A Genealogy Report For JOHANNES JUNGINGER Created on 1 April 2015 "The Complete Genealogy Reporter" Research by Norman G. Yunginger CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. FAMILY COAT OF ARMS 3. THE YUNGINGER NAME 4. INFORMATION FROM THE CENSUS 5. YUNGINGERS IN GERMANY 6. DESCENDANTS 7. DIRECT RELATIONS 8. SOME WRITING FROM THE PAST 9. MEDIA 10. INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION STATISTICS This document reports the details of 1562 individuals, of which 796 are male and 766 are female. Of the 246 individuals with recorded birth and death dates, the average lifespan was 67.7 years. Of these, 124 males averaged 64.2 years, and 122 females averaged 71.4 years. The longest living male was Edgar L. Yuninger 1412, who died aged 99. The longest living female was D. Elizabeth Munson 1449, who died aged 102. There are 566 families reported. 374 of these families are reported as having children, with an average of 2.7 children per family. THE NARRATIVE SECTIONS The "Direct Relations" section reports the details of individuals who have a direct family connection to Johannes Junginger 1518. The section is broken into sub-sections for each generation, within which the individuals are listed in order of closeness of relationship. The sequence numbers are used throughout the document to cross-reference back to the detailed entry of an individual. With a narrative section, each generation is shown as a separate subsection, within which the individuals are listed in order of the closeness of their relationship to Johannes Junginger 1518. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The family tree included within this document was compiled from extensive information provided by Dr. Lewis Yunginger, Lloyd Hassel, Harold Mowrer, and Frank Yunginger. I've also received clarification and confirmation of some items from Carl Yunginger and Norman E. Yuninger. Dorothy (Dot) Sheaffer, who lived in Strasburg, provided many details and family stories regarding Catherine Graham's branch of the tree as well as the photos of John and Dorothy. Harold Mowrer (son of Annie Yunginger Graham) provided information on the Mowrer branch of the tree and frequent information based on knowledge he gained through obituraries and cemetery visits. It is interesting to visit Longenecker's Reformed Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg and discover the grave sites of many of our ancestors. A good many Yungingers and Grahams are buried there. In addition to adding new names, I'm interested in any details regarding birth dates, death dates, occupations, and locations where these people grew up or presently make their homes. I'd also be interested in hearing any "family stories" which tell us something about our ancestors. I will include these in the tree where the names appear. I intend to continue to extend the branches of this tree and to publish updates on a regular basis. I'm especially interested in trying to learn more about our ancestors in Germany. If you have any information to add to any of the branches of the family tree, feel free to write to me at the following address: Norman G. Yunginger 1851 Serene Way Lancaster, PA 17602 I’m also available on Email: NYUNGINGER@GMAIL.COM. You can view the latest version of this Family Tree on my web site at HTTP://HOME.COMCAST.NET/~NYUNGINGER/INDEX.HTM. If you provide any information, please be sure to include birth and death dates if you have them. Page 1 Page 2 2. FAMILY COAT OF ARMS The above coat of arms was provided by Patrick Junginger of Iowa. Pat tells me that most people he’s met who are German pronounce his name with the “J” sounding like a “Y”. It is apparent that, in Germany, our family was the Junginger family. The script on the coat of arms is in an old German dialect which Patrick had translated by a Mr. Bernhard Junginger in Cologne. Patrick’s family ancestors came from the Heidenheim area of Germany and would appear to be our ancestors as well. There is reference in the script to a “Junginger book of Family Shields”. The coat of arms script reads as follows: The Junginger Coat of Arms is included in the Great Junginger Coat of Arms collection, in Volume 4, page 15. It is of this branch of an old Upper Swabian family from the area of Ulm (Alb). The coat of arms is divided in the center and shows in the lower red portion, a silver lily which signifies the Wisdom and Strength of the original ancestor. The upper silver portion shows a red vigilant dog, wearing a gold collar symbolizing Faith and Vigilance of the Ancestor and his family. Above the helmet this dog is shown again. Both sides of the Coat of Arms are done in silver and red to indicate the Boldness and Virtue of the Ancestor. Page 3 Page 4 3. THE YUNGINGER NAME There is a town named Jungingen located in southern Germany. For current information about the town of Jungingen you can visit http://www.gemeinde-jungingen.de/de/navigation.html (if you can read German). Here's a photo of the village of Jungingen from the town web page. One of the pages on the town’s web site (http://www.gemeinde-jungingen.de/de/geschichte.html) includes history about its formation. Using a translation program and some help from a German friend, I managed to translate (sort of) the information on the page. A summary of that translation follows. In the 4th century, a clan named "Jungo" acquired land in southern Germany as a place of residence. The town of Jungingen was first documented in 1075. There was a castle belonging to the nobility of Jungingen which stood 1 kilometer south of the village. Around 1278, castle control was assumed by the Maltese Knight's order and, subsequently, in 1300 came under control of Count Eberhard von Wurttemberg. It was ultimately destroyed in a "towns war" with Reutlingern. At that time the village was also burned down. In 1473, Jungingen was settled anew. The most significant bearers of the Jungingen name were Grand Master's brothers of the German order of Knights -Konrad von Jungingen and Ulrich von Jungingen. Over time, Jungingen evolved as a farming village and craftsman's town until the rise of the industrial revolution in the late 1840's. The craftsman early focus was on wood goods and eventually grew to include leather (whips) and textiles as tradesmen ventured into the area. With the start of industrialization, trades grew to include fine mechanics. In 1852, Ludwig Bosch founded a scale making factory after a gentleman named Hahn had apprenticed in Onstmettingen to learn the art of pendulum making. In 1850 there were 850 local inhabitants of Jungingen. One hundred years later the population had grown to 1200 and today it is approximately 1500 people. In the late 1840's the industrial revolution exploded in Germany and many people, mostly farmers, were transferred to work in the cities because of high unemployment elsewhere. The working conditions in the cities were degrading and the workers were often expected to work up to 16 hours a day. This situation generalized in Europe and culminated in 1848 with strikes, disorder and revolutions. This atmosphere brought forth the communist manifesto of Karl Marx; the instability found in Germany was found throughout all of Europe. A climate of political and economic changes resulted in a great migration of European families toward territories in North America, Brazil and Argentina. During some research using the internet I've discovered there is a history of Yungingers in Chile and I have received some Emails from Chris Yunginger who lives there. There is also at least one street or road having the Yunginger name. For example, I found reference to a hotel named "Pisces" located on "Santiago Yunginger 95" in Frutillar, Chile. Frutillar is noted as a center of German immigration. It's clear at least some of our ancestors migrated to Chile. In the "History and Legends" page on the Frutillar web site, the following description appears: Page 5 Johannes Junginger The Yunginger Name Soon after the first 47 German Families arrived in the country by disposition of then-president of the Republic, Mr. Manuel Montt on the 23rd of November, 1865, the village of El Frutillar was officially founded and today some 5000 inhabitants live there… Frutillar was an important lake link between Puerto Montt and Ososrno and this contributed to its rapid commercial and industrial growth and development….Frutillar offers important cultural events…. The German Colonial Museum was constructed in 1972 to pay homage to the brave German immigrants who arrived to these desolate latitiudes and gave origin to choral activities with the creation of the mixed choir "Jacob Junginger." There are actually two towns named Jungingen in southern Germany. One is located near Ulm east-southeast of Stuttgart and is sometimes referred to as Ulm-Jungingen. The other is Jungingen, a village near Hechingen almost due south of Stuttgart. The Jungingen near Ulm: The Jungingen near Hechingen: Pat Yunginger of Iowa visited Germany in 2008 and provided the following photos. When he was in Heidenheim the German people kept steering him to the Jungingen near Ulm and did not know much about the Jungingen in “south” Germany. The photos are of his son at the sign for Ulm-Jungingen and a road sign for Jungingen. Page 6 Johannes Junginger The Yunginger Name There is a good chance that the Yunginger family had its roots in the area first settled by the Jungo clan in southern Germany during the 4th century. The town of Jungingen ultimately was formed and named after descendants of this clan. Looking at a portion of a map of the German Empire around 1800, you can see that many towns have names that end with the letters "ingen" (see underlined town names in the map portion below): Page 7 Johannes Junginger The Yunginger Name I've concluded that the Yunginger name comes from the fact that our ancestors originated in the town/area of Jungingen. In early times, someone who came from the town of Jungingen would be referred to as "a Junginger". Finally, the first letter "J" of the Junginger name is pronounced like a "Y" in English and so was changed to a "Y" when our ancestors settled in the United States. Page 8 4. INFORMATION FROM THE CENSUS The following graphic is a snapshot from a page of the 1860 Federal Census taken in Strasburg, PA. The red arrow points to entries for John and Dorothy Yunginger who, at the time, were aged 35 and 31, respectively. Their children (at the time) are listed as Catherine (9), David (6), John (4), Jacob (2) and Christian (5 months). John’s occupation is listed as “Farmer” and both he and Dorothy are shown as having been born in Germany. Interestingly, Catherine is shown as having been born in Pennsylvania but that is not true. A later census (the 1870 census shown next) shows Catherine as having been born in Germany. Reviewing various census documents for our ancestors results in a lot of discrepancies from census-to-census in that the last name is sometimes misspelled and, as in this case, Catherine’s country of birth was originally shown incorrectly as Pennsylvania. Below is a snapshot from the 1870 census taken in Strasburg. By this time John (now shown with Blacksmith as his occupation) and Dorothy (“Keeping House”) had three more children: Mary, Emma, and Benjamin. These eight children completed their family and they all eventually contributed to the start of the family tree in this book – one that is now into its 8th generation. My grandfather was Milo Martin Yunginger, the son of David (who was the son of John). Below is a snapshot from the 1900 census showing Milo as David’s 10 year old son. Page 9 Johannes Junginger Information from the Census Page 10 5. YUNGINGERS IN GERMANY I have received additional family tree information from Harold Mowrer (son of Annie Yunginger Graham) that fills in a few of the generations in Germany (John’s ancestors). This information was compiled and documented by John Musser and was gathered on 12-21-1967 from the "Ministries office at Evangeliche Kirche in Gerstetten, Bolheim, Germany" in December of 1967. 1. George Junginger (b: 1638, d; 10-16-1702) – Maria ? (b:1640 - 8-3-1702) George was a farmer and lived in Bolheim in the Baden-Wurttemberg province (near Ulm). He and Maria had 13 children. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Martin (b:12-28-1663) Baltfa (b:7-20-1665, d:8-16-1741) Nicolas Wilhelm (b:6-8-1667) George (b:2-20-1669) Mathias (b:2-27-1671, d:8-20-1734) Barbara (b:5-11-1673) Johannes (b:12-21-1675, d:7-28-1749) - Ursula ? (b:11-1680, d:2-28-1744) Jakob (b: 7-18-1677) – Magdalena Beltz (m:7-4-1719) Jakob was a cobbler and was 42 years old when he married Magdalena. 3.1 Andreas (b:4-21-1720, d:2-16-1798) – Anna Ursula Kienle (b:9-4-1735, d:3-8-1799) Andreas was a cobbler in the village of Gerstetten in the district of Heidenheim in the Baden-Wurttemburg province of Germany. 4.1 Jakob (b:3-9-1759, d:11-24-1825) – Appalania Ehrhardt (b:6-28-1761, d:8-20-1833) Jakob was a farmer and also, like his father, a cobbler. 5.1 Andreas (b:3-28-1786, d:11-28-1796) 5.2 Jakob (b:9-27-1787, d:9-12-1788) Jakob lived slightly less than one year. The next child, another son, was also then named Jakob. 5.3 Jakob (II) (b:7-28-1789, d:9-3-1858) – Katherine Zimmerman (b:2-21-1791, d:?-2-1862) Jakob was a farmer and a cobbler. 6.1 Appalania (b:11-10-1815, d:9-7-1883) 6.2 Johann Jakob (b:10-27-1817) – Anna Barbara Seibold (b:3-1-1816, d:8-23-1858) (1), Dorthea Schiele (b:3-1-1859) (2) Johann was a shoemaker in the village of Gerstetten. He and Anna had three children before she died in 1858. One year later he married Dorthea Scheile and they had three children, Gottlieb, Christina and Gottlieb (named after Dorthea’s parents). 7.1 Anna Maria (b:8-20-1847) (1) 7.2 Katharina (b:5-7-1849) (1) 7.3 Jakob (b:7-25-1850) (1) – Christine Friedrike 8.1 Adolf 8.2 Fritz 8.3 Caroline J. 7.4 Gottleib (b:2-28-1860, d:3-19-1860) (2) -- died at 3 weeks of age 7.5 Christina (b:7-8-1861) (2) - Ernst Wittlinger (b:7-9-1862) 8.1 Eugenia (b:3-28-1890) Page 11 Johannes Junginger Yungingers in Germany 8.2 Frida (6-23-1893, d:2-16-1967) - ??? Greiner 7.6 Gottleib (b:5-5-1863) (2) (The second Gottlieb they had) 6.3 Anna Ursula (b: 9-9-1819, d:8-25-1860) 6.4 Barbara (b:12-6-1823, d:7-28-1899) 6.5 Christina (b:3-30-????) 6.6 Johannes (b:9-28-1825, d:5-25-1915) – Dorothy Gebhardt (11-18-1829, d:3-22-1922) 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Anna Ursula (b:9-28-1791, d:12-25-1834) Barbara (b:5-21-1793) Appalania (b:4-14-1796, d:2-12-1803) Martin (b:9-13-1799, d:8-12-1803) 4.2 Johann Georg (b:8-31-1763, d:9-6-??) 4.3 Maria Magdalina (b:2-5-1767, d:9-9-1843) 4.4 Andreas (b:10-8-1769, d:5-19-1773) 2.9 Ursula (b:4-3-1679) 2.10 Anna Catharina (b:1-9-1681) 2.11 Maria (b:3-25-1682) 2.12 Rudolf (b:1-20-1685) 2.13 Anna (b:6-2-1686) So there you have it! Georg[e] Junginger was a farmer in the village of Bolheim in the Baden-Wurttemburg province of Germany. He and his wife, Maria, had thirteen children! Their son, Jakob, married Magdalena Beltz in 1719 and they had a son, Andreas, who became a cobbler in the village of Gerstetten in the district of Heidenheim in the Baden-Wurttemburg province. Andreas married Anna Ursula Kienle and they had a son, Jakob in 1759. Jakob married Appalania Ehrhardt and they had a son who they named Jakob in 1787. Unfortunately, Jakob died just before his first birthday. So when they had another son they also named him Jakob! This “second Jakob” was born in 1789 and he eventually married Katherine Zimmerman. They had six children with the last one being Johannes, born in 1825. Johannes was a blacksmith and he married Dorothy Gebhardt and they eventually left Germany and settled in New Providence, Pennsylvania, in 1851. So, everyone listed in the following Yunginger family tree can thank the Junginger generations in Germany: George (1638) -> Jakob (1677) -> Andreas (1720) -> Jakob (1759) -> Jakob (1789) -> Johannes (1825) Page 12 6. DESCENDANTS Johannes Junginger 1518 +Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519 Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494 +George Graham 1495 John William Graham 1353 Emma Dora Graham 1354 Mary Susan Chamberlin [Graham] 1355 ...(1) Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357 ...(2) Leah Frances Carvell [Graham] 1359 George Yuninger Graham 1361 ...(3) Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363 ...(4) Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365 ...(5) Ada Salome Graham 1367 Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368 ...(6) Minnie Leone Simpson [Graham] 1370 ...(7) Sarah Louise Myers [Graham] 1372 ...(8) Alice Lenore Harkins [Graham] 1374 ...(9) David Yunginger 1496 +Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497 John M. Yunginger 1376 ...(10) Elam M. Yunginger 1378 ...(11) Emma Dora Yunginger 1380 Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381 ...(12) Martha Pope [Yunginger] 1383 ...(13) Park M. Yunginger 1385 ...(14) David Leroy Yuninger 1387 ...(15) Cora Buckwalter [Yunginger] 1389 ...(16) Milo Yunginger 1391 ...(17) Charles Ross Yunginger 1393 ...(18) Clarence Yunginger 1395 ...(19) Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397 ...(20) John Yuninger 1498 +Susan Yuninger [Herr] 1499 Emily Dorothy Ryder [Yuninger] 1399 ...(21) Annabel H. Yuninger 1401 Jacob Yuninger 1500 +Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501 Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 ...(22) Edith M. Hassel [Yuninger] 1404 ...(23) Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 ...(24) Maude S. Yuninger 1408 Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 ...(25) Edgar L. Yuninger 1412 ...(26) Anna Louise Eager [Yuninger] 1414 ...(27) Ada Eshelman [Yuninger] 1416 Emily Huhn [Yuninger] 1418 ...(28) Jennie Thompson [Yuninger] 1420 Christian B. Yunginger 1502 +Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503 Clara Yunginger 1422 Viola M. Mowrer [Yunginger] 1425 ...(29) Ruth R. Knisley [Yunginger] 1427 Mildred Clark [Yunginger] 1429 ...(30) Roland Clair Yunginger 1431 ...(31) Christian Earl Yunginger 1433 Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 ...(32) Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504 ...(33) Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506 ...(34) Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 ...(35) Page 13 Johannes Junginger Descendants (1)... Mary Susan Chamberlin [Graham] 1355 +J. Harry Chamberlin 1356 Joseph Ross Chamberlin 1020 +Eva L. Chamberlin [Pursell] 1021 James Rodney Chamberlin 578 Robert Pursell Chamberlin 579 Page 14 Johannes Junginger Descendants (2)... Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357 +Harry C. Keene 1358 Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023 +Hiram Grant Troup 1024 Hiram Grant Troop 580 +Claire Troop [Mcfalls] 581 Kay Skyles [Troop] 200 H. Grant Troop 202 Cheryl Marie Dearolf [Troop] 203 ...(36) Harry L. Troop 582 +Dorothy Troop [Wiebush] 583 Jeanette Swartzengruber [Troop] 205 ...(37) David L. Troop 207 ...(38) Diane Michalske [Troop] 209 ...(39) Jean T. Young [Troop] 584 +Henry Lee Young 585 Barbara Leik [Young] 211 ...(40) Matthew Young 213 ...(41) Susan Frey [Young] 215 ...(42) David P. Young 217 ...(43) Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586 +Richard Krantz 587 Debra Krantz 219 Gwendolyn Bieber [Krantz] 220 ...(44) Kathy S. Kauffman [Krantz] 222 ...(45) Richard Krantz 224 Roger Krantz 225 ...(46) Margaret L. Meily [Troop] 588 +Joseph Meily 589 Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227 ...(47) Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229 ...(48) Brenda J. Meily 231 Karen Simpson [Meily] 232 Carl G. Troop 590 Ada Sue Reynolds [Keene] 1025 +J. Horace Reynolds 1026 John H. Reynolds 592 +Marjorie Reynolds [Lavers] 593 Steven Reynolds 234 Mark Reynolds 235 Robert K. Reynolds 594 Howard W. Reynolds 595 Roy Calvin Keene 1027 +Frances Keene [Byer] 1028 Calvin Keene 597 +Valeria Keene [Johns] 598 Harold Keene 236 Willis Keene 237 Becky Keene 238 Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599 ...(49) Richard Keene 601 ...(50) Thomas Keene 603 +Jane Keene [Fleming] 604 Sara Keene 249 Michael Keene 250 Harry Keene 1029 +Elizabeth Keene [Hambleton] 1030 Janet Eshelman [Keene] 605 ...(51) Paulyne Long [Keene] 607 ...(52) Page 15 Johannes Junginger Descendants (3)... George Yuninger Graham 1361 +Lottie Graham [Althouse] 1362 Warren A. Graham 1031 +Barbara Brackbill Graham [Groff] 1032 Verna Mae Graham 609 Norman Leroy Graham 610 +Martha Jean Graham [Myers] 611 Gerald Eugene Graham 259 +Linda Graham [Buckwalter] 260 Laura Lee Graham 73 Matthew Lynn Graham 74 Phyllis Ann Gamber [Graham] 261 +A. Dale Gamber 262 Ryan Dale Gamber 76 Dana Ann Gamber 77 Gary Lee Graham 263 Clair Warren Graham 612 +Dorothy Graham [Hammond] 613 Cheryl Lynn Robinson [Graham] 265 Michele Renee Lassees [Graham] 267 Dustin Richard Graham 269 Kristen Michele Graham 270 Lauren Alycia Graham 271 Ralph George Graham 1034 Mary Arlene Groff [Graham] 1036 +John Kinsey Groff 1037 Charlotte Leora Weaver [Groff] 614 +Mervin Weaver 615 Donald Eugene Weaver 272 J. Marlin Weaver 273 Janice Lorraine Weaver 274 Dawn Elaine Weaver 275 Madeline Marie Sollenberger [Groff] 616 +J. Wilbur Sollenberger 617 John Merle Sollenberger 276 Gayle Marie Sollenberger 277 Lynelle Fay Sollenberger 278 Page 16 Johannes Junginger Descendants (4)... Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363 +Jacob Mowrer 1364 Catherine (Kit) D. Mowrer 1038 Musser Graham Mowrer 1039 +Mildred Mowrer [Hostetter] 1040 Elva Jean Mowrer 618 +Lloyd Bowers 619 Dorinda Barley [Bowers] 279 +Allen Barley 280 Neil Barley 78 Brian Barley 79 David Barley 80 Daniel Bowers 281 +Ingrid Bowers [Bonet] 282 Natalie Marie Bowers 81 Grant Bowers 82 Donna E. Bowers 283 Linda Nuss [Mowrer] 621 +Richard Nuss 622 Karen Nuss 284 Hilda Hershey [Mowrer] 1041 Sara Lenora Erb [Mowrer] 1043 +Clyde L. Erb 1044 Sandra Lee Erb 623 +Charles W. Sheldon 624 Timothy Sheldon 285 +Mari Sheldon [Friske] 286 Garrett Sheldon 83 Amanda Sheldon 84 Tracy Gamboe [Sheldon] 287 +Donald Gamboe 288 Aaron Gamboe 85 Craig Gamboe 86 Stephen Sheldon 289 +Sierra Sheldon [Clair] 290 Gabrial Sheldon 87 David Sheldon 88 Laurence B. Sheldon 89 James Erb 625 +Carol J. Erb [Lantheaume] 626 Carolyn Jamie Erb 291 Jacob Milton Mowrer 1045 Hiram Sylvester Mowrer 1046 +Mary E. Mowrer [Smith] 1047 Ted Howard Mowrer 627 +Kelly J. Mowrer [Smith] 628 Jackson Mowrer 292 Alexander Mowrer 293 Harold Lyte Mowrer 1048 Page 17 Johannes Junginger Descendants (5)... Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365 +John Rice 1366 Richard Thomas Winters 1050 +Ella Livington Winters [Livington] 1051 Dorothy Louise Sylvester [Rice] 629 Betty Jane Skyles [Rice] 631 Thomas Richard Winters 1052 +Emma Louise Winters [Rank] 1053 Patricia Ann Sangrey [Rice] 633 +Harold G. Sangrey 634 Cynthia Elaine Sangrey 294 Kathleen Louise Sangrey 295 Thomas Richard Rice 635 +Karen Hampton Rice [Beacher] 636 Patrick Thomas Rice 296 Chad Richard Rice 297 Nelson Graham Rice 1054 Daniel Edwin Rice 1056 Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058 +Jack E. Lindsley 1059 Jean Rice McFarland [Lindsley] 637 Jack E. Lindsley 639 Josephine L. Unroe [Lindsley] 641 William Robert Lindsley 643 Paul Mitchell Lindsley 645 Gwen L. Bleecher [Lindsley] 647 Ruby Elizabeth Deckman [Rice] 1060 +Cecil H. Deckman 1061 Michael Graham Deckman 649 Patricia Marie Hicks [Deckman] 650 +Darryl Mowrer Hicks 651 Darryl Richard Hicks 298 Bryan Curtis Deckman 652 Kevin Douglas Deckman 653 Ruth Rice 1062 Lillie Amanda Axe [Rice] 1063 +Paul E. Axe 1064 Regina Rice 654 Ronald Carl Rice 655 +Bertha Ann Axe [Nolt] 656 Tyler Jackson Axe 299 Margaret Louetta Hershey [Rice] 1065 John Henry Rice 1067 Jacob Hershey Rice 1068 Robert Leroy Rice 1069 Page 18 Johannes Junginger Descendants (6)... Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368 +Roy Keene Herr 1369 Catherine Elizabeth Martin [Herr] 1071 +David E. Martin 1072 Donald Eugene Martin 657 +Elizabeth Louise Martin [Smith] 658 Douglas Edward Martin 300 Amy Louise Martin 302 Barbara Lou Martin 659 John Graham Herr 1073 +Reba E. Herr [Aukamp] 1074 Michele Ann Hoover [Herr] 660 +Jeffrey T. Hoover 661 Ryan Michael Hoover 303 Kelley Lynn Hoover 304 Evan Tyler Hoover 305 Dorothy Louise Sheaffer [Herr] 1075 +Carl Richard Sheaffer 1076 Steven Linwood Sheaffer 662 +Jenny Miller Sheaffer [King] 663 Christopher Michael Sheaffer 306 Matthew Steven Sheaffer 307 Sandra Louise Sheaffer 664 Roy J. Herr 1077 (7)... Minnie Leone Simpson [Graham] 1370 +Jonas Simpson 1371 Clair Graham Simpson 1079 George Simpson 1080 +Laura Simpson [Wanner] 1081 Barbara Ann Beiler [Simpson] 665 +Vergil Beiler 666 Matthew Scott Rinier Beiler 308 Todd Jan Rineer Beiler 309 Vicki Lynn Simpson Sperber [Simpson] 667 +Andrew George Sperber 668 Kevin Shawn Sperber 310 Craig Steven Sperber 311 Andrew George Sperber III 312 Nancy Louise Simpson Lewis [Simpson] 669 +Charles Eddie Lewis 670 Jeffery Brian Lewis 313 Jennifer Lynn Lewis 314 Jodi Christine Lewis 315 James Lee Simpson 1082 +Francis A. Simpson [Lapp] 1083 Brenda Kay Brackbill [Simpson] 671 +Gerald L. Brackbill 672 Devon Lee Brackbill 316 Lori Nicole Brackbill 317 Page 19 Johannes Junginger Descendants (8)... Sarah Louise Myers [Graham] 1372 +Joseph Myers 1373 Miriam Elizabeth Myers 1084 +James Baxter 1085 Joyce Louise Baker [Baxter] 673 +Kenneth Leroi Baker 674 Lisa Marie Lawson [Baker] 318 Clay Kenneth Baker 320 Martha Irene Koch [Myers] 1087 +John F. Koch 1088 Garry M. Koch 675 Jeffrey L. Koch 676 +Kimberly Koch [Schultz] 677 Kristine Renee Koch 321 (9)... Alice Lenore Harkins [Graham] 1374 +Elmer Harkins 1375 Edwin G. Harkins 1089 +Martha A. Harkins [Eckman] 1090 Evelyn Darlene Laukhuff [Harkins] 678 Richard Paul Harkins 680 Horace D. Harkins 1091 (10)... John M. Yunginger 1376 +Anna M. Yunginger [Stevens] 1377 Gertrude Yunginger 1092 (11)... Elam M. Yunginger 1378 +Edna M. Yunginger [Horting] 1379 J. Wellington Yunginger 1093 Melvin L. Yunginger 1095 +Ella Yunginger [Keith] 1096 Dolores Schaich [Yunginger] 682 +William A. Schaich 683 Lorin Wortel [Schaich] 322 +Antoni Michel Wortel 323 Mark A. Wortel 90 Miranda L. Wortel 91 Patricia Rodgers [Yunginger] 684 +Eugene C. Rodgers 685 Patricia Hornberger [Rodgers] 324 +Scott Hornberger 325 Erika Weaver [Hornberger] 92 +Jared Weaver 93 Clay Weaver 1 Colby Weaver 2 Sheridan Weaver 3 Kyle Hornberger 94 Jenni Simmons [Rodgers] 326 +Michael Simmons 327 Emily Simmons 95 Rachel Simmons 96 Scott Rodgers Rodgers 328 Melvin (Skip) Yunginger 686 +Donna Jean Yunginger [Weaver] 687 Erin Rebecca Hoffman [Yunginger] 330 Gladys Yunginger 1097 Roy Yunginger 1098 Page 20 Johannes Junginger Descendants (12)... Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381 +Aaron R. Martin 1382 Lillian Blanche Martin 1099 Irvin M. Martin 1100 Elwood Elisha Martin 1101 Eva Ella Ferree [Martin] 1102 +Luther Ferree 1103 Carl Ferree 688 Paul David Martin 1104 Titus Watkins Martin 1105 Luke Y. Martin 1106 Ruth Y. Sullivan [Martin] 1107 Matthew Y. Martin 1109 Aaron Rife Martin 1110 (13)... Martha Pope [Yunginger] 1383 +William Pope 1384 Helena Brickner [Pope] 1111 +Mr. Unknown 1112 Ken Brickner 689 Robert E. Pope 1113 +Friede L. Pope [Eberly] 1114 William R. Pope 690 +Ms. Pope 691 Dexter Pope 332 (14)... Park M. Yunginger 1385 +Lydia Yunginger [Campbell] 1386 Park Vincent Yunginger 1116 +Ruth E. Yunginger [Bortzfield] 1117 Darwin P. Yunginger 692 (15)... David Leroy Yuninger 1387 +Elsie G. Yuninger [Strohm] 1388 Paul S. Yuninger 1118 S. Richard Yuninger 1119 Verna E. Wettig [Yuninger] 1120 +Robert S. Wettig 1121 Linda Marie Laukhuff [Wettig] 694 Robert S. Wettig 696 +Susan Wettig [Thompson] 698 Lori Wettig 333 Dorothy Jean Diller [Yuninger] 1122 +Donald Morris Diller 1123 Donald M. Diller 699 Richard C. Diller 701 Gregory A. Diller 703 Laura B. Funk [Diller] 705 Page 21 Johannes Junginger Descendants (16)... Cora Buckwalter [Yunginger] 1389 +Cleteus M. Buckwalter 1390 Charles Buckwalter 1124 +Mable Buckwalter [Pontz] 1125 William Buckwalter 707 +Margaret Buckwalter [Ackerman] 1126 Christopher Buckwalter 708 Dorothy Shopf [Buckwalter] 1127 +Richard H. Shopf 1128 Judith S Johnson [Shopf] 709 Richard Jere Shopf 711 Page 22 Johannes Junginger Descendants (17)... Milo Yunginger 1391 +Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392 Lewis Yunginger 1129 +Ethel Yunginger [Wallace] 1130 John W. Yunginger 713 +Jane Ann Yunginger [Zubler] 714 Jennifer Ann Madden [Yunginger] 334 ...(53) Stephen Edward Yunginger 336 Evelyn Johnson [Yunginger] 1131 +Robert Thomas Johnson 1132 Robert Thomas Johnson 715 +Patricia Lynn Johnson [Carroll] 716 Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 ...(54) Nicolle Elayne Gehr [Johnson] 339 ...(55) Adrienne Carroll Groff [Johnson] 341 ...(56) Lucille A. Johnson 717 +Barry Auker 718 Amy Snyder [Auker] 343 ...(57) Marjorie Rutkowski [Auker] 345 Linda Louise Johnson 720 +Richard Leonard 721 Shannon Williams [Leonard] 347 ...(58) Eric Leonard 349 ...(59) Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 +Minerva May Massey 1134 Jacqueline Yunginger 722 +Neil Keener 723 Janeil Yvonne Cillessen [Keener] 351 ...(60) Charlene Frances Keener 353 ...(61) Kathy Mae Keener 357 ...(62) Jeanne Marie Keener 359 ...(63) Ronald Yunginger 727 ...(64) Geraldine Rathvon [Yunginger] 730 ...(65) Norman Galen Yunginger 732 ...(66) +Marie Yunginger [Cox] 1135 Sandy Yunginger 734 ...(67) Joy Walton [Yunginger] 737 ...(68) Marie Yunginger 739 Anthony Yunginger 384 Jeffrey Yunginger 385 Pauline Killian [Yunginger] 1136 +Allen Killian 1137 Judy Killian 740 Terrence Killian 741 ...(69) Donald Killian 743 Helen E. Spotts [Yunginger] 1138 +John H. Spotts 1139 John L. Spotts 744 ...(70) Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") Buch [Yunginger] 1140 +Richard Buch 1141 Donna Sawyer [Buch] 748 ...(71) Daniel Buch 750 ...(72) Douglas Buch 752 ...(73) Richard Buch 754 ...(74) David Leroy Yunginger 1142 +Judy Yunginger [Delp] 1143 Deidre L Yunginger 757 David S. Yunginger 758 ...(75) Diana Mae Kocon [Yunginger] 760 ...(76) Milissa D. Deaver [Yunginger] 762 ...(77) Page 23 Johannes Junginger Descendants (18)... Charles Ross Yunginger 1393 +Mary Yunginger [Rineer] 1394 Marie Yunginger 1145 Carolyn Yunginger 1146 (19)... Clarence Yunginger 1395 +Edna Yunginger [Campbell] 1396 Lydia E. ("Tootie") Barnett [Yunginger] 1147 +William A. Barnett 1148 William A. ("Barney") Barnett 764 +Carol L. Barnett [Hoke] 765 Christopher W. Barnett 413 Bradley T. Barnett 414 Patricia Sourbeer [Barnett] 766 +Donald L. Sourbeer 767 Mitch Sourbeer 415 +Mickey Sourbeer [Holtzman] 416 Steve Sourbeer 163 Brian Sourbeer 164 Elsie M. Gould [Yunginger] 1149 Page 24 Johannes Junginger Descendants (20)... Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397 +Luther W. Rote 1398 Esther R. Rote 1150 +Frank Heckendorn 1151 David M. Heckendorn 768 Barbara Roth [Heckendorn] 769 +Robert Roth 770 Matthew Franklin Roth 417 Kaitlin Marie Roth 418 Luther W. Rote 1153 +Lola A. Rote [Herr] 1154 Nancy Berdiner [Rote] 771 +John Berdiner 772 John Berdiner 419 +Melissa Berdiner 420 Emma Berdiner 165 Noah Berdiner 166 Lola Berdiner 167 Ryan Berdiner 421 Chad Berdiner 422 Kathy Moser [Rote] 773 +Rick Moser 774 Jill Eileen Moser 423 Jennifer Elizabeth Moser 424 Jamie Elaine Moser 425 Patricia Groft [Rote] 775 +Brian Groft 776 Lauren Marie Groft 426 Abbey Groft 427 Ruth E. Crist [Rote] 1155 +W. Layton Crist 1156 Cynthia Ann Hess [Crist] 777 +William L. Hess 778 Jennifer Reese [Hess] 428 +Jason Reese 429 Aaron Reese 168 Robert Rote 1157 Levern M. Rote 1158 Betty Lou Strine [Rote] 1159 +Robert A. Strine 1160 Luann Phillips [Strine] 779 +Russell Phillips 780 Michael Phillips 430 Matthew Phillips 431 Robert Strine 781 Doris L. Rote 1161 +Harry Perrine 1162 Peter Perrine 782 Jean R. Rote 1163 +David Wilson 1164 David Wilson 783 +Richard P. Rohrer 1165 Suzanne Schumann [Rohrer] 784 +Jay Schumann 785 Cayli Marie Schumann 432 Anne-Louise Wineholt [Rohrer] 786 +David Wineholt 787 Natalie Wineholt 433 Marshall Wineholt 434 Page 25 Johannes Junginger Descendants (21)... Emily Dorothy Ryder [Yuninger] 1399 +Ernest Henry Ryder 1400 Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 +Christine Ryder [Bauman] 1167 Ernest Henry Ryder 788 +Patricia Ryder [Gruber] 789 Christopher Michael Gruber 435 +Marcie Gruber [Shiffler] 436 Cole Gruber 169 Jocelyn Gruber 170 Ernest Henry Ryder IV 437 +Tanya Ryder IV [White] 438 Brianna Grace Ryder 171 +Stasha Ryder 790 Henry Patrick Ryder 439 Deborah Ryder 791 +Gregory Knox 792 John Knox 440 +Lisa Knox 441 Dustin Knox 172 Christian Knox 173 +Carl Corbin 793 Sean Corbin 442 Paul Corbin 443 Robert W. Ryder 794 +Kathy Ryder 795 Leslie Ryder 444 +Deborah Ryder 796 Daughter 1 Ryder 445 Daughter 2 Ryder 446 Valarie Engelman [Ryder] 797 Page 26 Johannes Junginger Descendants (22)... Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 +Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] 1403 E. Russell Yuninger 1170 +Erma Yuninger [Mowrer] 1171 Ethel L. Book [Yuninger] 799 +Gilbert R. Book 800 Donna M. Book 447 +Mr. McDuffie 448 Jennifer R. McDuffie 174 Andrew M. McDuffie 175 Deborah K. Fruchey [Book] 450 +Gary Fruchey 451 Stephanie Treece [Fruchey] 177 Gilbert W. Book 452 Margaret Book [Yuninger] 801 John Walter Yuninger 803 Robert Yuninger 805 +Sharon Yuninger [Alden] 806 Amy Yuninger 454 Ross T. Yuninger 1172 +Florence Yuninger [Brackbill] 1173 Allen B. Yuninger 807 Ruth Ann Appel [Yuninger] 809 Harold R. Yuninger 811 +Dianne Yuninger [Taylor] 812 Jenny Elizabeth Keenan [Yuninger] 455 David Yuninger 457 +Bethany Yuninger [Swanson] 458 Deanna Jean Yuninger 179 Mary Ellen Hoar [Yuninger] 813 Esta M. Fisher [Yuninger] 815 Paul C. Yuninger 1174 +Pearl E. Yuninger [Stauffer] 1175 E. Joan Brown [Yuninger] 817 Kathleen E. Cervi [Yuninger] 819 +James R. Cervi 820 Kristen Smith [Cervi] 459 Stephen Yuninger 821 Warren Yuninger 1176 Pearl Thompson [Yuninger] 1178 +William Thompson 1179 June Welk [Thompson] 823 Doris Hagans [Thompson] 825 Linda Neff [Thompson] 827 Elsie Griffith [Yuninger] 1180 Page 27 Johannes Junginger Descendants (23)... Edith M. Hassel [Yuninger] 1404 +Harry F. Hassel 1405 Bertha Dunwoody [Hassel] 1182 Elva Boose [Hassel] 1184 +Emory Boose 1185 Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829 +Robert Unangst 830 Jeffrey Unangst 460 Michael Unangst 461 Kimberly Unangst 462 Lori Unangst 463 Randy Unangst 464 Scott Unangst 465 Lois Weber [Boose] 831 +Noah Weber 832 Brent Weber 466 Dale Boose 833 Lloyd V. Hassel 1186 +Betty J. Hassel [Miller] 1187 Robert Hassel 834 +Janet Hassel [Baile] 835 Brian Hassel 467 Courtney Hassel 468 Barbara Maralambie [Hassel] 836 +James Maralambie 837 Kelly Maralambie 469 Lisa Maralambie 470 Richard Hassel 838 Page 28 Johannes Junginger Descendants (24)... Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 +Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407 Ella Harriet Yunginger 1188 Oliver Yuninger 1189 +Wilma Yuninger [Groff] 1190 Judy Riley [Yunginger] 839 James Yunginger 841 Faye Henry [Yunginger] 843 +Ira F. Henry 844 Michael I. Henry 471 Lisa Binchoff [Henry] 473 Laurie Risk [Henry] 475 Luann Hassler [Henry] 477 Charles E. (“tip”) Yuninger 1191 +Viola Yuninger [Groff] 1192 William C. Yuninger 845 Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847 +Allan R. Kelchen 848 Allan R. Kelchen 479 Steven M. Kelchen 480 Charles W. Kelchen 482 William E. Kelchen 484 Lucille Wiley [Kelchen] 485 Roy P. (“ben”) Yunginger 1193 M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196 +Jacob Roy Lefever 1197 Glen R. Lefever 849 Pauline E. Henry [Lefever] 851 Donna L. Spade [Lefever] 853 Helen M. Lutz [Yunginger] 1199 J. Chester ("Ted") Yunginger 1201 +Dorothy N. Yunginger [Smith] 1202 Howard Dennis Yunginger 855 (25)... Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 +Lura Una Yuninger [Hammon] 1410 Delmar Yuninger 1203 Carl L. Yuninger 1205 Fannie Schneider [Yuninger] 1207 +John Schneider 1208 Ronald E. Schneider 857 James L. Schneider 859 +Joan Schneider [Housekeeper] 860 Lisa Remley [Schneider] 487 Page 29 Johannes Junginger Descendants (26)... Edgar L. Yuninger 1412 +Maude Yuninger [Kramer] 1413 Gladys Adele Yuninger 1209 Norman E. Yuninger 1213 +Lynne Mae (“pinky”) Yuninger [Furlow] 1215 Mark A. Yuninger 862 Norman Lynn Yuninger 863 +Deborah Yuninger [Sexton] 864 Christina Nichole Yuninger 489 Bryan Anthony Yuninger 490 Leanne Marie Yuninger 492 Edgar Yuninger 1216 +Ruth Yuninger [Findley] 1217 Shirl Yuninger 866 Susan Yuninger 867 (27)... Anna Louise Eager [Yuninger] 1414 +Will Thurman Eager 1415 Mildred Homsher [Eager] 1218 George Willard Eager 1220 +Betty Eager [Shaw] 1221 George Howard Eager 868 +Debra Eager [Vasille] 869 Kathleen Eager 493 George Michael Eager 494 (28)... Emily Huhn [Yuninger] 1418 +Norman Huhn 1419 Norma Marguerite Vaughn [Huhn] 1222 +Robert Miller Vaughn 1223 David Vaughn 870 +Patricia Vaughn [Hagan] 871 Kristin Vaughn 495 Timothy Vaughn 496 Rebecca Vaughn 497 Marilyn Zook [Huhn] 1224 +George Zook 1225 Kathleen Nestlerode [Zook] 872 +Larry Nestlerode 873 Jennie Nestlerode 498 Emily Nestlerode 499 Kate Nestlerode 500 Peter Nestlerode 501 Cynthia Wurst [Zook] 874 +Stephen Wurst 875 Benjamin Frank Wurst 502 Andrew Wurst 503 Lauren Wurst 504 (29)... Viola M. Mowrer [Yunginger] 1425 +Benjamin H. Mowrer 1426 T. Susan Mowrer 1226 Page 30 Johannes Junginger Descendants (30)... Mildred Clark [Yunginger] 1429 +Ray L. Clark 1430 Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229 +Wilbur E. Musser 1230 Ronald E. Musser 876 Clark C. Musser 877 +Barbara Musser [Eastman] 878 Tracey Downey [Musser] 505 +Dr. Dennis Downey 506 Bernerd Downey 180 Margaret Downey 181 Kara Downey 182 Anna Downey 183 Thomas Downey 184 Kelly Edgar [Musser] 507 +John Edgar 508 Daniel Edgar 185 Julia Edgar 186 Christopher Musser 509 Mildred Wimer [Musser] 879 Barbara Lee Good [Musser] 881 +Donald Ray Good 882 Jennifer Lynn Stauffer [Good] 510 +Dwayne Adam Stauffer 511 Zachary Adam Stauffer 187 Ryan Christopher Stauffer 188 Amy Jaenell Good 512 John Musser 883 Dorothy Russel [Clark] 1231 +Gabriel Russel 1232 Robert Russel 884 +Martha Russel [Rae] 885 Michael Russel 513 John Russel 514 Laura Russel 515 Susan Mellinger [Russel] 886 +Allen Mellinger 887 Kate Mellinger 516 Mark Mellinger 517 Page 31 Johannes Junginger Descendants (31)... Roland Clair Yunginger 1431 +Bertha Evelyn Yunginger [Groff] 1432 Arlene E. Esbenshade [Yunginger] 1233 +Clarence A. Esbenshade 1234 Larry Esbenshade 888 Richard Clair Yunginger 1235 +Jean Reist Yunginger [Hess] 1236 Patricia Hess Leaman [Yunginger] 890 +John Harold Leaman 891 John Harold Leaman 518 Mark Christopher Leaman 520 Stephen Douglas Leaman 522 Audrey Jean Rohrer [Yunginger] 892 +Richard D. Rohrer 893 Richard Dean Rohrer 523 +Joel Nadine Rohrer [Stoner] 524 Richard Moses Rohrer 189 Janine Kay Rohrer 525 Julie Renee Martin [Rohrer] 526 Nancy Evelyn Keefer [Yunginger] 894 +Kenneth Leroy Keefer 895 Megan Rene Savage III [Keefer] 528 +Peter J. Savage III 529 Emma Rose Savage 190 Joshua David Keefer 530 Joel David Keefer 531 Richard Clair Yunginger Jr. Md 896 Mary Ann Rittenhouse [Yunginger] 898 +Dennis Ray Rittenhouse 899 Benjamin David Rittenhouse 532 Katelyn Joy Rittenhouse 533 Jeremy Michael Rittenhouse 534 Page 32 Johannes Junginger Descendants (32)... Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 +Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435 C. Norman Yunginger 1237 +Marion Yunginger [Rachkoskie] 1238 Colleen Yunginger 900 Melissa A. Hess [Yunginger] 902 +J. Richard Hess 903 Elizabeth Ann Hess 535 Christine N. Yunginger 904 +Edgar Unknown 905 Jenna Lauren Unknown 536 +Kevin Hess 906 Madelyn Hess 537 Adam Hess 538 Nancy Ruth Yunginger 1239 +Horace Miller 1240 Joseph Miller 907 Betty Susan Yunginger 1242 +Earl Centini 1243 Janice Centini 908 Mary Mildred McKinney [Yunginger] 1245 +W. Parke McKinney 1246 Lisa D. Eshleman [Mckinney] 909 +Russell Eshleman 910 William P. McKinney 539 William P. McKinney 911 Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1247 +Martha E. Yunginger [Hohenwater] 1248 Benjamin Frank Yunginger III 912 +Judy Yunginger III [Snyder] 913 Kati Y. Smith [Yunginger] 540 Nathan Yunginger 542 Eric Yunginger 544 Ben Yunginger 545 Jeffrey K. Yunginger 914 Susan E. Lilly [Yunginger] 916 Matthew S. Yunginger 918 +Joleen Yunginger [Brown] 919 Ms. Yunginger 546 Harvey Joseph Yunginger 1249 Janice Yunginger 1250 Anna Belle Yunginger 1251 +Donald Coble 1252 Tammy Coble 920 Cynthia Coble 921 Todd Coble 922 Roland Yunginger Yunginger 1254 +Joyce Yunginger [Rohrer] 1255 Denise Yunginger 923 Roland Yunginger 924 Yvonne Baker [Yunginger] 1256 +John Baker 1257 Lori Baker 925 John Baker 926 Caroll Baker 927 Melissa Baker 928 Charles "Pork" Yunginger 1258 Page 33 Johannes Junginger Descendants (33)... Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504 +John Munson 1505 Ellis Yunginger 1436 John Newlin Munson 1437 Harry C. Munson 1439 +Hettie E. Munson [Simmons] 1440 Charles E. Munson 1260 Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441 +Joseph Welk 1442 Harry B. Welk 1261 John M. Welk 1262 Lucy Ames [Welk] 1263 Sara Jane Trahanovsky [Welk] 1264 Kathryn Newcomer [Welk] 1265 Dolores Byers [Welk] 1266 Joyce Kay Peters [Welk] 1268 Nancy Maysilles [Welk] 1270 Joan Kohler [Welk] 1272 Horace C. Munson 1443 Alta Haubert [Munson] 1445 +John Haubert 1446 Marian Haubert 1274 John Haubert 1275 Clara Viola Sheaffer [Munson] 1447 +Ira Sheaffer 1448 Mary Hagens [Sheafer] 1276 +Jack Hagens 1277 Christine Hagens 929 Rebecca Hagens 930 Kathleen Hagens 931 Jacob Sheafer 1278 +Roslyn Sheafer [Roth] 1279 Gale Sheafer 932 Bryan Sheafer 933 Randy Sheafer 934 Ira Sheafer 1280 Norman Sheafer 1282 D. Elizabeth Munson 1449 +Harold E. Landis 1450 Gloria Ditzler [Landis] 1283 +William D. Ditzler 1284 Debra Ann Ditzler 935 Amy D. Spradlin [Ditzler] 936 Debra Landis 1285 Donald Landis 1286 Page 34 Johannes Junginger Descendants (34)... Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506 +Joseph Graham 1507 Galen Graham 1452 +Kathryn Graham [Mowrer] 1453 David Graham 1287 +Irene Graham [Welk] 1288 Diane Carroll [Graham] 938 ...(78) Donna Graham 940 David Graham 941 Danny Graham 942 Alta Rapp [Graham] 1289 Elsie Morrison [Graham] 1291 Clara B. Minney [Graham] 1454 +Jacob Minney 1455 Charles Minney 1293 Maurice B. Graham 1456 +Esther H. Graham [Trout] 1457 Viola Hassel [Graham] 1295 +Ellis Hassel 1296 Joyce Hollinger [Hassel] 943 ...(79) Wayne Hassel 945 ...(80) Joseph Graham 1297 ...(81) Lillie Reese [Graham] 1458 +Levi Reese 1459 Helen Lellenberger [Reese] 1299 Joseph Reese 1301 Robert Reese 1303 Ada G. Weaver [Graham] 1460 +Mark Weaver 1461 Emma Smith [Weaver] 1304 Mildred Brown [Weaver] 1306 ...(82) Dorothy Wenger [Weaver] 1308 ...(83) J. Willis Graham 1462 +Annie Graham [Trout] 1463 Dorothy Rineer [Graham] 1310 ...(84) J. Rueben Graham 1464 +Naomi W. Graham [Trout] 1465 Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312 ...(85) Edna Reimold [Graham] 1466 +Charles Reimold 1467 Paul C. Reimold 1314 ...(86) Emma E. Martin [Reimold] 1316 ...(87) Violet M. Rineer [Reimold] 1318 ...(88) Marvin G. Reimold 1320 ...(89) Alma V. Trout [Graham] 1468 +Lloyd H. Trout 1469 Robert Trout 1322 ...(90) Paul C. Graham 1470 Mary Graham 1472 +Charles Rockey 1473 Harold Rockey 1324 E. Dora Fichtner [Graham] 1475 +George S. Fichtner 1476 Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325 ...(91) Lester G. Fichtner 1327 ...(92) Lloyd Fichtner 1329 Irma Hess [Graham] 1477 +Harry Hess 1478 Doris Hagelgans [Hess] 1331 ...(93) Walter Francis Graham 1479 Page 35 Johannes Junginger Descendants (35)... Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 +Lillian Yunginger [Rhoads] 1509 Jay R. Yuninger 1480 +Katharine Yuninger [Sides] 1481 Evelyn Myers [Yuninger] 1333 +Gilbert Myers 1334 Brenda Myers 996 Helen Yuninger 1335 +Elvin Weaver 1336 Dorothy Louise Fenninger [Weaver] 997 +Lloyd Fenninger 998 Dennis Fenninger 562 Denise Fenninger 564 Doreen Krause [Fenninger] 565 ...(94) Julianne W. Hildebrand [Yuninger] 999 +Ronald Hildebrand 1000 Ronald Hildebrand 567 +Jessica Hildebrand 568 Hailey Hildebrand 194 Hunter Hildebrand 195 Kimberly Stoltzfus [Hildebrand] 569 ...(95) Robert Weaver 1001 +Jacquelyn Weaver [Sample] 1002 Traci Weaver 571 Lillian Huber [Yuninger] 1338 +John Huber 1339 Yvonne Knottmyer [Huber] 1003 +Gregory E. Knottmyer 1004 Jodi Donnelly [Knottmyer] 572 ...(96) Dorothy Yuninger 1340 Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482 +Charles Dagen 1483 Florence Dagen 1341 Robert Dagen 1342 Dorothy Dagen 1343 Benjamin Frank Dagen 1344 Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 +Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather] 1346 Peggy Rebman [Dagen] 1005 Susan Greiner [Dagen] 1007 Marion Weachter [Dagen] 1009 Nixetta Morrison [Dagen] 1011 Steven Dagen 1013 Miriam Miller [Dagen] 1347 Frances M. Ruoss [Yunginger] 1484 B. Lloyd Yunginger Yunginger 1486 +Verna S. Yunginger [Parmer] 1487 Nancy J. Burkhart [Yunginger] 1349 +Donald U. Burkhart 1350 Douglas E. Burkhart 1014 Lillian E. Myers [Yunginger] 1351 +Gary R. Myers 1352 Lisa Horn [Myers] 1016 +Gerry Horn 1017 Brittany Horn 574 Jared Horn 575 Wendy Barber [Myers] 1018 +David Barber 1019 Chase Barber 576 Gaige Barber 577 Page 36 Johannes Junginger Descendants (36)... Cheryl Marie Dearolf [Troop] 203 +Larry Dearolf 204 Ann Marie Dearolf 23 Kyle Dearolf 24 (37)... Jeanette Swartzengruber [Troop] 205 +Jeffery Swartzengruber 206 Shawn Swartzengruber 25 Steven Swartzengruber 26 Shanna Swartzengruber 27 (38)... David L. Troop 207 +Becky Troop [Thompson] 208 Jeremiah Troop 28 Michael Troop 29 Zachery Troop 30 (39)... Diane Michalske [Troop] 209 +Mr. Michalske 210 Crystal Michalske 31 (40)... Barbara Leik [Young] 211 +Raymond Leik 212 Scott Leik 32 (41)... Matthew Young 213 +Linda Young [Henry] 214 Andrew Young 33 Stacy Lynn Young 34 Rebecca Lorraine Young 35 (42)... Susan Frey [Young] 215 +Thomas Frey 216 Sara Frey 36 Rachael Frey 37 Ruth Frey 38 Abibail Frey 39 (43)... David P. Young 217 +Carol Sue Young [Dull] 218 David Young 40 Joanne Young 41 Jason Young 42 Elizabeth Young 43 Debra Young 44 (44)... Gwendolyn Bieber [Krantz] 220 +Mr. Bieber 221 Nathan Bieber 45 (45)... Kathy S. Kauffman [Krantz] 222 +Dwight Kauffman 223 Tracy Moe Kauffman 46 Bobbi Moe Kauffman 47 Andrew Kauffman 48 Page 37 Johannes Junginger Descendants (46)... Roger Krantz 225 +April Krantz 226 Zaccheus Krantz 49 Krista Krantz 50 (47)... Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227 +William C. Atkins 228 Daniel J. Atkins 51 Wendy Atkins 52 Billie J. Atkins 53 Andrew Atkins 54 Samantha Atkins 55 (48)... Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229 +Scott B. Artz 230 Nathaniel Artz 56 Gretchen Artz 57 Kirk Artz 58 Hanna Artz 59 (49)... Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599 +Larry Crom 600 Sara Crom 239 Emily Crom 240 Annabella Dietrick [Crom] 241 Pamela Marlebur [Crom] 243 (50)... Richard Keene 601 +Kathy Keene [Whitelock] 602 Andrew Keene 245 Josiah Keene 246 Benjamin Keene 247 Daniel Keene 248 (51)... Janet Eshelman [Keene] 605 +Barry Eshelman 606 Rory Eshelman 251 +Shelby Eshelman [Taylor] 252 Matthew Lynn Eshelman 60 Seth Eshelman 61 Zebulon Eshelman 62 Bradley Eshelman 63 Samuel Eshelman 64 Scott Harry Eshelman 253 +Janice Eshelman [Curfman] 254 Danielle Eshelman 65 Janelle Eshelman 66 Graham Eshelman 67 Page 38 Johannes Junginger Descendants (52)... Paulyne Long [Keene] 607 +Richard Long 608 Gary Long 255 +Debra Long [Howell] 256 Scott Long 68 Rebekah Long 69 Rachel Long 70 David Long 71 Eric Long 257 +Constance Long [Peters] 258 Izaak Long 72 (53)... Jennifer Ann Madden [Yunginger] 334 +Parke H. Madden 335 Elizabeth Jane Madden 97 Henry John Madden 98 (54)... Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 +Angelique Johnson [Raybuck] 338 Thomas Michael Johnson 99 Christopher Ray (Twin) Johnson 100 Nicholas James (Twin) Johnson 101 Emily Rose Johnson 102 (55)... Nicolle Elayne Gehr [Johnson] 339 +Arthur Lee Gehr 340 Alyssa Nicolle Jr. Gehr 103 Colton Arthur Jr. Gehr 104 (56)... Adrienne Carroll Groff [Johnson] 341 +Dennis Lee Groff 342 Jordan Lee Jr. Groff 105 (57)... Amy Snyder [Auker] 343 +Matthew Harry Snyder 344 Harry Decklin Snyder 106 (58)... Shannon Williams [Leonard] 347 +Peter Williams 348 Jack Peter Williams 107 Erin Renee Williams 108 Cameron Quinn Williams 109 (59)... Eric Leonard 349 +Dawn Leonard 350 Grace Carole Leonard 110 Page 39 Johannes Junginger Descendants (60)... Janeil Yvonne Cillessen [Keener] 351 +John Cillessen 352 Valarie Cillessen 111 +Robert Kerin 113 Veronica Kerin 4 Chelsea Kerin 5 +Andrew Allan 114 Hunter Allan 6 Shane Cillessen 115 +Heather Cillessen [Ludwick] 116 Brianna Lynn Cillessen 7 Brittaney Cillessen 8 Sean Cillessen 9 Tara Czyzewski [Cillessen] 117 +Jeromey Czyzewski 118 Katelynn Czyzewski 10 (61)... Charlene Frances Keener 353 +Maynard Bosley 354 Tammy Bosley 119 +Brian Kocman 120 Alexia Kocman 11 Brittney Kocman 12 (62)... Kathy Mae Keener 357 +William Pat Montano 358 Becky Lynn Montano 121 Amy Theresa Swanson [Montano] 123 +Darren Swanson 124 Ryan Eugene Swanson 13 Jeremy Michael Swanson 14 (63)... Jeanne Marie Keener 359 +Gregory Wagner 360 Joshua Wagner 125 +Amanda Wagner [Torres] 126 Justin Wagner 15 Damian Wagner 16 Jason Neil Wagner 127 Page 40 Johannes Junginger Descendants (64)... Ronald Yunginger 727 +Anna Mae Yunginger [Butz] 728 Teresa Yunginger 361 +Billy Cox 362 Billy Andrew Cox 128 Rainy Cox 129 Jaiden Scott Cox 17 Cory Cox 130 Ronald Yunginger 364 +Deb Yunginger [Saam] 365 Tiffanie Garcia [Yunginger] 131 +Thomas Garcia 132 Zella Reyne Garcia 18 Aburie Saige Garcia 19 Keturah Yunginger 133 Kalyah Ann Frazier 20 Kyle Yunginger 134 Holly Yunginger 135 Michael Yunginger 366 +Pam Yunginger [Reed] 367 Adam Yunginger 136 Amy Patricia Yunginger 137 James Daniel Yunginger 368 +Luann Yunginger [Wentz] 369 Rachel Clinton [Yunginger] 138 +Jamie Clinton 139 Lily Clinton 21 Ava Clinton 22 Jessica Finnegan [Yunginger] 140 Julianne Yunginger 142 Rebecca Yunginger 143 (65)... Geraldine Rathvon [Yunginger] 730 +John Rathvon 731 John Rathvon 370 +Cindy Rathvon [Duke] 372 Tyler Rathvon 144 Chrystaline Rathvon 145 Michelle Rathvon 373 +Randy Risner 374 Jason Risner 146 Ashley Louise Risner 147 Tara Lynn Risner 148 (66)... Norman Galen Yunginger 732 +Nancy Jane Yunginger [Lynes] 733 Nikole Detz [Yunginger] 376 +Charles Quinn Detz 377 Elisabeth Nikole Detz 149 Zachary Charles Detz 150 Noel Andrew Yunginger 378 (67)... Sandy Yunginger 734 +Bill Unknown 735 Taryn Yunginger 380 Christopher Yunginger 381 Page 41 Johannes Junginger Descendants (68)... Joy Walton [Yunginger] 737 +Ronald Walton 738 Justin Yunginger 382 Christina Yunginger 383 (69)... Terrence Killian 741 +Virginia Killian [Ressler] 742 Melanie Grubb [Killian] 386 +Nathan Grubb 387 Jesse Grubb 151 Lillian Grubb 152 Elsie Grubb 153 Chad Killian 388 (70)... John L. Spotts 744 +Shelley Spotts [Whitman] 745 Misty Lee Pass [Spotts] 389 +Chris Pass 390 Lillian Pass 154 Ashley Pass 155 John Paul Spotts 391 (71)... Donna Sawyer [Buch] 748 +Kenneth Sawyer 749 Kayla Sawyer 392 (72)... Daniel Buch 750 +Cindy Buch [Martin] 751 Janelle Kauffman [Buch] 393 +Troy Kauffman 394 Gavin Troy Kauffman 156 Gabriell Lynn Kauffman 157 Grant Stephen Kauffman 158 Jason Buch 395 +Tracy Buch [Holzmueller] 396 Madison Buch 159 Alexis Buch 160 Bryanna Lynn Buch 161 (73)... Douglas Buch 752 +Tina Buch [Welsh] 753 Kathleen Whitman [Buch] 397 +Jan-Michael Whitman 398 Emma Elizabeth Whitman 162 Christopher Buch 399 (74)... Richard Buch 754 +Jean Buch [Martin] 755 Brandon Buch 401 Bryan Buch 402 (75)... David S. Yunginger 758 +Joan Yunginger 759 Nicole Yunginger 403 Nadine Martin [Yunginger] 404 Brandon John Yunginger 406 Ryan Scott Yunginger 407 Page 42 Johannes Junginger Descendants (76)... Diana Mae Kocon [Yunginger] 760 +Bernard Kocon 761 Megan Kocon 408 Abigale Kocon 409 Evan Patrick Kocon 410 (77)... Milissa D. Deaver [Yunginger] 762 +Douglas Deaver 763 Sean Deaver 411 Seth Douglas Deaver 412 (78)... Diane Carroll [Graham] 938 +James Clinton Carroll 939 Rebecca Lynn Carroll 547 Matthew James Carroll 548 (79)... Joyce Hollinger [Hassel] 943 +Robert Hollinger 944 Jeffrey Hollinger 549 (80)... Wayne Hassel 945 +Linda Hassel [Kreider] 946 Amy Hassel 550 Kimberly Hassel 551 (81)... Joseph Graham 1297 +Barbara Graham [Welk] 1298 Esther Robinson [Graham] 947 +Thomas Robinson 948 Melissa Robinson 552 Scott Robinson 553 Donald Graham 949 +Dianne Graham [Miller] 950 Lindsay Graham 554 Jessica Graham 555 Megan Graham 556 (82)... Mildred Brown [Weaver] 1306 +George Brown 1307 Karen Sue Brown 951 Linda Brown 952 Margaret Brown 953 (83)... Dorothy Wenger [Weaver] 1308 +George J. Wenger 1309 Sandra Wenger 954 Barbara Long [Wenger] 955 +Donald Long 956 Jennifer Long 557 Keith Long 558 (84)... Dorothy Rineer [Graham] 1310 +Clarence Rineer 1311 Cynthia Rineer 957 Doris Groff [Rineer] 958 Page 43 Johannes Junginger Descendants (85)... Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312 +Ronald Isenberger 1313 Randy Isenberger 960 Lynn Isenberger 961 Larry Isenberger 962 Keith Isenberger 963 (86)... Paul C. Reimold 1314 +Bertha Reimold [Sellers] 1315 Paul Raymond Reimold 964 Kenneth Reimold 966 Jeffrey Reimold 968 Cheryl Sweigart [Reimold] 970 (87)... Emma E. Martin [Reimold] 1316 +James E. Martin 1317 James Martin 972 Charles Martin 973 (88)... Violet M. Rineer [Reimold] 1318 +Clifford C. Rineer 1319 Ronald Rineer 974 Gary Rineer 976 (89)... Marvin G. Reimold 1320 +Edith Reimold [Harnish] 1321 Glenda Souders [Reimold] 978 Douglas Reimold 980 (90)... Robert Trout 1322 +Jane Trout [Herr] 1323 Brenard Roark [Trout] 981 +Virgil Roark 982 Caley Roark 559 Corey Roark 560 (91)... Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325 +Leon Swisher 1326 Elaine Young [Swisher] 983 James Swisher 985 George Swisher 986 Carol Fisher [Swisher] 987 (92)... Lester G. Fichtner 1327 +Reba Fichtner [Henry] 1328 Wanda L Wingler [Fichtner] 989 Gerald L. Fichtner 990 James G. Fichtner 992 (93)... Doris Hagelgans [Hess] 1331 +Harold Hagelgans 1332 Dorothy Swinehart [Hagelgans] 994 +Russell Swinehart 995 Donna Swinehart 561 Page 44 Johannes Junginger Descendants (94)... Doreen Krause [Fenninger] 565 +Dennis Krause 566 Deanna Krause 191 Deneen Krause 192 Dana Krause 193 (95)... Kimberly Stoltzfus [Hildebrand] 569 +Arlin Stoltzfus 570 Lindsey Stoltzfus 196 Adam Stoltzfus 197 Austin Stoltzfus 198 (96)... Jodi Donnelly [Knottmyer] 572 +Timothy Donnelly 573 Nicholas Donnelly 199 Page 45 Page 46 7. DIRECT RELATIONS Generation of Five-Times-Great-Grandchildren 1. CLAY WEAVER (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born to Jared Weaver 93 and Erika Weaver [Hornberger] 92. 2. COLBY WEAVER (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born to Jared Weaver 93 and Erika Weaver [Hornberger] 92. 3. SHERIDAN WEAVER (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Jared Weaver 93 and Erika Weaver [Hornberger] 92. 4. VERONICA KERIN (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (60)) was born on 15 February 1992 to Robert Kerin 113 and Valarie Cillessen 111. 5. CHELSEA KERIN (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (60)) was born on 15 February 1992 to Robert Kerin 113 and Valarie Cillessen 111. 6. HUNTER ALLAN (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (60)) was born on 2 April 2000 to Andrew Allan 114 and Valarie Cillessen 111. 7. BRIANNA LYNN CILLESSEN (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (60)) was born on 30 June 1993 to Shane Cillessen 115 and Heather Cillessen [Ludwick] 116. 8. BRITTANEY CILLESSEN (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (60)) was born on 19 August 1996 to Shane Cillessen 115 and Heather Cillessen [Ludwick] 116. 9. SEAN CILLESSEN (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (60)) was born on 21 August 1999 to Shane Cillessen 115 and Heather Cillessen [Ludwick] 116. 10. KATELYNN CZYZEWSKI (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (60)) was born on 18 May 2001 to Jeromey Czyzewski 118 and Tara Czyzewski [Cillessen] 117. 11. ALEXIA KOCMAN (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (61)) was born on 6 March 1995 to Brian Kocman 120 and Tammy Bosley 119. 12. BRITTNEY KOCMAN (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (61)) was born on 31 December 1997 to Brian Kocman 120 and Tammy Bosley 119. 13. RYAN EUGENE SWANSON (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (62)) was born on 24 May 2003 to Darren Swanson 124 and Amy Theresa Swanson [Montano] 123. 14. JEREMY MICHAEL SWANSON (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (62)) was born on 12 July 2006 to Darren Swanson 124 and Amy Theresa Swanson [Montano] 123. 15. JUSTIN WAGNER (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (63)) was born on 16 January 2003 to Joshua Wagner 125 and Amanda Wagner [Torres] 126. 16. DAMIAN WAGNER (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (63)) was born on 27 February 2006 to Joshua Wagner 125 and Amanda Wagner [Torres] 126. 17. JAIDEN SCOTT COX (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 4 August 2002 to Rainy Cox 129. 18. ZELLA REYNE GARCIA (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born in 2006 to Thomas Garcia 132 and Tiffanie Garcia [Yunginger] 131. 19. ABURIE SAIGE GARCIA (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 19 December 2010 to Thomas Garcia 132 and Tiffanie Garcia [Yunginger] 131. Page 47 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 20. KALYAH ANN FRAZIER (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 27 July 2001, in Lancaster, PA, to Keturah Yunginger 133. 21. LILY CLINTON (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 14 October 2004, in Lancaster, PA, to Jamie Clinton 139 and Rachel Clinton [Yunginger] 138. 22. AVA CLINTON (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 18 May 2007, in Lancaster, PA, to Jamie Clinton 139 and Rachel Clinton [Yunginger] 138. Generation of Four-Times-Great-Grandchildren 23. ANN MARIE DEAROLF (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (36)) was born to Larry Dearolf 204 and Cheryl Marie Dearolf [Troop] 203. 24. KYLE DEAROLF (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (36)) was born to Larry Dearolf 204 and Cheryl Marie Dearolf [Troop] 203. 25. SHAWN SWARTZENGRUBER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (37)) was born to Jeffery Swartzengruber 206 and Jeanette Swartzengruber [Troop] 205. 26. STEVEN SWARTZENGRUBER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (37)) was born to Jeffery Swartzengruber 206 and Jeanette Swartzengruber [Troop] 205. 27. SHANNA SWARTZENGRUBER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (37)) was born to Jeffery Swartzengruber 206 and Jeanette Swartzengruber [Troop] 205. 28. JEREMIAH TROOP (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (38)) was born to David L. Troop 207 and Becky Troop [Thompson] 208. 29. MICHAEL TROOP (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (38)) was born to David L. Troop 207 and Becky Troop [Thompson] 208. 30. ZACHERY TROOP (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (38)) was born to David L. Troop 207 and Becky Troop [Thompson] 208. 31. CRYSTAL MICHALSKE (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (39)) was born to Mr. Michalske 210 and Diane Michalske [Troop] 209. 32. SCOTT LEIK (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (40)) was born to Raymond Leik 212 and Barbara Leik [Young] 211. 33. ANDREW YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (41)) was born on 21 September 1977 to Matthew Young 213 and Linda Young [Henry] 214. 34. STACY LYNN YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (41)) was born on 10 June 1979 to Matthew Young 213 and Linda Young [Henry] 214. 35. REBECCA LORRAINE YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (41)) was born on 20 April 1982 to Matthew Young 213 and Linda Young [Henry] 214. 36. SARA FREY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (42)) was born on 26 August 1976 to Thomas Frey 216 and Susan Frey [Young] 215. 37. RACHAEL FREY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (42)) was born on 9 April 1978 to Thomas Frey 216 and Susan Frey [Young] 215. 38. RUTH FREY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (42)) was born on 16 April 1981 to Thomas Frey 216 and Susan Frey [Young] 215. Page 48 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 39. ABIBAIL FREY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (42)) was born on 10 June 1986 to Thomas Frey 216 and Susan Frey [Young] 215. 40. DAVID YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (43)) was born on 21 July 1976 to David P. Young 217 and Carol Sue Young [Dull] 218. 41. JOANNE YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (43)) was born on 14 January 1978 to David P. Young 217 and Carol Sue Young [Dull] 218. 42. JASON YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (43)) was born on 1 February 1980 to David P. Young 217 and Carol Sue Young [Dull] 218. 43. ELIZABETH YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (43)) was born on 6 November 1982 to David P. Young 217 and Carol Sue Young [Dull] 218. 44. DEBRA YOUNG (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (43)) was born on 6 June 1987 to David P. Young 217 and Carol Sue Young [Dull] 218. 45. NATHAN BIEBER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (44)) was born on 14 July 1989 to Mr. Bieber 221 and Gwendolyn Bieber [Krantz] 220. 46. TRACY MOE KAUFFMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (45)) was born on 9 September 1980 to Dwight Kauffman 223 and Kathy S. Kauffman [Krantz] 222. 47. BOBBI MOE KAUFFMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (45)) was born on 13 May 1982 to Dwight Kauffman 223 and Kathy S. Kauffman [Krantz] 222. 48. ANDREW KAUFFMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (45)) was born on 15 March 1990 to Dwight Kauffman 223 and Kathy S. Kauffman [Krantz] 222. 49. ZACCHEUS KRANTZ (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (46)) was born on 16 October 1989 to Roger Krantz 225 and April Krantz 226. 50. KRISTA KRANTZ (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (46)) was born on 18 December 1992 to Roger Krantz 225 and April Krantz 226. 51. DANIEL J. ATKINS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (47)) was born on 20 December 1975 to William C. Atkins 228 and Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227. 52. WENDY ATKINS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (47)) was born on 13 October 1978 to William C. Atkins 228 and Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227. 53. BILLIE J. ATKINS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (47)) was born on 10 February 1984 to William C. Atkins 228 and Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227. 54. ANDREW ATKINS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (47)) was born on 14 June 1986 to William C. Atkins 228 and Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227. 55. SAMANTHA ATKINS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (47)) was born on 22 October 1989 to William C. Atkins 228 and Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227. 