July 17-18, 2015 Cape Henlopen High School, 1250 King’s Highway, Lewes, DE QUILT REGISTRATION INFORMATION PACKET General Information for All Entries Registration Form Submission: • There are separate registration forms for display quilt/item, challenge quilt, and special exhibit quilt categories. • A completed registration form and fee (if applicable) for EACH quilt/item. • Anyone is welcome and encouraged to enter quilts, wearables, or decorative items. • Only OWQG members may enter challenge quilts or special exhibit quilts. • There is no limit to the number of quilts/items an individual can enter in the display category. • A 4”x6” photo of EACH quilt/item is required for insurance purposes. • Forms may be submitted at OWQG meetings to Barbara Wood or Ginny Brennan. • Mailed forms should be sent to Barbara Wood, 34942 Ensign Crest, Lewes, DE 19958. • Registration forms will be processed as received. • Registration deadline is April 15, 2015. Judged Entries and Awarding of Ribbons: • The review of quilts entered for judging will take place prior to the hanging of the quilt show. Having your quilt judged is an option. • Ribbons will be awarded by a panel of three qualified quilters, but not NQA certified judges. • Written critiques will be provided and the decision of the panel is final. • The panel of judges will review the quilts for: 1) Overall visual impact, 2) Quality of workmanship, and 3) Effectiveness of design. • Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Honorable Mention for each of the traditional 17 piecing and quilting categories, as well as decorative and wearable entries. • Ribbons will also be awarded to the quilter of a winning item if different from the quilt creator. • All quilts/items entered for display will be eligible for awards by the show’s sponsors, judges, and organizers as well as the Mayor of Lewes, the Lewes Chamber of Commerce and top 3 vote getters for Viewer’s Choice. Quilts Available for Sale: • If you place your quilt for sale, you, the seller, are responsible for all negotiations related to the sale, collection of fees, and delivery, which must take place on or after the July 20th return of quilts. • Show organizers will provide the interested purchaser of any quilt for sale with the buyer’s contact information. • A contact form is required for individuals placing their quilts for sale. • This form is available online and should be submitted with the quilt registration. Insurance: • The Ocean Waves Quilt Guild purchased an insurance policy for those items to be entered in the show. • Insurance will cover quilt drop-off (July 13, 2015) to pick-up (July 20, 2015), and states: Each quilt will be insured for not more than $300.00 and other items for not more than $100.00. • If you require additional coverage, you must obtain it at your own expense. OWQG 2015 QUILT SHOW REGISTRATION Photography: • Quilts/items may be photographed, and photos may be used for promotional purposes. The entrant will be credited as the owner/creator of the quilt if used for promotion of the show. Quilt Condition: • All quilts/items must be in good condition – clean and smoke-free, correctly labeled and ready for hanging. • Ocean Waves Quilt Guild reserves the right to not display a quilt/item due to poor condition or noncompliance with Quilt Show requirements. Labeling: • Each quilt/decorative item entered must have a light, solid-colored label attached securely to the lower right corner on the back of the work. • Wearable entry labels must be sewn to the inside front of the garment. • All identifying information will be covered when quilts are reviewed by the panel of judges. Hanging Sleeve: • A 4" sleeve is required for all quilts to be displayed in the show. • The sleeve must be attached to the reverse side of the quilt. • On long quilts (exceeding 100” in length), the top of the sleeve should be no more than 100” from the bottom of the quilt, to prevent the quilt from resting on the floor. • Irregularly shaped quilts/items should have a 4” hanging sleeve also. The show organizers reserve the right to pin or attach the quilt/item in a way to best display the quilt. NOTE: See links to instructions and videos on making a quilt hanging sleeve on the website – quilt registration page. Quilt Drop-off: • Each entry item must be inserted into a separate pillowcase with a label securely attached or identifying information written directly at the open end of the pillowcase. • Each pillowcase must have the following information: Quilt name, Entrant name, phone number. • At the time of collection, additional identifying information may be written on the pillowcase by the registration team, to match your quilt with its case. • Quilts will be collected from entrants on July 13 at the OWQG meeting at Conley’s United Methodist Church, 33106 Jolyn’s Way, Lewes, DE from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. • No items will be accepted that have not been pre-registered. • A receipt, which is required for pick up, will be given to entrants for their items. Quilt Pick-up: • NO quilts will be taken from Cape Henlopen High School after drop off, during or following the show. • Quilts will be picked on Monday, July 20 at Conley Church from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. • You MUST present your original receipt to claim your quilt. • You will also sign a receipt as proof of pickup. • Anyone failing to pick up their quilt(s) by 12 p.m. must make alternative arrangements for pick up with the show organizers