February 20152015 Acorn February Volume 21, Page Issue1 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Treasurer’s Report Men’s Club Oakwood Manor Annual Meeting Minutes 2 6 7 Page 2 Acorn February 2015 FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT By Norm Wilcox T he Annual Meeting is over and it was a great success! You have now given the Board of Directors your vote of confidence to conduct the business at hand. I would like to welcome our new board members Jim Crowl and Mike Woodruff, and welcome back both Aggie Taylor and Dick Potts. The organizational meeting was held on Wednesday, January 21, 2015, and the following jobs were assigned for the coming year: President – Vice President – TreasurerAsst Treasurer Secretary Asst Secretary Social Maintenance Real Estate - Norm Wilcox Jim Crowl Frank Dawes Kathy Bondi Terry Funk Dick Potts Aggie Taylor Mike Woodruff Lois Charen Dennis, our Manager, has already begun contacting the suppliers for the three main construction projects that were voted on this week at our annual meeting, the Main Hall Roof, the Seawall and the Swimming Pool. It is very exciting to be shaping the future of Oakwood Manor, and to have the funds available to accomplish these endeavors. Our treasurer Frank Dawes has done a superb job of manag- Editor: Pat Berry Layout: Sharon Rump Circulation: Ruth Risen Marlene Barger DEADLINE FOR COPY: 12th of Month ing our accounts and keeping us afloat for many years. Our first point of business for the new year is the Agenda meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 9 am, and the Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 1pm. The activities in the park are going full-bore, you can be busy every single day and evening if you like. Please join in the fun! We are so lucky to be part of Oakwood Manor. TREASURER’S REPORT November 30, 2014 By Frank Dawes, Treasurer F or the month of December we had operating income of $86,903 and operating expenses of $75,609 resulting in an operating profit for the month of $11,294. For the calendar year 2014 we had operating income of $1,029,975 and operating expenses of $967,537 resulting in an operating profit for the year of $62,438. Our year end cash balances were operating $86,608 and replacement funds $310,866. Additions to fixed assets for the month of December was computer soft ware $12,540. Acorn February 2015 2014 DEATHS Albert Kohl Page 3 IN MEMORIAM Bonnie Kelly Robert Buteau Karl Reimann Ed Neuhouser Elmina (Cookie) Cook Former Resident Sandy Rae Jim Noonan Robert Barger You never really leave a place you love. Part of it you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind. Bernice Schaefer Sandra Ripple Frank Janick Kevin McDaniel Earl Cunningham Bob Dixon Dr. Samuel DeSimone Donald Duerr John Weaver Louise Lippmann James Delagrange Furman Steury Glenn Struwe Allen Goodrich Veronica McEachran Donna Kapanka Bill Bailey Marlene Close Gladys Jackson Phyllis Zuerner John Piraino Thomas DuBay Gail Goodrich Callaway Salina Yoder FORMER RESIDENTS John Baynes Jeanne Vonderschmidt John Morgan Shirley Rehfield Richard Oelsner – renter Flossie Tonda Don Nichols Maureen Hunt Herbert Boughn Page 4 Acorn February 2015 MANAGER’S CORNER By Dennis W. Bucher, CAM IMPORTANT DATES 2015 February 18 March 18 April 15 Board Meeting 1:00 p.m. Board Meeting 1:00 p.m. Board Meeting 1:00 p.m. CITRUS TREES: Growing citrus trees is more of an art and science than just planting seeds. Citrus trees are not recommended to be planted if you are a seasonal resident. Who is going to take care of your fruit tree while you are away? Citrus trees require fertilization, pruning, and insect and disease protection. Even in Florida, fruit trees need cold protection because even a moderate tussle with Jack Frost can seriously damage or kill a fruit tree. Fruit trees are not trimmed by the park and are the resident’s responsibility. It is also the responsibility of the resident to keep the fruit picked up that falls on the ground. Fruit left on the ground attracts rats which will make your neighbors unhappy which then may result in you getting a letter from the park. Dead fruit trees also are an “eyesore” and need to be cut down. The park will cut down dead fruit trees for a reasonable fee. It is much