Oakwood News (Edition 5)

Oakwood Primary School Sandpiper Road
Issue 5
22 May 2015
Dear Parents
We always use Oakwood News to look back at all the things your children have
achieved during the previous half-term and everything that’s happened in school. The
range of opportunities for children and the changes that happen daily in school always
amaze me.
This term, we’ve also started our swimming programme with Year 5 and, thanks to
our government sports premium grant, with Year 2 as well.
We’ve also had our busiest time in Year 6, as all the children have taken their end of
Key Stage tests. I was extremely proud of their attitude and their hard work. They
were a credit to you, their teachers and the school.
With just a few weeks of the summer term left, we are also looking forward to a lot planning and organising a range of events (our summer fete and sports day to name
just two), saying hello to those who are joining us and goodbye to those who are
Today, Christine Burt, one of our longest serving members of staff, leaves Oakwood.
Mrs Burt has been a lunchtime supervisor for 17 years and her huge contribution to
the school life of thousands of children can’t be measured. I’m sure you’ll join with me
in wishing her a long, happy and well-deserved retirement.
Have a good half-term break.
(Children are back on Tuesday
2 June.)
Ian Taylor
Article 2
The Convention applies to
every child whatever their
ethnicity, gender, religion,
abilities, whatever they
think or say, no matter
what type of family they
come from.
We’ve had another busy half term for getting out
and about!
In this half term alone, groups of children have been to
Marwell, Beaulieu Motor Museum, Oaklands Pool for
swimming lessons, Jude’s Ice-Cream Factory in
Winchester, walking the local area, Fairthorne Manor,
News from the
After School Clubs
Our after school clubs started this week and are now well under way. Again some
clubs were oversubscribed and we have hopefully been able to allocate first
preferences and offered second choices where we can. We’ve had to cancel one of
our clubs this term due to lack of take-up but we have a new addition of Spanish
Club run by Miss Urinovsky. All clubs will run until mid July, however please check
your letters for individual club end dates as they differ slightly.
Please remember to order uniform as soon as possible to give the suppliers plenty of
time to fulfil your orders. It is, as you can imagine, their busiest time of year.
Details of our uniform and order forms are available on our website. Thank you.
Reply Slips / Letters
Just a reminder that you don’t have to queue if you just need to drop off letters /
slips / dinner money etc. Please use the secure locked blue box on the wall just
inside reception which is emptied regularly during the day.
Class Photos
You’re probably all aware that the date for class photos has been changed to
Wednesday 24 June. The dates for our school photographs are booked quite
some time in advance and we didn’t anticipate at the time that several classes would
not be in school on the original planned date. The new date will still give you plenty
of time to order and receive your photos before the end of the Summer term.
Please remember to inform the office at any time should any of your details change.
It is important that we have the correct information in case we need to contact you
in case of an emergency during the day. Thank you.
If your child wishes to bring a bike / scooter to school and use our cycle shelter,
please come to the office to collect and complete a permit form. The bike / scooter
will need to be locked and children will need to wear a helmet, which they can bring
into school and leave on their peg. Also just a reminder to encourage your children
to dismount their bike / scooter whilst on site, particularly in the playground. Thank
As always, lots of achievements again this term. I overheard Mrs Vanes say that in
Year R / KS1 alone she read out four pages of names from the Gold Book in
assembly this morning. The admin team have a very important job in recording the
awards on our SIMS system so that everyone gets celebrated!
Have a lovely half term !
From Liz, Karen,
Claire and Carol
Another packed half term! Oakwood is an exciting place to learn!
In Year R...
Year 6 Buddy Visit
Drama Fun with ‘Jungle Sam’
Marwell Trip
Tadpole Visitors
Maths Fun
In Year 2…
Beaulieu Motor Museum Trip
Making Vehicles
Year 3 Writing Buddies
In Year 4…
 Super Circuits
 Fairground Fun
 Carousel Crazy!
In Year 6...
 Year R Buddy Visit
In Year 1…
 Local Walk
 Sunflowers
 Music Fun
In Year 3...