by July 24. Quilt Registration questions, contact: Barbara Wood BPwood418@aol.com 302-644-7097 Ginny Brennan ginbrennan@gmail.com 302-703-2643 QR- 2 QUILT REGISTRATION FORM Ocean Waves Quilt Guild 2015 Show Quilts – Paying It Forward July 17-18, 2015 For Registrar’s use: • Registration Form ONLY must be received by April 15, 2015 • ONE form is required for EACH Bed Quilt, Wall Hanging, Wearable or Decorative entry (e.g., 3 quilts = 3 registration forms submitted.) Date rec’d: ____________ • $3 registration fee for each quilt/item entered. Judge: ___ Y ___ N • $3 judging fee for each quilt/item judged (Judging is optional.) Check #: __________ • Write your name on the back of a 4 x 6 photo of each item you are registering and attach it to the upper left corner of each form. Photo(s) will NOT be returned; required for insurance purposes. Photo: ___Y ___ N Entered in Excel: __________ E-mail confirm sent: _____ • Duplication of this form is permissible. • Enclose a check payable to Ocean Waves Quilt Guild for total of all items registered and/or to be judged. For sale?: _____ • Forms may be submitted at guild meetings or mailed to: Barbara Wood, 34942 Ensign Crest, Lewes, DE 19958 Quilt received: ________ • Questions contact: Barbara Wood: bpwood418@aol.com or Ginny Brennan: ginbrennan@gmail.com Entry #: _____ Sleeve on quilt:______ Quilt returned: ________ ENTRANT INFORMATION Name: ______________________________________ Guild: _______________________ Address: __________________________________________ Telephone: ______________ E-mail (confirmation of received form will be e-mailed): ________________________________ QUILT INFORMATION Quilt Entry: Specific Size of Quilt, in inches: Width (measure left to right) _________ Length (measure top to bottom) _______ Wearable OR Decorative Item Entry: (describe): _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Quilt pattern and/or source, Designer’s name (i.e., Trip Around the World /Norma Campbell or original design created in EQ): _______________________________________________________ Name of Quilt:______________________________________________________________ Made by (provide all names):____________________________________________________ Quilted by (provide all names):__________________________________________________ Owned by (provide all names): __________________________________________________ OWQG 2015 QUILT SHOW REGISTRATION Entrant Name ________________________ Registration Form QUILT INFORMATION (continued) PIECING TECHNIQUES - Check all that apply QUILTING TECHNIQUES – Check all that apply ____ Hand appliqued ____ Hand quilted ____ Machine appliqued ____ Machine quilted, home machine ____ Hand pieced ____ Machine quilted, hand-guided long arm ____ Machine pieced ____ Machine quilted, computer guided long arm Additional techniques used in this quilt/item (e.g., embellishments, thread painting): _____________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___ Yes, I would like my quilt entry to be judged ($3 per item judged.) ___ Yes, my quilt is for sale for _______ dollars. Please attach Seller Contact Information form. Special notes regarding the hanging of your quilt/item: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CONFIRMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE The Ocean Waves Quilt Guild purchased an insurance policy for those items to be entered in the quilt show. Insurance will cover quilt drop-off (July 13, 2015) to pick-up (July 20, 2015), and states: Each quilt will be insured for not more than $300.00 and other items for not more than $100.00. If you require additional coverage, you must obtain it at your own expense. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND WAIVER ACCEPTANCE By signing this form, I acknowledge limitations of insurance provided and have accepted the responsibility to provide additional insurance coverage that I deem necessary. Further, I also agree to hold harmless the Ocean Waves Quilt Guild for any liability other than covered by the applicable insurance provided. I acknowledge that my quilt/item is in good condition – clean and smoke-free and meeting size requirements. Ocean Waves Quilt Guild reserves the right to not display a quilt/item due to poor condition or noncompliance with Quilt Show requirements. I grant permission for my quilt to be photographed and those photos to be used for promotional purposes. I understand that I will be credited as the owner/creator of the quilt if used for promotion of the show. ___________________________________________ Date_________________ Signature of Entrant It is strongly suggested that you make copies of all your completed registration forms to keep for your records. QR- 4 OWQG 2015 QUILT SHOW REGISTRATION DISPLAY CARD AND SHOW PROGRAM INFORMATION What you enter here will appear on your quilt/item’s display card and in the show program. Please print or attach a typed version of this page. Name of entrant(s): ____________________________________________________ Name(s) of quilter(s) (if applicable): _________________________________________ Name of quilt: ________________________________________________________ Pattern, designer or design inspired by: _______________________________________ Please write the text you would like to appear for your entry in the Show Program and on the Display Card. You can include a brief history/story of the quilt/item. LIMIT 125 words. Entries exceeding the limit may be edited. QR- 5
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