Creative Shabbat . . . . . . . . 3 2015 Confirmation . . . . . . . 3 Outdoor Shabbat . . . . . . . . 4 9 9 INSIDE Hebrew Free Loan Gala . . . 4 WTS and Brotherhood . . . . 5 Our community gathers Contributions . . . . . . . . 6 - 7 in celebration Thank you from Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Spotlight on Terrry McGlynn . . . . . . . . . 8 Preschool, Youth Programs and Midrasha . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Michelle Quiat . . . . . . . . . . 9 Midrasha Graduation. . . . . 9 to install our new Senior Rabbi Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin Friday, May 8th at 7:30pm during the Shabbat Service in the sanctuary Lifecycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 People of the Book. . . . . . 11 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Community Outreach . . . . 11 Tikkun Leyl Shavuot. . . back 99 This is a momentous occasion in our Temple’s history and we look forward to celebrating together. FROM THE rabbi’s CANTOR’S DESK DESK What is Confirmation? If you have ever walked down the hall toward the clergy wing in our new building, or hung around the elevator outside the administrative offices in the old one, you have seen the pictures of the many Confirmation classes we have celebrated here at Temple Sinai since 1924. It is a claim to fame around here, as it is in many Reform synagogues, to say that your Confirmation picture hangs on the wall. For those unfamiliar with the tradition, Confirmation is one of the younger life cycle ceremonies that we celebrate in the Jewish community. It started around 200 years ago in Germany when the founders of Reform Judaism felt that the bar mitzvah ceremony, with its focus on rote ritual, was outdated. Confirmation, by contrast, expressed a clear commitment to Jewish tradition. Soon after its inception, both boys and girls celebrated Confirmation together, and it became associated with the holiday of Shavuot, when we celebrate the giving of the Ten Commandments and the Israelites’ original acceptance of Torah. As the title suggests, Confirmation was heavily influenced by its Christian counterpart wherein devotees would profess their faith in religious tenants, thus, it gained much criticism from many within the Jewish community. Yet, it gained momentum and spread in practice to wherever progressive Jews established themselves. By 1927, the ceremony acquired such popularity that the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Reform Rabbis’ professional organization, made an official recommendation that it be a part of official Reform Jewish practice in the United States. In many communities, Confirmation replaced b’nei mitzvah entirely. Today, in Reform communities, as well as within other liberal Jewish branches, we celebrate both because they recognize different milestones. B’nei mitzvah are celebrated at the classic Jewish coming of age, 13 and Confirmation, when we are older, usually around 16. The b’nei mitzvah process is individual. Confirmation is communal. In addition, we retain the initial distinction between the two; b’nei mitzvah is about the ability to take part in the ritual, and Confirmation is about understanding it. You may know of the Jewish terms that represent two different aspects of Jewish ritual: keva and kavannah. Keva is that which is fixed, the standard liturgy and traditions we find in the prayerbook. Keva is the V’ahavta, Avot v’Imahot, and the blessings before the reading of Torah. Kavanah is the intention, the emotion that we bring to the ritual. Kavanah is our state of mind and our individuality. Within a Jewish context, we believe that we need both. Thus, the b’nei mitzvah process is the process of learning keva. We ask our thirteen year olds to practice every night for months so they learn the basics of the service, so that they gain the tools to participate in the ritual now and throughout the rest of their lives. Of course we explore what Jewish tradition means, yet the primary focus is learning a relatively standard set of blessings and skills in order to lead the congregation in prayer. Confirmation is about kavannah. We ask our students to study the meaning of the service, the themes, the flow, the ideas. From there, we ask them to create their own prayers and to explore their own relationship to the tradition and to the community. The two together are essential components of building a Jewish identity. Keva, the tradition that has been handed down, and Kavanah, the individuality that we add to it. Please join us this year on May 29th for our yearly Confirmation celebration. Learn from our Confirmands what prayer truly means to them, and allow it to inspire you to better understand what it means, or could mean, to you. Jacqueline Mates-Muchin, Rabbi Ilene Keys, Cantor Yoni Regev, Rabbi Samuel Broude, Rabbi Emeritus Steven A. Chester, Rabbi Emeritus t Cantor Keys, Rabbi Mates-Muchin and Rabbi Regev Mike Baker, President Paul Geduldig, Executive Director Sue Bojdak, Director of Education Ellen Lefkowitz, Preschool Director Lisa Hanauer, Director of Membership & Communications TEMPLE SINAI BULLETIN (USPS 7053) is published monthly except July and August by the First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland, CA 94609. Periodicals Postage Paid at Oakland, CA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Sinai Bulletin, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland CA 94609-3605. 