OLINDA COMMUNITY HOUSE INC. THE HOUSEHOLDER POSTAGE PAID AUSTRALIA ABN: 63 299 630 286 Registered No: A0018118Z Funded by: Dept. of Human Services Yarra Ranges Council Proudly Sponsored by: Yarra Ranges Council Bendigo Bank – Olinda/Mt Dandenong branch 79-81 Olinda – Monbulk Road, Olinda 3788 P.O. Box 120, Olinda 3788 Telephone: 9751 1264 Fax: 9751 1461 Email: olindacommhouse@optusnet.com.au Website: www.och.net.au PROGRAM GUIDE - TERM 2 2015 Where to find us.... We are situated at 79-81 Olinda-Monbulk Road, Olinda (Melways ref. 122 A8) Next to the Olinda Pool. Hall Hire and enquiries for: OLINDA COMMUNITY HOUSE 7979-81 OLINDAOLINDAMONBULK ROAD, OLINDA OLINDA HALL OLINDA--MONBULK OLINDA ROAD, OLINDA Please call 9751 1264 HOUSE STAFF Program Coordinator Coordinator - Christine Riddiford Finance & Administration Coordinator – Carol Hoskins O OFFICE HOURS: HOURS: Monday & Wednesday 9am – 5pm Tuesday 9am – 3pm Thursday 9am – 11.30am Friday 9am – 2pm During School Terms only - Answering service operates outside of office hours. Please leave a message. TUTORS WANTED: We are interested to hear from people who would like to be paid to share their talents. OLINDA OLINDA COMMUNITY HOUSE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FUNDING SUPPORT PROVIDED BY: EASTERN RECHARGE PROGRAM This is a Recreational Respite program for adults with disabilities. Based at Olinda Community House, the program is held on one day of a weekend. For further details call Andy Sims at SCOPE on 9902 1077 D2DL supports people managing a mental illness to participate in our programs. Call 9735 7900 for assistance with fees, transport & orientation. SPECIAL SERVICES Wheelchair Access MISSION STATEMENT Olinda Community House aims to continue to grow and evolve in our efforts to provide avenues for participation, at an affordable cost, to all people within our “Hills” community. In doing so, we aim to encourage selfdevelopment, personal growth and a feeling of community for participation within a friendly and supportive atmosphere TERM TWO 2015 ART & CRAFT AWAKEN YOUR INNER CREATIVE Explore new and exciting ways to expand your personal creative genius. Enhancing right brain activities, skills, tools and processes. Applicable to all creative mediums and materials. For beginners and established artists. Tues 21st April 1.30pm – 3pm OR Tues 21st April 7pm – 8.30pm 8 weeks for $140.00 plus $40.00 for materials BOTANICAL ART A style which presents opportunities to focus thoughtfully and closely upon flowers, fruits and features of plants. An interest in plants is the essential factor. Fri 17th April 9.30am – 11.30am 11 weeks for $220.00 CROCHET Learn how to crochet basic stitches, increase/decrease, decipher symbols and follow patterns. For beginner and experienced crocheters. Thurs 16th April 7pm – 9pm OR Fri 17th April 9.30am – 11.30am OR Fri 17th April 1pm – 3pm 11 weeks for $132.00 FREEFORM CROCHET Using exotic, plain and textured yarns and a rainbow of colours, you can create anything from cushion covers, scarves, gloves, bags, hats to beautiful heirloom rugs. BYO lunch. Sat 16th May 10am – 3pm $50.00 JEWELLERY MAKING Bring your collection of beads and put together a necklace, bracelet and earrings. Tues 2nd June 9.30am – 11.30am 2 weeks for $50.00 PAPERMAKING Beautiful hand made paper from recycling old paper. Use for making cards, gift tags, scrapbooking. Thurs 7 May 12.30pm – 2.30pm $35.00 WATERCOLOURS with ANTOINETTE BLYTH th Landscape, Floral and Still Life painting. Covering drawing, sketching, colour mixing, brushes and brush strokes. Tues 14th April 9,30am – 11.30am 11 weeks for $165.00 WOOL DYING WORKSHOP Learn how to dye your own hanks