56. NATHANIEL ARTZ (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (48)) was born on 12 June 1983 to Scott B. Artz 230 and Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229. 57. GRETCHEN ARTZ (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (48)) was born on 6 May 1985 to Scott B. Artz 230 and Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229. 58. KIRK ARTZ (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (48)) was born on 22 September 1987 to Scott B. Artz 230 and Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229. Page 49 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 59. HANNA ARTZ (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (48)) was born on 20 January 1990 to Scott B. Artz 230 and Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229. 60. MATTHEW LYNN ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born to Rory Eshelman 251 and Shelby Eshelman [Taylor] 252. 61. SETH ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born to Rory Eshelman 251 and Shelby Eshelman [Taylor] 252. 62. ZEBULON ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born to Rory Eshelman 251 and Shelby Eshelman [Taylor] 252. 63. BRADLEY ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born to Rory Eshelman 251 and Shelby Eshelman [Taylor] 252. 64. SAMUEL ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born to Rory Eshelman 251 and Shelby Eshelman [Taylor] 252. 65. DANIELLE ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (51)) was born to Scott Harry Eshelman 253 and Janice Eshelman [Curfman] 254. 66. JANELLE ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (51)) was born to Scott Harry Eshelman 253 and Janice Eshelman [Curfman] 254. 67. GRAHAM ESHELMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born to Scott Harry Eshelman 253 and Janice Eshelman [Curfman] 254. 68. SCOTT LONG (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (52)) was born to Gary Long 255 and Debra Long [Howell] 256. 69. REBEKAH LONG (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (52)) was born to Gary Long 255 and Debra Long [Howell] 256. 70. RACHEL LONG (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (52)) was born to Gary Long 255 and Debra Long [Howell] 256. 71. DAVID LONG (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (52)) was born to Gary Long 255 and Debra Long [Howell] 256. 72. IZAAK LONG (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (52)) was born to Eric Long 257 and Constance Long [Peters] 258. 73. LAURA LEE GRAHAM (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 14 July 1976 to Gerald Eugene Graham 259 and Linda Graham [Buckwalter] 260. 74. MATTHEW LYNN GRAHAM (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 5 April 1979 to Gerald Eugene Graham 259 and Linda Graham [Buckwalter] 260. 75. WANDA GRAHAM [FOX] (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). Matthew Lynn Graham 74, aged 20, married Wanda Graham [Fox] on 26 November 1999. 76. RYAN DALE GAMBER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 23 September 1979 to A. Dale Gamber 262 and Phyllis Ann Gamber [Graham] 261. 77. DANA ANN GAMBER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 30 May 1983 to A. Dale Gamber 262 and Phyllis Ann Gamber [Graham] 261. 78. NEIL BARLEY (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 10 November 1979 to Allen Barley 280 and Dorinda Barley [Bowers] 279. Page 50 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 79. BRIAN BARLEY (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 14 November 1981 to Allen Barley 280 and Dorinda Barley [Bowers] 279. 80. DAVID BARLEY (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 1 April 1988 to Allen Barley 280 and Dorinda Barley [Bowers] 279. 81. NATALIE MARIE BOWERS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 5 August 1992 to Daniel Bowers 281 and Ingrid Bowers [Bonet] 282. 82. GRANT BOWERS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 4 May 1996 to Daniel Bowers 281 and Ingrid Bowers [Bonet] 282. 83. GARRETT SHELDON (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 16 December 1987 to Timothy Sheldon 285 and Mari Sheldon [Friske] 286. 84. AMANDA SHELDON (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 6 June 1990 to Timothy Sheldon 285 and Mari Sheldon [Friske] 286. 85. AARON GAMBOE (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 5 May 1988 to Donald Gamboe 288 and Tracy Gamboe [Sheldon] 287. 86. CRAIG GAMBOE (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 13 April 1992 to Donald Gamboe 288 and Tracy Gamboe [Sheldon] 287. 87. GABRIAL SHELDON (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 18 January 1989, in (adopted), to Stephen Sheldon 289 and Sierra Sheldon [Clair] 290. 88. DAVID SHELDON (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 25 March 1993, in (adopted), to Stephen Sheldon 289 and Sierra Sheldon [Clair] 290. 89. LAURENCE B. SHELDON (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 4 November 2004 to Stephen Sheldon 289 and Sierra Sheldon [Clair] 290. 90. MARK A. WORTEL (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born about 1992 (estimated) to Antoni Michel Wortel 323 and Lorin Wortel [Schaich] 322. Mark died on 28 March 2015. He was buried in Salem Evangelical Reformed Church, Lancaster, PA. 91. MIRANDA L. WORTEL (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Antoni Michel Wortel 323 and Lorin Wortel [Schaich] 322. 92. ERIKA WEAVER [HORNBERGER] (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Scott Hornberger 325 and Patricia Hornberger [Rodgers] 324. 93. JARED WEAVER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Jared Weaver married Erika Weaver [Hornberger] 92. They had three children: Clay Weaver 1 Colby Weaver 2 Sheridan Weaver 3 94. KYLE HORNBERGER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born to Scott Hornberger 325 and Patricia Hornberger [Rodgers] 324. 95. EMILY SIMMONS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Michael Simmons 327 and Jenni Simmons [Rodgers] 326. 96. RACHEL SIMMONS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Michael Simmons 327 and Jenni Simmons [Rodgers] 326. 97. ELIZABETH JANE MADDEN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (53)) was born on 5 April 2003 to Parke H. Madden 335 and Jennifer Ann Madden [Yunginger] 334. Page 51 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 98. HENRY JOHN MADDEN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (53)) was born on 27 October 2005 to Parke H. Madden 335 and Jennifer Ann Madden [Yunginger] 334. 99. THOMAS MICHAEL JOHNSON (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (54)) was born on 25 May 1998 to Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 and Angelique Johnson [Raybuck] 338. 100. CHRISTOPHER RAY (TWIN) JOHNSON (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (54)) was born on 19 October 1999 to Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 and Angelique Johnson [Raybuck] 338. 101. NICHOLAS JAMES (TWIN) JOHNSON (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (54)) was born on 19 October 1999 to Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 and Angelique Johnson [Raybuck] 338. 102. EMILY ROSE JOHNSON (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (54)) was born on 13 June 2002 to Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 and Angelique Johnson [Raybuck] 338. 103. ALYSSA NICOLLE JR. GEHR (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (55)) was born on 24 September 1999 to Arthur Lee Gehr 340 and Nicolle Elayne Gehr [Johnson] 339. 104. COLTON ARTHUR JR. GEHR (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (55)) was born on 17 February 2001 to Arthur Lee Gehr 340 and Nicolle Elayne Gehr [Johnson] 339. 105. JORDAN LEE JR. GROFF (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (56)) was born on 24 August 2002 to Dennis Lee Groff 342 and Adrienne Carroll Groff [Johnson] 341. 106. HARRY DECKLIN SNYDER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (57)) was born on 12 July 2001 to Matthew Harry Snyder 344 and Amy Snyder [Auker] 343. 107. JACK PETER WILLIAMS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (58)) was born on 17 April 2002 to Peter Williams 348 and Shannon Williams [Leonard] 347. 108. ERIN RENEE WILLIAMS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (58)) was born on 9 April 2004 to Peter Williams 348 and Shannon Williams [Leonard] 347. 109. CAMERON QUINN WILLIAMS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (58)) was born on 18 October 2006 to Peter Williams 348 and Shannon Williams [Leonard] 347. 110. GRACE CAROLE LEONARD (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (59)) was born on 8 February 2002 to Eric Leonard 349 and Dawn Leonard 350. 111. VALARIE CILLESSEN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (60)) was born on 7 February 1970 to John Cillessen 352 and Janeil Yvonne Cillessen [Keener] 351. Valarie married three times. She was married to Craig Springsteen 112, Robert Kerin 113 and Andrew Allan 114. 112. CRAIG SPRINGSTEEN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Craig Springsteen married Valarie Cillessen 111, and they were divorced. 113. ROBERT KERIN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Robert Kerin married Valarie Cillessen 111, and they were divorced. They had two daughters: Veronica Kerin 4 in 1992 Chelsea Kerin 5 in 1992 114. ANDREW ALLAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Andrew Allan married Valarie Cillessen 111. They had one son: Hunter Allan 6 in 2000 115. SHANE CILLESSEN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (60)) was born on 2 January 1975 to John Cillessen 352 and Janeil Yvonne Cillessen [Keener] 351. 116. HEATHER CILLESSEN [LUDWICK] (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). Shane Cillessen 115 married Heather Cillessen [Ludwick], and they were divorced. They had three children: Brianna Lynn Cillessen 7 in 1993 Brittaney Cillessen 8 in 1996 Page 52 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Sean Cillessen 9 in 1999 117. TARA CZYZEWSKI [CILLESSEN] (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (60)) was born on 23 October 1979 to John Cillessen 352 and Janeil Yvonne Cillessen [Keener] 351. 118. JEROMEY CZYZEWSKI (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Jeromey Czyzewski married Tara Czyzewski [Cillessen] 117. They had one daughter: Katelynn Czyzewski 10 in 2001 119. TAMMY BOSLEY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (61)) was born on 9 October 1974 to Maynard Bosley 354 and Charlene Frances Keener 353. Tammy died (Auto accident) on 10 June 2011, aged 36. 120. BRIAN KOCMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Brian Kocman married Tammy Bosley 119, and they were divorced. They had two daughters: Alexia Kocman 11 in 1995 Brittney Kocman 12 in 1997 121. BECKY LYNN MONTANO (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (62)) was born on 14 April 1980 to William Pat Montano 358 and Kathy Mae Keener 357. 122. BRIAN ROY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Brian Roy married Becky Lynn Montano 121, and they were divorced. 123. AMY THERESA SWANSON [MONTANO] (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (62)) was born on 18 April 1982 to William Pat Montano 358 and Kathy Mae Keener 357. 124. DARREN SWANSON (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Darren Swanson married Amy Theresa Swanson [Montano] 123. They had two sons: Ryan Eugene Swanson 13 in 2003 Jeremy Michael Swanson 14 in 2006 125. JOSHUA WAGNER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (63)) was born on 6 December 1979 to Gregory Wagner 360 and Jeanne Marie Keener 359. 126. AMANDA WAGNER [TORRES] (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). Joshua Wagner 125 married Amanda Wagner [Torres], and they were divorced. They had two sons: Justin Wagner 15 in 2003 Damian Wagner 16 in 2006 127. JASON NEIL WAGNER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (63)) was born on 13 February 1985 to Gregory Wagner 360 and Jeanne Marie Keener 359. 128. BILLY ANDREW COX (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 18 August 1978, in Lancaster, PA, to Billy Cox 362 and Teresa Yunginger 361. 129. RAINY COX (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 22 December 1980, in Lancaster, PA, to Billy Cox 362 and Teresa Yunginger 361. Rainy gave birth to one son: Jaiden Scott Cox 17 in 2002 130. CORY COX (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 21 December 1982, in Lancaster, PA, to Billy Cox 362 and Teresa Yunginger 361. 131. TIFFANIE GARCIA [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 30 October 1980, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 364 and Deb Yunginger [Saam] 365. 132. THOMAS GARCIA (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Thomas Garcia married Tiffanie Garcia [Yunginger] 131. They had two daughters: Zella Reyne Garcia 18 in 2006 Aburie Saige Garcia 19 in 2010 133. KETURAH YUNGINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 21 December 1981, in lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 364 and Deb Yunginger [Saam] 365. Page 53 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Keturah gave birth to one daughter: Kalyah Ann Frazier 20 in 2001 134. KYLE YUNGINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 5 August 1983, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 364 and Deb Yunginger [Saam] 365. 135. HOLLY YUNGINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 10 January 1986, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 364 and Deb Yunginger [Saam] 365. 136. ADAM YUNGINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 26 October 1992, in Lancaster, PA, to Michael Yunginger 366 and Pam Yunginger [Reed] 367. 137. AMY PATRICIA YUNGINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 15 May 2000, in Lancaster, PA, to Michael Yunginger 366 and Pam Yunginger [Reed] 367. 138. RACHEL CLINTON [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 28 June 1983, in Lancaster, PA, to James Daniel Yunginger 368 and Luann Yunginger [Wentz] 369. 139. JAMIE CLINTON (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 2 March 1981. Jamie Clinton, aged 23, married Rachel Clinton [Yunginger] 138, aged 20, on 1 May 2004 in Lancaster, PA. They had two daughters: Lily Clinton 21 in 2004 Ava Clinton 22 in 2007 140. JESSICA FINNEGAN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 8 August 1984, in Lancaster, PA, to James Daniel Yunginger 368 and Luann Yunginger [Wentz] 369. 141. TONY FINNEGAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 15 September 1981. Tony Finnegan, aged 26, married Jessica Finnegan [Yunginger] 140, aged 23, on 29 September 2007 in Lancaster, PA. 142. JULIANNE YUNGINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 8 August 1984, in Lancaster, PA, to James Daniel Yunginger 368 and Luann Yunginger [Wentz] 369. 143. REBECCA YUNGINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 5 April 1986 to James Daniel Yunginger 368 and Luann Yunginger [Wentz] 369. 144. TYLER RATHVON (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (65)) was born on 4 August 1990, in Lancaster, PA, to John Rathvon 370 and Cindy Rathvon [Duke] 372. 145. CHRYSTALINE RATHVON (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (65)) was born in 1995, in Lancaster, PA, to John Rathvon 370 and Cindy Rathvon [Duke] 372. 146. JASON RISNER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (65)) was born on 1 October 1985, in Lancaster, PA, to Randy Risner 374 and Michelle Rathvon 373. 147. ASHLEY LOUISE RISNER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (65)) was born on 21 August 1989 to Randy Risner 374 and Michelle Rathvon 373. 148. TARA LYNN RISNER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (65)) was born on 21 August 1989 to Randy Risner 374 and Michelle Rathvon 373. 149. ELISABETH NIKOLE DETZ (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (66)) was born on 23 December 2002 to Charles Quinn Detz 377 and Nikole Detz [Yunginger] 376. 150. ZACHARY CHARLES DETZ (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (66)) was born on 21 December 2006, in Lancaster, PA, to Charles Quinn Detz 377 and Nikole Detz [Yunginger] 376. Page 54 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 151. JESSE GRUBB (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (69)) was born to Nathan Grubb 387 and Melanie Grubb [Killian] 386. 152. LILLIAN GRUBB (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (69)) was born to Nathan Grubb 387 and Melanie Grubb [Killian] 386. 153. ELSIE GRUBB (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (69)) was born to Nathan Grubb 387 and Melanie Grubb [Killian] 386. 154. LILLIAN PASS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (70)) was born on 28 December 2010 to Chris Pass 390 and Misty Lee Pass [Spotts] 389. 155. ASHLEY PASS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (70)) was born on 28 December 2010 to Chris Pass 390 and Misty Lee Pass [Spotts] 389. 156. GAVIN TROY KAUFFMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (72)) was born on 14 April 2001 to Troy Kauffman 394 and Janelle Kauffman [Buch] 393. 157. GABRIELL LYNN KAUFFMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (72)) was born on 28 March 2004 to Troy Kauffman 394 and Janelle Kauffman [Buch] 393. 158. GRANT STEPHEN KAUFFMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (72)) was born on 7 August 2005 to Troy Kauffman 394 and Janelle Kauffman [Buch] 393. 159. MADISON BUCH (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (72)) was born on 13 November 2001 to Jason Buch 395 and Tracy Buch [Holzmueller] 396. 160. ALEXIS BUCH (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (72)) was born on 22 February 2003 to Jason Buch 395 and Tracy Buch [Holzmueller] 396. 161. BRYANNA LYNN BUCH (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (72)) was born on 26 July 2004 to Jason Buch 395 and Tracy Buch [Holzmueller] 396. 162. EMMA ELIZABETH WHITMAN (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (73)) was born on 16 June 2006 to Jan-Michael Whitman 398 and Kathleen Whitman [Buch] 397. 163. STEVE SOURBEER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (19)) was born to Mitch Sourbeer 415 and Mickey Sourbeer [Holtzman] 416. 164. BRIAN SOURBEER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (19)) was born to Mitch Sourbeer 415 and Mickey Sourbeer [Holtzman] 416. 165. EMMA BERDINER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to John Berdiner 419 and Melissa Berdiner 420. 166. NOAH BERDINER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to John Berdiner 419 and Melissa Berdiner 420. 167. LOLA BERDINER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to John Berdiner 419 and Melissa Berdiner 420. 168. AARON REESE (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to Jason Reese 429 and Jennifer Reese [Hess] 428. 169. COLE GRUBER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born on 24 January 2005 to Christopher Michael Gruber 435 and Marcie Gruber [Shiffler] 436. 170. JOCELYN GRUBER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (21)) was born on 12 November 2008 to Christopher Michael Gruber 435 and Marcie Gruber [Shiffler] 436. Page 55 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 171. BRIANNA GRACE RYDER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (21)) was born on 4 August 2008 to Ernest Henry Ryder IV 437 and Tanya Ryder IV [White] 438. 172. DUSTIN KNOX (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born in November 2000 to John Knox 440 and Lisa Knox 441. 173. CHRISTIAN KNOX (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born in August 2003 to John Knox 440 and Lisa Knox 441. 174. JENNIFER R. MCDUFFIE (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Mr. McDuffie 448 and Donna M. Book 447. 175. ANDREW M. MCDUFFIE (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to Mr. McDuffie 448 and Donna M. Book 447. 176. MELANIE MCDUFFIE (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). Andrew M. McDuffie 175 married Melanie McDuffie. 177. STEPHANIE TREECE [FRUCHEY] (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Gary Fruchey 451 and Deborah K. Fruchey [Book] 450. 178. BRIAN TREECE (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). Brian Treece married Stephanie Treece [Fruchey] 177. 179. DEANNA JEAN YUNINGER (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born on 10 August 2009 to David Yuninger 457 and Bethany Yuninger [Swanson] 458. 180. BERNERD DOWNEY (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born to Dr. Dennis Downey 506 and Tracey Downey [Musser] 505. 181. MARGARET DOWNEY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Dr. Dennis Downey 506 and Tracey Downey [Musser] 505. 182. KARA DOWNEY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Dr. Dennis Downey 506 and Tracey Downey [Musser] 505. 183. ANNA DOWNEY (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Dr. Dennis Downey 506 and Tracey Downey [Musser] 505. 184. THOMAS DOWNEY (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born to Dr. Dennis Downey 506 and Tracey Downey [Musser] 505. 185. DANIEL EDGAR (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born to John Edgar 508 and Kelly Edgar [Musser] 507. 186. JULIA EDGAR (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to John Edgar 508 and Kelly Edgar [Musser] 507. 187. ZACHARY ADAM STAUFFER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born on 19 February 1998 to Dwayne Adam Stauffer 511 and Jennifer Lynn Stauffer [Good] 510. 188. RYAN CHRISTOPHER STAUFFER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born on 9 November 2000 to Dwayne Adam Stauffer 511 and Jennifer Lynn Stauffer [Good] 510. 189. RICHARD MOSES ROHRER (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 17 October 2004 to Richard Dean Rohrer 523 and Joel Nadine Rohrer [Stoner] 524. 190. EMMA ROSE SAVAGE (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born to Peter J. Savage III 529 and Megan Rene Savage III [Keefer] 528. 191. DEANNA KRAUSE (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (94)) was born to Dennis Krause 566 and Doreen Krause [Fenninger] 565. Page 56 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 192. DENEEN KRAUSE (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (94)) was born to Dennis Krause 566 and Doreen Krause [Fenninger] 565. 193. DANA KRAUSE (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (94)) was born to Dennis Krause 566 and Doreen Krause [Fenninger] 565. 194. HAILEY HILDEBRAND (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Ronald Hildebrand 567 and Jessica Hildebrand 568. 195. HUNTER HILDEBRAND (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Ronald Hildebrand 567 and Jessica Hildebrand 568. 196. LINDSEY STOLTZFUS (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (95)) was born to Arlin Stoltzfus 570 and Kimberly Stoltzfus [Hildebrand] 569. 197. ADAM STOLTZFUS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (95)) was born to Arlin Stoltzfus 570 and Kimberly Stoltzfus [Hildebrand] 569. 198. AUSTIN STOLTZFUS (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (95)) was born to Arlin Stoltzfus 570 and Kimberly Stoltzfus [Hildebrand] 569. 199. NICHOLAS DONNELLY (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson, see Descendants (96)) was born to Timothy Donnelly 573 and Jodi Donnelly [Knottmyer] 572. Generation of Great-Great-Great-Grandchildren 200. KAY SKYLES [TROOP] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 16 November 19 A.D. to Hiram Grant Troop 580 and Claire Troop [Mcfalls] 581. 201. RICHARD SKYLES (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Skyles married Kay Skyles [Troop] 200. 202. H. GRANT TROOP (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 4 August 1951 to Hiram Grant Troop 580 and Claire Troop [Mcfalls] 581. 203. CHERYL MARIE DEAROLF [TROOP] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 18 May 1953 to Hiram Grant Troop 580 and Claire Troop [Mcfalls] 581. 204. LARRY DEAROLF (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Larry Dearolf married Cheryl Marie Dearolf [Troop] 203. They had two children: Ann Marie Dearolf 23 Kyle Dearolf 24 205. JEANETTE SWARTZENGRUBER [TROOP] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 18 January 1957 to Harry L. Troop 582 and Dorothy Troop [Wiebush] 583. 206. JEFFERY SWARTZENGRUBER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Jeffery Swartzengruber married Jeanette Swartzengruber [Troop] 205. They had three children: Shawn Swartzengruber 25 Steven Swartzengruber 26 Shanna Swartzengruber 27 207. DAVID L. TROOP (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 5 March 1958 to Harry L. Troop 582 and Dorothy Troop [Wiebush] 583. 208. BECKY TROOP [THOMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). David L. Troop 207 married Becky Troop [Thompson]. They had three sons: Jeremiah Troop 28 Michael Troop 29 Zachery Troop 30 209. DIANE MICHALSKE [TROOP] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born to Harry L. Troop 582 and Dorothy Troop [Wiebush] 583. Page 57 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 210. MR. MICHALSKE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mr. Michalske married Diane Michalske [Troop] 209. They had one daughter: Crystal Michalske 31 211. BARBARA LEIK [YOUNG] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born to Henry Lee Young 585 and Jean T. Young [Troop] 584. 212. RAYMOND LEIK (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Raymond Leik married Barbara Leik [Young] 211. They had one son: Scott Leik 32 213. MATTHEW YOUNG (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 8 November 1952 to Henry Lee Young 585 and Jean T. Young [Troop] 584. 214. LINDA YOUNG [HENRY] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Matthew Young 213 married Linda Young [Henry]. They had three children: Andrew Young 33 in 1977 Stacy Lynn Young 34 in 1979 Rebecca Lorraine Young 35 in 1982 215. SUSAN FREY [YOUNG] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 25 October 1954 to Henry Lee Young 585 and Jean T. Young [Troop] 584. 216. THOMAS FREY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Thomas Frey married Susan Frey [Young] 215. They had four daughters: Sara Frey 36 in 1976 Rachael Frey 37 in 1978 Ruth Frey 38 in 1981 Abibail Frey 39 in 1986 217. DAVID P. YOUNG (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 4 August 1957 to Henry Lee Young 585 and Jean T. Young [Troop] 584. 218. CAROL SUE YOUNG [DULL] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). David P. Young 217 married Carol Sue Young [Dull]. They had five children: David Young 40 in 1976 Joanne Young 41 in 1978 Jason Young 42 in 1980 Elizabeth Young 43 in 1982 Debra Young 44 in 1987 219. DEBRA KRANTZ (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 12 April 1956 to Richard Krantz 587 and Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586. 220. GWENDOLYN BIEBER [KRANTZ] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 12 July 1957 to Richard Krantz 587 and Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586. 221. MR. BIEBER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mr. Bieber married Gwendolyn Bieber [Krantz] 220. They had one son: Nathan Bieber 45 in 1989 222. KATHY S. KAUFFMAN [KRANTZ] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 11 March 1959 to Richard Krantz 587 and Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586. 223. DWIGHT KAUFFMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Dwight Kauffman married Kathy S. Kauffman [Krantz] 222. They had three children: Tracy Moe Kauffman 46 in 1980 Bobbi Moe Kauffman 47 in 1982 Andrew Kauffman 48 in 1990 224. RICHARD KRANTZ (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 16 April 1961 to Richard Krantz 587 and Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586. 225. ROGER KRANTZ (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 8 October 1964 to Richard Krantz 587 and Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586. Page 58 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 226. APRIL KRANTZ (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Roger Krantz 225 married April Krantz. They had two children: Zaccheus Krantz 49 in 1989 Krista Krantz 50 in 1992 227. JUDY L. ATKINS [MEILY] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 4 December 1958 to Joseph Meily 589 and Margaret L. Meily [Troop] 588. 228. WILLIAM C. ATKINS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). William C. Atkins married Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227. They had five children: Daniel J. Atkins 51 in 1975 Wendy Atkins 52 in 1978 Billie J. Atkins 53 in 1984 Andrew Atkins 54 in 1986 Samantha Atkins 55 in 1989 229. LINDA L. ARTZ [MEILY] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 19 July 1960 to Joseph Meily 589 and Margaret L. Meily [Troop] 588. 230. SCOTT B. ARTZ (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Scott B. Artz married Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229. They had four children: Nathaniel Artz 56 in 1983 Gretchen Artz 57 in 1985 Kirk Artz 58 in 1987 Hanna Artz 59 in 1990 231. BRENDA J. MEILY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 8 December 1962 to Joseph Meily 589 and Margaret L. Meily [Troop] 588. 232. KAREN SIMPSON [MEILY] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 6 April 1966 to Joseph Meily 589 and Margaret L. Meily [Troop] 588. 233. WILLIAM SIMPSON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). William Simpson married Karen Simpson [Meily] 232. 234. STEVEN REYNOLDS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born to John H. Reynolds 592 and Marjorie Reynolds [Lavers] 593. 235. MARK REYNOLDS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born to John H. Reynolds 592 and Marjorie Reynolds [Lavers] 593. 236. HAROLD KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born to Calvin Keene 597 and Valeria Keene [Johns] 598. 237. WILLIS KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born to Calvin Keene 597 and Valeria Keene [Johns] 598. 238. BECKY KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born in (adopted) to Calvin Keene 597 and Valeria Keene [Johns] 598. 239. SARA CROM (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (49)) was born to Larry Crom 600 and Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599. 240. EMILY CROM (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (49)) was born to Larry Crom 600 and Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599. 241. ANNABELLA DIETRICK [CROM] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (49)) was born to Larry Crom 600 and Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599. 242. WILLIAM DIETRICK (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). William Dietrick married Annabella Dietrick [Crom] 241. 243. PAMELA MARLEBUR [CROM] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (49)) was born to Larry Crom 600 and Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599. Page 59 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 244. LEE MARLEBUR (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Lee Marlebur married Pamela Marlebur [Crom] 243. 245. ANDREW KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (50)) was born to Richard Keene 601 and Kathy Keene [Whitelock] 602. 246. JOSIAH KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (50)) was born to Richard Keene 601 and Kathy Keene [Whitelock] 602. 247. BENJAMIN KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (50)) was born to Richard Keene 601 and Kathy Keene [Whitelock] 602. 248. DANIEL KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (50)) was born to Richard Keene 601 and Kathy Keene [Whitelock] 602. 249. SARA KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born to Thomas Keene 603 and Jane Keene [Fleming] 604. 250. MICHAEL KEENE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born to Thomas Keene 603 and Jane Keene [Fleming] 604. 251. RORY ESHELMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born to Barry Eshelman 606 and Janet Eshelman [Keene] 605. 252. SHELBY ESHELMAN [TAYLOR] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Rory Eshelman 251 married Shelby Eshelman [Taylor]. They had five sons: Matthew Lynn Eshelman 60 Seth Eshelman 61 Zebulon Eshelman 62 Bradley Eshelman 63 Samuel Eshelman 64 253. SCOTT HARRY ESHELMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (51)) was born on 2 June 1959 to Barry Eshelman 606 and Janet Eshelman [Keene] 605. 254. JANICE ESHELMAN [CURFMAN] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Scott Harry Eshelman 253 married Janice Eshelman [Curfman]. They had three children: Danielle Eshelman 65 Janelle Eshelman 66 Graham Eshelman 67 255. GARY LONG (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (52)) was born on 26 October 1962 to Richard Long 608 and Paulyne Long [Keene] 607. 256. DEBRA LONG [HOWELL] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Gary Long 255 married Debra Long [Howell]. They had four children: Scott Long 68 Rebekah Long 69 Rachel Long 70 David Long 71 257. ERIC LONG (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (52)) was born on 17 August 1966 to Richard Long 608 and Paulyne Long [Keene] 607. Eric died on 4 December 1992, aged 26. 258. CONSTANCE LONG [PETERS] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Eric Long 257 married Constance Long [Peters]. They had one son: Izaak Long 72 259. GERALD EUGENE GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 15 March 1952 to Norman Leroy Graham 610 and Martha Jean Graham [Myers] 611. 260. LINDA GRAHAM [BUCKWALTER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 23 April 1952. Page 60 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Gerald Eugene Graham 259 married Linda Graham [Buckwalter]. They had two children: Laura Lee Graham 73 in 1976 Matthew Lynn Graham 74 in 1979 261. PHYLLIS ANN GAMBER [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 8 June 1953 to Norman Leroy Graham 610 and Martha Jean Graham [Myers] 611. 262. A. DALE GAMBER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). A. Dale Gamber married Phyllis Ann Gamber [Graham] 261. They had two children: Ryan Dale Gamber 76 in 1979 Dana Ann Gamber 77 in 1983 263. GARY LEE GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 19 January 1962 to Norman Leroy Graham 610 and Martha Jean Graham [Myers] 611. 264. WANDA GRAHAM [WELCH] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Gary Lee Graham 263 married Wanda Graham [Welch]. 265. CHERYL LYNN ROBINSON [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 17 December 1957 to Clair Warren Graham 612 and Dorothy Graham [Hammond] 613. 266. RICHARD ROBERT ROBINSON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Robert Robinson married Cheryl Lynn Robinson [Graham] 265. 267. MICHELE RENEE LASSEES [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 25 September 1965 to Clair Warren Graham 612 and Dorothy Graham [Hammond] 613. 268. KEITH LASSEES (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Keith Lassees married Michele Renee Lassees [Graham] 267. 269. DUSTIN RICHARD GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 24 October 1981 to Clair Warren Graham 612 and Dorothy Graham [Hammond] 613. Dustin died on 23 December 1981, as an infant. 270. KRISTEN MICHELE GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 11 June 1983 to Clair Warren Graham 612 and Dorothy Graham [Hammond] 613. 271. LAUREN ALYCIA GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 11 June 1986 to Clair Warren Graham 612 and Dorothy Graham [Hammond] 613. 272. DONALD EUGENE WEAVER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 18 January 1956 to Mervin Weaver 615 and Charlotte Leora Weaver [Groff] 614. 273. J. MARLIN WEAVER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 14 April 1957 to Mervin Weaver 615 and Charlotte Leora Weaver [Groff] 614. 274. JANICE LORRAINE WEAVER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 16 February 1962 to Mervin Weaver 615 and Charlotte Leora Weaver [Groff] 614. 275. DAWN ELAINE WEAVER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 11 September 1965 to Mervin Weaver 615 and Charlotte Leora Weaver [Groff] 614. 276. JOHN MERLE SOLLENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 6 July 1961 to J. Wilbur Sollenberger 617 and Madeline Marie Sollenberger [Groff] 616. 277. GAYLE MARIE SOLLENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 27 January 1963 to J. Wilbur Sollenberger 617 and Madeline Marie Sollenberger [Groff] 616. 278. LYNELLE FAY SOLLENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 14 March 1970 to J. Wilbur Sollenberger 617 and Madeline Marie Sollenberger [Groff] 616. 279. DORINDA BARLEY [BOWERS] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 16 March 1955 to Lloyd Bowers 619 and Elva Jean Mowrer 618. Page 61 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 280. ALLEN BARLEY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 26 August 1955. Allen Barley married Dorinda Barley [Bowers] 279. They had three sons: Neil Barley 78 in 1979 Brian Barley 79 in 1981 David Barley 80 in 1988 281. DANIEL BOWERS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 30 August 1959 to Lloyd Bowers 619 and Elva Jean Mowrer 618. 282. INGRID BOWERS [BONET] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Daniel Bowers 281, aged 32, married Ingrid Bowers [Bonet] in February 1992. They had two children: Natalie Marie Bowers 81 in 1992 Grant Bowers 82 in 1996 283. DONNA E. BOWERS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 9 October 1963 to Lloyd Bowers 619 and Elva Jean Mowrer 618. 284. KAREN NUSS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 13 June 1983 to Richard Nuss 622 and Linda Nuss [Mowrer] 621. Karen resided at Lancaster (Manheim Township), PA. 285. TIMOTHY SHELDON (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 22 March 1961 to Charles W. Sheldon 624 and Sandra Lee Erb 623. 286. MARI SHELDON [FRISKE] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 12 December 1961. Mari resided at Rapid City, SD. Timothy Sheldon 285 married Mari Sheldon [Friske]. They had two children: Garrett Sheldon 83 in 1987 Amanda Sheldon 84 in 1990 287. TRACY GAMBOE [SHELDON] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 12 February 1963 to Charles W. Sheldon 624 and Sandra Lee Erb 623. Tracy resided at Ypsilanti, MI. 288. DONALD GAMBOE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 18 November 1951. Donald Gamboe married Tracy Gamboe [Sheldon] 287. They had two sons: Aaron Gamboe 85 in 1988 Craig Gamboe 86 in 1992 289. STEPHEN SHELDON (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 11 August 1972 to Charles W. Sheldon 624 and Sandra Lee Erb 623. 290. SIERRA SHELDON [CLAIR] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 23 June 1968. Stephen Sheldon 289 married Sierra Sheldon [Clair], and they were divorced. They had three children: Gabrial Sheldon 87 in 1989 David Sheldon 88 in 1993 Laurence B. Sheldon 89 in 2004 291. CAROLYN JAMIE ERB (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 23 September 1981 to James Erb 625 and Carol J. Erb [Lantheaume] 626. 292. JACKSON MOWRER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 1 September 1996 to Ted Howard Mowrer 627 and Kelly J. Mowrer [Smith] 628. 293. ALEXANDER MOWRER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 14 March 1999 to Ted Howard Mowrer 627 and Kelly J. Mowrer [Smith] 628. 294. CYNTHIA ELAINE SANGREY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 8 June 1962 to Harold G. Sangrey 634 and Patricia Ann Sangrey [Rice] 633. Page 62 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 295. KATHLEEN LOUISE SANGREY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 10 March 1965 to Harold G. Sangrey 634 and Patricia Ann Sangrey [Rice] 633. 296. PATRICK THOMAS RICE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 15 November 1974 to Thomas Richard Rice 635 and Karen Hampton Rice [Beacher] 636. 297. CHAD RICHARD RICE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 16 April 1978 to Thomas Richard Rice 635 and Karen Hampton Rice [Beacher] 636. 298. DARRYL RICHARD HICKS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 25 September 1970 to Darryl Mowrer Hicks 651 and Patricia Marie Hicks [Deckman] 650. 299. TYLER JACKSON AXE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 17 April 1972 to Ronald Carl Rice 655 and Bertha Ann Axe [Nolt] 656. 300. DOUGLAS EDWARD MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 14 January 1963 to Donald Eugene Martin 657 and Elizabeth Louise Martin [Smith] 658. 301. MARY KATHARINE MARTIN [LATHROP] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Douglas Edward Martin 300, aged 32, married Mary Katharine Martin [Lathrop] on 6 October 1995. 302. AMY LOUISE MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (6)) was born on 10 March 1964 to Donald Eugene Martin 657 and Elizabeth Louise Martin [Smith] 658. 303. RYAN MICHAEL HOOVER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 28 October 1980 to Jeffrey T. Hoover 661 and Michele Ann Hoover [Herr] 660. 304. KELLEY LYNN HOOVER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (6)) was born on 16 February 1984 to Jeffrey T. Hoover 661 and Michele Ann Hoover [Herr] 660. 305. EVAN TYLER HOOVER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 30 September 1986 to Jeffrey T. Hoover 661 and Michele Ann Hoover [Herr] 660. 306. CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL SHEAFFER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 26 May 1981 to Steven Linwood Sheaffer 662 and Jenny Miller Sheaffer [King] 663. 307. MATTHEW STEVEN SHEAFFER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 22 January 1984 to Steven Linwood Sheaffer 662 and Jenny Miller Sheaffer [King] 663. 308. MATTHEW SCOTT RINIER BEILER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 7 November 1967 to Vergil Beiler 666 and Barbara Ann Beiler [Simpson] 665. 309. TODD JAN RINEER BEILER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 15 January 1969 to Vergil Beiler 666 and Barbara Ann Beiler [Simpson] 665. 310. KEVIN SHAWN SPERBER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 24 September 1970 to Andrew George Sperber 668 and Vicki Lynn Simpson Sperber [Simpson] 667. 311. CRAIG STEVEN SPERBER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 25 August 1971 to Andrew George Sperber 668 and Vicki Lynn Simpson Sperber [Simpson] 667. 312. ANDREW GEORGE SPERBER III (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 27 March 1989 to Andrew George Sperber 668 and Vicki Lynn Simpson Sperber [Simpson] 667. 313. JEFFERY BRIAN LEWIS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 27 July 1970 to Charles Eddie Lewis 670 and Nancy Louise Simpson Lewis [Simpson] 669. 314. JENNIFER LYNN LEWIS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born on 29 November 1971 to Charles Eddie Lewis 670 and Nancy Louise Simpson Lewis [Simpson] 669. Page 63 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 315. JODI CHRISTINE LEWIS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born on 7 November 1973 to Charles Eddie Lewis 670 and Nancy Louise Simpson Lewis [Simpson] 669. 316. DEVON LEE BRACKBILL (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 26 September 1986 to Gerald L. Brackbill 672 and Brenda Kay Brackbill [Simpson] 671. 317. LORI NICOLE BRACKBILL (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born on 11 January 1988 to Gerald L. Brackbill 672 and Brenda Kay Brackbill [Simpson] 671. 318. LISA MARIE LAWSON [BAKER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (8)) was born on 17 March 1966 to Kenneth Leroi Baker 674 and Joyce Louise Baker [Baxter] 673. 319. TIMOTHY ALAN LAWSON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Timothy Alan Lawson married Lisa Marie Lawson [Baker] 318. 320. CLAY KENNETH BAKER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (8)) was born on 4 September 1971 to Kenneth Leroi Baker 674 and Joyce Louise Baker [Baxter] 673. 321. KRISTINE RENEE KOCH (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (8)) was born on 21 February 1995 to Jeffrey L. Koch 676 and Kimberly Koch [Schultz] 677. 322. LORIN WORTEL [SCHAICH] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to William A. Schaich 683 and Dolores Schaich [Yunginger] 682. 323. ANTONI MICHEL WORTEL (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Antoni became an Antoni and Laurin run a bed and breakfast inn in Lancaster: www.silverstoneinn.com. Antoni Michel Wortel married Lorin Wortel [Schaich] 322. They had two children: Mark A. Wortel 90 (estimated) 1992 Miranda L. Wortel 91 324. PATRICIA HORNBERGER [RODGERS] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Eugene C. Rodgers 685 and Patricia Rodgers [Yunginger] 684. 325. SCOTT HORNBERGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Scott Hornberger married Patricia Hornberger [Rodgers] 324. They had two children: Erika Weaver [Hornberger] 92 Kyle Hornberger 94 326. JENNI SIMMONS [RODGERS] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Eugene C. Rodgers 685 and Patricia Rodgers [Yunginger] 684. 327. MICHAEL SIMMONS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Michael Simmons married Jenni Simmons [Rodgers] 326. They had two daughters: Emily Simmons 95 Rachel Simmons 96 328. SCOTT RODGERS RODGERS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born to Eugene C. Rodgers 685 and Patricia Rodgers [Yunginger] 684. 329. LISA RODGERS [WEBBER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Scott Rodgers Rodgers 328 married Lisa Rodgers [Webber]. 330. ERIN REBECCA HOFFMAN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Melvin (Skip) Yunginger 686 and Donna Jean Yunginger [Weaver] 687. 331. THOMAS HOFFMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Thomas Hoffman married Erin Rebecca Hoffman [Yunginger] 330. 332. DEXTER POPE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (13)) was born to William R. Pope 690 and Ms. Pope 691. 333. LORI WETTIG (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (15)) was born to Robert S. Wettig 696 and Susan Wettig [Thompson] 698. 334. JENNIFER ANN MADDEN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Page 64 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Descendants (17)) was born on 22 May 1969 to John W. Yunginger 713 and Jane Ann Yunginger [Zubler] 714. 335. PARKE H. MADDEN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 25 January 1967. Parke H. Madden married Jennifer Ann Madden [Yunginger] 334. They had two children: Elizabeth Jane Madden 97 in 2003 Henry John Madden 98 in 2005 336. STEPHEN EDWARD YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 5 January 1971 to John W. Yunginger 713 and Jane Ann Yunginger [Zubler] 714. 337. ROBERT THOMAS III JOHNSON (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 23 November 1970 to Robert Thomas Johnson 715 and Patricia Lynn Johnson [Carroll] 716. 338. ANGELIQUE JOHNSON [RAYBUCK] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 married Angelique Johnson [Raybuck]. They had four children: Thomas Michael Johnson 99 in 1998 Christopher Ray (Twin) Johnson 100 in 1999 Nicholas James (Twin) Johnson 101 in 1999 Emily Rose Johnson 102 in 2002 339. NICOLLE ELAYNE GEHR [JOHNSON] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 17 April 1973 to Robert Thomas Johnson 715 and Patricia Lynn Johnson [Carroll] 716. 340. ARTHUR LEE GEHR (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Arthur Lee Gehr married Nicolle Elayne Gehr [Johnson] 339. They had two children: Alyssa Nicolle Jr. Gehr 103 in 1999 Colton Arthur Jr. Gehr 104 in 2001 341. ADRIENNE CARROLL GROFF [JOHNSON] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 1 March 1979 to Robert Thomas Johnson 715 and Patricia Lynn Johnson [Carroll] 716. 342. DENNIS LEE GROFF (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Dennis Lee Groff married Adrienne Carroll Groff [Johnson] 341. They had one son: Jordan Lee Jr. Groff 105 in 2002 343. AMY SNYDER [AUKER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born in 1969 to Barry Auker 718 and Lucille A. Johnson 717. 344. MATTHEW HARRY SNYDER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Matthew Harry Snyder married Amy Snyder [Auker] 343. They had one son: Harry Decklin Snyder 106 in 2001 345. MARJORIE RUTKOWSKI [AUKER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born in 1973 to Barry Auker 718 and Lucille A. Johnson 717. 346. NATHAN RUTKOWSKI (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Nathan Rutkowski married Marjorie Rutkowski [Auker] 345. 347. SHANNON WILLIAMS [LEONARD] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 31 August 1971 to Richard Leonard 721 and Linda Louise Johnson 720. 348. PETER WILLIAMS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Peter Williams married Shannon Williams [Leonard] 347, aged 23, on 26 November 1994. They had three children: Jack Peter Williams 107 in 2002 Erin Renee Williams 108 in 2004 Cameron Quinn Williams 109 in 2006 349. ERIC LEONARD (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 28 February 1975 to Richard Leonard 721 and Linda Louise Johnson 720. 350. DAWN LEONARD (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Eric Leonard 349 married Dawn Leonard. They had one daughter: Grace Carole Leonard 110 in 2002 Page 65 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 351. JANEIL YVONNE CILLESSEN [KEENER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 11 March 1953, in Lancaster, PA, to Neil Keener 723 and Jacqueline Yunginger 722. 352. JOHN CILLESSEN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 19 July 1949. John Cillessen married Janeil Yvonne Cillessen [Keener] 351. They had three children: Valarie Cillessen 111 in 1970 Shane Cillessen 115 in 1975 Tara Czyzewski [Cillessen] 117 in 1979 353. CHARLENE FRANCES KEENER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 26 November 1954 to Neil Keener 723 and Jacqueline Yunginger 722. Charlene married three times. She was married to Maynard Bosley 354, Mr. Baer 355 and David Collier 356. 354. MAYNARD BOSLEY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Maynard Bosley married Charlene Frances Keener 353, and they were divorced. They had one daughter: Tammy Bosley 119 in 1974 355. MR. BAER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mr. Baer married Charlene Frances Keener 353, and they were divorced. 356. DAVID COLLIER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). David Collier married Charlene Frances Keener 353. 357. KATHY MAE KEENER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 28 January 1956, in Lancaster, PA, to Neil Keener 723 and Jacqueline Yunginger 722. 358. WILLIAM PAT MONTANO (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). William Pat Montano married Kathy Mae Keener 357, and they were divorced. They had two daughters: Becky Lynn Montano 121 in 1980 Amy Theresa Swanson [Montano] 123 in 1982 359. JEANNE MARIE KEENER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 1 April 1960 to Neil Keener 723 and Jacqueline Yunginger 722. 360. GREGORY WAGNER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Gregory Wagner married Jeanne Marie Keener 359, and they were divorced. They had two sons: Joshua Wagner 125 in 1979 Jason Neil Wagner 127 in 1985 361. TERESA YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (64)) was born on 21 April 1958, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 727 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Butz] 728. Teresa married twice. She was married to Billy Cox 362 and Gary Robinson 363. 362. BILLY COX (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Billy Cox married Teresa Yunginger 361, and they were divorced. They had three children: Billy Andrew Cox 128 in 1978 Rainy Cox 129 in 1980 Cory Cox 130 in 1982 363. GARY ROBINSON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Gary Robinson married Teresa Yunginger 361. 364. RONALD YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 25 July 1959, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 727 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Butz] 728. 365. DEB YUNGINGER [SAAM] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Ronald Yunginger 364 married Deb Yunginger [Saam]. They had four children: Tiffanie Garcia [Yunginger] 131 in 1980 Keturah Yunginger 133 in 1981 Kyle Yunginger 134 in 1983 Holly Yunginger 135 in 1986 366. MICHAEL YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 22 June 1961, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 727 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Butz] 728. Page 66 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 367. PAM YUNGINGER [REED] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Michael Yunginger 366 married Pam Yunginger [Reed]. They had two children: Adam Yunginger 136 in 1992 Amy Patricia Yunginger 137 in 2000 368. JAMES DANIEL YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (64)) was born on 22 November 1963, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Yunginger 727 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Butz] 728. 369. LUANN YUNGINGER [WENTZ] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). James Daniel Yunginger 368 married Luann Yunginger [Wentz], and they were divorced. They had four daughters: Rachel Clinton [Yunginger] 138 in 1983 Jessica Finnegan [Yunginger] 140 in 1984 Julianne Yunginger 142 in 1984 Rebecca Yunginger 143 in 1986 370. JOHN RATHVON (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (65)) was born on 9 February 1959, in Lancaster, PA, to John Rathvon 731 and Geraldine Rathvon [Yunginger] 730. John married twice. He was married to Sharon Rathvon [Ottey] 371 and Cindy Rathvon [Duke] 372. 371. SHARON RATHVON [OTTEY] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). John Rathvon 370 married Sharon Rathvon [Ottey], and they were divorced. 372. CINDY RATHVON [DUKE] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). John Rathvon 370 married Cindy Rathvon [Duke]. They had two children: Tyler Rathvon 144 in 1990 Chrystaline Rathvon 145 in 1995 373. MICHELLE RATHVON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (65)) was born on 17 July 1963, in Lancaster, PA, to John Rathvon 731 and Geraldine Rathvon [Yunginger] 730. Michelle married twice. She was married to Randy Risner 374 and Dennis Mitterer 375. 374. RANDY RISNER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Randy Risner married Michelle Rathvon 373 in Lancaster, PA, and they were divorced. They had three children: Jason Risner 146 in 1985 Ashley Louise Risner 147 in 1989 Tara Lynn Risner 148 in 1989 375. DENNIS MITTERER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Dennis Mitterer married Michelle Rathvon 373 in Lancaster, PA, and they were divorced. 376. NIKOLE DETZ [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (66)) was born on 4 October 1972, in Lancaster, PA, to Norman Galen Yunginger 732 and Nancy Jane Yunginger [Lynes] 733. In 1990, aged 18 years, she was educated in Manheim Township High School (Graduation). In May 1997, aged 24, she was educated in Elizabethtown College (B.S. Business). In 1998, aged about 25, she was an Internet developer. 377. CHARLES QUINN DETZ (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Charles Quinn Detz married Nikole Detz [Yunginger] 376, aged 26, on 24 April 1999. They had two children: Elisabeth Nikole Detz 149 in 2002 Zachary Charles Detz 150 in 2006 378. NOEL ANDREW YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (66)) was born on 11 September 1975 to Norman Galen Yunginger 732 and Nancy Jane Yunginger [Lynes] 733. In 1998, aged about 22, he graduated from Lehigh University (BA Economics). He resided at Portland, Oregon. 379. DANIELLE YUNGINGER [BARILE] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Noel Andrew Yunginger 378, aged 26, married Danielle Yunginger [Barile] on 11 August 2002 in Denver, Colorado, and they were divorced. 380. TARYN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (67)) was born on 10 October 1979, in Lancaster, PA, to Bill Unknown 735 and Sandy Yunginger 734. 381. CHRISTOPHER YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (67)) was born on 6 July 1983 to Bill Unknown 735 and Sandy Yunginger 734. Page 67 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 382. JUSTIN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (68)) was born on 2 February 1983, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Walton 738 and Joy Walton [Yunginger] 737. 383. CHRISTINA YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (68)) was born on 27 December 1985, in Lancaster, PA, to Ronald Walton 738 and Joy Walton [Yunginger] 737. 384. ANTHONY YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 26 September 1980, in Lancaster, PA, to Marie Yunginger 739. 385. JEFFREY YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born in March 1988, in Lancaster, PA, to Marie Yunginger 739. 386. MELANIE GRUBB [KILLIAN] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (69)) was born on 11 March 1981 to Terrence Killian 741 and Virginia Killian [Ressler] 742. 387. NATHAN GRUBB (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Nathan Grubb married Melanie Grubb [Killian] 386. They had three daughters: Jesse Grubb 151 Lillian Grubb 152 Elsie Grubb 153 388. CHAD KILLIAN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (69)) was born on 8 July 1985 to Terrence Killian 741 and Virginia Killian [Ressler] 742. 389. MISTY LEE PASS [SPOTTS] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (70)) was born on 15 September 1975 to John L. Spotts 744 and Shelley Spotts [Whitman] 745. 390. CHRIS PASS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Chris Pass married Misty Lee Pass [Spotts] 389. They had two daughters: Lillian Pass 154 in 2010 Ashley Pass 155 in 2010 391. JOHN PAUL SPOTTS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (70)) was born on 4 March 1978 to John L. Spotts 744 and Shelley Spotts [Whitman] 745. 392. KAYLA SAWYER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (71)) was born on 3 June 1992 to Kenneth Sawyer 749 and Donna Sawyer [Buch] 748. 393. JANELLE KAUFFMAN [BUCH] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (72)) was born on 11 June 1979 to Daniel Buch 750 and Cindy Buch [Martin] 751. 394. TROY KAUFFMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Troy Kauffman married Janelle Kauffman [Buch] 393, aged 20, on 20 August 1999. They had three children: Gavin Troy Kauffman 156 in 2001 Gabriell Lynn Kauffman 157 in 2004 Grant Stephen Kauffman 158 in 2005 395. JASON BUCH (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (72)) was born on 12 November 1983 to Daniel Buch 750 and Cindy Buch [Martin] 751. 396. TRACY BUCH [HOLZMUELLER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Jason Buch 395, aged 23, married Tracy Buch [Holzmueller] on 15 July 2007. They had three daughters: Madison Buch 159 in 2001 Alexis Buch 160 in 2003 Bryanna Lynn Buch 161 in 2004 397. KATHLEEN WHITMAN [BUCH] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (73)) was born on 15 January 1986 to Douglas Buch 752 and Tina Buch [Welsh] 753. 398. JAN-MICHAEL WHITMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Jan-Michael Whitman married Kathleen Whitman [Buch] 397, aged 20, on 31 December 2006. They had one daughter: Emma Elizabeth Whitman 162 in 2006 Page 68 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 399. CHRISTOPHER BUCH (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (73)) was born on 21 December 1987 to Douglas Buch 752 and Tina Buch [Welsh] 753. 400. TARA ELIZABETH BUCH [WENGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Christopher Buch 399, aged 20, married Tara Elizabeth Buch [Wenger] on 12 January 2008. 401. BRANDON BUCH (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (74)) was born on 11 September 1991 to Richard Buch 754 and Jean Buch [Martin] 755. 402. BRYAN BUCH (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (74)) was born on 11 September 1991 to Richard Buch 754 and Jean Buch [Martin] 755. 403. NICOLE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (75)) was born on 30 October 1989 to David S. Yunginger 758 and Joan Yunginger 759. 404. NADINE MARTIN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (75)) was born on 15 May 1991 to David S. Yunginger 758 and Joan Yunginger 759. 405. JORDAN MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Jordan Martin married Nadine Martin [Yunginger] 404, aged 23, on 11 October 2014. 406. BRANDON JOHN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (75)) was born to David S. Yunginger 758 and Joan Yunginger 759. 407. RYAN SCOTT YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (75)) was born to David S. Yunginger 758 and Joan Yunginger 759. 408. MEGAN KOCON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (76)) was born in 1985 to Bernard Kocon 761 and Diana Mae Kocon [Yunginger] 760. 409. ABIGALE KOCON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (76)) was born in 1988 to Bernard Kocon 761 and Diana Mae Kocon [Yunginger] 760. 410. EVAN PATRICK KOCON (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (76)) was born on 12 March 1990 to Bernard Kocon 761 and Diana Mae Kocon [Yunginger] 760. 411. SEAN DEAVER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (77)) was born on 29 January 1990 to Douglas Deaver 763 and Milissa D. Deaver [Yunginger] 762. 412. SETH DOUGLAS DEAVER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (77)) was born on 20 August 1992 to Douglas Deaver 763 and Milissa D. Deaver [Yunginger] 762. 413. CHRISTOPHER W. BARNETT (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (19)) was born to William A. ("Barney") Barnett 764 and Carol L. Barnett [Hoke] 765. 414. BRADLEY T. BARNETT (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (19)) was born to William A. ("Barney") Barnett 764 and Carol L. Barnett [Hoke] 765. 415. MITCH SOURBEER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (19)) was born to Donald L. Sourbeer 767 and Patricia Sourbeer [Barnett] 766. 416. MICKEY SOURBEER [HOLTZMAN] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Mitch Sourbeer 415 married Mickey Sourbeer [Holtzman]. They had two sons: Steve Sourbeer 163 Brian Sourbeer 164 417. MATTHEW FRANKLIN ROTH (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born on 20 June 1990 to Robert Roth 770 and Barbara Roth [Heckendorn] 769. 418. KAITLIN MARIE ROTH (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born on 23 November 1993 to Robert Roth 770 and Barbara Roth [Heckendorn] 769. Page 69 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 419. JOHN BERDINER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to John Berdiner 772 and Nancy Berdiner [Rote] 771. 420. MELISSA BERDINER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). John Berdiner 419 married Melissa Berdiner. They had three children: Emma Berdiner 165 Noah Berdiner 166 Lola Berdiner 167 421. RYAN BERDINER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to John Berdiner 772 and Nancy Berdiner [Rote] 771. 