USEFUL INFORMATION TO ALL CANDIDATES CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION FOR THE UNIFORM EVALUATION 2015 U F E June 2, 3 and 4, 2015 Qualification Vice-Presidency Mai 2015 5, Place Ville Marie, bureau 800, Montréal (Québec) H3B 2G2 T. 514 288.3256 1 800 363.4688 Téléc. 514 843.8375 May 2015 TO CANDIDATES WRITING THE 2015 UNIFORM EVALUATION Dear candidates: We wish to inform you that your application for registration to the 2015 Uniform Evaluation (UFE) has been accepted. We invite you to carefully read all the information contained in this brochure. This brochure has been prepared to answer questions frequently asked by candidates. It contains, among other things, a list of unauthorized material during the examination days. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR READING IT IN ITS ENTIRETY. Please note that you must have completed the mandatory “Qualification Exam” test by May 25, 2015, using the latest version of the Securexam (CA) software. The instructions for successfully taking the “Qualification Exam” can be found on page 25 of the Securexam (CA) User Guide. If you would like to familiarize yourself with the instructions to follow at the writing centre for launching and shutting down Securexam (CA), as well as for uploading your files to Software Secure, please read the following documents Securexam (CA) – UFE instructions – June 2, 3 and 4, 2015 and 2015 UFE – Instructions to upload final exam files, which are available at, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), 2015 UFE candidates. Finaly, please be aware that no receipt will be sent to you. Your invoice available in your online file acts as an official receipt. If you require additional information after reading this brochure, please contact one of our Administrative Officers at 514 288.3256 or 1 800 363.4688 [2601] or Good luck! Jasmine Marcoux, MBA, CPA, CA Director, Admission and Practical Experience /mflc Table of contents RULES RELATED TO MATERIALS AND ARTICLES PERMITTED AT THE WRITING CENTRE ..................... 4 AUTHORIZED REFERENCE MATERIALS – ELECTRONIC ACCESS ................................................................................... 4 ARTICLES ALLOWED AT THE WRITING CENTRE .......................................................................................................... 4 EXAMPLE OF AN AUTHORIZED CALCULATOR SUPPLIED BY THE ORDER ................................................................... 5 LIST OF WRITING CENTRES ................................................................................................................................ 5 ADMISSION TO THE WRITING CENTRES ........................................................................................................... 5 CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION E-MAIL ......................................................................................................................... 5 OTHER ID REQUIRED .............................................................................................................................................. 6 VISITING THE MONTREAL WRITING CENTRE ...................................................................ERREUR ! SIGNET NON DEFINI. TIMETABLE ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 OPENING OF THE DOORS ........................................................................................................................................ 6 EVALUATION PAPERS ......................................................................................................................................... 6 USING COMPUTERS ............................................................................................................................................. 7 GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 7 BACKUP COMPUTERS ............................................................................................................................................. 7 NATIONAL POLICY IN CASE OF COMPUTER MALFUNCTION .......................................................................................... 7 PREREQUISITE CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 7 IMPORTANT REMINDER – DATE AND TIME ON YOUR COMPUTER ................................................................................. 8 W HAT TO EXPECT DURING THE UFE ........................................................................................................................ 8 WRITING CENTER RULES .................................................................................................................................... 9 INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES .............................................................................................................................. 9 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES .................................................................................................................. 