2015-2016 Season of Shows The East Coast Premiere 10 DAYS TO HAPPINESS SEP 17 – OCT 18, 2015 “10 Days to Happiness does for Buddhism what Late Night Catechism did for Catholicism.” ‘Tis the season UH OH! HERE COMES CHRISTMAS NOV 27 – DEC 20, 2015 A Holiday Variety performance by Robert Fulghum, Ernest Zulia and David Caldwell. WNY premiere of the new musical hit ORDINARY DAYS JAN 21 – FEB 21, 2016 Irene O’Garden’s critically acclaimed play WOMEN ON FIRE APR 7 – APR 24, 2016 “A dozen women with plenty to say...Bewitching...astounding... heartbreaking,” –NY Times. Stephen Sondheim’s iconic musical comedy O’Connell & Company in residence at The Park School of Buffalo 4625 Harlem Road Snyder, NY 14226 is pleased to announce their COMPANY MAY 19 – JUN 19, 2016 2015-2016 Season of Shows The longest running show in WNY History We carefully chose a season with “something for everyone” – designed to delight, excite and thoroughly entertain our audiences. This season, Experience O’Connell & Company – “The Home of Great Theatre.” DIVA by DIVA: A Celebration of Women WEDS AT 7:30PM (check website for specific dates) “You’ll likely come out feeling as if you’ve just had an experience that was more than a little special.” –LA Times $25 General Admission | $20 Seniors | $15 Students/Military/Industry | Group rates available Thursday-Friday-Saturday: 7:30 pm | Sunday Matinee: 2:30 pm O’Connell & Company in residence at The Park School of Buffalo 4625 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY 14226 716.848.0800 | www.oconnellandcompany.com O’Connell & Company in residence at The Park School of Buffalo 4625 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY 14226 716.848.0800 | www.oconnellandcompany.com O’Connell & Company 2015/2016 Season Sponsorship: Sponsor/Advertiser Information: Contact person Company/Organization Name Address City/State/Zip Check/Money Order payable to: O’Connell & Company Productions, Inc. Mailing address: O’Connell & Company, Park School of Buffalo, 4625 Harlem Rd., Snyder, NY 14226 Credit/Debit Card: VISA M/C AMEX DISCOVER (circle one) Number Exp 3 Digit Code Name on the credit card: Submission Guidelines: Please email logo and/or ad to: oconnellgetinfo@aol.com. Artwork should be an EPS, PDF, or TIFF with a resolution of at least 300dpi. Please put ARTWORK SUBMISSION in subject line. Ad sizes: Sponsor levels/cost: (check one) Full Pg/CoverW = 5.0 in H = 8.0 in Half PageW = 5.0 in H = 3.925 in Quarter PageW = 2.425 in H = 3.925 in Bosom Buddy Sponsor – $5,000 Cherished Chum Sponsor – $2,500 Kindred Spirit Sponsor - $1,000 Super Friend Sponsor - $500 -$999* Praiseworthy Pal Sponsor - $250 - $499* $ *Enter Variable Amount Ad cost: (check one) Back Cover: $1,000.00 Inside Front: $700.00 Inside Back: $700.00 Full Page: $500.00 Half Page: $300.00 Quarter Page: $200.00 DEADLINE for Season Ad placement is September 11, 2015. $ Total Payment Amount All Ads & Sponsorships Sponsoring an O’Connell & Company production is making a personal investment in the community, the audience and students we serve. Your sponsorship supports the development and production of plays and musicals that provide access to great professional theatre for a broad and diverse audience as well as unique learning opportunities for students of all ages. Sponsorships provide an array of corporate visibility and recognition as well as generous ticket and hospitality opportunities for employees and customers alike. Please review the sponsorship opportunities O’Connell & Company offers. We want you to have the very best sponsorship experience possible. We will work closely with you to customize your benefits to respond to your specific interests and best meet your needs. For more sponsorship information, please call 716-848-0800 or email oconnellandco@aol.com. Bosom Buddy Sponsor – $5,000 • VIP seating and a reception for your guests at a performance of your choice • Listing on the Sponsor Page in the O’Connell & Company Season Playbills • 20 ticket vouchers valid throughout the season • Your company logo displayed prominently on the O’Connell & Company website linked to your website Cherished Chum Sponsor – $2,500 • Listing on the Sponsor Page in the O’Connell & Company Season Playbills • 10 ticket vouchers valid throughout the season • Your company logo displayed prominently on the O’Connell & Company website linked to your website Kindred Spirit Sponsor - $1,000 • Listing on the Sponsor Page in the O’Connell & Company Season Playbills • 6 ticket vouchers valid throughout the season • Your company logo displayed prominently on the O’Connell & Company website linked to your website Super Friend Sponsor - $500 -$999 • Listing on the Sponsor Page in the O’Connell & Company Season Playbills • 4 ticket vouchers valid throughout the season Praiseworthy Pal Sponsor - $250 - $499 • Listing on the Sponsor Page in the O’Connell & Company Season Playbills • 2 ticket vouchers valid throughout the season Playbill Advertising: Advertising your business or organization in the O’Connell & Company Playbill is a great way to reach your target audience. Your ad is a statement of your commitment to the arts to current and prospective customers who share the same commitment. We are offering very affordable rates for this Season Playbill. Our advertising rates start at just $200 for a quarter-page ad for the entire season. Also, you can choose to increase your visibility even more by adding your company name and a website link on to our O’Connell & Company Productions webpage for only $100. To place an ad in our Playbill, please fill out the ad form (attached) and return it to us with your ad copy (see ad form for specifics). We will contact you to confirm your ad placement, your ad specifics, payment, and other relevant information. Unless you would like to make your payment up front, we will send you an invoice for the full amount. You can also call us at 716-848-0800 to make your advertisement arrangements. DEADLINE for Season Ad placement is September 11, 2015.
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