Oakhurst Lutheran May A.D. 2015 RELAY FOR LIFEMay 16 Our goal for this year is $23,274. Why that number? Western Gospel Sundays 4:00PM Oakhurst Lutheran Rd 426 & Black Rd Led by Tim Johnson on the fiddle, mandolin Cliff Neufeld- piano Eddie Guzman- drums harmonica Arnie Johnson- Guitar Rudy Helm-bass Oakhurst Lutheran 39255 Black Road Oakhurst, CA 93644 David A. SebastianPastor Tel: 559-683-HOPE Fax: 559-642-4040 olc@sti.net sebast@sti.net www. oakhurstlutheran church.org So it is doable. If we were able to raise $23,274 we would, reach the quarter of a million dollar mark as a team in the Eastern Madera County Relay for Life in the 16 years we have participated. We have exceeded that amount twice in our history. The theme this year is "Give Cancer the Boot." Materials are on the Relay Table in the Parish Hall. Pat Johnson has made a quilt of t-shirts from all the previous Relays and it is being raffled. Also Master Carver- Larry Smith- has carved a wooden boot that is being raffled off to raise funds for the team. The website is up, where you can sign up or make donations. If you have any questions speak to Tara Ryan or Jean Smith. MOTHERS' DAY and NEW MEMBERS- MAY 10 On May 10 we will be receiving new members into the Front Page congregation during the worship service. It is well to be receiving new members on Mothers' Day (read Pastor's Page on Mother Church). A reception to honor newly received members and the women of the congregation will follow the worship service. Happy Birthday and God’s continued Blessings in the year to come to MAY’S Birthday people! MAY 24– PENTECOST- CONFIRMATION Sunday, May 24, is Pentecost. The color for Pentecost is red, symbolizing the fire of the Holy Spirit and the blood of the martyrs. This means wear RED, or you will clash with the rest of us. May 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 Pentecost is also Confirmation Day for Oakhurst Lutheran. We will be confirming Randi Johnson and Tyler Matyshock during the 10AM service. MAY 24– Memorial Day Observance 9:00AM With our Veterans' Monument in place we will hold a Memorial Day Observance at 9:00AM at the Veterans' Memorial on Sunday, May 24. Invite a Veteran to join us as we honor their fallen comrades on the Memorial Day weekend. MAY 31– GRADUATES RECEpTION 11:00AM We will be honoring our 2015 graduates on Sunday, May 31. The reception will honor 8th grade, high school, college and graduate school graduates: 8th grade- Randi Johnson, Dylan De La Cruz, Tyler Matyshock, 12th grade- Oliver Curley, Ryan Emerick, Natalya Levashoff, Zach Mattox, PhDs- Claire Cantwell and Jennifer Norman. 2 JUNE 7– 35TH ANNIVERSARY OBSERVANCE 10:00AM Oakhurst Lutheran will be 35 years old this year. On Rebecca Smock Ellie Nelson Grayson Bulmer Timothy Franklin Doug Spaulding Clyde Johnson Peggy Davis Patrick Russell Lucas Russell Dennis Adams Katie Montgomery Greg Orwoll Sarah (Spangle) Lackey Troy Hendrickson 15 17 20 22 25 26 28 31 June 2 3 5 6 Chris Schwarm Charles Nelsen Craig Treber Luke Longatti Richard Moorehead Michael Vaughn Teagan Niewohner Susan Moore Evie Keller Becky Cano Matt Treber Hunter Thompson Sierra Bulmer June 7th, during the worship service, we will recognize the charter members of the church that are still with the congregation. Current members that are in area, that were Charter Members June 1- Sept 13, 1980 Janet (Blosat) Kieffer Barbara Cornet Ruth Cyriacks Marilyn( Ekstrum) & Doug Fate Clyde & Pat Johnson Robert Johnson Gunnar Johnson Anita (Johnson) Lusk Frank Johnson Charles & Mary Nelsen Michael Niewohner Elva (Todd) Todd 3 JUNE 14– FLAG DAY CELEBRAtion 6:45PM Flag Day falls on a Sunday this year. We will have a Patriotic Western Gospel Service at the usual 4:00PM, but we will be outside on the basketball court. It will be followed by a Tri-Tip dinner and then the Flag Day Program with flag burning ceremony starting at 6:45PM. COLUMBARIUM COMMITTEE- next meeting- July 6 Dennis Higgins- '18- Chairman Don King '17- Treasurer Lynn Vaughn '16- Recorder/Sec Edna Norman '19 Rogene Abney '15 Mary Nelsen- Council Liaison The marble entrance sign for the Memorial Garden has been received. Its base and stand will, hopefully, be poured