11 COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 11 RULES RELATED TO MATERIALS AND ARTICLES PERMITTED AT THE WRITING CENTRE AUTHORIZED REFERENCE MATERIALS – ELECTRONIC ACCESS Candidates are permitted electronic access to the following reference materials when writing the UFE: UFE version of CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection including: o Parts I-IFRS, II-PE GAAP, III-NPO of the CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting (Part IV is for Pensions and Part V is the previously applied Canadian standards are both not testable and therefore not included); o the CPA Canada Handbook – Assurance; o the Public Sector Accounting Handbook; o and the Guidance of the Risk Management and Governance Board. the UFE version of the Federal Income Tax Act. The Quick Reference Table will continue to be attached to the back of the exam booklets. Candidates are not permitted to bring any books, reference material or paper into the writing centre. Only paper, as provided by a Writing centre’s supervisor, is allowed. ARTICLES ALLOWED AT THE WRITING CENTRE When writing the 2015 UFE, you will have to bring a laptop computer equipped with the v7.1.0 version of the Securexam (CA) software.The “Qualification Exam” test must be made with the v7.1.0 version of Securexam (CA). In addition to a laptop computer, you can bring these items into the UFE writing center: A wristwatch or small, noiseless clock (non programmable); Small ear plugs (headphones not allowed); Pens, pencils and erasers; Non alcoholic beverages and snacks. (We recommend that candidates bring a bottle of water to the writing centre since there may not be a water fountain or dispenser close by.) All allowable items brought in by the candidate must be placed in a clear plastic bag on their desk in clear view for the invigilator to see. (Laptops do not have to be in the clear bag.) You are not permitted to bring any of the following into the UFE writing centre: Cell phones Books, reference material, paper or post-it notes; Computers, other than those permitted with the use of the Securexam software. Computers can have no peripheral devices, other than a wired mouse and/or a wired numeric keypad and/or a USB hub; External keyboard is expressly forbidden; Wireless mouse and wireless numeric keypad are expressly forbidden; Calculators (a four function calculator will be provided and collected at the end of each exam); Electronic data storage devices (iPod) No hats/caps and no hoodies can be put over a candidate’s head; Headphones; Chronometers; Any device to communicate within or outside the writing centre. Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 4 EXAMPLE OF AN AUTHORIZED CALCULATOR SUPPLIED BY THE ORDER To familiarize yourself with the model to be supplied by the Order at the UFE, here is an example: LIST OF WRITING CENTRES MONTREAL QUEBEC CITY Stade Uniprix 285, rue Gary-Carter Montréal (Québec) H2R 2W1 SHERBROOKE Centre de foires Salle 5 250, boul. Wilfrid-Hamel Québec (Québec) G1L 5A7 TROIS-RIVIÈRES Église Marie-Médiatrice 3025, rue Galt Ouest (sous-sol de l’église) Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 1M4 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Pavillon Ringuet 3806S 3351, boulevard des Forges Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 5H7 Note to candidates writing at Montreal: The price for the parking lot at the Uniprix stadium is $8 per car. To candidates writing the Evaluation outside of the Province of Quebec: the address of the writing centre will be forwarded to you by the Institute of the province in which the centre is located. ADMISSION TO THE WRITING CENTRES CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION E-MAIL The Candidate Identification E-mail contains the following information: your name; your four-digit UFE candidate number; your five-digit client number with the Order; your assigned number table for the UFE; the address of your writing centre; and the language in which you will write the UFE. Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 5 It is important to check the accuracy of the information on the Candidate Identification E-mail and to bring it with you EVERY DAY to the writing centre. OTHER ID REQUIRED In addition to the Candidate Identification E-mail, you will be asked to present a proof of identity with a recent photo. For example, your medical card, your driver’s license, your passport or your Permanent Resident Card would be acceptable. Failure to comply with this procedure could prevent you from accessing the writing centre. TIMETABLE The 2015 Uniform Evaluation of the Institutes/Order of Chartered Professionnal Accountants in Canada and Bermuda will be written according to the following timetable. All evaluations will be held at the same time except in the province of Newfoundland. The first paper is a five-hour paper consisting of a single comprehensive business simulation. The second and third papers are four-hour papers, each consisting of two or more simulations. PAPER I PAPER II PAPER III Tuesday, June 2 Wednesday, June 3 Thursday, June 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Evaluation will start on time. Latecomers will be allowed to enter the writing centre during the first hour, i.e. until 10 a.m. at the latest. (No additional time is to be provided to compensate for tardiness.) However, should a very important matter prevent you from complying with this rule, and you are still interested in writing the Evaluation, DO NOT PANIC. Contact Ms. Marie-Christine