of wool using Landscape dyes. Mix your own dyes and apply them to light coloured hanks of wool to create beautiful variegated balls of wool. Sat 20th June 10am – 3pm $50.00 BUSINESS ACHIEVING FINANCIAL SUCCESS – PRICING FOR PROFIT Unsure of when to discount your products and services? Is the price of your product/service maximising your profit and cash flow? The Small Business Victoria Pricing for Profit seminar will equip you with the knowledge and tools. This is the second in a series of five. This link will take you to website that describes the whole series htts://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/13440achieving-financial-success-seminar-seriestickets-15611466316 Wed 29th April 7pm – 9pm $20.00 Book online for all 5 seminars $80.00 SUPERFOOD SMOOTHIES Learn to make and taste savoury and sweet smoothies. Learn about Superfoods. Great for vegans and vegetarians. Thurs 4th June 12.30pm – 2.30pm $35.00 plus $10.00 for ingredients VEGAN AND RAW COOKING CLASSES: Learn how to make delicious vegan and raw dishes, including cheese from nuts. TRADITIONAL FIVE COURSE DINNER Fri 1st May 12noon – 2pm SOME LIKE IT HOT CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES MOUNTAIN TOP TOY LIBRARY Saturday mornings 9am – 10am at Olinda Hall. All enquiries: mountaintoptoylibrary@fastmail.fm PLAYGROUP Come and join us and have fun. For children 0 – 5 years with their parents or caregivers. Wed’s from 15th April held at Olinda Hall 10am –12noon SING, RATTLE AND AND GROOVE Music sessions for 0-5 year olds and their parents. Come sing, play instruments and move to music, enhancing development and expressing themselves creatively and joyfully. Sessions are facilitated by Cath Russell, Registered Music Therapist. Fri 15th May 12noon – 2pm ASIAN DELIGHTS Fri 12th June 12noon – 2pm $50.00 per session including ingredients COMPUTERS COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS, FAX AND PHOTOCOPYING SERVICE FOR PUBLIC USE Computer and Internet access, Fax and Photocopying service available. Monday – Friday 9am – 2pm Ring 9751 1264 to make a booking. INTRODUCTION TO APPLE iPAD An entry level introduction to the Apple ipad. You will need pen and paper and your own iPad (mini or full size) Tues 14th April 9.30am – 10.30am 11 weeks for $165.00 Tues 12th May 10am - noon 3 weeks $55.00 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS COOKING CHEESE MAKING WORKSHOP – CAMEMBERT, GOURMET FETTA, SOUR CREAM AND RICOTTA Sat 2nd May 10.30am – 12.30pm 6 weeks for $108.00 You will take home your own 3 products with you. Make and eat Ricotta. Sun 24th May 9am – 4pm $100.00 Bookings essential – limited places CHINESE TEA CEREMONY Learn the correct way to make and enjoy the Green and Oolong teas. Mon 27th April 10am – 12noon $10.00 CIDER, PERRY AND FRUIT WINE MAKING WORKSHOP Looking at different methods of making Apple Cider, Perry, Pear Cider and Apple Cider vinegar. Strictly over 18yrs old. BYO lunch. Sat 30th May 10am – 4pm $100.00 COMMUNITY KITCHEN Seeking new participants interested in expanding cooking experiences in an informal setting, having fun and eating well – every 2nd Friday. Fri’s from 24th April 10am – 1.30pm $10.00 per session to cover ingredients MALAYSIAN CURRY Learn how to make from scratch Malaysian/Singaporean curry base and to adapt this to make your meat or vegetarian curry. Mon 4th May 10.30am – 12.30pm $20.00 plus $10.00 for ingredients Let David help you through the first steps. Bring own laptop or enquire about laptop availability for the early bird enrolees. DANCING BALLROOM DANCING Learn to dance Social Latin, Ballroom and Rock n’ Roll in a fun, relaxed and comfortable environment. No