easier and cheaper to just buy citrus fruit at your local grocery store! PEDESTRIAN SAFETY TIPS: • • • • • • Be safe and be seen and make yourself visible to drivers. Wear bright/light colored clothing and reflective materials. Carry a flashlight when walking at night. Stand clear of bushes, hedges, parked cars, or other obstacles before crossing so drivers can see you. Always walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic. Don’t assume vehicles will stop. Make eye contact with drivers; don’t just look at the vehicle. If a driver is on a cell phone, he or • she may not be paying enough attention to drive safely. Look left, right, and left again before crossing a street. MAKING SWIMMING SAFE 1. Know your swimming limits and stay within them. Non-swimmers, inexperienced, and insecure swimmers should always use Red Cross approved swimming aids. 2. Non-swimmers, inexperienced, and insecure swimmers should never go into water over their chins. 3. Don’t try to keep up with a stronger skilled swimmer or encourage others to keep up with you. Keep an eye on weaker swimmers – if they appear tired, encourage them to get out of the water and rest. 4. Watch out for the ‘dangerous toos” – too tired; too cold; too much sun; too much alcohol; too much strenuous activity; too deep; too alone. 5. Use the buddy/partner system! Never swim alone. Even an experienced swimmer, of any age, can suffer a muscle cramp, get injured, or simply become too exhausted to swim. 6. When swimming with a child or watching a child play in the pool, maintain visual contact. 7. Stay off the main drain. Do not sit or place any part of your body on the main drain. 8. Stay off the safety rope. Do not sit on, hang onto, or disconnect the safety rope. It is there for a purpose. (The float line indicates deeper water). 9. Know where the life hook and ring buoy are. Use them if needed. 10. Know where the pool depth markers are. They are there to assist you. 11. Get out of the pool immediately at the first (Continued on page 5) Acorn February 2015 (Continued from page 4) sign of lightening or thunder; or if a storm approaches. Water conducts electricity. A storm 4 miles away can produce lighting that kills you where you are. 12. Use common sense regarding food and beverages while swimming: Do not chew gum or eat while you swim; you could easily choke. Never drink alcohol and swim. After eating a large meal, it is wise to let digestion get started before doing strenuous swimming activity. 13. Always use plastic, instead of glass, anywhere around the pool. 14. Never, ever swim with a pool cover on or partially on. It must be completely removed from the pool before swimming. Never attempt to walk on a pool cover. 15. Know where the phones are to call 911 in the event of an emergency. It doesn’t hurt to also keep a cell phone handy. 16. Don’t assume young children will use good judgment and caution around the water. Children must be constantly reminded to walk slowly in the pool area. 17. Learn CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and basic first aid. Remember to secure the pool door, upon exiting, so visiting children cannot get into the pool area. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, REMEMBER THE 3 C’S: CHECK – CALL – CARE • • • CHECK the injured person CALL 9-1-1 CARE for the person, and stay with them until help arrives Page 5 FROM THE OFFICE: MAINTENANCE FEE PAYMENTS If you did not sign up for ACH payments with the park’s new bank, Stonegate Bank; you should have received a coupon book. Checks should be made payable to Oakwood Manor HOA and mailed to Stonegate Bank Association Lockbox Services, P.O. Box 30061, Tampa, FL 33630-3061. There is a label with every coupon for mailing. Payments can still be made at the office, but must have a coupon attached. Checks without a coupon will not be accepted in the office after March 1, 2015. If you pay your payments online please make sure that your lot number and Payment Account # (11 digit number on coupon) are on your payment and be sure to change the address to the address above for Stonegate Bank. If you decide you would like to change to ACH there is a form to fill out in the back of the coupon book which can be done at any time. ACH payment forms are also available at