MARINE The complete solution for reducing NOx emissions The maritime sector is a considerable contributor to global emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX ). Together with sulphur oxides (SOX ), NOX is the main cause of acid rain and the formation of smog (ground level ozone), which increases the risk of asthma, allergies and lung diseases. Stricter regulations by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in the 2008 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, apply globally. A number of countries are pursuing emission reduction incentive schemes. From 2016 all new ships sailing within an Emission Control Area (ECA) must reduce NOX emissions to meet the strict Tier III requirements. Approaching zero NOX emissions The Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is the only technology currently available to fulfil the most strict NOx requirements. NOxCare Marine is based on SCR technology and is applicable to all vessel types, both new builds and retrofits, reducing NOX emission by up to 99%. NOxCare Marine uses NOxCare SCR together with injected NOxCare 40, a high purity urea water solution, to reduce NOX. The system is installed between the engine and the exhaust outlet. The exhaust gas passes through the catalyst where the NOX is converted into harmless nitrogen and water. Solution Benefits Lower operational costs NOxCare Marine is the only complete product offer which covers all your NOX reduction requirements worldwide trough global availability of NOxCare SCR, NOxCare 40 urea solution and our global network of NOxCare Marine service engineers. NOxCare Marine offers a cost efficient and effective alternative to meet the IMO NOX regulations and to avoid local environmental taxes. SCR is the only technology that offers a positive solution to the trade off between fuel consumption and NOx reduction and thus does not increase fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and particulates (soot). We offer training to ensure optimal operational performance onboard your vessel. Our experts are available for assistance to ensure that your system runs smoothly. The result for you is optimal performance and lower operational costs. The complete solution includes: • SCR design and engineering • production • installation supervision • training of personnel • supply of NOxCare 40 urea solution • spare parts • after sales services Our in-house R&D is continuously improving our technology to meet current and future regulation requirements. We have the specialised chemical and catalyst material competence which is essential to the SCR technology. Treatment process - NOxCare 40 urea The NOxCare 40 urea solution is sprayed into the exhaust gas upstream the catalyst and vaporises inside the injection pipe, where it is converted to ammonia. The ammonia mixes with the exhaust gas and reacts with the NOX molecules on the catalyst surface to form harmless nitrogen gas (N2) and water (H2O). NOxCare 40 Marine is a high purity product delivered with specification for use on maritime SCR systems. This ensures that the product quality does not affect the operation of the catalyst systems. NOxCare 40 is provided by Yara, the world’s largest urea producer with a global delivery network, ensuring a reliable supply of high quality product worldwide. The product is easy and safe to transport, store and handle, and is non-toxic. With more than 1000 SCR systems installed for ship engines world wide, we are well grounded in long-standing and sustainable experiences in the field of the SCR systems for marine applications. Whether ferries, seismic vessels, fishing trawlers, supply vessels or yachts, we design and deliver efficient and compact systems for NOx reduction. With our NOxCare SCR systems we can guarantee compliance with the future IMO requirements already today. The complete solution for reducing NOx emissions IMO World Map for ECA (Emission Control Areas) For vessels, delivered to the owner after 2016, the NOx emission must be reduced by 80 % in this sensitive (ECA) areas. This will be only possible with an effective SCR System. ECAs are currently (2010 ) the Baltic Sea, the North Sea the English Channel and furthermore the coasts of North America. Some other areas are still under discussion. Existing ECA U.S. ECA Discussed ECA Beside NOx also the SOx reduction will be a serious target. Implementation schedule according MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI sulphur content (%) 4,5 4 General 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 in ECA´s 1 0,5 0 NOx (g/kWh) Tier I Tier II in ECA´s Tier III 20082010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 IMO NOx Limit Curves 18 16 Tier I 12 10 8 Tier II (Global) 6 4 Tier III (NOx Emission Control Areas) 2 0 - - - - - - - - - - SCR 0 - NOx Limit, g/kWh 14 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14001600 1800 20002200 Rated Engine Speed, rpm NOx Limit, g/kWh _ 2000 n < 130 130 <_ n < n> 2000 Tier Date Tier I 2000 17.0 45 · n-0.2 9.8 Tier II 2011 14.4 44 · n-0.23 7.7 Tier III 2016* 3.4 * In NOx Emission Control Areas (Tier II standards apply outside ECAs). 9·n -0.2 1.96 The complete solution for reducing NOx emissions silencer 10 9 4 3 Boiler 2 SCR - Reactor PLC two phase nozzle Dosing unit 6 1 The NOxCare SCR DeNOx systems are specially designed for the individual customer needs and to meet accurately the technical rules and shipping requirements. Whether ship new building or retrofit of existing ships, whether ferry or cruiser, whether drill-ship or tanker, the NOxCare systems will meet the requirements of the local regulations with reliability and offer you a cost advantage. 5 Urea tank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pump station 7 8compressor Diesel engine SCR reactor Boiler Silencer Urea tank Dosing unit Urea pump skid Compressor (working air) NOX Analyser PLC Control cabinet Main Components (high reliability) 1 5 2 1 atalysts element frames C The choice of the most effective type of SCR catalyst is our daily work. Our target is to achieve the highest possible NOx reduction efficiency with an optimized catalyst volume and type. The SCR catalyst layers are made of ceramic monoliths (blocks) packed into compact modules and installed inside the catalyst housing. The monoliths are made of a full active ceramic mass and the main compounds are titanium dioxide and vanadium pentoxide. 2 Dosing unit To ensure maximum availability of the Urea injection, it is necessary to use a special metering system with safety devices, for integration into the SCR control system. This accurate dosing of urea solution to the nozzle ensures the right efficiency of the NOx reduction system at all times. For each injection nozzle a dosing panel is needed. Over 20 years of experience with urea dosing systems are reflected in these components of H+H. 3 Distribution panel This equipment is used for pressure regulation (4...8 bar overpressure) and distribution of urea to the different dosing units. It is not used in single engine systems. 4 Pump station Equipment for continuous supply of urea solution to all dosing panels and for a constant pressure of urea solution up to 6 – 7 bars. 5 NOx-Analyzer This device is needed for the “closed loop” control of the SCR System. It measures the NOx concentration downstream the SCR catalyst.Each engine with operational SCR system will be monitored for 15 minutes (this time is adjustable by the SCR control cabinet). The choice which engine will be measured is an automatic process also controlled by the SCR control cabinet. This equipment is an option. 3 4 The complete solution for reducing NOx emissions Main Figures NOx Reduction: 90 – 98 % HC Reduction: 80 – 90 % Soot Particle Reduction: 20 – 30 % Sound Reduction: 20 – 35 dB(A) Operation:Temperature range 280°C–510°C (depending on fuel quality) Specific Costs*:Invest Costs = 30 – 50 € / kW engine power Running Costs = 4 – 5 € / MWh engine power Commisioning & Services Our aim is to achieve a reliable long term – cooperation with our customers, therefore trust and assistance are two of the basic elements of our company philosophy. Our well-trained qualified personnel who are familiar with SCR systems for many years are available for plant service and maintenance. Customer References Technical Office Yara Environmental Technologies GmbH (in formation), Industriestraße 3-5 D-55595 Hargesheim Germany Phone: +49 671 92064-0 Fax: +49 671 92064-20 Sales Office Yara Environmental Technologies GmbH (in formation), Büro Sonnefeld, Herrngasse 2, 96242 Sonnefeld, Germany Tel: +49 9562 40420 0 Fax: +49 9562 40420 20
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