April 1, 2015 Dear Student Physical Therapist Assistant, Let me be among the first to congratulate and welcome you to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Oklahoma City Community College! Acceptance into this program is a significant accomplishment in itself with the number and caliber of qualified applicants seeking entry. Congratulations for being among those selected! I think you will find this educational process quite challenging and possibly different than previous collegiate experiences. Although you may have completed all of the general education and support courses and only enroll in the PTA classes each semester, these courses require extensive preparation. The information covered in one course is often referred to and necessary for material being covered in another course later in the semester or in the program. The content builds upon previously learned material; therefore, one CANNOT memorize information for an exam and then promptly forget about it. Most students work during their PTA education; however, many find that they are unable to continue to work full-time (or as much as they had planned) and successfully keep up with the coursework. Furthermore, please plan ahead financially for clinical education rotations which are full-time, forty hours (minimum) per week usually Monday through Friday. Clinical rotations will be scheduled for four weeks at the conclusion of the first year of the program (May into June 2016) and for fourteen weeks in the spring semester 2017. You will not be able to work much, if any, during these clinical affiliations! If you have not already completed the Anatomy and Physiology I course (BIO 1314) or its equivalent, you must enroll and complete the course with a grade of C or better this summer as it is required before enrolling in the PTA classes this fall. Mandatory Orientation will be Tuesday, August 11th from 3:00 -7:00 p.m. in the PTA Classroom, HP 101 in the Health Professions Center. At this meeting you will meet your classmates and faculty, receive the Program Handbook, turn in your completed immunization verifications, sign required documents, and have a chance to ask questions. Fall enrollment is available now and suggested if you are lacking general education or support coursework. Premiere sections do tend to fill up quickly; however, there is no hurry to enroll in PTA courses as only those selected into the program can enroll. An advisement counselor or I must sign your enrollment form in order to enroll in the PTA courses. I will sign enrollments at Orientation. Please contact the Admissions office (x7512) if you have further questions on enrollment or about transfer courses. I will be off campus working in the clinic most of the summer; however, I will check e-mail and voice mail regularly. If you wish to leave a message, I will return your call as soon as possible. The fall 2015 schedule is as follows: Intro to Physical Therapy Pain Management and Massage Dynamic Human Motion Mondays 4:30-8:30pm Wednesdays 4-8pm Thursdays 4-8pm Student input has been that knowledge of medical terminology makes a world of difference in the perceived difficulty of the first semester. Additionally, you may want to purchase the Trail Guide to the Body textbook and workbook to begin to memorize muscle origins, insertions and innervations for the Dynamic Human Motion course. This is an attempt to give you a head start on the semester. All of this will be covered in class but familiarity with the terms will facilitate your learning. The program faculty and I are anxious to meet and work with all of you! If for some reason you decide not to attend our PTA program, please contact the admissions office IMMEDIATELY so the next person on the alternate list will have a chance to begin the semester on time. If you are having doubts for any reason, do not hesitate to give me a call so we can chat about it. Due to clinical facility requirements, all students must obtain general liability insurance each year at a cost of $31.02 per year. Additionally an extensive Background Report which includes, but is not limited to, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) search for sex offender, violent offender, and criminal history. The background report must occur within 3 months prior to the FIRST DAY OF CLASS. This procedure and fee ($65.00) are explained in the enclosed handout titled, “GroupOne Services Student Background Check Instructions”. NOTE: Students who have a subsequent break in enrollment at OCCC will be required to complete a NEW Background Report before participating in a clinical rotation at any facility. Please consider dropping by over the summer to turn in copies of the immunizations in the health professions division office. Each student’s file should be complete at Orientation in order to allow you to participate in class-required clinical observations which will take place during the fall semester. If your file is not complete, you will NOT be allowed to complete these class requirements. Drug testing is also required for all students in the Division of Health Professions. Each student will receive a random drug test prior to the first clinical assignment. The $40.00 fee will be included with your fall tuition and fees. Any break in continuous enrollment will require an additional random test. The Health Professions Division policy also stipulates that, “if a student has a non-negative drug test one time, he/she will be dismissed from the program but may reapply to any of the Division programs. If there is a second non-negative result, there will be no additional opportunities to enroll in OCCC Health Professions Division Programs”. Please call or e-mail me to RSVP for the Orientation/Information Session and confirm your receipt of this information. I will see you promptly at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 11th. Sincerely yours, Jennifer Ball, PT, ATC, MHR Program Director (405) 682-1611 x7305 JBall@occc.edu Enclosure: background checks, immunization providers, list of required immunizations GroupOne Services Student/Faculty Background Check Instructions The Oklahoma Hospital Association requires an extensive nationwide background report which includes, but is not limited to, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) background searches for sex offender, violent offender, and criminal history. GroupOne includes these searches in addition to the nationwide searches. Said report must be completed and approved prior to participation at varied clinical agencies. The nationwide student background checks processed through GroupOne Services currently costs $65.00. Fees must be paid online by Visa or MasterCard. If a student has no access to a credit card, he/she may mail (address below) or deliver a money order for $65.00 (along with their e-mail address) to GroupOne Services. GroupOne will email the Institution a one-time use pass code to use at the completion of the data entry. To initiate a background check, access GroupOne’s student website via www.gp1.com. After reaching the website, you will need to make the following sequenced selections: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Select “Students” Select “Oklahoma” Select “Oklahoma City Community College” Select your proper health science discipline and then click on “add” Follow corresponding prompts through the rest of the process Note: The site stops you to correct obvious errors and omissions. At the end of the data entry process, a review page notes any remaining errors and omissions. You may go back to the section with the problem or omission and make the needed correction. Information you will need to have (before you start) in order to complete the request includes: • • • • • • • • Valid Visa, MasterCard, or Pass Code from GroupOne Full legal name (first, middle, last) Maiden names and former names Date of birth Phone number Social security number Current address (complete address; not necessarily what shows on your driver’s license) Zip codes where you have lived during the past 7 years (a U.S. Postal Service zip code lookup link on GroupOne’s student website will help you with this) Before you enter your information, you will electronically sign your name. When credit card payment is made you are prompted to print that page for your records. Money Order Option: Payments can be made via a $65.00 money order made payable to GroupOne Services. You must enclose a note with this information: Full legal name (first, middle, last) Email address Phone number Postal Address: Group One Student Services 250 Decker Drive Irving, Texas 75062 Most reports take 3-5 business days to complete once payment is processed. The results are delivered electronically to the Health Professions Clinical Affiliation Compliance Administrator (CACA). Results must be on file to ensure clinical eligibility. 1. If the background check comes back clean, it will be filed in your permanent student file in the HP Division Office. If you’d like a copy for your records, you may request one from the CACA. 2. If the background check shows negative information (a “hit”), the Clinical Affiliation Compliance Administrator must take the following steps in this order: a. The CACA will notify the student in writing that an adverse decision may be made based in whole or in part on information obtained from the consumer report/background check. A copy of the consumer report and a notice of the student’s rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, in English and Spanish, must accompany this written notification. The CACA may also notify the student by phone in order to expedite the process. b. The CACA will contact the appropriate facility to determine if the “hit” disqualifies the student from participating in the clinical program at the facility. c. If the student is not approved for clinical rotation at a facility, the CACA will provide written notice to the student that the student is disqualified from participation at that facility based in whole or in part on information derived from a consumer report background check. A notice of the student’s rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, in English and Spanish, must accompany this written notification. The CACA will advise the student to meet with his/her Program Director. Requirements/criteria for taking the licensing/credentialing examination may need to be addressed. d. When seeking alternative clinical experiences for a student, the CACA may discuss the clinical placement issue with the program director, assistant program director or program education coordinator without using the student's name. e. If the student is not approved for clinical rotation at alternative facilities, for each alternative facility at which the student is rejected, the CACA will provide written notice to the student that the student is disqualified from participation if the disqualification is based in whole or in part on information derived from a consumer report background check. A notice of the student’s rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, in English and Spanish, must accompany this written notification. f. If no alternative clinical site can be obtained, the CACA will notify the student. The student will be advised to contact his/her Program Director. 3. Break in Enrollment: Students who complete the background check process and have a subsequent break in enrollment at OCCC will be required to complete a new background check before participating in a clinical rotation at any facility. Failure to enroll in the summer semester does not constitute a break in enrollment. Continuous enrollment is defined as completion of 12 weeks enrollment in courses on the degree plan listed in the College Catalog. PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT PROGRAM REQUIREMENT LIST – FALL 2015 ITEM EXPLANATION Tuberculosis (T.B. or PPD) IMMUNIZATIONS* Two negative TB’s required initially and then renewed with one additional TB annually OR Documented positive TB test with documented negative chest x-ray AND negative annual review of symptoms which will remain current the entire semester AND release for public contact signed by Health Department. COST varies The test must remain current the entire semester. Note: You must get TB before MMR or Varicella for accuracy of results MMR - (measles, mumps, rubella) Two MMR vaccinations OR A positive titer for each. varies (exception: individuals born before 1-1-57 required to provide only one MMR or proof of immunity to Mumps only) Varicella (Chicken Pox) A positive Varicella titer OR 2 Varicella vaccinations Hepatitis – B Complete series (three (3) shots) of vaccinations against Hepatitis – B OR A signed letter of declination OR A positive titer LIABILITY INSURANCE* BACKGROUND CHECKS * A CURRENT Flu Vaccine Vaccines run Fall through Spring Must be repeated annually - a new vaccine must be acquired every Fall. All students enrolled in coursework that has a clinical component must have medical malpractice liability, professional liability, and accident health. Insurance is purchased through the OCCC Bursar office. A copy of the receipt must be included with your packet. Due to clinical agency requirements, all students must obtain an extensive, nationwide Background Report which includes, but is not limited to, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) searches for sex offender, violent offender, and criminal history. The background report must occur within 3 months prior to the first day of class. The procedure and fee ($65.00) are explained in the enclosed handout “GroupOne Services Student Background Check Instructions” document. NOTE: Students who complete the Background Report process and have a subsequent break in enrollment at OCCC will be required to complete a new Background Report before participating in a clinical rotation at any facility. varies varies $31.02 $65.00 (GroupOne) DRUG TESTING* Drug Testing is also required for all students in the Division of Health Professions. Each student will receive a random drug test prior to the first clinical assignment. The $40.00 fee will be included with your tuition and fees. Any break in continuous enrollment will require an additional random test. The Health Professions Division policy also stipulates that, if a student has a non-negative drug test one time, he/she may reapply to any of the Division programs. If there is a second non-negative result, there will be no additional opportunities to enroll in OCCC Division programs. $40.00 (Drug Test) C.P.R. TRAINING C.P.R. Training (all levels) is required and offered in a one-day format. Classes are available through Recreation and Community Service at (405) 682-7560 and through Health Professions Division Office at (405) 682-7507. Documentation of successful completion of this training must be included with your packet. $25.00 to $50.00 (Must be American Heart Association Healthcare Provider) BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN TRAINING* (MEDCOM) Training in Bloodborne Pathogens will be given at the new student orientation or during the first two weeks of class. Documentation of successful completion of the training must be included with your packet. Sexual Harassment (MEDCOM) All students are required to complete the online sexual harassment training. Complete the training, print off the certificate and turn into the division office. CLASSROOM AND LABORATORY SUPPLIES 1. Activities and lab supplies as directed by the instructor(s). $40.00 to $60.00 2. Goniometer $22.00 3. Computer supplies $30.00 CLINICAL UNIFORM AND SUPPLIES (more information available from OTA program faculty) 1. Clinical uniform consists of navy polo, khaki/tan slacks, footwear. Varies 2. Name Tag $8.00 3. Level II Fieldwork Evaluation Forms (2) $8.00 *All requirements must be completed prior to the end of the 3rd week of class. Note: Upon successful completion of the OTA Program, graduates are eligible to apply to sit for the Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) certification examination offered through the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. Currently, the approximate cost of the examination and score report is $560.00. Additionally, application for licensure in the State of Oklahoma is $100.00. IMMUNIZATION PROVIDERS Cleveland County Health Department – Moore Branch 424 S. Eastern Moore OK 794-1591 Clinic Hours = Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MMR Vaccine = Bill Insurance Varicella Injections = Bill Insurance HEP B Series = $45.00 per injection DO NOT give PPD’s or draw any titers First come first serve must take a number – To bill insurance, make sure to bring insurance card Cleveland County Health Department – Norman Branch 250 12th Avenue N.E. Norman OK 321-4048 Clinic Hours = Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. MMR = Bill Insurance Varicella Injections = Bill Insurance HEP B Series = $45.00 per injection DO NOT give PPD’s or draw any titers To bill insurance, make sure to bring insurance card Norman Regional Hospital-Gloria Moran 901 N. Porter Norman OK 307-3172 TB Skin Test = $13.00 each HEP B vaccines= $40.00 each Varicella Titer = $35.00 HEP B Titer = $31.00 Rubella Titer = $25.00 Rubeola Titer = $45.00 Mumps Titer = $38.00 Flu Shot = $25.00 (changes every season) By appointment only Integris Southwest Hospital – Employee Health Clinic 4401 S. Western, OKC 73109 636-7336 Monday through Friday 7:30a.m. - 4:00 p.m. NO TB SKIN TESTS ON THURSDAY! Integris Baptist Hospital – Employee Health Clinic 3300 N.W. Expressway, Building A Suite 909, OKC 73112 951-2903 Monday through Friday 7:30a.m. – 4:00p.m. NO TB SKIN TESTS ON THURSDAY! TB Skin Test - $15.00 Hep B shots - $40.00each Mumps titer - $30.00 Hep B titer - $40.00 Rubella titer – $30.00 Rubeola titer – $30.00 Varicella titer - $30.00 No cash or personal checks! Pic Med 7919 N. May Ave., OKC, OK 73120 286-4747 M-F 8:30am to 5pm & Saturday’s 10:30am – 2pm 1015 24th Avenue NW, Norman, OK 73069 310-4140 M-F 8:30am to 5pm Walk Ins Welcome! TB Skin Test - $20 MMR Titer - $59 Varicella Titer - $40 Hep B Vaccines - $69 each Hep B Titer - $35 TB SKIN TEST LOCATIONS ONLY Med-Eval 4001 N. Classen Blvd., Suite 101, OKC 73118 840-2180 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., 11a.m. to 2p.m. NO THURSDAYS $15.00 Mary Mahoney Health Center 12716 N.E. 36th, OKC 73140 769-3301 Monday-Wednesday 8am – 12pm and 1:30pm-4:30pm Friday 10am – 12pm and 1:30pm-3:30pm NO THURSDAYS $32.67 Cash, Checks, Credit/Debit V N A Wellness Center Building Center 3000, STE 109 – 3000 United Founders Blvd, OKC, 73112 848-9530 By Appointment Only! $20.00 Broadway Clinic 1801 N. Broadway Avenue, OKC 73103 528-1936 Mon., Tues., Wed., 8:30a.m. to 4p.m. $40.00 Total Fee
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