OCEAN STATE WAVES P.O. Box 443 Wakefield, Rhode Island 02880 www.oceanstatewaves.com Rob Levine & Associates Summer Baseball Scholarship Program Ocean State Waves INC Application Due Date: June 15, 2015 To Whom It May Concern, A major component of the organizational objectives of the Ocean State Waves is encouraging a healthy lifestyle and supporting youth programs. It is our goal to provide opportunities for baseball players to experience a week with our summer baseball camp program. Rob Levine & Associates has partnered with our Non-profit organization to provide ten scholarships for the Waves Summer Baseball Camp. These scholarships are available to any player between the ages of 6-14 that can provide transportation to and from camp. Applications are due by June 15 and should be emailed to Matt@OceanStateWaves.com. The application should include the following: - Player Information Sheet (located on www.oceanstatewaves .com under Camps) Brief letter detailing on how the scholarship will have a positive effect on player Select the session of interest Camp details are located on www.oceanstatewaves.com under “Camps.” All the best, Matt Finlayson President & General Manager Ocean State Waves INC New England Collegiate Baseball League
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