 Oakthorne Cooking Fun!
 Fairthorne Residential
 Year 2 Writing Buddies
In Year 5...
Business Preparations!
Baby Books
Ice Cream Factory Fun
Market Research
Our blog is the best place to find the
latest news!
Have you had a look online yet?
Across the School...
You can keep up with events in school every week by looking at the blog. It’s a great way to see
what’s been happening.
April Club of the Month
‘Perform’ Drama Workshop for Years R, 1 and 2
Chelsea Football
Art Studio Transformations
...and much more!
Achieving Excellence Together!
We are proud to celebrate the achievements of the following children:
Kenzie Lee Hearn
Evie Janes
Miley Stowell
Gold Book
Rebeka Polcarova
Owen Bean
Ava Rowe
Katie Miller
Casey Webb
Isla Hollowell
Sasini De Costa (3)
Lily Jarvis
Maisie-Mae Richardson
Elise Colling (2)
Lily Young
Matt Symonds (2)
Tom Martin (2)
Miley Stowell
Radu Iorgulescu
Oscar Bree
Maddison McLeod
Kye Griffiths
Solomon Charlton-Wiseman
Evie-Grace Mason
Phoebe Ritchie
Archie Ellis
Owen Barton
Maiya Yeo
Erin Harper
Ella Jones
Marios Spetseris
Daisy Petley
Lennon Savage-Cocks
Hollie Jones
Keira Bridges
Thomas Pagett
Hannah Thery
Tom Westmore
Ruby Hallum
Bareerah Adnan
Dylan Baddams
Charlie Rudge
Jaden Sevilla
Hariette Halladay
Daniella Hooper
Sunny-Rose CharltonWiseman
Lydia-May Passmore
Lewis Dominguez
Rachael Jones
Zak Blundell
Elise Colling
Candice Jones
Owen Sheath
Olivia Stephens
250 House Points
Golden Tickets
(Names in bold are prize winners)
Abbey Arthur
Sam Barnes
Ellie Dunford
Emily Hall x3
Amy Wall
Evan Fisher
Thomas Billows
Ezra Cotecson
Dennis Wootton
Ethan King
Phoebe Westmore
Mya Roney
Caitlin Goodwin
Rheanna Wink
Keira Sweed
Josh Brown
Kieran Hill
Joseph Pellow
Jamie Munch
Charlie Perkis
House Points
100 House Points
Max Burrows
Sasini De Costa
Lewis Dominguez
Archie Ellis
Louis Farrelly
Kye Griffiths
Aiden Groarke
Lennon Hampton
Hollie Jones
Tom Martin
Evie Mason
Ryan Meikle
Nikodem Sliwa
Thomas Spicer
Edward Syddall
Esther Travis
Shannon Wade
Maiya Yeo
Dasha Zukova
Farzad Alizadeh
Bethany Bowers
Sonny Cartwright
Sunny-Rose CharltonWiseman
Ruby Hallum
Molly Harris
Isla Hollowell
Thomas Westmore
Bradley Bentley
Charlie Cotter
Breeze Davis
Ellie-May Davis
Josh Dickie
Trinity Hazell
Thomas Hellier
Riley Minicozzi
Maeve O'Brien
Jack Pearce
Sonny Saunders
Emily Viney-Seagrave
Leo Wild
Tymaine Barnes
William Blake
Lauryn Gillett-Sloan
Jessica Good
Ethan King
Ellie Thurston
Kion Mountstephens
500 House Points
Aimee Bree
Sam Croome
Paolo Petrache
Rhys Radford
Sophia Smith
Jacob Anderson
Luke D'Bell
Ella Hiscock
Toby Wilks
Nathaniel O'Connell
Lilly Rowe
Renae Taylor
Amy Thery
Achieving Excellence Together!