the office. OFFICE PHONE/INTERNET & CABLE TV When the internet is down the office phone also goes down, and we are not able to answer any calls. If you have problems with your internet or TV; please contact ISS at 941-3785200. If your neighbors also are having problems, then ISS is probably aware of and working on the problem. PARK MAP Park maps are available at the office for anyone who needs one since there was not a map in the 2014 Phone Directory. Page 6 Acorn February 2015 MEN’S CLUB FEBRUARY OFFERINGS By Dick Potts P lease, 2 suggestions: 1) When you reserve your table, provide a list (and a pencil) of the 8 names sitting at the table. If you have less than 8, leave numbered spaces enabling others to join you. 2) Take Outs. We encourage take-outs for shut-ins or for those sick. We will call for those taking food out to fill take outs first. After delivering the food, if their table has been called, they may cut into the front of the line. Monday, 2/9, Pancake Breakfast Serving 8-9:15 AM. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, ham, Jimmy Dean sausage patty, bacon, country sausage gravy over biscuit,, fruit cup, orange juice and coffee. $4, 4.50 at door. Tickets on sale prior to Bingo and Saturday coffee hour starting Saturday, January 31. No reserved tables. Weather permitting please extend the line out the front of the Clubhouse. Sunday, 2/15, Dessert Night Starting at 6 PM. Have dinner at home and bring a dessert to share or better yet, how about a dinner consisting of only desserts? The men will have a Chocolate Fountain with all the goodies for you to run under the fountain of delicious milk chocolate. Coffee and tea will be served. Don't miss this FREE event. No ticket required. Thursday, 2/19 Showtime with Spaghetti Dinner Dinner starts at 5 PM. The men will be cooking spaghetti with meat or vegetarian sauce with a served salad. The meat sauce only has meat and seasonings while the vegetarian has the same seasonings plus onions, green, yellow and red peppers and mushrooms. You may prefer to use a little of both. Ice water will be served. Bring your own beverage. $10 tickets including the show and dinner will be sold prior to Bingo and Saturday coffee hour starting Saturday, February 7. ) Tuesday, 2/24, Pig Roast Our annual Pig Roast at the Clubhouse. The men will roast a 80 pound pig in our China box. Learn all about China Box cooking @ http://www.lacajachina.com. We will also be cooking additional pork and turkey breasts. Happy hour starts at 5 PM, bring your own beverage. I do not suggest appetizers, this is a big meal consisting of potatoes, coleslaw, corn on the cob and dessert. We will try to serve as close to 6 PM as the pig allows. Buy your $8 ticket early as this event is limited to 375 people. Tickets go on sale prior to Bingo and at our Saturday coffee hour starting Saturday, February 14. Next Month: Mon. 3/2 Pancakes Wed. 3/4 Ribs Sat. 3/14 Assoc. Picnic in the Park Sun. 3/22 Prime Rib Sat. 3/28 Auction Acorn February 2015 Page 7 OAKWOOD MANOR HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING - JANUARY 19, 2015 By Terry Funk Secretary P resident Norm Wilcox called the board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All nine members were present; Norm Wilcox, Bryan Zuerner, Terry Funk, Bev Collins, Frank Dawes, Kathy Bondi, Dick Potts, Aggie Taylor and Lois Charen. Lois Charen read the names of residents and former residents that passed away during the 2014 year. They are listed on the page three and a copy is attached to official minutes. #4 Rollover of member income 379 yes, 11 no, 11 no vote #5 Amendment to Bylaws 324 yes, 78 no, 6 no vote #6 Refurbish pool 384 yes, 23 no, 1 no vote #7 Shingle roof 388 yes, 19 no, 2 no vote A quorum was established with 410 residents in attendance or by proxy. #8 Repair of pond/seawall 335 yes, 47 no, 8 no vote Reading of Minutes – Kathy Bondi made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the 2014 Annual Membership Meeting with a second by Lois Charen. Bryan Zuerner, Terry Funk, Bev Collins, Frank Dawes, Kathy Bondi, Aggie Taylor and Lois Charen voted yes; Dick Potts voted no. Motion passed. #9 Authority to borrow up to $200,000 if needed 354 yes, 55 no, 3 no vote OFFICERS REPORTS Directors reports were given by