May Village Voice

Village Voice
Issue 80
May. 1, 2015
Inside this issue:
Seniors 2015
Odell City Wide
Garage Sales!
Saturday, May 2; 8-2
St. Mary’s Smoked Windsor
Loin Spring Lunch
Sunday, May 3; 11am-1pm
St. Mary’s Catholic Church—
Odell’s 10th Annual Run for Fun
Smoked Windsor Loin,
Saturday, May 23
Baked Potato, Vegetable,
1 mile, 5K & 10K
Homemade Roll and Dessert
Registration begins at 7 am
New this year…..Free Delivery! Contact Julie @ 402-641-5746
17 Seniors to
Graduate from
On Saturday,
May 16 at 2:00
pm the Senior
Class of 2015 will
graduate at the
High School
Gymnasium. Kai
Wendland is one
of the 17 graduates and will be moving on
to the United States of America Marine
Corp. Please see page 2 & 3 for all Senior Pic-
(Entry forms available at the Bank or
attached to this email newsletter)
2015 Vacation
Bible School
June 1-5; 8:30-11:30
Bible Stories, Music, Crafts,
Snacks, Recess and a lot of FUN!
Everyone ages 3-8th grade
welcome to attend! Contact Joyce
@ 402-239-5810 or pick up a form at
the Bank (form attached to email newsletter)
Please come to the Old
West Trails Center on
May 17th at 1:30 if
Congratulations to ALL seniors!
interested in applying for a
Looking for summer help in
part time job. Looking for 4 people to
delivering "Meals on Wheels",
share. Pays $10/hr; 6 1/2 hours on
anyone interested call Marilyn Lytle Saturday and 3 1/2 hours on Sunday;
mid-May through mid-August.
at 402-766-4275
Call Robin Stanosheck @ 402-766-3725
tures and page 7 for photos of graduates who have
signed on to college athletic programs.
Rice Lodge
Odell Cookies
Devin McIntyre
School/Youth News
Ag Mechanics
Alumni News
Community Events
Barn Quilt
Corner Bar
Girl Scouts
Legion Baseball
Kricket New Hours
Run For Fun Entry
(email only)
VBS Registration
(email only)
May Events
2—Odell Garage Sales
3—Windsor Loin &
OWTC Cards
13—OWTC Bingo
17—Corner Bar 1st
18—OACE mtg. 7 pm
20—OWTC mtg
23—Run for Fun; Poppies
25—Memorial Day
June 1-5—VBS
June 4: Barn Quilt Class
Page 2
Congratulations 2015 DillerDiller-Odell Graduating Seniors!
Hannah McCown
Jordan Herbst
Calvin Hennerberg
Kai Wendland
Brady McMurray
Josie Vitosh
Elyjah Hroch
Mackenzie Gydesen
Zach Rash
DOHS Class of 2015
Kendra Barnts
Stetson Meyer
Page 3
Marcus Eickmann
Austin Vitosh
Tyler Roberts
Lance Lawton
Now is the time to
plant your lawn seed!
Excellent supply of
“Country Estates” turf
grass. Contact Dave @
402-766-3790 or
Camille Hennerberg
John Hobbs
Pg. 4
LISTEN & SILENT are spelled with the same letters...think about it.”
News from Odell’s Rice Lodge
& Conference Center:
John Novotny, Gary & Mary Bures, Larry & Robin
Stanosheck, and Bruce & Gwen Vitosh.
The South Wing of Odell’s Rice Odell’s Rice Lodge is the perfect place for: family reunions, family get-togethers, class reunions, friends
Lodge is very near complete!
get-together, birthday parties, anniversary parties,
We would like to congratulate
all the families that are sponsor- wedding parties, baby showers, baptism celebrations,
bridal showers, Mary Kay, Thirty-One, Scentsy, Veing rooms in the south wing! They are:
lata, It Works Global, Pampered Chef, Stella
The Ervin & Velora Adam Family - Bedroom
& Dot, etc., group retreats or just your ‘get-a-wayThe Rockemann Family - Bedroom
from-the-city’ weekend! This place will be your
The Joseph & Josephine Beran Family – Living Room
The families of Arlin & Marlys Koch and Gary &
Teresa Koch – Kitchen
The Shalla Family – Bedroom
The Dean Maatsch Family – Bedroom
Facebook: Rice Lodge page
The Alvin & Verla Bures Family – Laundry Room
Phone: 402-806-2174
There is also wall space and the ‘entrance room’
available for sponsorship in the south wing. Contact
a Rice Lodge Board member to get information:
Make Reservations or take a virtual tour at
Odell Cookie 4H Club News:
Shelby March, Co-News reporter:
The Odell cookies 4-H club celebrated their 60th anniversary on
April 11, 2015 at the Odell Community building. A nice time was had
reminiscing about past and present
4-H projects, members and leaders.