We are proud to celebrate the achievements of the following children:
Spelling Logs
Level 1
Connor Callaway
Hana Cheung
Bella Eaves
Lily Jarvis
Katie Miller
Jessica Hughes
Jack Pearce
Harley Blake
Kyran Pearce
Yahya Rashid
Aksa Lawarance
Josh Brown
Courtney Mountstephens
Ellie Eggleton
Katie Surman
Renae Taylor
Amy Thery
Ellie Eggleton
Mental Maths
Kieran Hill
William Symonds
Rebecca Booth
Aimee Colling-Adams
Elizabeth Finney
James Hearn
Holly Leadbitter
Courtney Mountstephens
Amy Newby
Fatima Rasoli
Bobby Smart
Katie Surman
Alex Hopkins
Ellie Eggleton
Level 2
Stars of the
Josh Creighton
Thomas Spicer
Evie Cooper
Naiyah Marsh
Rohan Kennard
Archie Allen
Daniel Williamson
Oliver Hunt
Saffiya Smaili
Harrison Trent
Owen Bean
Rebecca Whiting
Matthew Burnside
Ethan Butler
Ian Zheng
Molly Ryan
Lakshan Michael
Molly Purdue
Candice Jones
Abbey Davis
Affy Smith
William Gregory
Abhinav Krishna
Jake Healey
Fin Wilson
Josh Dickie
Hal Haagensen
Amy Wall
Owen Sherred
Phoebe Westmore
Toby Wilks
Josh Cuff
Ellie Shokar
Ella Koukoulis
Erynne Cotecson
Jimmy Short
Hannah Martin
Oliver Rudge
Paolo Petrache
Rochele Milano
Maisy Spicer
Lucy Miller
Fin Wilson
Isobel McDermott
Renae Taylor
Zahra Isaak
Alfie Campbell
Robbie Stapleton
Jake Coady
Natalia Turosinska
Rheanna Wink
Olivia Traczynska
Harrison English
Amy Thery
Cherin McFarlane
Willow Clasby
Sophia Smith
Jack Clutterbuck
Eryn Crysell
Georgia Young
Ellie Rode
Elizabeth Finney
Sonny Hope
Have you got
awards yet?
Level 3
Amy Humby
Sajjad Alizadeh
Zahra Isaak
Hannah Martin
Millie Petley
Libby Morse
Level 4
Annalyse Boys
Joseph Buckley
Hiruka De Costa
Level 5
News from the OSA
Your parent association, your way of getting involved!
Plans for the Summer Fete on Friday 26 June (5pm) are well under way. As usual, some new
games have been planned for this year, including ‘Treasure Pots’ and ‘Guess how many balloons
are in a car’! Many of the favourite stalls and games are also being organised, such as the Bottle
Tombola, Lucky Dips and Boat Race.
There will be something for everyone! Do plan to come along to what we hope will be a great
Donations of toys and games, along with new/unused toiletries would be gratefully
received – why not have a sort-out over the half-term? Any items may be dropped off at the
school office.
If YOU could help at the Fete, either on a stall or to help run a game PLEASE let the office know
and we will get in touch. We also still need helpers to run the BBQ. Without help, this stall will
be unable to happen – can you help please?
We would also be grateful if anyone could stay for half an hour after the Fete finishes to help us
clear up. Many hands will make the task easier!!
Dates for the summer term Community Coffee Mornings are 5 June and 3 July. Each morning
starts just after 9am and is held in the Green Base area of the KS1 building. You will be very
Discos for the children will be held on 2 July. A
separate letter will be sent nearer the time.
Thank you for your continued support.
We look forward to seeing you at the Fete!
Gill Handley-Garland
A cheque was presented to
the House Captains this week
for £7,000 - all money
raised by the OSA!
News from the House Captains
Ventura - Britannia - Azura - Adonia
As we approach our last half term at Oakwood, we are feeling a
little scared as well as a little excited! We can’t believe how quickly
our time at Oakwood is flying by!
Can you help?
We need clean, unwanted
long-sleeved shirts that we
can use for art activities.
Please hand in any
donations to the office!
Last week, we took our SATs, which were hard work but we were ready for them, and our SATs breakfast
helped set us up each day.
Even though we have been busy, we’ve still been performing our House
Captain duties. We’ve collected and counted Sainsbury’s vouchers and made
announcements in assembly. We’ve also been thinking about how to rally our
houses for Sports Day - coming up soon!
