere with the operation of the smoke control system. The exceptions permit elimination of both fire dampers and smoke dampers in shafts under certain conditions. In order to eliminate smoke dampers in a shaft, an exhaust fan must be installed at the upper terminus of the shaft that will operate on standby power so as to maintain a continuous upward airflow to the outside. (See Criteria 2.3 in Exception 2 of this section). This proposal seeks to require the same conditions for an exhaust fan in order to be able to eliminate the fire damper in the shaft. The system can be intentionally or unintentionally powered down if there is shorted/melted wiring or other ignited debris within the ventilation shaft. Without a fire damper and no upward airflow to the outside, fire (and smoke) could migrate via the shaft to a floor remote from the area of origin. At present a smoke damper is required in some cases while a fire damper is not required and vice versa. Both should be required under the same FS114-15 717.5.3 (IMC 607.5.5) 717.5.3 Shaft enclosures. Shaft enclosures Neutral that are permitted to be penetrated by ducts and air transfer openings shall be protected with approved fire and smoke dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Exceptions: 1. Firedampers are not required at penetrations of shafts where any of the following criteria are met: 1.1. Steel exhaust subducts are extended not less than 22 inches (559 mm) vertically in exhaust shafts, provided there is a continuous airflow upward to the outside. 1.2. Penetrations are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the fireresistance-rated assembly. 1.3. Ducts are used as part of an approved smoke control system designed and installed in accordance with Section 909 and where the firedamper will interfere with the operation of the smoke control system. 1.4. The penetrations are in parking garage exhaust or supply shafts that are separated from other building shafts by not less than 2-hour fireresistance-rated construction. For all occupancy classifications, Exceptions 1 allows deletion of fire dampers when specific conditions are met. Exception 2 allows deletion of the smoke damper under the conditions specified, but is limited to B and R occupancies. The 22-inch subduct as described, mitigates the fire damper. For fully sprinklered buildings, the fan described in Exception 2 that is continuously operating and on standby power, mitigates the smoke damper. This combination creates an equivalent and safe condition that need not be limited to B and R occupancies. FS115-15 717.5.3 (IMC 607.5.5) 717.5.3 Shaft enclosures. Shaft enclosures Opposed The requirement for smoke dampers that are permitted to be penetrated by ducts at penetrations in shafts was first and air transfer openings shall be included in the IBC during the protected with approved fire and smoke comment phase of the development dampers installed in accordance with their of listing. the first edition of the International Exceptions: Building Code. This requirement did 1. Firedampers are not required at not exist in any of the model building penetrations of shafts where any of the codes (BOCA, UBC & SBC). A following criteria are met: requirement for smoke dampers at 1.1. Steel exhaust subducts are extended penetrations of shafts has never been not less than 22 inches (559 mm) vertically incorporated in the NFPA system of in exhaust codes. shafts, provided there is a continuous The justification for smoke dampers airflow upward to the outside. in the original code change is that 1.2. Penetrations are tested in accordance smoke can travel through a duct to with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the locations in a building that are remote fireresistance-rated from assembly. the fire. While this statement is 1.3. Ducts are used as part of an approved correct, smoke travel through ducted smoke control system designed and ventilation shafts has not been a installed in contributing factor to fire spread or accordance with Section 909 and where the fire deaths in firedamper will interfere with the operation buildings. Smoke detectors at HVAC of the equipment have been required to smoke control system. accomplish automatic shut off of 1.4. The penetrations are in parking garage HVAC equipment to minimize the exhaust or supply shafts that are separated potential of from other smoke spread through ventilation building shafts by not less than 2-hour fireducts. For example, the majority of resistance-rated construction. fire deaths in upper stories of the FS116-15 717.5.3 (IMC 607.5.5) 717.5.3 Shaft enclosures. Shaft enclosures Opposed These allowances can easily be that are permitted to be penetrated by ducts misapplied. Just because dampers and air transfer openings shall be protected (fire or smoke) are part of a 909 with approved fire and smoke dampers smoke control system is not a reason installed in accordance with their listing. to delete them. The following Exceptions: statements have been gleaned from 1. Firedampers are not required at various editions of the ICC Smoke penetrations of shafts where any of the Control book by Evans and Klote: following criteria are met: "One thing to consider is the effect of 1.1. Steel exhaust subducts are extended automatic sprinklers. If we accept the not less than 22 inches (559 mm) vertically concepts outlined in Section 909, we in exhaust shafts, provided there is a must assume that continuous airflow upward to the outside. automatic sprinklers have activated 1.2. Penetrations are tested in accordance and minimized the fire size, as well with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the as the heat output, or that the fire is fireresistance-rated assembly. fuel-limited. Section 909 1.3. Ducts are used as part of an approved is not intended to be used when smoke control system designed and uncontrolled fires can be expected." installed in accordance with Section 909 and "It may be argued that fire dampers where the firedamper will interfere with the can invariably interfere with proper operation of the smoke control system. operation of a smoke control system. 1.3. The penetrations are in parking garage Does this mean that all fire exhaust or supply shafts that are separated dampers in smoke control systems from other building shafts by not less than 2should be deleted? The code even hour fire-resistance-rated construction. allows increased activation 2. In Group B and R occupancies equipped temperatures for fire dampers throughout with an automatic sprinkler installed within system in accordance with Section smoke control systems. If there is 903.3.1.1, smokedampers are not required sufficient heat at a fire damper to at penetrations of shafts where all of the cause the fusible link to melt, there following criteria are met: may be the possibility of spreading FS117-15 717.5.3 (IMC 607.5.5) 717.5.3 Shaft enclosures. Shaft enclosures Support that are permitted to be penetrated by ducts and air transfer openings shall be protected with approved fire and smoke dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Exceptions: 1. Firedampers are not required at penetrations of shafts where any of the following criteria are met: 1.1. Steel exhaust subducts are extended not less than 22 inches (559 mm) vertically in exhaust shafts, provided there is a continuous airflow upward to the outside. 1.2. Penetrations are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 as part of the fireresistance-rated assembly. 1.3. Ducts are used as part of an approved smoke control system designed and installed in accordance with Section 909 and where the firedamper will interfere with the operation of the smoke control system. 1.4. The penetrations are in parking garage exhaust or supply shafts that are separated from other building shafts by not less than 2hour fire-resistance-rated construction. 2. In Group B and R occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, smokedampers are not required at penetrations of shafts where all of the following criteria are met: The purpose of exception 5 is to eliminate an inconsistency between the IBC & IMC. Without the exception, the IBC would require dampers while the IMC specifically prohibits them for clothes dryers (IMC Sec. 504.2), multistory domestic kitchen exhaust (IMC Sec. 505.3), and in grease ducts (IMC Sec. 505.3). However, the exception as written goes beyond that to allow undampered shaft penetrations in all kitchen exhausts that comply with the IMC. FS118-15 717.5.5 (IMC 607.5.4) 717.5.5 Smoke barriers. A listed smoke Neutral damper designed to resist the passage of smoke shall be provided at each point a duct or air transfer opening penetrates a smoke barrier. Smoke dampers and smoke damper actuation methods shall comply with Section 717.3.3.2. Exceptions: 1. Smoke dampers are not required where the openings in ducts are limited to a single smoke compartment and the ducts are constructed of steel. 2. Smoke dampers are not required in smoke barriers required by Section 407.5 for Group I-2, Condition 2— where the HVAC system is fully ducted in accordance with Section 603 of the International Mechanical Code and where buildings are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and equipped with quick-response sprinklers in accordance with Section 903.3.2. For the purposes of this exception, a ducted HVAC system shall be a duct system for conveying supply, return or exhaust air as part of the structure's HVAC system. Such a duct system shall be constructed of sheet steel not less than No. 26 gage thickness and shall be continuous from the air-handling appliance or equipment to the air outlet and inlet Smoke barrier walls are used to divide areas of a building into separate smoke compartments so that occupants can be evacuated or relocated to adjacent smoke compartments or other areas of the building. They are also used to enclose areas of refuge and or elevator lobbies. Although not required by the IBC, smoke barriers can also be used as part of a smoke control system, accessible means of egress, and compartmentation of underground buildings. IBC Section 709.3 "Fireresistance rating" states that a 1-hour fire-resistance rating is required for smoke barriers. In addition to a 1 hour fire resistance rating for the smoke barrier, the IBC also requires that all the elements such as doors, penetrations, joints and ducts of a smoke barrier have quantifiable resistance to smoke/air leakage. Smoke barriers are required to be permanently identified and marked with signs or stenciling with wording that requires that openings should be protected after construction and during ongoing maintenance and repairs. FS119-15 717.6.2 (IMC 607.6.2), 717.6.2 Membrane penetrations. Ducts and Support 717.6.2.1 (IMC air transfer openings constructed of 607.6.2.1) approved materials in accordance with the International Mechanical Code that penetrate the ceiling membrane of a fireresistance-rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assembly shall be protected with one of the following: 1. A shaft enclosure in accordance with Section 713. 