Secretary Terry Funk, Real Estate Lois Charen and Skip Mann, Social Bev Collins and Grounds and Maintenance Dick Potts. Copies are attached to official minutes. The president read each of the five issues to be voted on, with further explanation by Frank Dawes and Dick Potts. Voting was as follows: #1 Waive funding of reserve 349 yes, 45 no, 10 no vote #2 Funding general reserve account $16 per month 359 yes, 33 no, 16 no vote #3 Waive audit 332 yes, 58 no, 13 no vote Manager Bucher’s report was read by Terry Funk. Copy attached to official minutes. There was no election of officers as there were four vacancies and four applicants. There were nine (9) propositions voted, and all passed. Copies are attached to official minutes. Norm Wilcox made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Frank Dawes. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. NEW RESIDENTS Phillip & Janet Brooks 3327 Spanish Oak Terr Normand David Johanne Marchand 3327 Spanish Oak Terr Page 8 Acorn February 2015 OAKWOOD MANOR HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 2015 T he purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the year 2015. The meeting was called to order by Dennis W. Bucher, Park Manager and voting sheets were passed to members at 1:00 p.m. Directors present were: Norm Wilcox, Kathy Bondi, Lois Charen, Dick Potts, Frank Dawes, Jim Crowl, Mike Woodruff, Aggie Taylor and Terry Funk. SOCIAL - Kathy Bondi and Lois Charen nominated Aggie Taylor – Terry Funk nominated Lois Charen. Aggie Taylor is Social Director The president announced there would be an agenda meeting on February 10 at 9 a.m. Terry Funk made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jim Crowl. The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m. Terry Funk The director positions for 2015 are as follows: PRESIDENT – Norm Wilcox – nominated by Kathy Bondi. The meeting was then turned over to Norm Wilcox. BLOOD BANK By Terry Hess VICE PRESIDENT – Jim Crowl – Nominated by Lois Charen SECRETARY – Terry Funk – Nominated by Frank Dawes – Dick Potts nominated by Norm Wilcox. Terry Funk is Secretary ASSISTANT SECRETARY – Dick Potts nominated by Lois Charen TREASURER – FRANK DAWES – Nominated by Kathy Bondi T he local bloodmobile will be at Oakwood Manor on Monday 11/17 from 8a.m. to noon. If you plan to give blood, there’s a sign-up sheet in the club house. Please sign up for the time slot you want. Be sure to check in at the clubhouse before going to the bloodmobile. Please bring a photo I.D. ASSISTANT TREASURER – Lois Charen nominated Kathy Bondi – Terry Funk nominated Mike Woodruff. Kathy Bondi will be Assistant Treasurer Before donating blood, please eat and drink fluids. Avoid caffeinated coffee. REAL ESTATE – Lois Charen – nominated by Kathy Bondi Questions? Terry and Suzanne Hess (941) 9529024 GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE – Woodruff – nominated by Dick Potts Mike Acorn February 2015 SHUFFLE CLUB NEWS Page 9 OAKWOOD MANOR QUILTERS By Pete and Shirley Yoder By Althea Hamlin I O n spite of the “not so Florida like” weather, we have had good turn outs for our regular Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Quarter play days. Our winter friends are back, which we love, and we have added a few new faces to the play days as well. It is always nice to see newbies come and join in the fun. The competitive team now has three tournaments under our belts, and each week we are gaining a few more games. On Tuesday, January 20th, we were host team to Vista, from the Bahia Vista Park. Now, keep in mind, for those of you who don’t know, that Vista is the top team ALWAYS. EVERY YEAR. So on this day we took ten of the twenty four games, with the ending results of Vista 14, Oakwood 10. Not to bad for the third week of competitive play. The in-park tournaments are being scheduled and the dates for each event will be posted as well as the sign-up sheet. The DOUBLES tournament (January 28) will be done and over before the Acorn got delivered. The results will be listed on the bulletin board by the shuffleboard courts. akwood Manor Quilters meet every Thursday from 9 to 11. All kinds of quilting are discussed and admired. Every week includes Show n Tell so members get an opportunity to share their