The current members provided the
Griffin Cookbooks!
Purchase your Diller-Odell Griffin
OACE EVENT Schedule: Cookbook! $15.00 ea. They will
May 18, July 20, August 17,
be available until sold out. State
May 23: Run for Fun
Bank of Odell or C & C Processing.
October 19 & November 16
August 29: Odell Community Day
OR contact: Janelle Gegg, Paige
7 pm at the Odell Legion
October 31: NEW Main
Arnold, Carson Ebeling, Corina
Everyone is welcome to
Lottman, TJ Schroeder, Reese
Street Trick or Treating
Hennerberg, Madison Jurgens, Paige
come to a meeting and volunNovember
Vitosh, Kailee Rupprecht, Alexis
teer to help, or just listen in.
Collins, Cory Engelman, or
December 12: Odell
Please consider helping!
Tayler Wendland.
Community Christmas
Pg. 5
“Maturity doesn’t mean age. It means sensitivity, manners and how you react.”
Griffin Graduate Devin
McIntyre makes headlines for his
work at UNK (article on this page
from UNK Communications)
KEARNEY – When Angela Hollman
answered her phone March 19 she was in
for a surprise. The defense department has
been watching her collegiate team of six that
recently won the North Central Regional
Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition and
qualified for the national stage in San Antonio April 24-26.
The defense department told Hollman they
want to recruit the University of Nebraska
at Kearney students. All of them.
“What about internships for the students
who have a couple years left?” she demanded a little light-heartedly. Apparently,
those can be arranged too.
The cyber defense competition was UNK's
first year competing and Hollman's first year
coaching the team how to handle hacking
attempts and business injects thrown at
them by a group of professional cyber security experts and consultants from companies
such as TrustedSec and Raytheon.
Michael Odell of Alliance; Nery Cabrera and
Jesus Moreno of Lexington; Devin McIntyre of Odell (all in Nebraska); and Doug
Perez from Los Angeles and Olivier Avande
from Benin, West Africa, are UNK’s first
competing team – and winning team – of
security/hackers. They placed first in technical and second in business injects categories
to win first place overall.
“It was literally like a scene out of an
old, cliché movie,” said McIntyre, an
Information Networking and Telecommunications minor. “We continually
faced adversity with calm, collected
action and stuck to our game plan. (To
win) felt amazing.”
Moreno said it was stressful manning the
firewall against attacks for so many hours,
but he had confidence because of what he
had learned in class.
“Dr. Hollman told us we already had the
skills we needed to hold our own against the
other teams who had already competed in
the competition,” said Moreno, also an INT
major. “She told us to stay calm and just
have fun.”
Still, the six said they were nervous when
they arrived at the competition. They contrasted their humble apparel and basic laptops with other teams, who they said were
dressed in uniforms, acted confidently, and
carried “lots of expensive-looking devices.”
Odell, a junior, recalled those first moments.
“All I could think about was that I didn't
want our team to come in last and I kept
asking Hollman, ‘What have you gotten us
But Hollman wasn't rattled.
“It's all about the fundamentals and learning
how to solve problems on the fly,” said Hollman, assistant professor of INT. “That's
what we teach in the INT program.”
UNK’s program is unique, said Adam
Haeder, a Google employee who serves on
the advisory board for Hollman's program.
“No one else combines much needed components outside of computer programming
like the INT program at UNK,” Haeder said.
Further, Hollman said Kearney is becoming
known for its technology, chosen by President Obama in March as one of 21 communities in the nation to participate in a new
national training effort to fill technology jobs.
Kearney has kind of become the tech capital
of rural Nebraska,” Hollman said. “Our tech
sector growth out here in central Nebraska
exploded long before the recent TechHire
And where there's a need, support follows.
