cV wS I 1r a l Ji F WWVYWWVY M f ia MARRIA8ES i1r + o f VYWYf WWW Complete Line r + 1C+ ae o- At the Catholic Church Tuesday morning at 6 oclock Miss Emma Guilfoile and Mr James Peters rSclioo1 were united in marriage Rev Father T J McCaffrey officiating Y Miss Guilfoile is a daughter of r c IroAND James Guilfoile of this county and is an attractive and popular ScliooTl s- young woman she is a sister of Deputy Sheriff Neil Guilfoile Mr Peters is a son of John AT of Bath cpunty but has mace j Mt Sterling his home for Duersons seveValyears He is8 brother of No 10 Court S- Mile and Jack Peters of this city Phone 129 and is a popular and energetic young business man MmMAMA1 After the ceremony the young A couble left on the West bound C 0 for Louisville and other cities on a short bridal tour The Advocate joins their many r friends in wishing them long happy and prosperous lives Mrs S B Lane spent Friday in WalkOver ShoesPunch Lexington Graves J Judge E C ORear was in this I city Monday 25 Cents for Eggs Miss Emerald Judy speut Satur ¬ We will pay 25 cents spot cash day in Lexington STAU BAKERY for eggs Walter Riessinger was in Louis ¬ Oysters received direct from yule last weAk on business Baltimore every day at Vanars T Wolls has roturnofl from n dells trip to Jackson and Clay City R D Gay and Chenault Cock Watch this Space Each Week roll have returned from a visit to Danville Books S d Suppfl s DrugStore tOU 4 PERSONAL jR A I r Hall Clay spent from Saturday until Monday with Miss Mattie McCullon of Win ¬ chesterHerbert Bolin of Cincinnati was at the bedside of his little brother Robert during his recent sickness and death Scott has returned from tJames the Navy where he has been for it r several months owing to bad health had to return home Miss Bernice Clark who teaches in the Clav City Graded School spent from Friday until Tuesday with her parents in this city- L Misses Blanche Wills of Moore fieldand Nannie Kemper of Spencer were guests of Miss Myr ¬ tle Dillon and Mrs J A Curtis Saturday and Sunday Jto About thirty young people of near Mt Sterling were entertained with a chestnut hunt on Thurs- ¬ day to Pilot Knob by Miss Bertha Kerns in honor of her guests Misses Elizabeth and Marian Ran v kin and Mr Askins of Carlisle A most enjoyable day was spent amid the beautiful mountain scen cry after which all returned to the city and attended the vaudeville performance Winchester News Underwear Punch n For Sale for sale 12 good meat hogs weighing from 250 to 400 pounds Phone 669 18 2t Oscar Moss It R No 6 I have Walsh Bros have no compe- ¬ tition when it comes to goodI clothes n Belongs to Tabb Opera House I I rJaE November 18 What loo ohey J J- loan fIJ l JU AMOUNT OF could lose a dollar Make your next tiP N IT v 50000 23000 50000 123OQO fjno S eraser Cashier 1491Yr j i JOSSii f oho Exchange ffianfapf Would be required to sustain before Jvas lidI FItAZER Cushier ImL Bookkeeper Capital Surplus k Undivided Profits Stockholders Liability IT MEANS TilE i s p APPlHSO t5- i J r JanieSi McCord is greatly eluled WL < d3 l f if an pit once and is prancing around r considerably over the arrivalof a 10pound boy formers uncle Henry Scott at Another Grade Added at the Owingsville Saturday James Kendall bought 40 bbls Public School of corn from Jesse Morton at Jeff Helton has moved to the The sixth grade of the public 250 in the field and 120 shocks farm he bought on Peeled Oak school became Sto crowded during of fodder from same party at 15c Harrison Conn and wife went the past week that Superintendent per shock Sunday to visit relatives near Hopper divided it andrented a room in the residence of Ben F Jesse Morton is selling out and Poplar Plains Wyatt near the school and put preparing to start with his family Saturday morning Mr Pheas onehalf of the pupils there for in ¬ for Florida the 20th of this month ant entered the yard of Charlie struction Superintendent Hopper to make his future home Mr Triplett colored Uncle Char ¬ selected Mrs Mary Schlegel a says he Morton hates to leave the lie has a large and vicious bull good people here but wants to get former teacher in the