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NZMS Student Travel Grant Application
Name of Applicant:
Postal address:
Email address:
Academic Affiliation and Current Program of Study: (e.g. 2nd year of PhD in Mathematics at UC)
NZMS Status:
Student member
Yes / No
Since (year):
Attached supporting information:
Applicant statement
Supervisor statement
Budget (including quotes)
Presentation details
Type of travel - circle (a) or (b):
Conference or workshop attendance.
Talk / Poster / Both
Name of conference or workshop:
Other research travel. Brief description (include details in supporting material):
Financial details:
Total estimated cost: $
Total being sought in this application: $
List any previous support of this kind that you have received from the NZMS:
Please read the application guidelines on the following page and sign the application.
NZMS Student Travel Grant Application
The following supporting material is required:
• A statement (written by the applicant) outlining the nature of the activity for which the funds
are being sought, and the benefit of the activity to the applicant’s study/career. This statement
is expected to include conference or workshop details (if applicable). (Up to 300 words.)
• A brief supporting statement from the applicant’s supervisor outlining the relevance of the
activity to your studies. (Up to 300 words.)
• A budget of total expected expenses, including supporting evidence (quotes) for any flights,
accommodation, and registration fees that are included. NZMS student travel grants are not intended to cover the full costs of travel. Please outline other sources of assistance sought/approved
to cover the remaining cost. (Note that NZMS expect students to choose thrifty travel and accommodation options. If you have included quotes for more expensive options, e.g. staying at
hotels instead of hostels, please justify this. We do not cover subsistence costs.)
• The title, details (abstract), and status (e.g. proposed/accepted) of any oral and/or poster
Applications without all the supporting material will be returned and not considered.
Please email your completed application, including the required supporting evidence, as a single pdf
file to the NZMS secretary:
Dr Emily Harvey e.p.harvey@massey.ac.nz
Students must be based at an institution in New Zealand and active within the New Zealand mathematical community. If possible, they should be presenting their work either as a talk or as a poster.
Applications must be made well in advance of travel (at least one month before departure, but the
earlier the better). Retrospective applications will not be considered.
Applications are generally considered at the NZMS Council meetings mid-year (received by 1 June)
and at the Colloquium (received by 1 December). If the travel you are applying for would occur before the next meeting of the NZMS Council, urgent applications may be considered between meetings.
Please clearly state in the body of your email to the Secretary if your application is urgent.