Two weeks after winning CCDC regionals,
Frontier Communications stopped by the
INT lab to present another check for $4,000
to the program. The company unveiled a
new DSL connection in the lab that will allow INT students to set up simulations that
would otherwise be too much of a security
or resource liability if attempted on the campus network.
The check presented by Frontier marked
the 15th year of financial assistance and
pushed the total to $60,000 for program
scholarships and summer internships. Frontier is one of many companies lining up to
help support the education of future tech
employees in central Nebraska. In November, Kearney-based technology company
Intellicom Computer Consulting donated
$150,000 to the program in the form of
cash, equipment and time. Dan Shundoff,
president and CEO of Intellicom, said the
donation is a smart investment.
“Collaborating with the university, especially
within the INT program, felt right. We have
the ability to build something special here
and I wanted to take advantage of that,” said
the technology programs at UNK are outstanding, Hollman said, and she wants to
help breed a culture of collaboration among
“If I have a student who really wants to focus on programming or on web design or
business systems, then I'll walk them down
to computer science or multimedia, or Management Information Systems,” she explained. “And if those programs find a student who is passionate about networking or
cyber security, then that student needs to
hear what my program is about.”
A similar strategy of diversity and teamwork
was apparent to anyone watching UNK's
students work together at the cyber defense
competition. This successful tactic eventually
resulted in the phone call from the U.S. Department of Defense.
Although each of the six UNK members
were either minoring or majoring in INT,
Hollman said she specifically recruited those
six students because of their diverse skill set
across disciplines and their ability to work
“We were able to leverage students with
programming skills, networking skills, server
admin, all kinds of skills, regardless of
whether or not they were majoring in or
minoring in INT,” Hollman said. “My primary
advice to the students going into the competition was to work together as one unit,
focus only on fundamentals, and have fun,
knowing that if they beat just one other
team in their first year, they should feel very
Even before nationals, there is already talk
about next year’s competition.
“There is a lot of demand to be on next
year's team already, but we realistically will
only have a couple new spots open for that
team,” said Hollman. “But, we still have seats
open in the INT program and our door is
open to visit with all motivated students
who are interested in this field.
“All they have to do is call, email, or knock.
We'll be waiting.”
School and Youth News
Page 6
Upcoming May Events
Student of the Month
4—HS Concert/Art Show
7—K-Round Up; Senior Sneak Day
Kimberly is the
March Student
of the Month.
Kimberly is a
very hard
worker and
strives to do
her best in
everything she
does. Not
only is Kim a
hard worker, she will never hesitate to help
someone. She is a great example of a Griffin.
She is the daughter of Ron & Vicki Spitsnogle.
Congratulations Kimberly!
8—Awards Night/8th Grade Promotion
9—HS Band Trip
11—End of Year Speech Party
12—K-6 Concert
15—Elementary Field Day
18—Elementary Awards
19—6th grade Dessert Theater
20—Last day of Preschool—NO am class—
Preschool graduation at 1:30 in the gym
21—Last Day of School
Summer tutors are needed to work with
elementary students in the areas of Reading and
Math. Please contact Beth Roelfs at ASAP
Diller– Odell High School
music concert and art show:
May 4th. Diller-Odell
Elementary music concert and
art show: May 12th at 6:30 pm
Kindergarten Round Up is coming for
Diller-Odell Schools!
Thursday, May 7; 12:15 pm—
pm—3:15 pm
Any child who will be 5 years old on or before July
31st is eligible. Please contact the school if you or
someone you know needs more information. Call
402-793-5570 or email
There will be NO SCHOOL FOR
Elementary Open House:
Wed., August 12; 5:30-6:30 pm
For all students going into preschool-6th grade
for the 2015-16 School year and
parents/guardians. This is a great way to get all
the paperwork done early, see your child’s
room and meet their teacher.
Info/Tech Night:
Tue., August 11; 7:00-7:45 pm
This is a mandatory meeting for ALL students
going into grades 7-12 for the upcoming year.
Each student needs to be accompanied by at
least one parent/guardian in order to receive
their laptop/Ipad. Basic computer guidelines
and safety information will be presented. Paperwork will be filled out and laptops/Ipads
distributed to those who pay the $30 annual
fee or apply for fee waiver. Families NOT attending, need to contact the school to set up a
time to come in and watch the video coverage
and fill out paperwork. Students will NOT be
able to take laptops/Ipads home until these
requirements are met.