2 n Temple Sinai n May 2015 T’filah /prayer SHABBAT MINYAN Second Shabbat morning of each month, at 10:30am in the Albers Chapel The Shabbat Minyan is an exuberant and joyful lay-led service. This highly participatory celebration combines traditional elements with professionally led modern music. Volunteers (for chanting, readings, etc.) can contact Dan Fendel at TUESDAY MORNING MINYAN Every Tuesday morning from 7:30am – 8:00am We begin in the Chapel at 7:30am with 10 minutes of learning (presented either by Rabbi Regev or a lay participant), followed by the prayer service itself, ending at 8:00am. SHABBAT MORNING TORAH STUDY Every Shabbat Morning from 9:00am – 10:15am Join Rabbi Mates-Muchin or Rabbi Regev in a stimulating discussion on the Torah. Discussions end in time for the 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service. Erev Shabbat – Mizmor Shir! Service Friday, May 15, 7:30pm A musical Shabbat service featuring Cantor Keys and the Mizmor Shir! musicians. Walking the Path Temple Sinai’s Community Creative Shabbat Friday, May 15, 7:30pm Temple Sinai has a longstanding tradition of writing its own original services. Join us in the sanctuary for another opportunity to pray “outside the box” at a Friday evening service written by Temple Sinai congregants. Featuring original interpretations of our Friday evening liturgy, music by the adult choir, and a delicious oneg, this is sure to be a meaningful and rich celebration of Shabbat. 2015 Confirmation Friday, May 29, 7:30pm Please join us for our annual Confirmation service during Shabbat services. Together we will celebrate this group of dedicated, bright and engaging young Jews and their families. Ruthie Bloch DeWit, daughter of Ms. Janine Bloch and Mr. Thomas DeWit Claire Eccles, daughter of Ms. Cheryl Eccles and Mr. Matt Eccles Sophia Gallagher, daughter of Ms. Lori Gallagher and Mr. Bill Gallagher Joanna Gold, daughter of Ms. Lucy Harris and Mr. Thomas Gold Jacob Lettieri, son of Ms. Judith Stern and Mr. Robert Lettieri Liat Levin, daughter of Dr. Rona Bar-Din and Dr. Theodore Levin Ilan Menahemy, son of Mrs. Anne Menahemy and Mr. Kobi Menahemy Lucy Onderwyzer Gold, daughter of Ms. Lori Onderwyzer and Mr. David Gold Josef Presberg, son of Ms. Kathleen Crombie and Dr. Burton Presberg Samuel Shear, son of Dr. Lynne Lazarus and Mr. Andrew Shear Michael Straus, son of Ms. Karen Straus and Rabbi Andrew Straus Leah Stuart, daughter of Ms. Sheryl Gorchow-Stuart and Mr. Marc Stuart Leah Treidler, daughter of Ms. Jamie Woolf and Mr. Burke Treidler Nahla Sturm-Wang, daughter of Ms. Ilona Sturm Temple Sinai is committed to accessibility. All programs taking place at Temple Sinai are wheelchair accessible. Accessibility of programs taking place offsite is noted by the wheelchair accessibility symbol. If you have concerns about an offsite location, please check with the contact person provided for that program. Schedule of Services Friday, May 1 6:30pm, Erev Shabbat Family Service with music led by Junior Choir; Sanctuary Saturday, May 2 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service “Outdoor Shabbat” Sponsored by the Green Committee; Roberts Park Huckleberry Picnic Area (see page 4. Please RSVP) This will be the only Shabbat service this morning, there will be no service at the Temple location. Friday, May 8 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service with Installation of Senior Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin with Guests Rabbi Martin Weiner and Cantor David Goldstein; Sanctuary Saturday, May 9 10:30am, Shabbat Minyan Service; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Ben Forsberg; Sanctuary Friday, May 15 7:30pm, Community Shabbat and Mizmor Shir! Erev Shabbat Service featuring the Temple Sinai Adult Choir and Mizmor Shir! musicians and soulful music; Sanctuary Saturday, May 16 9:15am, Sababa Shabbat, Shabbat Service and Program for Pre-K through 2nd grade children with their families; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Justice; Sanctuary Friday, May 22 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel Saturday, May 23 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with Yizkor and the Bat Mitzvah of Clara Feldman; Sanctuary 6pm, Erev Shavuot and Tikkun Leyl Shavuot Community Event; JCC East Bay Berkeley Branch (off site) Friday, May 29 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service with Confirmation; Sanctuary Saturday, May 30 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service; Albers Chapel n 3 TO PROGRAMS FROM COME THE CANTOR’S and EVENTS DESK Outdoor Shabbat Saturday, May 2, 10:30am, Roberts Regional Park Temple Sinai’s first outdoor Shabbat on May 2 promises to be a delightful occasion for the whole community. We’ll be in the Huckleberry picnic area (by the Park Entrance on Skyline), where the sights, sounds, and smells of the redwood forest will help us enjoy the Shabbat morning service. If you’ve never heard the Torah chanted against the background rustle of the woods, this event is for you! Bring a picnic blanket, a picnic lunch, and the whole family. Kids of all ages are welcome. This is a fully accessible location. Carpooling is encouraged! We need to tell the park how many cars to expect, so please rsvp at templesinaioutdoorshabbat. Temple Sinai will cover the parking fees. If you’ve got questions about the event, please contact Richard Hart at Community Clean Up