422. CHAD BERDINER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to John Berdiner 772 and Nancy Berdiner [Rote] 771. 423. JILL EILEEN MOSER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born on 1 October 1979 to Rick Moser 774 and Kathy Moser [Rote] 773. 424. JENNIFER ELIZABETH MOSER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born on 13 October 1982 to Rick Moser 774 and Kathy Moser [Rote] 773. 425. JAMIE ELAINE MOSER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born on 2 April 1985 to Rick Moser 774 and Kathy Moser [Rote] 773. 426. LAUREN MARIE GROFT (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Brian Groft 776 and Patricia Groft [Rote] 775. 427. ABBEY GROFT (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Brian Groft 776 and Patricia Groft [Rote] 775. 428. JENNIFER REESE [HESS] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to William L. Hess 778 and Cynthia Ann Hess [Crist] 777. 429. JASON REESE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Jason Reese married Jennifer Reese [Hess] 428. They had one son: Aaron Reese 168 430. MICHAEL PHILLIPS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to Russell Phillips 780 and Luann Phillips [Strine] 779. 431. MATTHEW PHILLIPS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to Russell Phillips 780 and Luann Phillips [Strine] 779. 432. CAYLI MARIE SCHUMANN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Jay Schumann 785 and Suzanne Schumann [Rohrer] 784. 433. NATALIE WINEHOLT (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to David Wineholt 787 and Anne-Louise Wineholt [Rohrer] 786. 434. MARSHALL WINEHOLT (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to David Wineholt 787 and Anne-Louise Wineholt [Rohrer] 786. 435. CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL GRUBER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born on 12 December 1972 to Ernest Henry Ryder 788 and Patricia Ryder [Gruber] 789. 436. MARCIE GRUBER [SHIFFLER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 25 June 1973. Christopher Michael Gruber 435 married Marcie Gruber [Shiffler]. They had two children: Cole Gruber 169 in 2005 Jocelyn Gruber 170 in 2008 437. ERNEST HENRY RYDER IV (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born on 31 December 1974 to Ernest Henry Ryder 788 and Patricia Ryder [Gruber] 789. Page 70 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 438. TANYA RYDER IV [WHITE] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 5 August 1977. Ernest Henry Ryder IV 437 married Tanya Ryder IV [White]. They had one daughter: Brianna Grace Ryder 171 in 2008 439. HENRY PATRICK RYDER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born on 23 May 1995 to Ernest Henry Ryder 788 and Stasha Ryder 790. 440. JOHN KNOX (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born on 26 September 1970 to Gregory Knox 792 and Deborah Ryder 791. 441. LISA KNOX (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). John Knox 440 married Lisa Knox, and they were divorced. They had two sons: Dustin Knox 172 in 2000 Christian Knox 173 in 2003 442. SEAN CORBIN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born in December 1975 to Carl Corbin 793 and Deborah Ryder 791. 443. PAUL CORBIN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born to Carl Corbin 793 and Deborah Ryder 791. 444. LESLIE RYDER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (21)) was born in October 1974 to Robert W. Ryder 794 and Kathy Ryder 795. 445. DAUGHTER 1 RYDER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (21)) was born to Robert W. Ryder 794 and Deborah Ryder 796. 446. DAUGHTER 2 RYDER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (21)) was born to Robert W. Ryder 794 and Deborah Ryder 796. 447. DONNA M. BOOK (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born in 1951 to Gilbert R. Book 800 and Ethel L. Book [Yuninger] 799. Donna died (brain cancer) on 7 June 2004, aged about 52. She was buried in Indian Town Gap National Cemetery. Donna married twice. She was married to Mr. McDuffie 448 and James R. Gamble 449. 448. MR. MCDUFFIE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mr. McDuffie married Donna M. Book 447, and they were divorced. They had two children: Jennifer R. McDuffie 174 Andrew M. McDuffie 175 449. JAMES R. GAMBLE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). James R. Gamble married Donna M. Book 447, aged about 35, in August 1986. 450. DEBORAH K. FRUCHEY [BOOK] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Gilbert R. Book 800 and Ethel L. Book [Yuninger] 799. 451. GARY FRUCHEY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Gary resided at Findley, OH. Gary Fruchey married Deborah K. Fruchey [Book] 450. They had one daughter: Stephanie Treece [Fruchey] 177 452. GILBERT W. BOOK (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to Gilbert R. Book 800 and Ethel L. Book [Yuninger] 799. 453. DONNA L. BOOK [WINTERS] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Gilbert W. Book 452 married Donna L. Book [Winters]. 454. AMY YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Robert Yuninger 805 and Sharon Yuninger [Alden] 806. 455. JENNY ELIZABETH KEENAN [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Harold R. Yuninger 811 and Dianne Yuninger [Taylor] 812. 456. CRAIG STEVEN KEENAN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Craig Steven Keenan married Jenny Elizabeth Keenan [Yuninger] 455 on 17 June 2000. Page 71 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 457. DAVID YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to Harold R. Yuninger 811 and Dianne Yuninger [Taylor] 812. 458. BETHANY YUNINGER [SWANSON] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). David Yuninger 457 married Bethany Yuninger [Swanson]. They had one daughter: Deanna Jean Yuninger 179 in 2009 459. KRISTEN SMITH [CERVI] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to James R. Cervi 820 and Kathleen E. Cervi [Yuninger] 819. 460. JEFFREY UNANGST (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Unangst 830 and Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829. 461. MICHAEL UNANGST (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Unangst 830 and Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829. 462. KIMBERLY UNANGST (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Unangst 830 and Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829. 463. LORI UNANGST (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Unangst 830 and Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829. 464. RANDY UNANGST (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Unangst 830 and Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829. 465. SCOTT UNANGST (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Unangst 830 and Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829. 466. BRENT WEBER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Noah Weber 832 and Lois Weber [Boose] 831. 467. BRIAN HASSEL (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Hassel 834 and Janet Hassel [Baile] 835. 468. COURTNEY HASSEL (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Robert Hassel 834 and Janet Hassel [Baile] 835. 469. KELLY MARALAMBIE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to James Maralambie 837 and Barbara Maralambie [Hassel] 836. 470. LISA MARALAMBIE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to James Maralambie 837 and Barbara Maralambie [Hassel] 836. 471. MICHAEL I. HENRY (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born in 1960 to Ira F. Henry 844 and Faye Henry [Yunginger] 843. Michael died on 10 March 2010, aged about 49. 472. DIANE HENRY [HALL] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Michael I. Henry 471 married Diane Henry [Hall]. 473. LISA BINCHOFF [HENRY] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Ira F. Henry 844 and Faye Henry [Yunginger] 843. 474. WILLIAM BINCHOFF (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). William Binchoff married Lisa Binchoff [Henry] 473. 475. LAURIE RISK [HENRY] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Ira F. Henry 844 and Faye Henry [Yunginger] 843. 476. BARRY RISK (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Barry Risk married Laurie Risk [Henry] 475. 477. LUANN HASSLER [HENRY] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Ira F. Henry 844 and Faye Henry [Yunginger] 843. Page 72 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 478. CHARLES (“CHIP”) HASSLER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Charles (“chip”) Hassler married Luann Hassler [Henry] 477. 479. ALLAN R. KELCHEN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born to Allan R. Kelchen 848 and Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847. Allan died on 22 April 2008. 480. STEVEN M. KELCHEN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born to Allan R. Kelchen 848 and Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847. 481. VIRGINIA KELCHEN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Steven M. Kelchen 480 married Virginia Kelchen. 482. CHARLES W. KELCHEN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born to Allan R. Kelchen 848 and Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847. 483. CINDY KELCHEN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Charles W. Kelchen 482 married Cindy Kelchen. 484. WILLIAM E. KELCHEN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born in 1968 to Allan R. Kelchen 848 and Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847. William died on 30 November 2009, aged about 41. 485. LUCILLE WILEY [KELCHEN] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Allan R. Kelchen 848 and Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847. 486. MR. WILEY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mr. Wiley married Lucille Wiley [Kelchen] 485. 487. LISA REMLEY [SCHNEIDER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (25)) was born to James L. Schneider 859 and Joan Schneider [Housekeeper] 860. 488. DREW REMLEY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Drew Remley married Lisa Remley [Schneider] 487. 489. CHRISTINA NICHOLE YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (26)) was born to Norman Lynn Yuninger 863 and Deborah Yuninger [Sexton] 864. 490. BRYAN ANTHONY YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (26)) was born to Norman Lynn Yuninger 863 and Deborah Yuninger [Sexton] 864. 491. BRITTNEY YUNINGER [DAVIS] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Bryan Anthony Yuninger 490 married Brittney Yuninger [Davis] on 19 May 2012. 492. LEANNE MARIE YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (26)) was born to Norman Lynn Yuninger 863 and Deborah Yuninger [Sexton] 864. 493. KATHLEEN EAGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (27)) was born to George Howard Eager 868 and Debra Eager [Vasille] 869. 494. GEORGE MICHAEL EAGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (27)) was born to George Howard Eager 868 and Debra Eager [Vasille] 869. 495. KRISTIN VAUGHN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to David Vaughn 870 and Patricia Vaughn [Hagan] 871. 496. TIMOTHY VAUGHN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (28)) was born to David Vaughn 870 and Patricia Vaughn [Hagan] 871. 497. REBECCA VAUGHN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to David Vaughn 870 and Patricia Vaughn [Hagan] 871. 498. JENNIE NESTLERODE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to Larry Nestlerode 873 and Kathleen Nestlerode [Zook] 872. Page 73 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 499. EMILY NESTLERODE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to Larry Nestlerode 873 and Kathleen Nestlerode [Zook] 872. 500. KATE NESTLERODE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to Larry Nestlerode 873 and Kathleen Nestlerode [Zook] 872. 501. PETER NESTLERODE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (28)) was born to Larry Nestlerode 873 and Kathleen Nestlerode [Zook] 872. 502. BENJAMIN FRANK WURST (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (28)) was born to Stephen Wurst 875 and Cynthia Wurst [Zook] 874. 503. ANDREW WURST (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (28)) was born to Stephen Wurst 875 and Cynthia Wurst [Zook] 874. 504. LAUREN WURST (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to Stephen Wurst 875 and Cynthia Wurst [Zook] 874. 505. TRACEY DOWNEY [MUSSER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Clark C. Musser 877 and Barbara Musser [Eastman] 878. 506. DR. DENNIS DOWNEY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Dr. became a Professor at Millersville University. Dr. Dennis Downey married Tracey Downey [Musser] 505. They had five children: Bernerd Downey 180 Margaret Downey 181 Kara Downey 182 Anna Downey 183 Thomas Downey 184 507. KELLY EDGAR [MUSSER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Clark C. Musser 877 and Barbara Musser [Eastman] 878. 508. JOHN EDGAR (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). John Edgar married Kelly Edgar [Musser] 507. They had two children: Daniel Edgar 185 Julia Edgar 186 509. CHRISTOPHER MUSSER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born on 6 September 1972 to Clark C. Musser 877 and Barbara Musser [Eastman] 878. Christopher died (Shot and killed after a party by Jason Moore) on 8 August 1993, aged 20, in Lancaster, PA. 510. JENNIFER LYNN STAUFFER [GOOD] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born on 24 November 1969, in Lancaster, PA, to Donald Ray Good 882 and Barbara Lee Good [Musser] 881. 511. DWAYNE ADAM STAUFFER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 23 December 1967. Dwayne Adam Stauffer married Jennifer Lynn Stauffer [Good] 510. They had two sons: Zachary Adam Stauffer 187 in 1998 Ryan Christopher Stauffer 188 in 2000 512. AMY JAENELL GOOD (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born on 30 December 1973 to Donald Ray Good 882 and Barbara Lee Good [Musser] 881. 513. MICHAEL RUSSEL (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born to Robert Russel 884 and Martha Russel [Rae] 885. 514. JOHN RUSSEL (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born to Robert Russel 884 and Martha Russel [Rae] 885. 515. LAURA RUSSEL (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Robert Russel 884 and Martha Russel [Rae] 885. Page 74 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 516. KATE MELLINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Allen Mellinger 887 and Susan Mellinger [Russel] 886. 517. MARK MELLINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born to Allen Mellinger 887 and Susan Mellinger [Russel] 886. 518. JOHN HAROLD LEAMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 20 October 1972, in Nazareth, Ethiopia, to John Harold Leaman 891 and Patricia Hess Leaman [Yunginger] 890. John was educated (Elizabethtown College). He was educated in Oxford University (MS Philosphy, Psychology, and Physiology). He became a Health Care consultant by McKinsey and Co.. 519. ELIZABETH NOELLE LEAMAN [BARLEY] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 8 June 1976. John Harold Leaman 518, aged 29, married Elizabeth Noelle Leaman [Barley], aged 26, on 22 June 2002. 520. MARK CHRISTOPHER LEAMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 8 December 1975 to John Harold Leaman 891 and Patricia Hess Leaman [Yunginger] 890. Mark was educated in Villinova University, Philadelphia (BS Education and History). He became a Social Studies teacher at Garden Spot High School in New Holland. 521. ANDREA ELIZABETH LEAMAN [STONER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 23 September 1976. Mark Christopher Leaman 520, aged 27, married Andrea Elizabeth Leaman [Stoner], aged 26, on 28 June 2003. 522. STEPHEN DOUGLAS LEAMAN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 26 August 1980 to John Harold Leaman 891 and Patricia Hess Leaman [Yunginger] 890. 523. RICHARD DEAN ROHRER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 6 October 1972 to Richard D. Rohrer 893 and Audrey Jean Rohrer [Yunginger] 892. 524. JOEL NADINE ROHRER [STONER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 25 October 1975. Richard Dean Rohrer 523, aged 29, married Joel Nadine Rohrer [Stoner], aged 26, on 4 May 2002. They had one son: Richard Moses Rohrer 189 in 2004 525. JANINE KAY ROHRER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 11 March 1975 to Richard D. Rohrer 893 and Audrey Jean Rohrer [Yunginger] 892. 526. JULIE RENEE MARTIN [ROHRER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 15 February 1979 to Richard D. Rohrer 893 and Audrey Jean Rohrer [Yunginger] 892. 527. CHAD MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 30 April 1979. Chad Martin, aged 21, married Julie Renee Martin [Rohrer] 526, aged 21, on 24 June 2000. 528. MEGAN RENE SAVAGE III [KEEFER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 26 June 1980 to Kenneth Leroy Keefer 895 and Nancy Evelyn Keefer [Yunginger] 894. 529. PETER J. SAVAGE III (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Peter J. Savage III married Megan Rene Savage III [Keefer] 528. They had one daughter: Emma Rose Savage 190 530. JOSHUA DAVID KEEFER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 3 January 1983 to Kenneth Leroy Keefer 895 and Nancy Evelyn Keefer [Yunginger] 894. 531. JOEL DAVID KEEFER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 11 September 1990 to Kenneth Leroy Keefer 895 and Nancy Evelyn Keefer [Yunginger] 894. 532. BENJAMIN DAVID RITTENHOUSE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 30 July 1988 to Dennis Ray Rittenhouse 899 and Mary Ann Rittenhouse [Yunginger] 898. 533. KATELYN JOY RITTENHOUSE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 17 August 1990 to Dennis Ray Rittenhouse 899 and Mary Ann Rittenhouse [Yunginger] 898. Page 75 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 534. JEREMY MICHAEL RITTENHOUSE (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 27 June 1992 to Dennis Ray Rittenhouse 899 and Mary Ann Rittenhouse [Yunginger] 898. 535. ELIZABETH ANN HESS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to J. Richard Hess 903 and Melissa A. Hess [Yunginger] 902. 536. JENNA LAUREN UNKNOWN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Edgar Unknown 905 and Christine N. Yunginger 904. 537. MADELYN HESS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born on 7 August 1992 to Kevin Hess 906 and Christine N. Yunginger 904. 538. ADAM HESS (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Kevin Hess 906 and Christine N. Yunginger 904. 539. WILLIAM P. MCKINNEY (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Russell Eshleman 910 and Lisa D. Eshleman [Mckinney] 909. 540. KATI Y. SMITH [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger III 912 and Judy Yunginger III [Snyder] 913. 541. CRAIG E. SMITH (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Craig E. Smith married Kati Y. Smith [Yunginger] 540 on 24 June 2000. 542. NATHAN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger III 912 and Judy Yunginger III [Snyder] 913. Nathan resided at Ephrata, PA. 543. KIMBERLY YUNGINGER [LECH] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Nathan Yunginger 542 married Kimberly Yunginger [Lech] on 8 May 2004. 544. ERIC YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger III 912 and Judy Yunginger III [Snyder] 913. 545. BEN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger III 912 and Judy Yunginger III [Snyder] 913. 546. MS. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born on 28 September 1994 to Matthew S. Yunginger 918 and Joleen Yunginger [Brown] 919. 547. REBECCA LYNN CARROLL (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (78)) was born to James Clinton Carroll 939 and Diane Carroll [Graham] 938. 548. MATTHEW JAMES CARROLL (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (78)) was born to James Clinton Carroll 939 and Diane Carroll [Graham] 938. 549. JEFFREY HOLLINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (79)) was born to Robert Hollinger 944 and Joyce Hollinger [Hassel] 943. 550. AMY HASSEL (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (80)) was born to Wayne Hassel 945 and Linda Hassel [Kreider] 946. 551. KIMBERLY HASSEL (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (80)) was born to Wayne Hassel 945 and Linda Hassel [Kreider] 946. 552. MELISSA ROBINSON (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (81)) was born to Thomas Robinson 948 and Esther Robinson [Graham] 947. 553. SCOTT ROBINSON (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (81)) was born to Thomas Robinson 948 and Esther Robinson [Graham] 947. 554. LINDSAY GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (81)) was born to Donald Graham 949 and Dianne Graham [Miller] 950. Page 76 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 555. JESSICA GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (81)) was born to Donald Graham 949 and Dianne Graham [Miller] 950. 556. MEGAN GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (81)) was born to Donald Graham 949 and Dianne Graham [Miller] 950. 557. JENNIFER LONG (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (83)) was born to Donald Long 956 and Barbara Long [Wenger] 955. 558. KEITH LONG (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (83)) was born to Donald Long 956 and Barbara Long [Wenger] 955. 559. CALEY ROARK (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (90)) was born to Virgil Roark 982 and Brenard Roark [Trout] 981. 560. COREY ROARK (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (90)) was born to Virgil Roark 982 and Brenard Roark [Trout] 981. 561. DONNA SWINEHART (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (93)) was born to Russell Swinehart 995 and Dorothy Swinehart [Hagelgans] 994. 562. DENNIS FENNINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Lloyd Fenninger 998 and Dorothy Louise Fenninger [Weaver] 997. 563. BARBARA FENNINGER [CRAMER] (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Dennis Fenninger 562 married Barbara Fenninger [Cramer]. 564. DENISE FENNINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Lloyd Fenninger 998 and Dorothy Louise Fenninger [Weaver] 997. 565. DOREEN KRAUSE [FENNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Lloyd Fenninger 998 and Dorothy Louise Fenninger [Weaver] 997. 566. DENNIS KRAUSE (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Dennis Krause married Doreen Krause [Fenninger] 565. They had three daughters: Deanna Krause 191 Deneen Krause 192 Dana Krause 193 567. RONALD HILDEBRAND (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Ronald Hildebrand 1000 and Julianne W. Hildebrand [Yuninger] 999. 568. JESSICA HILDEBRAND (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). Ronald Hildebrand 567 married Jessica Hildebrand. They had two children: Hailey Hildebrand 194 Hunter Hildebrand 195 569. KIMBERLY STOLTZFUS [HILDEBRAND] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Ronald Hildebrand 1000 and Julianne W. Hildebrand [Yuninger] 999. 570. ARLIN STOLTZFUS (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Arlin Stoltzfus married Kimberly Stoltzfus [Hildebrand] 569. They had three children: Lindsey Stoltzfus 196 Adam Stoltzfus 197 Austin Stoltzfus 198 571. TRACI WEAVER (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter via adoption, see Descendants (35)). Traci was adopted by Robert Weaver 1001 and Jacquelyn Weaver [Sample] 1002. 572. JODI DONNELLY [KNOTTMYER] (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Gregory E. Knottmyer 1004 and Yvonne Knottmyer [Huber] 1003. 573. TIMOTHY DONNELLY (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 77 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Timothy Donnelly married Jodi Donnelly [Knottmyer] 572. They had one son: Nicholas Donnelly 199 574. BRITTANY HORN (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Gerry Horn 1017 and Lisa Horn [Myers] 1016. 575. JARED HORN (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Gerry Horn 1017 and Lisa Horn [Myers] 1016. 576. CHASE BARBER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to David Barber 1019 and Wendy Barber [Myers] 1018. 577. GAIGE BARBER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to David Barber 1019 and Wendy Barber [Myers] 1018. Generation of Great-Great-Grandchildren 578. JAMES RODNEY CHAMBERLIN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (1)) was born on 10 May 1929 to Joseph Ross Chamberlin 1020 and Eva L. Chamberlin [Pursell] 1021. James died on 14 April 1991, aged 61. 579. ROBERT PURSELL CHAMBERLIN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (1)) was born on 13 June 1938 to Joseph Ross Chamberlin 1020 and Eva L. Chamberlin [Pursell] 1021. 580. HIRAM GRANT TROOP (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 3 January 1927 to Hiram Grant Troup 1024 and Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023. 581. CLAIRE TROOP [MCFALLS] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Hiram Grant Troop 580 married Claire Troop [Mcfalls]. They had three children: Kay Skyles [Troop] 200 in 19 A.D. H. Grant Troop 202 in 1951 Cheryl Marie Dearolf [Troop] 203 in 1953 582. HARRY L. TROOP (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 16 September 1930 to Hiram Grant Troup 1024 and Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023. 583. DOROTHY TROOP [WIEBUSH] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Harry L. Troop 582 married Dorothy Troop [Wiebush]. They had three children: Jeanette Swartzengruber [Troop] 205 in 1957 David L. Troop 207 in 1958 Diane Michalske [Troop] 209 584. JEAN T. YOUNG [TROOP] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 15 October 1931 to Hiram Grant Troup 1024 and Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023. 585. HENRY LEE YOUNG (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Henry Lee Young married Jean T. Young [Troop] 584. They had four children: Barbara Leik [Young] 211 Matthew Young 213 in 1952 Susan Frey [Young] 215 in 1954 David P. Young 217 in 1957 586. PATRICIA SUE KRANTZ [TROOP] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 28 August 1934 to Hiram Grant Troup 1024 and Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023. 587. RICHARD KRANTZ (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Krantz married Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586. They had five children: Debra Krantz 219 in 1956 Gwendolyn Bieber [Krantz] 220 in 1957 Kathy S. Kauffman [Krantz] 222 in 1959 Richard Krantz 224 in 1961 Roger Krantz 225 in 1964 Page 78 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 588. MARGARET L. MEILY [TROOP] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 10 February 1936 to Hiram Grant Troup 1024 and Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023. Margaret became known as “Peggy”. 589. JOSEPH MEILY (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Joseph Meily married Margaret L. Meily [Troop] 588. They had four daughters: Judy L. Atkins [Meily] 227 in 1958 Linda L. Artz [Meily] 229 in 1960 Brenda J. Meily 231 in 1962 Karen Simpson [Meily] 232 in 1966 590. CARL G. TROOP (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 9 December 1944 to Hiram Grant Troup 1024 and Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023. 591. DOREEN TROOP [LOWE] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Carl G. Troop 590 married Doreen Troop [Lowe]. 592. JOHN H. REYNOLDS (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 7 August 1937 to J. Horace Reynolds 1026 and Ada Sue Reynolds [Keene] 1025. 593. MARJORIE REYNOLDS [LAVERS] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). John H. Reynolds 592 married Marjorie Reynolds [Lavers]. They had two sons: Steven Reynolds 234 Mark Reynolds 235 594. ROBERT K. REYNOLDS (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 12 September 1940 to J. Horace Reynolds 1026 and Ada Sue Reynolds [Keene] 1025. 595. HOWARD W. REYNOLDS (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 18 August 1947 to J. Horace Reynolds 1026 and Ada Sue Reynolds [Keene] 1025. 596. FRANCINE REYNOLDS [SCHREIBER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Howard W. Reynolds 595 married Francine Reynolds [Schreiber]. 597. CALVIN KEENE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 12 September 1938 to Roy Calvin Keene 1027 and Frances Keene [Byer] 1028. 598. VALERIA KEENE [JOHNS] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Calvin Keene 597 married Valeria Keene [Johns]. They had three children: Harold Keene 236 Willis Keene 237 Becky Keene 238 599. MARY KATHRYN CROM [KEENE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 4 November 1940 to Roy Calvin Keene 1027 and Frances Keene [Byer] 1028. 600. LARRY CROM (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Larry Crom married Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599. They had four daughters: Sara Crom 239 Emily Crom 240 Annabella Dietrick [Crom] 241 Pamela Marlebur [Crom] 243 601. RICHARD KEENE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 28 December 1943 to Roy Calvin Keene 1027 and Frances Keene [Byer] 1028. 602. KATHY KEENE [WHITELOCK] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Richard Keene 601 married Kathy Keene [Whitelock]. They had four sons: Andrew Keene 245 Josiah Keene 246 Benjamin Keene 247 Daniel Keene 248 603. THOMAS KEENE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 25 October 1945 to Roy Calvin Keene 1027 and Frances Keene [Byer] 1028. Page 79 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 604. JANE KEENE [FLEMING] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Thomas Keene 603 married Jane Keene [Fleming]. They had two children: Sara Keene 249 Michael Keene 250 605. JANET ESHELMAN [KEENE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 21 January 1935 to Harry Keene 1029 and Elizabeth Keene [Hambleton] 1030. 606. BARRY ESHELMAN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Barry Eshelman married Janet Eshelman [Keene] 605. They had two sons: Rory Eshelman 251 Scott Harry Eshelman 253 in 1959 607. PAULYNE LONG [KEENE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 14 September 1939 to Harry Keene 1029 and Elizabeth Keene [Hambleton] 1030. 608. RICHARD LONG (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Long married Paulyne Long [Keene] 607. They had two sons: Gary Long 255 in 1962 Eric Long 257 in 1966 609. VERNA MAE GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 25 May 1929 to Warren A. Graham 1031 and Barbara Brackbill Graham [Groff] 1032. 610. NORMAN LEROY GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 6 February 1931 to Warren A. Graham 1031 and Barbara Brackbill Graham [Groff] 1032. 611. MARTHA JEAN GRAHAM [MYERS] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 8 November 1932. Norman Leroy Graham 610 married Martha Jean Graham [Myers]. They had three children: Gerald Eugene Graham 259 in 1952 Phyllis Ann Gamber [Graham] 261 in 1953 Gary Lee Graham 263 in 1962 612. CLAIR WARREN GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born to Warren A. Graham 1031 and Barbara Brackbill Graham [Groff] 1032. 613. DOROTHY GRAHAM [HAMMOND] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Clair Warren Graham 612 married Dorothy Graham [Hammond] on 18 July 1957. They had five children: Cheryl Lynn Robinson [Graham] 265 in 1957 Michele Renee Lassees [Graham] 267 in 1965 Dustin Richard Graham 269 in 1981 Kristen Michele Graham 270 in 1983 Lauren Alycia Graham 271 in 1986 614. CHARLOTTE LEORA WEAVER [GROFF] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 31 July 1936 to John Kinsey Groff 1037 and Mary Arlene Groff [Graham] 1036. 615. MERVIN WEAVER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mervin Weaver married Charlotte Leora Weaver [Groff] 614. They had four children: Donald Eugene Weaver 272 in 1956 J. Marlin Weaver 273 in 1957 Janice Lorraine Weaver 274 in 1962 Dawn Elaine Weaver 275 in 1965 616. MADELINE MARIE SOLLENBERGER [GROFF] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 10 September 1939 to John Kinsey Groff 1037 and Mary Arlene Groff [Graham] 1036. 617. J. WILBUR SOLLENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). J. Wilbur Sollenberger married Madeline Marie Sollenberger [Groff] 616. They had three children: John Merle Sollenberger 276 in 1961 Gayle Marie Sollenberger 277 in 1963 Lynelle Fay Sollenberger 278 in 1970 Page 80 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 618. ELVA JEAN MOWRER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 18 February 1936 to Musser Graham Mowrer 1039 and Mildred Mowrer [Hostetter] 1040. Elva married twice. She was married to Lloyd Bowers 619 and Peter Wuischpard 620. 619. LLOYD BOWERS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 23 December 1933. Lloyd died on 1 April 1995, aged 61. Lloyd Bowers married Elva Jean Mowrer 618. They had three children: Dorinda Barley [Bowers] 279 in 1955 Daniel Bowers 281 in 1959 Donna E. Bowers 283 in 1963 620. PETER WUISCHPARD (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 8 November 1938. Peter Wuischpard, aged 46, married Elva Jean Mowrer 618, aged 49, on 3 May 1985. 621. LINDA NUSS [MOWRER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 30 January 1948 to Musser Graham Mowrer 1039 and Mildred Mowrer [Hostetter] 1040. 622. RICHARD NUSS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 29 October 1946. Richard died on 13 February 2005, aged 58. Richard Nuss, aged 29, married Linda Nuss [Mowrer] 621, aged 28, on 4 September 1976. They had one daughter: Karen Nuss 284 in 1983 623. SANDRA LEE ERB (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 22 March 1944 to Clyde L. Erb 1044 and Sara Lenora Erb [Mowrer] 1043. 624. CHARLES W. SHELDON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 5 June 1943. Charles W. Sheldon married Sandra Lee Erb 623, and they were divorced. They had three children: Timothy Sheldon 285 in 1961 Tracy Gamboe [Sheldon] 287 in 1963 Stephen Sheldon 289 in 1972 625. JAMES ERB (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 24 July 1947 to Clyde L. Erb 1044 and Sara Lenora Erb [Mowrer] 1043. 626. CAROL J. ERB [LANTHEAUME] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Carol married twice. She was married to James Erb 625 and Mr. Chiesa. James Erb 625, aged 31, married Carol J. Erb [Lantheaume] on 30 December 1978. They had one daughter: Carolyn Jamie Erb 291 in 1981 Mr. Chiesa married Carol J. Erb [Lantheaume]. They had three children: Barbara J. Lasalle [Chiesa] in 1964 Patricia J. Kallar [Chiesa] in 1966 Richard L. Chiesa in 1970 627. TED HOWARD MOWRER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 26 January 1950 to Hiram Sylvester Mowrer 1046 and Mary E. Mowrer [Smith] 1047. 628. KELLY J. MOWRER [SMITH] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 27 May 1963. Ted Howard Mowrer 627 married Kelly J. Mowrer [Smith]. They had two sons: Jackson Mowrer 292 in 1996 Alexander Mowrer 293 in 1999 629. DOROTHY LOUISE SYLVESTER [RICE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born to Richard Thomas Winters 1050 and Ella Livington Winters [Livington] 1051. 630. JOHN SYLVESTER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). John Sylvester married Dorothy Louise Sylvester [Rice] 629. 631. BETTY JANE SKYLES [RICE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born to Richard Thomas Winters 1050 and Ella Livington Winters [Livington] 1051. 632. MERVIN SKYLES (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mervin Skyles married Betty Jane Skyles [Rice] 631. 633. PATRICIA ANN SANGREY [RICE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 20 January 1942 to Thomas Richard Winters 1052 and Emma Louise Winters [Rank] 1053. Page 81 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 634. HAROLD G. SANGREY (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Harold G. Sangrey married Patricia Ann Sangrey [Rice] 633. They had two daughters: Cynthia Elaine Sangrey 294 in 1962 Kathleen Louise Sangrey 295 in 1965 635. THOMAS RICHARD RICE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 2 November 1943 to Thomas Richard Winters 1052 and Emma Louise Winters [Rank] 1053. 636. KAREN HAMPTON RICE [BEACHER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Thomas Richard Rice 635 married Karen Hampton Rice [Beacher]. They had two sons: Patrick Thomas Rice 296 in 1974 Chad Richard Rice 297 in 1978 637. JEAN RICE MCFARLAND [LINDSLEY] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born to Jack E. Lindsley 1059 and Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058. 638. RICHARD MCFARLAND (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard McFarland married Jean Rice McFarland [Lindsley] 637. 639. JACK E. LINDSLEY (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born to Jack E. Lindsley 1059 and Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058. 640. CAROL LINDSLEY [MILLER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Jack E. Lindsley 639 married Carol Lindsley [Miller]. 641. JOSEPHINE L. UNROE [LINDSLEY] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born to Jack E. Lindsley 1059 and Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058. 642. RALPH UNROE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Ralph Unroe married Josephine L. Unroe [Lindsley] 641. 643. WILLIAM ROBERT LINDSLEY (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born to Jack E. Lindsley 1059 and Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058. 644. MARJORIE LINDSLEY [EITNER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). William Robert Lindsley 643 married Marjorie Lindsley [Eitner]. 645. PAUL MITCHELL LINDSLEY (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born to Jack E. Lindsley 1059 and Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058. 646. BONNIE LINDSLEY [HOHN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Paul Mitchell Lindsley 645 married Bonnie Lindsley [Hohn]. 647. GWEN L. BLEECHER [LINDSLEY] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born to Jack E. Lindsley 1059 and Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058. 648. JOHN BLEECHER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). John Bleecher married Gwen L. Bleecher [Lindsley] 647. 649. MICHAEL GRAHAM DECKMAN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 6 February 1948 to Cecil H. Deckman 1061 and Ruby Elizabeth Deckman [Rice] 1060. 650. PATRICIA MARIE HICKS [DECKMAN] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 30 November 1952 to Cecil H. Deckman 1061 and Ruby Elizabeth Deckman [Rice] 1060. 651. DARRYL MOWRER HICKS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Darryl Mowrer Hicks married Patricia Marie Hicks [Deckman] 650. They had one son: Darryl Richard Hicks 298 in 1970 652. BRYAN CURTIS DECKMAN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 27 October 1957 to Cecil H. Deckman 1061 and Ruby Elizabeth Deckman [Rice] 1060. Bryan died on 17 August 1991, aged 33. 653. KEVIN DOUGLAS DECKMAN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 10 February 1960 to Cecil H. Deckman 1061 and Ruby Elizabeth Deckman [Rice] 1060. 654. REGINA RICE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 30 April 1939 to Paul E. Axe 1064 and Lillie Amanda Axe [Rice] 1063. Page 82 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 655. RONALD CARL RICE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 2 June 1942 to Paul E. Axe 1064 and Lillie Amanda Axe [Rice] 1063. 656. BERTHA ANN AXE [NOLT] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Ronald Carl Rice 655 married Bertha Ann Axe [Nolt]. They had one son: Tyler Jackson Axe 299 in 1972 657. DONALD EUGENE MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 10 January 1936 to David E. Martin 1072 and Catherine Elizabeth Martin [Herr] 1071. 658. ELIZABETH LOUISE MARTIN [SMITH] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Donald Eugene Martin 657, aged 24, married Elizabeth Louise Martin [Smith] on 10 September 1960. They had two children: Douglas Edward Martin 300 in 1963 Amy Louise Martin 302 in 1964 659. BARBARA LOU MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (6)) was born to David E. Martin 1072 and Catherine Elizabeth Martin [Herr] 1071. Barbara became a School teacher in Bethel Park, PA. 660. MICHELE ANN HOOVER [HERR] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (6)) was born on 16 December 1955 to John Graham Herr 1073 and Reba E. Herr [Aukamp] 1074. 661. JEFFREY T. HOOVER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Jeffrey T. Hoover married Michele Ann Hoover [Herr] 660. They had three children: Ryan Michael Hoover 303 in 1980 Kelley Lynn Hoover 304 in 1984 Evan Tyler Hoover 305 in 1986 662. STEVEN LINWOOD SHEAFFER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 28 August 1952 to Carl Richard Sheaffer 1076 and Dorothy Louise Sheaffer [Herr] 1075. 663. JENNY MILLER SHEAFFER [KING] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Steven Linwood Sheaffer 662 married Jenny Miller Sheaffer [King]. They had two sons: Christopher Michael Sheaffer 306 in 1981 Matthew Steven Sheaffer 307 in 1984 664. SANDRA LOUISE SHEAFFER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (6)) was born on 31 January 1955 to Carl Richard Sheaffer 1076 and Dorothy Louise Sheaffer [Herr] 1075. 665. BARBARA ANN BEILER [SIMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born on 2 January 1947 to George Simpson 1080 and Laura Simpson [Wanner] 1081. 666. VERGIL BEILER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Vergil Beiler married Barbara Ann Beiler [Simpson] 665. They had two sons: Matthew Scott Rinier Beiler 308 in 1967 Todd Jan Rineer Beiler 309 in 1969 667. VICKI LYNN SIMPSON SPERBER [SIMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born on 26 November 1951 to George Simpson 1080 and Laura Simpson [Wanner] 1081. 668. ANDREW GEORGE SPERBER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Andrew George Sperber married Vicki Lynn Simpson Sperber [Simpson] 667. They had three sons: Kevin Shawn Sperber 310 in 1970 Craig Steven Sperber 311 in 1971 Andrew George Sperber III 312 in 1989 669. NANCY LOUISE SIMPSON LEWIS [SIMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born on 5 March 1954 to George Simpson 1080 and Laura Simpson [Wanner] 1081. 670. CHARLES EDDIE LEWIS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Charles Eddie Lewis married Nancy Louise Simpson Lewis [Simpson] 669. They had three children: Jeffery Brian Lewis 313 in 1970 Jennifer Lynn Lewis 314 in 1971 Jodi Christine Lewis 315 in 1973 Page 83 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 671. BRENDA KAY BRACKBILL [SIMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born to James Lee Simpson 1082 and Francis A. Simpson [Lapp] 1083. 672. GERALD L. BRACKBILL (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Gerald L. Brackbill married Brenda Kay Brackbill [Simpson] 671. They had two children: Devon Lee Brackbill 316 in 1986 Lori Nicole Brackbill 317 in 1988 673. JOYCE LOUISE BAKER [BAXTER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (8)) was born on 26 February 1947 to James Baxter 1085 and Miriam Elizabeth Myers 1084. 674. KENNETH LEROI BAKER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Kenneth Leroi Baker married Joyce Louise Baker [Baxter] 673. They had two children: Lisa Marie Lawson [Baker] 318 in 1966 Clay Kenneth Baker 320 in 1971 675. GARRY M. KOCH (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (8)) was born on 21 March 1960 to John F. Koch 1088 and Martha Irene Koch [Myers] 1087. 676. JEFFREY L. KOCH (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (8)) was born on 25 March 1963 to John F. Koch 1088 and Martha Irene Koch [Myers] 1087. 677. KIMBERLY KOCH [SCHULTZ] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Jeffrey L. Koch 676 married Kimberly Koch [Schultz]. They had one daughter: Kristine Renee Koch 321 in 1995 678. EVELYN DARLENE LAUKHUFF [HARKINS] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter via adoption, see Descendants (9)) was born on 1 January 1954, in (adopted). Evelyn was adopted by Edwin G. Harkins 1089 and Martha A. Harkins [Eckman] 1090. 679. THOMAS KIRK LAUKHUFF (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband via adoption). Thomas Kirk Laukhuff married Evelyn Darlene Laukhuff [Harkins] 678. 680. RICHARD PAUL HARKINS (Johannes' great-great-grandson via adoption, see Descendants (9)) was born on 19 October 1955, in (adopted). Richard was adopted by Edwin G. Harkins 1089 and Martha A. Harkins [Eckman] 1090. 681. DEBORAH K. HARKINS [HAMIL] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife via adoption). Richard Paul Harkins 680 married Deborah K. Harkins [Hamil]. 682. DOLORES SCHAICH [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Melvin L. Yunginger 1095 and Ella Yunginger [Keith] 1096. 683. WILLIAM A. SCHAICH (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). William died on 26 March 2015. William A. Schaich married Dolores Schaich [Yunginger] 682. They had one daughter: Lorin Wortel [Schaich] 322 684. PATRICIA RODGERS [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born in 1934 to Melvin L. Yunginger 1095 and Ella Yunginger [Keith] 1096. Patricia died on 22 September 2010, aged about 76. 685. EUGENE C. RODGERS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Eugene C. Rodgers married Patricia Rodgers [Yunginger] 684, aged about 20, on 10 July 1954. They had three children: Patricia Hornberger [Rodgers] 324 Jenni Simmons [Rodgers] 326 Scott Rodgers Rodgers 328 686. MELVIN (SKIP) YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born to Melvin L. Yunginger 1095 and Ella Yunginger [Keith] 1096. 687. DONNA JEAN YUNGINGER [WEAVER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Melvin (Skip) Yunginger 686 married Donna Jean Yunginger [Weaver]. They had one daughter: Erin Rebecca Hoffman [Yunginger] 330 688. CARL FERREE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born in (adopted) to Luther Ferree 1103 and Eva Ella Ferree [Martin] 1102. Page 84 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 689. KEN BRICKNER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (13)) was born to Mr. Unknown 1112 and Helena Brickner [Pope] 1111. 690. WILLIAM R. POPE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (13)) was born to Robert E. Pope 1113 and Friede L. Pope [Eberly] 1114. 691. MS. POPE (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). William R. Pope 690 married Ms. Pope. They had one son: Dexter Pope 332 692. DARWIN P. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (14)) was born to Park Vincent Yunginger 1116 and Ruth E. Yunginger [Bortzfield] 1117. 693. MILDRED M. YUNGINGER [STEKERVETZ] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Darwin P. Yunginger 692 married Mildred M. Yunginger [Stekervetz]. 694. LINDA MARIE LAUKHUFF [WETTIG] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (15)) was born in 1948 to Robert S. Wettig 1121 and Verna E. Wettig [Yuninger] 1120. 695. KEN LAUKHUFF (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Ken married twice. He was married to Linda Marie Laukhuff [Wettig] 694 and George A. Laukhuff. Ken Laukhuff married Linda Marie Laukhuff [Wettig] 694. Ken Laukhuff married George A. Laukhuff. 696. ROBERT S. WETTIG (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (15)) was born on 11 November 1948 to Robert S. Wettig 1121 and Verna E. Wettig [Yuninger] 1120. Robert died on 31 December 1995, aged 47. Robert married twice. He was married to Marguerite J. Wettig [Stoner] 697 and Susan Wettig [Thompson] 698. 697. MARGUERITE J. WETTIG [STONER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert S. Wettig 696 married Marguerite J. Wettig [Stoner], and they were divorced. 698. SUSAN WETTIG [THOMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert S. Wettig 696, aged 17, married Susan Wettig [Thompson] on 23 April 1966. They had one daughter: Lori Wettig 333 699. DONALD M. DILLER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (15)) was born to Donald Morris Diller 1123 and Dorothy Jean Diller [Yuninger] 1122. 700. PHYLLIS D. DILLER [BENEDICT] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Donald M. Diller 699 married Phyllis D. Diller [Benedict] on 31 March 1979. 701. RICHARD C. DILLER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (15)) was born to Donald Morris Diller 1123 and Dorothy Jean Diller [Yuninger] 1122. 702. EVA DARLENE DILLER [ECKMAN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Richard C. Diller 701 married Eva Darlene Diller [Eckman] on 28 September 1980. 703. GREGORY A. DILLER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (15)) was born to Donald Morris Diller 1123 and Dorothy Jean Diller [Yuninger] 1122. 704. KIMBERLY K. DILLER [OTT] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Gregory A. Diller 703 married Kimberly K. Diller [Ott] on 29 April 1994. 705. LAURA B. FUNK [DILLER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (15)) was born to Donald Morris Diller 1123 and Dorothy Jean Diller [Yuninger] 1122. 706. WESLEY R. FUNK (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Wesley R. Funk married Laura B. Funk [Diller] 705 on 19 September 1992. 707. WILLIAM BUCKWALTER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (16)) was born to Charles Buckwalter 1124 and Mable Buckwalter [Pontz] 1125. 708. CHRISTOPHER BUCKWALTER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (16)) was born to Charles Buckwalter 1124 and Margaret Buckwalter [Ackerman] 1126. Page 85 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 709. JUDITH S JOHNSON [SHOPF] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (16)) was born to Richard H. Shopf 1128 and Dorothy Shopf [Buckwalter] 1127. 710. RUSSELL L. JOHNSON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Russell became a Minister. Russell L. Johnson married Judith S Johnson [Shopf] 709. 711. RICHARD JERE SHOPF (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (16)) was born to Richard H. Shopf 1128 and Dorothy Shopf [Buckwalter] 1127. Richard resided at Covington, LA. 712. JUDITH A SHOPF (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Richard Jere Shopf 711 married Judith A Shopf. 713. JOHN W. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 28 October 1938 to Lewis Yunginger 1129 and Ethel Yunginger [Wallace] 1130. John resided at Rochester, Minn. 714. JANE ANN YUNGINGER [ZUBLER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 8 January 1947. John W. Yunginger 713, aged 28, married Jane Ann Yunginger [Zubler], aged 20, on 12 August 1967. They had two children: Jennifer Ann Madden [Yunginger] 334 in 1969 Stephen Edward Yunginger 336 in 1971 715. ROBERT THOMAS JOHNSON (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 19 September 1942 to Robert Thomas Johnson 1132 and Evelyn Johnson [Yunginger] 1131. Robert died on 23 January 1988, aged 45. 716. PATRICIA LYNN JOHNSON [CARROLL] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert Thomas Johnson 715, aged 25, married Patricia Lynn Johnson [Carroll] on 21 October 1967. They had three children: Robert Thomas III Johnson 337 in 1970 Nicolle Elayne Gehr [Johnson] 339 in 1973 Adrienne Carroll Groff [Johnson] 341 in 1979 717. LUCILLE A. JOHNSON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 11 January 1947 to Robert Thomas Johnson 1132 and Evelyn Johnson [Yunginger] 1131. Lucille married twice. She was married to Barry Auker 718 and Michael Ervin 719. 718. BARRY AUKER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Barry Auker married Lucille A. Johnson 717, and they were divorced. They had two daughters: Amy Snyder [Auker] 343 in 1969 Marjorie Rutkowski [Auker] 345 in 1973 719. MICHAEL ERVIN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Michael Ervin married Lucille A. Johnson 717. 720. LINDA LOUISE JOHNSON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 19 March 1948 to Robert Thomas Johnson 1132 and Evelyn Johnson [Yunginger] 1131. 721. RICHARD LEONARD (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Leonard married Linda Louise Johnson 720, and they were divorced. They had two children: Shannon Williams [Leonard] 347 in 1971 Eric Leonard 349 in 1975 722. JACQUELINE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 20 April 1935, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Minerva May Massey 1134. Jacqueline married four times. She was married to Neil Keener 723, Larry Snyder 724, Neil Keener 725 and Douglas Miller 726. Three images relating to Jacqueline Yunginger are shown as Media 1-3. 723. NEIL KEENER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 19 March 1933, in Manheim. Neil Keener married Jacqueline Yunginger 722, and they were divorced. They had four daughters: Janeil Yvonne Cillessen [Keener] 351 in 1953 Charlene Frances Keener 353 in 1954 Kathy Mae Keener 357 in 1956 Page 86 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Jeanne Marie Keener 359 in 1960 724. LARRY SNYDER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Larry Snyder married Jacqueline Yunginger 722, and they were divorced. 725. NEIL KEENER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Neil Keener married Jacqueline Yunginger 722, and they were divorced. 726. DOUGLAS MILLER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Douglas is no longer living. Douglas Miller married Jacqueline Yunginger 722. 727. RONALD YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 23 January 1937, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Minerva May Massey 1134. Ronald married twice. He was married to Anna Mae Yunginger [Butz] 728 and Joan Yunginger [Dows] 729. This image relating to Ronald Yunginger is shown as Media 4. 728. ANNA MAE YUNGINGER [BUTZ] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 5 December 1939, in Lancaster, PA. Anna died on 8 February 1985, aged 45, in Lancaster, PA. Ronald Yunginger 727 married Anna Mae Yunginger [Butz]. They had four children: Teresa Yunginger 361 in 1958 Ronald Yunginger 364 in 1959 Michael Yunginger 366 in 1961 James Daniel Yunginger 368 in 1963 729. JOAN YUNGINGER [DOWS] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 10 May 1938. Ronald Yunginger 727, aged 48, married Joan Yunginger [Dows], aged 47, on 5 October 1985. 730. GERALDINE RATHVON [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 28 August 1941, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Minerva May Massey 1134. Three images relating to Geraldine Rathvon [Yunginger] are shown as Media 2-3 and 5. 731. JOHN RATHVON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). John Rathvon married Geraldine Rathvon [Yunginger] 730, aged 16, on 26 June 1958 in Lancaster, PA. They had two children: John Rathvon 370 in 1959 Michelle Rathvon 373 in 1963 732. NORMAN GALEN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 21 April 1946, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Minerva May Massey 1134. In 1964, aged about 18, he was educated in J.P. McCaskey High School, Lancaster, PA (High School). In December 1972, aged 26 years, he was educated in Millersville State College (B.A. Mathematics). He became a Computer systems programmer, designer and development manager for R.R. Donnelley & Sons in Lancaster, PA. The following information is also recorded for Norman. Religion: Christian; Email: NYunginger@gmail.com. Three images relating to Norman Galen Yunginger are shown as Media 2-3 and 6. 733. NANCY JANE YUNGINGER [LYNES] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 15 May 1948, in Lancaster, PA, to John Walter Lynes and Agnes Eleanor Lynes [Schuler]. In 1966, aged about 18, she was educated in J.P. McCaskey High School, Lancaster, PA (High School). In 1969, aged 21 years, she was educated in St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing. She was a Registered Nurse. Worked for Lancaster General Hospital for 25 years in Labor and Delivery. She was an outstanding nurse who was constantly remembered by her birth patients.. Nancy died (Ovarian Cancer) on 19 September 2003, aged 55 years, in Essa Flory Hospice Center, Lancaster, PA. She was buried in Conestoga Memorial Park. This image relating to Nancy Jane Yunginger [Lynes] is shown as Media 7. Norman Galen Yunginger 732, aged 23, married Nancy Jane Yunginger [Lynes], aged 21, on 28 June 1969 in Lancaster, PA. They had two children: Nikole Detz [Yunginger] 376 in 1972 Noel Andrew Yunginger 378 in 1975 Page 87 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 734. SANDY YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 22 November 1959, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Marie Yunginger [Cox] 1135. Sandy married twice. She was married to Bill Unknown 735 and Bruce Herner 736. 735. BILL UNKNOWN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Bill Unknown married Sandy Yunginger 734, and they were divorced. They had two children: Taryn Yunginger 380 in 1979 Christopher Yunginger 381 in 1983 736. BRUCE HERNER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Bruce died on 4 December 2004 in Lancaster, PA. Bruce Herner married Sandy Yunginger 734. 737. JOY WALTON [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 16 November 1960, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Marie Yunginger [Cox] 1135. 738. RONALD WALTON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Ronald Walton married Joy Walton [Yunginger] 737. They had two children: Justin Yunginger 382 in 1983 Christina Yunginger 383 in 1985 739. MARIE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 6 August 1963, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Marie Yunginger [Cox] 1135. Marie gave birth to two sons: Anthony Yunginger 384 in 1980 Jeffrey Yunginger 385 in 1988 740. JUDY KILLIAN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 21 December 1940 to Allen Killian 1137 and Pauline Killian [Yunginger] 1136. 741. TERRENCE KILLIAN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 9 October 1945 to Allen Killian 1137 and Pauline Killian [Yunginger] 1136. 742. VIRGINIA KILLIAN [RESSLER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Terrence Killian 741 married Virginia Killian [Ressler]. They had two children: Melanie Grubb [Killian] 386 in 1981 Chad Killian 388 in 1985 743. DONALD KILLIAN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 14 May 1951 to Allen Killian 1137 and Pauline Killian [Yunginger] 1136. 744. JOHN L. SPOTTS (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 29 May 1950 to John H. Spotts 1139 and Helen E. Spotts [Yunginger] 1138. John married three times. He was married to Shelley Spotts [Whitman] 745, Daynette Spotts [Baxter] 746 and Carolyn Spotts [Cook] 747. 745. SHELLEY SPOTTS [WHITMAN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). John L. Spotts 744 married Shelley Spotts [Whitman], and they were divorced. They had two children: Misty Lee Pass [Spotts] 389 in 1975 John Paul Spotts 391 in 1978 746. DAYNETTE SPOTTS [BAXTER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). John L. Spotts 744 married Daynette Spotts [Baxter], and they were divorced. 747. CAROLYN SPOTTS [COOK] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). John L. Spotts 744 married Carolyn Spotts [Cook]. 748. DONNA SAWYER [BUCH] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 10 May 1956 to Richard Buch 1141 and Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") Buch [Yunginger] 1140. 749. KENNETH SAWYER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Kenneth Sawyer married Donna Sawyer [Buch] 748, aged 33, on 10 February 1990. They had one daughter: Kayla Sawyer 392 in 1992 Page 88 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 750. DANIEL BUCH (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 27 August 1957 to Richard Buch 1141 and Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") Buch [Yunginger] 1140. 751. CINDY BUCH [MARTIN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Daniel Buch 750 married Cindy Buch [Martin], and they were divorced. They had two children: Janelle Kauffman [Buch] 393 in 1979 Jason Buch 395 in 1983 752. DOUGLAS BUCH (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 9 November 1960 to Richard Buch 1141 and Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") Buch [Yunginger] 1140. 753. TINA BUCH [WELSH] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Douglas Buch 752 married Tina Buch [Welsh]. They had two children: Kathleen Whitman [Buch] 397 in 1986 Christopher Buch 399 in 1987 754. RICHARD BUCH (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 20 October 1963 to Richard Buch 1141 and Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") Buch [Yunginger] 1140. Richard married twice. He was married to Jean Buch [Martin] 755 and Karen Marie Buch [Muscato] 756. 755. JEAN BUCH [MARTIN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Richard Buch 754 married Jean Buch [Martin], and they were divorced. They had two sons: Brandon Buch 401 in 1991 Bryan Buch 402 in 1991 756. KAREN MARIE BUCH [MUSCATO] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Richard Buch 754 married Karen Marie Buch [Muscato]. 757. DEIDRE L YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born in 1956 to David Leroy Yunginger 1142 and Judy Yunginger [Delp] 1143. 758. DAVID S. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 25 January 1958 to David Leroy Yunginger 1142 and Judy Yunginger [Delp] 1143. 759. JOAN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). David S. Yunginger 758 married Joan Yunginger. They had four children: Nicole Yunginger 403 in 1989 Nadine Martin [Yunginger] 404 in 1991 Brandon John Yunginger 406 Ryan Scott Yunginger 407 760. DIANA MAE KOCON [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born in 1961 to David Leroy Yunginger 1142 and Judy Yunginger [Delp] 1143. 761. BERNARD KOCON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Bernard Kocon married Diana Mae Kocon [Yunginger] 760. They had three children: Megan Kocon 408 in 1985 Abigale Kocon 409 in 1988 Evan Patrick Kocon 410 in 1990 762. MILISSA D. DEAVER [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born in 1964 to David Leroy Yunginger 1142 and Judy Yunginger [Delp] 1143. 763. DOUGLAS DEAVER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Douglas Deaver married Milissa D. Deaver [Yunginger] 762. They had two sons: Sean Deaver 411 in 1990 Seth Douglas Deaver 412 in 1992 764. WILLIAM A. ("BARNEY") BARNETT (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (19)) was born in 1947 to William A. Barnett 1148 and Lydia E. ("Tootie") Barnett [Yunginger] 1147. William became known as “Barney”. Barney was an Owner/operator of Keystone Auto Reconditioning Co. in Manheim, PA. Barney died on 18 April 2010, aged about 62. 