Page 7
“It always seems impossible until it is done.”—
done.”—Nelson Mandela
Local Seniors
Sign on to
6 of the DillerOdell 2015
graduating Seniors each had a
visit from their
college of choice.
They have each
signed on to play
in their athletic
programs including track & field,
volleyball, football and baseball
Top row, l to r:
Josie Vitosh signs
with Highland
College to play
Ely Hroch signs
as a Peru State
Bobcat Football
Middle row, l to r:
Zach Rash will
be playing
baseball at
Doane College
in Crete.
Stetson Meyer
signs with
Hastings College
in their Track
and Field Program. Bottom
row, both: Austin Vitosh and
Brady McMurray
both sign on to
play baseball for
the Hastings
College Broncos.
Piano Lessons? Call Erin (Bures) Blake at 402-239-5839
Pg. 8
“Choose to be optimistic. It feels better” — Dalai Lama
Kelly Theye will graduate from the
University of Nebraska on May 9 with a
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and Public
Relations, with concentrations in English and
History. She was honored by the College of
Journalism and Mass Communications for
her superior academic achievement during
the JDays Honors Convocation on April 17.
Congratulations to the Diller-Odell FFA Ag Mechanics Team.
They received first place in the state competition and will be
competing at the national competition next fall in Louisville,
KY. Members of the winning team include Jonathan Schmidt,
Cody Scheele, Ethan Rupprecht and Calvin Hennerberg.
Individually, Cody Scheele placed 1st in Ag Mechanics and 3rd
in Oxygen-Acetylene Welding.
Stereotyping…..As a mom of 2 daughters, sometimes I tire of the phrase “Girls will be Girls”. It
seems this is being used as an excuse for girls
(teenagers, in general) behaving poorly, whether it is
being mean to other kids, back talking to parents or
just letting their moods affect those around them.
There is no reason, as a parent or guardian that we
just have to “put up with it”. Say something, let
them know that isn’t the way to act. Tell them not to
be mean to others. Tell them they can’t disrespect
their teachers, coaches or parents. Maybe my
recollection is not what it used to be, but it was not
acceptable for me to behave this way when I was
growing up. I just “knew better”. I showed respect
to others even if I was in a bad mood or having a bad
day. I did not roll my eyes at my teachers, coaches or
behind my friends backs. Yes, I am sure I gave my
parents some “eye-rolling”, but, not often, or I had
consequences to deal with.
Another problem along this same line that I have
been noticing lately is that parents are surprised (or
even in denial) when their children are doing something negative or behaving in a way that they don’t
want them to. When, the fact is, at home this is the
way their family life is. Please remember, if you don’t
want your child to do or say something you don’t
approve of, then please don’t do it yourself. If you
are talking poorly about other adults or even other
kids in front of your children, if you are taking pleasure in negative talk about others to make yourself feel
better or if you are constantly comparing your children to others and what they are doing, your kids will
acquire these same characteristics and the characteristics will roll over into their school and social lives
and affect others around them and how people react
to them. We moms have hard jobs today with
everything moving so quick. Let’s help each
other out by listening to advice, setting a good
example and learning from others. Instead of
competing to raise the “best athlete” or “best
student”, let’s compete to raise the “best
behaved child”. Let’s make the phrase
“Girls will be Girls” a POSITIVE term!
Pg. 9
“I am not ashamed to say that I need Jesus in my life.”
Happy 30th Birthday to
Brent Kostal on
May 16th!
Love, Abigail, Preston,
Austin and your Family
Happy 18th Birthday to
Brady McMurray on May 1!
Congratulations on your
high school graduation!
Wishing the following all the best on their
Love, Dad, Mom & Vanessa
9—Lois Bures & Steph Meyerle
May Birthdays!
2—Virginia Lottman
Happy Birthday
Josie Vitosh on May 29! to Howard Hill
on May 30!
“U R still a little girl to us!”