Sunday, May 3, 10:00am – 1:00pm We will meet at the KONO office (2633 Telegraph Ave). Breakfast will be provided. Supplies are being rented through the City’s adopt-a-spot program. The event is sponsored by Summit Hospital, and co-hosted by KONO and Temple Sinai. The theme is around Oakland’s 163rd Birthday which is May 4th. Let’s gather to show our love for the town! We have 10 projects identified so we need as many volunteers as we can get! Join the Temple Sinai Trivia Team! Thursday, May 14, meet at 7:00pm to get a table, trivia starts at 7:30pm at the New Parkway Theater, 474 24th Street Join us on the second Thursday of each month. We took third place in February! But with the addition of YOU, we will surely rise in the ranks. Questions? Please contact Carolyn Hutton, Havdalah Hikes Are Back! Saturday, May 17, 5:30pm We meet in Redwood Park, in the last parking lot inside the Redwood Gate. Please join us for as we hike the paved path through the trees then return to a picnic area for a short service followed by wine/cheese/snacks (please bring something if you are able). Please contact Richard Hart at for more information. Sponsored by Temple Sinai’s Green Committee 4 n Temple Sinai n May 2015 ADL Panel Discussion on Anti-Semitism and Extremism in Europe Thursday, May 28 Participating on the panel will be: Stefan Schluter, Consul General of Germany; Pauline Carmona, Consul General of France; Oleksandr Krotenko, Consul of Ukraine. More information to follow. Kumzits Shabbat* First Shabbat, June – September, starting June 5 Temple Sinai Upper Courtyard Join us for a family service around the fire. There will be lots of singing and s’mores. Come in campfire attire and bring a picnic blanket. *Kumzits is Yiddish for “come sit”. It is the tradition of singing, praying, socializing and building community around the campfire. TO COME WTS and BROTHERHOOD WORSHIP Women of Temple Sinai Membership in WTS helps support various programs of interest to our members, and helps support wonderful events for the entire Temple Sinai community. Through our membership in the international organization, Women of Reform Judaism, we support social and educational issues of importance to the global community of Jewish women. On-Going With WTS WTS Gift Shop Tallitot for your B’nei Mitzvah. Contact Susan Levy at or Office Staff for help. 10% discount to B’nei Mitzvah Families. WTS Daytime Book Club Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 1:00pm in the TS Library. May 20, 2015 – All the Light We Can Not See by Anthony Doerr WTS evening Book Club The WTS evening book club meets every 6 weeks on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm – 9:30pm at the home of Lynn Greenberg & Michael Rothschild in Oakland. For further information please contact Zell Nathanson at (925) 247-0132. WTS Party Bridge We play two Wednesday evenings each month from 7:00pm – 9:00pm-ish. To join (with or without a regular partner) call Lynn Greenberg at (510) 250-9419. WTS Lunch Connection Meets the first Wednesday of every month to enable members to strengthen bonds of friendship while enjoying a no-host lunch at local restaurants. This year we will be gathering from 11:30am to about 1:00pm to allow for a more leisurely time to visit. Please contact Sabina Cohen at if you have any questions. WTS Membership Please join WTS and renew your WTS dues now! For further membership information please contact Beth Eiselman at: WTS Board Meetings Monthly Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at the Temple. 7:15pm for coffee and schmoozing; 7:30pm for the meeting. Everybody is welcome. Please join us and get involved. Please contact Sue Bachman at for more information. Brotherhood The Temple Brotherhood is planning ahead for the coming months. Mark your calendars for two fun events: Thursday, June 11, 7 pm, the Brotherhood Annual Dinner, held at Monaghan’s, 2820 Mountain Blvd. near Joaquin Miller Drive in Oakland. An informal social gathering, the annual dinner is a chance to relax and kibbitz with fellow Sinai-ites. New members are always welcome. Sunday, Sept. 20, the Annual Jack Weinstein Memorial Golf Tournament, Tilden Park Golf Course. This is the main fundraising event organized by the Brotherhood each year and has become a popular way to support good causes such as scholarships for religious school, preschool, trips to Israel, and camperships to Camp Newman. Join us for a fun way to fundraise. For more information contact Glenn Oleon at Brotherhood meetings are usually, but not always, held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm. We discuss additional ways we can provide financial and volunteer support to activities and events at the Temple. Meetings and membership are open to all. For more information contact Dan Crouch at Save The Dates! SF Pride Parade Sunday, June 28, 10:30am This will be Temple Sinai’s 15th year marching in the San Francisco Pride Parade to show our support for LGBT rights and liberation. This year we will join a contingent organized by the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) and will march with over 25 Bay Area Congregations. The Parade kicks off at Market & Beale and ends at Market & 8th Street in downtown San Francisco. For more information or to be involved in Pride celebration please contact Emmett Koehler at or (510) 910-0288. Grief and Growing Weekend Friday – Sunday, August 21 – 23 Save the date for Grief and Growing