No. 4 email: 17th March, 2015 Tel. 9568 0558 Fax. 9569 0293 Dates to Remember MARCH Wednesday, 18th 12.10-3.20pm: Year 5 Excursion to Ashwood College Discovery Day Friday, 20th 10am-2pm: Year 5/6 Summer Sport Gala Day Monday, 23rd Afternoon: Year 3-6 House Cross Country— School Oval Wednesday, 25th Casual clothes day fundraiser for OPS Backyard project (bring a gold coin) 11am-12noon: Prep Fire Ed Incursion Thursday, 26th 9am- 3:30pm: Year 3/4 Taskworks Excursion Friday, 27th 2.30pm: TERM 1 ENDS APRIL Monday, 13th TERM 2 BEGINS Thursday, 16th 9am- 3.30pm: Year 3/4 Excursion to see performance of 26 Story Treehouse 6.30-8.30pm: Year 2 Movie Night—OPS Amphitheatre Friday, 17th 6.30-8.30pm: Year 1 Movie Night—OPS Amphitheatre Monday, 20th Year 3-6 Intensive Swimming Begins— GESAC Tuesday, 21st Year 3-6 Intensive Swimming continues Wednesday, 22nd Year 3-6 Intensive Swimming continues From the Principal’s Desk I return from our annual staff conference feeling inspired and energised. Our first session on Sunday morning was facilitated by our Head of English Natalie Grieve. Natalie’s presentation reminded us of the importance of teaching listening skills. There are very explicit skills that need to be taught including creating an appropriate environment for students to listen effectively, establishing specific lessons where students are aware of what they are listening for and setting aside specific times each day for students to practise listening skills. The rest of Sunday was spent by our staff presenting reports on their Positive Education research projects undertaken in 2014. The work our staff have done in this area is nothing short of exceptional. I am pleased to inform our community that following last years inaugural highly successful parent forum, our second Positive Education forum for parents will be held in the first half of Term 2 at a date to be fixed. On Monday we were fortunate to have Executive Coach John Sharkey inspire us with his presentation ‘Getting to the Heart of the Matter’. As a parent of children at both School and Kindergarten, John was able to tap into our journey and offer us great insight into self improvement. He shared with us his beliefs of each of us having six core needs—certainty, variety, significance, connection/love, growth and contribution. Our responsibility is to meet our needs in an sustainable and resourceful way as possible. John also shared insights into awareness of others when communicating, provided us with tools when we feel that sense of overwhelm and finished by introducing us to the ‘wheel of life’, which allowed us to determine whether we are focusing too much on one part of our life and neglecting others. For me it is inspiring to spend two uninterrupted days with such passionate, committed professionals. Our organisation will truly be better for the opportunity. Twilight Sports Those people who attended the Twilight Sports would be aware of how disappointed I was to arrive at the venue only to find the significant part of the park taken over by a soccer club. Upon investigation, I received the following message from the Head of Recreational Services at Monash Council: ‘I can confirm that Oakleigh Primary School was the only booking at Scotchman’s Run Reserve so any other group that was there was unauthorised to do so’. I do hope that despite the limited space, our families enjoyed the event. I thank the teaching staff for assisting us to adjust the plans to ensure a successful event. Jack Fisher Principal OSHC Coordinator’s Report Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Colouring In Competition Winners are: Circuit Play Computer Lab “Communication” Outside Play Caitlin, Imogen & Lily W Thank you Liz Crowe OSHC Coordinator Uniform shop hours Mon Thurs 8.50 to 9.15am 3.15 to 3.45pm Your help in observing these times would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou Head Lice Please continue to check your children for head lice on a regular basis. Cases have been detected at Oakleigh Primary in the last couple of days which serves to remind us that we must be vigilant to keep the incidents low or eliminated. We thank you again for your assistance as we continue to battle this difficult and frustrating problem. Oakleigh Primary School Movie Nights: 6.30-8.30pm in the Amphitheatre. Put it in your diary now! Thurs 16 April - Year 2 Fri 17 April - Year 1 Wed 22 April - Year 5/6 Thurs 23 April - Year 3/4 Friday 24 April - Grade Prep Painting & Sketching for Children (8 to 12yo) The Waverley Community Learning Centre is running an 8 week structured class with a local artist Christine, providing a creative, fun and encouraging environment to help enhance your child’s skills and confidence in the wonderful art of drawing and painting. Materials list available on enrolment. Fridays from 4:30 – 5:30pm Term 2: starts 24th April at a cost: $100. Bookings essential for all classes on 9807 6011. Details: / email: Office hours: Mon-Fri 9am – 4pm Classes are held at Waverley Community Learning Centre 5 Fleet Street, Mount Waverley 3149 NAB AFL OAKLEIGH AUSKICK VENUE – Oakleigh South Primary School Riley Street, South Oakleigh SEASON COMMENCES –Saturday 11th April 2015 at 9am INFORMATION DAY – Saturday 21st March ( 9-10.30am) Parents get your Start of Season booklet and information sheets etc and Auskickers have a kick with the Coaches. COST FOR THE SEASON - $95 Register on line now at (If you register and pay before 20th April you receive 2 adult and 2child complimentary passes to selected AFL matches.) SESSION TIMES - Kinda & Preps, grade 1 ( 9- 10.30am) Grades 2 - 6 ( 9-11am) Oakleigh Auskick continues right through the School holidays. Boys and girls 5-12 years of age are eligible to participate in Auskick. Children must be at least 5 years of age or turning 5 years of age during the Auskick season . Oakleigh Auskickers receive a backpack including a football and other great footy stuff. Memento’s of the season in the form of trophies , action photos and group photos are presented to each Auskicker at the end of the season break up. For more information contact the Oakleigh Auskick Coordinator Mr Kerry Ryan 0413691885 Oakleigh Primary School does not endorse the products or services of any advertiser. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the advertisements.
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