2. A listed ceiling radiation damper installed at the ceiling line where a duct penetrates the ceiling of a fireresistance-rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assembly. Exceptions: 1. A fire resistance rated assembly tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 showing that ceiling radiation dampers are not required in order to maintain the fire resistance rating of the assembly. 2. Where exhaust duct penetrations are protected in accordance with Section 714.4.1.2 are located within the cavity of a wall and do not pass through another dwelling unit or tenant space. 3. Where duct and air transfer openings are protected with a duct outlet penetration system tested as part of a fire-resistancerated assembly in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263. 3. A listed ceiling radiation damper installed This proposal combines Section 717.6.2 and 717.6.2.1 in a way that the requirements could be understood better. The changes are merely editorial and not technical. FS120-15 717.6.2.1 (IMC 607.6.2.1) 717.6.2.1 Ceiling radiation dampers. Ceiling Neutral radiation dampers shall be tested in accordance with Section 717.3.1. Ceiling radiation dampers shall be installed in accordance with the details listed in the fireresistance-rated assembly and the manufacturer's instructions and the listing. Ceiling radiation dampers are not required where one of the following applies: 1. Tests in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 have shown that ceiling radiation dampers are not necessary in order to maintain the fire-resistance rating of the assembly. 2. Where exhaust duct or outdoor air duct penetrations are protected in accordance with Section 714.4.2, are located within the cavity of a wall and do not pass through another dwellingunit or tenant space. 3. Where duct and air transfer openings are protected with a duct outlet protection system tested as part of a fireresistancerated assembly in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263. This section provides multiple exemptions for ceiling radiation dampers. Exception 2 exempts exhaust air ducts that meet certain requirements. There is no apparent reason to not also exempt outdoor air ducts meeting the same requirements. This appears to simply be an oversight. FS121-15 Part I 718.3.2 718.3.2 Groups R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. Neutral Draftstopping shall be provided in floor/ceiling spaces in Group R-1 buildings, in Group R-2 buildings with three or more dwelling units, in Group R-3 buildings with two dwelling units and in Group R-4 buildings. Draftstopping shall be located above and in line with the dwelling unit and sleeping unit separations. Exceptions: 1. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. 2. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2, provided that automatic sprinklers in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 are installed in the combustible concealed spaces where the draftstopping is being omitted. The requirement to have an NFPA 13R sprinkler system protect combustible concealed spaces contradicts the intent of a 13R system. The NFPA 13R code specifically excludes the installation of sprinklers in combustible concealed spaces. Section 6.6.6 of NFPA 13R, 2010 edition (the edition referenced by the 2012 IBC), reads as follows: "6.6.6 Sprinklers shall not be required in attics, penthouse equipment rooms, elevator machine rooms, concealed spaces dedicated exclusively to and containing only dwelling unit ventilation equipment, crawl spaces, floor/ceiling spaces, noncombustible elevator shafts where the elevator cars comply with ANSI A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, and other concealed spaces that are not used or intended for living purposes or storage and do not contain fuel-fired equipment." FS121-15 Part II 718.4.2 718.4.2 Groups R-1 and R-2. Draftstopping Neutral shall be provided in attics, mansards, overhangs or other concealed roof spaces of Group R-2 buildings with three or more dwelling units and in all Group R-1 buildings. Draftstopping shall be installed above, and in line with, sleeping unit and dwelling unit separation walls that do not extend to the underside of the roof sheathing above. Exceptions: 1. Where corridor walls provide a sleeping unit or dwelling unit separation, draftstopping shall only be required above one of the corridor walls. 2. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. 3. In occupancies in Group R-2 that do not exceed four stories abovegrade plane, the attic space shall be subdivided by draftstops into areas not exceeding 3,000 square feet (279 m2) or above every two dwelling units, whichever is smaller. 4. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2, provided that automatic sprinklers in accordance with Section The requirement to have an NFPA 13R sprinkler system protect combustible concealed spaces contradicts the intent of a 13R system. The NFPA 13R code specifically excludes the installation of sprinklers in combustible concealed spaces. Section 6.6.6 of NFPA 13R, 2010 edition (the edition referenced by the 2012 IBC), reads as follows: "6.6.6 Sprinklers shall not be required in attics, penthouse equipment rooms, elevator machine rooms, concealed spaces dedicated exclusively to and containing only dwelling unit ventilation equipment, crawl spaces, floor/ceiling spaces, noncombustible elevator shafts where the elevator cars comply with ANSI A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, and other concealed spaces that are not used or intended for living purposes or storage and do not contain fuel-fired equipment." FS122-15 718.3.2 718.3.2 Groups R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. Opposed Group R-4 congregate residences are Draftstopping shall be provided in groups of sleeping units that operate floor/ceiling spaces in Group R-1 buildings, as a single-family home. Requiring in Group R-2 buildings with three or more draftstopping between dwellingunits, in Group R-3 buildings with bedrooms is a significantly higher two dwelling units and in Group R-4 requirement than specified for any buildings. other occupancy. By letting the Draftstopping shall be located above and in provisions for Group R-4 fall back to line with the dwelling unit and sleeping unit the Group separations. R-3 requirements, there would be Exceptions: draftstopping between dwellings. 1. Draftstopping is not required in buildings Sections 903.2.8.3 through equipped throughout with an automatic 903. were added in 2015 sprinkler system in accordance with Section IBC/IFC for attic protection in Group 903.3.1.1. R-4 Condition 2 facilities to address 2. Draftstopping is not required in buildings the issue of the equipped throughout with an automatic possibility of fires within an attic sprinkler system in accordance with Section space. 903.3.1.2, provided that automatic [F] 903.2.8.3 Group R-4 Condition 2. sprinklers are installed in the combustible An automatic sprinkler system concealed spaces where the draftstopping is installed in accordance with Section being omitted. 903.3.1.2 shall be permitted in Group R-4 Condition 2 occupancies. Attics shall be protected in accordance with Section 903. or 903. [F] 903. Attics used for living purposes, storage or fuel-fired equipment. Attics used for living purposes, storage or fuel-fired equipment shall be FS123-15 720.1 720.1 General. Insulating materials, Neutral including facings such as vapor retarders and vapor-permeable membranes, similar coverings and all layers of single and multilayer reflective foil insulations, shall comply with the requirements of this section. Where a flame spread index or a smokedeveloped index is specified in this section, such index shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Any material that is subject to an increase in flame spread index or smoke-developed index beyond the limits herein established through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric conditions shall not be permitted. Insulating materials include but are not limited to facings such as vapor retarders, vapor permeable membranes and similar coverings, and all layers of single and multilayer reflective foil insulations. Exceptions: 1. Fiberboard insulation shall comply with Chapter 23. 2. Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Chapter 26. 3. Duct and pipe insulation and duct and pipe coverings and linings in plenums shall comply with the International Mechanical Code. 4. All layers of single and multilayer This is simple clarification and language cleanup. Section 720.1 is intended to apply to all insulating materials but the sentence as is causes confusion because it refers to two types of insulation materials, namely (1) facings such as vapor retarders and vapor-permeable membranes and similar coverings and (2) all layers of single and multilayer reflective foil insulations. Therefore it is better if they are shown in a separate sentence at the end of the section that way the sentence is clearer. The other change is that the correct section for reflective plastic core insulation materials (which are a subset of reflective insulation materials) is 2614 and not 2613. FS124-15 720.1, 720.2.1 720.1 General. Insulating materials, Support including facings such as vapor retarders and vapor-permeable membranes, similar coverings and all layers of single and multilayer reflective foil insulations, shall comply with the requirements of this section. Where a flame spread index or a smokedeveloped index is specified in this section, such index shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Any material that is subject to an increase in flame spread index or smoke-developed index beyond the limits herein established through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric conditions shall not be permitted. Exceptions: 1. Fiberboard insulation shall comply with Chapter 23. 2. Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Chapter 26. 3. Duct and pipe insulation and duct and pipe coverings and linings in plenums shall comply with the International Mechanical Code. 4. All layers of single and multilayer reflective plastic core insulation shall comply with Section 2613. 720.2.1 Facings. Where such materials are installed in concealed spaces in buildings of The stricken language "all layers" is redundant and could cause confusion. Furthermore, this is not the correct method for testing these types of products. ASTM E 84 procedures call for the entire product to be tested, not each component of the product. The word "foil" is an outdated describer of reflective insulation products. Some do contain foil, but a majority of the industry has moved to metalized films. All reflective insulations require the same testing regiment independent of composition. FS125-15 720.1, 720.5.1 (New) 720.1 General. Insulating materials, Support including facings such as vapor retarders and vapor-permeable membranes, similar coverings and all layers of single and multilayer reflective foil insulations and radiant barriers fully laminated to the underside of a wood roof deck, shall comply with the requirements of this section. Where a flame spread index or a smoke-developed index is specified in this section, such index shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Any material that is subject to an increase in flame spread index or smoke-developed index beyond the limits herein established through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric conditions shall not be permitted. Exceptions: 1. Fiberboard insulation shall comply with Chapter 23. 2. Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Chapter 26. 3. Duct and pipe insulation and duct and pipe coverings and linings in plenums shall comply with the International Mechanical Code. 4. All layers of single and multilayer reflective plastic core insulation shall comply with Section 2613. Add new text as follows: Reason: The proposal adds necessary language to ensure that radiant barriers attached to wood roof decks are properly installed below an approved roof covering. The current language in the code does not include any reference to a very predominant product type in the market place for almost 30 years. This proposed language addresses this need. Product History Acceptance and Distribution Of the top 100 U.S. builders, 87 utilize this product type 650,000,000+ sq. ft. of this product is installed annually Current ASTM Standards include C 1313 and C 1744 Codes that include Radiant Barrier: HI-Chapter 181 of Title 3, Table 402.1.1.1, Section 402.1.1.6 and Section 402. TX-Austin, Chapter 25-12, Article 12. Energy Code, Section 402.6 FL-2010 Florida Building Code, Section 405.6.1, Figure 405.6.1 and Table 303.2 (ASTM Standards) CATitle 24, Part 6, Subsection 8, Section (f), Subsection 2, Table 151B, Table 151-C, Table 151-D FS126-15 720.1, 720.1.1 (New), 2615 (New), 2615.1 (New), 2615.2 (New), 2615.3 (New), 2615.3.1 (New), 2615.3.2 (New) 720.1 General. Insulating materials, Support including facings such as vapor retarders and vapor-permeable membranes, similar coverings and all layers of single and multilayer reflective foil insulations, shall comply with the requirements of this section. Where a flame spread index or a smokedeveloped index is specified in this section, such index shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Any material that is subject to an increase in flame spread index or smoke-developed index beyond the limits herein established through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric conditions shall not be permitted. Exceptions: 1. Fiberboard insulation shall comply with Chapter 23. 2. Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Chapter 26. 3. Duct and pipe insulation and duct and pipe coverings and linings in plenums shall comply with the International Mechanical Code. 4. All layers of single and multilayer reflective plastic core insulation shall comply with Section 2613. Insulating materials, including the following, shall comply with the requirments of this This proposal addresses three issues that currently exist in this code section. 1. It corrects an editorial mistake in section 720.1 exception 4. The exception should reference 2614 instead of 2613. This exception is being rewritten in affirmative language rather than as an exception. The change recognizes that the reflective insulations explicitly covered by the code (in section 2614) are reflective plastic core insulations. 2. NO technical changes have been made to this section, except for adding radiant barriers to the materials listed. 3. This proposal establishes a new section on radiant barriers with plastic core that are installed with an air space between the radiant barrier and the roof deck. A new section 2615 is proposed for these insulation materials. This is a different and distinct product category separate from the existing section 2614 Reflective Plastic Core Insulation. Radiant barriers with plastic core provide different types of performances, are FS127-15 720.1, 720.5.1 (New), 720.1 General. Insulating materials, Support 720.5.2 (New), 202 including facings such as vapor retarders (New) and vapor-permeable membranes, similar coverings and all layers of single and multilayer reflective foil insulations and interior radiation control coatings, shall comply with the requirements of this section. Where a flame spread index or a smoke-developed index is specified in this section, such index shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Any material that is subject to an increase in flame spread index or smoke-developed index beyond the limits herein established through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric conditions shall not be permitted. Exceptions: 1. Fiberboard insulation shall comply with Chapter 23. 2. Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Chapter 26. 3. Duct and pipe insulation and duct and pipe coverings and linings in plenums shall comply with the International Mechanical Code. 4. All layers of single and multilayer reflective plastic core insulation shall comply with Section 2613. Add new text as follows: 720.5.1 Interior radiation control coatings This proposal addresses the following issues that currently exist in this code section. 1. The proposal adds necessary language to ensure that interior radiation control coatings in roof systems are properly installed below an approved roof covering. The current language in the code does not include any reference to a very predominant product type in the market place. This proposed language addresses this need. 2. This proposal adds a new definition and section for Interior Radiation Control Coatings (IRCC). It also adds the term to the changing language of this section to ensure that the IRCC WHEN installed complies with the fire safety requirements in this section. As characterized by ASTM, an Interior Radiation Control Coating (IRCC) is a non-thickness dependent, low emittance coating. When applied to building materials such as plywood, OSB or metal roofing, according to the manufacturer's installation instruction, FS128-15 Table 721.1(2) TABLE Support This proposal adds in two new configurations for wall assemblies to Table 721.1(2). These assemblies are found in the latest edition of the Gypsum Association Fire-Resistance Design Manual (the first one is based on GA File Nos. WP 7054, WP 7058, WP 7060, WP 7065.2, WP 7065.4, WP 7065.5, WP 7076, WP 7078, and WP 7265; the second one is based on WP 7059, WP 7061, WP 7077, and WP 7257) and are consistent with UL designs (U415, U417, U438, U497, U498, V455, V473, and V493). Inclusion of these additional configurations provide appropriate guidance for designers to achieve a 2-hour rating with a minimum assembly thickness of 3-3/4" FS129-15 TABLE 721.1 (3) TABLE Support This proposal, in our opinion, is an editoral change as it simply is provided to correct what is currently specified in the 2015 IBC. The current text entry as published in the 2015 IBC is not correctly shown as the current code does not specify the resilient channel requirement as shown in the following link and the figure shown in the reason. This figure was referenced in the AWC code proposal submitted last code cycle and approved by the membership. ( dca3/WIJ-1.7.I-joist_2layers_with_RCs.htm) The reason statement for including this proposal previously in the 2015 IBC stated: Many code officials have come to rely upon Table 720 as the preferred source of information regarding fire resistance rated assemblies. Because of its importance, we believe that the table should offer the most common generic assemblies. Floor systems utilizing I-joists have increased from FS130-15 TABLE 721.1 (3) TABLE FS131-15 722 Delete without substitution: SECTION 722 CALCULATED FIRE RESISTANCE Support This proposal, in our opinion, is an editoral change as it simply is provided to correct what is currently specified in the 2015 IBC. The current text entry as published in the 2015 IBC is not correctly shown as the current code does not specify the resilient channel requirement as shown in the following link and the figure shown in the reason. This figure was referenced in the AWC code proposal submitted last code cycle and approved by the membership. ( dca3/WIJ-1.6.I-joist_2layers_with_RCs.htm) The reason statement for including this proposal previously in the 2015 IBC stated: Reason: Many code officials have come to rely upon Table 720 as the preferred source of information regarding fire resistance rated assemblies. Because of its importance, we believe that the table should offer the most common generic assemblies. Floor systems utilizing I-joists have Opposed Delete entire section and reference out of the code since it's not frequently used. FS132-15 803.3 803.3 Heavy timber exemption. Exposed Neutral portions of building elements complying with the requirements for buildings of Type IV construction in Section 602.4 shall not be subject to interior finish requirements except in interior exit stairways, interior