YOUR GUIDE TO ENTER 2015 OC Fair Competitions FINE ARTS Amateur & Professional Sculpture, Ceramics, Painting and Graphics Adult and Professional Divisions Open to California Residents Young Adult Divisions Open to Orange County Students and Residents Dates to Remember... 2014 First Place, Professional Acrylic Painting, George’s One 17, Michael Ward Monday, June 1 Last Day to Enter Fine Arts Friday, June 12 Notification of First Round Judging Entry Status Saturday, June 27 8 am - 7 pm - Delivery of First Round Judging Accepted Entries Thursday, July 23 8 pm - Judges’ Night - Visual Arts Gallery Tuesday, August 18 7 am - 6 pm - Entry Pickup Contact... Barbara Thompson office (714) 708-1718 voicemail/phone (714) 708-1624 The Fine Art Competition is a juried exhibition. Not all entries will be accepted. Entries will be judged using an online photo submission system. A jury will determine if the artwork meets the basic requirements to participate in this competition. If your entry qualifies for the next round of judging you will deliver your entry on the date and time above. Please note - refunds will not be issued for “Not Accepted” entries. 1 FINE ARTS - CONTENTS Do I Qualify? 3 How to Enter 3 Rules We Need You to Read 4 Need Help? 4 How Is My Entry Judged? 5-6 Who Are the Judges? 6 What If My Entry Is Accepted? 7 How to Deliver Your Entry to the Fair 8 How to Pick Up Your Entry from the Fair 8 What If I Get an Award? 9 Awards 9 Division 500 Amateur Sculpture/Non-Ceramic 10 Division 501 Amateur Painting 10 Division 502 Amateur Graphics 10 Division 503 Amateur Ceramics 10 Division 510 Professional Sculpture/Non Ceramic 11 Division 511 Professional Painting 11 Division 512 Professional Graphics 12 Division 513 Professional Ceramics 12 How to Prepare for the Young Adult Fine Arts Show 13 Division 313 Young Adult Fine Arts Ages 13-15 13 Division 314 Young Adult Fine Arts Ages 16-18 13 OC Fair Guidelines 13-15 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 Page OC Fair Visual Arts 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FINE ARTS Who May Enter • Adult Divisions are open to California residents, ages 19 or older. • Young Adult Divisions (ages 13-18) are open to youth who live or attend school in Orange County, CA. • Amateur vs. Professional Amateur An artist, who creates art as a hobby or pastime, is a student of the arts, does not regularly present work for sale or is not actively promoting their work for sale. A PERSON WHOSE ARTWORK HAS EARNED A BEST OF SHOW AWARD IN THIS CATEGORY IN PRIOR YEARS MAY NOT ENTER THE AMATEUR DIVISION. Voluntary advancement to the next level is allowed. Professional An artist who is actively and regularly employed as an artist, or is engaged in the promotion of their work for sale or commission as indicated by business cards, brochures, portfolios and other marketing items, or is represented in galleries or art shows or in publication. HOW TO ENTER... Really Important Entry Date Online Entry Deadline: Monday, June 1, 2015 Enter Online Entries Must be made under the name of the individual who created it. Do not use business or fictitious names. Team entries are not allowed. Please enter using the exhibitor’s name as it will appear on the display tag. Entry Confirmations You will receive e-mail notification and confirmation immediately when entry fee is received. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail please check your Spam/Junk folder. If not in the Spam/Junk folder then contact us immediately. Entry Limit • Adults: No limit on number of entries. • Young Adults: 3 entries. • Entries for either age group are limited to space available. 3 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 Review the Fine Art Category Guidelines. Enter profile and entry information online at Last year’s account is no longer active. Pay $10 processing fee per adult entry, $3 per young adult entry. Upload a photo, 5 MB or less in JPEG format, of each of your entries for the First Round Judging. Finished work only, work in progress will not be accepted. For upload instructions please go to the link below. • Refunds will not be issued for failure-to-upload entries. • • • • OC Fair Visual Arts DO I QUALIFY? FINE ARTS We Need You to Read... 1. Fine Art is defined as paintings, sculpture, graphics and ceramics that demonstrate a high level of creativity, artistic technique and craftsmanship. 2. Read Competition Guidelines. Changes are made each year. Review the Fine Arts Rules/Guidelines below and the OC Fair Guidelines at the end of this guide. Non-compliance will disqualify your entry. 3. Exhibitors are solely responsible for reading the competition guidelines and rules, and entering their items in the correct Divisions/Classes. Incorrect entries may result in disqualification and may not be exhibited. If you need assistance determining the Division and/or Class, please contact the Exhibits Office at (714) 708-1624 or Someone should contact you within 48 hours. Personal assistance is also available during Help Days, see “Need Help” on the bottom of this page for dates and times. 4. 5. 