From your House Captains
Monday 15 - Friday 19 June
Year 1/2 Phonics Screening Check
Year 6 Oak House / Knapp House
Next Oakwood News
Wednesday 22 July 2015
Tuesday 23 June 2015
Sports Day
(Details to follow!)
May 2015
Monday 25 - Friday 29 May
Half-term break
June 2015
Friday 26 June 2015
Year 3 Music on the Map Concert
July 2015
Monday 1 June 2015
School Closed for pupils
Tuesday 2 June 2015
First day back for Summer 2 Half
term for pupils
Years 1-6 at St Mary’s Stadium for
TSP World Record Event
Wednesday 1 July
Transfer Day
Thursday 2 July
OSA Discos
Year R/KS1 (4.30 - 5.45pm)
KS2 (6.00 - 7.30pm)
Friday 3 July
OSA Community Coffee Morning
Year 6 Prom
September 2015
Tuesday 1 September 2015
School Closed for pupils
Wednesday 2 September 2015
First day back for Autumn Term
for pupils
Please don’t forget that diary
dates are always available
You can scan this code on your
smartphone to get the dates
Thursday 9 July
Year 6 at Mayflower Theatre
Friday 5 June 2015
Science Day
OSA Community Coffee Morning
Wednesday 24 June 2015
Class Photos
Wednesday 22 July
Last Day of Term
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
Tuesday 14 July
Year 6 at Whitaker Tankers
Thursday 16 July
Year 6 Leavers’ Production
Easter 2016
The Easter weekend will be at the start of the fortnight break in 2016.
The first day of the break is Good Friday 25 March 2016 and we reopen on
Monday 11 April 2016.
Please bear this in mind if you are booking holidays.
School Calendar 2015 - 2016
It has been a relatively quiet half term for PE during the first part of summer, with lots of
competitions and matches looking to avoid the time around KS2 SATs. However both Year 5 and Year
2 have been busy with their swimming lessons, this year being held at Oaklands swimming pool.
Swimming has been part of the Year 5 PE curriculum at Oakwood for a long time, however it is the
first time children in KS1 have had the opportunity to begin learning this essential life skill. To enable
us to provide this to our Year 2 children we have used money from our yearly Sport Premium
To find out other ways children are benefitting from our Sport Premium Funding please visit our blog.
KS2 Club of the Month
April’s Club of the Month was a returning favourite, Dance
Mats. Despite all the teachers claiming they ‘wouldn’t be
any good’ and that they ‘didn’t have any rhythm’, most
managed to register a score in the teacher competition,
with Mr Wills leading the way.
We are Premier League!
On Wednesday, nine boys from the school football team
travelled with Mr Wills and Mr Ackland up to Cobham to
visit and play football at the Chelsea FC training ground.
Visit our blog to see how they got on.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers:
Please keep bringing in your Sainsbury’s Active Kids
vouchers, there are only a few weeks left now and
every voucher counts!
Current totals:
Britannia: 8,652
Ventura: 8,777
Adonia: 8,571
Azura: 8,921
We need your help - Drivers Wanted!
We are looking for two volunteers to drive minibuses to school events. Many of these are sports
events and happen during the school day, but some do take place after school.
If you hold a bus/minibus driving licence or have the ‘D1’ entitlement on your driving licence and
would be willing to undertake MIDAS training then we would love to hear from you.