exit ramps, and exit passageways. FS133-15 803.9.1 (New) 803.9.1 Identification. Each HDPE or PP panel used as an interior finish shall be identified by the manufacturer with a manufacturer's designation indicating compliance with 803.1.2. The designation shall be acid etched, sand blasted, laser etched, embossed, or of a type that, once applied, cannot be removed without being destroyed. Neutral FS134-15 TABLE 803.11 m. Corridors in ambulatory care facilities shall be provided with Class A or B materials. Support Cross laminated timber may be used to form the entire interior surfaces of egress elements and should be regulated in those circumstances. The requirement is the same for any other material used in those circumstances. For a complete list of AWC code change proposals and additional information please go to The Manufacturer's Designation provides a method by which code officials and others can determine that the panels are in compliance with the Code. This can be easily done and the requirement is similar to that which is required for safety glazing. This footnote increases the corridor finish requirements for ambulatory care facilities, eliminated the Class C option for sprinklered facilities. The sub-group of Group contains occupants who are incapable of selfpreservation. While it is not a defendin-place scenario, where occupants are expected to stay inside of the building, it is a staged evacuation scenario. Occupants will stay in the building for a short period of time, but the ultimate goal is complete evacuation. This upgrade is to ensure that the corridor are tenable until evacuation is complete. This also matches the current requirements for certification under Medicaid and Medicare. FS135-15 803.11 (New) 803.11 Laminated products factorySupport produced with a wood substrate Laminated products factory-produced with a wood substrate shall comply with one of the following: 1. The laminated product shall meet the criteria of Section 803.1.1 when tested in accordance with NFPA 286 using the product mounting system, including adhesive, of actual use, as described in Section 5.8 of NFPA 286. 2. The laminated product shall have a Class A, B, or C flame spread index and smoke developed index, based on the requirements of Table 803.1.1, in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723. Test specimen preparation and mounting shall be in accordance with ASTM E2579. Add new standard(s) as follows: ASM E257913 Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Wood Products to Assess Surface Burning This language has not yet been incorporated into the IFC (which did incorporate the language dealing with on site applied facings in IFC section 803.7), because it wanted the IBC to take the lead. ASTM has developed mounting methods for both "facings or wood veneer intended to be applied on site over a wood substrate" and laminated products that are factory-produced and have a wood substrate. The concept is that facings that are produced as part of a commercial (factory-produced) panel are finished products and the manufacturer should be responsible to ensure that the product itself (the full panel) is safe and there is no need to discuss a substrate. It has been shown that, when veneers are applied over a wood substrate the resulting flame spread is much higher than when applied over gypsum board or over a noncombustible substrate. Therefore the requirement in ASTM E2579 is that the testing be done with the full product and, thus, there will no need FS136-15 803.11 (New) 803.11 Facings or wood veneers intended to Support be applied on site over a wood substrate Facings or veneers intended to be applied on site over a wood substrate shall comply with one of the following: 1. The facing or veneer shall meet the criteria of Section 803.1.1 when tested in accordance with NFPA 286 using the product-mounting system, including adhesive, as described in Section 5.9 of NFPA 286. 2. The facing or veneer shall have a Class A, B or C flame spread index and smokedeveloped index, based on the requirements of Table 803.11, in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Test specimen preparation and mounting shall be in accordance with ASTM E 2404. This language has already been approved by the IFC (section 803.7). ASTM has developed mounting methods for both "facings or wood veneer intended to be applied on site over a wood substrate" and laminated products that are factory-produced and have a wood substrate. The IFC agreed to move ahead with this one (dealing with on site facings) but wanted the IBC to take the lead with the factory-produced ones. The concept is that these facings (applied on site) are basically the same as wall coverings and the manufacturer should be responsible for the facing only and needs to ensure that the material is safe and should test over the appropriate substrate. It has been shown that, when veneers are applied over a wood substrate the resulting flame spread is much higher than when applied over gypsum board or over a noncombustible substrate. Therefore the requirement in ASTM E2404 is that the testing be done over a standard wood substrate and, thus, there will no need to retest for different types of FS137-15 803.13.1, 803.13.1.1 803.13.1 Direct attachment and furred Opposed construction. Where walls and, ceilings or structural elements are required by any provision in this code to be of fire-resistancerated or noncombustible construction, the interior finish material shall be applied directly against such construction or to furring strips not exceeding 13/ 4 inches (44 mm), applied directly against such surfaces. 803.13.1.1 Furred construction. If the interior finish material is applied to furring strips, the intervening spaces between such furring strips shall comply with one of the following: 1. Be filled with material that is inorganic or noncombustible; 2. Be filled with material that meets the requirements of a Class A material in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2; or 3. Be fireblocked at a maximum of 8 feet (2438 mm) in every direction in accordance with Section 718. Exception: Concealed spaces created with noncombustible furring strips. Currently, Section 803.13.1.1 could be interpreted to require fire stopping or fire blocking materials even if there were no combustible materials within the concealed spaces created by the furring stripes. The proposed exception clarifies that there is no need for fire stopping or fire blocking when there is nothing combustible within the concealed space. The term "structural elements" is added to Section 803.13.1 for consistency with Section 803.13. FS138-15 803.13.2 803.13.2 Set-out construction. Where walls Opposed The proposed third exception meets and ceilings are required to be of firethe intent of the code in that resistance-rated or noncombustible noncombustible material, while not construction and walls are set out or ceilings structural, meets the combustibility are dropped distances greater than specified requirements of Section 803.13.1. in Section 803.13.1, Class A finish The applicability of this solution is materials, in accordance with Section codified in 803.13.1 item 2. This 803.1.1 or 803.1.2, shall be used. proposal simply allows larger areas to Exceptions: be filled. 1. Where interior finish materials are This would reduce the complexity of protected on both sides by an automatic framing small pop-outs and covering sprinkler system in accordance with gypsum board or plaster. with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. 2. Where interior finish materials are attached to noncombustible backing or furring strips installed as specified in Section 803.13.1.1. 3. Where the combustible void is filled with an approved noncombustible material. FS139-15 803.1, 803.1.1, 803.1.1.1 (New), 803.1.2, 803.1.2.1, 803.1.3, 803.1.3.1, 803.1.4, 803.5, 803.5.1 (New), 803.5.1.1 (New), 803.5.2 (New), 803.6, 803.7, 803.8, 803.9, 803.11 803.1 General. Interior wall and ceiling Support finish materials shall be classified for fire performance and smoke development in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2, except as shown in Sections 803.2803.1.3 through 803.13. Materials tested in accordance with Section 803.1.280 3.1.1 shall not be required to be tested in accordance with Section 803.1.1803.1.2. 803.1.1 Interior wall and ceiling finish materials. tested in accordance with NFPA 286 Interior wall and ceiling finish materials shall be classified in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723NFPA 286 and comply with Section 803.1.1.1. Such interior finish materialsMaterials complying with Section 803.1.1.1 shall be grouped inconsidered to also comply with the following classes in accordance with their flame spread and smoke-developed indexes. requirements of a Class A:= Flame spread index 0-25; smoke developed index 0-450. Class B:= Flame spread index 26-75; smoke developed index 0-450. Class C:= Flame spread index 76-200; smoke developed index 0-450. Exception: Materials tested, in accordance with Section 803.1.2. Add new text as follows: 803.1.1.1 Acceptance Criteria for NFPA 286 The interior finish shall comply with the This reorganizes section 803 to make it follow the testing logic, but it does not change any of the requirements. Any interior wall and ceiling finish material is permitted to be tested to NFPA 286 and therefore this should come first, as section 803.1.1. This needs to be followed by the criteria for NFPA 286 testing. The section also needs to say that anything that passes NFPA 286 (i.e. the corresonding criteria) is acceptable as a Class A in accordance with ASTM E84 and does not need retesting. Then comes the section on ASTM E84, with the corresponding criteria, as section 803.1.2. The next section, 803.1.3, addresses the materials that have other requirements and cannot simply be tested to either one of the above without further details. That includes all of the materials in sections 803.2 through 803.13. Textile wall coverings and expanded vinyl wall coverings are covered in 803.5 and 803.7. Therefore the testing in accordance with NFPA 265 needs to FS140-15 Compliance with this standard requires the use of proprietary products 406.8.3, 424.2, 804.2, 406.8.3 Floor surface. Support 804.3, Chapter 35 Repair garage floors shall be of concrete or similar noncombustible and nonabsorbent materials. Exception: Slip-resistant, nonabsorbent, interior floor finishes having a critical radiant flux not more than 0.45 W/cm2, as determined by ASTM E648 or NFPA 253, shall be permitted. 