Gagné, CPA, CA immediately at 514 298.4185, or go directly to your writing centre to explain your situation. Your problem will be taken into consideration, and if the rules governing the UFE allow it, an acceptable solution may be found. OPENING OF THE DOORS The doors of the writing centres will open at 8 a.m. every day to ensure that sufficient time is allowed at the start of each day for computer setup and operations checks. The FIRST DAY, we strongly recommend that you arrive at the writing centre NO LATER THAN 8:00 a.m. EVALUATION PAPERS The Evaluation papers will be provided in the format of stapled booklets (8 ½” X 11”), printed on both sides. The colour of the Evaluation papers will be different every day. IMPORTANT The Evaluation invigilators will collect the exam booklets at the end of each day. No candidate will be allowed to leave the evaluation room with the exam booket. Candidates who would like to read the exam booklets after the Evaluation may access them on the CPA Canada website in the week following the evaluation. Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 6 USING COMPUTERS GENERAL INFORMATION Your laptop computers must be equipped with the v7.1.0 version of the Securexam (CA) software. Securexam (CA) does not support Macintosh computers – even if “Boot Camp” is installed. Candidates are not allowed to use Macs to write the UFE. Since the number of candidates who will write the UFE is known in advance, arrangements will have been made to ensure that each writing centre is equipped with a sufficient number of outlets to supply adequate power to each computer. It is essential that you bring your own power supply (power cord). While unlikely, in case of an interruption to the supply of power to some or all of the candidates using laptop computers when writing the UFE, candidates should ensure they have a battery backup with a minimum one hour power supply. BACKUP COMPUTERS Each centre will be equipped with at least one backup computer in case candidates experience any problems. The number of backup computers depends on the number of candidates in each writing centre. Accordingly, more backup computers will be available in the larger writing centres. Candidates may also bring a backup computer with securexam installed as the Ordre does not warranty access to a back up computer in case of problem. NATIONAL POLICY IN CASE OF COMPUTER MALFUNCTION If a candidate experiences computer problems during the evaluation, the following policy should be applied: The candidate should be instructed to immediately start writing by hand while the IT proctor tries to solve the problem. If the problem is solved within 10 minutes, NO ADDITIONAL TIME is granted to the candidate, whether the candidate writes the remainder of the paper by hand or uses a backup computer. If after 10 minutes the problem is not solved, the candidate may choose to continue writing by hand or ask for a backup computer, if available. In this situation, the writing centre supervisor should contact the person in charge at the Order to discuss the possibility of giving the candidate additional time. The decision should be documented. PREREQUISITE CONDITIONS You must comply with the following conditions: You must have installed the v7.1.0 version of Securexam (CA) and have thoroughly read the Securexam (CA) User Guide in order to ensure that your installation complies with all the requirements stated therein. This guide is available on the website, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), Computers in the UFE. If you are using a computer owned by your employer, you must secure employer approval and/or assistance to install Securexam (CA), in accordance with your employer’s policies. You must have performed the mandatory “Qualification Exam” test and sent the results to Software Secure, the manufacturer of Securexam (CA). Software Secure will review your test results to ensure that the software and your computer are running properly prior to the UFE. Software Secure should have confirmed by e-mail that the software is running properly. IMPORTANT The mandatory “Qualification Exam” test using the v7.1.0 version of Securexam (CA) must be uploaded no later than May 25, 2015. Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 7 IMPORTANT REMINDER – DATE AND TIME ON YOUR COMPUTER The date and time on your computer must be set correctly to ensure consistent backup of your files as needed. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING THE UFE Using Securexam (CA) at the UFE writing centre will be the same as using it in the “practice mode,” with the following exceptions: Candidate number and passwords The four-digit UFE candidate number is the one provided on your Candidate Identification E-mail. Not to be confused with your five-digit client number with the Order. Passwords to enter and exit Securexam (CA) will be announced at the writing centres. USB port and key You must have a free USB port on your computer. You will be provided with a USB key each day of the UFE. You will insert this key into your USB drive at the beginning of each day. The “UFE” version of Securexam (CA) will not run if it does not detect the correct USB key. Candidates using laptop computers must submit the Securexam (CA) USB key at the end