765. CAROL L. BARNETT [HOKE] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). William A. ("Barney") Barnett 764 married Carol L. Barnett [Hoke]. They had two sons: Christopher W. Barnett 413 Bradley T. Barnett 414 Page 89 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 766. PATRICIA SOURBEER [BARNETT] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (19)) was born to William A. Barnett 1148 and Lydia E. ("Tootie") Barnett [Yunginger] 1147. 767. DONALD L. SOURBEER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Donald L. Sourbeer married Patricia Sourbeer [Barnett] 766. They had one son: Mitch Sourbeer 415 768. DAVID M. HECKENDORN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born in (adopted) to Frank Heckendorn 1151 and Esther R. Rote 1150. 769. BARBARA ROTH [HECKENDORN] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born on 24 November 1953 to Frank Heckendorn 1151 and Esther R. Rote 1150. 770. ROBERT ROTH (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 18 September 1953. Robert Roth married Barbara Roth [Heckendorn] 769. They had two children: Matthew Franklin Roth 417 in 1990 Kaitlin Marie Roth 418 in 1993 771. NANCY BERDINER [ROTE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1153 and Lola A. Rote [Herr] 1154. 772. JOHN BERDINER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). John Berdiner married Nancy Berdiner [Rote] 771. They had three sons: John Berdiner 419 Ryan Berdiner 421 Chad Berdiner 422 773. KATHY MOSER [ROTE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born on 14 October 1955 to Luther W. Rote 1153 and Lola A. Rote [Herr] 1154. Kathy resided at 398 Highland Dr., Mountville, PA, 17554. 774. RICK MOSER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 2 February 1955. Rick Moser married Kathy Moser [Rote] 773. They had three daughters: Jill Eileen Moser 423 in 1979 Jennifer Elizabeth Moser 424 in 1982 Jamie Elaine Moser 425 in 1985 775. PATRICIA GROFT [ROTE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1153 and Lola A. Rote [Herr] 1154. 776. BRIAN GROFT (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Brian Groft married Patricia Groft [Rote] 775. They had two daughters: Lauren Marie Groft 426 Abbey Groft 427 777. CYNTHIA ANN HESS [CRIST] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to W. Layton Crist 1156 and Ruth E. Crist [Rote] 1155. 778. WILLIAM L. HESS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). William L. Hess married Cynthia Ann Hess [Crist] 777. They had one daughter: Jennifer Reese [Hess] 428 779. LUANN PHILLIPS [STRINE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Robert A. Strine 1160 and Betty Lou Strine [Rote] 1159. 780. RUSSELL PHILLIPS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Russell Phillips married Luann Phillips [Strine] 779. They had two sons: Michael Phillips 430 Matthew Phillips 431 781. ROBERT STRINE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to Robert A. Strine 1160 and Betty Lou Strine [Rote] 1159. 782. PETER PERRINE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to Harry Perrine 1162 and Doris L. Rote 1161. Page 90 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 783. DAVID WILSON (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to David Wilson 1164 and Jean R. Rote 1163. David is no longer living. 784. SUZANNE SCHUMANN [ROHRER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Richard P. Rohrer 1165 and Jean R. Rote 1163. 785. JAY SCHUMANN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Jay Schumann married Suzanne Schumann [Rohrer] 784. They had one daughter: Cayli Marie Schumann 432 786. ANNE-LOUISE WINEHOLT [ROHRER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Richard P. Rohrer 1165 and Jean R. Rote 1163. 787. DAVID WINEHOLT (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). David Wineholt married Anne-Louise Wineholt [Rohrer] 786. They had two children: Natalie Wineholt 433 Marshall Wineholt 434 788. ERNEST HENRY RYDER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born on 26 July 1949 to Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 and Christine Ryder [Bauman] 1167. Ernest married twice. He was married to Patricia Ryder [Gruber] 789 and Stasha Ryder 790. 789. PATRICIA RYDER [GRUBER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Ernest Henry Ryder 788, aged 24, married Patricia Ryder [Gruber] on 10 November 1973, and they were divorced. They had two sons: Christopher Michael Gruber 435 in 1972 Ernest Henry Ryder IV 437 in 1974 790. STASHA RYDER (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Ernest Henry Ryder 788 married Stasha Ryder. They had one son: Henry Patrick Ryder 439 in 1995 791. DEBORAH RYDER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (21)) was born on 12 June 1952 to Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 and Christine Ryder [Bauman] 1167. Deborah married twice. She was married to Gregory Knox 792 and Carl Corbin 793. 792. GREGORY KNOX (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Gregory Knox married Deborah Ryder 791, and they were divorced. They had one son: John Knox 440 in 1970 793. CARL CORBIN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Carl Corbin married Deborah Ryder 791, and they were divorced. They had two sons: Sean Corbin 442 in 1975 Paul Corbin 443 794. ROBERT W. RYDER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born in June 1953 to Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 and Christine Ryder [Bauman] 1167. Robert married twice. He was married to Kathy Ryder 795 and Deborah Ryder 796. 795. KATHY RYDER (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert W. Ryder 794 married Kathy Ryder, and they were divorced. They had one daughter: Leslie Ryder 444 in 1974 796. DEBORAH RYDER (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert W. Ryder 794 married Deborah Ryder. They had two daughters: Daughter 1 Ryder 445 Daughter 2 Ryder 446 797. VALARIE ENGELMAN [RYDER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (21)) was born in April 1956 to Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 and Christine Ryder [Bauman] 1167. 798. SCOTT ENGELMAN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Scott Engelman married Valarie Engelman [Ryder] 797. 799. ETHEL L. BOOK [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born on 19 January 1927 to E. Russell Yuninger 1170 and Erma Yuninger [Mowrer] 1171. Ethel died on 10 July 2008, aged 81, in Lancaster General Hospital. Page 91 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 800. GILBERT R. BOOK (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born in 1924. Gilbert died on 5 November 2003, aged about 79. Gilbert R. Book married Ethel L. Book [Yuninger] 799. They had three children: Donna M. Book 447 in 1951 Deborah K. Fruchey [Book] 450 Gilbert W. Book 452 801. MARGARET BOOK [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to E. Russell Yuninger 1170 and Erma Yuninger [Mowrer] 1171. 802. LEON BOOK (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Leon Book married Margaret Book [Yuninger] 801. 803. JOHN WALTER YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born on 5 February 1929 to E. Russell Yuninger 1170 and Erma Yuninger [Mowrer] 1171. 804. ANN E. YUNINGER [GILLEY] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 10 June 1929. Ann died on 7 January 1991, aged 61. An image relating to Ann E. Yuninger [Gilley] is shown as Media 8. John Walter Yuninger 803 married Ann E. Yuninger [Gilley]. 805. ROBERT YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to E. Russell Yuninger 1170 and Erma Yuninger [Mowrer] 1171. 806. SHARON YUNINGER [ALDEN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert Yuninger 805 married Sharon Yuninger [Alden]. They had one daughter: Amy Yuninger 454 807. ALLEN B. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to Ross T. Yuninger 1172 and Florence Yuninger [Brackbill] 1173. Allen became a Minister. He resided at Fair Hill, MD. 808. JANET YUNINGER [WIDDOWSON] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Allen B. Yuninger 807 married Janet Yuninger [Widdowson]. 809. RUTH ANN APPEL [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Ross T. Yuninger 1172 and Florence Yuninger [Brackbill] 1173. Ruth resided at Leola, PA. 810. EDWARD C. APPEL (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Edward C. Appel married Ruth Ann Appel [Yuninger] 809. 811. HAROLD R. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to Ross T. Yuninger 1172 and Florence Yuninger [Brackbill] 1173. Harold resided at Paradise, PA. 812. DIANNE YUNINGER [TAYLOR] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Harold R. Yuninger 811 married Dianne Yuninger [Taylor]. They had two children: Jenny Elizabeth Keenan [Yuninger] 455 David Yuninger 457 813. MARY ELLEN HOAR [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Ross T. Yuninger 1172 and Florence Yuninger [Brackbill] 1173. 814. H. LEE HOAR (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). H. Lee Hoar married Mary Ellen Hoar [Yuninger] 813. 815. ESTA M. FISHER [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Ross T. Yuninger 1172 and Florence Yuninger [Brackbill] 1173. Esta resided at Lancaster, PA. 816. LOUIS FISHER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Louis Fisher married Esta M. Fisher [Yuninger] 815. 817. E. JOAN BROWN [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Paul C. Yuninger 1174 and Pearl E. Yuninger [Stauffer] 1175. E. is no longer living. 818. MR. BROWN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mr. Brown married E. Joan Brown [Yuninger] 817. 819. KATHLEEN E. CERVI [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Paul C. Yuninger 1174 and Pearl E. Yuninger [Stauffer] 1175. Kathleen resided at Pittsburgh, PA. Page 92 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 820. JAMES R. CERVI (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). James R. Cervi married Kathleen E. Cervi [Yuninger] 819. They had one daughter: Kristen Smith [Cervi] 459 821. STEPHEN YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to Paul C. Yuninger 1174 and Pearl E. Yuninger [Stauffer] 1175. Stephen resided at Strasburg, PA. 822. JACQUEL LYNN WOMER YUNINGER [JAKAB] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Stephen Yuninger 821 married Jacquel Lynn Womer Yuninger [Jakab]. 823. JUNE WELK [THOMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to William Thompson 1179 and Pearl Thompson [Yuninger] 1178. 824. ROBERT WELK (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Robert Welk married June Welk [Thompson] 823. 825. DORIS HAGANS [THOMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to William Thompson 1179 and Pearl Thompson [Yuninger] 1178. 826. WILLIAM HAGANS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). William Hagans married Doris Hagans [Thompson] 825. 827. LINDA NEFF [THOMPSON] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to William Thompson 1179 and Pearl Thompson [Yuninger] 1178. 828. DONALD NEFF (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Donald Neff married Linda Neff [Thompson] 827. 829. ROMAINE UNANGST [BOOSE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Emory Boose 1185 and Elva Boose [Hassel] 1184. 830. ROBERT UNANGST (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Robert Unangst married Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829. They had six children: Jeffrey Unangst 460 Michael Unangst 461 Kimberly Unangst 462 Lori Unangst 463 Randy Unangst 464 Scott Unangst 465 831. LOIS WEBER [BOOSE] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Emory Boose 1185 and Elva Boose [Hassel] 1184. 832. NOAH WEBER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Noah Weber married Lois Weber [Boose] 831. They had one son: Brent Weber 466 833. DALE BOOSE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Emory Boose 1185 and Elva Boose [Hassel] 1184. Dale is no longer living. 834. ROBERT HASSEL (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Lloyd V. Hassel 1186 and Betty J. Hassel [Miller] 1187. 835. JANET HASSEL [BAILE] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert Hassel 834 married Janet Hassel [Baile]. They had two children: Brian Hassel 467 Courtney Hassel 468 836. BARBARA MARALAMBIE [HASSEL] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Lloyd V. Hassel 1186 and Betty J. Hassel [Miller] 1187. 837. JAMES MARALAMBIE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). James Maralambie married Barbara Maralambie [Hassel] 836. They had two daughters: Kelly Maralambie 469 Lisa Maralambie 470 838. RICHARD HASSEL (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born to Lloyd V. Hassel 1186 and Betty J. Hassel [Miller] 1187. Page 93 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 839. JUDY RILEY [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Oliver Yuninger 1189 and Wilma Yuninger [Groff] 1190. 840. JOSEPH RILEY (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Joseph Riley married Judy Riley [Yunginger] 839. 841. JAMES YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born to Oliver Yuninger 1189 and Wilma Yuninger [Groff] 1190. 842. JOANNE YUNGINGER [HART] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). James Yunginger 841 married Joanne Yunginger [Hart]. 843. FAYE HENRY [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Oliver Yuninger 1189 and Wilma Yuninger [Groff] 1190. 844. IRA F. HENRY (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Ira F. Henry married Faye Henry [Yunginger] 843. They had four children: Michael I. Henry 471 in 1960 Lisa Binchoff [Henry] 473 Laurie Risk [Henry] 475 Luann Hassler [Henry] 477 845. WILLIAM C. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born to Charles E. (“tip”) Yuninger 1191 and Viola Yuninger [Groff] 1192. 846. ALBERTA "GINNY" YUNINGER [MERVINS] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Alberta became known as “Ginny”. William C. Yuninger 845 married Alberta "Ginny" Yuninger [Mervins]. 847. HARRIET KELCHEN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Charles E. (“tip”) Yuninger 1191 and Viola Yuninger [Groff] 1192. 848. ALLAN R. KELCHEN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Allan R. Kelchen married Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847. They had five children: Allan R. Kelchen 479 Steven M. Kelchen 480 Charles W. Kelchen 482 William E. Kelchen 484 in 1968 Lucille Wiley [Kelchen] 485 849. GLEN R. LEFEVER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born on 12 February 1938 to Jacob Roy Lefever 1197 and M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196. 850. JANET LEFEVER [WIMER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 11 December 1937. Janet died on 5 December 1979, aged 41. She was buried in Mt. Eden Lutheran Cemetery in Quarryville. Glen R. Lefever 849 married Janet Lefever [Wimer]. 851. PAULINE E. HENRY [LEFEVER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Jacob Roy Lefever 1197 and M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196. 852. CARL ABSHER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Carl Absher married Pauline E. Henry [Lefever] 851. 853. DONNA L. SPADE [LEFEVER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Jacob Roy Lefever 1197 and M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196. 854. GEORGE SPADE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). George Spade married Donna L. Spade [Lefever] 853. 855. HOWARD DENNIS YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born to J. Chester ("Ted") Yunginger 1201 and Dorothy N. Yunginger [Smith] 1202. Howard resided at Holtwood, PA. 856. BONNIE LEE GOOD YUNGINGER [KAMMERER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Howard Dennis Yunginger 855 married Bonnie Lee Good Yunginger [Kammerer]. 857. RONALD E. SCHNEIDER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (25)) was born to John Schneider 1208 and Fannie Schneider [Yuninger] 1207. Ronald resided at Lecanto, FL. Page 94 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 858. ANGELO SCHNEIDER [CUTAGNO] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Ronald E. Schneider 857 married Angelo Schneider [Cutagno]. 859. JAMES L. SCHNEIDER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (25)) was born to John Schneider 1208 and Fannie Schneider [Yuninger] 1207. James was a Lineman for PP&L corporation. James died on 19 March 2011. James married twice. He was married to Joan Schneider [Housekeeper] 860 and Shelley Schneider [Stirling] 861. 860. JOAN SCHNEIDER [HOUSEKEEPER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). James L. Schneider 859 married Joan Schneider [Housekeeper]. They had one daughter: Lisa Remley [Schneider] 487 861. SHELLEY SCHNEIDER [STIRLING] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). James L. Schneider 859 married Shelley Schneider [Stirling]. 862. MARK A. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (26)) was born on 29 November 1959 to Norman E. Yuninger 1213 and Lynne Mae (“pinky”) Yuninger [Furlow] 1215. Mark died on 18 July 1980, aged 20. 863. NORMAN LYNN YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (26)) was born on 8 January 1964 to Norman E. Yuninger 1213 and Lynne Mae (“pinky”) Yuninger [Furlow] 1215. Norman was educated (Penn Manor High School). He was an U.S. Navy 1982-1985, Worked for D.H Funk and Sons, Columbia, PA. Norman died on 13 February 2015, aged 51. Norman married twice. He was married to Deborah Yuninger [Sexton] 864 and P. K. Wisenman Yuninger 865. This image relating to Norman Lynn Yuninger is shown as Media 9. 864. DEBORAH YUNINGER [SEXTON] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Norman Lynn Yuninger 863 married Deborah Yuninger [Sexton]. They had three children: Christina Nichole Yuninger 489 Bryan Anthony Yuninger 490 Leanne Marie Yuninger 492 865. P. K. WISENMAN YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Norman Lynn Yuninger 863 married P. K. Wisenman Yuninger. 866. SHIRL YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (26)) was born to Edgar Yuninger 1216 and Ruth Yuninger [Findley] 1217. 867. SUSAN YUNINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (26)) was born to Edgar Yuninger 1216 and Ruth Yuninger [Findley] 1217. 868. GEORGE HOWARD EAGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (27)) was born to George Willard Eager 1220 and Betty Eager [Shaw] 1221. George became an Attorney. 869. DEBRA EAGER [VASILLE] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). George Howard Eager 868 married Debra Eager [Vasille]. They had two children: Kathleen Eager 493 George Michael Eager 494 870. DAVID VAUGHN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (28)) was born to Robert Miller Vaughn 1223 and Norma Marguerite Vaughn [Huhn] 1222. 871. PATRICIA VAUGHN [HAGAN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). David Vaughn 870 married Patricia Vaughn [Hagan]. They had three children: Kristin Vaughn 495 Timothy Vaughn 496 Rebecca Vaughn 497 872. KATHLEEN NESTLERODE [ZOOK] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to George Zook 1225 and Marilyn Zook [Huhn] 1224. 873. LARRY NESTLERODE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 95 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Larry Nestlerode married Kathleen Nestlerode [Zook] 872. They had four children: Jennie Nestlerode 498 Emily Nestlerode 499 Kate Nestlerode 500 Peter Nestlerode 501 874. CYNTHIA WURST [ZOOK] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to George Zook 1225 and Marilyn Zook [Huhn] 1224. 875. STEPHEN WURST (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Stephen Wurst married Cynthia Wurst [Zook] 874. They had three children: Benjamin Frank Wurst 502 Andrew Wurst 503 Lauren Wurst 504 876. RONALD E. MUSSER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born on 9 July 1934 to Wilbur E. Musser 1230 and Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229. 877. CLARK C. MUSSER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born on 11 July 1937 to Wilbur E. Musser 1230 and Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229. Clark resided at Lititz, PA. 878. BARBARA MUSSER [EASTMAN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Barbara resided at Lititz, PA. Clark C. Musser 877 married Barbara Musser [Eastman]. They had three children: Tracey Downey [Musser] 505 Kelly Edgar [Musser] 507 Christopher Musser 509 in 1972 879. MILDRED WIMER [MUSSER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born on 1 January 1942 to Wilbur E. Musser 1230 and Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229. 880. MELVIN WIMER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Melvin Wimer married Mildred Wimer [Musser] 879. 881. BARBARA LEE GOOD [MUSSER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born on 5 December 1945 to Wilbur E. Musser 1230 and Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229. 882. DONALD RAY GOOD (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Donald Ray Good married Barbara Lee Good [Musser] 881. They had two daughters: Jennifer Lynn Stauffer [Good] 510 in 1969 Amy Jaenell Good 512 in 1973 883. JOHN MUSSER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born on 17 August 1947 to Wilbur E. Musser 1230 and Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229. 884. ROBERT RUSSEL (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (30)) was born to Gabriel Russel 1232 and Dorothy Russel [Clark] 1231. 885. MARTHA RUSSEL [RAE] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert Russel 884 married Martha Russel [Rae]. They had three children: Michael Russel 513 John Russel 514 Laura Russel 515 886. SUSAN MELLINGER [RUSSEL] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Gabriel Russel 1232 and Dorothy Russel [Clark] 1231. 887. ALLEN MELLINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Allen Mellinger married Susan Mellinger [Russel] 886. They had two children: Kate Mellinger 516 Mark Mellinger 517 888. LARRY ESBENSHADE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born to Clarence A. Esbenshade 1234 and Arlene E. Esbenshade [Yunginger] 1233. Page 96 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 889. FAE D. ESBENSHADE (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Larry Esbenshade 888 married Fae D. Esbenshade. They had two children. 890. PATRICIA HESS LEAMAN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 5 October 1948 to Richard Clair Yunginger 1235 and Jean Reist Yunginger [Hess] 1236. Patricia was educated (Lancaster General Hospital School of Nursing). She was educated (Villanova University, BS Hospice Nursing). She became a Hospice Nurse. The following information is also recorded for Patricia. Religion: Mennonite. 891. JOHN HAROLD LEAMAN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 3 February 1947, in Lancaster, PA. John was educated (Millersville University and State Univ. of New York at Buffalo). He became a Professor, Geography, Villanova University. John Harold Leaman, aged 22, married Patricia Hess Leaman [Yunginger] 890, aged 20, on 23 August 1969 in Mount Joy, PA. They had three sons: John Harold Leaman 518 in 1972 Mark Christopher Leaman 520 in 1975 Stephen Douglas Leaman 522 in 1980 892. AUDREY JEAN ROHRER [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 1 December 1951 to Richard Clair Yunginger 1235 and Jean Reist Yunginger [Hess] 1236. 893. RICHARD D. ROHRER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 18 February 1951. Richard D. Rohrer, aged 20, married Audrey Jean Rohrer [Yunginger] 892, aged 19, on 27 November 1971. They had three children: Richard Dean Rohrer 523 in 1972 Janine Kay Rohrer 525 in 1975 Julie Renee Martin [Rohrer] 526 in 1979 894. NANCY EVELYN KEEFER [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 3 May 1954 to Richard Clair Yunginger 1235 and Jean Reist Yunginger [Hess] 1236. 895. KENNETH LEROY KEEFER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 25 October 1946. Kenneth died on 10 December 2010, aged 64. Kenneth Leroy Keefer, aged 30, married Nancy Evelyn Keefer [Yunginger] 894, aged 23, on 7 May 1977. They had three children: Megan Rene Savage III [Keefer] 528 in 1980 Joshua David Keefer 530 in 1983 Joel David Keefer 531 in 1990 896. RICHARD CLAIR YUNGINGER JR. MD (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 3 March 1957 to Richard Clair Yunginger 1235 and Jean Reist Yunginger [Hess] 1236. Richard was educated in Eastern Mennonite University. He was educated in Howard University Medical School. He became a Family Practice physician in Lancaster, PA. 897. JANINE L. YUNGINGER [WENGER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife) was born on 4 March 1962. Richard Clair Yunginger Jr. Md 896, aged 29, married Janine L. Yunginger [Wenger], aged 24, on 19 April 1986. 898. MARY ANN RITTENHOUSE [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was born on 28 August 1958 to Richard Clair Yunginger 1235 and Jean Reist Yunginger [Hess] 1236. 899. DENNIS RAY RITTENHOUSE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 8 April 1954. Dennis Ray Rittenhouse, aged 32, married Mary Ann Rittenhouse [Yunginger] 898, aged 27, on 19 April 1986. They had three children: Benjamin David Rittenhouse 532 in 1988 Katelyn Joy Rittenhouse 533 in 1990 Jeremy Michael Rittenhouse 534 in 1992 900. COLLEEN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to C. Norman Yunginger 1237 and Marion Yunginger [Rachkoskie] 1238. Colleen resided at Red Leaf Lane, (Regent's Park), Lancaster, PA. Page 97 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 901. RAY ADAMS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Ray Adams married Colleen Yunginger 900, and they were divorced. 902. MELISSA A. HESS [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to C. Norman Yunginger 1237 and Marion Yunginger [Rachkoskie] 1238. Melissa resided at Highview Drive, Lititz, Lititz, PA. The following information is also recorded for Melissa. Email: mehess@aol.com. 903. J. RICHARD HESS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). J. Richard Hess married Melissa A. Hess [Yunginger] 902. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Ann Hess 535 904. CHRISTINE N. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to C. Norman Yunginger 1237 and Marion Yunginger [Rachkoskie] 1238. Christine married twice. She was married to Edgar Unknown 905 and Kevin Hess 906. 905. EDGAR UNKNOWN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Edgar Unknown married Christine N. Yunginger 904, and they were divorced. They had one daughter: Jenna Lauren Unknown 536 906. KEVIN HESS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Kevin Hess married Christine N. Yunginger 904. They had two children: Madelyn Hess 537 in 1992 Adam Hess 538 907. JOSEPH MILLER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Horace Miller 1240 and Nancy Ruth Yunginger 1239. 908. JANICE CENTINI (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Earl Centini 1243 and Betty Susan Yunginger 1242. 909. LISA D. ESHLEMAN [MCKINNEY] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to W. Parke McKinney 1246 and Mary Mildred McKinney [Yunginger] 1245. 910. RUSSELL ESHLEMAN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Russell Eshleman married Lisa D. Eshleman [Mckinney] 909. They had one son: William P. McKinney 539 911. WILLIAM P. MCKINNEY (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to W. Parke McKinney 1246 and Mary Mildred McKinney [Yunginger] 1245. 912. BENJAMIN FRANK YUNGINGER III (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1247 and Martha E. Yunginger [Hohenwater] 1248. Benjamin resided at East Petersburg, PA. 913. JUDY YUNGINGER III [SNYDER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Benjamin Frank Yunginger III 912 married Judy Yunginger III [Snyder]. They had four children: Kati Y. Smith [Yunginger] 540 Nathan Yunginger 542 Eric Yunginger 544 Ben Yunginger 545 914. JEFFREY K. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1247 and Martha E. Yunginger [Hohenwater] 1248. 915. BETTY YUNGINGER [GOCKLEY] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Jeffrey K. Yunginger 914 married Betty Yunginger [Gockley]. 916. SUSAN E. LILLY [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1247 and Martha E. Yunginger [Hohenwater] 1248. 917. MARK LILLY (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Mark Lilly married Susan E. Lilly [Yunginger] 916. 918. MATTHEW S. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1247 and Martha E. Yunginger [Hohenwater] 1248. Page 98 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 919. JOLEEN YUNGINGER [BROWN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Matthew S. Yunginger 918 married Joleen Yunginger [Brown] on 11 April 1992. They had one daughter: Ms. Yunginger 546 in 1994 920. TAMMY COBLE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Donald Coble 1252 and Anna Belle Yunginger 1251. 921. CYNTHIA COBLE (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Donald Coble 1252 and Anna Belle Yunginger 1251. 922. TODD COBLE (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Donald Coble 1252 and Anna Belle Yunginger 1251. 923. DENISE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Roland Yunginger Yunginger 1254 and Joyce Yunginger [Rohrer] 1255. 924. ROLAND YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Roland Yunginger Yunginger 1254 and Joyce Yunginger [Rohrer] 1255. 925. LORI BAKER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to John Baker 1257 and Yvonne Baker [Yunginger] 1256. 926. JOHN BAKER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to John Baker 1257 and Yvonne Baker [Yunginger] 1256. 927. CAROLL BAKER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to John Baker 1257 and Yvonne Baker [Yunginger] 1256. 928. MELISSA BAKER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to John Baker 1257 and Yvonne Baker [Yunginger] 1256. 929. CHRISTINE HAGENS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Jack Hagens 1277 and Mary Hagens [Sheafer] 1276. 930. REBECCA HAGENS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Jack Hagens 1277 and Mary Hagens [Sheafer] 1276. 931. KATHLEEN HAGENS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Jack Hagens 1277 and Mary Hagens [Sheafer] 1276. 932. GALE SHEAFER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Jacob Sheafer 1278 and Roslyn Sheafer [Roth] 1279. 933. BRYAN SHEAFER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Jacob Sheafer 1278 and Roslyn Sheafer [Roth] 1279. 934. RANDY SHEAFER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Jacob Sheafer 1278 and Roslyn Sheafer [Roth] 1279. 935. DEBRA ANN DITZLER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born in Greensboro, NC to William D. Ditzler 1284 and Gloria Ditzler [Landis] 1283. 936. AMY D. SPRADLIN [DITZLER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to William D. Ditzler 1284 and Gloria Ditzler [Landis] 1283. 937. SCOTT SPRADLIN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Scott Spradlin married Amy D. Spradlin [Ditzler] 936. 938. DIANE CARROLL [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to David Graham 1287 and Irene Graham [Welk] 1288. Page 99 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 939. JAMES CLINTON CARROLL (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). James Clinton Carroll married Diane Carroll [Graham] 938. They had two children: Rebecca Lynn Carroll 547 Matthew James Carroll 548 940. DONNA GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to David Graham 1287 and Irene Graham [Welk] 1288. 941. DAVID GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to David Graham 1287 and Irene Graham [Welk] 1288. 942. DANNY GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to David Graham 1287 and Irene Graham [Welk] 1288. 943. JOYCE HOLLINGER [HASSEL] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Ellis Hassel 1296 and Viola Hassel [Graham] 1295. 944. ROBERT HOLLINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Robert Hollinger married Joyce Hollinger [Hassel] 943. They had one son: Jeffrey Hollinger 549 945. WAYNE HASSEL (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Ellis Hassel 1296 and Viola Hassel [Graham] 1295. 946. LINDA HASSEL [KREIDER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Wayne Hassel 945 married Linda Hassel [Kreider]. They had two daughters: Amy Hassel 550 Kimberly Hassel 551 947. ESTHER ROBINSON [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (81)) was born on 25 September 1954 to Joseph Graham 1297 and Barbara Graham [Welk] 1298. 948. THOMAS ROBINSON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Thomas Robinson married Esther Robinson [Graham] 947. They had two children: Melissa Robinson 552 Scott Robinson 553 949. DONALD GRAHAM (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (81)) was born to Joseph Graham 1297 and Barbara Graham [Welk] 1298. 950. DIANNE GRAHAM [MILLER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Donald Graham 949 married Dianne Graham [Miller]. They had three daughters: Lindsay Graham 554 Jessica Graham 555 Megan Graham 556 951. KAREN SUE BROWN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (82)) was born to George Brown 1307 and Mildred Brown [Weaver] 1306. 952. LINDA BROWN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (82)) was born to George Brown 1307 and Mildred Brown [Weaver] 1306. 953. MARGARET BROWN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (82)) was born to George Brown 1307 and Mildred Brown [Weaver] 1306. 954. SANDRA WENGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (83)) was born to George J. Wenger 1309 and Dorothy Wenger [Weaver] 1308. 955. BARBARA LONG [WENGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (83)) was born to George J. Wenger 1309 and Dorothy Wenger [Weaver] 1308. 956. DONALD LONG (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Donald Long married Barbara Long [Wenger] 955. They had two children: Jennifer Long 557 Keith Long 558 Page 100 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 957. CYNTHIA RINEER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (84)) was born to Clarence Rineer 1311 and Dorothy Rineer [Graham] 1310. 958. DORIS GROFF [RINEER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (84)) was born to Clarence Rineer 1311 and Dorothy Rineer [Graham] 1310. 959. DOUGLAS GROFF (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Douglas Groff married Doris Groff [Rineer] 958. 960. RANDY ISENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (85)) was born to Ronald Isenberger 1313 and Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312. 961. LYNN ISENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (85)) was born to Ronald Isenberger 1313 and Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312. 962. LARRY ISENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (85)) was born to Ronald Isenberger 1313 and Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312. 963. KEITH ISENBERGER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (85)) was born to Ronald Isenberger 1313 and Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312. 964. PAUL RAYMOND REIMOLD (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (86)) was born to Paul C. Reimold 1314 and Bertha Reimold [Sellers] 1315. 965. DONNA REIMOLD [MILLER] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Paul Raymond Reimold 964 married Donna Reimold [Miller]. 966. KENNETH REIMOLD (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (86)) was born to Paul C. Reimold 1314 and Bertha Reimold [Sellers] 1315. 967. CHERYL REIMOLD [STOLTZFUS] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Kenneth Reimold 966 married Cheryl Reimold [Stoltzfus]. 968. JEFFREY REIMOLD (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (86)) was born to Paul C. Reimold 1314 and Bertha Reimold [Sellers] 1315. 969. TERRY REIMOLD [HAMMOND] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Jeffrey Reimold 968 married Terry Reimold [Hammond]. 970. CHERYL SWEIGART [REIMOLD] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (86)) was born to Paul C. Reimold 1314 and Bertha Reimold [Sellers] 1315. 971. WILLIAM SWEIGART (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). William Sweigart married Cheryl Sweigart [Reimold] 970. 972. JAMES MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (87)) was born to James E. Martin 1317 and Emma E. Martin [Reimold] 1316. 973. CHARLES MARTIN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (87)) was born to James E. Martin 1317 and Emma E. Martin [Reimold] 1316. 974. RONALD RINEER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (88)) was born to Clifford C. Rineer 1319 and Violet M. Rineer [Reimold] 1318. 975. PAMELA RINEER [CRAWFORD] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Ronald Rineer 974 married Pamela Rineer [Crawford]. 976. GARY RINEER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (88)) was born to Clifford C. Rineer 1319 and Violet M. Rineer [Reimold] 1318. 977. DEBRA RINEER [APPEL] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Gary Rineer 976 married Debra Rineer [Appel]. 978. GLENDA SOUDERS [REIMOLD] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (89)) was born to Marvin G. Reimold 1320 and Edith Reimold [Harnish] 1321. Page 101 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 979. CRAIG SOUDERS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Craig Souders married Glenda Souders [Reimold] 978. 980. DOUGLAS REIMOLD (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (89)) was born to Marvin G. Reimold 1320 and Edith Reimold [Harnish] 1321. 981. BRENARD ROARK [TROUT] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (90)) was born to Robert Trout 1322 and Jane Trout [Herr] 1323. 982. VIRGIL ROARK (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Virgil Roark married Brenard Roark [Trout] 981. They had two children: Caley Roark 559 Corey Roark 560 983. ELAINE YOUNG [SWISHER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (91)) was born to Leon Swisher 1326 and Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325. 984. JACOB YOUNG (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Jacob Young married Elaine Young [Swisher] 983. 985. JAMES SWISHER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (91)) was born to Leon Swisher 1326 and Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325. 986. GEORGE SWISHER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (91)) was born to Leon Swisher 1326 and Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325. 987. CAROL FISHER [SWISHER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (91)) was born to Leon Swisher 1326 and Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325. 988. RICHARD FISHER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Fisher married Carol Fisher [Swisher] 987. 989. WANDA L WINGLER [FICHTNER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (92)) was born to Lester G. Fichtner 1327 and Reba Fichtner [Henry] 1328. 990. GERALD L. FICHTNER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (92)) was born to Lester G. Fichtner 1327 and Reba Fichtner [Henry] 1328. 991. LOIS FICHTNER [MUTTON] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Gerald L. Fichtner 990 married Lois Fichtner [Mutton]. 992. JAMES G. FICHTNER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (92)) was born to Lester G. Fichtner 1327 and Reba Fichtner [Henry] 1328. 993. PATSY FICHTNER [KAUFFMAN] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). James G. Fichtner 992 married Patsy Fichtner [Kauffman]. 994. DOROTHY SWINEHART [HAGELGANS] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (93)) was born to Harold Hagelgans 1332 and Doris Hagelgans [Hess] 1331. 995. RUSSELL SWINEHART (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Russell Swinehart married Dorothy Swinehart [Hagelgans] 994. They had one daughter: Donna Swinehart 561 996. BRENDA MYERS (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Gilbert Myers 1334 and Evelyn Myers [Yuninger] 1333. 997. DOROTHY LOUISE FENNINGER [WEAVER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Elvin Weaver 1336 and Helen Yuninger 1335. 998. LLOYD FENNINGER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Lloyd Fenninger married Dorothy Louise Fenninger [Weaver] 997. They had three children: Dennis Fenninger 562 Denise Fenninger 564 Doreen Krause [Fenninger] 565 Page 102 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 999. JULIANNE W. HILDEBRAND [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Elvin Weaver 1336 and Helen Yuninger 1335. Julianne was a Hair dresser. Julianne died on 1 February 2012. She was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasburg. 1000. RONALD HILDEBRAND (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Ronald Hildebrand married Julianne W. Hildebrand [Yuninger] 999. They had two children: Ronald Hildebrand 567 Kimberly Stoltzfus [Hildebrand] 569 1001. ROBERT WEAVER (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Elvin Weaver 1336 and Helen Yuninger 1335. 1002. JACQUELYN WEAVER [SAMPLE] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Robert Weaver 1001 married Jacquelyn Weaver [Sample]. They assumed parenthood of one daughter: Traci Weaver 571 by adoption 1003. YVONNE KNOTTMYER [HUBER] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to John Huber 1339 and Lillian Huber [Yuninger] 1338. 1004. GREGORY E. KNOTTMYER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Gregory E. Knottmyer married Yvonne Knottmyer [Huber] 1003. They had one daughter: Jodi Donnelly [Knottmyer] 572 1005. PEGGY REBMAN [DAGEN] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 and Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather] 1346. 1006. STEPHEN REBMAN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Stephen Rebman married Peggy Rebman [Dagen] 1005. 1007. SUSAN GREINER [DAGEN] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 and Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather] 1346. 1008. RICHARD GREINER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Greiner married Susan Greiner [Dagen] 1007. 1009. MARION WEACHTER [DAGEN] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 and Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather] 1346. 1010. KEVIN WEACHTER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Kevin Weachter married Marion Weachter [Dagen] 1009. 1011. NIXETTA MORRISON [DAGEN] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 and Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather] 1346. 1012. BARRY MORRISON (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Barry Morrison married Nixetta Morrison [Dagen] 1011. 1013. STEVEN DAGEN (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 and Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather] 1346. Steven is no longer living. 1014. DOUGLAS E. BURKHART (Johannes' great-great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Donald U. Burkhart 1350 and Nancy J. Burkhart [Yunginger] 1349. 1015. GLENDA K. BURKHART [ENGLE] (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Douglas E. Burkhart 1014 married Glenda K. Burkhart [Engle]. 1016. LISA HORN [MYERS] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Gary R. Myers 1352 and Lillian E. Myers [Yunginger] 1351. 1017. GERRY HORN (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Gerry Horn married Lisa Horn [Myers] 1016. They had two children: Brittany Horn 574 Jared Horn 575 1018. WENDY BARBER [MYERS] (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Gary R. Myers 1352 and Lillian E. Myers [Yunginger] 1351. Page 103 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1019. DAVID BARBER (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). David Barber married Wendy Barber [Myers] 1018. They had two sons: Chase Barber 576 Gaige Barber 577 Generation of Great-Grandchildren 1020. JOSEPH ROSS CHAMBERLIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (1)) was born on 15 January 1904 to J. Harry Chamberlin 1356 and Mary Susan Chamberlin [Graham] 1355. Joseph died on 28 January 1983, aged 79. Joseph married twice. He was married to Eva L. Chamberlin [Pursell] 1021 and Ann Chamberlin [Stoneback] 1022. 1021. EVA L. CHAMBERLIN [PURSELL] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Eva died on 5 January 1944. Joseph Ross Chamberlin 1020 married Eva L. Chamberlin [Pursell]. They had two sons: James Rodney Chamberlin 578 in 1929 Robert Pursell Chamberlin 579 in 1938 1022. ANN CHAMBERLIN [STONEBACK] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Joseph Ross Chamberlin 1020 married Ann Chamberlin [Stoneback]. 1023. LOUETTA TROUP [KEENE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 30 May 1903 to Harry C. Keene 1358 and Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357. Louetta is no longer living. 1024. HIRAM GRANT TROUP (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Hiram Grant Troup married Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023. They had six children: Hiram Grant Troop 580 in 1927 Harry L. Troop 582 in 1930 Jean T. Young [Troop] 584 in 1931 Patricia Sue Krantz [Troop] 586 in 1934 Margaret L. Meily [Troop] 588 in 1936 Carl G. Troop 590 in 1944 1025. ADA SUE REYNOLDS [KEENE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (2)) was born on 12 April 1905 to Harry C. Keene 1358 and Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357. Ada died on 16 January 1988, aged 82. 1026. J. HORACE REYNOLDS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). J. Horace Reynolds married Ada Sue Reynolds [Keene] 1025. They had three sons: John H. Reynolds 592 in 1937 Robert K. Reynolds 594 in 1940 Howard W. Reynolds 595 in 1947 1027. ROY CALVIN KEENE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 24 January 1909 to Harry C. Keene 1358 and Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357. 1028. FRANCES KEENE [BYER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Roy Calvin Keene 1027 married Frances Keene [Byer]. They had four children: Calvin Keene 597 in 1938 Mary Kathryn Crom [Keene] 599 in 1940 Richard Keene 601 in 1943 Thomas Keene 603 in 1945 1029. HARRY KEENE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (2)) was born on 24 June 1914 to Harry C. Keene 1358 and Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357. Harry died on 30 December 2002, aged 88. 1030. ELIZABETH KEENE [HAMBLETON] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Harry Keene 1029 married Elizabeth Keene [Hambleton]. They had two daughters: Janet Eshelman [Keene] 605 in 1935 Paulyne Long [Keene] 607 in 1939 1031. WARREN A. GRAHAM (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 28 June 1906 to George Yuninger Graham 1361 and Lottie Graham [Althouse] 1362. Warren was an Electrician. Warren died on 10 November 1987, aged 81. He was buried in Old Road Mennonite Cemetery, Gap, PA. Warren married twice. He was married to Barbara Brackbill Graham [Groff] 1032 and Sue Clifford Graham [Fuller] 1033. Page 104 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1032. BARBARA BRACKBILL GRAHAM [GROFF] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Barbara died on 14 October 1965. Warren A. Graham 1031 married Barbara Brackbill Graham [Groff]. They had three children: Verna Mae Graham 609 in 1929 Norman Leroy Graham 610 in 1931 Clair Warren Graham 612 1033. SUE CLIFFORD GRAHAM [FULLER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Warren A. Graham 1031 married Sue Clifford Graham [Fuller]. 1034. RALPH GEORGE GRAHAM (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (3)) was born on 26 November 1910 to George Yuninger Graham 1361 and Lottie Graham [Althouse] 1362. 1035. SUSAN CATHERINE GRAHAM [DENLINGER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Ralph George Graham 1034 married Susan Catherine Graham [Denlinger]. 1036. MARY ARLENE GROFF [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (3)) was born on 29 March 1915 to George Yuninger Graham 1361 and Lottie Graham [Althouse] 1362. Mary died on 15 August 1972, aged 57. 1037. JOHN KINSEY GROFF (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). John Kinsey Groff married Mary Arlene Groff [Graham] 1036. They had two daughters: Charlotte Leora Weaver [Groff] 614 in 1936 Madeline Marie Sollenberger [Groff] 616 in 1939 1038. CATHERINE (KIT) D. MOWRER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 29 October 1909 to Jacob Mowrer 1364 and Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. Catherine was a School Teacher for 44 years. Catherine died on 23 June 1995, aged 85. 1039. MUSSER GRAHAM MOWRER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 7 November 1911 to Jacob Mowrer 1364 and Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. Musser died on 29 December 1996, aged 85. 1040. MILDRED MOWRER [HOSTETTER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 12 December 1910. Mildred died on 22 October 1996, aged 85. Musser Graham Mowrer 1039, aged 18, married Mildred Mowrer [Hostetter], aged 19, on 26 April 1930. They had two daughters: Elva Jean Mowrer 618 in 1936 Linda Nuss [Mowrer] 621 in 1948 1041. HILDA HERSHEY [MOWRER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 23 May 1914 to Jacob Mowrer 1364 and Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. Hilda died on 10 April 2003, aged 88. 1042. ELMER L. HERSHEY (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 11 August 1896. Elmer died on 27 November 1987, aged 91. Elmer L. Hershey married Hilda Hershey [Mowrer] 1041. 1043. SARA LENORA ERB [MOWRER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (4)) was born on 13 December 1915 to Jacob Mowrer 1364 and Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. Sara was a School teacher. Sara died on 24 January 2013, aged 97. 1044. CLYDE L. ERB (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 7 January 1909. Clyde was a Barber. Clyde died on 8 November 1995, aged 86. Clyde L. Erb married Sara Lenora Erb [Mowrer] 1043. They had two children: Sandra Lee Erb 623 in 1944 James Erb 625 in 1947 1045. JACOB MILTON MOWRER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 26 January 1925 to Jacob Mowrer 1364 and Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. Jacob died on 26 May 1925, as an infant. 1046. HIRAM SYLVESTER MOWRER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 16 March 1927 to Jacob Mowrer 1364 and Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. Page 105 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1047. MARY E. MOWRER [SMITH] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 30 January 1928. Hiram Sylvester Mowrer 1046 married Mary E. Mowrer [Smith]. They had one son: Ted Howard Mowrer 627 in 1950 1048. HAROLD LYTE MOWRER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (4)) was born on 20 July 1928 to Jacob Mowrer 1364 and Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. 1049. JANE A. MOWRER [ANDRE] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 18 September 1923. Jane died on 18 February 1994, aged 70. Harold Lyte Mowrer 1048, aged 23, married Jane A. Mowrer [Andre], aged 28, on 28 May 1952. 1050. RICHARD THOMAS WINTERS (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 5 August 1910 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1051. ELLA LIVINGTON WINTERS [LIVINGTON] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Richard Thomas Winters 1050 married Ella Livington Winters [Livington]. They had two daughters: Dorothy Louise Sylvester [Rice] 629 Betty Jane Skyles [Rice] 631 1052. THOMAS RICHARD WINTERS (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 5 August 1910 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. Thomas died on 28 November 1991, aged 81. He was buried in Leacock Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Paradise, PA. An image relating to Thomas Richard Winters is shown as Media 10. 1053. EMMA LOUISE WINTERS [RANK] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 25 December 1910. Emma died on 7 September 1975, aged 64. She was buried in Leacock Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Paradise, PA. An image relating to Emma Louise Winters [Rank] is shown as Media 10. Thomas Richard Winters 1052 married Emma Louise Winters [Rank]. They had two children: Patricia Ann Sangrey [Rice] 633 in 1942 Thomas Richard Rice 635 in 1943 1054. NELSON GRAHAM RICE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 19 February 1915 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1055. STELLA RICE [FUNK] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Nelson Graham Rice 1054 married Stella Rice [Funk]. 1056. DANIEL EDWIN RICE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 9 April 1916 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1057. EDNA RICE [RANCK] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Daniel Edwin Rice 1056 married Edna Rice [Ranck]. 1058. DOROTHY JOANN LINDSLEY [RICE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 25 September 1917 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1059. JACK E. LINDSLEY (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Jack E. Lindsley married Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058. They had six children: Jean Rice McFarland [Lindsley] 637 Jack E. Lindsley 639 Josephine L. Unroe [Lindsley] 641 William Robert Lindsley 643 Paul Mitchell Lindsley 645 Gwen L. Bleecher [Lindsley] 647 1060. RUBY ELIZABETH DECKMAN [RICE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 6 August 1919 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1061. CECIL H. DECKMAN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Cecil H. Deckman married Ruby Elizabeth Deckman [Rice] 1060. They had four children: Michael Graham Deckman 649 in 1948 Patricia Marie Hicks [Deckman] 650 in 1952 Bryan Curtis Deckman 652 in 1957 Kevin Douglas Deckman 653 in 1960 Page 106 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1062. RUTH RICE (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 6 August 1919 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. Ruth died in 1921, aged about 1. 1063. LILLIE AMANDA AXE [RICE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 10 March 1921 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1064. PAUL E. AXE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Paul E. Axe married Lillie Amanda Axe [Rice] 1063. They had two children: Regina Rice 654 in 1939 Ronald Carl Rice 655 in 1942 1065. MARGARET LOUETTA HERSHEY [RICE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (5)) was born on 6 October 1923 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1066. LEE HERSHEY (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Lee Hershey married Margaret Louetta Hershey [Rice] 1065. 1067. JOHN HENRY RICE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 2 January 1925 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1068. JACOB HERSHEY RICE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 2 January 1925 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. Jacob died (died in infancy of pneumonia). 1069. ROBERT LEROY RICE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (5)) was born on 15 January 1931 to John Rice 1366 and Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. 1070. DORIS RICE [MYERS] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Robert Leroy Rice 1069 married Doris Rice [Myers]. 1071. CATHERINE ELIZABETH MARTIN [HERR] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (6)) was born on 24 August 1911 to Roy Keene Herr 1369 and Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368. Catherine was a Homemaker. Catherine died on 5 June 2008, aged 96, in Brethern Village Retirement Community. She was buried in Strasburg Mennonite Cemetery. 1072. DAVID E. MARTIN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 20 October 1909. David died on 20 October 2005, aged 96. David E. Martin, aged 24, married Catherine Elizabeth Martin [Herr] 1071, aged 23, on 29 September 1934. They had two children: Donald Eugene Martin 657 in 1936 Barbara Lou Martin 659 1073. JOHN GRAHAM HERR (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 21 May 1913 to Roy Keene Herr 1369 and Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368. John was a Machine shop setup - Permutit Corp.. John died on 16 March 1999, aged 85. He was buried in Strasburg Mennonite Cemetery. An image relating to John Graham Herr is shown as Media 11. 1074. REBA E. HERR [AUKAMP] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 6 December 1914. Reba died on 12 September 2006, aged 91. She was buried in Strasburg Mennonite Cemetery. John Graham Herr 1073, aged about 37, married Reba E. Herr [Aukamp], aged about 35, in 1950. They had one daughter: Michele Ann Hoover [Herr] 660 in 1955 1075. DOROTHY LOUISE SHEAFFER [HERR] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (6)) was born on 4 July 1923 to Roy Keene Herr 1369 and Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368. 1076. CARL RICHARD SHEAFFER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 9 May 1925. Carl was a Pharmacist. Carl died on 12 November 2010, aged 85. He was buried in Strasburg Mennonite Cemetery. Carl Richard Sheaffer, aged 26, married Dorothy Louise Sheaffer [Herr] 1075, aged 28, on 9 February 1952. They had two children: Steven Linwood Sheaffer 662 in 1952 Sandra Louise Sheaffer 664 in 1955 1077. ROY J. HERR (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (6)) was born on 21 August 1924 to Roy Keene Herr 1369 and Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368. Roy is no longer living. Page 107 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1078. EDITH HERR [ROHRER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 10 September 1927. Edith died on 9 March 1995, aged 67, in Brethern Village Retirement Community. She was buried in Manheim Fairview Cemetery. Roy J. Herr 1077, aged 44, married Edith Herr [Rohrer], aged 41, on 28 June 1969. 1079. CLAIR GRAHAM SIMPSON (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (7)) was born on 26 March 1922 to Jonas Simpson 1371 and Minnie Leone Simpson [Graham] 1370. Clair died (Acute brights disease) on 31 January 1925, aged 2. She was buried in Georgetown Methodist Cemetery. 1080. GEORGE SIMPSON (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 24 March 1923 to Jonas Simpson 1371 and Minnie Leone Simpson [Graham] 1370. George died on 17 January 1972, aged 48. He was buried in Georgetown Methodist Cemetery. 1081. LAURA SIMPSON [WANNER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 12 December 1926 to Tobias Wanner and Hortensia Wanner [Martin]. Laura died on 3 February 2004, aged 77. She was buried in Georgetown Methodist Cemetery. George Simpson 1080 married Laura Simpson [Wanner]. They had three daughters: Barbara Ann Beiler [Simpson] 665 in 1947 Vicki Lynn Simpson Sperber [Simpson] 667 in 1951 Nancy Louise Simpson Lewis [Simpson] 669 in 1954 1082. JAMES LEE SIMPSON (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (7)) was born on 12 December 1927 to Jonas Simpson 1371 and Minnie Leone Simpson [Graham] 1370. James died on 7 February 1962, aged 34. 1083. FRANCIS A. SIMPSON [LAPP] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). James Lee Simpson 1082 married Francis A. Simpson [Lapp]. They had one daughter: Brenda Kay Brackbill [Simpson] 671 1084. MIRIAM ELIZABETH MYERS (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (8)) was born on 22 July 1924 to Joseph Myers 1373 and Sarah Louise Myers [Graham] 1372. Miriam died on 4 August 2001, aged 77. She was buried in Georgetown Methodist Cemetery. Miriam married twice. She was married to James Baxter 1085 and Raymond J. Shaub 1086. 1085. JAMES BAXTER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 29 July 1918. James died on 22 September 1978, aged 60. James Baxter married Miriam Elizabeth Myers 1084. They had one daughter: Joyce Louise Baker [Baxter] 673 in 1947 1086. RAYMOND J. SHAUB (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born in 1927. Raymond was an Owner/operator of Shaub's Auction and New Furniture, Kirkwood. Raymond died on 14 January 1985, aged about 57. Raymond J. Shaub married Miriam Elizabeth Myers 1084. 1087. MARTHA IRENE KOCH [MYERS] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (8)) was born on 7 October 1928 to Joseph Myers 1373 and Sarah Louise Myers [Graham] 1372. 1088. JOHN F. KOCH (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). John F. Koch married Martha Irene Koch [Myers] 1087. They had two sons: Garry M. Koch 675 in 1960 Jeffrey L. Koch 676 in 1963 1089. EDWIN G. HARKINS (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (9)) was born on 15 February 1920 to Elmer Harkins 1375 and Alice Lenore Harkins [Graham] 1374. Edwin was a Sheep farmer. Edwin died on 20 April 1992, aged 72. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1090. MARTHA A. HARKINS [ECKMAN] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born in 1928. Martha died on 20 August 2006, aged about 78. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Edwin G. Harkins 1089 married Martha A. Harkins [Eckman]. They assumed parenthood of two children: Evelyn Darlene Laukhuff [Harkins] 678 by adoption Richard Paul Harkins 680 by adoption 1091. HORACE D. HARKINS (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (9)) was born on 1 April 1925 to Elmer Harkins 1375 and Alice Lenore Harkins [Graham] 1374. Page 108 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1092. GERTRUDE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (10)) was born in (adopted) to John M. Yunginger 1376 and Anna M. Yunginger [Stevens] 1377. 1093. J. WELLINGTON YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born to Elam M. Yunginger 1378 and Edna M. Yunginger [Horting] 1379. 1094. HELEN ERMA YUNGINGER [KURTZ] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born in 1913. Helen died (Heart attack) on 18 February 1931, aged about 17. J. Wellington Yunginger 1093 married Helen Erma Yunginger [Kurtz]. 1095. MELVIN L. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born to Elam M. Yunginger 1378 and Edna M. Yunginger [Horting] 1379. Melvin was a Mechanic. Melvin died on 26 March 2015. 1096. ELLA YUNGINGER [KEITH] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Ella died in April 1982. Melvin L. Yunginger 1095 married Ella Yunginger [Keith]. They had three children: Dolores Schaich [Yunginger] 682 Patricia Rodgers [Yunginger] 684 in 1934 Melvin (Skip) Yunginger 686 1097. GLADYS YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (11)) was born to Elam M. Yunginger 1378 and Edna M. Yunginger [Horting] 1379. 1098. ROY YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (11)) was born in 1913 to Elam M. Yunginger 1378 and Edna M. Yunginger [Horting] 1379. Roy died on 4 June 1917, aged about 3. An image relating to Roy Yunginger is shown as Media 12. 1099. LILLIAN BLANCHE MARTIN (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1100. IRVIN M. MARTIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1101. ELWOOD ELISHA MARTIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1102. EVA ELLA FERREE [MARTIN] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1103. LUTHER FERREE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Luther Ferree married Eva Ella Ferree [Martin] 1102. They had one son: Carl Ferree 688 1104. PAUL DAVID MARTIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1105. TITUS WATKINS MARTIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1106. LUKE Y. MARTIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1107. RUTH Y. SULLIVAN [MARTIN] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1108. DAVID SULLIVAN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). David Sullivan married Ruth Y. Sullivan [Martin] 1107. 