6. No refunds will be issued for items incorrectly entered by the exhibitor. All state and local rules apply. Entries must be made personally by the exhibitor. Original work only. No kits, direct copies of original artworks, classroom assignments or group work will be accepted. 7. Artwork that is accepted for exhibition cannot differ from the uploaded image or it becomes ineligible.. 8. Artwork must be original and completed within the last two years. 9. Artwork exhibited at any prior OC Fair is not eligible for entry and will not be accepted. 10. No changes of any kind are allowed after online entry deadline. Incorrect entries will be disqualified. 11. Final acceptance of the entry will be left to the discretion of the Program Coordinator. 12. Due to the family-oriented theme of the OC Fair, no exhibit dealing with drug use, obscenity, defamatory NEED HELP? Need assistance with the online entry? Online: Click on link below for an online tutorial. Phone: During office hours at (714) 708-1718 E-mail: Daily at In-Person - Help Days: May 28-May 29 (Thursday-Friday), 11 am-6 pm OC Fair Administration Building Park in Lot F located inside Gate 4 off Arlington Drive near Fairview Road. Click on link below to view a map. 4 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 statements, violence or gang activity, satanic or cult theme, or other offensive or objectionable content will be accepted. This at the discretion of the OC Fair staff. OC Fair Visual Arts RULES FINE ARTS First Round Judging Friday, June 12, 2015, 6 pm - First round judging notification of entry acceptance/non-acceptance for delivery. Fine Arts is a juried exhibition. Not all entries are accepted. Fine Art entries will be judged first from uploaded images viewed online to determine if the submitted entry meets the requirements for participation in this competition and the subjective standards for exhibition set by the judges. All entries will be juried into the show by recognized authorities in the art world. Jury selection is final. The judges’ decisions are final and cannot be protested. You will be notified by email no later than 6 pm on Friday, June 12 with the results of the first round judging. Please check your Spam/Junk folders. Results may also be viewed at Artists whose entries are judged to meet the show standards will deliver their work on entry delivery day on Saturday, June 27, 8 am to 7 pm. Acceptance for Exhibition First Round Judging Acceptance does not guarantee acceptance for exhibition. The delivered Fine Arts entry may still be judged out for not complying with the competition rules and guidelines concerning size, weight, framing or image quality. However, all submitted entries will be displayed on a rotating basis on a video monitor during the 2015 OC Fair. Confirmation Judging After delivery of accepted First Round Judging entries, all entries will then be judged for compliance with framing and other rules, size/weight limits, and quality of the entry. Judges may, at their discretion, jury out works that do not meet their subjective artistic standards. If your delivered entry is judged out, you will receive notification by phone or email to pick up your entry at the Visual Arts Gallery. Claim check or photo ID is required for pickup. Artwork not picked up will be stored and cannot be released to you until August 18. Young Adult Entries Adult Division Judging Exhibits are placed using the American Judging System where exhibits are ranked one against another. Awards will be made if, in the opinion of the jury, the items entered have sufficient merit. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place and Honorable Mention may be awarded in each class if judges so determine. 1st Place winners will compete for Division Winner. Division Winners will compete for Best of Show. Young Adult Divisions Judging Entries are placed using the Danish Judging System where each entry is judged on how well it meets a standard rather than how it compares to other entries. Entries are judged as Blue Award (Superior), Red Award (Very Good) or White Award (Average). There may be more than one Blue, Red or White Award per class. Only entries receiving Blue and Red Awards will be accepted for exhibition. All Blue Awards will then compete, using the American Judging System, for cash awards. Division Winners will compete for Best of Show. 5 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 Parents please note: Not all entries will be accepted. Due to the high number of entries and limited display space, we cannot accept all the work submitted. Please understand that this competition is highly competitive. Only entries receiving Blue and Red Awards (see Judging and Awards) will be accepted for exhibition. Entries receiving White Awards will not be exhibited and will be displayed on a large format digital monitor in the Visual Arts Gallery during the 2015 OC Fair. OC Fair Visual Arts HOW IS MY ENTRY JUDGED? FINE ARTS Awards The judges will select award winners from accepted entries that were confirmed after delivery. Purchase Awards The OC Fair may purchase