April 2015 English - Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre

Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre
Centre de service communautaire chinois d’Ottawa
渥太華華人社區服務中心 月刊
1 4 2
第 一 百 四 十 二 期
2 0 1 5 年 四 月
In-TAC Employment
Settlement Services &
Language Program
Chinese Family
40th Anniversary Volun- 15
teer Appreciation Party
Membership and
The Ottawa Chinese Community
Service Centre is a non-profit,
non-partisan, charitable organization committed to advancing
the full social and economic integration and participation of newcomers, immigrants and people of
Chinese descent in the City of
This is the 40th Anniversary year
of the OCCSC serving the immigrant and newcomer community.
Suite 4004
381 Kent Street
Ottawa ON K2P 2A8
Tel: 613 235-4875
Fax: 613 235-5466
Facebook: ottawachinese
Twitter: @chineseottawa
OCCSC International Women’ Day Event
March 5, 2015
The Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre celebrated its fifth annual International Women’s Day, on March 5, 2015 This year’s theme, outlined by the
United Nations, was: “Make It Happen” – encouraging effective action for advancing and recognizing women.
We had a very impressive panel of guest speakers: Diana MacKay, the Executive
Director at the Conference Board of Canada as a keynote speaker; University of
Ottawa Professor Joanne St. Lewis; Julia Chen, President & CEO of AM&M and
the Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant Debbie Miller. The welcoming speech was delivered by OCCSC Executive Director, Sharon Kan and the whole event was beautifully emceed by Lucy van Oldenbarneveld, CBC TV News Ottawa Anchor.
The speakers shared their thoughts, experience and visions about what has to be
done to achieve a full degree of gender quality in all aspects of life and work. The
audience of over 100 people, both women and men, was very impressed with the
speeches, as well as with the 3 performances (by the local Chinese amateur artists)
that concluded this exciting 2-hour event.
There was a media coverage, by the CBC, Rogers OMNI and some others.
AM&M Executive Julia Chen and CBC host Lucy van Oldenbarneveld are among the speakers at
our International Women’s Day Celebration Event. Our language training coordinators Wenli Zhu
and Amy Yi performed a song for the audience.
Community Events
OCCSC Volunteer Appreciation Event
May 2nd. 330 Kent St.
OCCSC and Canadian Liver Foundation to
Raise Awareness of Liver Disease.
The liver is a functional and maintenance-free organ that’s easy to
ignore – until something goes wrong. Because of its wide-ranging
responsibilities, the liver often comes under attack by viruses, toxic
Asian Heritage Month
substances (including alcohol), contaminants and disease. Even when
OCCSC theme event
with liver problems will be completely unaware because they may
May 26th,Downtown Library
Ottawa Tulips Festival
May 8th —18th
Commissioners Park, Dow’s
Kiwanis Music Festival
it is under siege, however, the liver is slow to complain. Often, people
have few, if any, symptoms. While there have been major advances in
treating liver diseases, there are no cures. That’s why it’s important to
take steps to prevent liver disease. To learn more about some of the
most common forms of liver disease, ways of disease prevention, and
your liver’s status, you are invited to join a workshop co-hosted by
OCCSC and the Canadian Liver Foundation.
Treasure your Liver: liver disease diagnosis
Date: 13th May (Wednesday)
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Apr 6, 2015 – May 2, 2015
Ottawa International Children’s Festival
May 4, 2015 – May 13, 2015
Lebreton Flats, Canadian War
Museum, Irving Greenberg Theatre Centre
Address: Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave, Ottawa, ON K1R 6H4
(Near Chinatown)
Topic: How liver works, the most common forms of liver disease,
ways of disease prevention, and daily liver care.
Language: Mandarin Chinese
The workshop is free of charge. For inquiry and registration, please
contact 613-235-5466, extension 115.
In-TAC’s Mentorship Program
On March 4th, In-TAC’s first Mentorship session of this year came to an end with success three of the fifteen Internationally Educated Professionals (IEP) participants have already landed a job in their field of expertise. Thanks all, our mentors and protégés, for your commitment,
passion and dedication.
The In-TAC Mentorship program was designed to provide strategic job search trainings to IEPs
based on their career goals and preferences. It consists of 5 weeks of mentor-and-protégé joint
training and up to 4 months of field work for each protégé with a mentor. Each session has five
in-class meetings and trainings on five consecutive Wednesday evenings. The trainings include
short presentations and interactive practices that enable IEP participants to develop essential
skills for successful job search.
Do you know that we host a one-hour Mandarin
radio show at CHIN Radio 97.9 every Thursday
12:00 pm -1:00 pm?
