MITx GRANT PROGRAM CALL FOR PROPOSALS: MITx ONLINE MODULES The Office of Digital Learning1 is seeking proposals from MIT faculty and departments for development and operation of online modules (also called learning units—see definition on page 2) that leverage the edX platform for global and residential audiences in support of the digital learning strategies of MIT schools and departments. Statements of Interest should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than May 15, and full proposals are due May 31. MITx Grant Program at a Glance Focus on MITx modules Objective Develop and teach online modules (see definition on page 2) Previously, MITx courses were typically designed as traditional semester-long courses offered on the edX platform for global audiences. Most courses were modeled on existing residential MIT courses. They required a significant commitment of time and effort from course teams both to develop and to teach. With this MITx Grant Program, we are shifting our approach to shorter online modules (learning units) with different design objectives. Our goals are to a) reduce barriers to faculty participation, b) better meet the needs and preferences of global and residential learners, c) experiment with and adopt teaching and learning techniques that may improve learning outcomes, and d) ensure that our efforts and investments align with Institute and departmental priorities and directions. Accordingly, we have new criteria for awarding funds for MITx projects, detailed in “Requirements and selection criteria” on page 2 of this document. The most important requirements are that a proposed module: 1 that leverage the edX platform for global and residential audiences in support of departmental digital learning strategies. Grant Award • Typically $10K-$100K to support content creation, media production, tool development, a part-time TA (if needed) or other students, and a department-based project coordinator • MITx support services from ODL as needed (media training, technical/platform support, IP, accessibility) Eligibility Open to all MIT faculty; no limit on number of applications. See “Requirements and selection criteria” on page 2. Capacity ODL plans to award 5 – 10 grants per cycle, depending on availability and mix of resources required. We anticipate two award cycles per year. Application Step 1 Process Step 2 Step 3 Key Dates for this Cycle Contact Info Submit Statement of Interest Meet with ODL representative to discuss course parameters and develop project budget Submit Full Proposal Statements of Interest should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than May 15. Full Proposal Deadline Decisions Announced Development Begins By Target Launch May 31 July 1 Sept 1 Spring 2016 Statements of interest, proposals, letters of support, and other related documents should be emailed to For questions or clarification, contact MITx Associate Director Caroline Soares at • Specifically support school and departmental digital learning strategies • Incorporate rich student assessment features that can provide automated feedback to students • Be consistent with recommendations of the Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of MIT Education including exploration of modularity and other new pedagogical approaches and tools that enhance student learning For information about ODL and its mission, visit the ODL web site. MITx Grant Program April 7, 2015 Page 1 What is a module? A module is a learning unit or segment that can be studied on its own or in sequence with other modules. We use the definition offered in the Task Force report: a self-contained unit comprising a set of outcomes, where an outcome is what the student will know or be able to do as a result of a learning experience and is a driver of the instruction and assessment for the module. To this we add that a module developed for the edX platform would be no more than 1-6 weeks in length (total run time or module duration) and result in a unit reusable by other faculty teaching the same course or another course. Requirements and selection criteria The following requirements must be met in order for a proposal to be considered: • Lead faculty. The proposal must be submitted by, and the project must be overseen by, an MIT faculty member(s) who will be responsible for the accuracy and quality of content, adherence to MIT academic standards, and effectiveness of teaching. The lead faculty member(s) will typically teach the material represented in the module as part of a residential MIT course. The lead faculty member participates throughout the project although development and teaching may also involve students and staff. • Residential/global audiences. The module should support both residential education at MIT and global outreach (MITx on edX). In limited circumstances, ODL may fund modules designed only for global audiences.2 • Scope. The project must contemplate initial development and at least one run of the module (or sequence of modules) on the global edX platform, and on the residential MITx platform if applicable. • Department support. A letter of support from the department head must accompany the Statement of Interest. • Link to department’s digital learning strategy. The module must support the digital learning strategy of the school or department. If the department does not yet have a digital learning strategy, it is less likely that the proposal will receive funding. In future cycles, such a strategy will be a prerequisite for funding; however we realize that not all departments have yet developed one. ODL welcomes the opportunity to work with departments to help develop strategies where needed. • Project coordination. Projects must identify a department-based project coordinator to oversee the project (funded by the MITx grant). Experience has shown that involvement of a department-based coordinator greatly enhances project success and timely completion and reduces the burden on lead faculty. ODL provides training, cross-department forums, and a growing digital learning community in which they participate. • IP agreement. Course authors must sign an MITx Intellectual Property Agreement. • Lessons learned. The lead