artwork from the 2015 Visual Arts Exhibit. These purchases will be displayed in the OC Fair’s Permanent Collection. Prices marked on the entries will be considered the sale price for the Purchase Award. Judging Results Results can be viewed online at around the third week of Fair or in-person at the OC Fair Visual Arts Gallery during public hours of the OC Fair. Young Adult Evaluation Forms Young Adult evaluation forms will be emailed along with First Round judging notification on June 12. White Award ribbons for non-accepted entries will be mailed. Reassignment of Entry Division/Class Judges and/or the Program Coordinator have the option of reassigning an entry to a more appropriate division or class. However, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to enter their work in the appropriate class. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. Classes or divisions may be combined to create an adequate judging pool. Disqualified Entries If an entry is disqualified after judging is complete, the judge will not change the status of awards given for other entries. Judges Fine Art is a juried competition. Qualified judges will be selected by the Program Coordinator to judge all exhibits. The jurors are professionally trained in Fine Art as educators, professional artists, gallery and museum professionals, etc. The decision of the jurors is final. 6 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 WHO ARE THE JUDGES? OC Fair Visual Arts HOW IS MY ENTRY JUDGED? cont… Fine Arts Really Important Delivery Date Saturday, June 27, 8 am-7 pm Presentation & Display of Artwork Click link for more information on framing. • Labeling: Exhibits must be securely labeled on the back of each entry with a printout of the acceptance notification identification label. • Framing Required: All 2-D entries must be framed with the exception of gallery-wrapped canvases. All wall-hung work must be wired for hanging. • Framing Choice: Framing choice is one criteria considered by judges in the award judging process. Black frames with white mats are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for graphic works. Simple framing is required for this competition. • Size Limits for Fine Arts Entries: Minimum size: 8 inches x 10 inches / Maximum size: 36 inches x 60 inches (Not equal area in square inches, not equal in length plus width.) Size is image plus mat. Size limit does NOT include the outside dimensions of the frame. Due to space limitations, size limits are strictly enforced. If your image is square, it must be between 10 inches square up to 36 inches square. If one side of your image is larger than 60 inches and/or the other is larger than 36 inches your entry will be disqualified. If one side is smaller than 10 inches and/or the other side is smaller than 8 inches or any side is less than 10 inches for square images, your entry will be disqualified. • Weight Limit: 40 pounds is the limit for all wall-hung artwork. Large heavy sculptural work should be cleared with the Program Coordinator before entering online. • Hardware for Hanging: All hanging works must have a taut, HEAVY picture wire attached securely with screw eyes or other permanent hardware for hanging. Sawtooth hangers or spring clip frames are not acceptable. • Diptychs and triptychs are not allowed unless framed together in one frame within stated size restrictions. • No Giclee prints of original artworks are allowed except in Division 502 Class 04 and Division 512 Class 04. • Any entry not meeting framing requirements will be not be accepted. Pricing and Sale of Entries • Pricing: Entries may be marked NFS (Not For Sale), POR (Price On Request), or For Sale by indicating the selling price $____. Consider printing and framing costs and your time when pricing. • Prospective Buyers: No sale or acceptance of fees for artwork items will be made by the OC Fair. Prospective buyers may fill out an “Interested in Purchasing Exhibited Art” form that will be forwarded to the artist at the close of the OC Fair. 7 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 • Frames Containing Glass: Framing with plastic or Plexiglas is preferred. Artists framing their entry with glass assume responsibility for damage to their own artwork and the artwork of others should the glass break. OC Fair staff uses extreme care in handling artwork but assumes no responsibility for damage. OC Fair Visual Arts WHAT IF MY ENTRY IS ACCEPTED? How to prepare for the show... FINE ARTS Free OC Fair Admission Exhibitors will receive one 2015 OC Fair admission ticket, at time of entry delivery. One ticket per exhibitor, not one per entry. If an exhibitor receives and admission ticket for an accepted entry, the exhibitor is not eligible to receive another ticket for any nonaccepted entries. If none of your entries were accepted for exhibition, one free admission ticket will be available for pickup at the Guest Relations Booth located outside the Main (Blue) Gate entrance, when the Fair is open. Please bring a photo ID. HOW TO DELIVER Your Entry to the Fair... Really Important Delivery Date