Oak Street Elementary School PCC Newsletter March 2015 Maybe Spring is coming... Please be mindful of the snow banks in the parking lot. Also, please use the car line as it has been designed. No child should be walking in the parking lot without an adult. (A general reminder was sent home this week.) Student members of the FHS Science National Honor Society have been hard at work to create a fun-filled and inspiring Family Science Night for elementary students and their parents on Thursday, March 12, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Got Questions? Communication is Key Some folks feel uncomfortable in large groups discussing issues or asking the tough questions. I would like to offer small group workshops on your topics of interest. Maybe you have a topic or an idea and would like more information. Examples might be: budget; PCC process; homework; PARCC/MCAS; lockdowns; parenting tips (When is it a good time to introduce technology to our children? How much TV is too much?); how the placement process really works; reasons for certain rules or procedures. I am open to all ideas and suggestions. Please call to set up a mutual time to for your small group discussions. I am willing to offer these both during the day or in the evening. (508-541-7890) Continue to think Spring; in the meantime, stay warm. Upcoming Meeting Make sure you are in the loop on PCC run activities, events, and other important information by signing up for paperless communications. If Upcoming Events 3/6 PDD--Dismissal at 11:40am 3/12 PCC Mtg 9:30am 3/12 & 3/13 Dismissal at 11:40--Parent-teacher Conferences 3/13 Career Day 3/16-3/18 Gr 5 PARCC ELA 3/19-3/25 Gr 3 PARCC Math & ELA 3/26-4/1 Gr 4 PARCC Math & ELA 3/27 Report Cards distributed 4/3 Good Friday--No school you are new to Oak Street or do not already receive the newsletters electronically, please contact Shari Feldman at smthaler@yahoo.com to sign up for paperless communications today! Come and join us at the next PCC meeting on March 12th at 9:30am. Mrs. Minkle will be discussing security and safety in school. Please consider joining us for this discussion. Also, please take the time to volunteer or sign up to help on a committee. We love new faces and helping hands! Spring Raffle/Silent Auction Big plans are underway for this year's Spring Raffle/Silent Auction! If you are new to the school, this is the seventh year of this fundraising event and it has grown each and every year. Last year we raised over $11,000 for PCC funded programs! Each grade has been assigned two basket "themes," and each basket will be comprised of items donated by each grade. Baskets will then be raffled off on Arts Night, April 16th. In addition to the raffle baskets, there will also be unique experiences and items available to bid on in the Silent Auction. We are very excited about our progress and are looking for your help. Your donations are tax deductible! If you have any items or services to donate, we would welcome them! Additionally, please let us know if you have any contacts of people/companies that may want to support this event in exchange for a tax deduction and recognition. Creative ideas are always welcomed, please let us know! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer your time to help organize this fundraiser, please contact Deb Fradkin dlfradkin@verizon.net or 528-5604 or Megan Jackson meganjackson76@yahoo.com or (508) 768-8803. Thank you! PCC Board 2014-2015 Amy Murphy Administrative Coordinator amy9579@aol.com Shari Feldman Secretary smthaler@yahoo.com Megan Jackson & Sandi Verhaegen School Socials & Activities Co-Coordinators meganjackson76@yahoo.com sandra-c@msn.com Lisa Zonghi Treasurer lisaleew@aol.com Yearlong Fundraisers Attention Fifth-Grade Parents We are seeking volunteers to fill open positions for upcoming fifthgrade events. We need a coordinator who would be willing to work with the social and activities chairs to oversee the events, as well as leaders for the fifth-grade talent show and the fifth-grade breakfast. Please contact Megan Jackson, meganjackson76@yahoo.com, or Sandi Verhaegen, Sandra-c@msn.com, as soon as possible if you are interested in volunteering to coordinate or assist with fifth-grade events. Thanks so much! General Mills Box Tops Please continue clipping your BoxTops and sending them in! BoxTops add up quickly and each school can receive up to $20,000 in cash per year from the BoxTops for Education program! Many thanks to Lisa Deschenes for coordinating our BoxTops effort this year! Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards Program Once again this year our school will earn cash each time you shop at Stop & Shop. Even if you Book Fair The Oak Street Spring Book Fair will be held April 6th through April 10th. Volunteering is easy and only requires a few hours of your time for just one day (or multiple days, if you choose.) This event excourages kids to read and provides substantial funds to purchase books for the school library and reading room. It also helps the PCC fund activities throughout the school year for the students. We sincerely hope you will consider being a part of this worthwhile event! If you are interested, please contact Hollie Pietras at (508) 333-6732 or hpietras@hotmail.com. Restaurant Night Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support Oak Street Elementary. Come into the Franklin Chipotle on March 24th, from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you're supporting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Oak Street Elementary. SEPAC Please join us on Wednesday, March 18th at 7:00 as we learn more about Social Thinking from our speaker, Dot Lucci. Social Thinking is one of the social/emotional programs that Franklin has adopted for use in the classroom and focuses on emotional and behavioral regulation, and navigating social relationships. Ms. Lucci is the director of Aspire Inc., affiliated with Mass General, and was responsible for training Franklin teachers to use this program. Join us to learn how we can support this learning with our children. This workshop will be held on the third floor of the Franklin Municipal Building, and is free and open to the public. Volunteer Opportunities Recycling: Every Wednesday at 8:30, the students bring their classroom recycling down to the lobby and 1-2 parent volunteers help them empty the recycling bins into the large garbage cans. This takes only 10-15 minutes! Several volunteers are needed to assist with this task. Contact: Jill Cunningham at jillc22@msn.com. participated previously, you must re-register your card every year. Friends, family, neighbors and co-workers can register too! Choose one of two ways to register: (1) Go to: www.stopandshop.com/aplus and click "Register Your Card" (2) Call 1-877-275-2758 Use Oak Street Elementary School ID #07648 for either method. This program runs through March 19, 2015. Questions about this program? Contact Danielle Walsh at drwalsh12@gmail.com Direct Donations We would like to thank everyone who has made a direct donation to the Oak Street PCC! These funds allow us to provide enrichment programs, field trips, and other activities for your children. For those who would still like to make a tax-deductible donation, please send a check payable to Oak Street PCC in an envelope addressed to "Oak Street PCC Treasurer" with your child. Please include your child's name, teacher, and your email address (for a donation receipt.) Thank you for your continued support! Photocopying: Every Friday, parent volunteers make copies to assist the teachers at the school. If you can volunteer 1-2 hours a month on a rotating schedule, please contact: Amy Murphy at amt9579@aol.com. Yearbook: The 2014-15 Oak Street yearbook will be the last publication for Chairperson Dawn Pokorny. We would like to invite any parent or team of parents to consider taking over this position. If you are creative, organized, and would like to be a part of giving the kids a lasting memory of their years at Oak Street, then this position is for you! We are also always seeking volunteers to help plan and organize the yearbook, as well as take pictures throughout the year. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Dawn Pokorny at dawnp@jhpokorny.net Community Service Coordinator: Volunteers are needed to help foster the idea for students that they can help in their community. They will work with the coordinator to create and participate in activities that the children can be a part of. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Lisa Brady at lisa.brady@emc.com. 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