2015 Family Practice of the Year Nomination Instructions and Form The Family Practice of the Year Award celebrates the accomplishments and hard work of the members of a family practice in delivering comprehensive services and continuity of care for their patients. Nomination is open to any family practice in Ontario that: Provides exceptional care to their patients. Makes meaningful contributions to the health and well‐being of their communities. Dedicates themselves to life‐long learning and/or as researchers and educators of future generations of family doctors. Exemplifies the Four Principles of Family Medicine as defined by the Canadian College of Family Physicians: The family physician is a skilled clinician. Family medicine is a community‐based discipline. The family physician is a resource to a defined practice population. The patient‐physician relationship is central to the role of the family physician. Please see the next page for instructions for the nomination package. The winners are recognized at the OCFP’s Awards Ceremony in November in Toronto. Deadline for Nominations – April 10, 2015 OCFP 2015 Family Practice of the Year Nomination Form & Instructions 1/4 INSTRUCTIONS Please include the following materials in the Family Practice of the Year Award nomination package: The nomination form (see last page). A nomination letter that describes the family practice and provide examples that reflect the five categories listed below. Please type the nomination letter to ensure it is clear and legible and keep it to four pages maximum. Feel free to use bullets where appropriate. At least three letters of support from colleagues (to a maximum of 5 letters). Categories for the nomination letter: 1. Skilled Clinicians: The essence of family practice is the integration of broad knowledge of health and illness with knowledge and skills in dealing with the psychosocial response of individuals and families to both stress and illness – focusing on the person and their context. Please describe: ‐ How the practice is comprised and how these professionals deliver a comprehensive basket of skilled services to the population it serves. ‐ Examples of how the practice supports the continuing professional development of the physician(s), allied health care professionals and staff. ‐ The practice implements evidence‐based best practices, quality initiatives and research findings. 2. Resource to a patient population: Family physicians promote health and provide care to a defined group of people and their families, taking into account the health determinants of their practice population. They also provide evidence‐based health promotion and illness prevention, education and support for self‐care. Please provide some details about: ‐ How the practice monitors disease prevention, screening programs and chronic disease management programs. ‐ The ways in which the practice encourages patients to participate in self‐ care programs. ‐ How the practice manages complex care patients and those requiring hospital based or long‐term care. ‐ The way information flows from the practice to the community. 3. Community‐based: Family physicians have an understanding of the health care system and of community needs, care for patients in offices, hospitals, other care facilities and patients’ homes, and see themselves as part of a community network of health care providers. They are also skilled at collaborating as team members or team leaders. Please comment on: ‐ How the practice is affiliated with other health organizations and works in a collaborative model to address patient care or community needs. ‐ How the practice has participated in other activities that demonstrate a commitment to community, such as ways the practice identifies a population need. 4. Patient‐Physician Relationship: The patient‐physician relationship has the qualities of a covenant, a promise by physicians to be faithful to their commitment to OCFP 2015 Family Practice of the Year Nomination Form & Instructions 2/4 patients’ wellbeing, whether or not patients are able to follow through on their commitments. Family physicians provide continuity of care ‐ whether relational, managerial and informational. They also use repeated contacts to build on the patient physician relationship and to promote the healing power of interactions. Please describe: ‐ The ways in which the practice demonstrates that it values the patient‐ doctor relationship and continuity of care. ‐ Examples of how the relationship is strengthened between patients and the other members of the practice. ‐ How practice enhances access to the physician and health care team. 5. Quality of care: The quality of care is providing the right service (process) at the right time (accessibility) for the right effect (outcome) at the right price (cost‐ effectiveness) for patient satisfaction (acceptability). Please comment on: ‐ Quality improvement activities conducted within the practice to support initiatives within the four categories above (including things like service delivery, accessibility, preventive health, etc.) ‐ A situation in which the practice members identified a problem and solved it together to improve the quality of the service provided. OCFP 2015 Family Practice of the Year Nomination Form & Instructions 3/4 2014 Family Practice of the Year Award Nomination Form Please print or type NAME OF FAMILY PRACTICE: CONTACT NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: NUMBER OF STAFF (INCLUDING PHYSICIANS & ADMINISTRATORS): NUMBER OF PAGES ATTACHED: NAME OF THE NOMINATOR: RELATIONSHIP TO FAMILY PRACTICE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: NOMINATOR’S CFPC MEMBERSHIP # (IF A MEMBER): Deadline for Nominations – April 10, 2015 Please send this completed form and nomination package by email, mail or fax to: Attention: OCFP Awards Mail: Ontario College of Family Physicians 400 University Avenue, Suite 2100 Toronto, ON, M5G 1S5 Email: awards_ocfp@cfpc.ca Fax: 416‐867‐9990 OCFP 2015 Family Practice of the Year Nomination Form & Instructions 4/4
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