Regional Trial

*Not a board event
Announcing the
(Credit Humber Association for
Mathematics Promotion)
Regional Trial
for the
Ontario Mathematics Olympiad
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Location 1: West-Central Mississauga
Stephen Lewis Secondary
Location 2: North-East Brampton
Cardinal Ambrozic CSS
Space is limited at this location. Applicants
accepted on a first come basis.
The registration cost is $30.00 per
team. Each school may register only
one team. If you wish to register a
second team they will be placed on a
waiting list and registered if space is
The provincial Ontario Olympiad,
OMO, is a fun and challenging
mathematics competition for students
in grades seven and eight. You and
your school are cordially invited to
enter a team into the CHAMP
Olympiad Trial. You may choose to
attend either of our two locations. The
Regional Trial consists of four events.
Students work individually, in pairs
and as a team. A team consists of
four members, one girl and one boy
from Grade 7 and one girl and one
boy from Grade 8.
To register, complete the online
registration form found on the CHAMP
website, above. Registration opens
March 1st. Payment must be received
by Thursday April 2nd, 2015.
cheque payable to CHAMP.
The CHAMP regional trial will be used
to determine the top two teams that
will be sponsored by CHAMP to
represent our region at the provincial
OMO. Note the two teams representing
CHAMP will be based on score only
(not board/location of trial). The
CHAMP representatives will be
competing at the Olympiad on June 5th
and 6th in Ottawa.
Receipts will be issued on the day of
the event.
For more information, and practice
materials, visit the CHAMP website
and follow the OMO links.
Mail cheques to:
2905 Termini Terrace
Mississauga, ON L5M 5S4
Clearly mark school, coach/teacher,
board and team.
If you have any questions, please email
Team registration will only be
confirmed once cheque is received.
Cost of supply teacher and
transportation is the responsibility of
the school.