weekend at Camp Newman. This weekend program is professionally guided by grief care specialists providing a supportive Jewish environment where people of all ages and backgrounds can meet and work with those who have experienced similar losses. n 5 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CANTOR’S DESK Todah rabah! Thank you very much to the following who provided contributions to Temple Sinai. These donations were recorded between March 1 & March 31, 2015. For corrections or additions to this list, please contact (510) 451-3263 x302. Annual Giving Campaign Dana and Adam Blankman Barry and Dori Dubin In memory of Jonathan Obadia Jacob and Louise Epstein In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Cantor Ilene Keys and David Bobrowsky In appreciation of the Temple Sinai community Cantor Keys Music Fund Rubi and Elliott Abrams In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Rabbi Ruth Adar and Linda Burnett In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Elaine Binger In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Joan Fierer In appreciation of Seth Bobrowsky and Cantor Keys for making Seth’s Bar Mitzvah so meaningful and moving Sandy and Bud Goldberg In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Neil and Denise Jacobson In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Joseph and Reva Kent In honor of Chloe Momet becoming a Bat Mitzvah T. R. Levin and Rona Bar-Din Maureen Logan In appreciation of the clergy dance interlude at the Purim Spiel Sherri Richards and Tom Flynn In appreciation of Stan Klezmer Monique Schonberger In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Valerie Sopher In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Rita Zwerdling In honor of Seth Bobrowsky’s stellar Bar Mitzvah Endowment Fund Cantor Ilene Keys and David Bobrowsky In appreciation of Rabbi Chester’s participation in the passing of the Torah ceremony Joe Remcho Fund for Preschool Scholarships John and Megan Bacigalupi Zachary Berman and Catherine Markman-Berman Bryan Cantrill and Brigid Gaffikin Lisa Hanauer and Gemma Baumer In memory of Andrew Baumer John and Samantha Harnett 6 n Temple Sinai n May 2015 Jacques and Sara Kerrest Alexy Khrabrov and Olga Bashlacheva Ari and Anne Marie Levy Lionel Benas Confirmation Fund Evelyn Benas In memory of Aimee Cohen, Bella Benas, and Hesper Benas Literacy Project People of the Book Fund Charmian Cohen In memory of Harold Cohen Sherri Richards and Tom Flynn In memory of Dr. Stanley Schonberger In memory of Margie Siegan Preschool Fund Matt and Colleen Orfuss Rabbi Chester Discretionary Fund Michael and Holly Gardner In memory of Courtney Seeple Maureen Logan In appreciation of Esther Chester wherever she might be at Purim Rabbi Mates-Muchin Discretionary Fund Ronnie Caplane In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin Bud and Sandy Goldberg In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming a Bar Mitzvah Grand Lake Gardens - Oakland In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin on the occasion of the Vesper Service Herb Holman and Leslie Paine In memory of Abe Holman In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin on her appointment as Senior Rabbi Neil and Denise Jacobson In honor of Sara and Tom Klein’s anniversary Joseph and Reva Kent In honor of Chloe Momet becoming a Bat Mitzvah Cantor Ilene Keys and David Bobrowsky In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin T. R. Levin and Rona Bar-Din Carol Loewith In honor of Matthew Justice becoming a Bar Mitzvah Maureen Logan In appreciation of the clergy dance interlude at the Purim Spiel Sherri Richards and Tom Flynn In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin Dick and Peg Roisman In memory of Margie Siegan Ruth Schneider In memory of Dr. Edward Krug Sam Schuchat and Ilana DeBare In support of Wrestling Jerusalem Stuart and Abby Zangwill In honor of Reuben Gould’s Brit Milah In honor of Brandon Goldberg’s Brit Milah In honor of Marcel Evon’s Brit Milah Rabbi Regev Discretionary Fund Cantor Ilene Keys and David Bobrowsky In appreciation of Rabbi Regev Maureen Logan In appreciation of the clergy dance interlude at the Purim Spiel Vera Obermeyer In memory of Walter Obermeyer Reducing Our Debt Fund Elaine Binger In honor of Barbara Morrison Katie Frank and Dan Psomas In appreciation of Barbara Morrison for her work at the gift shop Joseph and Reva Kent In memory of Jennifer Momet Rabbinic Search Committee In honor of Sara Klein, for her leadership In honor of Sam Schuchat, for his leadership Social Action/Anti-Hunger Fund Frederic Walker Special Education Fund Rai Newman In memory of Richard Harmon Newman, Jerome Harold Newman, and Alan Mark Newman Temple Sinai Technology Upgrades Anonymous (2) Rabbi Ruth Adar and Linda Burnett David Alexander and Pauline Fox Martin and Judith Aufhauser Wayne and Melissa Batavia In appreciation of Joan Waranoff and Louise Epstein for everything they do! Michael and Aviva Black In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Dale and Stephen Block In memory of Diane Maas Jon Braslaw and Robin Flagg David and Carole Brodsly Charles Chapman and Annette Smith Andrew and Sabina Cohen In memory of Bertha Alpert Charles Cole Robin and Rich Edwards In appreciation of Mike Baker’s Temple leadership Eric and Rosanne Eigenfeld In honor of Mike Baker for his wonderful work as Temple President Robert and Catherine Einspruch Stephen