Development of a towed high resolution optical and acoustic imaging system for p ((Placopecten p magellanicus) g ) assessment scallop and Ecosystem-Based Management Participating partners: who we are Richard Ri h d TAYLOR1, Jonathan J th HOWLAND2, Amber A b YORK3, Norman N VINE4, Kathryn FORD5, Andrew WILBY6, Scott GALLAGER7 1/ Fisherman/researcher,, Box 7002, Gloucester, Mass 01930, USA, 2/ Senior Engineer, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass 02543, USA, 3/ Research esea c Associate, ssoc ate, Biology o ogy Dept, ept, Woods Hole o e Oceanographic Ocea og ap c Institution, st tut o , Woods Hole o e Mass ass 02543, USA, 4/ GIS and visualization programmer, Woods Hole, Mass 02543, USA, 5/ Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, New Bedford, Mass 02740, 6/ Applied Signals Technology, Technology Inc., Inc Torrance, Torrance California 90505 USA, USA 7/ Associate Scientist, Biology Dept, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole Mass 02543 USA, 02543, USA ll @ h i d F/V Kathy Marie, New Bedford, Mass, USA owner Arnold A ld D DeMello, M ll Captain C t i Paul P l Rosonina, R i andd crew Outline of this presentation: 1. Why 2. What is the HABCAM system 3. Where are we now 4 Challenges 4. 5 Future 5. F t di directions ti 6. Acknowledgements Spatial extent of the US Atlantic scallop fishery : from Rago and McSherry 1999 scale Å------------------------- 500 km ----------------Æ Å Æ Economic value to vessels 100 M to 500 M US (1994 to 2007) Resource survey DOC / NOAA / NMFS (1982 on) Atlantic sea scallop resource location: HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System 1280 x 1024 CCD CTD compass p sounder – distance to bottom accelerometer l t – roll, ll pitch, it h yaw sidescan – 675-1000 kHz HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Operations continous duty 24/7 at 1 to 30 frames / sec currently ~5knots (~2meters /sec) at 5 FPS Data rates 1 terabyte raw imagery / day ~1 ascii text for: temp salinity temp, salinity, speed, speed roll pitch yaw, yaw GPS, GPS DBT Sonar data ~2 terabytes / day HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Output products Test sets – Manual Identification HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Output products Test sets – Manual identification HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Output products Test sets – Automated identification and counts HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Output products Sonar imagery Imagenix sidescan on towed vehicle 675 to 1000 kHz HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Output products Sonar imagery - visualization synthetic th ti aperture t sidescan id (Applied (A li d Signal) Si l) HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Output products Optical and acoustic imagery S th i andd visualization Synthesis i li ti HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Challenges 1. Sea time for data collection 2 Continued development of FOSS OGC tools 2. 3. Moving toward “real time” 4 Algorithm 4. Al ith development d l t for f -color correction and rectification -target segmentation y and visualization -synthesis 5. Distribution across the web 6 Boiling down the data to useful information 6. 7. Getting managers to understand implications off th the data d t andd acting ti on it HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System g Challenges Murphy’s Law HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System F t Future directions di ti Video p plankton recorder water column fl flora andd fauna f HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Future directions Shipboard network is growing 40 CPUs HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System A k Acknowledgements l d t Northeast Consortium of SeaGrant Institutions S ll industry Scallop i d t Research R h Set S t Aside A id (NEFMC CRP) National Ocean Survey (NOAA/NOS) Integrating Ocean Observing Systems (IOOS) National Marine Fishery Service Alaska Department of Fish and Game MapServer, p , Google, g , and Google g Ocean HABCAM – Habitat Camera Mapping System Thank you htt //h b h i d
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