424.2 Materials. Children's play structures shall be constructed of noncombustible materials or of combustible materials that comply with the following: 1. Fire-retardant-treated wood complying with Section 2303.2. 2. Light-transmitting plastics complying with Section 2606. 3. Foam plastics (including the pipe foam used in softcontained play equipment structures) having a maximum heatrelease rate not greater than 100 kilowatts when tested in accordance with UL 1975 or when tested in accordance with NFPA 289, using the 20 kW ignition source. 4. Aluminum composite material (ACM) meeting the requirements of Class A interior finish in accordance with Chapter 8 when tested as an assembly in the maximum thickness intended for use. 5. Textiles and films complying with the fire propagation performance criteria contained ASTM E648 is technically equivalent to NFPA 253. Since the flooring industry routinely references ASTM E648, this proposal will remove confusion when people reference the ASTM test instead of the NFPA test. FS141-15 901.7 901.7 Fire areas. Where buildings, or Support portions thereof, are divided into fire areas so as not to exceed the limits established for requiring a fire protection system in accordance with this chapter, such fire areas shall be separated by fire walls constructed in accordance with Section 706, fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707, exterior walls constructed in accordance with Section 705, or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both, having a fireresistance rating of not less than that determined in accordance with Section 707.3.10 combination. The definition of "fire area" specifically includes areas "enclosed and bounded by fire walls, fire barriers, exterior walls or horizontal assemblies." Section 901.7 seems to conflict with that by specifying only fire barriers and horizontal assemblies to create fire areas. The reference to the fire-resistance rating of the wall is deleted because the reference to Section 707 includes Table 707.3.10. FS142-15 909.20.1 909.20.1 Access. Access to the stairway or Support ramp shall be by way of a vestibule or an open exterior balcony. The minimum dimension of the vestibule shall be not less than the required width of the corridor leading to the vestibule but shall not have a clear width of less than 44 inches (1118 mm) and shall not have a length of less than 72 inches (1829 mm) in the direction of egress travel into the stairway between the centerline of the doorways into the vestibule and stairway. The proposed code change seeks to clarify the dimensional requirements in vestibules used to access stairway doors in smoke proof enclosures. A smoke proof enclosure is an interior exit stairway that is protected with a two-hour fire barrier and incudes a vestibule separating the occupied story from the stairway. The vestibule seeks to keep smoke from migrating into the stairway portion due to egress by occupants and due to fire fighting operations. The dimensional requirements for the vestibule seek to allow sufficient distance between the doorway into the vestibule and into the stairway such that both doorways are not open at the same time. Additionally the vestibule provides fire fighters with a safe area to attack a fire on the fire floor without compromising the smoke proof integrity of the stairway. Both the handbook and the commentary conservatively dimension the 72 inch dimension to be perpendicular to the access doorway into the stairway from the vestibule. If the two doorways are not in line, offset or perpendicular to one another the direction of travel into the vestibule, FS143-15 909.20.5 909.20.5 Stairway and ramp pressurization Support alternative. Where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the vestibule is not required, provided each interior exitstairway or ramp is pressurized to not less than 0.100.05 inch of water (2512.5 Pa) and not more than 0.35 inches of water (87 Pa) in the shaft relative to the building measured with all interior exitstairway and ramp doors closed under maximum anticipated conditions of stack effect and wind effect. This change is consistent with a similar requirement for the pressure differential across smoke barriers. It is also consistent with the NFPA Life Safety Code, NFPA 101 for smokeproof enclosures in sprinkler protected buildings. It is recognized in NFPA 92, Standard for Smoke Control Systems. The Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering and the Principles of Smoke Management contain tables giving the suggested minimum pressure design difference across a barrier, Table 9.1 and Table 6.12, respectively. The latter text states on page 107, "These values for sprinklered buildings were calculated from the equation for buoyancy of combustion gases (Chapter 5) for a gas temperature of 1700°F (927°C), for a neutral plane located at a height of two-thirds of the ceiling height below the ceiling and with a safety factor of 0.03 in. H2O (7.5 Pa)." FS144-15 909.21.1 909.21.1 Pressurization requirements. Neutral Elevator hoistways shall be pressurized to maintain a minimum positive pressure of 0.10 inch of water (25 Pa) and a maximum positive pressure of 0.250.35 inch of water (6788 Pa) with respect to adjacent occupied space on all floors. This pressure shall be measured at the midpoint of each hoistway door, with all elevator cars at the floor of recall and all hoistway doors on the floor of recall open and all other hoistway doors closed. The pressure differentials shall be measured between the hoistway and the adjacent elevator landing. The opening and closing of hoistway doors at each level must be demonstrated during this test. The supply air intake shall be from an outside, uncontaminated source located a minimum distance of 20 feet (6096 mm) from any air exhaust system or outlet. Exceptions: 1. On floors containing only Group R occupancies, the pressure differential is permitted to be measured between the hoistway and a dwelling unit or sleeping unit . 2. Where an elevator opens into a lobby enclosed in accordance with Section 3007.6 or 3008.6, the pressure differential is permitted to be measured between the hoistway and the space immediately outside There has been no research about the maximum pressure differential for elevator pressurization systems. There is no technical reason to limit the value to 0.25 in water (67 Pa). The suggested value of 0.35 in water (88 Pa) is the recognized maximum for stair pressure systems. It is recognized that the minimum pressure differential across smoke barriers in sprinklered protected buildings is 0.05 inch water (12 Pa), as noted in IBC 909.6.1. FS145-15 909.21.3, Chapter 35 909.21.3 Ducts for system. Any duct system Support that is part of the pressurization system shall be protected with the same fireresistance rating as required for the elevator shaft enclosure. Exception: HVAC ducts tested and listed for in accordance with ASTM E2816 with minimum F and T rating of not less than 2 hours, continuously from the air handling appliance or equipment to the air outlet and inlet terminal. Add new standard(s) as follows: ASTM E2816-11, Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems This proposal permits an additional option for protection of ducts that are part of a pressurization system by using a tested and listed assembly conforming to the new ASTM E281611, Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems evaluated for the specific purpose. IBC section 717.2,1 requires that where the installation of a fire damper will interfere with the operation of a required smoke control system in accordance with Section 909, approved alternative protection shall be utilized. Where mechanical systems, including ducts and dampers, serve as part of the smoke control system, the expected performance of these systems in smoke control mode must be addressed in the rational analysis required by Section 909.4. This principle of protecting HVAC ducts used as part of a smoke control system from the effects of fire exposure is also already contained in section 909.4.4 which requires that the design consider the effects of the heating, ventilating and air- FS146-15 1403.5 FS149-15 Part I 1403.5, 1407.10.4, 1409.10.4 2603.5.5 FS149-15 Part II FS150-15 1404.2 FS151-15 1404.2 FS152-15 1403.2, 1404.2, 1404.2.1 (New) 1404.2 FS153-15 1403.5 Vertical and lateral flame propagation. Exterior walls on buildings of Type I, II, III or IV construction that are greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm) in height above grade plane and contain a combustible water-resistive barrier in accordance with Section 1404.2 shall be tested in accordance with and comply with the acceptance criteria of NFPA 285. For the purposes of this section, fenestration products and, flashing of fenestration products and water resistive barrier flashing and accessories at other locations, including through-wall flashings, shall not be considered part of the water-resistive barrier. Exceptions: 1. Walls in which the water-resistive barrier is the only combustible component and the exterior wall has a wall covering of brick, concrete, stone, terra cotta, stucco or steel with minimum thicknesses in accordance with Table 1405.2. 2. Walls in which the water-resistive barrier is the only combustible component and the water-resistive barrier has a peak heat release rate of less than 150 kW/m2, a total heat release of less than 20 MJ/m2 and an effective heat of combustion of less than 18 MJ/kg as determined in accordance with ASTM E 1354 and has a flame spread index Adds procedures for compliance with NFPA 285 Adds procedures for compliance with NFPA 285 Revises the water resistive barrier requirements Revises the water resistive barrier requirements Revises the water resistive barrier requirements Revises the water resistive barrier requirements Neutral Opposed Opposed Opposed Support Opposed Opposed This proposal clarifies the intention of the current code that the trigger for requiring NFPA 285 testing is the water-resistive barrier material and not its accessories. It extends to the excepted accessories specifically mentioned to include flashings that are not associated with fenestration. FS154-15 202 (New), , 1402.1, Revises the air barrier requirements Opposed 1404.3 (New), 1405.5 (New) 1404.3, 1405.5 Clarify need for air barriers with energy code coordination. 