Saturday, June 27, 8 am-7 pm Where to Deliver Entries OC Promenade between Home Arts and Visual Arts Galleries. Email alerts will be sent prior to delivery date with information on which vehicle gate to use. Click on the link for a map of the property. Claim Checks HOW TO PICK UP Your Entry After the Fair... Really Important Pickup Date Tuesday, August 18, 7 am - 6 pm • Claim Check or photo ID is required for pickup. If you are unable to pick up your items, please arrange for someone to pick them up for you. Unclaimed items and ribbons become the property of the OC Fair and will be discarded. • THE OC FAIR & EVENT CENTER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR EXHIBITS LEFT AFTER THIS DATE. 8 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 Will be provided when exhibits are delivered. OC Fair Visual Arts TICKETS, YEA! All accepted entries will be displayed in the Visual Arts Gallery with any awards received. Results will be posted online around the third week of the OC Fair at Please do not call or email for competition results. If your entry receives a First Place award in adult division or a Best of Class in Young Adult division, you will be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony. THE CHECK’S IN THE MAIL Award Checks Will be made payable to the exhibitor whose name is indicated on the entry form and mailed within 30 days after the close of the OC Fair. Awards Adult Award ribbons may be picked up on Entry Pickup Day on Tuesday, August 18, 7 am-6 pm. 9 Young Adult Best of Show - $75 Division Winner - $35 Best of Class - $25 Juror’s Choice - $25 Blue, Red or White - Ribbon *The Theme Award is chosen from all the accepted entries and is awarded at the discretion of the Program Coordinator. ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 RIBBONS, YEA! Best of Show - $400 Division Winner - $200 *Theme Award - $100 1st Place - $100 2nd Place - $75 3rd Place - $50 Honorable Mention - Rosette Juror’s Choice - $25 OC Fair Visual Arts FINE ARTS WHAT IF I GET AN AWARD? Judging Results AMATEUR FINE ARTS • In this division up to 3 photos of your entry may be uploaded: One of the entire entry and the others of detailed views. Class 01: Sculpture - Use of a single medium such as stone, metal, paper, wood, etc. Class 02: Mixed Media/Assemblage/Recycled use of two or more materials or use of found objects or materials that would otherwise be thrown away. Division 501 Amateur Painting Class 01: Oils Class 02: Acrylics Class 03: Watercolors Class 04: Pastels Class 05: Plein Air Painting, any medium - Plein Air is a French expression which means “in the open air” and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors. Division 502 Amateur Graphics Drawing and Illustration - Hand-drawn, pencil, ink, etc. without the use of a computer. Original work only, no prints or Giclees. Class 02: Mixed Media/Collage - Use of two or more mediums or added materials. Class 03: Printmaking - Traditional forms such as linocut, woodcut, etching, aquatint, serigraph, etc. Class 04: Computer Images - Images created with the use of computer programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint, etc. and drawn on the computer or with use of scanned and/or imported images that are then manipulated to create an original artwork. For works originating with photographs, see Division 526 Class 02 in the Photography Competition Guidebook. 10 Division 503 Amateur Ceramics • For this competition, Ceramics is defined as works made of clay and fired in a kiln. • In this division up to 3 photos of your entry may be uploaded: One of the entire entry and the others of detailed views. Class 01: Hand-Built Ceramics – Sculpture or vessels using primarily hand-building techniques. Class 02: Wheel thrown – Sculpture or vessels made primarily with the use of a potter’s wheel. Class 03: Mixed Media – Ceramic work with mixed media elements. 2014 First Place, Amateur Computer Graphics, Ocean Reef Lion, Dan Frate ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 Class 01: 2014 Purchase Award Place That Vase Right Here, Oil on Canvas, Josie Weber OC Fair Visual Arts Division 500 Amateur Sculpture/Non-Ceramic PROFESSIONAL FINE ARTS Class 01: Oils Class 02: Acrylics Class 03: Watercolors Class 04: Pastels Class 05: Plein Air Painting, any medium - Plein Air is a French expression which means “in the open air” and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors. 2014 First place, Professional Plein Air Painting Fall Glory, Oil on Canvas, Cindy Greene Division 510 Professional Sculpture/NonCeramic • In this division up to 3 photos of your entry may be uploaded: one of the entire entry and the others of detailed views. Sculpture - Use of a single medium such as stone, metal, paper, wood, etc. Class 02: Mixed Media/Assemblage/Recycled Use of two or more materials or use of found objects or materials that would otherwise be thrown away. ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 11 Class 01: 2014 Theme Award Summer Starts Here,, Watercolor, Patti Yunker, OC Fair Visual Arts Division 511 Professional Painting PROFESSIONAL FINE ARTS • For this competition, Ceramics is defined as works made of clay and fired in a kiln. • In this division up to 3 photos of your entry may be uploaded: One of the entire entry and the others of detailed views. 2014 Purchase Award Blue Koi, Watercolor, R. Mike Nichols Class 01: Hand-Built Ceramics – Sculpture or vessels using primarily hand-building techniques. Class 02: Wheel Thrown – Sculpture or vessels made primarily with the use of a potter’s wheel. Class 03: Mixed Media – Ceramic work with mixed media elements. Division 512 Professional Graphics Drawing and Illustration - Handdrawn, pencil, ink, etc. without the use of a computer. Original work only, no prints or Giclees. Class 02: Mixed Media/Collage - Use of two or more mediums or added materials. Class 03: Printmaking - Traditional forms such as linocut, woodcut, etching, aquatint, serigraph, etc. Class 04: Computer Images - Images created with the use of computer programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint, etc. and drawn on the computer or with use of scanned and/or imported images that are then manipulated to create an original artwork. For works originating primarily with photographs, see Division 526 Class 02 in the Photography Competition Guidebook. Winner, Dan McGrath Memorial Winner, Excellence in Ceramic Art, Teapot, Nora Chen 2014 First Place, Professional Computer Images, Low Tide, Vincent Mattina Do you enjoy sharing your talent with others? Sign up to demonstrate your artistry at the OC Fair in the Visual Arts Gallery. 12 ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 Class 01: OC Fair Visual Arts Division 513 Professional Ceramics YOUNG ADULT FINE ARTS for the Young Adult Fine Arts Show… • Open to youth ages 13-18 who live or attend school in Orange County, CA • Entry limit - 3 • Processing Fee: $3 per entry • Parents/Guardians: Young Adult Fine Art Competition is a juried exhibition. Not all entries will be accepted. Due to the high number of entries and limited space we cannot accept all of the work submitted. Please understand that this competition is highly competitive. Only entries receiving Blue and Red Awards (see Judging and Awards) will be accepted for exhibition. Entries receiving White Awards will not be exhibited and will be displayed on a video screen during the 2015 OC Fair. Best of Class, Age 13-15, Young Adult Painting, Ollie, Kellie Williams Note: Juniors (ages 9-12) See Painting and Drawing in the Explorium: Destination Kid’s Competition Guide. Choose from among the divisions and classes listed below. Division 313 - Young Adult Fine Arts Ages 13-15 Division 314 - Young Adult Fine Arts Ages 16-18 Class 02: Painting – Oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels. Class 03: Computer Images – Images created with the use of computer programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint, etc. drawn on the computer or with use of scanned and/or imported images that are then manipulated to create an original artwork. For works originating with photographs, see Division 311 or 312, Class 04 in the Young Adult Photography Competition Guide. Laguna College of Art + Design (LCAD) awards scholarship classes in Portfolio Development for 5 Young Adult Exhibitors in Fine Arts. The class, designed for high school students, is a valuable experience for young adults preparing to apply to college art programs and a career in the visual arts. 13 LCAD Award Winner Jissa, Oil on Canvas Connie Chang ENTER ONLINE BY JUNE 1, 2015 Class 01: Drawing – Hand-drawn pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, without use of a computer. OC Fair Visual Arts HOW TO PREPARE OC FAIR GUIDELINES ONLINE ENTRY Dates to Remember • Please check the individual Competition Guides for entry deadlines, as well as dates and times for entry delivery and pickup. Dates and times are absolute. Late entries will not be accepted. Who May Enter Enter Online • Enter online at Incorrect or incomplete information on online entry may disqualify the exhibit or cause delay in issuing awards. • Online submission of data requires that you understand that the decision of the judge is final. You agree to abide by all rules and regulations contained in the OC Fair Competition Guides and understand that such rules and regulations are incorporated with and become a part of this agreement. You hereby release the OC Fair and the State of California from all liability of every kind and character on account of loss, damages or injury to property, which may occur on the fairgrounds. Processing Fees • Most divisions require processing fees (check individual Competition Guides.) Fees are payable online with a credit card. No refunds will be issued. 14 OC Fair • Some divisions are open only to Orange County residents and some limit the number of entries and age of entrants. Check individual Competition Guides for who may enter each competition. • Youth must enter the divisions and classes specified for their age group. The exhibitor’s age as of July 17, 2015, determines their age group. • Youth may not enter in the Adult divisions. Open Youth who turn age 19 by July 17, 2015, are considered adults. 