Settlement Services Workshops
Downtown, Ottawa East
Date and Time
Computer ABC
April 13,20,27,
2:00pm - 3:30pm
613-235-4875, ext.113
Ottawa Chinese
Community Service
381 Kent St. Suite 206B
Learn basic e-mailing
Practical English
Welcome to
Apr.10,17,24, Fri.
9:30am to 11:30am
Registration required:
613-235-4875, ext.113
Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre,
381 Kent St. Suite 206 B
Diverse Cultures of Canada
Citizenship Test
Apr.29, Wednesdays
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
613-235-4875, ext.113
Ottawa Chinese
Community Service
381 Kent St. Suite 206A
How to prepare to be a
Canadian Citizen, how to prepare for the test… and more.
Please bring your PR card
Ottawa Mandarin Alliance Church (Ottawa
550 Codd’s Rd.
Details about Power of Attorney
Ottawa Chinese
Community Service
381 Kent St. Suite 206A
Steps and requirement to become a police officer
Power of Attorney Apr 29.Wednesday,
Registration required
613-235-4875 ext132
Police Officer Recruitment Information Session
April 16, 6-8pm
Registration required:
613-235-5466, ext 147
Date and Time
April 7, 14, 21, 28;
Parenting Group Tuesdays,1:30pm-3:30pm
Ext. 131
Kanata Western
Ottawa Community
Centre; 2 McNeil
Court, Kanata
Meet other parents and learn
about children’s health,
education, and community
program topics.
Introduce Cana- April 11, Saturday
dian Income Tax 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Ext. 131
Stittsville Library
Introduce Canadian Income tax
1637 Stittsville Main in general, determining resiMeeting Room
dence status, filling income
return as a newcomer..
Settlement Services Workshops
Barrhaven / Nepean
Date and Time
Youth Social Club
Apr. 7 14, 21, 28
Tue. 4:30-6:30pm
3500 Fallowfield Rd. Unit 5,
Anglican Lutheran
Good Shepherd Church
Homework and English writing
support, volunteer training, movie night, special event celebration
and a lot more fun! Come and
join us!
Parents and Kids
Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22,29
1:30 to 3:30pm
613-235-4875 ext 134
OEYC – Cityview Centre
1099 Longfield Dr.
Information sessions for
Parents, activities for
singing, finger plays, circle time
Ladies in ActionWomen’s Fitness
Social Group
Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22,29
613-235-4875 ext 134
South Nepean Community Health Newcomer women making new
friends through dance and fitness
4100 Strandherd, 2nd Floor
activities, settlement
service provided by request
Parents and Kids
Apr. 10, 17, 24
10:30 to 11:30am
South Nepean Community Health Information sessions for
Parents, activities for children:
4100 Strandherd, 2nd Floor
singing, finger plays, circle time
Overview of Canada–
Canada’s regions
Apr. 1
South Nepean Community Health Gain more knowledge of CanaWed., 10:00 - 11:30am Centre
da’s different regions
4100 Strandherd
2nd Floor
Orientation to Canada
Apr. 8, 22,
South Nepean Community Health
Wed., 10:00 - 11:30am Centre
4100 Strandherd
2nd Floor
Orientation for newcomers. Topics include: transportation, banking, health system, governments,
law, education, etc.
Dementia and
Alzheimer disease
Apr. 15,
South Nepean Community Health
Wed., 10:00 - 11:30am Centre
4100 Strandherd
2nd Floor
The early signs and prevention
of Dementia and Alzheimer disease, community resources for
the patient and caregiver
First Aid and CPR
Apr. 29
South Nepean Community Health First Aid and CPR training
Wed., 10:00 - 11:30am Centre
4100 Strandherd
2nd Floor
How to apply subsidized social housing?
April 24, Friday, 1:303pm
6132354875, ext.136
Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode
Community Resource Centre,
Unit 240, 1547 Merivale Road.
Who can apply? What documents to prepare? How many
choices? and more.
Citizenship test preparation
April 21 & April 28,
2015, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
6132354875, ext.136
Emerald Plaza Library, 1547
Merivale Rd, Meeting Room 2
Receive information to help prepare for the written citizenship
test and oral interview, gain understanding of Canada’s history,
geography, and government, and
practice on a simulated test.
Please note this session is in 2
Language Program
LINC Newsletter, April 2015
*Childminding is available, for children age
LINC was busy in March, being ithe last month of the fiscal year and the winter term. All PBLA Progress Reports
have been completed and delivered to eligible students.
19 months to 6 years.
**Please note that this is a brand new class
that you are welcome to join, since there are
still some seats available.
There were several interesting presentations to our clas- Buses for the central location: 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 153
ses, mostly by the public health nurse, on topics such as;
Sodium, Eating Whole Grains, Canadian Health System,
etc. We also had the always-popular presentation by the West Kanata location (2 MacNeil Court):
Ottawa Police, on their role in the society and several
LINC 1/2 - Monday, Wednesday &
Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
LINC classes paused for March break (March 16-21). We
Buses for the Kanata location: 63, 64, 96, 118
re-opened on March 23, 2015.