finished work and ask for a critique and/or advice. Many quilt meetings include learning a new technique or mastering new equipment or patterns. At least once a month, there is a SEW-IN where members bring sewing machines and other equipment and set up along the West side of the hall to work on whatever is planned for the event. A lunch is included. February's SEW-IN will be on February 12 and the lunch will be "Haystacks." This is a favorite and comes originally from the great quilting area around Shipshewana, Indiana. Each quilter brings something that makes up the whole. The meeting time is extended after lunch to 2 p.m. to allow time to finish projects, etc. The Hall is NOT closed on Thursday afternoon but the SEW-IN event is open to members only. The MEN verses WOMEN, is scheduled for February 4th. If you are a paid member the entry fee is free, if not a paid member of the shuffle club the entry fee is $5.00. George Manekas is the “in-charge” person for this event. Watch courtside for the sign up sheet to be circulated soon. The SINGLES tournament is set for February 19 and 20th. C. J. Yoder is the “in charge” person for that event. Again, the entry fee is included in our membership fee, if not a paid member, the entry fee will be $5.00. The tournament will start on Thursday the 19th and play offs will be at 10:00 am on Friday. We are working on a COUPLES tournament to happen sometime in March. I think this would be a fun event. More info to come on that. Bob Cooter is planning an invitational with the other three competitive teams. We, Oakwood, will be the host team. This is scheduled for March 31st. More details to come on that event as well. Page 10 LADIES LUNCHEON By Bette Lou Cookson L adies Luncheon, Wednesday, February 4h at 11:30 a.m. Please be sure to signup in advance to bring a salad, and be sure to get your $5.00 ticket. Tickets will be sold at Saturday Breakfast Club. Contact Lydia for reservations at 365-4602, or if you have questions about lunch. What a fun time we will have with Marsha Panuche, you see her on Channel 7. She will tell you all about Donte’s Den and her TV show – Animal Out Takes. She is a very vibrant personality. Questions about the program? - Bette Lou 955-7102. OAKWOOD CRAFTERS By Anna Feltner W e would like to thank everyone who has donated money or in-kind gifts to our group. We were able to help one military family with a check and we were able to buy two bicycles and two helmets for Toys for Tots this Christmas. Special thanks to the following people: Charlotte Akers Lois Charen Lois Franklin Esther Harding Midge Jordan Nancy Kraus Bev Pollak Jewell Riggs Ward Silsby Sis Tipton Ginny Walter Shirley Yoder Brian Zuerner Stacey Zurlo and to all who have supported us. We will start selling chances on another beautiful hand-made afghan at Breakfast Club in February. The winning ticket will be drawn in March at the Flea Market. Acorn February 2015 WELCOME TO YOUR SHARE IN PARADISE By Evelyn Ashbaugh L et us welcome two new friends to Oakwood Manor. Their names are Jerry Rietman and Kathy Donovan. They have a beautiful new home at 3322 Spanish Oak Terrace. Both are snowbirds, but it is entirely possible they could become permanent in the future. They both enjoy all the activities in this park and also like our wonderful pool. Kathy has two children, a son and a daughter and four grandchildren; Jerry has two sons and two grandchildren. Both Jerry and Kathy live in Indiana when they are up North. Both are retired, but before they did, Kathy was a 4th grade elementary teacher & Jerry worked for Avery-Dennison. They have several hobbies, mostly fixing up their new home. Jerry enjoys repairing and fixing up things. He also has a love of cars especially old ones. Kathy loves shopping and listening to music and watching movies. Wok Inn and Guerro's and Phillipi Creek are their favorite restaurants. They discovered Oakwood Manor after going on a cruise and became friends with a former resident here. They really liked what they saw and are now really enjoying the good life down here. And we are most delighted to have them. Both are wonderful assets to our park. ALL STATES DAY Saturday, February 7, 2015 Come and join in the fun! All States Day is for everyone! Wear your Red, White and Blue