If you are able to help then please call at the school office or send an email to info@oakwoodlive.net
Week 1 Summer 2014/2015
Week Commencing
8 and 29 June / 20 July
Blue (Meat/Fish)
Yellow (Vegetarian)
Laverstoke Park Beef Meatballs
Quorn Burger
Salmon Nibbles
Cheese and Tomato Pizza
Chicken, Bacon and Sweetcorn Pie
Veggie Sausages
Beef Roast with Gravy
Baked Spanish Omelette
Harry Ramsden’s Fish in Batter
Vegetable and Lentil Curry
Week 2 Summer 2014/2015
Week Commencing
15 June / 6 July
Blue (Meat/Fish)
Yellow (Vegetarian)
Chicken Grill
Veggie Balls in tomato sauce
Gammon Steak
Cheese and Tomato Pizza
Mild Beef Chilli with rice
Macaroni Cheese and Garlic Bread
Chicken Roast with Stuffing
Bean and Vegetable Bake
Fish Fingers
Veggie Whirl
Week 3 Summer 2014/2015
Week Commencing
1 and 22 June / 13 July
Blue (Meat/Fish)
Yellow (Vegetarian)
Baked Pork Sausages with Gravy
Veggie Bolognese
Mild Beef Curry
Cheese and Tomato Pizza
Turkey Fajita
Veggie Sausage Turnover
Roast Pork with Stuffing
Cheese and Vegetable Bake
Vegetarian Pasty
quizzes, menus, feedback, advice for lunch boxes etc
easy recipes to try at home!
farming, food in season and fascinating facts about the food we eat!
Today’s menu
on your
07503 064611
May 2015
Meet the Team at Oakwood KidzClub
Andrea Hennen - Club Supervisor
Sarah Pragnell
- Play Worker
Bryanie Keatings - Play Worker
Vicky Pratt
- Play Worker
Claire Blundell
- Play Worker
Activities June/July
We have some amazing planning activities for the new term, it’s all about holidaying around the UK and abroad.
Please come and take a look at the planning table which is always displayed on the large patio window outside Club.
A copy is always available for you to take away and look at with your child.
End of Term Certificates
Our End of Term Certificates went to Katie in year 4 and Kieran in year 3. The Good Friend Award went to Olivia in
year 3 and our Breakfast Award went to Mia in year 3 – well done to all the children, it aseemed year 3 had a good
This Term’s 10 Stickers
This term’s 10 stickers went to Rachel in year R, Benjamin in year 1, Katie in year 2, Sunny-Rose in year 2, Molly in
year 2, Jamie year 3, Katie year 4, Mia year 4, Eryn year 6 – well done, it’s always lovely to see the smiles on the
children’s faces when they reach their 10 stickers as they are able to chose a prize from the goody bag.
Good/Poor Behaviour
Green cards have now been introduced for the children who show good behaviour and manners in club, and they
are given a sticker every time the green card is shown to them. We are promoting good behaviour in the Club all
the time and our green cards are proving very effective especially when all the children are saying it’s a great idea.
Yellow and red cards are being used in Club for the children who misbehave, poor manners and generally do not
listen to the members of staff.
As always if you have any questions, queries or you would like to book childcare sessions at either Breakfast or After
School Club then please do not hesitate to contact us on 07503 064611 to book your session.
Kidz Play have recently launched their new website please take a look at www.kidzplayuk.com.
Have a lovely half term from all the staff at Oakwood Kidz Club
Inset Day on Monday 1 June
Kidz Play (UK) Ltd
Unit 404 Solent Business Centre, Millbrook Road West, Millbrook, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 OHW
Tel: 023 8077 6579
Registered in the UK. Registration No. 6542170
If your children have been to Minstead, you may want to
put this in your diaries now!
Our Linkway is now (almost!)
The carpet was laid on Wednesday
of this week and the corridor can
now be used by staff, children and
visitors to get to all parts of the
We are delighted with the standard
of the work that’s been done and
would like to publicly thank Dave,
Ian, Kev, Simon and Darrell (and
several others who helped along
the way) for all their hard work.
There is still some work to do!
The ramps which will allow access
to the yellow external doors are
going in soon - this will reopen the
pedestrian route between the car
park and the KS2 playground.
We also have some internal work to
do to the old KS2 library (pictured
at the bottom). This is going to be
decorated, recarpeted and used as
a work room for our copiers, paper,
laminators and such like.
This will be done shortly after half
term and will open out into the
new linkway to provide an
additional route to the ICT Suite.
Once all the bits and bobs are
finished, we’ll make sure that
parents and friends can come and
have a look!
Thank you for your patience!