1109. MATTHEW Y. MARTIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. 1110. AARON RIFE MARTIN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (12)) was born to Aaron R. Martin 1382 and Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. Page 109 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1111. HELENA BRICKNER [POPE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (13)) was born to William Pope 1384 and Martha Pope [Yunginger] 1383. 1112. MR. UNKNOWN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Mr. Unknown married Helena Brickner [Pope] 1111. They had one son: Ken Brickner 689 1113. ROBERT E. POPE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (13)) was born to William Pope 1384 and Martha Pope [Yunginger] 1383. Robert died on 31 January 2011 in Ephrate Community Hospital. Robert married twice. He was married to Friede L. Pope [Eberly] 1114 and Frances F. ("Susie") Pope [Hebden] 1115. 1114. FRIEDE L. POPE [EBERLY] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Friede died in 1989. Robert E. Pope 1113 married Friede L. Pope [Eberly]. They had one son: William R. Pope 690 1115. FRANCES F. ("SUSIE") POPE [HEBDEN] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Frances became known as “Susie”. Susie died in 1998. Robert E. Pope 1113 married Frances F. ("Susie") Pope [Hebden]. 1116. PARK VINCENT YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (14)) was born in 1922 to Park M. Yunginger 1385 and Lydia Yunginger [Campbell] 1386. Park died on 9 March 1992, aged about 69. 1117. RUTH E. YUNGINGER [BORTZFIELD] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born in 1922. Ruth was a Stenographer. Ruth died on 25 October 2000, aged about 78. Park Vincent Yunginger 1116 married Ruth E. Yunginger [Bortzfield]. They had one son: Darwin P. Yunginger 692 1118. PAUL S. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (15)) was born on 27 November 1912 to David Leroy Yuninger 1387 and Elsie G. Yuninger [Strohm] 1388. Paul died on 24 April 1913, as an infant. He was buried in Fairview Cemetery, Denver, Lancaster County, PA. An image relating to Paul S. Yuninger is shown as Media 13. 1119. S. RICHARD YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (15)) was born on 7 March 1920 to David Leroy Yuninger 1387 and Elsie G. Yuninger [Strohm] 1388. S. died on 5 April 1921, aged 1. He was buried in Fairview Cemetery, Denver, Lancaster County, PA. An image relating to S. Richard Yuninger is shown as Media 13. 1120. VERNA E. WETTIG [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (15)) was born on 5 July 1923 to David Leroy Yuninger 1387 and Elsie G. Yuninger [Strohm] 1388. Verna died on 25 July 1960, aged 37. 1121. ROBERT S. WETTIG (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born in March 1923. Robert S. Wettig married Verna E. Wettig [Yuninger] 1120. They had two children: Linda Marie Laukhuff [Wettig] 694 in 1948 Robert S. Wettig 696 in 1948 1122. DOROTHY JEAN DILLER [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (15)) was born on 1 June 1930 to David Leroy Yuninger 1387 and Elsie G. Yuninger [Strohm] 1388. In 1948, aged about 18, she was educated in McCaskey High School, Lancaster, PA (High School). Dorothy died on 27 June 2006, aged 76, in Mennonite Home, Lancaster, PA. She was buried in Conestoga Memorial Park, Lancaster, PA. The following information is also recorded for Dorothy. Religion: Baptist. 1123. DONALD MORRIS DILLER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 22 June 1929. Donald died on 13 May 2005, aged 75. Donald Morris Diller, aged 19, married Dorothy Jean Diller [Yuninger] 1122, aged 19, on 19 June 1949. They had four children: Donald M. Diller 699 Richard C. Diller 701 Gregory A. Diller 703 Laura B. Funk [Diller] 705 1124. CHARLES BUCKWALTER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (16)) was born to Cleteus M. Buckwalter 1390 and Cora Buckwalter [Yunginger] 1389. Charles married twice. He was married to Mable Buckwalter [Pontz] 1125 and Margaret Buckwalter [Ackerman] 1126. Page 110 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1125. MABLE BUCKWALTER [PONTZ] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Charles Buckwalter 1124 married Mable Buckwalter [Pontz]. They had one son: William Buckwalter 707 1126. MARGARET BUCKWALTER [ACKERMAN] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Charles Buckwalter 1124 married Margaret Buckwalter [Ackerman]. They had one son: Christopher Buckwalter 708 1127. DOROTHY SHOPF [BUCKWALTER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (16)) was born in 1906 to Cleteus M. Buckwalter 1390 and Cora Buckwalter [Yunginger] 1389. Dorothy died in 1998, aged about 92. 1128. RICHARD H. SHOPF (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Richard died in 1986. Richard H. Shopf married Dorothy Shopf [Buckwalter] 1127. They had two children: Judith S Johnson [Shopf] 709 Richard Jere Shopf 711 1129. LEWIS YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 19 March 1911 to Milo Yunginger 1391 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392. Lewis was an Osteopathic Physician and cardiologist. Lewis died (Heart failure) on 21 October 1981, aged 70, in St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minn. The following information is also recorded for Lewis. Title: Dr. This image relating to Lewis Yunginger is shown as Media 14. 1130. ETHEL YUNGINGER [WALLACE] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 29 February 1912. Ethel died on 3 May 2000, aged 88. Lewis Yunginger 1129 married Ethel Yunginger [Wallace]. They had one son: John W. Yunginger 713 in 1938 1131. EVELYN JOHNSON [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born in 1913 to Milo Yunginger 1391 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392. Evelyn was a Registered private duty nurse. Evelyn died on 30 July 1996, aged about 83, in Essa Flory Hospice Center, Lancaster, PA. She was buried in Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, New Holland. 1132. ROBERT THOMAS JOHNSON (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Robert died in 1991. Robert Thomas Johnson married Evelyn Johnson [Yunginger] 1131. They had three children: Robert Thomas Johnson 715 in 1942 Lucille A. Johnson 717 in 1947 Linda Louise Johnson 720 in 1948 1133. HAROLD JOSEPH YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 22 July 1914 to Milo Yunginger 1391 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392. Harold died on 29 January 1994, aged 79, in New Holland, PA. He was buried in Conestoga Memorial Park. Harold married twice. He was married to Minerva May Massey 1134 and Marie Yunginger [Cox] 1135. Three images relating to Harold Joseph Yunginger are shown as Media 15-17. 1134. MINERVA MAY MASSEY (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 8 September 1916, in Mt. Nebo, PA. Minerva died (Dability) on 18 December 2010, aged 94, in Mt. Joy, PA (Hospice Center). She was buried in Conestoga Memorial Park. Minerva married twice. She was married to Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 and Harry Wise. This image relating to Minerva May Massey is shown as Media 18. Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 married Minerva May Massey. They had four children: Jacqueline Yunginger 722 in 1935 Ronald Yunginger 727 in 1937 Geraldine Rathvon [Yunginger] 730 in 1941 Norman Galen Yunginger 732 in 1946 Harry Wise, aged 43, married Minerva May Massey, aged 47, on 31 May 1964. 1135. MARIE YUNGINGER [COX] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born in 1919. Marie died on 21 July 2003, aged about 84, in Lancaster Regionial Medical Center. Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 married Marie Yunginger [Cox]. They had three daughters: Sandy Yunginger 734 in 1959 Joy Walton [Yunginger] 737 in 1960 Page 111 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Marie Yunginger 739 in 1963 1136. PAULINE KILLIAN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 12 August 1916 to Milo Yunginger 1391 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392. Pauline died on 1 April 2006, aged 89, in Columbia, PA. 1137. ALLEN KILLIAN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 6 August 1916. Allen died on 9 April 2005, aged 88, in Columbia, PA. Allen Killian married Pauline Killian [Yunginger] 1136. They had three children: Judy Killian 740 in 1940 Terrence Killian 741 in 1945 Donald Killian 743 in 1951 1138. HELEN E. SPOTTS [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born in 1920 to Milo Yunginger 1391 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392. 1139. JOHN H. SPOTTS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 20 June 1919. John died in July 1993, aged 74. John H. Spotts married Helen E. Spotts [Yunginger] 1138. They had one son: John L. Spotts 744 in 1950 1140. MARY ELIZABETH ("BEBE") BUCH [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (17)) was born on 16 May 1931 to Milo Yunginger 1391 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392. Mary became known as “Bebe”. 1141. RICHARD BUCH (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Richard died in 1996. Richard Buch married Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") Buch [Yunginger] 1140. They had four children: Donna Sawyer [Buch] 748 in 1956 Daniel Buch 750 in 1957 Douglas Buch 752 in 1960 Richard Buch 754 in 1963 1142. DAVID LEROY YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (17)) was born on 8 August 1932 to Milo Yunginger 1391 and Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] 1392. David was an Assistant Postmaster in New Holland for 32 years. David died on 5 June 1998, aged 65, in Akron, PA. He was buried in St. Stephen UCC Cemetery, New Holland, PA. David married twice. He was married to Judy Yunginger [Delp] 1143 and Violet M. Haller Schnader 1144. An image relating to David Leroy Yunginger is shown as Media 19. 1143. JUDY YUNGINGER [DELP] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). David Leroy Yunginger 1142 married Judy Yunginger [Delp]. They had four children: Deidre L Yunginger 757 in 1956 David S. Yunginger 758 in 1958 Diana Mae Kocon [Yunginger] 760 in 1961 Milissa D. Deaver [Yunginger] 762 in 1964 1144. VIOLET M. HALLER SCHNADER (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 3 March 1933. Violet died on 2 March 2010, aged 76, in Lancaster, PA. She was buried in St. Stephen UCC Cemetery, New Holland, PA. Violet married twice. She was married to Frederick L. Schnader and David Leroy Yunginger 1142. An image relating to Violet M. Haller Schnader is shown as Media 20. Frederick L. Schnader married Violet M. Haller Schnader. David Leroy Yunginger 1142, aged 42, married Violet M. Haller Schnader, aged 41, on 23 November 1974. 1145. MARIE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (18)) was born to Charles Ross Yunginger 1393 and Mary Yunginger [Rineer] 1394. 1146. CAROLYN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (18)) was born to Charles Ross Yunginger 1393 and Mary Yunginger [Rineer] 1394. 1147. LYDIA E. ("TOOTIE") BARNETT [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (19)) was born to Clarence Yunginger 1395 and Edna Yunginger [Campbell] 1396. Lydia became known as “Tootie”. Tootie died on 16 March 2005 in Essa Flory Hospice Center, Lancaster, PA. Page 112 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1148. WILLIAM A. BARNETT (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). William A. Barnett married Lydia E. ("Tootie") Barnett [Yunginger] 1147. They had two children: William A. ("Barney") Barnett 764 in 1947 Patricia Sourbeer [Barnett] 766 1149. ELSIE M. GOULD [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (19)) was born to Clarence Yunginger 1395 and Edna Yunginger [Campbell] 1396. Elsie is no longer living. 1150. ESTHER R. ROTE (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Esther died in February 2008. Esther married twice. She was married to Frank Heckendorn 1151 and C. Paul Myers 1152. 1151. FRANK HECKENDORN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Frank is no longer living. Frank Heckendorn married Esther R. Rote 1150. They had two children: David M. Heckendorn 768 Barbara Roth [Heckendorn] 769 in 1953 1152. C. PAUL MYERS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). C. is no longer living. C. Paul Myers married Esther R. Rote 1150. 1153. LUTHER W. ROTE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born on 10 April 1920 to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Luther was a Supervisor of night services at Armstrong World Industries. Luther died on 14 February 2010, aged 89, in Mennonite Home, Lancaster, PA. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1154. LOLA A. ROTE [HERR] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 24 June 1923. Lola died on 18 May 2008, aged 84, in Mennonite Home, Lancaster, PA. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Luther W. Rote 1153, aged about 27, married Lola A. Rote [Herr], aged about 24, in 1947. They had three daughters: Nancy Berdiner [Rote] 771 Kathy Moser [Rote] 773 in 1955 Patricia Groft [Rote] 775 1155. RUTH E. CRIST [ROTE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born in 1921 to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Ruth died on 24 October 2000, aged about 79. 1156. W. LAYTON CRIST (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born in 1916. W. died in 1984, aged about 68. W. Layton Crist married Ruth E. Crist [Rote] 1155. They had one daughter: Cynthia Ann Hess [Crist] 777 1157. ROBERT ROTE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Robert is no longer living. 1158. LEVERN M. ROTE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Levern died in December 1993. 1159. BETTY LOU STRINE [ROTE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Betty resided at Gilford, NH. 1160. ROBERT A. STRINE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Robert A. Strine married Betty Lou Strine [Rote] 1159. They had two children: Luann Phillips [Strine] 779 Robert Strine 781 1161. DORIS L. ROTE (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Doris is no longer living. 1162. HARRY PERRINE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Harry Perrine married Doris L. Rote 1161, and they were divorced. They had one son: Peter Perrine 782 1163. JEAN R. ROTE (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (20)) was born to Luther W. Rote 1398 and Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. Jean married twice. She was married to David Wilson 1164 and Richard P. Rohrer 1165. Page 113 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1164. DAVID WILSON (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). David Wilson married Jean R. Rote 1163. They had one son: David Wilson 783 1165. RICHARD P. ROHRER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Richard P. Rohrer married Jean R. Rote 1163. They had two daughters: Suzanne Schumann [Rohrer] 784 Anne-Louise Wineholt [Rohrer] 786 1166. ERNEST HENRY RYDER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (21)) was born in June 1926 to Ernest Henry Ryder 1400 and Emily Dorothy Ryder [Yuninger] 1399. Ernest married three times. He was married to Christine Ryder [Bauman] 1167, Frances Ryder 1168 and Ms. Ryder [Derry] 1169. 1167. CHRISTINE RYDER [BAUMAN] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 married Christine Ryder [Bauman], and they were divorced. They had four children: Ernest Henry Ryder 788 in 1949 Deborah Ryder 791 in 1952 Robert W. Ryder 794 in 1953 Valarie Engelman [Ryder] 797 in 1956 1168. FRANCES RYDER (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 married Frances Ryder, and they were divorced. 1169. MS. RYDER [DERRY] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 married Ms. Ryder [Derry]. 1170. E. RUSSELL YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born on 15 January 1907 to Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 and Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] 1403. E. died on 14 January 1977, aged 69. An image relating to E. Russell Yuninger is shown as Media 21. 1171. ERMA YUNINGER [MOWRER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 21 November 1907. Erma died on 25 June 1980, aged 72. An image relating to Erma Yuninger [Mowrer] is shown as Media 21. E. Russell Yuninger 1170 married Erma Yuninger [Mowrer]. They had four children: Ethel L. Book [Yuninger] 799 in 1927 Margaret Book [Yuninger] 801 John Walter Yuninger 803 in 1929 Robert Yuninger 805 1172. ROSS T. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born in 1909 to Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 and Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] 1403. Ross died on 9 October 1977, aged about 68. He was buried in Leacock Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Paradise, PA. An image relating to Ross T. Yuninger is shown as Media 22. 1173. FLORENCE YUNINGER [BRACKBILL] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born in 1910. Florence died on 9 August 2000, aged about 90. She was buried in Leacock Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Paradise, PA. An image relating to Florence Yuninger [Brackbill] is shown as Media 22. Ross T. Yuninger 1172 married Florence Yuninger [Brackbill]. They had five children: Allen B. Yuninger 807 Ruth Ann Appel [Yuninger] 809 Harold R. Yuninger 811 Mary Ellen Hoar [Yuninger] 813 Esta M. Fisher [Yuninger] 815 1174. PAUL C. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born on 17 November 1910 to Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 and Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] 1403. Paul was a Carpenter and self-employed contractor. Paul died on 18 January 2000, aged 89, in Essa Flory Hospice Center, Lancaster, PA. An image relating to Paul C. Yuninger is shown as Media 23. 1175. PEARL E. YUNINGER [STAUFFER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 5 October 1909. Pearl died on 4 March 1996, aged 86. An image relating to Pearl E. Yuninger [Stauffer] is shown as Media 23. Page 114 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Paul C. Yuninger 1174 married Pearl E. Yuninger [Stauffer]. They had three children: E. Joan Brown [Yuninger] 817 Kathleen E. Cervi [Yuninger] 819 Stephen Yuninger 821 1176. WARREN YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (22)) was born to Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 and Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] 1403. Warren is no longer living. 1177. VELMA YUNINGER [REDFIELD] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Warren Yuninger 1176 married Velma Yuninger [Redfield]. 1178. PEARL THOMPSON [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 and Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] 1403. 1179. WILLIAM THOMPSON (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). William Thompson married Pearl Thompson [Yuninger] 1178. They had three daughters: June Welk [Thompson] 823 Doris Hagans [Thompson] 825 Linda Neff [Thompson] 827 1180. ELSIE GRIFFITH [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (22)) was born to Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 and Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] 1403. Elsie resided at New Providence, PA. Elsie is no longer living. 1181. WARREN GRIFFITH (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Warren Griffith married Elsie Griffith [Yuninger] 1180. 1182. BERTHA DUNWOODY [HASSEL] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Harry F. Hassel 1405 and Edith M. Hassel [Yuninger] 1404. 1183. ELMER DUNWOODY (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Elmer Dunwoody married Bertha Dunwoody [Hassel] 1182. 1184. ELVA BOOSE [HASSEL] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (23)) was born to Harry F. Hassel 1405 and Edith M. Hassel [Yuninger] 1404. 1185. EMORY BOOSE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Emory Boose married Elva Boose [Hassel] 1184. They had three children: Romaine Unangst [Boose] 829 Lois Weber [Boose] 831 Dale Boose 833 1186. LLOYD V. HASSEL (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (23)) was born on 20 January 1920 to Harry F. Hassel 1405 and Edith M. Hassel [Yuninger] 1404. Lloyd resided at 45 Danbury Dr., Lancaster, PA, 17601. The following information is also recorded for Lloyd. Telephone: 569-2368. 1187. BETTY J. HASSEL [MILLER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Lloyd V. Hassel 1186 married Betty J. Hassel [Miller]. They had three children: Robert Hassel 834 Barbara Maralambie [Hassel] 836 Richard Hassel 838 1188. ELLA HARRIET YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born on 21 February 1908 to Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 and Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407. Ella died (Infantile paralysis) on 22 September 1915, aged 7. 1189. OLIVER YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born in 1910 to Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 and Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407. Oliver died in 1978, aged about 68. An image relating to Oliver Yuninger is shown as Media 24. 1190. WILMA YUNINGER [GROFF] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born in 1915. Wilma died in 1968, aged about 53. An image relating to Wilma Yuninger [Groff] is shown as Media 25. Oliver Yuninger 1189 married Wilma Yuninger [Groff]. They had three children: Judy Riley [Yunginger] 839 James Yunginger 841 Page 115 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Faye Henry [Yunginger] 843 1191. CHARLES E. (“TIP”) YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born in 1912 to Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 and Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407. Charles died on 30 October 1996, aged about 84. He was buried in Mt. Eden Cemetery Church Yard, Quarryville, PA. An image relating to Charles E. (“tip”) Yuninger is shown as Media 26. 1192. VIOLA YUNINGER [GROFF] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born in 1915 to William P. Groff and Nora Groff [Probst]. Viola died on 21 July 2013, aged about 98. She was buried in Mt. Eden Cemetery Church Yard, Quarryville, PA. An image relating to Viola Yuninger [Groff] is shown as Media 26. Charles E. (“tip”) Yuninger 1191 married Viola Yuninger [Groff]. They had two children: William C. Yuninger 845 Harriet Kelchen [Yunginger] 847 1193. ROY P. (“BEN”) YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born in 1914 to Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 and Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407. Roy was a Truck driver for PENDOT. Roy died on 2 December 2000, aged about 86. He was buried in Mt. Eden Cemetery Church Yard, Quarryville, PA. Roy had two partnerships. He was married to Ada Yunginger [Conrad] 1194. He was also the partner of Ruth Hess 1195. 1194. ADA YUNGINGER [CONRAD] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Roy P. (“ben”) Yunginger 1193 married Ada Yunginger [Conrad], and they were divorced. 1195. RUTH HESS (Johannes' great-grandson's partner). Roy P. (“ben”) Yunginger 1193 and Ruth Hess became partners. The following information is also recorded for this family. Partners. 1196. M. VIOLA ("KIT") YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born on 21 January 1917 to Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 and Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407. M. became known as “Kit”. Kit died on 20 February 2005, aged 88. She was buried in Mt. Eden Lutheran Cemetery in Quarryville. M. married twice. She was married to Jacob Roy Lefever 1197 and Elwood Struble 1198. An image relating to M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger is shown as Media 27. 1197. JACOB ROY LEFEVER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 21 June 1902. Jacob died on 14 August 1948, aged 46. He was buried in Mt. Eden Lutheran Cemetery in Quarryville. An image relating to Jacob Roy Lefever is shown as Media 27. Jacob Roy Lefever married M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196. They had three children: Glen R. Lefever 849 in 1938 Pauline E. Henry [Lefever] 851 Donna L. Spade [Lefever] 853 1198. ELWOOD STRUBLE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born in 1907. Elwood was a Vegetable farmer. Elwood died on 2 July 2002, aged about 95, in Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community. Elwood married twice. He was married to M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196 and Lucille E. Struble [Connor]. Elwood Struble married M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196. Elwood Struble married Lucille E. Struble [Connor]. 1199. HELEN M. LUTZ [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (24)) was born to Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 and Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407. Helen was a Cigar maker. Helen died on 28 January 2003. She was buried in Mt. Eden Lutheran Cemetery in Quarryville. 1200. WELDON M. ("BUD") LUTZ (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Weldon became known as “Bud”. Bud died in 1998. Weldon M. ("Bud") Lutz married Helen M. Lutz [Yunginger] 1199. 1201. J. CHESTER ("TED") YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (24)) was born on 3 July 1924 to Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 and Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] 1407. J. became known as “Ted”. Ted died on 28 July 2004, aged 80. He was buried in Mt. Eden Lutheran Cemetery in Quarryville. An image relating to J. Chester ("Ted") Yunginger is shown as Media 28. Page 116 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1202. DOROTHY N. YUNGINGER [SMITH] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 5 July 1923. Dorothy died on 19 January 1991, aged 67. She was buried in Mt. Eden Lutheran Cemetery in Quarryville. J. Chester ("Ted") Yunginger 1201 married Dorothy N. Yunginger [Smith]. They had one son: Howard Dennis Yunginger 855 1203. DELMAR YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (25)) was born in April 1915 to Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 and Lura Una Yuninger [Hammon] 1410. 1204. REBECCA YUNINGER [KAPLAN] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Delmar Yuninger 1203 married Rebecca Yuninger [Kaplan]. 1205. CARL L. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (25)) was born on 21 March 1917 to Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 and Lura Una Yuninger [Hammon] 1410. Carl was a Painter and wall paper hanger. Carl died on 13 May 2008, aged 91, in Lebanon Veterans Aministration Hospital. He was buried in Indian Town Gap National Cemetery. 1206. MONA EDNA YUNINGER [GUIE] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Carl L. Yuninger 1205, aged 22, married Mona Edna Yuninger [Guie] on 9 March 1940. 1207. FANNIE SCHNEIDER [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (25)) was born in November 1918 to Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 and Lura Una Yuninger [Hammon] 1410. Fannie was a Florist. Fannie died on 12 November 2000, aged 81, in Life Care Center, LaCanto, FL. She was buried in Quarryville Cemetery. 1208. JOHN SCHNEIDER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born in 1915. John was a Chief lineman for PP&L and retired after 45 years. John died on 18 September 2008, aged about 93, in Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, PA. He was buried in Quarryville Cemetery. John Schneider married Fannie Schneider [Yuninger] 1207. They had two sons: Ronald E. Schneider 857 James L. Schneider 859 1209. GLADYS ADELE YUNINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (26)) was born to Edgar L. Yuninger 1412 and Maude Yuninger [Kramer] 1413. Gladys married three times. She was married to Walter Greenawalt 1210, Donald Myers 1211 and Mark C. Redcay 1212. 1210. WALTER GREENAWALT (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Walter Greenawalt married Gladys Adele Yuninger 1209, and they were divorced. 1211. DONALD MYERS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Donald Myers married Gladys Adele Yuninger 1209, and they were divorced. 1212. MARK C. REDCAY (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Mark C. Redcay married Gladys Adele Yuninger 1209. 1213. NORMAN E. YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (26)) was born on 25 October 1931 to Edgar L. Yuninger 1412 and Maude Yuninger [Kramer] 1413. Norman was a Truck driver. Norman died on 2 June 2009, aged 77, in Susquehanna Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Columbia, PA. He was buried in Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, PA. Norman married twice. He was married to Gwynn Yuninger [Craig] 1214 and Lynne Mae (“pinky”) Yuninger [Furlow] 1215. 1214. GWYNN YUNINGER [CRAIG] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Norman E. Yuninger 1213 married Gwynn Yuninger [Craig], and they were divorced. 1215. LYNNE MAE (“PINKY”) YUNINGER [FURLOW] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Lynne was an Insurance claims adjuster. Lynne died on 4 March 2005. She was buried in Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, PA. Norman E. Yuninger 1213, aged 27, married Lynne Mae (“pinky”) Yuninger [Furlow] on 4 September 1959. They had two sons: Mark A. Yuninger 862 in 1959 Norman Lynn Yuninger 863 in 1964 1216. EDGAR YUNINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (26)) was born to Edgar L. Yuninger 1412 and Maude Yuninger [Kramer] 1413. Edgar died on 7 December 1973. Page 117 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1217. RUTH YUNINGER [FINDLEY] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Edgar Yuninger 1216 married Ruth Yuninger [Findley]. They had two daughters: Shirl Yuninger 866 Susan Yuninger 867 1218. MILDRED HOMSHER [EAGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (27)) was born to Will Thurman Eager 1415 and Anna Louise Eager [Yuninger] 1414. 1219. BRYSON HOMSHER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Bryson Homsher married Mildred Homsher [Eager] 1218. 1220. GEORGE WILLARD EAGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (27)) was born to Will Thurman Eager 1415 and Anna Louise Eager [Yuninger] 1414. 1221. BETTY EAGER [SHAW] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). George Willard Eager 1220 married Betty Eager [Shaw]. They had one son: George Howard Eager 868 1222. NORMA MARGUERITE VAUGHN [HUHN] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born on 30 October 1921 to Norman Huhn 1419 and Emily Huhn [Yuninger] 1418. 1223. ROBERT MILLER VAUGHN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 8 March 1921. Robert died on 30 November 2000, aged 79. He was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasburg. Robert Miller Vaughn married Norma Marguerite Vaughn [Huhn] 1222. They had one son: David Vaughn 870 1224. MARILYN ZOOK [HUHN] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (28)) was born to Norman Huhn 1419 and Emily Huhn [Yuninger] 1418. 1225. GEORGE ZOOK (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). George Zook married Marilyn Zook [Huhn] 1224. They had two daughters: Kathleen Nestlerode [Zook] 872 Cynthia Wurst [Zook] 874 1226. T. SUSAN MOWRER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (29)) was born on 6 June 1913 to Benjamin H. Mowrer 1426 and Viola M. Mowrer [Yunginger] 1425. T. married twice. She was married to Raymond Nolt 1227 and Lloyd Wenger 1228. 1227. RAYMOND NOLT (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Raymond Nolt married T. Susan Mowrer 1226. 1228. LLOYD WENGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Lloyd Wenger married T. Susan Mowrer 1226. 1229. LILLIAN MUSSER [CLARK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born on 9 January 1914 to Ray L. Clark 1430 and Mildred Clark [Yunginger] 1429. Lillian died on 10 February 2002, aged 88, in Lancaster General Hospital. 1230. WILBUR E. MUSSER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Wilbur resided at 2038 Hemlock Road, Lancaster. Wilbur died in 1998. Wilbur E. Musser married Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229. They had five children: Ronald E. Musser 876 in 1934 Clark C. Musser 877 in 1937 Mildred Wimer [Musser] 879 in 1942 Barbara Lee Good [Musser] 881 in 1945 John Musser 883 in 1947 1231. DOROTHY RUSSEL [CLARK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (30)) was born to Ray L. Clark 1430 and Mildred Clark [Yunginger] 1429. 1232. GABRIEL RUSSEL (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Gabriel Russel married Dorothy Russel [Clark] 1231. They had two children: Robert Russel 884 Susan Mellinger [Russel] 886 1233. ARLENE E. ESBENSHADE [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (31)) was Page 118 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations born in 1920 to Roland Clair Yunginger 1431 and Bertha Evelyn Yunginger [Groff] 1432. Arlene died in 1998, aged about 78, in Landis Homes, Lititz, PA. 1234. CLARENCE A. ESBENSHADE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Clarence A. Esbenshade married Arlene E. Esbenshade [Yunginger] 1233. They had one son: Larry Esbenshade 888 1235. RICHARD CLAIR YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (31)) was born on 12 April 1922, in West Lampeter Twp, Lancaster County, to Roland Clair Yunginger 1431 and Bertha Evelyn Yunginger [Groff] 1432. Richard was educated (Grade 12.). He was a Farmer. Richard died on 4 December 1991, aged 69, in Coronary Artery Disease and Giant Cell Lymphoma. Richard was buried in Karybill Mennonite Cemetery, E. Donegal Twp. The following information is also recorded for Richard. Religion: Mennonite. 1236. JEAN REIST YUNGINGER [HESS] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 9 April 1924, in Upper Leacock Twp, Lancaster County. Jean was educated (Lancaster General Hospital School of Nursing). She was a Registered Nurse, Homemaker, Quilter. Jean died on 27 September 1992, aged 68, in Idiopathic Cardiomyopothy. Jean was buried. The following information is also recorded for Jean. Religion: Mennonite. Richard Clair Yunginger 1235, aged 25, married Jean Reist Yunginger [Hess], aged 23, on 22 November 1947 in Mount Joy, PA. They had five children: Patricia Hess Leaman [Yunginger] 890 in 1948 Audrey Jean Rohrer [Yunginger] 892 in 1951 Nancy Evelyn Keefer [Yunginger] 894 in 1954 Richard Clair Yunginger Jr. Md 896 in 1957 Mary Ann Rittenhouse [Yunginger] 898 in 1958 1237. C. NORMAN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born in 1923 to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. C. was educated in Millersville State Teachers College (Indutrial Arts). He was an Administrator, RCA Corporation, Lancaster.. C. died on 7 November 2010, aged about 87, in Lancaster, PA. C. was buried in Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens. 1238. MARION YUNGINGER [RACHKOSKIE] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Marion died on 22 September 2014 in Moravian Manor. She was buried in Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens, Columbia, PA. C. Norman Yunginger 1237 married Marion Yunginger [Rachkoskie]. They had three daughters: Colleen Yunginger 900 Melissa A. Hess [Yunginger] 902 Christine N. Yunginger 904 1239. NANCY RUTH YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Nancy married twice. She was married to Horace Miller 1240 and Paul Rhoads 1241. 1240. HORACE MILLER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Horace Miller married Nancy Ruth Yunginger 1239, and they were divorced. They had one son: Joseph Miller 907 1241. PAUL RHOADS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Paul Rhoads married Nancy Ruth Yunginger 1239. 1242. BETTY SUSAN YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born on 11 March 1925 to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Betty died on 21 May 1988, aged 63. Betty married twice. She was married to Earl Centini 1243 and Harold Mowrer 1244. An image relating to Betty Susan Yunginger is shown as Media 29. 1243. EARL CENTINI (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Earl Centini married Betty Susan Yunginger 1242, and they were divorced. They had one daughter: Janice Centini 908 1244. HAROLD MOWRER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born on 8 July 1924. Harold died on 31 October 1995, aged 71. An image relating to Harold Mowrer is shown as Media 29. Harold Mowrer married Betty Susan Yunginger 1242. 1245. MARY MILDRED MCKINNEY [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) Page 119 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Mary resided at Dogwoon Lane, Lancaster, PA. 1246. W. PARKE MCKINNEY (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband) was born in 1923. W. was a Hamilton Watch Company -- started as an assembler, retired in 1984 from management after 43 years. W. died on 8 March 2012, aged about 88, in Hospice and Community Care, Good Drive, Lancaster, PA. He was buried in Conestoga Memorial Park. W. Parke McKinney married Mary Mildred McKinney [Yunginger] 1245. They had two children: Lisa D. Eshleman [Mckinney] 909 William P. McKinney 911 1247. BENJAMIN FRANK YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Benjamin resided at Litiiz, PA. 1248. MARTHA E. YUNGINGER [HOHENWATER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1247 married Martha E. Yunginger [Hohenwater]. They had four children: Benjamin Frank Yunginger III 912 Jeffrey K. Yunginger 914 Susan E. Lilly [Yunginger] 916 Matthew S. Yunginger 918 1249. HARVEY JOSEPH YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born on 2 October 1930 to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Harvey died on 22 May 1944, aged 13. He was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasburg. An image relating to Harvey Joseph Yunginger is shown as Media 30. 1250. JANICE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born on 22 March 1933 to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Janice died (died at the age of 6 months of pneumonia after a 10-day illness) on 17 September 1933, as an infant. An image relating to Janice Yunginger is shown as Media 31. 1251. ANNA BELLE YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Anna married twice. She was married to Donald Coble 1252 and John Gockley 1253. 1252. DONALD COBLE (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Donald is no longer living. Donald Coble married Anna Belle Yunginger 1251, and they were divorced. They had three children: Tammy Coble 920 Cynthia Coble 921 Todd Coble 922 1253. JOHN GOCKLEY (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). John Gockley married Anna Belle Yunginger 1251. 1254. ROLAND YUNGINGER YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. 1255. JOYCE YUNGINGER [ROHRER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Roland Yunginger Yunginger 1254 married Joyce Yunginger [Rohrer]. They had two children: Denise Yunginger 923 Roland Yunginger 924 1256. YVONNE BAKER [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (32)) was born to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. 1257. JOHN BAKER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). John Baker married Yvonne Baker [Yunginger] 1256. They had four children: Lori Baker 925 John Baker 926 Caroll Baker 927 Melissa Baker 928 1258. CHARLES "PORK" YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (32)) was born in 1939 to Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 and Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] 1435. Charles became known as Page 120 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations “Pork”. Pork died in 1978, aged about 39. He was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasburg. An image relating to Charles "Pork" Yunginger is shown as Media 32. 1259. JUDY A. YUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Judy is no longer living, and was laid to rest in Conestoga Memorial Park (Mausoleum). Charles "Pork" Yunginger 1258 married Judy A. Yunginger. 1260. CHARLES E. MUNSON (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born in (Adopted) to Harry C. Munson 1439 and Hettie E. Munson [Simmons] 1440. 1261. HARRY B. WELK (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1262. JOHN M. WELK (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. John resided at Rohrerstown, PA. 1263. LUCY AMES [WELK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1264. SARA JANE TRAHANOVSKY [WELK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1265. KATHRYN NEWCOMER [WELK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1266. DOLORES BYERS [WELK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1267. ROBERT F. BYERS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Robert F. Byers married Dolores Byers [Welk] 1266. 1268. JOYCE KAY PETERS [WELK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1269. CHARLES R. PETERS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Charles R. Peters married Joyce Kay Peters [Welk] 1268. 1270. NANCY MAYSILLES [WELK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1271. EDWARD C. MAYSILLES (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Edward C. Maysilles married Nancy Maysilles [Welk] 1270. 1272. JOAN KOHLER [WELK] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Joseph Welk 1442 and Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. 1273. CHARLES E. KOHLER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Charles E. Kohler married Joan Kohler [Welk] 1272. 1274. MARIAN HAUBERT (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to John Haubert 1446 and Alta Haubert [Munson] 1445. 1275. JOHN HAUBERT (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to John Haubert 1446 and Alta Haubert [Munson] 1445. 1276. MARY HAGENS [SHEAFER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Ira Sheaffer 1448 and Clara Viola Sheaffer [Munson] 1447. 1277. JACK HAGENS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Jack Hagens married Mary Hagens [Sheafer] 1276. They had three daughters: Christine Hagens 929 Rebecca Hagens 930 Kathleen Hagens 931 Page 121 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1278. JACOB SHEAFER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Ira Sheaffer 1448 and Clara Viola Sheaffer [Munson] 1447. 1279. ROSLYN SHEAFER [ROTH] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Jacob Sheafer 1278 married Roslyn Sheafer [Roth]. They had three children: Gale Sheafer 932 Bryan Sheafer 933 Randy Sheafer 934 1280. IRA SHEAFER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Ira Sheaffer 1448 and Clara Viola Sheaffer [Munson] 1447. 1281. FRANCES SHEAFER [MARTIN] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Ira Sheafer 1280 married Frances Sheafer [Martin]. 1282. NORMAN SHEAFER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Ira Sheaffer 1448 and Clara Viola Sheaffer [Munson] 1447. 1283. GLORIA DITZLER [LANDIS] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Harold E. Landis 1450 and D. Elizabeth Munson 1449. 1284. WILLIAM D. DITZLER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). William D. Ditzler married Gloria Ditzler [Landis] 1283. They had two daughters: Debra Ann Ditzler 935 Amy D. Spradlin [Ditzler] 936 1285. DEBRA LANDIS (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to Harold E. Landis 1450 and D. Elizabeth Munson 1449. 1286. DONALD LANDIS (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born to Harold E. Landis 1450 and D. Elizabeth Munson 1449. 1287. DAVID GRAHAM (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Galen Graham 1452 and Kathryn Graham [Mowrer] 1453. 1288. IRENE GRAHAM [WELK] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). David Graham 1287 married Irene Graham [Welk]. They had four children: Diane Carroll [Graham] 938 Donna Graham 940 David Graham 941 Danny Graham 942 1289. ALTA RAPP [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Galen Graham 1452 and Kathryn Graham [Mowrer] 1453. 1290. WAYNE RAPP (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Wayne Rapp married Alta Rapp [Graham] 1289. 1291. ELSIE MORRISON [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Galen Graham 1452 and Kathryn Graham [Mowrer] 1453. 1292. RICHARD MORRISON (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Richard Morrison married Elsie Morrison [Graham] 1291. 1293. CHARLES MINNEY (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Jacob Minney 1455 and Clara B. Minney [Graham] 1454. 1294. MARY MINNEY [WILSON] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Charles Minney 1293 married Mary Minney [Wilson]. 1295. VIOLA HASSEL [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Maurice B. Graham 1456 and Esther H. Graham [Trout] 1457. 1296. ELLIS HASSEL (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Ellis Hassel married Viola Hassel [Graham] 1295. They had two children: Joyce Hollinger [Hassel] 943 Wayne Hassel 945 Page 122 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1297. JOSEPH GRAHAM (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Maurice B. Graham 1456 and Esther H. Graham [Trout] 1457. 1298. BARBARA GRAHAM [WELK] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Joseph Graham 1297 married Barbara Graham [Welk]. They had two children: Esther Robinson [Graham] 947 in 1954 Donald Graham 949 1299. HELEN LELLENBERGER [REESE] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Levi Reese 1459 and Lillie Reese [Graham] 1458. 1300. WALTER LELLENBERGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Walter Lellenberger married Helen Lellenberger [Reese] 1299. 1301. JOSEPH REESE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Levi Reese 1459 and Lillie Reese [Graham] 1458. 1302. LOIS REESE [RINEER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Joseph Reese 1301 married Lois Reese [Rineer]. 1303. ROBERT REESE (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Levi Reese 1459 and Lillie Reese [Graham] 1458. 1304. EMMA SMITH [WEAVER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Mark Weaver 1461 and Ada G. Weaver [Graham] 1460. 1305. ROBERT C. SMITH (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Robert resided at Strasburg, PA. Robert C. Smith married Emma Smith [Weaver] 1304. 1306. MILDRED BROWN [WEAVER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Mark Weaver 1461 and Ada G. Weaver [Graham] 1460. 1307. GEORGE BROWN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). George Brown married Mildred Brown [Weaver] 1306. They had three daughters: Karen Sue Brown 951 Linda Brown 952 Margaret Brown 953 1308. DOROTHY WENGER [WEAVER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Mark Weaver 1461 and Ada G. Weaver [Graham] 1460. 1309. GEORGE J. WENGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). George resided at Soudersburg, PA. George J. Wenger married Dorothy Wenger [Weaver] 1308. They had two daughters: Sandra Wenger 954 Barbara Long [Wenger] 955 1310. DOROTHY RINEER [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to J. Willis Graham 1462 and Annie Graham [Trout] 1463. 1311. CLARENCE RINEER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Clarence Rineer married Dorothy Rineer [Graham] 1310. They had two daughters: Cynthia Rineer 957 Doris Groff [Rineer] 958 1312. HILDA ISENBERGER [GRAHAM] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to J. Rueben Graham 1464 and Naomi W. Graham [Trout] 1465. 1313. RONALD ISENBERGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Ronald Isenberger married Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312. They had four children: Randy Isenberger 960 Lynn Isenberger 961 Larry Isenberger 962 Keith Isenberger 963 1314. PAUL C. REIMOLD (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Charles Reimold 1467 and Edna Reimold [Graham] 1466. Page 123 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1315. BERTHA REIMOLD [SELLERS] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Paul C. Reimold 1314 married Bertha Reimold [Sellers]. They had four children: Paul Raymond Reimold 964 Kenneth Reimold 966 Jeffrey Reimold 968 Cheryl Sweigart [Reimold] 970 1316. EMMA E. MARTIN [REIMOLD] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Charles Reimold 1467 and Edna Reimold [Graham] 1466. 1317. JAMES E. MARTIN (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). James E. Martin married Emma E. Martin [Reimold] 1316. They had two sons: James Martin 972 Charles Martin 973 1318. VIOLET M. RINEER [REIMOLD] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Charles Reimold 1467 and Edna Reimold [Graham] 1466. 1319. CLIFFORD C. RINEER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Clifford C. Rineer married Violet M. Rineer [Reimold] 1318. They had two sons: Ronald Rineer 974 Gary Rineer 976 1320. MARVIN G. REIMOLD (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Charles Reimold 1467 and Edna Reimold [Graham] 1466. 1321. EDITH REIMOLD [HARNISH] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Marvin G. Reimold 1320 married Edith Reimold [Harnish]. They had two children: Glenda Souders [Reimold] 978 Douglas Reimold 980 1322. ROBERT TROUT (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Lloyd H. Trout 1469 and Alma V. Trout [Graham] 1468. 1323. JANE TROUT [HERR] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Robert Trout 1322 married Jane Trout [Herr]. They had one daughter: Brenard Roark [Trout] 981 1324. HAROLD ROCKEY (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Charles Rockey 1473 and Mary Graham 1472. 1325. EDNA SWISHER [FICHTNER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to George S. Fichtner 1476 and E. Dora Fichtner [Graham] 1475. 1326. LEON SWISHER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Leon Swisher married Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325. They had four children: Elaine Young [Swisher] 983 James Swisher 985 George Swisher 986 Carol Fisher [Swisher] 987 1327. LESTER G. FICHTNER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born in 1924 to George S. Fichtner 1476 and E. Dora Fichtner [Graham] 1475. Lester died on 20 August 2005, aged about 81. He was buried in Georgetown Methodist Cemetery. 1328. REBA FICHTNER [HENRY] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Lester G. Fichtner 1327, aged about 19, married Reba Fichtner [Henry] on 22 November 1943. They had three children: Wanda L Wingler [Fichtner] 989 Gerald L. Fichtner 990 James G. Fichtner 992 1329. LLOYD FICHTNER (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to George S. Fichtner 1476 and E. Dora Fichtner [Graham] 1475. Page 124 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1330. VIRGINIA FICHTNER [WERTZ] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Lloyd Fichtner 1329 married Virginia Fichtner [Wertz]. 1331. DORIS HAGELGANS [HESS] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Harry Hess 1478 and Irma Hess [Graham] 1477. 1332. HAROLD HAGELGANS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Harold Hagelgans married Doris Hagelgans [Hess] 1331. They had one daughter: Dorothy Swinehart [Hagelgans] 994 1333. EVELYN MYERS [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Jay R. Yuninger 1480 and Katharine Yuninger [Sides] 1481. 1334. GILBERT MYERS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Gilbert Myers married Evelyn Myers [Yuninger] 1333. They had one daughter: Brenda Myers 996 1335. HELEN YUNINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Jay R. Yuninger 1480 and Katharine Yuninger [Sides] 1481. Helen died on 22 June 2006 in Lancaster General Hospital. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Helen married twice. She was married to Elvin Weaver 1336 and George W. Roberts 1337. 1336. ELVIN WEAVER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Elvin Weaver married Helen Yuninger 1335 on 6 April 1935 in St. John's Lutheran Church, Lancaster, PA. They had three children: Dorothy Louise Fenninger [Weaver] 997 Julianne W. Hildebrand [Yuninger] 999 Robert Weaver 1001 1337. GEORGE W. ROBERTS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). George W. Roberts married Helen Yuninger 1335. 1338. LILLIAN HUBER [YUNINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Jay R. Yuninger 1480 and Katharine Yuninger [Sides] 1481. Lillian was a Self-employed beautician for 50 years with a shop in Lancaster and later in Strasburg. Lillian died on 24 March 2006 in Lancaster General Hospital. 1339. JOHN HUBER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). John died in 1979. John Huber married Lillian Huber [Yuninger] 1338. They had one daughter: Yvonne Knottmyer [Huber] 1003 1340. DOROTHY YUNINGER (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born on 9 September 1921 to Jay R. Yuninger 1480 and Katharine Yuninger [Sides] 1481. Dorothy died on 27 July 1973, aged 51. An image relating to Dorothy Yuninger is shown as Media 33. 1341. FLORENCE DAGEN (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles Dagen 1483 and Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482. Florence is no longer living. 1342. ROBERT DAGEN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles Dagen 1483 and Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482. Robert is no longer living. 1343. DOROTHY DAGEN (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born in 1919 to Charles Dagen 1483 and Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482. Dorothy died in 1919, as an infant. 1344. BENJAMIN FRANK DAGEN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born in 1919 to Charles Dagen 1483 and Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482. Benjamin died in 1936, aged about 17. 1345. CHARLES L. (“NIX”) DAGEN (Johannes' great-grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born on 7 February 1932 to Charles Dagen 1483 and Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482. Charles was a Butcher in the family Willow Street market (Dagen's Market). Charles died on 4 August 2012, aged 80. He was buried in Pequea Brethren in Christ Church cemetery. This image relating to Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen is shown as Media 34. Page 125 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1346. ARLENE MAE DAGEN [FEATHER] (Johannes' great-grandson's wife) was born on 6 October 1934, in Lebanon, PA. Arlene died on 26 October 2011, aged 77, in Lancaster, PA. She was buried in Pequea Brethren in Christ Church cemetery. This image relating to Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather] is shown as Media 35. Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 married Arlene Mae Dagen [Feather]. They had five children: Peggy Rebman [Dagen] 1005 Susan Greiner [Dagen] 1007 Marion Weachter [Dagen] 1009 Nixetta Morrison [Dagen] 1011 Steven Dagen 1013 1347. MIRIAM MILLER [DAGEN] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to Charles Dagen 1483 and Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482. 1348. EUGENE MILLER (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Eugene Miller married Miriam Miller [Dagen] 1347. 1349. NANCY J. BURKHART [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born in 1936 to B. Lloyd Yunginger Yunginger 1486 and Verna S. Yunginger [Parmer] 1487. Nancy was an Office manager. Nancy died (cancer) on 3 September 2005, aged about 69. 1350. DONALD U. BURKHART (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Donald resided at 325 May Post Office Road, Strasburg, PA. The following information is also recorded for Donald. Telephone: 687 6064. Donald U. Burkhart married Nancy J. Burkhart [Yunginger] 1349, aged about 19, on 18 September 1955. They had one son: Douglas E. Burkhart 1014 1351. LILLIAN E. MYERS [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born to B. Lloyd Yunginger Yunginger 1486 and Verna S. Yunginger [Parmer] 1487. Lillian became a Retired nurse from LGH and Women and Babies Hospital. This image relating to Lillian E. Myers [Yunginger] is shown as Media 36. 1352. GARY R. MYERS (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Gary R. Myers married Lillian E. Myers [Yunginger] 1351 on 13 May 1962 in First Presbyterian Church of Strasburg. They had two daughters: Lisa Horn [Myers] 1016 Wendy Barber [Myers] 1018 Generation of Grandchildren 1353. JOHN WILLIAM GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 27 December 1871 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. John died on 16 January 1872, as an infant. 1354. EMMA DORA GRAHAM (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 2 January 1875 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Emma died on 30 November 1881, aged 6. 1355. MARY SUSAN CHAMBERLIN [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 2 March 1877 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Mary died on 8 November 1965, aged 88. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1356. J. HARRY CHAMBERLIN (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). J. is no longer living, and was laid to rest in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. J. Harry Chamberlin married Mary Susan Chamberlin [Graham] 1355. They had one son: Joseph Ross Chamberlin 1020 in 1904 1357. KATIE ELIZABETH KEENE [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 31 October 1878 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Katie died on 21 April 1920, aged 41. She was buried in Octorora Presbyterian Cemetery. Page 126 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1358. HARRY C. KEENE (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born in 1873. Harry died on 10 September 1925, aged about 52. He was buried in Octorora Presbyterian Cemetery. Harry C. Keene married Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357. They had four children: Louetta Troup [Keene] 1023 in 1903 Ada Sue Reynolds [Keene] 1025 in 1905 Roy Calvin Keene 1027 in 1909 Harry Keene 1029 in 1914 1359. LEAH FRANCES CARVELL [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 24 September 1880 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Leah died on 1 March 1973, aged 92, in Lancashire Hall, Neffsville, PA. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1360. WALTER F. CARVELL (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 19 September 1886. Walter died on 25 March 1947, aged 60. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Walter F. Carvell married Leah Frances Carvell [Graham] 1359. 1361. GEORGE YUNINGER GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 21 October 1882 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. George died on 2 July 1960, aged 77. 1362. LOTTIE GRAHAM [ALTHOUSE] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born on 9 November 1883. Lottie died on 16 May 1976, aged 92, in Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital. She was buried in Strasburg Mennonite Cemetery. George Yuninger Graham 1361 married Lottie Graham [Althouse]. They had three children: Warren A. Graham 1031 in 1906 Ralph George Graham 1034 in 1910 Mary Arlene Groff [Graham] 1036 in 1915 1363. ANNIE NAOMI MOWRER [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 4 July 1884 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Annie died on 1 January 1966, aged 81. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1364. JACOB MOWRER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 5 September 1881. Jacob died on 27 September 1968, aged 87. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Jacob Mowrer married Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363. They had seven children: Catherine (Kit) D. Mowrer 1038 in 1909 Musser Graham Mowrer 1039 in 1911 Hilda Hershey [Mowrer] 1041 in 1914 Sara Lenora Erb [Mowrer] 1043 in 1915 Jacob Milton Mowrer 1045 in 1925 Hiram Sylvester Mowrer 1046 in 1927 Harold Lyte Mowrer 1048 in 1928 1365. ELLA LOUETTA RICE [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 6 April 1886 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Ella died on 16 June 1970, aged 84. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1366. JOHN RICE (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 8 July 1869. John died on 8 October 1957, aged 88. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. John Rice married Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365. They had twelve children: Richard Thomas Winters 1050 in 1910 Thomas Richard Winters 1052 in 1910 Nelson Graham Rice 1054 in 1915 Daniel Edwin Rice 1056 in 1916 Dorothy Joann Lindsley [Rice] 1058 in 1917 Ruby Elizabeth Deckman [Rice] 1060 in 1919 Ruth Rice 1062 in 1919 Lillie Amanda Axe [Rice] 1063 in 1921 Margaret Louetta Hershey [Rice] 1065 in 1923 John Henry Rice 1067 in 1925 Jacob Hershey Rice 1068 in 1925 Robert Leroy Rice 1069 in 1931 Page 127 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1367. ADA SALOME GRAHAM (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 26 October 1887 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Ada died on 27 August 1888, as an infant. 1368. HARRIET REBECCA HERR [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 21 October 1888 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Harriet died on 15 November 1960, aged 72. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1369. ROY KEENE HERR (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born in 1887. Roy died in 1963, aged about 76. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Roy Keene Herr married Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368. They had four children: Catherine Elizabeth Martin [Herr] 1071 in 1911 John Graham Herr 1073 in 1913 Dorothy Louise Sheaffer [Herr] 1075 in 1923 Roy J. Herr 1077 in 1924 1370. MINNIE LEONE SIMPSON [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 1 June 1890 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Minnie died on 22 April 1981, aged 90, in Fairmont Rest Home. She was buried in Georgetown Mennonite Cemetery. 1371. JONAS SIMPSON (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born in 1879, in Paradise, PA. Jonas died on 28 April 1951, aged about 71. He was buried in Georgetown Mennonite Cemetery. Jonas Simpson married Minnie Leone Simpson [Graham] 1370. They had three children: Clair Graham Simpson 1079 in 1922 George Simpson 1080 in 1923 James Lee Simpson 1082 in 1927 1372. SARAH LOUISE MYERS [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 1 March 1892 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Sarah died on 7 August 1984, aged 92. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1373. JOSEPH MYERS (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 15 June 1893. Joseph died on 22 March 1988, aged 94. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Joseph Myers married Sarah Louise Myers [Graham] 1372. They had two daughters: Miriam Elizabeth Myers 1084 in 1924 Martha Irene Koch [Myers] 1087 in 1928 1374. ALICE LENORE HARKINS [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 21 December 1893 to George Graham 1495 and Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. Alice died in 1995, aged about 101. 1375. ELMER HARKINS (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born in 1892. Elmer died (Trichinosis) in 1934, aged about 42, in Lancaster General Hospital. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Elmer Harkins married Alice Lenore Harkins [Graham] 1374. They had two sons: Edwin G. Harkins 1089 in 1920 Horace D. Harkins 1091 in 1925 1376. JOHN M. YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born in 1879 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. John died in 1958, aged about 79. An image relating to John M. Yunginger is shown as Media 37. 1377. ANNA M. YUNGINGER [STEVENS] (Johannes' grandson's wife). An image relating to Anna M. Yunginger [Stevens] is shown as Media 37. John M. Yunginger 1376 married Anna M. Yunginger [Stevens]. They had one daughter: Gertrude Yunginger 1092 1378. ELAM M. YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born in 1882 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Elam died on 22 July 1934, aged about 52. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Elam M. Yunginger is shown as Media 12. 1379. EDNA M. YUNGINGER [HORTING] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born in 1891. Edna died in 1972, aged about 81. An image relating to Edna M. Yunginger [Horting] is shown as Media 12. Page 128 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Elam M. Yunginger 1378 married Edna M. Yunginger [Horting]. They had four children: J. Wellington Yunginger 1093 Melvin L. Yunginger 1095 Gladys Yunginger 1097 Roy Yunginger 1098 in 1913 1380. EMMA DORA YUNGINGER (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 3 September 1883 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Emma died on 12 January 1884, as an infant. 1381. LILLIAN MARTIN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 24 November 1884 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Lillian is no longer living. 1382. AARON R. MARTIN (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Aaron R. Martin married Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381. They had ten children: Lillian Blanche Martin 1099 Irvin M. Martin 1100 Elwood Elisha Martin 1101 Eva Ella Ferree [Martin] 1102 Paul David Martin 1104 Titus Watkins Martin 1105 Luke Y. Martin 1106 Ruth Y. Sullivan [Martin] 1107 Matthew Y. Martin 1109 Aaron Rife Martin 1110 1383. MARTHA POPE [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. 1384. WILLIAM POPE (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). William Pope married Martha Pope [Yunginger] 1383. They had two children: Helena Brickner [Pope] 1111 Robert E. Pope 1113 1385. PARK M. YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Park died (Heart attack) on 16 April 1959. He was buried in Conestoga Memorial Park, Lancaster, PA. 1386. LYDIA YUNGINGER [CAMPBELL] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Park M. Yunginger 1385 married Lydia Yunginger [Campbell]. They had one son: Park Vincent Yunginger 1116 in 1922 1387. DAVID LEROY YUNINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 29 October 1887 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. David was a Maintenance department at Hamilton Watch Co. in Lancaster, PA. David died on 13 April 1959, aged 71. He was buried in Fairview Cemetery, Denver, Lancaster County, PA. An image relating to David Leroy Yuninger is shown as Media 38. 1388. ELSIE G. YUNINGER [STROHM] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born on 2 August 1889. Elsie was a Waitress. Elsie died on 27 May 1963, aged 73. David Leroy Yuninger 1387 married Elsie G. Yuninger [Strohm]. They had four children: Paul S. Yuninger 1118 in 1912 S. Richard Yuninger 1119 in 1920 Verna E. Wettig [Yuninger] 1120 in 1923 Dorothy Jean Diller [Yuninger] 1122 in 1930 1389. CORA BUCKWALTER [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. 1390. CLETEUS M. BUCKWALTER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Cleteus M. Buckwalter married Cora Buckwalter [Yunginger] 1389. They had two children: Charles Buckwalter 1124 Dorothy Shopf [Buckwalter] 1127 in 1906 Page 129 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1391. MILO YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 25 July 1889 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Milo died on 11 July 1977, aged 87. Four images relating to Milo Yunginger are shown as Media 39-42. 1392. ANNA MAE YUNGINGER [WHITTAKER] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Anna died in 1961. Two images relating to Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker] are shown as Media 39 and 42. Milo Yunginger 1391 married Anna Mae Yunginger [Whittaker]. They had seven children: Lewis Yunginger 1129 in 1911 Evelyn Johnson [Yunginger] 1131 in 1913 Harold Joseph Yunginger 1133 in 1914 Pauline Killian [Yunginger] 1136 in 1916 Helen E. Spotts [Yunginger] 1138 in 1920 Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") Buch [Yunginger] 1140 in 1931 David Leroy Yunginger 1142 in 1932 1393. CHARLES ROSS YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 4 August 1891 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Charles died on 27 February 1977, aged 85. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Charles Ross Yunginger is shown as Media 43. 1394. MARY YUNGINGER [RINEER] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Charles Ross Yunginger 1393 married Mary Yunginger [Rineer]. They had two daughters: Marie Yunginger 1145 Carolyn Yunginger 1146 1395. CLARENCE YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 9 March 1896, in Brownstown, PA, to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Clarence died on 6 December 1925, aged 29. He was buried in Millersville Mennonite Cemetery, Millersville, PA. 1396. EDNA YUNGINGER [CAMPBELL] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Clarence Yunginger 1395 married Edna Yunginger [Campbell]. They had two daughters: Lydia E. ("Tootie") Barnett [Yunginger] 1147 Elsie M. Gould [Yunginger] 1149 1397. ANGIE M. ROTE [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 11 December 1898 to David Yunginger 1496 and Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] 1497. Angie died on 1 January 1992, aged 93. She was buried in Longenecker’s Reformed Mennonite Church cemetery, Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] is shown as Media 44. 1398. LUTHER W. ROTE (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born in 1898. Luther died in 1982, aged about 84. An image relating to Luther W. Rote is shown as Media 44. Luther W. Rote married Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397. They had eight children: Esther R. Rote 1150 Luther W. Rote 1153 in 1920 Ruth E. Crist [Rote] 1155 in 1921 Robert Rote 1157 Levern M. Rote 1158 Betty Lou Strine [Rote] 1159 Doris L. Rote 1161 Jean R. Rote 1163 1399. EMILY DOROTHY RYDER [YUNINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 15 November 1886 to John Yuninger 1498 and Susan Yuninger [Herr] 1499. Emily died on 5 April 1976, aged 89. An image relating to Emily Dorothy Ryder [Yuninger] is shown as Media 45. 1400. ERNEST HENRY RYDER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Ernest resided at Miami, FL. Ernest Henry Ryder married Emily Dorothy Ryder [Yuninger] 1399. They had one son: Ernest Henry Ryder 1166 in 1926 1401. ANNABEL H. YUNINGER (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 16 January 1889 to John Yuninger 1498 and Susan Yuninger [Herr] 1499. Annabel died on 5 June 1984, aged 95. An image relating to Annabel H. Yuninger is shown as Media 45. Page 130 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1402. WALTER ROSS YUNINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born in 1882 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Walter died in 1969, aged about 87. He was buried in Longenecker’s Reformed Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg. An image relating to Walter Ross Yuninger is shown as Media 46. 1403. WILLA BLANCHE YUNINGER [TROUT] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born in 1882. Willa died in 1973, aged about 91. She was buried in Longenecker’s Reformed Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg. An image relating to Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout] is shown as Media 46. Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 married Willa Blanche Yuninger [Trout]. They had six children: E. Russell Yuninger 1170 in 1907 Ross T. Yuninger 1172 in 1909 Paul C. Yuninger 1174 in 1910 Warren Yuninger 1176 Pearl Thompson [Yuninger] 1178 Elsie Griffith [Yuninger] 1180 1404. EDITH M. HASSEL [YUNINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born in 1884 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Edith died in 1977, aged about 93. 1405. HARRY F. HASSEL (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Harry F. Hassel married Edith M. Hassel [Yuninger] 1404. They had three children: Bertha Dunwoody [Hassel] 1182 Elva Boose [Hassel] 1184 Lloyd V. Hassel 1186 in 1920 1406. CLAYTON W. YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 3 November 1885 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Clayton died on 14 October 1926, aged 40. He was buried in Mt. Pleasant Mennonite Church cemetery near Strasburg. An image relating to Clayton W. Yunginger is shown as Media 47. 1407. MARGARET E. YUNGINGER [FICHTNER] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born on 6 August 1886 to Jacob Fichtner and Harriet S. Fichtner [Helm]. Margaret died on 26 June 1973, aged 86. An image relating to Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner] is shown as Media 47. Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 married Margaret E. Yunginger [Fichtner]. They had seven children: Ella Harriet Yunginger 1188 in 1908 Oliver Yuninger 1189 in 1910 Charles E. (“tip”) Yuninger 1191 in 1912 Roy P. (“ben”) Yunginger 1193 in 1914 M. Viola ("Kit") Yunginger 1196 in 1917 Helen M. Lutz [Yunginger] 1199 J. Chester ("Ted") Yunginger 1201 in 1924 1408. MAUDE S. YUNINGER (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 26 April 1888 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Maude died on 26 October 1958, aged 70. She was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasburg. An image relating to Maude S. Yuninger is shown as Media 48. 1409. JACOB F. YUNINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born in 1891 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Jacob died on 16 February 1984, aged about 92. Jacob married twice. He was married to Lura Una Yuninger [Hammon] 1410 and Elizabeth M. Sheaffer Yuninger [Mehaffey] 1411. 1410. LURA UNA YUNINGER [HAMMON] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born in 1893. Lura died (Influenza) on 12 January 1919, aged about 25, in Mt. Pleasant, Paradise Township. She was buried in Quarryville Cemetery. Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 married Lura Una Yuninger [Hammon]. They had three children: Delmar Yuninger 1203 in 1915 Carl L. Yuninger 1205 in 1917 Fannie Schneider [Yuninger] 1207 in 1918 1411. ELIZABETH M. SHEAFFER YUNINGER [MEHAFFEY] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Page 131 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 married Elizabeth M. Sheaffer Yuninger [Mehaffey]. 1412. EDGAR L. YUNINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 3 March 1892, in Paradise, PA, to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Edgar was a Farmer in the Strasburg area. Edgar died on 22 August 1991, aged 99, in Lancashire Hall, Neffsville, PA. Two images relating to Edgar L. Yuninger are shown as Media 49-50. 1413. MAUDE YUNINGER [KRAMER] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Maude died in 1981. Edgar L. Yuninger 1412 married Maude Yuninger [Kramer]. They had three children: Gladys Adele Yuninger 1209 Norman E. Yuninger 1213 in 1931 Edgar Yuninger 1216 1414. ANNA LOUISE EAGER [YUNINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Anna is no longer living. 1415. WILL THURMAN EAGER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Will Thurman Eager married Anna Louise Eager [Yuninger] 1414. They had two children: Mildred Homsher [Eager] 1218 George Willard Eager 1220 1416. ADA ESHELMAN [YUNINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 6 June 1896 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Ada died on 7 March 1981, aged 84. She was buried in Riverview Burial Park. 1417. ROY ESHELMAN (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Roy is no longer living, and was laid to rest in Riverview Burial Park. Roy Eshelman married Ada Eshelman [Yuninger] 1416. 1418. EMILY HUHN [YUNINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 30 September 1898 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Emily died on 13 March 1934, aged 35. An image relating to Emily Huhn [Yuninger] is shown as Media 51. 1419. NORMAN HUHN (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Norman Huhn married Emily Huhn [Yuninger] 1418. They had two daughters: Norma Marguerite Vaughn [Huhn] 1222 in 1921 Marilyn Zook [Huhn] 1224 1420. JENNIE THOMPSON [YUNINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 11 August 1900 to Jacob Yuninger 1500 and Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] 1501. Jennie died on 9 November 1986, aged 86. She was buried in Bird in Hand United Medhodist Church cemetery. An image relating to Jennie Thompson [Yuninger] is shown as Media 52. 1421. PAUL THOMPSON (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 20 August 1903. Paul died on 28 October 1992, aged 89. He was buried in Bird in Hand United Medhodist Church cemetery. Paul Thompson married Jennie Thompson [Yuninger] 1420. 1422. CLARA YUNGINGER (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born in 1884 to Christian B. Yunginger 1502 and Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503. Clara died in 1961, aged about 77. Clara married twice. She was married to Albert L. Myers 1423 and William Shaibley 1424. 1423. ALBERT L. MYERS (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Albert resided at Pittsburgh, PA. Albert L. Myers married Clara Yunginger 1422. 1424. WILLIAM SHAIBLEY (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). William Shaibley married Clara Yunginger 1422. 1425. VIOLA M. MOWRER [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born in 1887 to Christian B. Yunginger 1502 and Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503. Viola died in 1950, aged about 63. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1426. BENJAMIN H. MOWRER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Benjamin is no longer living, and was laid to rest in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Benjamin H. Mowrer married Viola M. Mowrer [Yunginger] 1425. They had one daughter: T. Susan Mowrer 1226 in 1913 Page 132 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1427. RUTH R. KNISLEY [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 7 October 1888 to Christian B. Yunginger 1502 and Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503. Ruth died on 10 March 1975, aged 86. 1428. HARRY M. KNISLEY (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Harry M. Knisley married Ruth R. Knisley [Yunginger] 1427. 1429. MILDRED CLARK [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants) was born on 10 June 1890 to Christian B. Yunginger 1502 and Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503. 1430. RAY L. CLARK (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Ray L. Clark married Mildred Clark [Yunginger] 1429. They had two daughters: Lillian Musser [Clark] 1229 in 1914 Dorothy Russel [Clark] 1231 1431. ROLAND CLAIR YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born in 1892 to Christian B. Yunginger 1502 and Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503. Roland was a Farmer in East Lampeter Township for 40 years. Roland died on 5 March 1972, aged about 79, in Pleasant View Nursing Home. 1432. BERTHA EVELYN YUNGINGER [GROFF] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Bertha died on 9 June 1967. Roland Clair Yunginger 1431 married Bertha Evelyn Yunginger [Groff]. They had two children: Arlene E. Esbenshade [Yunginger] 1233 in 1920 Richard Clair Yunginger 1235 in 1922 1433. CHRISTIAN EARL YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born on 2 November 1892 to Christian B. Yunginger 1502 and Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503. Christian was a Forman at Dodge Cork Co. in Lancaster, PA. Christian died on 26 June 1967, aged 74. An image relating to Christian Earl Yunginger is shown as Media 53. 1434. BENJAMIN FRANK YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants) was born in 1894 to Christian B. Yunginger 1502 and Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] 1503. Benjamin died in 1936, aged about 42. An image relating to Benjamin Frank Yunginger is shown as Media 54. 1435. MARY B. YUNGINGER [DUSSINGER] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born in 1899. Mary died in 1970, aged about 71. An image relating to Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger] is shown as Media 54. Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 married Mary B. Yunginger [Dussinger]. They had eleven children: C. Norman Yunginger 1237 in 1923 Nancy Ruth Yunginger 1239 Betty Susan Yunginger 1242 in 1925 Mary Mildred McKinney [Yunginger] 1245 Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1247 Harvey Joseph Yunginger 1249 in 1930 Janice Yunginger 1250 in 1933 Anna Belle Yunginger 1251 Roland Yunginger Yunginger 1254 Yvonne Baker [Yunginger] 1256 Charles "Pork" Yunginger 1258 in 1939 1436. ELLIS YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born in 1884 to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. Ellis was a Carpenter. Ellis died on 27 August 1939, aged about 55, in Strasburg, PA. Two images relating to Ellis Yunginger are shown as Media 55-56. 1437. JOHN NEWLIN MUNSON (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born in 1896 to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. John was a Supervisor for PP&L. John died in June 1975, aged about 78. He was buried in Strasburg Mennonite Cemetery. 1438. AMY MUNSON [ULRICH] (Johannes' grandson's wife). John Newlin Munson 1437 married Amy Munson [Ulrich]. 1439. HARRY C. MUNSON (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born in 1897 to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. Harry was a Machinist. Harry died (Infirmities following a broken back) on 30 June 1941, aged about 44. He was buried in Millersville Mennonite Cemetery, Millersville, PA. Page 133 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1440. HETTIE E. MUNSON [SIMMONS] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Harry C. Munson 1439 married Hettie E. Munson [Simmons]. They had one son: Charles E. Munson 1260 1441. KATHRYN MILDRED WELK [MUNSON] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born in 1901 to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. Kathryn died on 30 July 1990, aged about 89, in Community Hospital of Lancaster, PA. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1442. JOSEPH WELK (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Joseph died in 1972. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Joseph Welk married Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441. They had nine children: Harry B. Welk 1261 John M. Welk 1262 Lucy Ames [Welk] 1263 Sara Jane Trahanovsky [Welk] 1264 Kathryn Newcomer [Welk] 1265 Dolores Byers [Welk] 1266 Joyce Kay Peters [Welk] 1268 Nancy Maysilles [Welk] 1270 Joan Kohler [Welk] 1272 1443. HORACE C. MUNSON (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (33)) was born on 26 November 1903 to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. Horace was a Barber. Horace died on 24 August 2003, aged 99, in Calgary Fellowship Homes. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1444. ERMA MUNSON [IRWIN] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born on 22 January 1910. Erma died on 19 October 2007, aged 97. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Horace C. Munson 1443, aged 36, married Erma Munson [Irwin], aged 30, on 7 August 1940. 1445. ALTA HAUBERT [MUNSON] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. 1446. JOHN HAUBERT (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). John Haubert married Alta Haubert [Munson] 1445. They had two children: Marian Haubert 1274 John Haubert 1275 1447. CLARA VIOLA SHEAFFER [MUNSON] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. 1448. IRA SHEAFFER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Ira Sheaffer married Clara Viola Sheaffer [Munson] 1447. They had four children: Mary Hagens [Sheafer] 1276 Jacob Sheafer 1278 Ira Sheafer 1280 Norman Sheafer 1282 1449. D. ELIZABETH MUNSON (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (33)) was born on 9 October 1906 to John Munson 1505 and Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. D. died on 10 January 2009, aged 102. D. married twice. She was married to Harold E. Landis 1450 and Delmar Gibney 1451. 1450. HAROLD E. LANDIS (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Harold E. Landis married D. Elizabeth Munson 1449. They had three children: Gloria Ditzler [Landis] 1283 Debra Landis 1285 Donald Landis 1286 1451. DELMAR GIBNEY (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Delmar Gibney married D. Elizabeth Munson 1449, aged about 81, in 1988. 1452. GALEN GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Page 134 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1453. KATHRYN GRAHAM [MOWRER] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Galen Graham 1452 married Kathryn Graham [Mowrer]. They had three children: David Graham 1287 Alta Rapp [Graham] 1289 Elsie Morrison [Graham] 1291 1454. CLARA B. MINNEY [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born on 22 December 1884 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Clara died on 2 March 1980, aged 95. 1455. JACOB MINNEY (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 27 February 1890. Jacob died on 16 December 1970, aged 80. Jacob Minney married Clara B. Minney [Graham] 1454. They had one son: Charles Minney 1293 1456. MAURICE B. GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born on 6 May 1892 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Maurice died on 14 February 1989, aged 96. 1457. ESTHER H. GRAHAM [TROUT] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born on 19 August 1897. Esther died on 26 April 1991, aged 93. Maurice B. Graham 1456 married Esther H. Graham [Trout]. They had two children: Viola Hassel [Graham] 1295 Joseph Graham 1297 1458. LILLIE REESE [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born in 1895 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Lillie was an Owner/operator of a dairy farm in Paradise Township for 55 years.. Lillie died on 29 March 1996, aged about 100. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1459. LEVI REESE (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Levi died in November 1969. Levi Reese married Lillie Reese [Graham] 1458. They had three children: Helen Lellenberger [Reese] 1299 Joseph Reese 1301 Robert Reese 1303 1460. ADA G. WEAVER [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born in 1897 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Ada died on 2 January 1974, aged about 76. 1461. MARK WEAVER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Mark Weaver married Ada G. Weaver [Graham] 1460. They had three daughters: Emma Smith [Weaver] 1304 Mildred Brown [Weaver] 1306 Dorothy Wenger [Weaver] 1308 1462. J. WILLIS GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born on 7 February 1899 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. J. died on 28 June 1982, aged 83. 1463. ANNIE GRAHAM [TROUT] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born on 17 March 1892. Annie died on 5 October 1980, aged 88. J. Willis Graham 1462 married Annie Graham [Trout]. They had one daughter: Dorothy Rineer [Graham] 1310 1464. J. RUEBEN GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born in 1899 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. J. died in 1970, aged about 71. 1465. NAOMI W. GRAHAM [TROUT] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born in 1900. Naomi died in 1992, aged about 92. J. Rueben Graham 1464 married Naomi W. Graham [Trout]. They had one daughter: Hilda Isenberger [Graham] 1312 1466. EDNA REIMOLD [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born in 1901 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Edna died on 20 April 1992, aged about 90. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. 1467. CHARLES REIMOLD (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Charles died in 1981. Page 135 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Charles Reimold married Edna Reimold [Graham] 1466. They had four children: Paul C. Reimold 1314 Emma E. Martin [Reimold] 1316 Violet M. Rineer [Reimold] 1318 Marvin G. Reimold 1320 1468. ALMA V. TROUT [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born on 21 December 1902 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Alma is no longer living. 1469. LLOYD H. TROUT (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 20 December 1901. Lloyd died on 25 November 1985, aged 83. Lloyd H. Trout married Alma V. Trout [Graham] 1468. They had one son: Robert Trout 1322 1470. PAUL C. GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born on 28 August 1907 to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Paul died on 14 February 1978, aged 70. 1471. MABEL GRAHAM [MILLER] (Johannes' grandson's wife). Paul C. Graham 1470 married Mabel Graham [Miller]. 1472. MARY GRAHAM (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. Mary married twice. She was married to Charles Rockey 1473 and Edward Gingrich 1474. 1473. CHARLES ROCKEY (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Charles Rockey married Mary Graham 1472. They had one son: Harold Rockey 1324 1474. EDWARD GINGRICH (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Edward Gingrich married Mary Graham 1472. 1475. E. DORA FICHTNER [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. 1476. GEORGE S. FICHTNER (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). George S. Fichtner married E. Dora Fichtner [Graham] 1475. They had three children: Edna Swisher [Fichtner] 1325 Lester G. Fichtner 1327 in 1924 Lloyd Fichtner 1329 1477. IRMA HESS [GRAHAM] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (34)) was born to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. 1478. HARRY HESS (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Harry Hess married Irma Hess [Graham] 1477. They had one daughter: Doris Hagelgans [Hess] 1331 1479. WALTER FRANCIS GRAHAM (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (34)) was born to Joseph Graham 1507 and Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. 1480. JAY R. YUNINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born in 1895 to Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 and Lillian Yunginger [Rhoads] 1509. Jay died in 1957, aged about 62. An image relating to Jay R. Yuninger is shown as Media 57. 1481. KATHARINE YUNINGER [SIDES] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born in 1893. Katharine died in 1980, aged about 87. An image relating to Katharine Yuninger [Sides] is shown as Media 57. Jay R. Yuninger 1480 married Katharine Yuninger [Sides]. They had four daughters: Evelyn Myers [Yuninger] 1333 Helen Yuninger 1335 Lillian Huber [Yuninger] 1338 Dorothy Yuninger 1340 in 1921 1482. MARIAN R. DAGEN [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born in 1897 to Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 and Lillian Yunginger [Rhoads] 1509. Marian died in 1984, aged about 87. Page 136 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations 1483. CHARLES DAGEN (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). Charles Dagen married Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482. They had six children: Florence Dagen 1341 Robert Dagen 1342 Dorothy Dagen 1343 in 1919 Benjamin Frank Dagen 1344 in 1919 Charles L. (“nix”) Dagen 1345 in 1932 Miriam Miller [Dagen] 1347 1484. FRANCES M. RUOSS [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' granddaughter, see Descendants (35)) was born on 26 February 1899 to Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 and Lillian Yunginger [Rhoads] 1509. Frances was educated in Millersville Normal School. She was a Teacher and grocery store owner. Frances died on 10 October 1992, aged 93, in Willow Valley Lakes Health Care Center. An image relating to Frances M. Ruoss [Yunginger] is shown as Media 58. 1485. JOHN LEROY RUOSS (Johannes' granddaughter's husband) was born on 29 January 1901. John died on 1 January 1990, aged 88. An image relating to John Leroy Ruoss is shown as Media 58. John Leroy Ruoss married Frances M. Ruoss [Yunginger] 1484. 1486. B. LLOYD YUNGINGER YUNGINGER (Johannes' grandson, see Descendants (35)) was born on 22 December 1902 to Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 and Lillian Yunginger [Rhoads] 1509. B. died on 13 May 1985, aged 82. An image relating to B. Lloyd Yunginger Yunginger is shown as Media 59. 1487. VERNA S. YUNGINGER [PARMER] (Johannes' grandson's wife) was born on 27 December 1906. Verna died on 5 November 1992, aged 85, in Willow Valley Lakes Health Care Center. She was buried. An image relating to Verna S. Yunginger [Parmer] is shown as Media 59. B. Lloyd Yunginger Yunginger 1486 married Verna S. Yunginger [Parmer]. They had two daughters: Nancy J. Burkhart [Yunginger] 1349 in 1936 Lillian E. Myers [Yunginger] 1351 1488. ADOLF JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-nephew) was born to Jakob Junginger 1512 and Christine Junginger [Friedrike] 1513. 1489. FRITZ JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-nephew) was born to Jakob Junginger 1512 and Christine Junginger [Friedrike] 1513. 1490. CAROLINE J. WEIS [JUNGINGER] (Johannes' great-niece) was born to Jakob Junginger 1512 and Christine Junginger [Friedrike] 1513. 1491. EUGENIA WITTLINGER (Johannes' great-niece) was born on 28 March 1890 to Ernst Wittlinger 1515 and Christina Wittlinger [Junginger] 1514. Eugenia is no longer living. 1492. FRIDA GREINER [WITTLINGER] (Johannes' great-niece) was born on 23 June 1893, in Jekenhausen, Germany, to Ernst Wittlinger 1515 and Christina Wittlinger [Junginger] 1514. Frida died on 16 February 1967, aged 73, in Iebenhausen. 1493. MR. GREINER (Johannes' great-niece's husband). Mr. Greiner married Frida Greiner [Wittlinger] 1492. Generation of Children 1494. CATHERINE GRAHAM [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' daughter, see Descendants) was born on 23 March 1851, in Stuttgart, Germany, to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. Catherine died on 11 March 1948, aged 96. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Two images relating to Catherine Graham [Yunginger] are shown as Media 60-61. 1495. GEORGE GRAHAM (Johannes' son-in-law) was born on 23 January 1853. George died on 9 March 1921, aged 68. An image relating to George Graham is shown as Media 61. Page 137 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations George Graham married Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494. They had thirteen children: John William Graham 1353 in 1871 Emma Dora Graham 1354 in 1875 Mary Susan Chamberlin [Graham] 1355 in 1877 Katie Elizabeth Keene [Graham] 1357 in 1878 Leah Frances Carvell [Graham] 1359 in 1880 George Yuninger Graham 1361 in 1882 Annie Naomi Mowrer [Graham] 1363 in 1884 Ella Louetta Rice [Graham] 1365 in 1886 Ada Salome Graham 1367 in 1887 Harriet Rebecca Herr [Graham] 1368 in 1888 Minnie Leone Simpson [Graham] 1370 in 1890 Sarah Louise Myers [Graham] 1372 in 1892 Alice Lenore Harkins [Graham] 1374 in 1893 1496. DAVID YUNGINGER (Johannes' son, see Descendants) was born on 18 July 1854, in New Providence, PA, to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. David was a Stone mason. David died on 3 July 1925, aged 70, in 105 Locust St. Lancaster, PA. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. Two images relating to David Yunginger are shown as Media 62-63. 1497. MARTHA ELLA YUNGINGER [MARTIN] (Johannes' daughter-in-law) was born on 22 January 1861. Martha died on 5 April 1953, aged 92. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin] is shown as Media 63. David Yunginger 1496 married Martha Ella Yunginger [Martin]. They had twelve children: John M. Yunginger 1376 in 1879 Elam M. Yunginger 1378 in 1882 Emma Dora Yunginger 1380 in 1883 Lillian Martin [Yunginger] 1381 in 1884 Martha Pope [Yunginger] 1383 Park M. Yunginger 1385 David Leroy Yuninger 1387 in 1887 Cora Buckwalter [Yunginger] 1389 Milo Yunginger 1391 in 1889 Charles Ross Yunginger 1393 in 1891 Clarence Yunginger 1395 in 1896 Angie M. Rote [Yunginger] 1397 in 1898 1498. JOHN YUNINGER (Johannes' son, see Descendants) was born in 1856 to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. John was a Machinist. John died on 27 February 1928, aged about 71, in Philadelphia, PA. He was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasbur. An image relating to John Yuninger is shown as Media 64. 1499. SUSAN YUNINGER [HERR] (Johannes' daughter-in-law) was born in 1856. Susan died in 1938, aged about 82. She was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasbur. An image relating to Susan Yuninger [Herr] is shown as Media 64. John Yuninger 1498 married Susan Yuninger [Herr]. They had two daughters: Emily Dorothy Ryder [Yuninger] 1399 in 1886 Annabel H. Yuninger 1401 in 1889 1500. JACOB YUNINGER (Johannes' son, see Descendants) was born on 18 August 1858 to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. Jacob died on 12 April 1946, aged 87. An image relating to Jacob Yuninger is shown as Media 65. 1501. ELMIRA (ELLA) M. YUNINGER [WENGER] (Johannes' daughter-in-law) was born in 1857. Elmira died in 1951, aged about 94. An image relating to Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger] is shown as Media 65. Jacob Yuninger 1500 married Elmira (Ella) M. Yuninger [Wenger]. They had ten children: Page 138 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Walter Ross Yuninger 1402 in 1882 Edith M. Hassel [Yuninger] 1404 in 1884 Clayton W. Yunginger 1406 in 1885 Maude S. Yuninger 1408 in 1888 Jacob F. Yuninger 1409 in 1891 Edgar L. Yuninger 1412 in 1892 Anna Louise Eager [Yuninger] 1414 Ada Eshelman [Yuninger] 1416 in 1896 Emily Huhn [Yuninger] 1418 in 1898 Jennie Thompson [Yuninger] 1420 in 1900 1502. CHRISTIAN B. YUNGINGER (Johannes' son, see Descendants) was born in 1860 to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. Christian was a Farmer. Christian died (Heart failure) on 22 July 1935, aged about 75. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Christian B. Yunginger is shown as Media 66. 1503. SUSAN L. YUNGINGER [EAGER] (Johannes' daughter-in-law) was born in 1862. Susan died on 20 May 1947, aged about 84. An image relating to Susan L. Yunginger [Eager] is shown as Media 66. Christian B. Yunginger 1502 married Susan L. Yunginger [Eager]. They had seven children: Clara Yunginger 1422 in 1884 Viola M. Mowrer [Yunginger] 1425 in 1887 Ruth R. Knisley [Yunginger] 1427 in 1888 Mildred Clark [Yunginger] 1429 in 1890 Roland Clair Yunginger 1431 in 1892 Christian Earl Yunginger 1433 in 1892 Benjamin Frank Yunginger 1434 in 1894 1504. MARY ELIZABETH MUNSON [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' daughter, see Descendants) was born in 1861 to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. Mary died in 1943, aged about 82. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] is shown as Media 67. 1505. JOHN MUNSON (Johannes' son-in-law) was born on 17 September 1868. John died in 1930, aged about 61. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to John Munson is shown as Media 67. John Munson married Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504. They had eight children: Ellis Yunginger 1436 in 1884 John Newlin Munson 1437 in 1896 Harry C. Munson 1439 in 1897 Kathryn Mildred Welk [Munson] 1441 in 1901 Horace C. Munson 1443 in 1903 Alta Haubert [Munson] 1445 Clara Viola Sheaffer [Munson] 1447 D. Elizabeth Munson 1449 in 1906 1506. EMMA GRAHAM [YUNGINGER] (Johannes' daughter, see Descendants) was born on 22 December 1863 to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. Emma died on 19 March 1943, aged 79. She was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Emma Graham [Yunginger] is shown as Media 68. 1507. JOSEPH GRAHAM (Johannes' son-in-law) was born on 21 March 1863. Joseph died on 22 April 1938, aged 75. He was buried in Longenecker’s Mennonite Church cemetery in Strasburg, PA. An image relating to Joseph Graham is shown as Media 68. Joseph Graham married Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506. They had fourteen children: Page 139 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Galen Graham 1452 Clara B. Minney [Graham] 1454 in 1884 Maurice B. Graham 1456 in 1892 Lillie Reese [Graham] 1458 in 1895 Ada G. Weaver [Graham] 1460 in 1897 J. Willis Graham 1462 in 1899 J. Rueben Graham 1464 in 1899 Edna Reimold [Graham] 1466 in 1901 Alma V. Trout [Graham] 1468 in 1902 Paul C. Graham 1470 in 1907 Mary Graham 1472 E. Dora Fichtner [Graham] 1475 Irma Hess [Graham] 1477 Walter Francis Graham 1479 1508. BENJAMIN F. YUNGINGER (Johannes' son, see Descendants) was born on 11 August 1868 to Johannes Junginger 1518 and Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] 1519. Benjamin died on 4 July 1959, aged 90. He was buried in Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery - Strasburrg, PA. An image relating to Benjamin F. Yunginger is shown as Media 69. 1509. LILLIAN YUNGINGER [RHOADS] (Johannes' daughter-in-law) was born on 9 October 1873. Lillian died on 26 February 1961, aged 87. An image relating to Lillian Yunginger [Rhoads] is shown as Media 69. Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 married Lillian Yunginger [Rhoads]. They had four children: Jay R. Yuninger 1480 in 1895 Marian R. Dagen [Yunginger] 1482 in 1897 Frances M. Ruoss [Yunginger] 1484 in 1899 B. Lloyd Yunginger Yunginger 1486 in 1902 1510. ANNA MARIA JUNGINGER (Johannes' niece) was born on 20 August 1847, in Gerstetten, Germany, to Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 and Anna Barbara Junginger [Seibold] 1522. Anna is no longer living. 1511. KATHARINA JUNGINGER (Johannes' niece) was born on 7 May 1849, in Gerstetten, Germany, to Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 and Anna Barbara Junginger [Seibold] 1522. Katharina is no longer living. 1512. JAKOB JUNGINGER (Johannes' nephew) was born on 25 July 1850 to Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 and Anna Barbara Junginger [Seibold] 1522. Jakob is no longer living. 1513. CHRISTINE JUNGINGER [FRIEDRIKE] (Johannes' nephew's wife). Jakob Junginger 1512 married Christine Junginger [Friedrike]. They had three children: Adolf Junginger 1488 Fritz Junginger 1489 Caroline J. Weis [Junginger] 1490 1514. CHRISTINA WITTLINGER [JUNGINGER] (Johannes' niece) was born on 8 July 1861, in Gerstetten, Germany, to Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 and Dorthea Junginger [Schiele] 1523. Christina died in Iebenhausen, Germany. 1515. ERNST WITTLINGER (Johannes' niece's husband) was born on 9 July 1862. Ernst is no longer living. Ernst Wittlinger, aged about 26, married Christina Wittlinger [Junginger] 1514, aged about 27, in 1889 in Iebenhausen, Germany. They had two daughters: Eugenia Wittlinger 1491 in 1890 Frida Greiner [Wittlinger] 1492 in 1893 1516. GOTTLEIB JUNGINGER (Johannes' nephew) was born on 5 May 1863, in Gerstetten, Germany, to Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 and Dorthea Junginger [Schiele] 1523. Gottleib is no longer living. 1517. GOTTLEIB JUNGINGER (Johannes' nephew) was born on 5 May 1863, in Gerstetten, Germany, to Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 and Dorthea Junginger [Schiele] 1523. Gottleib is no longer living. Page 140 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Generation of Peers 1518. JOHANNES JUNGINGER (The subject of this report) was born on 28 September 1825, in Germany, to Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 and Katharina Junginger [Zimmerman] 1528. Johannes was a Blacksmith. Johannes died on 26 May 1915, aged 89, in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. Two images relating to Johannes Junginger are shown as Media 70-71. 1519. DOROTHY JUNGINGER [GEBHARDT] (Johannes' wife) was born on 18 November 1829, in Germany. Dorothy died on 22 March 1922, aged 92, in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. Two images relating to Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt] are shown as Media 72-73. Johannes Junginger 1518 married Dorothy Junginger [Gebhardt]. They had eight children: Catherine Graham [Yunginger] 1494 in 1851 David Yunginger 1496 in 1854 John Yuninger 1498 in 1856 Jacob Yuninger 1500 in 1858 Christian B. Yunginger 1502 in 1860 Mary Elizabeth Munson [Yunginger] 1504 in 1861 Emma Graham [Yunginger] 1506 in 1863 Benjamin F. Yunginger 1508 in 1868 1520. APPALANIA JUNGINGER (Johannes' sister) was born on 10 November 1815 to Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 and Katharina Junginger [Zimmerman] 1528. Appalania died on 7 September 1883, aged 67. 1521. JOHAN JAKOB JUNGINGER (Johannes' brother) was born on 27 August 1817 to Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 and Katharina Junginger [Zimmerman] 1528. Johan was a Shoemaker (cobbler). Johan is no longer living. Johan married twice. He was married to Anna Barbara Junginger [Seibold] 1522 and Dorthea Junginger [Schiele] 1523. 1522. ANNA BARBARA JUNGINGER [SEIBOLD] (Johannes' sister-in-law) was born on 1 March 1816, in Gerstetten, Germany, to Jakob Seibold and Maria Seibold [Ziegler]. Anna died on 23 August 1858, aged 42. Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 married Anna Barbara Junginger [Seibold]. They had three children: Anna Maria Junginger 1510 in 1847 Katharina Junginger 1511 in 1849 Jakob Junginger 1512 in 1850 1523. DORTHEA JUNGINGER [SCHIELE] (Johannes' sister-in-law) was born to Gottleib Schiele and Christina Schiele [Cansloser]. Dorthea is no longer living. Johan Jakob Junginger 1521, aged 41, married Dorthea Junginger [Schiele] on 1 March 1859. They had three children: Christina Wittlinger [Junginger] 1514 in 1861 Gottleib Junginger 1516 in 1863 Gottleib Junginger 1517 in 1863 1524. ANNA URSULA JUNGINGER (Johannes' sister) was born on 9 September 1819 to Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 and Katharina Junginger [Zimmerman] 1528. Anna died on 25 August 1860, aged 40. 1525. BARBARA JUNGINGER (Johannes' sister) was born on 6 December 1823 to Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 and Katharina Junginger [Zimmerman] 1528. Barbara died on 28 July 1899, aged 75. 1526. CHRISTINA JUNGINGER (Johannes' sister) was born on 30 March 1832 to Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 and Katharina Junginger [Zimmerman] 1528. Christina is no longer living. Page 141 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Generation of Parents 1527. JAKOB (II) JUNGINGER (Johannes' father) was born on 28 July 1789, in Gerstetten, Germany, to Jakob Junginger 1535 and Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536. Jakob was a Farmer and cobbler. Jakob died on 3 September 1858, aged 69, in Gerstetten, Germany. 1528. KATHARINA JUNGINGER [ZIMMERMAN] (Johannes' mother) was born on 21 February 1791. Katharina died in 1862, aged about 71, in Gerstetten, Germany. Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 married Katharina Junginger [Zimmerman]. They had six children: Appalania Junginger 1520 in 1815 Johan Jakob Junginger 1521 in 1817 Anna Ursula Junginger 1524 in 1819 Barbara Junginger 1525 in 1823 Johannes Junginger 1518 in 1825 Christina Junginger 1526 in 1832 1529. ANDREAS JUNGINGER (Johannes' uncle) was born on 28 March 1786 to Jakob Junginger 1535 and Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536. Andreas died on 28 November 1796, aged 10. 1530. JAKOB (I) JUNGINGER (Johannes' uncle) was born on 27 September 1787 to Jakob Junginger 1535 and Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536. Jakob died on 12 September 1788, as an infant. 1531. ANNA URSULA JUNGINGER (Johannes' aunt) was born on 28 September 1791 to Jakob Junginger 1535 and Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536. Anna died on 25 December 1834, aged 43. 1532. BARBARA JUNGINGER (Johannes' aunt) was born on 21 May 1793 to Jakob Junginger 1535 and Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536. Barbara is no longer living. 1533. APPALANIA JUNGINGER (Johannes' aunt) was born on 14 April 1796 to Jakob Junginger 1535 and Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536. Appalania died on 12 February 1803, aged 6. 1534. MARTIN JUNGINGER (Johannes' uncle) was born on 13 September 1799 to Jakob Junginger 1535 and Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536. Martin died on 12 August 1803, aged 3. Generation of Grandparents 1535. JAKOB JUNGINGER (Johannes' grandfather) was born on 9 March 1759, in Gerstetten, district of Heidenheim, Germany, to Andreas Junginger 1540 and Anna Ursula Junginger [Kienle] 1541. Jakob was a Cobbler. Jakob died on 24 November 1825, aged 66. 1536. APPALANIA JUNGINGER [EHRHARDT] (Johannes' grandmother) was born on 28 June 1761 to Jakob Ehrhardt 1542 and Ursula Ehrhardt [Grunnin?] 1543. Appalania died on 20 August 1833, aged 72. Jakob Junginger 1535 married Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt]. They had seven children: Andreas Junginger 1529 in 1786 Jakob (I) Junginger 1530 in 1787 Jakob (Ii) Junginger 1527 in 1789 Anna Ursula Junginger 1531 in 1791 Barbara Junginger 1532 in 1793 Appalania Junginger 1533 in 1796 Martin Junginger 1534 in 1799 1537. JOHANN GEORGE JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-uncle) was born on 31 August 1763 to Andreas Junginger 1540 and Anna Ursula Junginger [Kienle] 1541. Johann is no longer living. 1538. MARIA MAGDALINA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-aunt) was born on 5 February 1767 to Andreas Junginger 1540 and Anna Ursula Junginger [Kienle] 1541. Maria died on 9 September 1843, aged 76. 1539. ANDREAS JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-uncle) was born on 8 October 1769 to Andreas Junginger 1540 and Anna Ursula Junginger [Kienle] 1541. Andreas died on 19 May 1773, aged 3. Page 142 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Generation of Great-Grandparents 1540. ANDREAS JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-grandfather) was born on 21 April 1720 to Jakob Junginger 1544 and Magdalena Junginger [Beltz] 1545. Andreas was a Cobbler. Andreas died on 16 February 1798, aged 77, in Gerstetten, Germany. The following information is also recorded for Andreas. Nationality: Germany. 1541. ANNA URSULA JUNGINGER [KIENLE] (Johannes' great-grandmother) was born on 4 September 1735 to George Kienle 1546 and Maria Kienle [Eckhardt] 1547. Anna died on 8 March 1799, aged 63, in Gerstetten, Germany. Andreas Junginger 1540 married Anna Ursula Junginger [Kienle]. They had four children: Jakob Junginger 1535 in 1759 Johann George Junginger 1537 in 1763 Maria Magdalina Junginger 1538 in 1767 Andreas Junginger 1539 in 1769 1542. JAKOB EHRHARDT (Johannes' great-grandfather). 1543. URSULA EHRHARDT [GRUNNIN?] (Johannes' great-grandmother). Jakob Ehrhardt 1542 married Ursula Ehrhardt [Grunnin?]. They had one daughter: Appalania Junginger [Ehrhardt] 1536 in 1761 Generation of Great-Great-Grandparents 1544. JAKOB JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-grandfather) was born on 18 July 1677, in Bolheim, Germany, to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Jakob was a Cobbler. Jakob is no longer living. 1545. MAGDALENA JUNGINGER [BELTZ] (Johannes' great-great-grandmother). Magdalena is no longer living. Jakob Junginger 1544, aged 41, married Magdalena Junginger [Beltz] on 4 July 1719. They had one son: Andreas Junginger 1540 in 1720 1546. GEORGE KIENLE (Johannes' great-great-grandfather). George became a Tailor. 1547. MARIA KIENLE [ECKHARDT] (Johannes' great-great-grandmother). George Kienle 1546 married Maria Kienle [Eckhardt]. They had one daughter: Anna Ursula Junginger [Kienle] 1541 in 1735 1548. MARTIN JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle) was born on 28 December 1663 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Martin is no longer living. 1549. BALTFA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt) was born on 20 July 1665 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Baltfa died on 16 August 1741, aged 76. 1550. NICHOLAS WILHELM JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle) was born on 8 June 1667 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Nicholas is no longer living. 1551. GEORGE JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle) was born on 20 February 1669 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. George is no longer living. 1552. MATHIAS JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle) was born on 27 February 1671 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Mathias died on 20 August 1734, aged 63. 1553. BARBARA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt) was born on 11 May 1673 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Barbara is no longer living. 1554. JOHANNES JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle) was born on 21 December 1675 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Johannes died on 28 July 1749, aged 73. 1555. URSULA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt by marriage) was born in November 1680. Ursula died on 28 February 1744, aged 63. Page 143 Johannes Junginger Direct Relations Johannes Junginger 1554 married Ursula Junginger. 1556. URSULA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt) was born on 3 April 1679 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Ursula is no longer living. 1557. ANNA CATHARINA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt) was born on 9 January 1681 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Anna is no longer living. 1558. MARIA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt) was born on 25 March 1682 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Maria is no longer living. 1559. RUDOLF JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle) was born on 20 January 1685 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Rudolf is no longer living. 1560. ANNA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt) was born on 2 June 1686 to Georg Junginger 1561 and Maria Junginger 1562. Anna is no longer living. Generation of Great-Great-Great-Grandparents 1561. GEORG JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandfather) was born in 1638, in Bolheim, Germany. Georg was a Farmer. Georg died on 16 October 1702, aged about 64. 1562. MARIA JUNGINGER (Johannes' great-great-great-grandmother) was born in 1640. Maria died on 3 August 1702, aged about 62. Georg Junginger 1561 married Maria Junginger. They had thirteen children: Martin Junginger 1548 in 1663 Baltfa Junginger 1549 in 1665 Nicholas Wilhelm Junginger 1550 in 1667 George Junginger 1551 in 1669 Mathias Junginger 1552 in 1671 Barbara Junginger 1553 in 1673 Johannes Junginger 1554 in 1675 Jakob Junginger 1544 in 1677 Ursula Junginger 1556 in 1679 Anna Catharina Junginger 1557 in 1681 Maria Junginger 1558 in 1682 Rudolf Junginger 1559 in 1685 Anna Junginger 1560 in 1686 Page 144 8. SOME WRITING FROM THE PAST The following essay was written by Harriet Rebecca Graham for a school assignment. (Harriet was born in 1888 so this would have been written around 1900). WHY I WOULD RATHER LIVE IN THE COUNTRY By Harriet Rebecca Graham I would rather live in the country than in the city. In the city you must buy almost everything. When you go to the city on Saturday or Wednesday markets, you can see people coming along to buy. In the city most of the people have not got even a garden, and many have no yard, and some of them who have yards, have only a few trees in them. In the country you can have a garden and a yard where you can have big shade trees that you can sit under. In the city you must sit inside of doors or go out in the street. You can have a large farm where you can plant all your vegetables and fruits that you wish. In the summer you can go out in the woods and gather flowers. Many of the farmers take these wild flowers which you can find almost anywhere in the county in the fields, and take them to markets, and the city people will appreciate them and make a great fuss over them. We country people think they are nothing at all but a weed. In the country when you wish to go out driving you need just harness up the horse and go, but in the city you must go and hire a team first. Many a city boy would not even know how to harness up a horse. The country is the healthiest, which is the principle thing of life. We get more of the fresh air and sunshine, and when you work in the country on a farm it is better for you. In the city you mostly work at some factory or store or some public works and you don't see much sun or get much fresh air. Some of the people are so thin and delicate in the city it looks as though a good wind storm would blow them over. In the country there are not so many large hotels like there are in the city where boys gather in the evenings and become intoxicated, or go to the opera or some other place to attract their attention and spend their money. In the country the young boys stay at home with the others of the family. Oftentimes the city people come to the country for their health. In the country you can have almost everything that you want. You can have horses, pigs and cows, and have your own milk and make your own butter. In the city people must buy their own butter, and sometimes it is not good. They must buy their own milk and sometimes almost half of it is water, then they think they have good milk. I would rather go to the country school than in the city. In the city at some of the schools if you get there before it calls in you cannot go out to play, you must keep your seat. In the summer when it is so pleasant you must study, where in the country you need not. Page 145 Johannes Junginger Some Writing From The Past The following poem was written by Sarah Graham to her sister, Minnie, shortly after Minnie was asked by Jonas to marry him (arond 1920). TIMES THAT ARE PAST By Sarah Graham Many and many a happy hour We spent in the field together Picking peaches and all kinds of berries But picking pickles was the sweater. And many a hot blue Monday morning When the sun shone on us hot We cut the asparagus and bunched it In the stripping room each standing in our same old squat. Harriet with her bag of chocolate almonds Minnie with her peanut brittle And Alice and I, of course, our treat was very little. Often on Saturday evening When the sun went down so clear Minnie would walk for miles to a festival Just to come home with Jonas, dear. The next morning after the festival The sun was shining clear We would be out in the field working And Minnie would be bringing up the rear. To the field we went with our hoes Many and many a time And mostly when we left the field It was looking pretty prime. At ten o'clock the Strasburg train Throwed out its sweetest tone And we were always glad to hear it For our stomach was rubbing our back bone. At eleven o'clock the dinner bell Rang out its summons clear Then off we would go to our good dinner And greet it with good cheer. We would sit in the shade and rest awhile Put on our hand holts pretty well worn And Papa would say, "Girls get your hoes We are going down below to replant corn." In and out the rows we would go As hard as we could run And before Papa had time to think We had a ten acre field done. E'er evening came, the sun went down On the farmer and his girls Which leads by far the happiest life No matter which way the wind whirls. At last Jonas popped the question And Minnie, of course, thought it best But you know, it is always sad When the birdletts flutter out of their nest. Page 146 Johannes Junginger Some Writing From The Past The following letter was written by Alice Graham Harkins in 1972. She wanted to describe what it was like for her and her 12 siblings on the Graham farm early in the 20th century. I REMEMBER By Alice Graham Harkins July 1972 I have an urge this morning to write on paper the routine work we had to do during our teenage years. We did our butchering of fat hogs during the winter months. Brother George, Uncle Jacob, Uncle Joe and Dave McGuigan were the helpers. Usually each one went home with the metzel of pork for taste. The next day Mother would fry up the meat in the oven and pack it in lard in large lard cans. How good the sausage smelled as it was cooling to put in cans and I don’t doubt but what I took a sample of it. We started out in the spring with trimming raspberries. We donned a pair of Pap’s overalls. We trimmed the stalks and forked the briars on piles and burned them. I liked to hear the brush crack as it burned. Then we pounded in the stakes and tied up the stalks. We wore leather gloves to handle them. Harry Probst (our hired man for thirteen years) harrowed the rows with Mike, the grey mule, a trusty animal. It made us pretty tired, being the first job in the spring. When finished with the job, we would go to the house for a York Imperial apple to eat. Then there was white washing to do of the rail fence, horse and cow stables, etc. The lawn was raked in the spring and was divided into four sections. Each girl had her part to mow. Sister Louetta did the cooking and cleaning and helped with the house work. Mother did the mending and baked bread and rusks, etc. We had a large peach orchard. We hoed around the young trees. The men sprayed the trees with a solution of lime, sulphur and salt. We girls boiled it outdoors in a large kettle. A barrel with a pump was on the two-horse wagon. Harry pumped while Daddy sprayed the trees. The men wore yellow oil cloth overalls. This spray was to kill the turtle scale. The fertilizer was brought from Billie Bender. When the bags were emptied we took them down to the run and washed out the fertilizer and hung them on the fence to dry. The bags were then clean and we used them for bagging cucumbers. We raised two acres of cucumbers. They made a lot of hard labor as we picked them twice a week. When the dew was on the vines, we got our dress tails wet. We sorted them in the shed, making 5 or 6 grades. Some of the larger ones we counted into bags and sold them to Ed Ransing, which we put into large vats. One year we sold Ransing 13,375 cucumbers! The yellow ones we fed to the sows and they liked them. When we planted the seed, we had to dig deep to get fresh dirt so the seed would sprout. They were hoed and thinned out to 5 plants on a hill, so when the vines started to get yellow we felt the job would soon be over. Later in the fall we gathered the large cucumbers and took out the seed for planting the next year. We had the truck patch to plant and what a treat it was to have new potatoes, peas, limas, corn and beans. Today we have them frozen all winter. The asparagus patch was harrowed and hoed several times during the season. We cut stems every day, except Sunday, by first sharpening our knives on the grindstone. We made the asparagus into bunches for market. We put it in an old scalding trough with water to freshen it up. June 21st was the last day to cut it. In the year 1914 we sold 2077 bunches. The raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, tomatoes, eight-row corn, also goose berries and currants were some produce we sold at market. These, with pickles and peaches, kept us busy all summer. We attended the market along the curb on East King Street [in Lancaster]. In the spring daddy sewed the tobacco seed. We put hog bristles on the plants for fertilizer and Page 147 Johannes Junginger Some Writing From The Past moisture. Pulling the weeds out of the plant beds was a tiresome job. We planted tobacco by hand a good many years, then we bought a planter, which saved a lot of hard labor. We farmed five acres. We succored the tobacco and hunted worms. The men cut it and spud it on the lathe. We helped haul it in and hang it in the shed. Tobacco is hard work from April until April but today it is handled differently. The pears and apples were picked and taken to market. We made cider and cooked crocks of apple butter. White potatoes and sweet potatoes were taken out of the ground and sorted. We threshed our soup beans. There was hay making and wheat and rye harvest. I remember one year Daddy cradled a patch of tall rye. His shirt was soaked with perspiration. There were bushes to mow along fence rows and meadows, being careful not to run into yellow jackets. Cutting and husking corn and sewing wheat were about the last farm jobs. Also a good supply of wood was sawed up to use for winter heat. Perhaps I do not have all we did but this is what comes to mind. That’s the end of a busy year. In the winter we helped some with tobacco stripping. Daddy kept us supplied with hoarhound drops. We made our own underwear and work dresses which were open down the back. Those days, teenagers did not have dates until 18 years of age, so we were all 21 before we married. We made ice cream in the winter often as we had our own ice cut from a pond in the meadow. I am glad I was raised on a farm. Our father, George Graham, died at the age of 68 years (1921). Mother and Harry Probst operated the farm for a year. Mother thought the responsibility was too much for her so she sold the farm to Jonas and Minnie (Graham) Simpson. Of a family of 13 [children], just four girls are left. Page 148 9. MEDIA 1. Jackie Yunginger Miller 2. Minerva Yunginger with her kids, Norm, Ron, Gerry, and Jackie - 2005 3. Harold and Minerva Yunginger's children: Jackie, Gerry, Ron, and Norm (Galen) - 1947 4. RonYunginger 5. Gerry Yunginger Rathvon 6. Norman G. Yunginger - 2011 7. Nancy Yunginger - 1997 8. Ann E Gilley Yunginger 9. Norman Lynn Yuninger 10. Thomas and Emma Winters 11. John and Reba Herr 12. Elam and Edna Yunginger 13. S. Richard Yunginger 14. Dr. Lewis Yunginger 15. Harold1945 16. Minerva, Harold, Jackie, Gerry, and Ron Yunginger - 1945 17. Lancaster City Directory - 1946 18. Minerva Massey Yunginger - 1999 19. David Leroy Yunginger 20. Violet Schnader Yunginger 21. E. Russell Yunginger 22. Ross T. and Florence Yuninger 23. Paul C. Yunginger 24. Oliver C. Yuninger 25. Wilma M. Yuninger 26. Charles E. Yunginger 27. Jacob Roy and M. Viola Lefever 28. J. Chester Yuninger 29. B. Susan Mowrer 30. Harvey Joseph Yunginger 31. Janice K. Yunginger 32. Charles R. Yunginger (Judy) 33. Dorothy J. Yunginger 34. CharlesDagen 35. Arlene Dagen 36. Gary and Lillian (Yunginger) Myers 37. John M. and Anna M. Yunginger 38. David Leroy Yunginger 39. Milo Yunginger Family: Rear: Milo, Anna Mae, Lewis, Evelyn, Harold, Pauline, Helen Front: Mary Elizabeth (Bebe), and David 40. Milo's WWII Draft Registration 41. Milo 42. Milo and Anna Mae Yunginger 43. Charles Ross Yunginger 44. Luther Rote, Sr 45. Emily Dorothy Yuninger Ryder 46. Walter Ross and W. Blanche Yunginger 47. Clayton W. Yunginger 48. Maude S. Yuninger 49. Edgar and Maude Yuninger 50. Edgar Yuninger Draft Registration 51. Emily Yuninger Huhn 52. Jennie Thompson 53. C. Earl Yunginger 54. B. Frank and Mary B. Yunginger 55. Ellis Yunginger 56. Ellis Yunginger Obit 57. Jay R. and Katharine S. Yuninger 58. Frances M. Yunginger Ruoss 59. B. Lloyd and Verna Yunginger Page 149 Johannes Junginger Media 60. Catherine and George Graham - Wedding 61. George and Catharine Graham 62. David and Martha had 13 children, including 7 sons shown in this photograph of John, Elam, Clarence and Milo (rear) and Park, David, and Ross (front) taken around 1930. ~ 63. Ella Martin Yunginger 64. John B. and Susan Yuninger 65. Jacob and Ella Yuninger 66. Christian B. Yunginger 67. John and Mary Munson 68. Joseph and Emma Graham 69. Benjamin F. Yunginger 70. John Yunginger, Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery, Strasburg, PA 71. John and Dorothy (With Catherine, Mary and Emma) circa. 