4-H youth members in good standing may be age 19 as outlined by the 4-H Cooperative Extension Office. 4-H members who are age 19 may choose to enter as either a 4-H Young Adult or Adult - they may not enter both. This rule applies for all OC Fair 4-H Competitions. OC FAIR GUIDELINES ENTRIES AND EXHIBITS Acceptable Entries • No entries or works with copyright or licensing infringement will be accepted. If there is any reproduction of a registered trademark item or work of another artist, the OC Fair reserves the right to disqualify the entry. • The OC Fair is a family-oriented event. Any entry deemed inappropriate for family viewing will be disqualified prior to judging. • Articles which are objectionable, stained, soiled, broken, or not ready for hanging will not be accepted for judging and will not be displayed. You will be notified for pickup. • OC Fair reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally or to cancel any entry, disqualify exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of entries or to cancel awards, without claim for damages. • OC Fair will not be liable for entries made in error and will not re-open judging to accommodate such entries. • No items entered in a previous year’s OC Fair competition will be accepted. Exhibit Sales • Sale of an exhibit or any part of an exhibit for delivery during the OC Fair will not be permitted. Entry Limit • The Exhibit Supervisor and/or Program Coordinator have the right to limit entries to facilities available. • Entry forms will be dated as received and entry forms received first will have priority. All entries will be accepted unless the exhibitor is otherwise notified. Protection of Exhibits • All cases will be locked and will not be opened while the public is in the building. Exhibits will not be allowed to leave the OC Fair & Event Center grounds unless the Program Coordinator has approved a release slip. Reasonable precaution will be taken in protection of exhibits. The exhibitor must arrange for insurance if desired. • OC Fair will not be responsible for accidents or loss that may occur to any of the exhibitors or exhibits at the show and the exhibitors shall hold the management harmless and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising from such accident or loss. Presentation of entry form shall be deemed acceptance of this rule. 15 OC Fair Repeat Entries OC FAIR GUIDELINES JUDGING AND AWARDS Judges and Judging Procedures • For judging purposes, the OC Fair reserves the right to combine classes or divisions to create an adequate judging pool where numbers are insufficient to ensure adequate competition. • Qualified judge(s) will be selected by the Program Coordinator to judge all exhibits. • Judges have the authority to disqualify or transfer to the correct class any exhibit that does not meet the requirement of the division or class in which it is entered. • Adult Divisions are placed using the American Judging System (ranking exhibits one against another). 1st, • • • Premiums • Signed judging sheets will be used as evidence for payment of premiums. Ribbons and tags will not be accepted. • Checks for awards will be made payable to the exhibitor whose name is indicated on the entry form and distributed within 30 days after the close of the OC Fair. Ribbons • To encourage high standards, the judge shall award 1st ,2nd , 3rd Place in each class according to merit; if without merit, the judge shall make no award under any circumstances. Ribbons and special awards must be picked-up by exhibitors at the close of the OC Fair unless otherwise noted Claiming Awards and Exhibits • Exhibits and/or awards left after the official release date are not the responsibility of the OC Fair and will be discarded without exception. If you are unable to pick up your items, please arrange for someone to pick them up for you. Claim check or photo ID is required for pickup. No additional phone calls or email notifications will be made. OC Fair and State Guidelines • All OC Fair and State Guidelines apply to all divisions. State Rules are online at 16 OC Fair • • 2nd, 3rd Place and Honorable Mention may be awarded in each class if judges so determine. Young Adults and Junior Divisions are placed using the Danish Judging System where each entry is judged on how well it meets a standard rather than how it compares to other entries. Entries are judged Blue (superior), Red (very good) or White (average) Award. There may be more than one Blue, Red or White Award per class. All Blue Awards will compete, using the American Judging System, for cash awards. The decision of the jurors is final. If an entry is disqualified after judging is completed, the judge will not change the status of awards given for other entries. Judging is NOT open to the public (except Special Contests). Judging results can be viewed online around the third week of the OC Fair at Please do not call or email for competition results. Award information will not be given by telephone.
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