and Cheryl Eiselman Mark and Maxine Eisenberg Jacob and Louise Epstein In appreciation of Joan Waranoff CONTRIBUTIONS and THEATER WORSHIP REVIEW Jon and Jenny Ettinger Donald Falk and Sarah Weinstein Jerry and Myra Feiger Dan and Nina Fendel Karen Fierer and Debra Schoenberg Harold Friedman and Jennifer London Aaron and Amy Jo Goldfarb Sandy and Bud Goldberg Mark and Annie Goldsmith Tom Gold and Lucy Harris Murray and Janet Gordon Shelley Gordon and Richard Burge In honor of Murray Gordon’s Birthday Leah Greenblat Lynn Greenberg and Michael Rothschild Arnold Gutlaizer and Lisa Norris Marc and Cherie Hallert Herb Holman and Leslie Paine In appreciation of the entire clergy staff Lois Horwitz In memory of Armin Horwitz, Barbara Savitt, and Marilyn Werner Mark Jacobson and Ilona Frieden Linda Kamby and Paul Weir In memory of Alice and Michael Kamby Linda Katz Michael Kent and Becky Rozen Tom and Sara Klein Susan Krauss and Linda Benson Ted and Carole Krumland Richard and CeCe Langs In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah In appreciation of Lucy Harris and Jackie Berkman for their many years of Purim Spiel writing and directing Greg Lieberknecht and Patricia Mintz In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin on her recent appointment as Senior Rabbi Ray Lifchez Ward and Elaine Lindenmayer Sam Lopez Ken Mahru Roger and Joan Mann Ralph and Susan McKinnon Barbara and Bob Morrison Shawn and Elizabeth Moyle Cy Musiker and Andrea Duncan Matt and Colleen Orfuss Neal Parish and Carla Koren Peter and Carol Parker Ronald and Caroline Peters In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin becoming Senior Rabbi of Temple Sinai Paul Robbins Mark Rosen and Fonda Karelitz Matt Rossiter and Ruth Ann Binder Stanley and Martha Ross Larry and Arlene Saidman Jon and Marlene Sakol Joel Sanders and Carol Bieri Sydney Firestone Schimmel Edgar and Fritzi Schoen Robert Schoen and Sharon Chabon Michael Semler Jeff Simon and Dana Cohen Helen Smiler and Marlene Johnson Peggy Sparber Joel and Judith Stettner Andy and Andrea Tanenbaum David Theis and Sarah Royce David Thorne and Esther Saidman Stephanie and Eti Valdez-Kaminsky Claire Wahrhaftig In appreciation of Phil Rubin’s faithful service to Temple Sinai Joshua and Lori Waltzer Robert and Shirley Warwick Beth Wolinsky Shari and Bing Yu URJ Camp Scholarships Fund Elaine Binger In honor of Susan Levy Seth Bobrowsky Women of Temple Sinai Where The Need Is Greatest Fund Audrey Adler In memory of David Adler Dick and Jane Cohen In memory of Yetta Papae Barry and Dori Dubin In appreciation of the leadership of Mike Baker as Temple President Doris Goldman In memory of Robert Fischer and Martha Stone Anna Golodovskaya In memory of Arkadiy Golodovsky Ted and Sharon Gordon In memory of Morris I. Ginsburg Marc and Cherie Hallert In memory of Jess Hallert Howard-Charles Harpham In memory of Howard C. Harpham and Meriel C. Harpham Randy and Jan Kessler In memory of Norman Davis Gary and Joanne Neuman In memory of Melody Kepler Monique Schonberger In honor of Paul Kadden’s Birthday Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In support of Rabbi Mates-Muchin’s Installation Service Maxine Turret In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Jack and Lila Wahrhaftig In memory of Shirley Blumberg Pearl Wolffs In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming a Bar Mitzvah Beth Wolinsky In memory of Dr. Stanley Schonberger Wrestling Jerusalem Performance at Temple Sinai March 28, 2015 Performer Aaron Davidman’s first words on Temple Sinai’s bimah were, “It’s complicated.” Over the next 90 minutes and with barely a pause, Aaron embodied 17 different roles, depicting Israeli, Palestinian, “The play was a very American Jewish, emotional experience religious, secular, left-wing and right- for me. I thought wing characters. Aaron’s performance Each character was incredible and it flowed seamlessly into the next, as touched me in many he performed ways.” monologues, dialogues, songs and both Hebrew and Arabic prayers. The performance had some beautifully eerie moments when Aaron chanted the most sacred Jewish and Muslim prayers: “Sh’ma Yisrael…” and “Allah HuAkbar…” Weaving together scores of references to history, politics, and culture, he gave voice to the complexity of narratives about Israel and the Palestinians. Through his own intellectual and emotional journey to understand these complexities, he brought to life issues of identity, social justice and diverse relationships to Israel. Following the performance, Rabbi MatesMuchin facilitated a discussion with Aaron, eliciting many thoughtful reactions from the audience. Wrestling Jerusalem inspired people to reflect on others’ narratives as well as their own. Approximately 380 people attended the performance. The Wrestling Jerusalem Planning Committee is delighted to report that the event brought in $3500 after expenses. This is, in large part, due to contributions from several temple committees, individual congregants and the New Israel Fund. The Committee has asked that these funds be directed to support scholarships to Israel. Deena Levine-Lipsett, Chair, Wrestling Jerusalem Committee n 7 YOUTH FROM THE CANTOR’S DESK Thanks for your support! Temple Sinai Preschool, Religious School and many other Temple Sinai family and educational events are made possible by a great many contributors. Thank you to our community partners: Exploring the World