OPROEP VOOR FIGURANTEN! Promenade – fate toursim Rondrijdende theatervoorstelling Promenade is a production of a Budapest-‐based contemporary theatre company, STEREO Akt. The viewers watch the performance from a bus moving the reality set of Oerol Festival. We follow the characters from scene to scene, we listen to their ‘amplified’ thoughts, watch the happenings on the street which known only to the passengers of the Promenade bus that it’s all theatre. We invite volunteers to take part in the performances. More info on STEREO Akt: stereoakt.hu Short video of the performance: http://vimeo.com/69899771 How do you tell about a character or a story without acting? How can you densify a story into an image? How can you make yourself visible without being theatrical? How do you interact with the public space and leave a question behind without leaving a bad feeling in the passers-‐by? We seek enthusiastic volunteers who are interested in a theatre workshop and unusual public space performing arts events who would inspire the ever changing script with their own stories, and who would be happy to take on smaller tasks in the performance, while we make their stories part of the performance. We’ll make scenes, we’ll improvise and we’ll examine the public space with a fresh eye. We would invite the volunteers to two workshops preceding the series of performances between 12 and 21 June. We have two 4-‐hour workshops on 9 and 10 June and then we need the volunteers to take part in the performances. Om je aan te melden kun je een mail sturen naar: joost@oerol.nl -‐ vermeld je telefoonnummer, een kort persoonlijk verhaal over ontsnappen (in het Engels) -‐ graag aangeven welke workshopdatum je voorkeurk heeft en op welke dagen je mee kan doen met de voorstelling Please send in an email to: joost@oerol.nl -‐ your phone number and a short, personal story about an experience of ‘escape’ in English -‐ please let us know which workshop date would be good for you and what days you are available to work with us in the performance between 12 and 21 June.
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