1404.12.2 Reduces fire separation distance between walls with polypropylene siding. anchored masonry veneer has performed Neutral well for thirty years with an allowable minimum nominal dimension of 2 inches on residential structures and should be permitted as the minimum dimension on all structures. reorganize the minimum veneer thickness Support requirements in Table 1405.2 to clarify which minimum thickness requirements apply to specific products depending upon whether they are used as an anchored or adhered veneer FS155-15 IBC FS156-15 IBC FS157-15 Table 1405.2 FS158-15 Table 1405.2 G21-15 FS159-15 IBC 1405.3 FS160-15 1405.3.1 FS161-15 202 (New), Table 1405.3.2 FS162-15 202 Table 1405.3.2 FS163-15 1405.3.4 FS164-15 1405.4, Chapter 35 establishes some basic conditions of use associated with the intended performance of the moisture vapor clarifies the vapor retarder requirement for Zone Marine 4 revises the table to broaden the available product solutions to include all types of continuous insulation in order to meet the intent of the code as it related to the appropriate use of vapor retarders the intent of the product is to provide an insulation material that contains limited thermal bridging- particularly at framing members. The proposal revises the table to broaden the available product solutions to include all types of continuous insulation change recognizes the similar characteristics polypropylene siding and insulated vinyl siding have to vinyl siding as vented cladding incorporates this industry standard by reference into the code, as was previously done in the 2012 Support Support Support Support Support Support FS165-15 1405.4 FS166-15 1405.4.2 FS167-15 1406.3 FS168-15 1409.2 S1-15 S2-15 The standard contains language that appears to affect enforceability. See Sections 6.5, 6.7, 9.4, 10.1 S3-15 S4-15 S5-15 S6-15 S10-15 G15-15 G16-15 FS169-15 FS170-15 2603.3 2603.3 FS171-15 2603.3 Chapter 35 2612.5 proposal incorporates AAMA 714 by reference into the code code change removes the text that indicates weep holes must be installed in the first course above grade at the base of a wall and instead requires that they be installed within a minimum distance above the finished grade proposal seeks to allow plastic composites which comply with the requirements of Section 2612 in those applications proposal is a correction to the original proposal Support Support Neutral Support Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Support Support change is a clarification only describes conditions under which foam plastic insulation without added flame retardants can be used safely in buildings. would include below-grade insulation placed Support horizontally for frost protected shallow foundations per Section 1809.5(2); such insulation must also comply with the insulation protection requirements of this section and the referenced standard ASCE 32. FS172-15 2603.4 this proposal suggests that heavy timber is a Neutral wood material that could safely be used as a thermal barrier, while thin wood panels are not appropriate thermal barriers. FS173-15 2603.5.5 FS174-15 2603.5.5 FS175-15 2603.5.8 (New) FS176-15 IBC2603.6 (New) FS177-15 202 (New), , 2603.6 (New), 2603.6.1 (New), 2603.6.2 (New), 2603.6.3 (New) clarifies the applicability of the code provisions of 2603.5.4, by requiring a Class A material in an NFPA 285 assembly Allows an exception for non high rise sprinkler buildings to remove the requirement of Section 2603.5 requires all foam plastic exterior insulation materials to conform to the limits of NFPA 285. provide language referencing the Section 718 fire blocking requirements for concealed spaces of exterior walls proposal requires foam insulation on exterior walls in thickness ½ in. or greater (the same min. thickness in the UL fire experiments) to be protected from the exterior of the building by an approved thermal barrier that complies with Section 2603.4 requirements (items 1 and 2) or min. ½ in thick exterior wall coverings with comparable thermal transmission properties. proposal provides language to Section 2603 to clarify the acceptable use of foam plastic in all types of construction. FS178-15 2603.7 FS179-15 2603.4 2603.7.1, 2603.7.2 Support Oppose Neutral Support oppose The problem is then with the last sentence Support of 2603.7.2 which directs the Code official to "approve" the insulation based on a different set of room fire tests, which do not all provide a flame spread and smoke developed value. introduces clear language for testing of Support metal faced foamed plastic core sandwich panels I don't think we want foam plastics in our healthcare or other high risk populations G17-15 FS180-15 FS181-15 IBC 2606.11 2609.4 FS182-15 2611.1, 2611.2, 2611.4 2611.3, 2611.3 FS183-15 1410.1 22612.2, 2612.2.1, 2612.2.2, 2612.3, 2612.4, 2612.6 Neutral Removed ambiguous language Neutral Allows unlimited light transmitting plastic for Neutral greenhouses not open to the public. Base code is out of date and creates undue Neutral impact on interior signs proposal is an effort to move the language of the IBC to be in close alignment with the language of the IRC Neutral TENTATIVE ORDER OF DISCUSSION 2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE The following is the tentative order in which the proposed changes to the code will be discussed at the public hearings. Proposed changes which impact the same subject have been grouped to permit consideration in consecutive changes. Proposed change numbers that are indented are those which are being heard out of numerical order. Indentation does not necessarily indicate that one change is related to another. Proposed changes may be grouped for purposes of discussion at the hearing at the discretion of the chair. Note that some P code change proposals may not be included on this list, as they are being heard by another committee. Numbers not used: P32-15 P85-15 P116-15 P1-15 P2-15 P3-15 Part I P4-15 P5-15 P6-15 P7-15 P8-15 P9-15 P10-15 P11-15 P12-15 P13-15 P14-15 P16-15 P17-15 P18-15 P19-15 Part I P15-15 Part I P20-15 Part I P21-15 P22-15 P23-15 P24-15 P25-15 P26-15 G192-15 Part III P27-15 P28-15 P29-15 P30-15 P31-15 P33-15 P34-15 P35-15 P36-15 Part I P36-15 Part II P37-15 P38-15 P39-15 P40-15 P41-15 P42-15 P43-15 P44-15 P45-15 P46-15 Part I P47-15 P48-15 P49-15 P50-15 P114-15 P126-15 P118-15 P129-15 P134-15 P168-15 P179-15 P180-15 P181-15 Part I PSD1-15 P182-15 P183-15 P185-15 P187-15 P191-15 Part I P196-15 P51-15 Part I P52-15 P53-15 Part I P54-15 Part I P55-15 Part I P56-15 P57-15 P58-15 P59-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 P60-15 P61-15 P62-15 P63-15 P64-15 P65-15 P66-15 P67-15 P68-15 P69-15 P70-15 P71-15 P72-15 P73-15 P74-15 P75-15 P76-15 P77-15 P78-15 P79-15 P80-15 P81-15 P82-15 Part I P83-15 P84-15 P86-15 P87-15 P88-15 P89-15 P90-15 P91-15 P92-15 P93-15 Part I P94-15 P95-15 P96-15 P97-15 P98-15 Part I P99-15 Part I P100-15 P101-15 Part I P102-15 P103-15 P104-15 P105-15 P106-15 P107-15 Part I P108-15 P109-15 Part I P110-15 P111-15 P112-15 P113-15 Part I P115-15 Part I P117-15 Part I P119-15 P120-15 P121-15 P122-15 P123-15 P124-15 Part I P125-15 P127-15 P128-15 Part I P130-15 P131-15 Part I P132-15 Part I P133-15 Part I P135-15 Part I P136-15 P137-15 P138-15 P139-15 P140-15 P141-15 P142-15 P2 P143-15 P144-15 P145-15 P146-15 P147-15 P148-15 P149-15 P150-15 Part I P151-15 P152-15 P153-15 P154-15 P155-15 P156-15 P157-15 P158-15 P159-15 P160-15 P161-15 P162-15 Part I WP P163-15 P164-15 P165-15 P166-15 Part I P167-15 P169-15 P170-15 Part I P171-15 P172-15 Part II P173-15 P174-15 Part I P175-15 P176-15 P177-15 P178-15 Part I P184-15 Part I P186-15 P188-15 P189-15 P190-15 Part I P192-15 P193-15 P194-15 Part I P195-15 Part I P197-15 Part I P198-15 Part I P199 P200 P201 P202-15 Part I P203-15 Part I P204-15 Part I P205-15 Part I P206-15 P207-15 P208-15 P209-15 P210-15 P211-15 P212-15 P213-15 P214-15 P215-15 Part I P216-15 P217-15 P218-15 Part I P219-15 Part I P220-15 Part I P221-15 Part I P222-15 P223-15 P224-15 Part I P225-15 P226-15 Part I P227-15 P228-15 Part I P229-15 P230-15 P231-15 P232-15 P233-15 P234-15 P235-15 P236-15 P237-15 P238-15 P239-15 P240-15 P241-15 P242-15 P243-15 P244-15 P245-15 P246-15 P247-15 P248-15 P249-15 P250-15 P251-15 P252-15 P253-15 P254-15 P255-15 P256-15 P257-15 P258-15 P259-15 P260-15 P261-15 P262-15 P263-15 P264-15 P265-15 P266-15 P267-15 P268-15 P269-15 P270-15 P271-15 P272-15 P273-15 P274-15 P275-15 P276-15 P277-15 P278-15 ICC COMMITTEE ACTION HEARINGS ::: April, 2015 P3 Change # P1-15 Code(s) IPC Affected Section(s) 202 P2-15 IPC 202 P3-15 Part I IPC 202 P4-15 IPC 202 P5-15 IPC 202 P6-15 IPC 202 P7-15 P8-15 IPC IPC 202 303.4 P9-15 IPC 303.5 P10-15 IPC 304.4, 304.5, 504.6, 504.7.2 P11-15 IPC 305.1 P12-15 IPC 305.6 Notes Revises the definition of Builidng Drain Position Reason Support Clarifies that it’s the plumbers responsibilty to extend to the sewer lateral and should be defined as a drain until the connection to the sewer Add definition of Clear-Water Waste Oppose New defination conflicts with two existing definitions. "Devoid of solids" contradicts the explanation Add definition of Full-Open Valve Oppose The intent of the code is not to restrict the through-flow area through the piping system not the "component's throughflow area. Revises the definition of Hot Water Oppose WH's are already allowed to be set above 135°. Hot Water definition is meant to be a mininum outlet temp. ASSE 1016 devices are required no matter the WH setting. WH minimum temp would make more cense. Revises the definition of Local Vent Oppose Existing text is clear Stack Add definition of Press-Connect Oppose "Press-connect joint" is not consistent Joint with existing code term Delete definition of swimming pool Support Unnecessary definition Revise to clarify third-party Support Clarifies poorly written requirement certification requirements Add new section 303.5 Cast Iron soil Oppose Wrong section. Changes in reference pipe, fitting and components for the standard should have been proposed in new inspection process and Tables 702.1-4. Otherwise there are reference standard conflicting standards Mandates the use of mesh cover on Oppose Mandates the use of non-permenantly drain pipe terminals attached