of Judaism/Jewish LearningWorks, G-dcast, the Jewish Federation of the East Bay, KlezCalifornia, Lehrhaus Judaica, Shalom Bayit, Urban Adamah, Wilderness Torah, the Jewish Early Childhood Initiative, and Melita. Thank you to our wonderful Preschool Parent Committee President Linsey Morrison and all of the members of the Preschool Parent Committee. Thank you to this year’s fabulous Education Committee chairs Jen Alderman & Eti Valdez-Kaminsky and all of the members of the Education Committee. Thank you to the Brotherhood and Women of Temple Sinai for supporting a variety of projects and providing scholarship money to kids and families. Thank you to our great education staff, including teachers, enrichment specialists, support staff, and madrichim/teen teaching assistants, plus our wonderful clergy. Thank you to the many volunteers who do everything from hosting community building events to feeding our teachers to stuffing envelopes. Thank you to everyone who donates to our Education Funds. Finally, thank you to our whole community of learners, parents and children and community members, who collaborate all year long to make Temple Sinai a dynamic learning community. Todah rabah! Celebrating Her Bat Mitzvah Year as an Early Childhood Educator at TSP — Terry McGlynn Often when you enter into Terry’s classroom she is engaged in deep conversation with her students, whether individually or in a group. Terry is a master teacher and storyteller. She shares many stories from her own childhood or the childhood of one of her own children – Kate and Sam. The children are always captured by these conversations and ask for more. Through these conversations and stories, she embodies a core value of Jewish early childhood education – the value of Kavod (respect). She sees children as competent people who deserve the kavod that all people deserve. And the many, many children who have had the opportunity to converse, learn and play with Terry know this to be true. 8 n Temple Sinai n May 2015 In her thirteen years of teaching at Temple Sinai Preschool, Terry has taught all of our age-groups and is currently teaching in our 4s program. She has a deep love of learning, Judaism, social justice, and baseball. Just recently, she completed a three-year program, along with two of our other teachers, to receive a certificate in Jewish early childhood education through Gratz College. She takes every opportunity to continue her learning through workshops, communities of practice and other professional development opportunities. As a colleague, she challenges us to think more deeply about the Jewish experience we offer our children and families, the ways we can share the children’s learning with each other and our families, and be an inclusive community for all kinds of learners. She shares her passion for social justice with her students and as a result her students are inspired to develop their own projects and make their own contributions whether through the Alameda Food Bank or the SPCA. Terry is a thoughtful and inspiring educator and colleague. We are blessed to have her as a part of this community. We wish her a Mazel Tov on her Bat Mitzvah year. May she go from strength to strength. PRESCHOOL, YOUTH PROGRAMS & MIDRASHA WORSHIP Religious School End-of-Year Celebration of Learning Wednesday, April 29 & Sunday, May 3 Let’s celebrate a great year of Jewish learning! Parents please join us for a fun and festive final day of Religious School this year. We’ll be visiting core classes, participating in explore activities, doing great art, and appreciating our teachers. On Sunday we’ll hear Shamati (featuring Nathaniel Markman & Isaac Zones) in concert plus enjoy a festive on-site picnic with food, ga-ga, jumpy house, art and community. All Hebrew classes WILL meet on our last days except the Sunday 11:45am class. Parent Night Out Saturday, May 2; 5:00pm – 8:00pm Enjoy a night out and support Temple Sinai Preschool. Drop your child(ren) ages PreK – 2nd grade off at Temple Sinai Preschool for a an evening of fun. Children will enjoy a pizza party and various activities with their friends, while you enjoy a night out on the town. This is a fundraiser for TSP. Prices are: $40/1 child, $70/2 children, $90/3 children. Contact Rachel to find out how to sign up Rachel@ sababa shabbat Saturday, May 16 Rise & Shine and gather for Shabbat with friends at this sweet family friendly morning service geared towards children in PreK-2nd grade. 9:15am – 10:00am Service in the chapel 25 Years of Fun & Games with Michele Quiat How is it possible that those children running in circles in the courtyard are learning Hebrew when they do that? Oh but they are! They are catching, throwing, running, competing, laughing and reading words from the ve’ahavta. And slowly but surely, not by repetitive chanting and correction and struggle at their desks but through fun and frolic, they will master the ve’ahavta and be able to chant it from the pews and lead it from the bima. More than anything else, what it’s like to be in Michele Quiat’s classroom is FUN! For 25 years Michele, a Hebrew School class cutter, has been working diligently to bring a quality of fun and community to Temple Sinai’s Religious School that she wanted in her own Jewish education. A professionally trained teacher and a long-time Swig (now Newman) camper & enthusiast, Michele’s love of teaching, kids and Judaism combine to make her one amazing Religious School teacher. During her long tenure at Temple Sinai, Michele has taught just about every grade and every Hebrew level, provided administrative support to the Education Department, and now also serves as our Youth Director. She is both willing and able to open kids’ minds and hearts to new ideas and to ride a rollercoaster with them at Great America all the while working on helping them connect with Judaism and with each other. While her own three teenagers may be mystified by this, there is no doubt that Michele is the most fun grown-up at Temple Sinai. She is a teacher, a mentor, a friend, a wonderful colleague, and a blessing and a gift to our community. May we continue to grow together from strength to strength. 