faculty member(s) must submit a brief report that summarizes learnings and findings for each run of the module. • Timeline. Proposals due by Proposals approved on Development should begin no later than Module(s) should be ready to launch in May 31, 2015 July 1, 2015 Sept 1, 2015 Spring 2016 Jan 31, 2016 Mar 1, 2016 June 1, 2016 Fall 2016 2 If you are interested in developing a residential-only module, which lies outside the scope of this call, ODL is still interested in working with you. Please contact Sheryl Barnes, Program Manager for Residential Digital Learning (, or Sanjoy Mahajan, Director of Residential Digital Learning ( MITx Grant Program April 7, 2015 Page 2 Preference will be given to proposals that: • Explore and incorporate modularity and other teaching/learning concepts put forth in the Task Force report. • Include significant attention to student assessment and course evaluation. • Incorporate other innovations in teaching and learning, including tools that enrich the learning experience. • Help to round out the portfolio of MITx courses on edX so that the offerings are representative of the breadth of subjects and instructors at MIT. Application process Step Process 1 Submit Statement of Interest Please use the MITx Grant Program Statement of Interest form (one page, 10-15 minutes to complete), and email it along with a letter of support from your department head to Statements of Interest should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than May 15. 2 Meet with ODL When you submit a Statement of Interest, ODL will contact you to schedule an inperson meeting to discuss and help you with your proposal, including reviewing the course development process and developing a project budget. 3 Submit Proposal Please use the MITx Grant Program Proposal form, and email it to The submission deadline is May 31. Please attach a project budget. MITx grant awards The number of grant awards in any given cycle varies depending on the availability and mix of funding and staffing resources. An approved course typically will be supported by: • 10K-$100K in funding to support content creation, media production, tool development, part-time TA (if needed), undergraduates, and a department-based project coordinator. Funding is determined on a case-by-case basis, and varies primarily according to the length of the module and what pre-existing pedagogical resources (problem sets, video clips, etc.) may already be available for use on the project. Department-based project coordinators ensure that projects adhere to plans and timelines and arrange required support services as needed. The coordinators must participate in the MITx training program and in periodic MITx meetings and conferences. • MITx support services as needed for media training, technical/platform support, intellectual property consultation and clearance, and accessibility compliance. For more information Please visit the Submit a Proposal page on the ODL web site to read more and to download editable versions of the Statement of Interest and Full Proposal forms. For specific questions about the process or its requirements, please contact MITx Associate Director Caroline Soares at MITx Grant Program April 7, 2015 Page 3 MITx GRANT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF INTEREST: MITx ONLINE MODULES Please use this form to indicate your interest in developing and teaching an MITx module(s). We will contact you shortly to schedule an in-person meeting to discuss your proposal. At that time, we will also work with you to prepare a project budget. Please note key dates: This Statement of Interest due by ASAP but no later than May 15 Proposals due by Proposals approved on Development begins by Module(s) ready to launch in May 31, 2015 July 1, 2015 Sept 1, 2015 Spring 2016 YOUR NAME YOUR EMAIL SUBMISSION DATE TIES TO (COURSE NUMBER) MODULE TITLE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MODULE (OR SEQUENCE OF MODULES), INCLUDING OVERALL LEARNING OBJECTIVES HOW DOES YOUR PROPOSAL FIT WITH THE DIGITAL LEARNING STRATEGY OF YOUR SCHOOL OR DEPARTMENT? TEACHING CONTEXT—CHECK ONE TARGET AUDIENCE(S), INCLUDING RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE RESIDENTIAL AND GLOBAL USE GLOBAL USE ONLY DESIRED PROJECT START DATE DESIRED COURSE LAUNCH DATE COURSE DURATION IN WEEKS LIST EXISTING RESOURCES THAT MIGHT BE LEVERAGED (TOOLS, PROBLEMS SETS, EXAMS, VIDEO CLIPS, ETC.) PROSPECTIVE COURSE TEAM (OTHER FACULTY, STAFF, STUDENTS POTENTIALLY INVOLVED IN DEVELOPMENT OR TEACHING) Please send your Statement of Interest along with a letter of support from your department head to For questions, please contact MITx Associate Director Caroline Soares at Thank you for your interest. 4/7/2015 MITx GRANT PROGRAM PROPOSAL: MITx ONLINE MODULES Please use this form to propose an MITx online module(s), but feel free to attach separate sheets in answer to any questions if that would be more convenient. Please note key dates: Statement of Interest due by Proposals due by Proposals approved on Development begins by Module(s) ready to launch in ASAP but no later than May 15 May 31, 2015 July 1, 2015 Sept 1, 2015 Spring 2016 YOUR NAME YOUR EMAIL MODULE TITLE SUBMISSION DATE TIES TO (COURSE NUMBER) Please provide the following information. There is no limit on text length—boxes are self-expanding. YOUR PURPOSE IN CREATING THE MODULE OR SEQUENCE OF MODULES, INCLUDING HOW THESE SPECIFICALLY SUPPORT YOUR DEPARTMENT’S DIGITAL LEARNING STRATEGY SCOPE AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF YOUR MODULE(S) DETAILED CONTENT OUTLINE FOR YOUR MODULE(S) STUDENT ASSESSMENT FEATURES YOU PLAN TO INCORPORATE OTHER TOOLS AND INNOVATIONS YOU PLAN TO INCORPORATE YOUR DEFINITION OF SUCCESS AND YOUR PLAN FOR MEASURING/DEMONSTRATING ACHIEVEMENT OF THAT SUCCESS WHAT YOU HOPE TO LEARN BY DEVELOPING AND TEACHING THE MODULE(S) OTHER INFORMATION YOU THINK MAY BE RELEVANT TO OUR CONSIDERATION OF YOUR PROPOSAL Please email your proposal along with the project budget to For questions, please contact MITx Associate Director Caroline Soares at We appreciate your interest in online teaching and digital learning! 4/7/2015
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