partner necessary. Tues 21st April 7pm – 8.30pm 10 weeks for $125.00 BELLY DANCING Intensive classes teaching basic isolated & combination movements. Fantastic for fitness, flexibility and all levels. Thurs 23rd April 6.30pm – 8pm 7 weeks for $90.00 FREEDOM FLOW A transformative journey of dance dance and joy Through the awakening gift of music and the healing power of movement, still the mind and dance till you disappear. A fantastic way to exercise all your muscles and cardio system, and to release your mind, at a pace you choose. Tues 21st April 5pm – 6.30pm 10 weeks $130.00 or $15.00 casual $5 ANNUAL ADMINISTRATION FEE APPLIES Minimum numbers applies for courses to run BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL FITNESS FITNESS FOR OVER 40’s Improve your balance, co-ordination and increase your strength and energy. Circuit style exercise class. Suitable for women and men, most ages and all fitness levels. Each individual is monitored carefully in this weight bearing and some cardio class. Thurs 16th April 9am – 10am $12.00 per session HEALTH AND WELLBEING AFFIRMATIONS AFFIRMATIONS AND VISUALISATIONS Quick daily Louise Hay meditations, affirmations, and visualisations to help you feel good, feel positive, and get the most out of your day. FREE CD TAI CHI Tai Chi is a gentle exercise combining movement and breathing to help coordination, balance, breathing and muscle tone. Beginners and intermediate levels. Wed 15th April Intermediate 7pm – 8pm Beginners 8pm – 9pm 11 weeks for $121.00 YOGA/RELAXATION/MEDITATION YOGA/RELAXATION/MEDITATION Fun, gentle class for beginners, all ages or people with injuries, trauma or stress. Learn techniques to stretch and expand, relax and release, unwind, let go and connect with nature, yourself and others. Thurs 23rd April 10.30am – noon 10 weeks for $150.00 MEN’S SHED Mon 18 May 9.30am – 11.30am $25.00 plus $10.00 for materials CAN YOU HEAL YOURSELF? YOURSELF? Are you interested in knowing more about or joining Monbulk District Men’s Shed? Call Brian on 0430 380 379. Yes, certainly – discover for yourself the connections between the Brain (mind), Body (organs) and the Soul (meridians). Learn some tips on how to heal yourself. MEETINGS OLINDA COMMUNITY HOUSE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT th Mon 4th May 1pm – 3pm Gold Coin donation FELDENKRIAS: AWARENESS THRU MOVEMENT The mindful, slow and deliberate moving of limbs, head and torso, influences and changes how you move in life. Payment in full is required one week in advance of start of course. Mon 11 May 12noon – 1pm 4 weeks for $45.00 GROWING HERBS FOR HEALTH th Learn how to grow herbs and use them for all family health problems. FREE remedy for each participant. Mon 1st June 9.30am – 11.30am $25.00 plus $10.00 for materials MANDALA AND MEDITATION Join us in a journey of meditation and mandalas, through colour, emotion and symbolism to create a unique healing wheel, and artwork, of concentration and manifestations. A fun and healing process. Tues 21st April 11am – 12.30pm 3 weeks $50.00 plus $10.00 for materials MEDITATION In Meditation, stillness of mind and body are created, allowing contact with the deeper place of love, support and healing. Mon 27TH April 1pm – 2pm OR 7pm-8pm 6 weeks for $75.00 MOVEMENT AND RELAXATION This class offers a deep understanding of your body from the inside out. Through a combination of strength, stretching and natural movement exercises you will develop your ease & flow of movement. Tues 14th April 9.30am – 10.30am $10.00 per session NATURAL THERAPIES Learn about Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, and Bach Flowers and how you can use them to help