All States Day is for you. Acorn February 2015 WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM Time 9:00 am Where: In the club house next to the stage. We will meet for 12 weeks. Jan 19 thru April 7. The cost is $10 for 12 weeks. It is not too late to sign up. If you go home before the last meeting we will use your last weight. The winners of the men's and ladies' side will win the amount of money put in by their members, plus the $100 given to each side by the men's club. It is based on percentage of body weight lost, not lbs. At present the women's prize will be $250, but I anticipate a few new members.........pretty nice incentive. Come out and join us get healthier. Any member who has some good tips, please share. Good luck to all. Mina MICHIGAN PARTY I f you are or ever have been a Michigan resident, you are invited to a potluck at noon on February10th at the clubhouse. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. There will be door prizes, lots of good food and meeting old and new friends. Bring your table service and your dish to share. We will have soft drinks and coffee available. See you there! Questions, please contact Peg at 941-2271018 Page 11 ATTENTION ALL PAST AND PRESENT INDIANA RESIDENTS By Aggie Taylor Our annual pitch-in dinner is scheduled for February 22nd , 4pm until ??. Food requested if your last name starts with T-Z Main Dish C-L Potatoes- Vegetables M-N Salads O-S Desserts A-B Rolls-Bread Please plan to attend to meet all the HOOSIERS that live in our Great OAKWOOD MANOR Laverda McGowen 574-536-5259 Lynda Barber 317-331-5042 Aggie Taylor 941-365-7739 Page 16 DO YOU PICKLEBALL???? P ickleball is one of the fastest growing sports among seniors in Florida, and elsewhere in the Unites States and Canada. Pickleball is a fun racquet sport that has simple rules and requires little athletic ability. A cross between ping pong and tennis, it is usually played by 2 teams of 2 (4 players), on a hard surface the size of a badminton court. A game usually lasts 15-20 minutes. All it requires is a net, a plastic ball and a paddle for each player. A group of Oakwood Manor residents is trying to generate interest in having at least one pickleball court installed somewhere in the park (they have 3 suggestions as of where to put it). In the coming weeks, on Saturday mornings, they will install a portable court around the clubhouse so anyone interested in trying pickleball will be able to do so. They will also provide the racquets, the balls, the net, and the instructions on how to play. Acorn February 2015 OUR ANNUAL FLEA MARKET March 7th, 2015 As always the Clubhouse will be closed, the day before for Set-up, Coffee that morning on East patio, Sunshine Club will be serving Lunch, Anyone who has a table will stay open until close ( unless they are sold out). Questions call Aggie Taylor, 365-7739 MANY HEARTFILLED THANKS By Aggie Taylor A RT BUGELLI HAS resigned from stage decorations. We wish to THANK HIM for all his years of providing a beautiful stage for all dances and holidays. Need a volunteer for stage decoration , if you have the talent or desire or if you know someone who would be good, Please call me at 365 -7739. If you want to see some pickleball action, go to : www.pickleballvideos.net If you want more information about the pickleball project in Oakwood Manor, contact: Lise or Georges Lizotte (941) 365-1790 Bay Manufactured Homes Inc. Jacobsen Homes Oldest Factory Direct Dealer Florida’s Park Replacement Home Specialist 1-800-979-6400 since 1991 www.baymanufacturedhomes.com Free site visit and estimate upon request Call today to save thousands $$$$ Come visit our fully furnished model center conveniently located in Tampa between I-75 and I-275 at 10916 N Nebraska Ave. Tampa, FL 33612 We are open Monday - Saturday 9 am to 4 pm. Acorn February 2015 Page 17 TRAVEL TALK MICE-K-TEERS By Sharon Rump By Sharon Rump O n February 26 we will arrive at Sunken Gardens to discover the beauty of the botanical paradise in the midst of a bustling city. As St. Petersburg’s oldest living museum, this 100 year old garden is home to some of the oldest tropical plants in the region. Stroll through meandering paths, lush with exotic plants from around the world. Explore cascading waterfalls and beautiful