Love, Your
Love, Mom and Dad
10—Anna Stuckwisch & Keith Craig
Congratulations to Josie Vitosh on her high school
graduation and signing to playing volleyball at Highland Community College. “We can’t wait to watch you play volleyball
at the next level!” Love, Brent, Barb & Berkelee
15—Paige Arnold, Dave Anderson &
Happy 18th Birthday to
13—Tom Carpenter
14—Lorna Adam, Louis Cumro &
Addison Heidemann
David Parde & Betty Smith
16—Donnetta Hajek
17—Jaden Oberembt, Judy Vitosh,
Larry Chambers & Emma Rupprecht
24—Beth Roelfs & Pastor Stuckwisch
25—Sandy Kostal & Norris Gold
27—Mary Klecan
28—Sharon Rupprecht
29—Vicki Arnold
30—Morgan Phillips & Braydin Wendland
Licensed and Insured! Find us on Facebook
and Angie’s List!
Card Party at OWTC Sun., May 3; 1:30
Bingo at OWTC Wed., May 13; 1-3
OWTC Mtg May 20
8:30 am at the Coffee Shop
OACE Mtg May 18; 7 pm—Legion
“Every Person you meet
knows something you don’t;
learn from them. —
H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Pg. 10
“I wonder how much of what weighs me down is not mine to carry?”
Class Being Offered
Carol HankelScheele will be
hosting a Barn Quilt
class taught by the
Homestead on June
4th at 5:30 pm at:
Ed & Carol Scheele
Home, 523 John St., Odell, NE.
The class is limited to 12 people and
the cost is $30.00, which includes all
supplies. For more info contact
Carol @ 402-223-9062
Great Food!
Great Drinks!
209 Main St—Odell;
Great Conversation!
402-766-4140 or
Text 402-520-1028
Pedicures Highlights
Facial waxing
Ear piercing
Eyebrow/eyelash coloring
~Sunday, May 17:
1st anniversary celebration!
~Sunday, May 24:
Beer Garden Dedication
“Home of fresh,
mademade-toto-order Pizza!”
Full line of hair care products.
AVON available. Scrapbooking supplies.
Call Cathy for an appointment today!
Check us out on Facebook for
special offers!
March Auto
Ron & Angie March—Barneston
Quality Work,
Reasonable Prices, Free Estimates
Pg. 11
“The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk.”
Back row, l to r: Kate Kostal, Sidney Gegg, Karli Heidemann, Kennedy Belknap,
Madeline Swanson*, Rachel Stanosheck* & Kim Spitsnogle*. Front row, l to r:
Hannah Mayer*, Lilly Swanson* & Madison Sherwood* (* Bridging Girls)
Bridging Ceremony on Monday,
April 13. Girl Scout Troops ended their
year with a bridging ceremony. Troop
20110 (top photo) bridging 3 girls to
Cadettes and 3 girls to Juniors. Their
troop will now have a total of 11 girls.
Troop 20167 (bottom) bridged 5 girls
from Daisies to Brownies. Their troop
now consists of 10 Brownies led by Barb
Beekman, and new co-leader Heather
Parde. Troop 20483 (not shown), is the
Cadette troop and hosted the event for
the girls. Their troop has 6 members and
is led by Kendra J. Schmidt-Weers.
Alaina Vitosh*, Ashley Duis, Berkelee Beekman*, Baileigh Vilda, Erin Gegg*, Jaedyn Hajek, Kelsey Barnts*, Joely Weers,
Madisyn Rosebaugh* & Madeline Parde (* Bridging Girls)
Pg. 12
“If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?”
Hannah (Kostal)
Congrats Graduates!
May 2: Brockabilly Band: 9 pm-1am
May 5: Cinco de Mayo Party—99 cent Margaritas
May 26: CLOSED
Tues-Fri-Sat: 8 pm—2 am
NEW BAR MENU (see below)
2015 Wymore Legion
HOME Baseball Schedule
May 24—2 & 4
May 26—5:30 & 8
May 30—4:30 & 7
June 2—8 pm (Sr.)
June 7—4 & 6:30 (Jr)
June 11—6 & 8
June 14—4 & 6
June 16—6 & 8
June 24—5:30 & 8
June 27—5 & 7:30
July 7—5:30 & 8
July 21—7 (Sr.)
players on teams:
Shane Sutton, Tybor
Smith, Peyton Mohr,
Tyler Rash, Tyson
Landenberger, Brian
Meyer, Christian McCown,
TJ Schroeder, Austin
Vitosh, Brady McMurray,
Ely Hroch, Stetson Meyer
& Zach Rash