by Memorial Day. OAKHURST LUTHERAN WOMEN- May 5 Pres- Tara Ryan V. Pres- Becky Matlock 2nd V. Pres- Lynn Russell Treas- Gael Irizarry Sec- Pat Ruecker • Monthly Meetings- The women’s group meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 10:00AM, except for the months of July and August. LUTHERAN MEN’s CLUB- Saturday, May 16 Pres- Steve Norman Treas- Mike Vaughn Scrip- Don King V. Pres- Hale Farley Sec- Ray Conner Property- Don Kieffer • Monthly Meeting- May 16 will be at the church at 8:00AM. The Oakhurst Crew One will be cooking. Doug Spaulding will bring devotions. • WORK DAY- May 2 We have lots of work to do on the Upper Parking lot in preparation for new black top, and to prepare for an entrance sign to the Memorial Garden. 4 WORSHIP COMMITTEE - June 22 The Worship Committee will meet on Monday, June 22, at 7:30PM, discussing music, Altar Guild preparations and decorations, etc. As with all committee meetings at Oakhurst Lutheran, anyone is welcome to attend. GIFTED FOR GIVING- At its last meeting, the Committee took a look at the summaries of the reports from the Time-Talent sheets and the returned pledge totals for 2015. The reports of those willing to serve on committees will be forwarded to the various committees. Also a substantial increase in the amount pledged for this year was noted. The following is Frank English's Gifted for Giving thought: A TRAGEDY OR A BLESSING As we live each day of our Christian lives, various occurrences take place and we immediately categorize them as tragedies or blessings. At the time these events occur, we frequently lament, “Oh, why me” or “What will I do now.” The patience to wait for the Lord to reveal the next page of the drama is clearly absent. This situation is illustrated in a short story told by Richard. Years ago, in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and saved, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to the United States. It had taken years, but they had finally saved enough money and gotten passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner to the United States. The entire family was filled with anticipation and excitement about their new life. However, seven days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a stray dog. The doctor sewed up the boy but hung a yellow sheet on the Clark’s front door. Because of the possibility of rabies they were being quarantined for fourteen days. The family’s dreams were dashed. They would not be able to make the trip to America as planned. The father, filled with disappointment and anger, strolled to the dock to watch the ship depart---without the Clark family. The father shed tears of disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their misfortune. Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland---the mighty Titanic had sunk. The unsink- 5 able ship had sunk, taking hundreds of lives with it. The Clark family was to have been on that ship, but because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind in Scotland. When Mr. Clark heard the news, he hugged his son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for saving their lives and turning what he had felt was a tragedy into a blessing. The Lord may not always move with the speed of light, but, he is in control and he loves us. OUTREACH COMMITTEE- next meeting-May 4 “Evangelism is not a professional job for a few trained men, but is instead the unrelenting responsibility of every person who belongs to the company of Jesus.” - Elton Trueblood We continue to look at how we can find ways of getting people to walk though our doors and then return. The most important factor urst Oakh an in bringing people into the church r Luthe is personal invitation and not just by the pastor. Thanks to Jeff Grandy, we have business cards that give basic information about the church. And thanks to Deo Wolff, we have business cards for advertising the Western Gospel service. Grab some of each and then wait for the opportunity to use them. Also when any group from the church is doing or working at a function not at the church, we have a great We Are Oakhurst Lutheran sign in the cabinet in the narthex. The Committee could use a couple of members. We would really appreciate ideas on how to do more effective Outreach. If you have one, come to our next meeting. Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily. -- Sally Koch THANK YOU KIEFFERS We want to thank Jan and Don Kieffer for the purchase of a new weedeater for the church and tuning of the old one. Thank You- Don and Jan! 6 MISSION COMMITTEE - June 8 The current MIssion project is lambs for Samaritan's Purse. That project began on Sunday, March 8 and will end on May 31. Lambs are $80 each and our goal is to collect enough for 10 lambs to go to thirdworld countries. Upcoming projects are Bibles and personal hygiene bags for the Rescue Mission in Madera and Mt. Crisis Services in Mariposa. Another project will be collecting school supplies for the children of the Hmong congregation at Grace Lutheran in Fresno. We will take advantage of THRIVENT's Action Team Grants of promotional materials and $250 debit cards to help with supplies and materials for both of these projects. If you have any questions, please see Elvera Prentiss or Gael Irizarry. JUST A REMINDER- Parking We could add more handicapped parking spaces but then those spaces may end up going unused. The better answer would be for those who can walk some distance to park away from the front door- like across the front of the church or in the lower parking lot The front door at the top of the stairs and the door downstairs going into the classrooms are always unlocked on Sunday mornings. MISSION and BENEVOLENCE 2015 Support A new year has begun and so have our benevolences. Here are the benevolences for the year: Grace Lutheran Hmong Ministry $2,000 Youth Gathering $3,397 General Support OLM Support (OLM) THRIVENT Support OLW Support (OLW) ($2347) ($500) ($250) ($200) YHS Future Farmers of America $2,000 HELPING HANDS (Baby bottles) $1,000 Lutheran Congregations in Ministry for Christ $600 TOTAL Support $8,997 BUDGET STARTING TO SLIP Our budget calls for income of $3833 every week. After 17 weeks, our income was $60,046, to meet budget 7 When: Saturday- June 14 Time: Where: 4:00PM on Oakhurst LUTHERAN CHURCH What: FLAG DAY CELEBRATION Patriotic Western Gospel- 4:00PM Tri Tip Sandwich Dinner- 5:45PM Flag Day Observance- 6:45PM OAKHURST LUTHERAN WOMEN’S TEA MAY 30, 2015 The theme this year is “Come Grow With Us In God’s Garden.” Our speaker, Virginia Pilegard, is an experienced Christian speaker and author, offering a unique way of telling God’s Story. Mrs. Pilegard’s contemporary mystery/ romances Loving Sunny and Dances with Butterflies are published by Goat Mountain Books under the pen name Rebecca Abby. we should have had $65,161. That means we are behind budget by $5,115. Projecting income based on the giving patterns of the last 3- 5-10 years, we might expect income of $183,788- $186,341- $187,100 for this year. The last 3 year's projection is probably the most accurate since it reflects the most recent giving patterns. With a budget of $199,317 income of only $183,788 would not be good! church De-decorating- May 22-23 The sanctuary and church were decorated beautifully for the Easter season. But now the decorations need to come down and be packed away. We are keeping the butterflies up 'til after preschool graduation May 21st. So the butterflies need to come down on Friday and Saturday so the sanctuary can be readied for Pentecost, May 24. If you can help speak to Elvera Prentiss. 8 “God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.” — Jewish proverb Raised on cattle ranches in central California, Mrs. Pilegard learned to ride at two years of age when her father tied her on her pony Nubbins’s saddle and took her with him to work cows. From the early 50’s her family made their home on the side of Pin Cushion Peak in a two room miner’s cabin with oil lamps, a wood stove and a two-holer privy up the hill. If you want to host a table (which means tea setting for six), call or see Gael Irizarry. Seating is limited and tickets are available for a $20 donation. If you have further questions or to purchase tickets, call Chris Schwarm, (559) 642-3143 or Barbara Lung, (559) 642-3714. 9
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