10:00am – 10:30am Family Torah study 10:30am – 11:00am Oneg Oakland Midrasha Graduation Tuesday, May 12 at 7:30pm, in the Sanctuary Community members are invited to join for a very special evening of reflection, with a reception to follow. This is always a meaningful night. *Temple Sinai members The graduates this year are: Ariel King* Elana Straus* Eli DeVries Gelly Miller* Margot Witte* Max DeWit* Meredith McCleary* Will Klein* Zachary Presberg* 2015 – 2016 Religious School Registration Time is HERE It’s time to register for Religious School for the fall. Registration materials are available on-line. Visit for the link or contact Marcy Walsh at for instructions. Questions about our Religious School program? Contact Sue Bojdak today! Our Priority Registration Deadline is May 22. n 9 LIFECYCLES BIRTHDAYS wedding ANNIVERSARIES 5/2 Ellen Switkes 5/3 Janice Miller 5/3 Janet Taksa 5/4 Sue Bachman 5/4 Richard Kulka 5/4 Joel Richmon 5/5 Charles Goldberg 5/5 Alex Gunst 5/6 Brenda Eskenazi 5/8 Kurt Fleischer 5/8 Shelley Samuels 5/9 Howard Ruiz-Harrison 5/10 Anna Golodovskaya 5/10 Karen Tiedemann 5/12 Gerry Eiselman 5/12 Arlene Rosen 5/13 Nadyne Epstein 5/13 Amnon Rodan 5/14 Judy Aufhauser 5/14 Matthew Kreeger 5/14 Ellen Sirbu 5/16 Kari Barnes 5/16 Doris Goldman 5/16 Douglas Schwab 5/17 Christina Greenberg 5/18 Randall Berger 5/18 Richard Roisman 5/19 Howard Brodke 5/20 Lawrence Rosenberg 5/21 Amelia Lemmon 5/21 Eric Rubin 5/22 Audrey Adler 5/22 Selma Riskin 5/23 Maxine Drexler 5/25 Howie Perlin 5/25 Mark Rosen 5/26 Daniel Rubinfeld 5/26 Ruth Schneider 5/26 Sandra R. Summerfield 5/27 Joan F. Coleman 5/28 Shirley R. Warwick 5/28 Ronald Weiss 5/29 Jennifer Bomze 5/30 Deborah Gilmore 5/30 Norman Robinow 5/30 Idele Saul 5/31 Victor Felson 5/31 Prentice Starkey 5/5 Michael Greenberg & Valerie Ackerman 30 5/7 Keith Savell & Karen Katz 20 5/7 Robert & Ellen Ansel 55 5/13 Shari Unitan & Pamela Horenstein 20 5/15 Ed & Fritzi Schoen 55 5/22 Zachary Berman & Catherine Markman-Berman 5 5/25 Stephen & Barbara Whitgob 40 5/26 Andrew Fisher & Lynda Kravitz 30 5/26 Bruce Burtner & Jennifer Miller 30 5/27 Robert Fulgham & Heidi Lustig 25 5/28 Julie & Chris Bell 15 5/28 Ben & Marissa Harrison 20 5/29 Rebecca Egger & Bill Weinberg 20 b’nEi Mitzvah Ben Max Forsberg Son of Larry Forsberg and Kelly Forsberg Saturday, 5/9/2015 Matthew Stephen Justice Son of Brian and Allison Justice Saturday, 5/16/2015 5/31 David Durham & Marcy Bergman 35 Clara Feldman Daughter of Josh Feldman and Nancy Brahm Saturday, 5/23/2015 mazel tov! Mazel Tov to Dale Block who has been honored as the recipient of the Bay Area Tumor Institute’s Living Example award. It’s a Girl! Jacqueline Charlotte Guzman-Woldrich was born April 12, 2015 Proud Dads are Louis Guzman-Woldrich and Jeffrey Woldrich REmemberances Robert Caplow, grandfather of Jessica Eiselman Kenneth Rothman, congregant and husband of Laurie Rothman Ty Joines, grandson of Susan & Michael Levy Hillel Benjamin Levine, father of Deena Levine Lipsett Miriam Ogren, aunt of Michelle Quiat Donald Green, father of Tracy Green-Hoffman Susan Daar, congregant, wife to Randall, mother to Alan & Violet Christian Ayala, godson of Elisa Dumesnil welcome new members! Membership Renewal Time It’s the time of year to consider making a commitment to this year’s Annual Giving Campaign. Please donate today. Your generous financial support is necessary to sustain our distinguished tradition of inclusiveness and ensure that the programs we value continue to thrive. We thank you for your loyalty and ongoing commitment to the mitzvah of Tzedakah, a sacred obligation to our Temple Sinai family. Weekly eNews Are you receiving the Weekly eNews each Thank you to the following march B’nei Mitzvah Families for Oneg Sponsorship: Emily and Limor Margalit, Yonatan (age 15), Mika (age 10) Tuesday? It’s a great Kristin Baker Spohn and Benjamin Spohn, Calvin Baker Spohn (age 1.5) upcoming events at 5/8 Forsberg Family and Hospitality Committee Annie and Troy Sauro, Mabel (5 months) 5/15 Justice Family Jacques Frederic Kerrest and Sara Johnson Kerrest, Jacques Nicolas (age 1.5) 5/22 Brahm and Feldman Family 5/29 Ashla and Cramer Family 10 n Temple Sinai n May 2015 way to keep track of Temple Sinai. To ensure that you aren’t missing anything, email Birthdays and Anniversaries are listed in multiples of 5 as well as birthdays age 69 and over. Mazel Tov! with Weekly eNews in the subject title. WORSHIP Temple Sinai sunday monday 4/26 MAY 2015 tuesday wednesday 4/27 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11:30am Seniors Lunch 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha 7th Grade Retreat Religious School - Last Day 10:00am Preschool Spring Age-group