cover on a discharge drain pipe for a non-issue. Mildew growth likely. Rodent screens are already required. Revise protectection against Support corrosion to create uniformity with changes made in the IRC Reduces piping in concealed Support locations from needing shield plates from 1 1/2 to 1 1/4 Creates consistency between code books Creates consistency between code books P13-15 IPC 306.2.4 Add new text with stating the requirements of ASTM D2321 for Plastic sewer and DWV piping underground installation Add specifics on cutting, notching, and boring of framing members Oppose The code can't spell out every reference standard P14-15 IPC 307.1 - 307.53 Oppose Table 308.5 Revise Hanger spacing for PE and PEX piping Support IPC Table 308.5 Revise Hanger Spacing for Brass, Copper, Copper Alloy piping Neutral IPC Table 308.5 Revise Hanger Spacing foe PE-RT Support P19-15 Part I IPC 308.6 Support P15-15 Part I IPC 308.1 Revise to clarify sway bracing requirements of drain pipes 4" + Add new text for thermal expansion tanks support The code can't accommodate every jurisdiction that does not adopt the code in its entirety. In this case the IBC is a required reference standard. Fixes consistency problem between codes and manufacturer specs and is already updated in 2015 IRC I agree with reason for removing brass, but I would need to see manfucaturer recommendations to determine spacing requirements Creates consistency with IMC. Coordinate with P 16-15 Revision provides clarity P16-15 IPC P17-15 P18-15 P20-15 Part I IPC 312.1 Revise to allow air or gas pressure testing for plastic pipes Neutral P21-15 IPC IPC Revise and add sections to provide temperature testing of fixtures Revise DWV water test to 5 foot of head water Support P22-15 312.1.1, 312.1.2, 312.5.1, 312.2 P23-15 IPC 312.2 Support Same as P 22-15 P24-15 IPC 312.6 Revise DWV water test to 5 foot of head water Revise gravity sewer test to just fill with water to highest point Oppose Sewer test should not be less than drainage branches attached thereto Support Support Non-pressurized expansion tanks already have this requirement. I don’t think it should be supported by the water heater. Changes to IRC and IMC should be made for consistency I would have to see manufacturer instructions for testing and the requirement there of. Not practical in the field. Air test was not excluded for plastic under previous codes years. Maxium temperature requirement at fixtures should be verified Creates consistency through codes. Air Test requirement should reflect reduction in pressure and plastic pipe should be able to be tested with air at 2.17psi P25-15 IPC 312.10.1 Revise inspections of backflow assemblies to "periodic" Oppose P26-15 IPC Chapter 4 Revise Sections into alphabetical order Support 403.3, IBC 2902.3 Revise to include Farmstands under Oppose expetions for public toilets Add footnote to table reducing occupant load to assembly space only for places of religious worship Revise table for R-2 required plumbing fixtures reducing by half Oppose Revise table to add casino description and unique fixture requirements Revise table footnote for service sinks w/ a 30 occupant exception Neutral Revise table to eliminate bathtub/shower requirement for S occupany Revise table to remove Occupancy column Revise table to double requirement of female water closets Support Add new text for public swimming pools and fixture requirements Support Add new text for public swimming pools and fixture requirements Add text for excess number od elimination fixtures for males Support G192-15 Part III P27-15 IPC/IBC P28-15 IPC/IBC Table 403.1, IBC Table 2902.1 P29-15 IPC/IBC Table 403.1, IBC Table 2902.1 P30-15 See Errata Table 403.1 P31-15 IPC/IBC Table 403.1, IBC Table 2902.1 P33-15 IPC/IBC Table 403.1, IBC Table 2902.1 P34-15 IPC/IBC P35-15 IPC/IBC Table 403.1, IBC Table 2902.1 Table 403.1, IBC Table 2902.1 P36-15 Part I IPC/IBC P36-15 Part II P37-15 IBC IPC/IBC 202 (New), Table 403.1 (IBC 2902.1), 403.1.1 (New) (IBC 2902.1.1 (New)) 2902.1.1 403.1.2 (New) (IBC 2902.1.2 (New)) Oppose Oppose Periodic is un-specificied time period. What is an approved reliability-centered inspection. I don't think over-testing is an actual problem. Would make using the chapter easier Employees must have toilet facilities and public can be combined. Hygiene with food is important. Portable toilets and wash stations may be more reasonable. Completely disagree, my experience is that churchs use assembly space and classrooms at the same time. Occupants don't complain about having too many plumbing fixtures. R-3's and R4's would come into question if proposal passes. The reason makes sense to me. Every casino has different. They reason for the proposal is not explained and I see no reason to make the change Support Support Oppose I am tired of waiting for the females in my life as they stand in land for the toilet everywhere I go P 36-15 should adress this issue P38-15 IPC/IBC P39-15 IPC/IBC P40-15 IPC/IBC P41-15 P42-15 IPC/IBC IPC/IBC P43-15 IPC/IBC P44-15 403.1.2 (IBC 2902.1.2), 403.2.1 (IBC 2902.2.1), 403.4 (IBC 2902.4) 403.1.2 (New) (IBC 2902.1.2 (New)) 403.1.2 (IBC 2902.1.2) 403.2 (IBC 2902.2) 403.2 (IBC 2902.2) Revise text to add gender-neutral Oppose toilets in the total number of fixtures required Add text for excess number od elimination fixtures for males Revise text for fakily or assited use toilets and bathroom fixtures Revise text for separate facilties Revise separate facilities requirement to add expection of 30 for drinking and dining spaces 403.2 (IBC 2902.2) , Revise and add text stating single403.2.1 (IBC 2902.1), use toilets shall not be identified for 403.2.2 (New) (IBC exclusive use by either sex, and 2902.2.2 New)) , similar single-stall requirement 403.4 (IBC 2902.4) Oppose IPC/IBC 403.2 (IBC 2902.2) Support P45-15 IPC/IBC P46-15 Part I IPC 403.3 (IBC 2902.3) 403.6 (New) P47-15 IPC 404.1.1 (New) P48-15 IPC 405.3.1 P49-15 IPC 405.3.1, 405.3.5 P50-15 IPC 405.4.1 P114-15 IPC Table 605.3 Revise Separate Facilities requirement expections to include business occupancies 50 or fewer and reducing the requirement for Mercatile to 50 or fewer as well Revise text for clarity Add text requiring the equal distribution of lavatories to water closets between for each sex Add new text for clustered family-orassisted use toilet facilites, 50% shall be accissible Revise to include exception for the clearance of the childrens accessible water closet which is already stated in ICC ANSI117.1 The added text clarifies that the width between partitions must be 30 inches and the spacing between adjacent fixtures is only applicable where partitions will not be installed. Revise text term Brass to Copper Alloy Revise text term Brass to Copper Alloy Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Support Oppose Oppose Oppose Support Oppose Oppose Same as P 37-15 P126-15 IPC Table 605.8 P118-15 IPC Table 605.4 P129-15 IPC P134-15 IPC 605.11, 605.11.1, 605.11.2, 605.11.3, 605.11.4 605.24.1 P168-15 IPC Table 702.1 P179-15 IPC 705.3, 705.3.1, 705.3.2, 705.3.3, 705.3.4 P180-15 IPC 705.16.1, 705.16.2, 705.16.3, 705.19 705.16.1 P181-15 Part IPC I PSD1-15 P182-15 IPC 705.16.2 P183-15 IPC 705.16.3 P185-15 IPC 705.18 P187-15 IPC 705.19 P191-15 Part IPC I P196-15 IPC 708.1.6 P51-15 Part I IPC 405.4.3 P52-15 405.5 (New) IPC P53-15 Part I IPC 712.3.3.1 405.8, 1002.2 Revise text term Brass to Copper Alloy Revise text term Brass to Copper Alloy The proposal removes brass because brass is a copper alloy and is covered in Section 605.13 Revise text to remove the the term Brass Remove Brass pipie term and move standard to copper-alloy The proposal removes brass because brass is a copper alloy and is covered in Section 706.6 and Secton 705.7. Revise text to remove the the term Brass Revise text to remove the the term Brass Oppose Revise text to remove the the term Brass and replace with copper-alloy Revise text to remove the the term Brass and replace with copper-alloy Revise text term from red brass to copper-alloy Revise text term from red brass to copper-alloy Revise text term from Brass to copper-alloy Revise text term from Brass to copper-alloy Revise reference standard to new updated standard Add new text for Plumbing fixtures with a pumped waste and its new reference standard Revise text to allow slip joints connections between the fixture outlet and the connection to the drainage piping Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Support Support Support P54-15 Part I IPC 412.4 (New) P55-15 Part I IPC 407.2 P56-15 IPC 409.1, Chapter 14 P57-15 IPC 409.3, 409.4 (New), 802.1.6 P58-15 IPC 410.1, Chapter 14 P59-15 IPC/IBC 410.2 (IBC 2902.6) P60-15 IPC/IBC 410.2 (IBC 2902.6) P61-15 P62-15 IPC P63-15 IPC P64-15 IPC P65-15 IPC P66-15 IPC P67-15 IPC Add new text requiring floor drains in laundery rooms above finished space. Revise text to remove the requirement for a overflow oulet on a bathtub Revise text to and new reference standard that adds a sanitization cycle to kill bacteria Delete and add new text seperating residential and commercial dishwashers and their waste connections Revise and add text for testing drinking-water coolers and certification revised to increase the occupant load up to 30 for those small occupancies where drinking fountains are not required revised to increase the occupant load up to 50 for those small occupancies where drinking fountains are not required Withdrawn 411.3 (New), Chapter Add new text and reference standard 14 for eyewash and emergency shower mixing valves 411.3 (New), Chapter Add new text and reference standard 14 regulating mixing valves that can not shut inadvertently shut off flow to emergency fixture 416.5, 416.6 (New) Revise and add text to require watertemperature limiting devices for private and public lavatories 417.3.1 (New), Add new text for rinsing shower 424.3.1 (New), 305.4 drains on pool decks 202 (New), 418.4 Add new text for hot water (New) temperture limits at sinks and scald hazard definition [BG] 419.3 Delete without subsistution details of finishes around a urinal which is stated in the building code Support Oppose Oppose Support Neutral Oppose Oppose Oppose Support Oppose Oppose Oppose Support P68-15 P69-15 IPC Withdrawn 422.1, 609.1, 713.1 P70-15 IPC 422.10. P71-15 IPC 422.3 P72-15 IPC 422.4 P73-15 IPC 422.5, 422.9.1 P74-15 IPC 422.6, 422.7, 713.2 P75-15 IPC 422.8 P76-15 IPC 423.3, 424.10 (New) P77-15 