of the evaluation. If this USB key is not received by the Board of Evaluators, the candidates’ response may not be accepted. The security files contained on the USB key will be reviewed by the Board of Evaluators to ensure that candidates did not exit Securexam (CA) during the evaluation. A copy of the security files and of the candidate’s response is contained on the candidate’s hard drive. Uploading your final evaluation files to the Software Secure upload site You are required to upload your final evaluation files to the Software Secure upload site by Friday June 5, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time). Files received after this time will result in a late fee charge of $100 being levied against the candidate. Files received after 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Saturday, June 6, 2015 may not be marked. Double security If there are any problems with the evaluation files you uploaded to the Software Secure upload site or with the USB key, you will be contacted immediately, and arrangements will be made to secure the backup files from your computer’s hard drive. For this reason, we ask that you maintain these files on your hard drive for one month following the last day of the 2015 UFE. Non-access to the encrypted files saved to your computer’s hard drive or to the USB key In the UFE, all your work will be saved in an encrypted form to your computer’s hard drive and to the USB key which will have been supplied to you every day of the exam. You will not be able to read the encrypted files saved to your hard drive. We also remind you that by signing the UFE application form, you accept that your answers become the property of the Order and will not be returned to you, nor will you ever have access to them. Instructions for launching and shutting down Securexam (CA) at the UFE If you would like to familiarize yourself with the instructions to follow at the writing centre for launching and shutting down Securexam (CA), as well as for uploading your files to Software Secure, please read the following documents, which are also available on the website, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), 2015 UFE candidates. Securexam (CA) – UFE instructions – June 2, 3 and 4, 2015 2015 UFE – Instructions to upload final exam files Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 8 WRITING CENTER RULES INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ON THE 2015 UFE The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec is responsible for certain matters relating to the writing of the Uniform Evaluation, including: considering requests from candidates with special needs, due to physical disabilities, etc.; administering the writing centres in which candidates write the UFE. You should address all communications regarding the foregoing to the Qualification Vice-Presidency of the Order des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec. You should carefully study the rules since they are subject to periodic changes. To all the candidates: The provincial orders and the CASB disclaim any liability with respect to the articles brought by the candidates at the writing centres. UFE rules in force at the date of the publication of this document are as follows: 1. The evaluation will begin promptly at the hour set for its commencement. Candidates arriving late shall be permitted to enter the evaluation room up to the first hour of the evaluation only. 2. Candidates will sit at their pre-assigned seat. 3. Temporary absences from the evaluation room are only permitted under the supervision of a Writing Centre Supervisor. 4. Candidates may not permanently leave the evaluation room during the first three hours of the evaluation. Candidates who leave the evaluation room after the first three hours and before the last half hour of the evaluation must hand in their simulation questions and USB key. 5. Candidates are not permitted to ask questions of a Writing Centre Supervisor and no explanation whatsoever shall be given by a Writing Centre Supervisor as to the meaning or purpose of a simulation. 6. Candidates are permitted electronic access the following reference materials when writing the UFE: A UFE version of CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection. A UFE version of the Federal Income Tax Act. The Quick Reference Table will continue to be attached to the back of the exam booklets. 7. Candidates have the option of bringing any or all of the following into the writing centre: A wristwatch or small, noiseless clock (non programmable); Small ear plugs (headphones not allowed); Pens, pencils and erasers; Non alcoholic beverages and snacks All allowable items brought in by the candidate must be placed in a clear plastic bag on their desk in clear view for the invigilator to see. (Laptops do not have to be in the clear bag.) 8. Candidates are not permitted to bring any of the following into the writing centre: Cell phones Books, reference material, paper or post-it notes; Computers, other than those permitted with the use of the Securexam software. Computers can have no peripheral devices, other than a wired mouse and/or a wired numeric keypad and/or a USB hub; External keyboard is expressly forbidden; Wireless mouse and wireless numeric keypad are expressly forbidden; Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 9 Calculators (a four function calculator will be provided and collected at the end of each exam); Electronic data storage devices (iPod) No hats/caps and no hoodies can be put over a candidate’s head; Headphones; Chronometers; Any device to communicate within or outside the writing centre. 