school to dog and always kept him chained take charge of the room and the where the climate will suit his but when Mr Pheasant went in board upheld him and Mrs Schel clothes We arc sorry to lose the yard the dog broke the colwas employed such good people and neighbors Other grades lar and pounced upon him before eel becoming is are loss is what crowded our but and it will Floridas he could get away The dog only be a short time until another gain chewed him up so badly that Dr Died of pneumonia near Sharps It Eo May was called to dress the school building will have to be se ¬ burg Oct 25 110 Miss Louella wounds Mr Pheasants home is cured to accommodate the pupils Taul the second daughter of John at Seymour Ind but he was sent Herman Staggs has been told Mary L Taut She was to the Companys headquarters at often by Guowv PEOPLE That Nand 16 years and nine months old and Carlisle the beef I bought from you last The dog was killed week was the best 1 ever ate in my GRASSY LICK girl of Christian character and life His wagon vill be in town was only sick a few lays While ¬ every Wednesday Mrs Win Cravens and i auh beginning Oc- ¬ it is sad to part from the ones we tors Misses Lillie and Mary vis- ¬ tober 119th Phone 254x 155t love it is consoling to know she ited relatives at Sharpsburg Sun ¬ Announcement of interest has gone to that bright celestial day home where death sorrow and MI and Mrs Chas B Stewart Fred Rushford and sister Miss sickness cannot cuter therein of Winchester announce the en ¬ Bessie visited Mrs iHenry FielJ gagement of their laughter Miss The sorrowing ones have the symin Winchester last week Lucy Hush Stewart to Mr Homer pathy of mutiny friend in this sad ftr Mrs T JJ Carr sold two fat C MacNuill the wedding to take bereavement Interment in North cows for 3c per pound to Win Middletown cemetery J l W rjV > Jr ¬ A 4 C beautifulI ¬ G monthi SheI GreeneRev STOOPS Mrs Roger Barnes V of of this city ¬ 4 ss T One Night Only V Wifes Family My I prospectingS 1 ¬ delthI 1 i Punch hntsi Graves Mrs H E Tipton and children GuTHiiiK CLOTHING Co will be visited relatives at Richmond last the talk of the whole town The week prices are very attractive and till J II Gillnspie sold to Bramb public will certainly patronize the lette Gillaspie of Clark county well known store a nice Bourbon Chief filly for 150 The big 10 days sale of the Box Supper i On the night of Friday Nov 11 at the Judy School House invited t I ayselfrge D S Nixson and wife of Pres hunting shoes and SweetOrr Garments ton visited the fnmilof Taos Satterficld recently Never rip Corduroy Pants Graves Punch W G Shropshire of Winches ¬ Walsh Bros stock differ from ter was here on business last IF a person lives on skim milk diet he will think skim milk thoughts That nation proverbially known as Beef Eaters has furnished to the world the great ¬ est literature of all times This being true why not buy those shown by other stores in many respects l You know the from one who is an expert in judging cattle Hunting e e Gouts and ¬ weekMrs E S Congleton and laugh ¬ ter Miss Lennie Hull of Camargo Walsh store visited IIJ C Ficklin and wife New evaporated peaches prunes Friday and Saturday- andapples nt Vanarsdells E L Fussett bought 15 year- ¬ ling steers front Dolman Rice at 475 per cwt LEJ YovR Christmas Gift Clifton BushUHl wife of Grassy Lick visited relatives here to relatives and friends be a picture of the day last week little ones in whom they are so interested one 1I I I W ¬ oi W s l i J JO Asst Cashier r I It From your Srocer or I 1 Henry Caywood of North PEnny WALLACE R CUTTER- rJoz1r t I J OO r iKERRS 1 i county export cat fgOrlis Robert King diedat hi home near Glassy Lick thi i county Saturday nfyer an illness i of several months offricomplieat Mr KlingEas ion of diseases about 55 years old and had been a resident of this section nearly nIl He was a widely of his life known farmer and is survived by his wife who was a Miss Cheat He ham and several children was a brother to Mrs Owen Mor- ¬ ris of this city Mrs W W Miss Spates of Flemingshurg and King Cincinnati of Florence of Henry Mrs Ella