IPC 424.3 P78-15 IPC 424.3 P79-15 IPC 424.3, 424.4 P80-15 IPC 424.3 P81-15 IPC 424.5 P82-15 Part I IPC 424.5 Revise text to replace occupancy descriptions with occupancy groups Oppose Delete without substitution Special elevations for valves, oulets, and devices for health care facilities Delete section for protection of water supply system in Health Care Facility section Revise text for materials in a health care facility Delete text for access and sterlizer piping Revise text term Clinical Sink and Bedpan washers to Flushing rim sink Oppose Revise text dealing with ice prohibited in soiled utility room Revise and add text moving the Head shampoo sink requirements to a new section Revise text to change how temperature is controlled for individual shower valves by other means or a mixing valve Add text to include minimum rated flow mark for the shower valve Revise text stating showerheads shall match-up the rated flow of the thermal shock protection Revise text to change how temperature is controlled for individual shower valves by other means or a mixing valve Delete bathtub and whirlpool bathtub valves maxiumum temperature requirements Revise text to require ASSE 1070 or CSA B125.3 devices to be accessible Oppose Oppose Neutral Neutral Neutral Oppose Oppose Oppose Support Oppose Oppose Support P83-15 IPC 424.7 P84-15 IPC P86-15 IPC P87-15 IPC 202, 425.3.4, 501.7, 712.3.2, 1103.4, 1113.1.2, 1302.5, 1302.8.1, 1302.9, 1303.8, 1303.12, 604.11 202 (New), Section 428 (New), 428.1 (New) 501.4 P88-15 IPC 501.8, 501.9 (New) P89-15 IPC 502.1, Chapter 14 P90-15 IPC P91-15 IPC P92-15 IPC 202 (New), 502.6 (New), 502.6.1 (New), 502.6.2 (New) 504.6 Remove the text that allows the discharge piping serving a PRV and TRV from dicharging into a pan that serves the water heater 504.6 Remove the text that allows the discharge piping serving a PRV and TRV from dicharging into a pan that serves the water heater 504.6 Specifies size and support for PEX and PE-RT when used as a discharge pipe 504.6.1 (NEW) Add new text specifiing size of indirect waste piping receiving discharge from multiple relief valves 504.7 Add text requiring pans for tankless water heaters P93-15 Part I IPC P94-15 IPC P95-15 IPC Revise text to include other devices Oppose for tmperature-actuted, flow reduction at individual fixtures fittings The purpose of this proposal is Support consistency between terminologies in the codes - "accessible" changed to "access to" Add new text and defination for Service Sinks Support Revise text for water heaters to be located in "close proximity" to the "pressure zone" of the distribution system Revise and add tempering valve for water heaters and minimum hot water distribution system temp of 124° Revise to add text where to find requirements for solar thermal water heating systems Additonal scald hazard protection Oppose Oppose Support Oppose Oppose Oppose Support Support Oppose P96-15 See Errata 504.7 Eliminates the requirement for a water heater pan unless the WH is elevated above a finished floor Oppose P97-15 IPC P98-15 Part I IPC 504.7 602.3.1, Chapter 14 Support Support P99-15 Part I IPC 602.3.1, Chapter 14 Oppose P100-15 IPC Support P101-15 Part I P102-15 P103-15 P104-15 P105-15 P106-15 P107-15 Part I P108-15 IPC 603.1 (New), 608.16.1 (New), 608.16.2 (New) 603.1 IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC 604.2 Table 604.3 603.1 (New) Table 604.4 Table 604.4 Table 604.4 Neutral Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose Opposed IPC Table 604.4 P109-15 Part IPC I P110-15 IPC Table 604.4 P111-15 IPC 604.4 (New) P112-15 IPC Table 605.3, Table 605.4 P113-15 Part IPC I P115-15 Part IPC I P117-15 Part IPC I Table 605.3, Table 605.4 605.4 P119-15 IPC Table 604.4 Support Revises the maximum flow rates Revises the maximum flow rates Revises the maximum flow rates Revises the maximum flow rates for toilets and urinals Revises the maximum flow rates for toilets and showers Revises the maximum flow rates for public use toilets Adds a requirement for the Maximum length of dead leg piping Adds a new standard for polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT) plastic tubing Revise Reference Standard listing Opposed Opposed Opposed Opposed Neutral Neutral Supply piping pressure rating for hot Support and cold PEX chlorine resist rating Support 605.17, 605.17.3 (New), 605.17.3.1 (New) Table 605.5, Chapter Adds a new standard for 14 polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT) plastic tubing Neutral P120-15 IPC Table 605.5 P121-15 P122-15 P123-15 IPC IPC IPC 605.5.1.1 (New) 605.6, 605.9 Table 605.7, Chapter 14 605.7, Chapter 14 Neutral oppose support Table 605.7, Chapter 14 Table 608.1 605.10.2, 605.10.3, 605.19.1, 605.22.4, 608.13.2, 608.13.3, 608.16.3, 608.16.4.1, 703.3, 705.2.2, 705.2.3, 705.4.1, 705.8.1, 705.11.2, 705.11.3, 907.3 605.14.6 support support P124-15 Part IPC I P125-15 IPC P127-15 IPC P128-15 Part IPC I P130-15 IPC P131-15 Part IPC I P132-15 Part IPC I Adds a new standard for polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT) plastic tubing Neutral support support support support oppose P133-15 Part I P135-15 Part I P136-15 P137-15 P138-15 P139-15 P140-15 P141-15 P142-15 P143-15 P144-15 P145-15 IPC 605.14.7 (New), 605.15.4 (New), 605.17.3 (New) 605.16.2 IPC 605.24.3 (New), 605.9 oppose IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC neutral oppose oppose oppose oppose support support neutral neutral neutral P146-15 P147-15 IPC IPC 604.1, Chapter 14 607.6 (New) 607.2.1.1 607.2.1.2 607.2.1.2 607.3 607.3.1 (New) 607.6 (New) 607.6 (New) 607.6 (New), 607.7 (New) 607.6 (New) 608.1.1 (New) oppose oppose support P148-15 IPC P149-15 P150-15 Part I P151-15 P152-15 P153-15 P154-15 P155-15 P156-15 IPC IPC P157-15 P158-15 P159-15 IPC IPC IPC P160-15 IPC P161-15 IPC P162-15 Part I P163-15 P164-15 P165-15 IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC P166-15 Part IPC I P167-15 IPC P169-15 IPC P170-15 Part IPC I P171-15 IPC 608.1.2 (New), 608.1.2.1 (New), 608.1.2.2 (New), 608.1.2.3 (New) 608.3, 608.4 (New) 608.7 oppose 608.9 608.11 608.13.1 608.13.4 608.13.5, 608.13.8 608.13.6, 608.13.6.1 (New), 608.13.6.2 (New), 608.13.6.3 (New) 608.13.7, 608.13.10 608.13.9, 608.16.7 608.16.1 (New), 608.16.1, 608.16.1.2 (New) 608.16.1, 608.16.9, 608.16.10 608.16.1, 608.16.1.1 (New), 608.16.1.2 (New), 608.16.10 608.16.11 (New), 801.1, 801.2, 802.1 610.1 611.2 614 (New), 614.1 (New), 614.2 (New), 701.2 support oppose neutral neutral support neutral 701.8 Table 702.1,Table 702.2, Table 702.3, 705.12 (New) Table 702.2 support support Table 702.3, 703.2, 705.16 (New) neutral support support oppose oppose support support support neutral oppose neutral oppose neutral neutral P172-15 Part I P173-15 P174-15 Part I P175-15 P176-15 P177-15 P178-15 Part I P184-15 Part I P186-15 P188-15 P189-15 P190-15 Part I P192-15 P193-15 P194-15 Part I P195-15 Part I P197-15 Part I P198-15 Part I P199-15 IPC Table 702.4 support IPC IPC Table 702.4 Table 702.4 support support IPC IPC IPC IPC 702.5 703.4 704.1, Table 704.1 704.2 oppose support oppose support IPC oppose IPC IPC IPC 705.16.4, 707.1, Chapter 14 705.18 Table 706.3 706.4 (New) 705.16.4, 707.1, Chapter 14 709.3 709.4 712.3.2 IPC 712.3.3 support IPC 712.4.2 support IPC 712.4.2 support IPC neutral P200-15 P201-15 IPC IPC P202-15 Part I P203-15 Part I P204-15 Part I P205-15 Part I P206-15 P207-15 IPC 713 (New), 713.1 (New), 713.1.1 (New), 713.1.2 (New) 713.4 713.5, 713.6, 713.7, 713.7.1, 713.7.2 715.1, 715.2 (New) 715.2, 715.3, 715.4, 715.5 717.4, 717.5 support 718 (New), Chapter 14 802.1 802.1 neutral IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC support neutral neutral oppose support support oppose support support neutral oppose oppose support P208-15 P209-15 P210-15 IPC IPC IPC 202, 422, 713, 802.1 802.1.2.1 (New) 802.1.2 (New), 802.1.7 (New), 802.1.8 202 (New), 428 (New), 428.1 (New) 802.3.3.1 (New) 804.1, 804 804.1, 804.2 (New) 903.1, 903.1.1 (New), 903.1.2 (New), 903.1.3 (New), 903.1.4 (New), 903.6 support oppose neutral P211-15 IPC P212-15 P213-15 P214-15 P215-15 Part I IPC IPC IPC IPC P216-15 P217-15 IPC IPC 902.3, 903.3, 305.5 Table 909.1 (New), 909.2 911.1, 911.2, 911.3, 911.3 (New) Withdrawn oppose support 915.1 neutral 915.1, 915.1.1 (New), 915.2, 915.2.1, 915.2.2, 915.2.3, 915.2.4, 915.2.5 support IPC IPC IPC 915.2.3 915.2.3 918.1 neutral oppose oppose IPC IPC 918.3.1 918.8 oppose support IPC IPC 918.8 918.8 support support IPC IPC IPC Part II: P3114.8 413.1, 413.3, 1003.3.1 oppose neutral support P218-15 Part IPC I P219-15 Part I P220-15 Part IPC I P221-15 Part IPC I P222-15 P223-15 P224-15 Part I P225-15 P226-15 Part I P227-15 P228-15 Part I P229-15 P230-15 P231-15 oppose support neutral oppose neutral support P232-15 P233-15 P234-15 IPC IPC IPC P235-15 P236-15 IPC IPC P237-15 IPC P238-15 IPC P239-15 IPC P240-15 P241-15 IPC IPC P242-15 P243-15 P244-15 P245-15 IPC IPC IPC P246-15 P247-15 P248-15 P249-15 P250-15 IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC P251-15 P252-15 P253-15 P254-15 P255-15 P256-15 P257-15 P258-15 P259-15 1003.3.1 1003.3.2 1003.3.2, 1003.3.3 (New) 1003.4.2.1 Table 1102.4, Chapter 14 Table 1102.4, Chapter 14 Table 1102.4, Chapter 14 Table 1102.4, Chapter 14 Table 1102.4 Table 1102.5, Chapter 14 Withdrawn 1105.2 1105.2 1106.1, 1106.2, provide alternative engineered sizing 1106.2.1 (New), Table of roof drains 1106.2.1 (New), 1106.2.1.1 (New), 1106.2.1.2 (New), 1106.2.2 (New), 1106.2.2.1 (New) oppose support oppose 1106.5, 1108.3 1301.1.1 (New) 1301.2.1 1301.4 1301.4 support support oppose oppose oppose permits for repair and operation of non-potable water systems oppose oppose support oppose neutral support support oppose oppose support Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Support/ Modify Neutral Support Neutral Support P260-15 P261-15 P262-15 P263-15 P264-15 P265-15 P266-15 P267-15 P268-15 P269-15 P270-15 P271-15 P272-15 P273-15 P274-15 P275-15 P276-15 P277-15 P278-15 Oppose/N - Similar to P259, but does not add as eutral much clarity. Neutral Support Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral - Not sure of the benefit of these changes. Neutral Neutral Support Support Oppose/N - Similar to P270 in reasoning, but P270 eutral frovides guidance instead of complete deletion Oppose/N eutral Support Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Support
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