9. Candidates shall have attested the appropriate waiver related to the laptop computer use in the evaluation writing centre. Candidates are not permitted to modify the Securexam software in any way. 10. Candidates shall have attested the honour pledge. 11. While unlikely, in case of an interruption to the supply of power to some or all of the candidates using laptop computers when writing the UFE, candidates should ensure they have a battery backup with one hour power supply. 12. Candidates shall record only their identification number on each USB key; no name or other distinguishing mark shall be used in the typed response. 13. Candidates using laptop computers must submit the Securexam USB key at the end of each day of the evaluation. If this USB key is not received by the Board of Evaluators, the candidates’ response may not be accepted. The security files contained on the USB key will be reviewed by the Board of Evaluators to ensure that candidates did not exit Securexam during the evaluation. Copies of the security files and of the candidate’s response are contained on the candidate’s hard drive. Candidates must maintain these files for one month subsequent to the writing of the evaluation. 14. Candidates should not include their rough notes as part of their computerized response submission as they will not be marked. All rough notes written on paper should be taken by the candidate when leaving the writing centre. 15. Candidates are required to upload their final exam files to the Software Secure upload site by Friday June 5, 2015 at 11.59 pm EDT. Files received after this time will have a late fee charge of $100 levied against the candidate. Files received after 11.59 p.m. on Saturday, June 6, 2015 may not be marked. 16. Candidates may have their papers refused if they are guilty of any of the following or similar dishonest practices: Making use of any books, papers or memoranda other than those reference materials provided by a Writing Centre Supervisor or invigilator. In the event an invigilator suspects a breach of the above rules, any offending material will be confiscated. The candidate will be permitted to continue to write the remainder of the paper, and their provincial institute/Ordre/CASB officials will subsequently determine the consequences of the candidate’s action; Speaking or communicating with others under any circumstances whatsoever; Exposing their response to the view of other candidates. A plea of accident or forgetfulness shall not be accepted under any circumstances in the case of any breach of the rules. Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES You must bring your Candidate Identification E-mail to the writing centre along with a valid proof of identity bearing a recent photo. You will be asked to write the appropriate information on an attendance form which will be supplied to you at the writing centre. You must write your four-digit UFE candidate number on the USB key which will be supplied to you every day of the evaluation. You must be familiar with and abide by the 2015 writing centre rules. Reminder: To continue your path, you must be in good standing with the Order. Therefore, you must pay all the invoices in your file on time and your annual dues by June 23, 2015. In April, you received a communication asking you to complete your annual declaration and pay your dues. Note that if your file is not in order, you will not receive your results for the June 2015 examinations and your name will not be published on the CPA, CA website. COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS According to the regulation on the protection of personal information, you alone can decide to whom you wish to disclose your results. Consequently, the Order does not forward UFE results to firms unless authorized by you in writing. The official release of the 2015 Uniform Evaluation is Friday, August 28, 2015. You will be offered complimentary access to your results (Pass or Fail). As of 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 27, 2015 results will be accessible on the website created specifically for this purpose. During the month of July, we will be emailing you detailed instructions on how to access this service. For candidates who successfully passed the EFU of 2015, the results will be sent to you only by eletronic mailing. For the candidates who failed the EFU, a postal mailing will be made. Effective since the 2003 UFE, you are evaluated on a Pass with honours, Pass or Fail basis. There is no note and no decile standing on the result. However, failing candidates also receive a transcript of their results which provides information on their overall performance as well as their performance in each of the specific competency areas. A colour coding system is used to illustrate the level of performance. Confirmation for the 2015 UFE 11
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