Our LINC is the only one in the city to have evening clas- South location (Barrhaven, Walter Baker Sports Censes (all levels), for those who work or go to school during tre, 100 Malvern):
the day.
LINC 1/2 - Monday, Wednesday &
For all newcomers who want to register for LINC, please Friday, 9:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
note that you first need to have your English assessed,
at the YMCA Language Assessment and Referral Centre Buses for the Barrhaven location: 70, 76, 95, 170, 173,
(240 Catherine St., Suite 308; Tel: 613-238-5462) –
when you finish the assessment, please ask to be
sent to our school, OCCSC LINC.
For all those who want to practice their English in a more
Our class schedule is as follows:
informal way, our Conversation Circles are on
schedule, too:
Central location (381 Kent St., 2nd floor, room 206Tuesday, 1:00 -2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
LINC 1/2 - Monday to Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m.*
LINC 2/3 – Monday to Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m.*
LINC ¾ - Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 to
12:00 p.m.*
LINC 1/2 – Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 1:00 -4:00 p.m.
LINC 3/4 – Monday and Wednesday, 6:00 9:00 p.m.
LINC 1/2 – Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 –
9:00 p.m.
LINC 4/5 – Monday & Wednesday, 6:00-9:00
LINC 3/4 – Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00 – 9:00
LINC 5/6 – Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00 – 9:00
LINC 1, LINC 1/2 & LINC 2/3 – Saturday,
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
LINC 4/5** & LINC 2/3, Saturday, 1:00 – 4:00
Friday, 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
A new Introduction to Spoken Mandarin course started
on March 14 and will run until May 9, 2015. If you are
interested to join the next one, please contact us to register and check our flyer, enclosed.
The end of March was the end for our winter OCCSC
English Courses for newcomers, both beginner and
intermediate. We plan the new ones in April, from April
13 to June 3, 2015 – please refer to enclosed flyers. If
you want to register, please contact us as soon as possible. The courses are for all those who want to learn or
improve their English skills in all language segments
(listening, speaking, reading and writing), but the intermediate course additionally focuses on effective communication. For these courses there are no restrictions
for the clients in terms of the immigration category, place
of living (Quebec is included), etc.
On behalf of OCCSC, LINC organized another successful International Women’s Day event, on March 5, 2015.
We welcomed some exceptional women from different
fields of expertise who were perfect examples of success
Chinese Family Services
A good night’s sleep (Part I)
A good night’s sleep
Sleep problems are one of the most common complaints in both the general health and mental
health settings. It has been estimated that over 20% of the adult population suffers from some
form of lasting insomnia at some time in their lives and that sleep complaints have been found to
increase significantly in the elderly. This increase can be attributed to four main components:
• normal changes to the physiological systems controlling sleep that are part of the ageing process
• an increased incidence of specific organic sleep disorders such as periodic limb movement during sleep (PLMS) and sleep apnea
 an increased incidence of medical conditions (e.g., osteoarthritis) and mental disorders
 (e.g. depression, dementia) that adversely affect sleep
 an increased use of a variety of medications that may either interact with each other, or act differently in the elderly person.
Normal age-related changes
These changes include:
• a decrease in the amount of deep sleep and an increase in the proportion of lighter sleep.
• an increase in the number of awakenings and fragmented sleep during the night.
• a perception of decreased quality and quantity of sleep.
• a decreased ability to adapt to changes or interruptions to the sleep-wake cycle.
• a tendency to fall asleep earlier and to awaken earlier.
 these normal changes usually begin around the age of 50.
How to get a better night’s sleep
The following outlines good sleep habits and provide guidelines for dealing with common causes
of sleep disturbance.
1. Establish a regular waking time
Establishing a regular sleep-wake pattern is very important, especially waking up at the same time
each morning. The time that we wake helps to synchronize our body’s circadian rhythms, so we
should try not to vary the time of the day that we get up by more than one hour, even across the
2. Establish a proper sleep environment
Comfort – The discomfort caused by a rumbling stomach, persistent aches and pains, or being too
hot or cold, can prevent us from relaxing enough to fall asleep. Therefore it is necessary that all
our immediate needs have been met before we try to sleep.
Noise – Noise during the night (such as traffic) is another common source of sleep disturbance.
Even if we do not awaken and cannot remember the noises the next day, the noises can interfere
with our normal sleep pattern. If we sleep in a place that tends to be noisy, we should try to shut
out sound by closing windows and doors or wearing earplugs.
Light – A light room will make it more difficult for us to sleep. If we have trouble sleeping, we
should darken the room to ensure that the morning light does not wake us.