Fleming Mr 25 PBEWITT President FILANK t1f f7 II C Wright of Win- ¬ Dry weather is preventing farm chester was here Saturday and ers from stripping tobacco YOUR FAVORITE attended quarterly meeting Rev is a charming and attractive girl Judging from the roar of artil ¬ E L Southgate preached Satur- ¬ and has many warm friends in Mtt Sterling lery somebody is breaking the day and Rev B C Morton Mt Sterling preached Sunday ofI The than who is familiar with game lawWho owns the famous Cutter Stock Co and played T J Carr bought Mrs the good tailor will find our Stein Mt Sterling in April will present at Wheat and rye fields are slow shocks of folder from Mrs Fred Block suits and overcoats to his about making a show Rushford at 25c per shock liking Walsh Bros Harrison Conn sold 35 bbls of John Williams andson of All kinds of new cereals re- ¬ corn to Cordia Steele at 3 00 Stanford Neb are visiting the family of James Mason bbl per ceived fresh at Vanarsdells THE LATEST MUSICAL SUCCESS running pasture in While a the A new shop building is being DR G M HORTON J line belonging to James erected at Judy which will add Masonmare became frightened and ran Veterinarian greatly to the appearance of our against n wire fence falling mod Office at Peed S Ilortons Livery Stable neighbor town breaking her neck Office Phone 49S Residence 24 Ed new will Pauls residence be Alice Miss Sanders of near Calls answered Promptly W S fant Killed By Train Sells fine ResidenceFlemingsburg is visiting the to the front when finished aln Mr Allen Prewitt of this city William Fant while crossing family of Bert Sanders has sold to Mrs Ida Reis his hand ¬ the railroad truck ut Flemings 0 M and Chas IL Jones have some brick residence located on burg fell and was instantly killed in Bourbon Nicholas and been Clay street for 5000 equal to last Monday night Mr Fant be ¬ Possession will be given longed to one of the best famriliecash January 1 1911 Mrs Reis will in Kentucky and was a popular and J IL Gillaspie bought 50 bbls and Mr respectedcitizen move to her new residence His deathwill of corn from Pressley Walker at Prewitt will move to his farm lo ¬ be quite a loss to his community 300 in the field cated about four miles from this He has many relatives and friends Mrs T N Coons and daughter city on the Winchester pike in Fayette and Montgomery coun Virginia of Bourbon county are ties who will hear with sorrow of visiting the family of Eo L Fas Stetson and Youman j his sett GrnvesI Everybody Class callup Death of Robert King Jack Stofer sold I R U f L A iiJ LICK tle to Morris Co at 6c Elva Blanche the 4yearold daughter of O G Kendall of Judy has diphtheria NIGHT as long as patronage justifies Admission 10 Cents EVERY t fn a lOc Greater Pictures Held Miss Bernice For the best meats Green wa es i wvwePL- James Douglas is building new smoke house well- Hominy grits in packages at Vanarsdells + a ++ + UM To the wife of John Greenwade both mother and child a fine boy Starting Friday November llth dayMiss Nannie Kemper has gone for a two weeks visit to relatives and friends at Carlisle and Moore o doing jy CORRESPONDENCE SPECIAL REQUEST Mrs John F Richardson and two children of North Middle town were here Sunday and Mon ¬ C t BIRTHS + GUILFOILElKTKllS II 1 F TAB B t Elder IL 1D Adams of Menifee who is conducting the re ¬ county To secure the best service and attention vivalat Flat Creek is with the to detail come now before the rush family of Jesse Pendleton 11 C Ficklin and George H The Goodnn attended the burial of theIt will be appreciated Jt Bryan Studio THE CHOICEST MEAT SEJE STxy 6Gcrs SrD vtEVV Would You Like to Draw v C 100 Per Month Salary next Year sLIWI SlUJgNlS PREPAllED IIndtu IlKAl THE FOLLOWING The United States Civil Service Commission announces im examination on the date mentioned aliove to secure eligible from which to make certification to UK vacancies sis I iV i < j The above which is in part appears in a bulletin Issued by the Government with the Commercial Department Mt Sterling Collegiate Institute MT STERLING KBNTUCIYJln y M t
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