demonstration gardens with more than 50,000 tropical plants and flowers. Continue to Mazzaro’s Italian Market, a Food Lover’s Paradise. When reservations are made we’ll send you an entree selection sheet to be returned with your payment. Pre-order your lunch that is included in their shady comfortable outdoor room to share the "Mazzaro’s Experience," then browse through this mecca of Gourmet and Imported Foods including the Bakery, Cheese Room, Meat Department, Wine Room, Hand Made Pasta and more, plus enjoy freshly brewed coffee. Signup sheet on the bulletin board—$54 Thursday, March 19 we will return to the Broadway Palms Dinner Theatre where we will enjoy their wonderful buffet. Then sit back and delight to West Side Story which reimagines Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in 1950's New York City. A bitter rivalry between two teenage street gangs, the American-born Jets and the Puerto Rican immigrant Sharks, is forever altered by a forbidden love affair between the young couple Tony and Maria. The Bernstein and Sondheim score is considered to be one of Broadway’s finest and features such classics as Tonight, I Want To Be In America, I Feel Pretty and Maria. Signup sheet on the bulletin board—$84 It is time to think about a big trip in 2015 as it takes a lot of planning. If you have a suggestion, please let me know so I can see what is available. Happy Traveling! O ur January presentation was on tablets and smart phones and we had a good crowd. It is enjoyable to present to so many enthusiastic members. February 10 will give you an opportunity to learn how to do some easy PC maintenance with a couple of free programs that you can download from the internet. Come and check out how easy it can be to get your system cleaned up a bit. Our labs are continuing to be available. We have Reggie Ware doing the Monday night lab at 6:30 PM and Dean Spear and Wayne MacDurmon covering Wednesday from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Karlyn Dawes will be covering Thursday night at 7:00 PM. Remember, if no one shows up after 30 minutes, the lab will be closed. If you have a question or need to use the facility, please be there within the first 30 minutes. We are looking for members to open the computer room on different days. If you are available, please let me know so we can expand our coverage. Don’t forget to get your cookbook. Call Sharon at 951-0984 to request one. Happy Computing!. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY By Bette Lou Cookson T he second Wednesday in February we will have our Wonderful Wednesday. Bring a little snack to share and your own drink. This is a nice time to meet your neighbors and have a few laughs. Questions? Call Bette Lou 955-7102 Page 18 Acorn February 2015 HAPPY BIRTHDAY We would like to wish all of our residents a very Happy Birthday and we are listing the February birthdays here so you can send best wishes to your friends and neighbors on their special day. If there are any errors or omissions please let the office know so our records can be updated. If you do not wish your birthday to be listed, please notify Sharon Rump and she will make sure your name is not published. Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 03 Feb 03 Feb 04 Feb 04 Feb 04 Feb 04 Feb 05 Feb 05 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 08 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 11 Bev Elsa Jerry Sandie Bonnie Adrian Jane Alton Thomas Adeline Marge Mike Sharon Esther Luann Eunice Nancy Fern Menno Leland Max Patrick Dean Ray Dorothy Jackie Donna Ron Bill Shelly Pollak Faust Rietman Sabani Hoover VanDonkelaar Mar#n Yoder Gorgeny Atzel Parro+ Bondi Thompson Harding Hochard Miller Heeman Yoder Beachy Richey Yoder Conlon Williams Yoder Williams Yoder Ramsey Morrow Bowling Collier Feb 12 Feb 12 Feb 14 Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 15 Feb 15 Feb 17 Feb 17 Feb 17 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 19 Feb 19 Feb 19 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 22 Feb 22 Junior Vicki Harold Charles Gary Sheila Rica Robert Jim Bill Freida Lloyd Menno Val Shirley George Mel David Dario James David Michael Deanna Aileen Johanne Marchand Anthony Jean George Jewell Cathy Kool Cook Miser Benne+ Balbo Rae Sell Bahret McEachran Elam McCarty English Schwartz Barr Yoder Bachmann Eash Oddie Mistri Dunlap Turnbull Hughes Whitehead Petersen David Disipio Struwe Mitchell Riggs Castor Feb 23 Feb 23 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 24 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 27 Feb 28 Feb 28 Feb 29 Maurice Russell Martha Jack Evelyn Beverly Ruth Barbara Bryan Robert Sylvio Marie Patsy LePage Barger Marse+e Poczciwinski Hangartner Zeigler Bouchelle Amyo+e Rennick Akers LeBlanc Delagrange Spear February 2015 Sunday Feb 1 Monday 2 Feb 1 - 7 9 Feb 8 - 14 15 6:00pm Dessert Night Tuesday 3 Groundhog Day 9:00am Pool excercise 10:00am Blood Pressure 1:00pm Maj Jongg 1:00pm Shuffle Board 6:15pm Line Dance 7:00pm Whist 8 February 2015 9:00am Pool Exercise 9:30am Art Lesson 6:15pm Hand & Foot 10 8:00am Pancake Breakfast 9:00am Pool excercise 1:00pm Maj Jongg 1:00pm Shuffle Board 6:15pm Line Dance 7:00pm Whist 16 9:00am Agenda Meeting 9:00am Pool Exercise 11:00am Michigan Luncheon 1:00pm Mice-k-teer Meeting 6:15pm Hand & Foot 17 Presidents' Day 9:00am Pool excercise 1:00pm Maj Jongg 1:00pm Shuffle Board 6:15pm Line Dance 7:00pm Whist Wednesday 4 9:00am Pool Exercise 9:30am Art Lesson 6:15pm Hand & Foot Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Thursday 5 9:00am Pool Exercise 11:30am Ladies Lunch 12:30pm Cards 1:00pm Shuffle Board 7:00pm Eucher 11 18 9:00am 1:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 9:00am Pool excercise 9:00am Quilters 1:00pm Dress Rehearsal Hall Closed 7:00pm Bingo Lincoln's Birthday 9:00am Pool excercise 9:00am Quilters 7:00pm Bingo 19 Pool Exercise Board Meeting Shuffle Board Eucher Friday 6 12 9:00am Pool Exercise 12:30pm Cards 1:00pm Shuffle Board 5:00pm Wonderful Wednesday 7:00pm Eucher March 2015 Su 9:00am Pool excercise 9:00am Quilters 5:00pm Spaghetti Dinner - Showtime 7:00pm Bingo Saturday 7 9:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 7:00pm Crafters Pool Exercise Shuffle Board Marbles 13 9:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 7:00pm 9:00am Breakfast Club-All States 6:00pm Why Not Party 14 Crafters Pool Exercise Shuffle Board Marbles 20 Valentine's Day 9:00am Breakfast Club 7:00pm Valentine's Dance 21 9:00am Crafters 9:00am Pool Exercise 1:00pm Book Club Meeting 1:00pm Shuffle Board 7:00pm Marbles 9:00am Breakfast Club Feb 15 - 21 22 23 9:00am 1:00pm 1:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm Feb 22 - 28 24 Pool excercise Maj Jongg Shuffle Board Line Dance Whist 9:00am Pool Exercise 9:30am Art Lesson 5:00pm Pig Roast 25 9:00am Pool Exercise 12:30pm Cards 1:00pm Shuffle Board 5:15pm Pot Luck Dinner 7:00pm Eucher 26 9:00am Pool excercise 9:00am Quilters 7:00pm Bingo 27 9:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 7:00pm 28 Crafters Pool Exercise Shuffle Board Marbles 9:00am Breakfast Club Canada Day Page 20 Acorn February 2015 SHOWTIME BY Ken an Sandra Woods Y our Show committee has been hard at work finding great entertainment for you. On Thursday, February 19th we will present along with our Men’s Club, a dinner show for your dining and entertainment pleasure. ‘CRYSTAL GAGE’ will delight you with her self-produced, high energy and unique performance style. She is a country music entertainer extraordinaire. As well as Crystal’s fast paced show of songs and fun, our Men’s Club will be serving up a delicious spaghetti dinner to delight the palate. The Men’s Club will handle ticket sales for this event. $10.00 includes dinner and the show. What great value for your entertainment dollar. On Saturday, February 21 ‘THE REDHEAD EXPRESS’ will grace our stage. This family group from the wilds of Alaska will entertain us with their high energy music. From the hits of the 60’s to country, original, traditional, bluegrass and old time music. They will delight with their tight family harmonies and hard driving instrumentals in their unique acoustic sound. They have been performing around the country and in Branson, Missouri and are a highly sought after show. Please come and be treated to some great music. Reserved seats at $12.50 will be available at Breakfast club and Bingo beginning on February 7th. Acorn 3330 Fruitville Road Sarasota, Fl 34237
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