Chinese Family Services
3. Allow a wind-down time prior to sleep
We should stop work at least 30 minutes before going to bed and do something different and nonstressful, such as reading, watching television, or listening to music.
4. Associating your bed with sleep
Activities such as eating, working, watching television, reading, or discussing the day’s problems
may make us associate our bed with wakefulness and alertness rather than drowsiness and sleep
onset. If you are a person that associates wakefulness with such activities, it is advised that you refrain from engaging in such activities in bed.
5. Coping with worry and anxiety
One of the most common causes of sleep disturbance is anxiety. Many people find it difficult to
wind down when they climb into bed at night after a hectic day. Often this is the first chance they
have had to think about things that are concerning them. People can find themselves lying in
bed worrying about their problems when they
would rather be asleep. The feelings of tension
and arousal that accompany these thoughts make
it more difficult to fall asleep, and people may
then begin to worry about their sleeplessness as
well as their other problems. If we think we are
having trouble sleeping because we are anxious
about things that are happening in our lives, there
are two things we can do to improve our sleep:
• Set ourselves a half-hour ‘worrying time’ before bedtime. Have a pen and paper beside us, to
write down our worries and possible solutions.
• Avoiding things which upset us before we go to
6. Wait till you are sleepy
If you have problems falling asleep, consider going to bed only when you are sleepy. If you find
yourself still awake and worrying after 10 minutes, get up and do something that is distracting yet
relaxing, like knitting, listening to music, or reading a book. You may even want to listen to a relaxation tape. Return to bed when you feel sleepy again. When you do go back to bed, if you find
that you are still worried and sleepless, get out of bed again and do something relaxing until you
are sleepy enough to return to bed once more. At first you may find you need to get out of bed a
40th Anniversary Volunteer Appreciation Party Invitation
OCCSC Thanks Our Sponsor
OCCSC Thanks Our Sponsor
Lifetime Members
Benefits of
Many thanks to our lifetime members for their being an OCCSC
support. OCCSC hopes to get more support for member:
the important work of the agency.
Current Lifetime Members:
Hazel Wong
Connie Tang
Bill Joe
Shek-ho Ching
Friend of OCCSC
Wu King Wan
• Vote at our Annual
General Meeting
• Have an opportunity
to become a member
of the Board of Directors
• Receive our enewsletter monthly
• Get discounts from
our membership
To become a member,
please apply
In person. The
• Full Tax deductible receipt
membership fee is
• OCCSC Lifetime Membership Crystal
• Plaque recognizing Life Membership displayed in $10.00 ($5.00 seniors)
Board Room or reception
and is valid for one year.
• Interview story in OCCSC Newsletter
More information on Life• Acknowledgement in OCCSC Annual Report
time Membership and An• Acknowledgement on OCCSC Website
nual Membership, please
• Acknowledgement in OCCSC Newsletter
check our website at
• Vote at the OCCSC AGM
www.occsc.org, or contact
• Receive OCCSC monthly newsletter
Doreen Ju at
• Discount card at 40+ local businesses
Benefits of being our Life Member:
Member Discount Business
Brother Wu Restaurant
Golden Century Buffet
Fuschian Vietnamese
Fusion House Buffet
Imperial Palace
Jadeland Restaurant
Ju Xiang Yuan
Lichee View Rest.
Mandarin Ogilvie Rest.
My Sweet Tea
Sea King Shark Fin Seafood
Sushi Kan
Tea Shop 168
Wang’s Noodle House
Yang Sheng Rest.
Grocery/ Food Store/
Ding Fung Dry
Dumpling Shoppe
Kowloon Market
Saint Honore Bakery
Cake shop
Driving Instructors
Ottawa Driving School
Ping Sit Driving Instructor
OCCSC Thanks Our Sponsors
Chinese Traditional/
Medicine/ Esthetics/
Asia Aromatherapy Ctr
Can-America Life Care
Grace Massage &
Green Apple
Li, Chunlin
(Message therapy)
Sunny Esthetics
Yan Lu Chinada Traditional Medical Centre
Ying Lu Acupuncture
Hair Salon/ Optical/
Mei Mei Salon
Lisa Hair Salon
Tri Optical
Somerset Drugs
Travel Agencies
Go Trip
Midearth Travel Inc.
Sunnyview Holidays
Homecare and Giftware
Global Homeware & Giftware
Oriental Cham
Y-Not Gift Shop
Bayshore Flowers
Carling Flowers
Dry Cleaning
The Dry Cleaning Co.
Funeral and
Capital Memorial
Plan ahead!
613-276-3289 Gable Fung
Motel Casino
OCCSC Thanks Our Sponsor
OCCSC Thanks Our Sponsors