gathering (offsite) 11:30am End of Year RS Celebration 12:00pm Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class 12:00pm Junior Choir Party (offsite) 3 4 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 6:00pm Lounge Night 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha 10 11 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha Graduation 18 9:30am EWJ Speaker Series: Susan Lubeck on Economic Justice – the Jewish Angle 9:30am Sunday Morning Mah Jongg 11:30am Jr. Choir last Sunday rehearsal Parent/Teacher Conferences – No student day 4/28 Religious School – Last Wednesday 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:00pm WTS Film Series 7:15pm Adult Hebrew Class 7:30pm Education Committee Meeting 5 11:30am WTS Lunch Connection (offsite) 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:00pm Executive Committee Meeting (offsite) 12 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 6:00pm Calendar and Program Meeting 7:15pm WTS Board Meeting 7:30pm Education Committee Meeting 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 7:00pm Adult Choir Party (offsite) 7:30pm Green Committee Meeting 19 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 1:00pm WTS Book Group Meeting 6:00pm Social Action Committee Meeting 7:00pm Temple Board Meeting 25 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11:30am Seniors Lunch 26 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:30pm Israel Education Committee Meeting 6/1 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 6/2 11:30am WTS Lunch Connection (offsite) 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:00pm Executive Committee Meeting (offsite) 17 6:00pm Meeting with the Oakland Police Chief 7:30pm Finance Committee Meeting Shavuot 24 Memorial Day Preschool and Offices Closed 5:30pm Hebrew Free Loan Gala (co-sponsored by Temple Sinai) 31 10:00am Preschool Spring Age-group gathering (offsite) 1:00pm Caring Community Meeting Yasher Koach to the Community! 4/29 6 7:30pm Brotherhood Speaker Series 7:30pm Preschool Parent Committee Meeting 13 7:00pm Last Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm Brotherhood Board Meeting (offsite) 20 6:00pm MGO Meeting 27 Over 60 food bags were delivered to our literacy partner school, Greenleaf, to help replace school breakfasts and lunches over the spring break. Thanks to all who donated food and to Fonda Karelitz, Barbara Kluger, Judy Zollman, Ari Glick, Teri Bleckner, and Helen Smiler for sorting and bagging the food and loading it into Teri’s truck for delivery to the school. The barrels will remain at the temple on an ongoing basis for donations to organizations that help the needy. Another food related project is underway – we are organizing teams to other cook dinners for a women’s shelter. If you are interested in being on the Social Action e-mail list, helping with the dinner project, finding out more about volunteer opportunities, or joining the committee, contact Teri Bleckner teri.bleckner@ or Helen Smiler thursday 7:30pm Israel Education Committee Speaker 6/3 friday 4/30 7 saturday 7th Grade Retreat 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service with Junior Choir & with baby naming 1 7th Grade Retreat 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service – Green Committee Sponsored (offsite) 2 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service with the Installation of Senior Rabbi Mates-Muchin 8 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Minyan Service followed by Potluck Kiddush Lunch 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Ben Forsberg 15 Midrasha Retreat 9:00am Torah Study 9:15am Sababa Shabbat Morning Service 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Justice 4:00pm Religious School and Preschool Teacher Staff Appreciation (offsite) 5:30pm Havdalah Hike 9 14 Midrasha Retreat 7:30pm Erev Shabbat – Mizmor Shir! Service and Community Shabbat 21 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 22 Erev Shavuot 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bat Mitzvah of Clara Feldman with Yizkor 6:00pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot (offsite) 28 5:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service with Confirmation 29 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service 6/4 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service Kumzits in Upper Courtyard 6/5 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bat Mitzvah of Naomi Binger 7:30pm Preschool Parent Committee Meeting 16 23 30 6/6 Let’s Keep Filling Those Bins! May through July we’ll be collecting TOWELS: any size, any condition, from new to worn – as long as they are clean! The two agencies in focus are Lava Mae which convert old Muni buses into showers driving them to various locations in SF. They are redesigned for wheelchair access or for privacy for families living in their cars and for disabled individuals living on the street. Worn towels will go to the surgery unit at Oakland SPCA. n 11 First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland PERIODICAL Temple Sinai 2808 Summit Street Oakland, CA 94609 (510) 451-3263 Temple Sinai has been certified as a Bay Area Green Business Our Bulletin is printed on recycled paper at a printer registered as a Green Business and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. We print with earth-friendly soy-based ink.
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