1864 72. Dorothy Yunginger, Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery, Strasburg, PA 73. Dorothy Yunginger Obit Page 150 Johannes Junginger Media 1. Jackie Yunginger Miller. 722 2. Minerva Yunginger with her kids, Norm, Ron, Gerry, and Jackie - 2005. 722; 730; 732 3. Harold and Minerva Yunginger's children: Jackie, Gerry, Ron, and Norm (Galen) - 1947. 722; 4. RonYunginger. 727 730; 732 5. Gerry Yunginger Rathvon. 730 6. Norman G. Yunginger - 2011. 732 Page 151 Johannes Junginger Media 7. Nancy Yunginger - 1997. 733 8. Ann E Gilley Yunginger. 804 9. Norman Lynn Yuninger. 863 10. Thomas and Emma Winters. 1052; 1053 11. John and Reba Herr. 1073 12. Elam and Edna Yunginger. 1098; 1378; 1379 Page 152 Johannes Junginger Media 13. S. Richard Yunginger. 1118; 1119 14. Dr. Lewis Yunginger. 1129 15. Harold1945. 1133 16. Minerva, Harold, Jackie, Gerry, and Ron Yunginger - 1945. 1133 17. Lancaster City Directory - 1946. 1133 18. Minerva Massey Yunginger - 1999. 1134 Page 153 Johannes Junginger Media 19. David Leroy Yunginger. 1142 20. Violet Schnader Yunginger. 1144 21. E. Russell Yunginger. 1170; 1171 22. Ross T. and Florence Yuninger. 1172; 1173 23. Paul C. Yunginger. 1174; 1175 24. Oliver C. Yuninger. 1189 Page 154 Johannes Junginger Media 25. Wilma M. Yuninger. 1190 26. Charles E. Yunginger. 1191; 1192 27. Jacob Roy and M. Viola Lefever. 1196; 1197 28. J. Chester Yuninger. 1201 29. B. Susan Mowrer. 1242; 1244 30. Harvey Joseph Yunginger. 1249 Page 155 Johannes Junginger Media 31. Janice K. Yunginger. 1250 32. Charles R. Yunginger (Judy). 1258 33. Dorothy J. Yunginger. 1340 34. CharlesDagen. 1345 35. Arlene Dagen. 1346 36. Gary and Lillian (Yunginger) Myers. 1351 Page 156 Johannes Junginger Media 37. John M. and Anna M. Yunginger. 1376; 1377 38. David Leroy Yunginger. 1387 39. Milo Yunginger Family: Rear: Milo, Anna Mae, Lewis, Evelyn, Harold, Pauline, Helen Front: Mary Elizabeth (Bebe), and David . 1391; 1392 40. Milo's WWII Draft Registration. 1391 41. Milo. 1391 42. Milo and Anna Mae Yunginger. 1391; 1392 Page 157 Johannes Junginger 43. Charles Ross Yunginger. 1393 45. Emily Dorothy Yuninger Ryder. 1399; 1401 Media 44. Luther Rote, Sr. 1397; 1398 46. Walter Ross and W. Blanche Yunginger. 1402; 1403 47. Clayton W. Yunginger. 1406; 1407 48. Maude S. Yuninger. 1408 Page 158 Johannes Junginger Media 49. Edgar and Maude Yuninger. 1412 50. Edgar Yuninger Draft Registration. 1412 51. Emily Yuninger Huhn. 1418 52. Jennie Thompson. 1420 53. C. Earl Yunginger. 1433 54. B. Frank and Mary B. Yunginger. 1434; 1435 Page 159 Johannes Junginger Media 55. Ellis Yunginger. 1436 56. Ellis Yunginger Obit. 1436 57. Jay R. and Katharine S. Yuninger. 1480; 1481 58. Frances M. Yunginger Ruoss. 1484; 1485 59. B. Lloyd and Verna Yunginger. 1486; 1487 60. Catherine and George Graham Wedding. 1494 Page 160 Johannes Junginger Media 61. George and Catharine Graham. 1494; 1495 62. David and Martha had 13 children, including 7 sons shown in this photograph of John, Elam, Clarence and Milo (rear) and Park, David, and Ross (front) taken around 1930. ~. 1496 63. Ella Martin Yunginger. 1496; 1497 64. John B. and Susan Yuninger. 1498; 1499 65. Jacob and Ella Yuninger. 1500; 1501 66. Christian B. Yunginger. 1502; 1503 Page 161 Johannes Junginger Media 67. John and Mary Munson. 1504; 1505 68. Joseph and Emma Graham. 1506; 1507 69. Benjamin F. Yunginger. 1508; 1509 70. John Yunginger, Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery, Strasburg, PA. 1518 71. John and Dorothy (With Catherine, Mary and Emma) circa. 1864. 1518 72. Dorothy Yunginger, Longenecker's Mennonite Church Cemetery, Strasburg, PA. 1519 Page 162 Johannes Junginger Media 73. Dorothy Yunginger Obit. 1519 Page 163 Page 164 10. INDEX Ref. 1112 735 905 536 852 901 114 6 1263 809 810 229 57 59 58 56 230 227 54 53 51 55 52 228 718 656 1063 1064 299 355 673 1256 927 320 1257 926 674 925 928 1018 576 1019 577 279 280 79 80 78 765 1147 414 413 1148 764 1085 665 308 309 Name (Relationship) UNKNOWN, Mr. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Bill (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Edgar (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Jenna Lauren (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ABSHER, Carl (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ADAMS, Ray (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ALLAN, Andrew (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Hunter (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). AMES [WELK], Lucy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). APPEL [YUNINGER], Ruth Ann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). APPEL, Edward C. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ARTZ [MEILY], Linda L. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ARTZ, Gretchen (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .......... Hanna (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .......... Kirk (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .......... Nathaniel (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .......... Scott B. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ATKINS [MEILY], Judy L. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ATKINS, Andrew (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .............. Billie J. (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .............. Daniel J. (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .............. Samantha (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .............. Wendy (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .............. William C. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). AUKER, Barry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). AXE [NOLT], Bertha Ann (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). AXE [RICE], Lillie Amanda (Johannes' great-granddaughter). AXE, Paul E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ........ Tyler Jackson (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). BAER, Mr. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). BAKER [BAXTER], Joyce Louise (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BAKER [YUNGINGER], Yvonne (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BAKER, Caroll (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ............. Clay Kenneth (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. John (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............. John (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Kenneth Leroi (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Lori (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ............. Melissa (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BARBER [MYERS], Wendy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BARBER, Chase (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ David (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Gaige (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). BARLEY [BOWERS], Dorinda (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). BARLEY, Allen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Brian (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................ David (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................ Neil (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). BARNETT [HOKE], Carol L. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). BARNETT [YUNGINGER], Lydia E. ("Tootie") (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BARNETT, Bradley T. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. Christopher W. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. William A. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .................. William A. ("Barney") (Johannes' great-great-grandson). BAXTER, James (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). BEILER [SIMPSON], Barbara Ann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BEILER, Matthew Scott Rinier (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Todd Jan Rineer (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). Page 165 Johannes Junginger Ref. 666 771 422 165 772 419 167 420 166 421 220 221 45 473 474 647 648 453 799 801 447 800 452 802 1184 833 1185 354 119 282 281 283 82 619 81 671 316 672 317 1111 689 1306 817 818 1307 951 952 953 396 751 755 756 753 400 1140 160 401 402 Index Name (Relationship) BEILER, Vergil (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). BERDINER [ROTE], Nancy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BERDINER, Chad (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................... Emma (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................... John (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................... John (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................... Lola (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................... Melissa (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). ................... Noah (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................... Ryan (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). BIEBER [KRANTZ], Gwendolyn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). BIEBER, Mr. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Nathan (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). BINCHOFF [HENRY], Lisa (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). BINCHOFF, William (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). BLEECHER [LINDSLEY], Gwen L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BLEECHER, John (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). BOOK [WINTERS], Donna L. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). BOOK [YUNINGER], Ethel L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................................... Margaret (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BOOK, Donna M. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ........... Gilbert R. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........... Gilbert W. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Leon (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). BOOSE [HASSEL], Elva (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BOOSE, Dale (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Emory (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). BOSLEY, Maynard (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Tammy (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). BOWERS [BONET], Ingrid (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). BOWERS, Daniel (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Donna E. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................ Grant (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................ Lloyd (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Natalie Marie (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). BRACKBILL [SIMPSON], Brenda Kay (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BRACKBILL, Devon Lee (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ...................... Gerald L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ...................... Lori Nicole (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). BRICKNER [POPE], Helena (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BRICKNER, Ken (Johannes' great-great-grandson). BROWN [WEAVER], Mildred (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BROWN [YUNINGER], E. Joan (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BROWN, Mr. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .............. George (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Karen Sue (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .............. Linda (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .............. Margaret (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). BUCH [HOLZMUELLER], Tracy (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). BUCH [MARTIN], Cindy (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). .............................. Jean (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). BUCH [MUSCATO], Karen Marie (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). BUCH [WELSH], Tina (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). BUCH [WENGER], Tara Elizabeth (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). BUCH [YUNGINGER], Mary Elizabeth ("Bebe") (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BUCH, Alexis (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ........... Brandon (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Bryan (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). Page 166 Johannes Junginger Ref. 161 399 750 752 395 159 754 1141 1126 1125 1389 1124 708 1390 707 1015 1349 1350 1014 1266 1267 938 939 548 547 1359 1360 1243 908 819 820 1355 1021 1022 1356 578 1020 579 351 116 7 8 352 9 115 111 1429 1430 138 22 139 21 921 1252 920 922 356 793 Index Name (Relationship) BUCH, Bryanna Lynn (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ........... Christopher (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Daniel (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........... Douglas (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........... Jason (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Madison (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ........... Richard (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........... Richard (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). BUCKWALTER [ACKERMAN], Margaret (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). BUCKWALTER [PONTZ], Mable (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). BUCKWALTER [YUNGINGER], Cora (Johannes' granddaughter). BUCKWALTER, Charles (Johannes' great-grandson). ........................... Christopher (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........................... Cleteus M. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ........................... William (Johannes' great-great-grandson). BURKHART [ENGLE], Glenda K. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). BURKHART [YUNGINGER], Nancy J. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BURKHART, Donald U. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Douglas E. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). BYERS [WELK], Dolores (Johannes' great-granddaughter). BYERS, Robert F. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). CARROLL [GRAHAM], Diane (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). CARROLL, James Clinton (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................. Matthew James (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. Rebecca Lynn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). CARVELL [GRAHAM], Leah Frances (Johannes' granddaughter). CARVELL, Walter F. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). CENTINI, Earl (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Janice (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). CERVI [YUNINGER], Kathleen E. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). CERVI, James R. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). CHAMBERLIN [GRAHAM], Mary Susan (Johannes' granddaughter). CHAMBERLIN [PURSELL], Eva L. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). CHAMBERLIN [STONEBACK], Ann (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). CHAMBERLIN, J. Harry (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). .......................... James Rodney (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .......................... Joseph Ross (Johannes' great-grandson). .......................... Robert Pursell (Johannes' great-great-grandson). CILLESSEN [KEENER], Janeil Yvonne (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). CILLESSEN [LUDWICK], Heather (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). CILLESSEN, Brianna Lynn (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). ..................... Brittaney (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). ..................... John (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Sean (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). ..................... Shane (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................... Valarie (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). CLARK [YUNGINGER], Mildred (Johannes' granddaughter). CLARK, Ray L. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). CLINTON [YUNGINGER], Rachel (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). CLINTON, Ava (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Jamie (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Lily (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). COBLE, Cynthia (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ............. Donald (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Tammy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ............. Todd (Johannes' great-great-grandson). COLLIER, David (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). CORBIN, Carl (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 167 Johannes Junginger Ref. 443 442 362 128 130 17 129 1155 1156 599 240 600 239 117 118 10 1346 1482 1344 1483 1345 1343 1341 1342 1013 203 23 24 204 762 763 411 412 1060 652 1061 653 649 376 377 149 150 241 242 700 702 704 1122 699 1123 703 701 1283 935 1284 572 199 573 Index Name (Relationship) CORBIN, Paul (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............... Sean (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). COX, Billy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........ Billy Andrew (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ........ Cory (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ........ Jaiden Scott (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). ........ Rainy (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). CRIST [ROTE], Ruth E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). CRIST, W. Layton (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). CROM [KEENE], Mary Kathryn (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). CROM, Emily (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ........... Larry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........... Sara (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). CZYZEWSKI [CILLESSEN], Tara (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). CZYZEWSKI, Jeromey (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ....................... Katelynn (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). DAGEN [FEATHER], Arlene Mae (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). DAGEN [YUNGINGER], Marian R. (Johannes' granddaughter). DAGEN, Benjamin Frank (Johannes' great-grandson). ............. Charles (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............. Charles L. (“nix”) (Johannes' great-grandson). ............. Dorothy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ............. Florence (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ............. Robert (Johannes' great-grandson). ............. Steven (Johannes' great-great-grandson). DEAROLF [TROOP], Cheryl Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). DEAROLF, Ann Marie (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................. Kyle (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................. Larry (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). DEAVER [YUNGINGER], Milissa D. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). DEAVER, Douglas (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Sean (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Seth Douglas (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). DECKMAN [RICE], Ruby Elizabeth (Johannes' great-granddaughter). DECKMAN, Bryan Curtis (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Cecil H. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .................... Kevin Douglas (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Michael Graham (Johannes' great-great-grandson). DETZ [YUNGINGER], Nikole (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). DETZ, Charles Quinn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .......... Elisabeth Nikole (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .......... Zachary Charles (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). DIETRICK [CROM], Annabella (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). DIETRICK, William (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). DILLER [BENEDICT], Phyllis D. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). DILLER [ECKMAN], Eva Darlene (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). DILLER [OTT], Kimberly K. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). DILLER [YUNINGER], Dorothy Jean (Johannes' great-granddaughter). DILLER, Donald M. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .............. Donald Morris (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Gregory A. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .............. Richard C. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). DITZLER [LANDIS], Gloria (Johannes' great-granddaughter). DITZLER, Debra Ann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................ William D. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). DONNELLY [KNOTTMYER], Jodi (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). DONNELLY, Nicholas (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................... Timothy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 168 Johannes Junginger Ref. 505 183 180 506 182 181 184 1182 1183 1221 869 1414 868 494 1220 493 1415 507 185 508 186 1543 1542 797 798 626 1043 291 1044 625 623 719 1233 1234 889 888 254 605 252 1416 606 63 65 67 66 60 251 1417 64 253 61 62 909 910 563 997 564 562 Index Name (Relationship) DOWNEY [MUSSER], Tracey (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). DOWNEY, Anna (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Bernerd (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................. Dr. Dennis (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Kara (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Margaret (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Thomas (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). DUNWOODY [HASSEL], Bertha (Johannes' great-granddaughter). DUNWOODY, Elmer (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). EAGER [SHAW], Betty (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). EAGER [VASILLE], Debra (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). EAGER [YUNINGER], Anna Louise (Johannes' granddaughter). EAGER, George Howard (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. George Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. George Willard (Johannes' great-grandson). ............. Kathleen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Will Thurman (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). EDGAR [MUSSER], Kelly (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). EDGAR, Daniel (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ............. John (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Julia (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). EHRHARDT [GRUNNIN?], Ursula (Johannes' great-grandmother). EHRHARDT, Jakob (Johannes' great-grandfather). ENGELMAN [RYDER], Valarie (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ENGELMAN, Scott (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ERB [LANTHEAUME], Carol J. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ERB [MOWRER], Sara Lenora (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ERB, Carolyn Jamie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ....... Clyde L. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ....... James (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....... Sandra Lee (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ERVIN, Michael (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ESBENSHADE [YUNGINGER], Arlene E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ESBENSHADE, Clarence A. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ......................... Fae D. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ......................... Larry (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ESHELMAN [CURFMAN], Janice (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). ESHELMAN [KEENE], Janet (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ESHELMAN [TAYLOR], Shelby (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). ESHELMAN [YUNINGER], Ada (Johannes' granddaughter). ESHELMAN, Barry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Bradley (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................... Danielle (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ..................... Graham (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................... Janelle (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ..................... Matthew Lynn (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................... Rory (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ..................... Roy (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ..................... Samuel (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................... Scott Harry (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ..................... Seth (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................... Zebulon (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ESHLEMAN [MCKINNEY], Lisa D. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ESHLEMAN, Russell (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). FENNINGER [CRAMER], Barbara (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). FENNINGER [WEAVER], Dorothy Louise (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). FENNINGER, Denise (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ...................... Dennis (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). Page 169 Johannes Junginger Ref. 998 1102 688 1103 1475 1328 993 991 1330 1476 990 992 1327 1329 140 141 987 815 816 988 20 215 39 37 38 36 216 450 451 705 706 261 262 77 76 449 287 85 86 288 131 19 132 18 339 103 104 340 1451 1474 1253 881 512 882 1149 1362 260 1035 Index Name (Relationship) FENNINGER, Lloyd (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). FERREE [MARTIN], Eva Ella (Johannes' great-granddaughter). FERREE, Carl (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .............. Luther (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). FICHTNER [GRAHAM], E. Dora (Johannes' granddaughter). FICHTNER [HENRY], Reba (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). FICHTNER [KAUFFMAN], Patsy (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). FICHTNER [MUTTON], Lois (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). FICHTNER [WERTZ], Virginia (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). FICHTNER, George S. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ................... Gerald L. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................... James G. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................... Lester G. (Johannes' great-grandson). ................... Lloyd (Johannes' great-grandson). FINNEGAN [YUNGINGER], Jessica (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). FINNEGAN, Tony (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). FISHER [SWISHER], Carol (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). FISHER [YUNINGER], Esta M. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). FISHER, Louis (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). FRAZIER, Kalyah Ann (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). FREY [YOUNG], Susan (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). FREY, Abibail (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .......... Rachael (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .......... Ruth (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .......... Sara (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .......... Thomas (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). FRUCHEY [BOOK], Deborah K. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). FRUCHEY, Gary (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). FUNK [DILLER], Laura B. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). FUNK, Wesley R. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). GAMBER [GRAHAM], Phyllis Ann (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). GAMBER, A. Dale (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Dana Ann (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Ryan Dale (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). GAMBLE, James R. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). GAMBOE [SHELDON], Tracy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). GAMBOE, Aaron (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................. Craig (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................. Donald (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). GARCIA [YUNGINGER], Tiffanie (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). GARCIA, Aburie Saige (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). ............... Thomas (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Zella Reyne (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). GEHR [JOHNSON], Nicolle Elayne (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). GEHR, JR., Alyssa Nicolle (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Colton Arthur (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). GEHR, Arthur Lee (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). GIBNEY, Delmar (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). GINGRICH, Edward (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). GOCKLEY, John (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). GOOD [MUSSER], Barbara Lee (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). GOOD, Amy Jaenell (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ........... Donald Ray (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). GOULD [YUNGINGER], Elsie M. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). GRAHAM [ALTHOUSE], Lottie (Johannes' grandson's wife). GRAHAM [BUCKWALTER], Linda (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [DENLINGER], Susan Catherine (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Page 170 Johannes Junginger Ref. 75 1033 1032 613 950 1471 1453 611 1463 1457 1465 264 1298 1288 1494 1506 1367 612 942 1287 941 949 940 269 1354 1452 263 1495 1361 259 1464 1462 555 1353 1507 1297 270 73 271 554 1472 74 1456 556 610 1470 1034 609 1479 1031 1210 1007 1492 1493 1008 1180 1181 1036 Index Name (Relationship) GRAHAM [FOX], Wanda (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [FULLER], Sue Clifford (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [GROFF], Barbara Brackbill (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [HAMMOND], Dorothy (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [MILLER], Dianne (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). .................................... Mabel (Johannes' grandson's wife). GRAHAM [MOWRER], Kathryn (Johannes' grandson's wife). GRAHAM [MYERS], Martha Jean (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [TROUT], Annie (Johannes' grandson's wife). .................................. Esther H. (Johannes' grandson's wife). .................................. Naomi W. (Johannes' grandson's wife). GRAHAM [WELCH], Wanda (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [WELK], Barbara (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). ................................ Irene (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). GRAHAM [YUNGINGER], Catherine (Johannes' daughter). ............................................. Emma (Johannes' daughter). GRAHAM, Ada Salome (Johannes' granddaughter). ................. Clair Warren (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Danny (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. David (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. David (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Donald (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Donna (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................. Dustin Richard (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Emma Dora (Johannes' granddaughter). ................. Galen (Johannes' grandson). ................. Gary Lee (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. George (Johannes' son-in-law). ................. George Yuninger (Johannes' grandson). ................. Gerald Eugene (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. J. Rueben (Johannes' grandson). ................. J. Willis (Johannes' grandson). ................. Jessica (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. John William (Johannes' grandson). ................. Joseph (Johannes' son-in-law). ................. Joseph (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Kristen Michele (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Laura Lee (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Lauren Alycia (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Lindsay (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Mary (Johannes' granddaughter). ................. Matthew Lynn (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................. Maurice B. (Johannes' grandson). ................. Megan (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Norman Leroy (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Paul C. (Johannes' grandson). ................. Ralph George (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Verna Mae (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................. Walter Francis (Johannes' grandson). ................. Warren A. (Johannes' great-grandson). GREENAWALT, Walter (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). GREINER [DAGEN], Susan (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). GREINER [WITTLINGER], Frida (Johannes' great-niece). GREINER, Mr. (Johannes' great-niece's husband). ................. Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). GRIFFITH [YUNINGER], Elsie (Johannes' great-granddaughter). GRIFFITH, Warren (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). GROFF [GRAHAM], Mary Arlene (Johannes' great-granddaughter). Page 171 Johannes Junginger Ref. 341 958 105 342 959 1037 775 427 776 426 386 153 151 152 387 436 435 169 170 825 826 1331 1332 1276 929 1277 931 930 1090 1374 681 1089 1375 1091 680 835 1295 946 1187 1404 550 467 468 1296 1405 551 1186 838 834 945 477 478 1445 1275 1446 1274 768 1151 Index Name (Relationship) GROFF [JOHNSON], Adrienne Carroll (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). GROFF [RINEER], Doris (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). GROFF, JR., Jordan Lee (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). GROFF, Dennis Lee (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............ Douglas (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............ John Kinsey (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). GROFT [ROTE], Patricia (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). GROFT, Abbey (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Brian (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Lauren Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). GRUBB [KILLIAN], Melanie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). GRUBB, Elsie (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ............. Jesse (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ............. Lillian (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ............. Nathan (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). GRUBER [SHIFFLER], Marcie (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). GRUBER, Christopher Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Cole (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................ Jocelyn (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). HAGANS [THOMPSON], Doris (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HAGANS, William (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). HAGELGANS [HESS], Doris (Johannes' great-granddaughter). HAGELGANS, Harold (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). HAGENS [SHEAFER], Mary (Johannes' great-granddaughter). HAGENS, Christine (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................ Jack (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Kathleen (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................ Rebecca (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HARKINS [ECKMAN], Martha A. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). HARKINS [GRAHAM], Alice Lenore (Johannes' granddaughter). HARKINS [HAMIL], Deborah K. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife via adoption). HARKINS, Edwin G. (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Elmer (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ................. Horace D. (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Richard Paul (Johannes' great-great-grandson via adoption). HASSEL [BAILE], Janet (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). HASSEL [GRAHAM], Viola (Johannes' great-granddaughter). HASSEL [KREIDER], Linda (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). HASSEL [MILLER], Betty J. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). HASSEL [YUNINGER], Edith M. (Johannes' granddaughter). HASSEL, Amy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Brian (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............... Courtney (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Ellis (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Harry F. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............... Kimberly (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Lloyd V. (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... Richard (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............... Robert (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............... Wayne (Johannes' great-great-grandson). HASSLER [HENRY], Luann (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). HASSLER, Charles (“chip”) (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). HAUBERT [MUNSON], Alta (Johannes' granddaughter). HAUBERT, John (Johannes' great-grandson). .................. John (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). .................. Marian (Johannes' great-granddaughter). HECKENDORN, David M. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........................... Frank (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Page 172 Johannes Junginger Ref. 472 851 843 844 471 736 1074 1368 1078 1073 1077 1369 1041 1065 1042 1066 777 1477 902 538 535 1478 903 906 537 1195 778 650 651 298 999 194 195 568 567 1000 813 814 330 331 943 549 944 1218 1219 660 305 661 304 303 1016 574 1017 575 324 94 325 1338 Index Name (Relationship) HENRY [HALL], Diane (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). HENRY [LEFEVER], Pauline E. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HENRY [YUNGINGER], Faye (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HENRY, Ira F. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Michael I. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). HERNER, Bruce (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). HERR [AUKAMP], Reba E. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). HERR [GRAHAM], Harriet Rebecca (Johannes' granddaughter). HERR [ROHRER], Edith (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). HERR, John Graham (Johannes' great-grandson). .......... Roy J. (Johannes' great-grandson). .......... Roy Keene (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). HERSHEY [MOWRER], Hilda (Johannes' great-granddaughter). HERSHEY [RICE], Margaret Louetta (Johannes' great-granddaughter). HERSHEY, Elmer L. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .................. Lee (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). HESS [CRIST], Cynthia Ann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HESS [GRAHAM], Irma (Johannes' granddaughter). HESS [YUNGINGER], Melissa A. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HESS, Adam (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ......... Elizabeth Ann (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ......... Harry (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ......... J. Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ......... Kevin (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ......... Madelyn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ......... Ruth (Johannes' great-grandson's partner). ......... William L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). HICKS [DECKMAN], Patricia Marie (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HICKS, Darryl Mowrer (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........... Darryl Richard (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). HILDEBRAND [YUNINGER], Julianne W. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HILDEBRAND, Hailey (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ......................... Hunter (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ......................... Jessica (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). ......................... Ronald (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ......................... Ronald (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). HOAR [YUNINGER], Mary Ellen (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HOAR, H. Lee (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). HOFFMAN [YUNGINGER], Erin Rebecca (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). HOFFMAN, Thomas (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). HOLLINGER [HASSEL], Joyce (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HOLLINGER, Jeffrey (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ...................... Robert (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). HOMSHER [EAGER], Mildred (Johannes' great-granddaughter). HOMSHER, Bryson (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). HOOVER [HERR], Michele Ann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HOOVER, Evan Tyler (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Jeffrey T. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Kelley Lynn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................ Ryan Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). HORN [MYERS], Lisa (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). HORN, Brittany (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ........... Gerry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........... Jared (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). HORNBERGER [RODGERS], Patricia (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). HORNBERGER, Kyle (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ........................... Scott (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). HUBER [YUNINGER], Lillian (Johannes' great-granddaughter). Page 173 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1339 1418 1419 1312 963 962 961 960 1313 716 338 709 1131 100 102 720 717 101 715 1132 337 710 99 1545 1536 1513 1519 1541 1523 1522 1528 1488 1540 1529 1539 1560 1557 1510 1524 1531 1533 1520 1549 1532 1525 1553 1526 1489 1561 1551 1517 1516 1535 1512 1544 1530 1527 1521 Index Name (Relationship) HUBER, John (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). HUHN [YUNINGER], Emily (Johannes' granddaughter). HUHN, Norman (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ISENBERGER [GRAHAM], Hilda (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ISENBERGER, Keith (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........................ Larry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ........................ Lynn (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ........................ Randy (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........................ Ronald (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). JOHNSON [CARROLL], Patricia Lynn (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). JOHNSON [RAYBUCK], Angelique (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). JOHNSON [SHOPF], Judith S (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). JOHNSON [YUNGINGER], Evelyn (Johannes' great-granddaughter). JOHNSON, Christopher Ray (Twin) (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................. Emily Rose (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................. Linda Louise (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .................. Lucille A. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .................. Nicholas James (Twin) (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................. Robert Thomas (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................. Robert Thomas (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .................. Robert Thomas III (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. Russell L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................. Thomas Michael (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). JUNGINGER [BELTZ], Magdalena (Johannes' great-great-grandmother). JUNGINGER [EHRHARDT], Appalania (Johannes' grandmother). JUNGINGER [FRIEDRIKE], Christine (Johannes' nephew's wife). JUNGINGER [GEBHARDT], Dorothy (Johannes' wife). JUNGINGER [KIENLE], Anna Ursula (Johannes' great-grandmother). JUNGINGER [SCHIELE], Dorthea (Johannes' sister-in-law). JUNGINGER [SEIBOLD], Anna Barbara (Johannes' sister-in-law). JUNGINGER [ZIMMERMAN], Katharina (Johannes' mother). JUNGINGER, Adolf (Johannes' great-nephew). ...................... Andreas (Johannes' great-grandfather). ...................... Andreas (Johannes' uncle). ...................... Andreas (Johannes' great-uncle). ...................... Anna (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt). ...................... Anna Catharina (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt). ...................... Anna Maria (Johannes' niece). ...................... Anna Ursula (Johannes' sister). ...................... Anna Ursula (Johannes' aunt). ...................... Appalania (Johannes' aunt). ...................... Appalania (Johannes' sister). ...................... Baltfa (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt). ...................... Barbara (Johannes' aunt). ...................... Barbara (Johannes' sister). ...................... Barbara (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt). ...................... Christina (Johannes' sister). ...................... Fritz (Johannes' great-nephew). ...................... Georg (Johannes' great-great-great-grandfather). ...................... George (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle). ...................... Gottleib (Johannes' nephew). ...................... Gottleib (Johannes' nephew). ...................... Jakob (Johannes' grandfather). ...................... Jakob (Johannes' nephew). ...................... Jakob (Johannes' great-great-grandfather). ...................... Jakob (I) (Johannes' uncle). ...................... Jakob (Ii) (Johannes' father). ...................... Johan Jakob (Johannes' brother). Page 174 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1537 1554 1518 1511 1558 1562 1538 1534 1548 1552 1550 1559 1556 1555 393 222 48 47 223 157 156 158 46 394 894 531 530 895 455 456 1028 604 1357 1030 598 602 245 238 247 597 248 236 1029 1358 246 250 601 1027 249 603 237 353 359 357 725 723 847 848 Index Name (Relationship) JUNGINGER, Johann George (Johannes' great-uncle). ...................... Johannes (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle). ...................... Johannes (The subject of this report). ...................... Katharina (Johannes' niece). ...................... Maria (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt). ...................... Maria (Johannes' great-great-great-grandmother). ...................... Maria Magdalina (Johannes' great-aunt). ...................... Martin (Johannes' uncle). ...................... Martin (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle). ...................... Mathias (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle). ...................... Nicholas Wilhelm (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle). ...................... Rudolf (Johannes' great-great-great-uncle). ...................... Ursula (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt). ...................... Ursula (Johannes' great-great-great-aunt by marriage). KAUFFMAN [BUCH], Janelle (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). KAUFFMAN [KRANTZ], Kathy S. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). KAUFFMAN, Andrew (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ...................... Bobbi Moe (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ...................... Dwight (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ...................... Gabriell Lynn (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ...................... Gavin Troy (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ...................... Grant Stephen (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ...................... Tracy Moe (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ...................... Troy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). KEEFER [YUNGINGER], Nancy Evelyn (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). KEEFER, Joel David (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............... Joshua David (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............... Kenneth Leroy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). KEENAN [YUNINGER], Jenny Elizabeth (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). KEENAN, Craig Steven (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). KEENE [BYER], Frances (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). KEENE [FLEMING], Jane (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). KEENE [GRAHAM], Katie Elizabeth (Johannes' granddaughter). KEENE [HAMBLETON], Elizabeth (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). KEENE [JOHNS], Valeria (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). KEENE [WHITELOCK], Kathy (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). KEENE, Andrew (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Becky (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Benjamin (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Calvin (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Daniel (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Harold (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Harry (Johannes' great-grandson). ............. Harry C. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............. Josiah (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Richard (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Roy Calvin (Johannes' great-grandson). ............. Sara (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Thomas (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Willis (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). KEENER, Charlene Frances (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Jeanne Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Kathy Mae (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Neil (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Neil (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). KELCHEN [YUNGINGER], Harriet (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). KELCHEN, Allan R. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 175 Johannes Junginger Ref. 479 482 483 480 481 484 5 113 4 1547 1546 742 1136 1137 388 743 740 741 1427 1428 1003 1004 173 172 792 440 441 1087 677 675 676 1088 321 11 120 12 760 409 761 410 408 1272 1273 586 226 219 50 587 224 225 49 565 193 191 192 566 1285 1286 Index Name (Relationship) KELCHEN, Allan R. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. Charles W. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. Cindy (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). .................. Steven M. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. Virginia (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). .................. William E. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). KERIN, Chelsea (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). ............ Robert (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ............ Veronica (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). KIENLE [ECKHARDT], Maria (Johannes' great-great-grandmother). KIENLE, George (Johannes' great-great-grandfather). KILLIAN [RESSLER], Virginia (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). KILLIAN [YUNGINGER], Pauline (Johannes' great-granddaughter). KILLIAN, Allen (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Chad (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Donald (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................ Judy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................ Terrence (Johannes' great-great-grandson). KNISLEY [YUNGINGER], Ruth R. (Johannes' granddaughter). KNISLEY, Harry M. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). KNOTTMYER [HUBER], Yvonne (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). KNOTTMYER, Gregory E. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). KNOX, Christian (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ........... Dustin (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ........... Gregory (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........... John (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Lisa (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). KOCH [MYERS], Martha Irene (Johannes' great-granddaughter). KOCH [SCHULTZ], Kimberly (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). KOCH, Garry M. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........... Jeffrey L. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ........... John F. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ........... Kristine Renee (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). KOCMAN, Alexia (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Brian (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Brittney (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). KOCON [YUNGINGER], Diana Mae (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). KOCON, Abigale (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .............. Bernard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Evan Patrick (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .............. Megan (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). KOHLER [WELK], Joan (Johannes' great-granddaughter). KOHLER, Charles E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). KRANTZ [TROOP], Patricia Sue (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). KRANTZ, April (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). ................ Debra (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................ Krista (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................ Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Richard (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Roger (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Zaccheus (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). KRAUSE [FENNINGER], Doreen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). KRAUSE, Dana (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................ Deanna (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................ Deneen (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................ Dennis (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). LANDIS, Debra (Johannes' great-granddaughter). .............. Donald (Johannes' great-grandson). Page 176 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1450 267 268 678 694 695 679 318 319 519 521 890 518 891 520 522 850 849 1197 211 212 32 1299 1300 350 349 110 721 669 670 313 314 315 916 917 644 646 640 1058 639 1059 645 643 256 607 258 955 71 956 257 255 72 557 558 70 69 608 68 Index Name (Relationship) LANDIS, Harold E. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). LASSEES [GRAHAM], Michele Renee (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). LASSEES, Keith (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). LAUKHUFF [HARKINS], Evelyn Darlene (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter via adoption). LAUKHUFF [WETTIG], Linda Marie (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). LAUKHUFF, Ken (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Thomas Kirk (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband via adoption). LAWSON [BAKER], Lisa Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). LAWSON, Timothy Alan (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). LEAMAN [BARLEY], Elizabeth Noelle (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). LEAMAN [STONER], Andrea Elizabeth (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). LEAMAN [YUNGINGER], Patricia Hess (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). LEAMAN, John Harold (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. John Harold (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Mark Christopher (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Stephen Douglas (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). LEFEVER [WIMER], Janet (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). LEFEVER, Glen R. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Jacob Roy (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). LEIK [YOUNG], Barbara (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). LEIK, Raymond (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ......... Scott (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). LELLENBERGER [REESE], Helen (Johannes' great-granddaughter). LELLENBERGER, Walter (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). LEONARD, Dawn (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). ................... Eric (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................... Grace Carole (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................... Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). LEWIS [SIMPSON], Nancy Louise Simpson (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). LEWIS, Charles Eddie (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............ Jeffery Brian (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............ Jennifer Lynn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............ Jodi Christine (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). LILLY [YUNGINGER], Susan E. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). LILLY, Mark (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). LINDSLEY [EITNER], Marjorie (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). LINDSLEY [HOHN], Bonnie (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). LINDSLEY [MILLER], Carol (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). LINDSLEY [RICE], Dorothy Joann (Johannes' great-granddaughter). LINDSLEY, Jack E. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................... Jack E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................... Paul Mitchell (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................... William Robert (Johannes' great-great-grandson). LONG [HOWELL], Debra (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). LONG [KEENE], Paulyne (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). LONG [PETERS], Constance (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). LONG [WENGER], Barbara (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). LONG, David (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ........... Donald (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........... Eric (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Gary (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Izaak (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ........... Jennifer (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ........... Keith (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........... Rachel (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ........... Rebekah (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ........... Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........... Scott (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). Page 177 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1199 1200 334 97 98 335 836 837 469 470 243 244 1071 301 1316 526 658 1381 404 1382 1110 302 659 527 973 1072 657 300 1101 1100 972 1317 405 1099 1106 1109 1104 1105 1134 1270 1271 448 175 174 176 637 638 1245 1246 911 539 588 231 589 886 887 516 517 Index Name (Relationship) LUTZ [YUNGINGER], Helen M. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). LUTZ, Weldon M. ("Bud") (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). MADDEN [YUNGINGER], Jennifer Ann (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). MADDEN, Elizabeth Jane (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Henry John (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................. Parke H. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). MARALAMBIE [HASSEL], Barbara (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). MARALAMBIE, James (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........................... Kelly (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ........................... Lisa (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). MARLEBUR [CROM], Pamela (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). MARLEBUR, Lee (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). MARTIN [HERR], Catherine Elizabeth (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MARTIN [LATHROP], Mary Katharine (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). MARTIN [REIMOLD], Emma E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MARTIN [ROHRER], Julie Renee (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). MARTIN [SMITH], Elizabeth Louise (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). MARTIN [YUNGINGER], Lillian (Johannes' granddaughter). ........................................... Nadine (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). MARTIN, Aaron R. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............... Aaron Rife (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... Amy Louise (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Barbara Lou (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ............... Chad (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Charles (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............... David E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Donald Eugene (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............... Douglas Edward (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............... Elwood Elisha (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... Irvin M. (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... James (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............... James E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Jordan (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Lillian Blanche (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ............... Luke Y. (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... Matthew Y. (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... Paul David (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... Titus Watkins (Johannes' great-grandson). MASSEY, Minerva May (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). MAYSILLES [WELK], Nancy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MAYSILLES, Edward C. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). MCDUFFIE, Mr. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................... Andrew M. (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................... Jennifer R. (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................... Melanie (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). MCFARLAND [LINDSLEY], Jean Rice (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). MCFARLAND, Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). MCKINNEY [YUNGINGER], Mary Mildred (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MCKINNEY, W. Parke (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... William P. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ..................... William P. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). MEILY [TROOP], Margaret L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). MEILY, Brenda J. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............ Joseph (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). MELLINGER [RUSSEL], Susan (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). MELLINGER, Allen (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ....................... Kate (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Mark (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). Page 178 Johannes Junginger Ref. 209 210 31 1347 726 1348 1240 907 1454 1294 1293 1455 375 121 358 1011 1291 1012 1292 773 425 424 423 774 1049 1363 1040 628 1047 1425 293 1426 1038 618 1244 1048 1046 292 1364 1045 1039 1226 627 1444 1440 1438 1504 1260 1449 1439 1443 1505 1437 1229 878 509 877 883 Index Name (Relationship) MICHALSKE [TROOP], Diane (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). MICHALSKE, Mr. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ....................... Crystal (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). MILLER [DAGEN], Miriam (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MILLER, Douglas (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Eugene (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Horace (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Joseph (Johannes' great-great-grandson). MINNEY [GRAHAM], Clara B. (Johannes' granddaughter). MINNEY [WILSON], Mary (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). MINNEY, Charles (Johannes' great-grandson). ............... Jacob (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). MITTERER, Dennis (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). MONTANO, Becky Lynn (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................... William Pat (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). MORRISON [DAGEN], Nixetta (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). MORRISON [GRAHAM], Elsie (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MORRISON, Barry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Richard (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). MOSER [ROTE], Kathy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). MOSER, Jamie Elaine (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Jennifer Elizabeth (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Jill Eileen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Rick (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). MOWRER [ANDRE], Jane A. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). MOWRER [GRAHAM], Annie Naomi (Johannes' granddaughter). MOWRER [HOSTETTER], Mildred (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). MOWRER [SMITH], Kelly J. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ................................. Mary E. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). MOWRER [YUNGINGER], Viola M. (Johannes' granddaughter). MOWRER, Alexander (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Benjamin H. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ................. Catherine (Kit) D. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ................. Elva Jean (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................. Harold (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Harold Lyte (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Hiram Sylvester (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Jackson (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Jacob (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ................. Jacob Milton (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Musser Graham (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. T. Susan (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ................. Ted Howard (Johannes' great-great-grandson). MUNSON [IRWIN], Erma (Johannes' grandson's wife). MUNSON [SIMMONS], Hettie E. (Johannes' grandson's wife). MUNSON [ULRICH], Amy (Johannes' grandson's wife). MUNSON [YUNGINGER], Mary Elizabeth (Johannes' daughter). MUNSON, Charles E. (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. D. Elizabeth (Johannes' granddaughter). ................. Harry C. (Johannes' grandson). ................. Horace C. (Johannes' grandson). ................. John (Johannes' son-in-law). ................. John Newlin (Johannes' grandson). MUSSER [CLARK], Lillian (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MUSSER [EASTMAN], Barbara (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). MUSSER, Christopher (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Clark C. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................ John (Johannes' great-great-grandson). Page 179 Johannes Junginger Ref. 876 1230 1372 1351 1333 1423 996 1152 1211 1352 1334 1373 1084 827 828 872 499 498 500 873 501 1265 1227 621 284 622 389 155 390 154 1162 782 1268 1269 779 431 430 780 1114 1115 1383 691 332 1113 1384 690 1289 1290 372 371 730 145 370 731 373 144 1005 1006 Index Name (Relationship) MUSSER, Ronald E. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................ Wilbur E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). MYERS [GRAHAM], Sarah Louise (Johannes' granddaughter). MYERS [YUNGINGER], Lillian E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MYERS [YUNINGER], Evelyn (Johannes' great-granddaughter). MYERS, Albert L. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............. Brenda (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ............. C. Paul (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Donald (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Gary R. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Gilbert (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............. Joseph (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............. Miriam Elizabeth (Johannes' great-granddaughter). NEFF [THOMPSON], Linda (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). NEFF, Donald (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). NESTLERODE [ZOOK], Kathleen (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). NESTLERODE, Emily (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ......................... Jennie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ......................... Kate (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ......................... Larry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ......................... Peter (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). NEWCOMER [WELK], Kathryn (Johannes' great-granddaughter). NOLT, Raymond (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). NUSS [MOWRER], Linda (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). NUSS, Karen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .......... Richard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). PASS [SPOTTS], Misty Lee (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). PASS, Ashley (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ......... Chris (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ......... Lillian (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). PERRINE, Harry (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Peter (Johannes' great-great-grandson). PETERS [WELK], Joyce Kay (Johannes' great-granddaughter). PETERS, Charles R. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). PHILLIPS [STRINE], Luann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). PHILLIPS, Matthew (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Russell (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). POPE [EBERLY], Friede L. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). POPE [HEBDEN], Frances F. ("Susie") (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). POPE [YUNGINGER], Martha (Johannes' granddaughter). POPE, Ms. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ......... Dexter (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ......... Robert E. (Johannes' great-grandson). ......... William (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ......... William R. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). RAPP [GRAHAM], Alta (Johannes' great-granddaughter). RAPP, Wayne (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). RATHVON [DUKE], Cindy (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). RATHVON [OTTEY], Sharon (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). RATHVON [YUNGINGER], Geraldine (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). RATHVON, Chrystaline (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................... John (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................... John (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................... Michelle (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................... Tyler (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). REBMAN [DAGEN], Peggy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). REBMAN, Stephen (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 180 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1212 1458 428 1302 168 429 1301 1459 1303 1466 969 1321 965 1315 967 1467 980 968 966 1320 1314 964 487 488 1025 593 596 595 1026 592 235 594 234 1241 636 1055 1365 1070 1057 297 1056 1068 1366 1067 1054 296 654 1069 655 1062 635 839 840 977 975 1310 1318 1311 Index Name (Relationship) REDCAY, Mark C. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). REESE [GRAHAM], Lillie (Johannes' granddaughter). REESE [HESS], Jennifer (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). REESE [RINEER], Lois (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). REESE, Aaron (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ............ Jason (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............ Joseph (Johannes' great-grandson). ............ Levi (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............ Robert (Johannes' great-grandson). REIMOLD [GRAHAM], Edna (Johannes' granddaughter). REIMOLD [HAMMOND], Terry (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). REIMOLD [HARNISH], Edith (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). REIMOLD [MILLER], Donna (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). REIMOLD [SELLERS], Bertha (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). REIMOLD [STOLTZFUS], Cheryl (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). REIMOLD, Charles (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). .................. Douglas (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................. Jeffrey (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................. Kenneth (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................. Marvin G. (Johannes' great-grandson). .................. Paul C. (Johannes' great-grandson). .................. Paul Raymond (Johannes' great-great-grandson). REMLEY [SCHNEIDER], Lisa (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). REMLEY, Drew (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). REYNOLDS [KEENE], Ada Sue (Johannes' great-granddaughter). REYNOLDS [LAVERS], Marjorie (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). REYNOLDS [SCHREIBER], Francine (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). REYNOLDS, Howard W. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ..................... J. Horace (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... John H. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ..................... Mark (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ..................... Robert K. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ..................... Steven (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). RHOADS, Paul (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). RICE [BEACHER], Karen Hampton (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). RICE [FUNK], Stella (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). RICE [GRAHAM], Ella Louetta (Johannes' granddaughter). RICE [MYERS], Doris (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). RICE [RANCK], Edna (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). RICE, Chad Richard (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ......... Daniel Edwin (Johannes' great-grandson). ......... Jacob Hershey (Johannes' great-grandson). ......... John (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ......... John Henry (Johannes' great-grandson). ......... Nelson Graham (Johannes' great-grandson). ......... Patrick Thomas (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ......... Regina (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ......... Robert Leroy (Johannes' great-grandson). ......... Ronald Carl (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ......... Ruth (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ......... Thomas Richard (Johannes' great-great-grandson). RILEY [YUNGINGER], Judy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). RILEY, Joseph (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). RINEER [APPEL], Debra (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). RINEER [CRAWFORD], Pamela (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). RINEER [GRAHAM], Dorothy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). RINEER [REIMOLD], Violet M. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). RINEER, Clarence (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Page 181 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1319 957 976 974 475 476 147 146 374 148 898 532 899 534 533 981 559 560 982 1337 265 947 363 552 266 553 948 1473 1324 329 684 685 328 524 892 525 893 523 189 1165 1154 1397 1161 1150 1163 1158 1153 1398 1157 769 418 417 770 122 1484 1485 1231 885 Index Name (Relationship) RINEER, Clifford C. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Cynthia (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .............. Gary (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .............. Ronald (Johannes' great-great-grandson). RISK [HENRY], Laurie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). RISK, Barry (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). RISNER, Ashley Louise (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .............. Jason (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .............. Randy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Tara Lynn (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). RITTENHOUSE [YUNGINGER], Mary Ann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). RITTENHOUSE, Benjamin David (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........................... Dennis Ray (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ........................... Jeremy Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ........................... Katelyn Joy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ROARK [TROUT], Brenard (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ROARK, Caley (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Corey (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Virgil (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ROBERTS, George W. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ROBINSON [GRAHAM], Cheryl Lynn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ......................................... Esther (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ROBINSON, Gary (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................... Melissa (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .................... Richard Robert (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................... Scott (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................... Thomas (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ROCKEY, Charles (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ................ Harold (Johannes' great-grandson). RODGERS [WEBBER], Lisa (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). RODGERS [YUNGINGER], Patricia (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). RODGERS, Eugene C. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................. Scott Rodgers (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ROHRER [STONER], Joel Nadine (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). ROHRER [YUNGINGER], Audrey Jean (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ROHRER, Janine Kay (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................ Richard D. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Richard Dean (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................ Richard Moses (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................ Richard P. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ROTE [HERR], Lola A. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). ROTE [YUNGINGER], Angie M. (Johannes' granddaughter). ROTE, Doris L. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). .......... Esther R. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). .......... Jean R. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). .......... Levern M. (Johannes' great-grandson). .......... Luther W. (Johannes' great-grandson). .......... Luther W. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). .......... Robert (Johannes' great-grandson). ROTH [HECKENDORN], Barbara (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ROTH, Kaitlin Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .......... Matthew Franklin (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .......... Robert (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ROY, Brian (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). RUOSS [YUNGINGER], Frances M. (Johannes' granddaughter). RUOSS, John Leroy (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). RUSSEL [CLARK], Dorothy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). RUSSEL [RAE], Martha (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Page 182 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1232 514 515 513 884 345 346 1167 1169 789 1399 438 437 171 445 446 796 791 1166 1400 788 1168 439 795 444 794 790 633 294 634 295 528 529 190 748 392 749 682 683 1144 858 860 861 1207 859 1208 857 784 432 785 1424 1086 1281 1279 933 932 1280 1278 Index Name (Relationship) RUSSEL, Gabriel (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .............. John (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .............. Laura (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .............. Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .............. Robert (Johannes' great-great-grandson). RUTKOWSKI [AUKER], Marjorie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). RUTKOWSKI, Nathan (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). RYDER [BAUMAN], Christine (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). RYDER [DERRY], Ms. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). RYDER [GRUBER], Patricia (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). RYDER [YUNINGER], Emily Dorothy (Johannes' granddaughter). RYDER IV [WHITE], Tanya (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). RYDER IV, Ernest Henry (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). RYDER, Brianna Grace (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ............. Daughter 1 (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Daughter 2 (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Deborah (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ............. Deborah (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ............. Ernest Henry (Johannes' great-grandson). ............. Ernest Henry (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............. Ernest Henry (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Frances (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). ............. Henry Patrick (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Kathy (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ............. Leslie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Robert W. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Stasha (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SANGREY [RICE], Patricia Ann (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SANGREY, Cynthia Elaine (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .................. Harold G. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................. Kathleen Louise (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SAVAGE III [KEEFER], Megan Rene (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SAVAGE III, Peter J. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). SAVAGE, Emma Rose (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). SAWYER [BUCH], Donna (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SAWYER, Kayla (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................ Kenneth (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). SCHAICH [YUNGINGER], Dolores (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SCHAICH, William A. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). SCHNADER, Violet M. Haller (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). SCHNEIDER [CUTAGNO], Angelo (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SCHNEIDER [HOUSEKEEPER], Joan (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SCHNEIDER [STIRLING], Shelley (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SCHNEIDER [YUNINGER], Fannie (Johannes' great-granddaughter). SCHNEIDER, James L. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ...................... John (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ...................... Ronald E. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). SCHUMANN [ROHRER], Suzanne (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SCHUMANN, Cayli Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ...................... Jay (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). SHAIBLEY, William (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). SHAUB, Raymond J. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). SHEAFER [MARTIN], Frances (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). SHEAFER [ROTH], Roslyn (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). SHEAFER, Bryan (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Gale (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ................. Ira (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Jacob (Johannes' great-grandson). Page 183 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1282 934 1075 663 1447 1076 306 1448 307 664 662 290 286 84 624 88 87 83 89 289 285 1127 712 1128 711 326 95 327 96 1370 1083 232 1081 1079 1080 1082 1371 233 631 200 632 201 459 1304 540 541 1305 343 106 724 344 616 277 617 276 278 978 979 Index Name (Relationship) SHEAFER, Norman (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Randy (Johannes' great-great-grandson). SHEAFFER [HERR], Dorothy Louise (Johannes' great-granddaughter). SHEAFFER [KING], Jenny Miller (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SHEAFFER [MUNSON], Clara Viola (Johannes' granddaughter). SHEAFFER, Carl Richard (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .................... Christopher Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................... Ira (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). .................... Matthew Steven (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................... Sandra Louise (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .................... Steven Linwood (Johannes' great-great-grandson). SHELDON [CLAIR], Sierra (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). SHELDON [FRISKE], Mari (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). SHELDON, Amanda (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................. Charles W. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................. David (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................. Gabrial (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................. Garrett (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................. Laurence B. (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................. Stephen (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................. Timothy (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). SHOPF [BUCKWALTER], Dorothy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). SHOPF, Judith A (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ............ Richard H. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............ Richard Jere (Johannes' great-great-grandson). SIMMONS [RODGERS], Jenni (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SIMMONS, Emily (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................. Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................. Rachel (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). SIMPSON [GRAHAM], Minnie Leone (Johannes' granddaughter). SIMPSON [LAPP], Francis A. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). SIMPSON [MEILY], Karen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SIMPSON [WANNER], Laura (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). SIMPSON, Clair Graham (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ................. George (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. James Lee (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Jonas (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ................. William (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). SKYLES [RICE], Betty Jane (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SKYLES [TROOP], Kay (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SKYLES, Mervin (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Richard (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). SMITH [CERVI], Kristen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SMITH [WEAVER], Emma (Johannes' great-granddaughter). SMITH [YUNGINGER], Kati Y. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SMITH, Craig E. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............ Robert C. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). SNYDER [AUKER], Amy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SNYDER, Harry Decklin (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................ Larry (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Matthew Harry (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). SOLLENBERGER [GROFF], Madeline Marie (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SOLLENBERGER, Gayle Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............................... J. Wilbur (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ............................... John Merle (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............................... Lynelle Fay (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SOUDERS [REIMOLD], Glenda (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SOUDERS, Craig (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 184 Johannes Junginger Ref. 766 416 164 767 415 163 853 854 667 312 668 311 310 746 747 745 1138 1139 744 391 936 937 112 510 511 188 187 569 197 570 198 196 1159 781 1160 1198 1107 1108 123 124 14 13 205 206 27 25 26 970 971 994 561 995 1325 986 985 1326 629 630 Index Name (Relationship) SOURBEER [BARNETT], Patricia (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SOURBEER [HOLTZMAN], Mickey (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). SOURBEER, Brian (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................... Donald L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................... Mitch (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................... Steve (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). SPADE [LEFEVER], Donna L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SPADE, George (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). SPERBER [SIMPSON], Vicki Lynn Simpson (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SPERBER III, Andrew George (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). SPERBER, Andrew George (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Craig Steven (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Kevin Shawn (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). SPOTTS [BAXTER], Daynette (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SPOTTS [COOK], Carolyn (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SPOTTS [WHITMAN], Shelley (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). SPOTTS [YUNGINGER], Helen E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). SPOTTS, John H. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). .............. John L. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .............. John Paul (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). SPRADLIN [DITZLER], Amy D. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SPRADLIN, Scott (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). SPRINGSTEEN, Craig (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). STAUFFER [GOOD], Jennifer Lynn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). STAUFFER, Dwayne Adam (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). .................... Ryan Christopher (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .................... Zachary Adam (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). STOLTZFUS [HILDEBRAND], Kimberly (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). STOLTZFUS, Adam (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ...................... Arlin (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ...................... Austin (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ...................... Lindsey (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). STRINE [ROTE], Betty Lou (Johannes' great-granddaughter). STRINE, Robert (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Robert A. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). STRUBLE, Elwood (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). SULLIVAN [MARTIN], Ruth Y. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). SULLIVAN, David (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). SWANSON [MONTANO], Amy Theresa (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). SWANSON, Darren (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ................... Jeremy Michael (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). ................... Ryan Eugene (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). SWARTZENGRUBER [TROOP], Jeanette (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). SWARTZENGRUBER, Jeffery (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................................... Shanna (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ..................................... Shawn (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ..................................... Steven (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). SWEIGART [REIMOLD], Cheryl (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SWEIGART, William (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). SWINEHART [HAGELGANS], Dorothy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SWINEHART, Donna (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Russell (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). SWISHER [FICHTNER], Edna (Johannes' great-granddaughter). SWISHER, George (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. James (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Leon (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). SYLVESTER [RICE], Dorothy Louise (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). SYLVESTER, John (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). Page 185 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1420 1178 1421 1179 1264 177 178 591 581 208 583 590 207 202 582 580 28 29 30 1023 1024 1468 1323 1469 1322 829 460 462 463 461 464 830 465 641 642 871 1222 870 495 497 1223 496 126 16 360 127 125 15 737 738 1009 1010 1460 614 92 1002 1 2 Index Name (Relationship) THOMPSON [YUNINGER], Jennie (Johannes' granddaughter). .............................................. Pearl (Johannes' great-granddaughter). THOMPSON, Paul (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ..................... William (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). TRAHANOVSKY [WELK], Sara Jane (Johannes' great-granddaughter). TREECE [FRUCHEY], Stephanie (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). TREECE, Brian (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). TROOP [LOWE], Doreen (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). TROOP [MCFALLS], Claire (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). TROOP [THOMPSON], Becky (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). TROOP [WIEBUSH], Dorothy (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). TROOP, Carl G. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. David L. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. H. Grant (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Harry L. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Hiram Grant (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............. Jeremiah (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ............. Michael (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ............. Zachery (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). TROUP [KEENE], Louetta (Johannes' great-granddaughter). TROUP, Hiram Grant (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). TROUT [GRAHAM], Alma V. (Johannes' granddaughter). TROUT [HERR], Jane (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). TROUT, Lloyd H. (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ............. Robert (Johannes' great-grandson). UNANGST [BOOSE], Romaine (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). UNANGST, Jeffrey (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................... Kimberly (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................... Lori (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................... Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................... Randy (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................... Robert (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................... Scott (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). UNROE [LINDSLEY], Josephine L. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). UNROE, Ralph (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). VAUGHN [HAGAN], Patricia (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). VAUGHN [HUHN], Norma Marguerite (Johannes' great-granddaughter). VAUGHN, David (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Kristin (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Rebecca (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Robert Miller (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Timothy (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). WAGNER [TORRES], Amanda (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson's wife). WAGNER, Damian (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). ................. Gregory (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Jason Neil (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................. Joshua (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................. Justin (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). WALTON [YUNGINGER], Joy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WALTON, Ronald (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). WEACHTER [DAGEN], Marion (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WEACHTER, Kevin (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). WEAVER [GRAHAM], Ada G. (Johannes' granddaughter). WEAVER [GROFF], Charlotte Leora (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WEAVER [HORNBERGER], Erika (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). WEAVER [SAMPLE], Jacquelyn (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). WEAVER, Clay (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). ................. Colby (Johannes' five-times-great-grandson). Page 186 Johannes Junginger Ref. 275 272 1336 273 274 93 1461 615 1001 3 571 831 466 832 1490 1441 823 1261 1262 1442 824 1308 1309 1228 954 697 698 1120 333 1121 696 397 162 398 485 486 347 109 108 107 348 783 1164 879 880 786 787 434 433 989 1051 1053 1050 1052 1514 1515 1491 322 Index Name (Relationship) WEAVER, Dawn Elaine (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Donald Eugene (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Elvin (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................. J. Marlin (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ................. Janice Lorraine (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ................. Jared (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Mark (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ................. Mervin (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Robert (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ................. Sheridan (Johannes' five-times-great-granddaughter). ................. Traci (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter via adoption). WEBER [BOOSE], Lois (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WEBER, Brent (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Noah (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). WEIS [JUNGINGER], Caroline J. (Johannes' great-niece). WELK [MUNSON], Kathryn Mildred (Johannes' granddaughter). WELK [THOMPSON], June (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WELK, Harry B. (Johannes' great-grandson). ........... John M. (Johannes' great-grandson). ........... Joseph (Johannes' granddaughter's husband). ........... Robert (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). WENGER [WEAVER], Dorothy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). WENGER, George J. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Lloyd (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ................. Sandra (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WETTIG [STONER], Marguerite J. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). WETTIG [THOMPSON], Susan (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). WETTIG [YUNINGER], Verna E. (Johannes' great-granddaughter). WETTIG, Lori (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............... Robert S. (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). ............... Robert S. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). WHITMAN [BUCH], Kathleen (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). WHITMAN, Emma Elizabeth (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................... Jan-Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). WILEY [KELCHEN], Lucille (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). WILEY, Mr. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). WILLIAMS [LEONARD], Shannon (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). WILLIAMS, Cameron Quinn (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................... Erin Renee (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ................... Jack Peter (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................... Peter (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). WILSON, David (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ............... David (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). WIMER [MUSSER], Mildred (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WIMER, Melvin (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). WINEHOLT [ROHRER], Anne-Louise (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WINEHOLT, David (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). ..................... Marshall (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ..................... Natalie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). WINGLER [FICHTNER], Wanda L (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WINTERS [LIVINGTON], Ella Livington (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). WINTERS [RANK], Emma Louise (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). WINTERS, Richard Thomas (Johannes' great-grandson). ................. Thomas Richard (Johannes' great-grandson). WITTLINGER [JUNGINGER], Christina (Johannes' niece). WITTLINGER, Ernst (Johannes' niece's husband). ........................ Eugenia (Johannes' great-niece). WORTEL [SCHAICH], Lorin (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). Page 187 Johannes Junginger Ref. 323 90 91 620 874 503 502 504 875 218 214 983 584 33 40 217 44 43 585 984 42 41 213 35 34 379 1117 919 728 1396 1386 1194 1135 1143 729 1435 1503 1407 915 1432 842 1236 1248 1379 856 1096 1094 543 733 1497 1487 1238 367 1509 1394 1255 365 1202 Index Name (Relationship) WORTEL, Antoni Michel (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter's husband). ................ Mark A. (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ................ Miranda L. (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). WUISCHPARD, Peter (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). WURST [ZOOK], Cynthia (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). WURST, Andrew (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Benjamin Frank (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ............. Lauren (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ............. Stephen (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). YOUNG [DULL], Carol Sue (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YOUNG [HENRY], Linda (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YOUNG [SWISHER], Elaine (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). YOUNG [TROOP], Jean T. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). YOUNG, Andrew (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .............. David (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .............. David P. (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .............. Debra (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .............. Elizabeth (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .............. Henry Lee (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Jacob (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter's husband). .............. Jason (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). .............. Joanne (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .............. Matthew (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .............. Rebecca Lorraine (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .............. Stacy Lynn (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). YUNGINGER [BARILE], Danielle (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [BORTZFIELD], Ruth E. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [BROWN], Joleen (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [BUTZ], Anna Mae (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [CAMPBELL], Edna (Johannes' grandson's wife). ................................................ Lydia (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [CONRAD], Ada (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [COX], Marie (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [DELP], Judy (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [DOWS], Joan (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [DUSSINGER], Mary B. (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [EAGER], Susan L. (Johannes' daughter-in-law). YUNGINGER [FICHTNER], Margaret E. (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [GOCKLEY], Betty (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [GROFF], Bertha Evelyn (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [HART], Joanne (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [HESS], Jean Reist (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [HOHENWATER], Martha E. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [HORTING], Edna M. (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [KAMMERER], Bonnie Lee Good (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [KEITH], Ella (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [KURTZ], Helen Erma (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [LECH], Kimberly (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [LYNES], Nancy Jane (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [MARTIN], Martha Ella (Johannes' daughter-in-law). YUNGINGER [PARMER], Verna S. (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [RACHKOSKIE], Marion (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [REED], Pam (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [RHOADS], Lillian (Johannes' daughter-in-law). YUNGINGER [RINEER], Mary (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [ROHRER], Joyce (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [SAAM], Deb (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [SMITH], Dorothy N. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). Page 188 Johannes Junginger Ref. 693 1377 1130 687 897 369 1392 714 913 912 546 136 137 1251 384 1486 545 1508 1434 1247 1242 406 1237 1146 1258 1393 1502 1433 383 904 381 1422 1395 1406 900 692 1496 1142 758 757 923 1378 1188 1436 1380 544 1092 1097 1133 1249 135 855 1201 1093 722 841 368 1250 Index Name (Relationship) YUNGINGER [STEKERVETZ], Mildred M. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [STEVENS], Anna M. (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [WALLACE], Ethel (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [WEAVER], Donna Jean (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [WENGER], Janine L. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [WENTZ], Luann (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [WHITTAKER], Anna Mae (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNGINGER [ZUBLER], Jane Ann (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER III [SNYDER], Judy (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNGINGER III, Benjamin Frank (Johannes' great-great-grandson). YUNGINGER, Ms. (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Adam (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ....................... Amy Patricia (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ....................... Anna Belle (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Anthony (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... B. Lloyd Yunginger (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Ben (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Benjamin F. (Johannes' son). ....................... Benjamin Frank (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Benjamin Frank (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Betty Susan (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Brandon John (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... C. Norman (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Carolyn (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Charles "Pork" (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Charles Ross (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Christian B. (Johannes' son). ....................... Christian Earl (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Christina (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Christine N. (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Christopher (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Clara (Johannes' granddaughter). ....................... Clarence (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Clayton W. (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Colleen (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Darwin P. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... David (Johannes' son). ....................... David Leroy (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... David S. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Deidre L (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Denise (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Elam M. (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Ella Harriet (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Ellis (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Emma Dora (Johannes' granddaughter). ....................... Eric (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Gertrude (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Gladys (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Harold Joseph (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Harvey Joseph (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Holly (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ....................... Howard Dennis (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... J. Chester ("Ted") (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... J. Wellington (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Jacqueline (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ....................... James (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... James Daniel (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Janice (Johannes' great-granddaughter). Page 189 Johannes Junginger Ref. 385 914 759 1376 713 1259 142 382 133 134 1129 1196 1145 739 918 686 1095 366 1391 1239 542 403 378 732 1385 1116 143 1235 896 924 1431 1254 364 727 1098 1193 407 734 336 380 361 806 1173 1214 491 1217 1215 804 1192 1190 1206 1410 1499 822 1204 1413 1411 846 Index Name (Relationship) YUNGINGER, Jeffrey (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Jeffrey K. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Joan (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). ....................... John M. (Johannes' grandson). ....................... John W. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Judy A. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). ....................... Julianne (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ....................... Justin (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Keturah (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ....................... Kyle (Johannes' four-times-great-grandson). ....................... Lewis (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... M. Viola ("Kit") (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Marie (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Marie (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Matthew S. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Melvin (Skip) (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Melvin L. (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Michael (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Milo (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Nancy Ruth (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ....................... Nathan (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Nicole (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Noel Andrew (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Norman Galen (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Park M. (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Park Vincent (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Rebecca (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). ....................... Richard Clair (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Richard Clair, Jr. Md (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Roland (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Roland Clair (Johannes' grandson). ....................... Roland Yunginger (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Ronald (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Ronald (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ....................... Roy (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Roy P. (“ben”) (Johannes' great-grandson). ....................... Ryan Scott (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Sandy (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Stephen Edward (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). ....................... Taryn (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). ....................... Teresa (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). YUNINGER [ALDEN], Sharon (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [BRACKBILL], Florence (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [CRAIG], Gwynn (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [DAVIS], Brittney (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [FINDLEY], Ruth (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [FURLOW], Lynne Mae (“pinky”) (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [GILLEY], Ann E. (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [GROFF], Viola (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). ..................................... Wilma (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [GUIE], Mona Edna (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [HAMMON], Lura Una (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNINGER [HERR], Susan (Johannes' daughter-in-law). YUNINGER [JAKAB], Jacquel Lynn Womer (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [KAPLAN], Rebecca (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [KRAMER], Maude (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNINGER [MEHAFFEY], Elizabeth M. Sheaffer (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNINGER [MERVINS], Alberta "Ginny" (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). Page 190 Johannes Junginger Ref. 1171 1177 864 1481 1175 1388 458 812 1403 1501 808 807 454 1401 490 1205 1191 489 457 1387 179 1203 1340 1170 1216 1412 1209 811 1335 1500 1409 1480 1498 803 492 862 1408 1213 863 1189 865 1174 1118 805 1172 1119 866 821 867 1402 1176 845 1224 1225 Index Name (Relationship) YUNINGER [MOWRER], Erma (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [REDFIELD], Velma (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [SEXTON], Deborah (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [SIDES], Katharine (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNINGER [STAUFFER], Pearl E. (Johannes' great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [STROHM], Elsie G. (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNINGER [SWANSON], Bethany (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [TAYLOR], Dianne (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER [TROUT], Willa Blanche (Johannes' grandson's wife). YUNINGER [WENGER], Elmira (Ella) M. (Johannes' daughter-in-law). YUNINGER [WIDDOWSON], Janet (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). YUNINGER, Allen B. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Amy (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .................... Annabel H. (Johannes' granddaughter). .................... Bryan Anthony (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................... Carl L. (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Charles E. (“tip”) (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Christina Nichole (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .................... David (Johannes' great-great-great-grandson). .................... David Leroy (Johannes' grandson). .................... Deanna Jean (Johannes' four-times-great-granddaughter). .................... Delmar (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Dorothy (Johannes' great-granddaughter). .................... E. Russell (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Edgar (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Edgar L. (Johannes' grandson). .................... Gladys Adele (Johannes' great-granddaughter). .................... Harold R. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Helen (Johannes' great-granddaughter). .................... Jacob (Johannes' son). .................... Jacob F. (Johannes' grandson). .................... Jay R. (Johannes' grandson). .................... John (Johannes' son). .................... John Walter (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Leanne Marie (Johannes' great-great-great-granddaughter). .................... Mark A. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Maude S. (Johannes' granddaughter). .................... Norman E. (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Norman Lynn (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Oliver (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... P. K. Wisenman (Johannes' great-great-grandson's wife). .................... Paul C. (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Paul S. (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Robert (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Ross T. (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... S. Richard (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... Shirl (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .................... Stephen (Johannes' great-great-grandson). .................... Susan (Johannes' great-great-granddaughter). .................... Walter Ross (Johannes' grandson). .................... Warren (Johannes' great-grandson). .................... William C. (Johannes' great-great-grandson). ZOOK [HUHN], Marilyn (Johannes' great-granddaughter). ZOOK, George (Johannes' great-granddaughter's husband). Page 191
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