your family. FREE iris diagnosis, health analysis and remedy. Mon 4th May 9.30am – 11.30am $25.00 plus $10.00 for materials 3rd Wed of the month – 7pm OLINDA PROBUS CLUB INC. 2nd Wed of the month – 9.30am 12noon New Members Welcome. Contact Annie on 0437 266 300 OLINDA SENIOR CITIZENS Tuesdays 11.45am – 3.00pm New members welcome. Phone: Ron on 9756 6029 or 9751 1264 MUSIC BLUES HARMONICA with DAVID NUNN Learn to play the blues on a ‘band in a waistcoat pocket’. Covering Beginners and Intermediate. Please ring 9751 1264 with your expression of interest. ORGANICS AND GARDENING A BEGINNERS BEGINNERS GUIDE TO KEEPING CHICKENS This workshop covers: The Benefits of Having Chickens, Housing Requirements, Health and Wellbeing (Inc food/water), Common Pests and Disease, Choosing the Right Breed, reaping the Rewards, and Local Laws and Resources. Sun 17th May 9.30am – 12.30pm OR Wed 17th June 9.30am – 12.30pm $50.00 FRUIT TREES, PREPARATION AND LAYOUT Learn to design from a backyard, to an orchard, to a food forest, guidance on how to decide what tree goes where and why. Mon 8th June 10am-4pm $95.00 HERITAGE FRUIT TREES All about the basics, Species, variety selection, grafting–how to, rootstock selection. Sun 19th April 10am-4pm $95.00 MORE ABOUT CHICKENS This workshop covers: Basic First Aid, Growing and Using Herbs, Poisonous Plants, All about Eggs, Hatching and Rearing Chicks, Dealing with Roosters and Making your own Chook Food. Sun 17th May 1pm – 4pm OR Wed 24th June 9.30am – 12.30pm $50.00 PREPARE FOR THE BARE ROOT FRUIT TREE SEASON Prepare your soils-design and implement swales, this class is about how to get your trees off to a great start and reduce the need for watering. Sun 17th May 10am – 4pm $95.00 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT A GIFT OF YOURSELF Record the important milestones in your life! Start on the book you always meant to write: family history: a memoir for your family to keep. Tues 12th May 1.30pm – 3.30pm 5 weeks $100.00 HEALING THROUGH FORGIVENESS A challenging and surprising effective new approach to healing our wounds and finding peace through a profound process of Forgiveness. Wed 6th May 10am-11.30am 4 weeks for $100.00 HAPPINESS IN RETIREMENT Learn how to: stay motivated during retirement; remain mentally sharp; maintain an optimistic and sunny outlook; remain young at heart; and remain socially active. Wed 3rd June 10am-1pm $40.00 PRACTICAL SKILLS A FUNERAL DOESN’T HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE TO BE GOOD! Frequently asked questions answered in a simple and sensitive way in an informal chat session. Fri 15th May 12.30pm – 2.30pm $10.00 including Scone, Jam and Cuppa DOWSING AND LABYRINTH Learn how to use dowsing rods, pendulums and labyrinths. A labyrinth is an ancient meditation tool. No experience or tools necessary. Sun 24th May 2pm – 4pm $25.00 SOAP MAKING Learn how easy it is to make natural soap using olive and other oils and herbs and spices. Ideal presents. Thurs 21st May 12.30pm – 2.30pm $35.00 plus $5.00 for materials SPORT BADMINTON AT OLINDA HALL Mon 13th April 7.30pm – 9.30pm $3.00 per session or $40.00 for six months. Ring Marcia Begg on 9728 4466 Waiting list may apply. Men’s Social Badminton Badminton Wednesday nights – Please call Simon Bown 0439 309 144 FENCING – AN OLYMPIC SPORT Thurs evenings during school terms Please call Lisa on 0450 556 330 www.whitehorse.riposte.com.au OLINDA COMMUNITY HOUSE WALKING GROUP Ring 9751 1264 to register your expression of interest. EFTPOS AND CREDIT CARD FACILITIES AVAILABLE 1.5% SURCHARGE FOR CREDIT CARDS AND 50 CENTS SURCHARGE FOR DEBIT CARD
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