SNL Metals & Mining Releases March Monthly

Media Contact: Christina Twomey
SNL Metals & Mining
+1 212 542 8033 office
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SNL Metals & Mining Releases March Monthly Industry
Finds gloomy market conditions for the international mining industry
Halifax, Nova Scotia (March 18, 2015) Announced today, SNL Metals & Mining's latest Monthly Industry
Monitor reveals another set of depressing statistics. The first two months of the New Year have failed to dispel
the gloomy market conditions for the international mining industry.
SNL's Pipeline Activity Index (PAI) has four constituents: the number of exploration announcements, initial
resources, completed financings and positive development "milestones." The PAI fell in February, for the fifth
consecutive month, despite two of the constituent measurements showing a month-on-month improvement (see
Although SNL's metals price index had improved fractionally in January, it fell to 108 in February. Indeed,
there were falls for all eight constituents of the index — cobalt, copper, gold, molybdenum, nickel, platinum,
silver and zinc. While the industry's aggregate market cap bucked this trend by increasing to US $1,350 billion
at the end of the month, early indications for March suggest the industry's value will resume its downward
The number of distinct projects reporting drilling activity fell to 113 last month, compared with 160 projects in
January. Gold-exploration activity accounted for 59% of the total, but after the encouraging increase the
previous month there was a fall to 67 gold projects in February. Projects reporting copper assays fell to 18 from
26 in January, with nickel and silver projects each halving to eight. The activity for other metals was little
Only five initial resources were announced in February, valued by SNL at just US$2.72 billion. Almost 68%
came from companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, with base and other metals resources accounting
for US$2.24 billion of the month’s total. By comparison, initial resources were valued at US$11.8 billion in
December and US$13.8 billion in January.
SNL monitors development "milestones" but there was only one positive development recorded in the SNL
database in February. Like the two positive developments in January, this milestone related to a copper project
in Latin America.
However, financings by junior and intermediate companies — those with annual revenue of less than US$500
million — improved sharply in February after a disappointing January. There were 21 financings of over US$2
million in the SNL database during February, amounting to a total of US$642.1 million. Of this total, 88% was
from share issues, and companies listed on the TSX Group accounted for fully 95% of the total.
For journalists seeking more information for news coverage of this topic, please contact Christina Twomey by email,
For industry professionals seeking more information, email or call +1 866 296 3743 (US & Canada); +1
646 599 8087 (Latin America); +44 20 7398 0873 (Europe, Middle East & Africa); +852 5808 1882 (Asia-Pacific); +1
800 337 900 (Australia).
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About SNL Metals & Mining
SNL Metals & Mining is the most trusted source of global mining information and analysis. The company draws on more
than three decades of comprehensive information and analysis, with an unsurpassed level of experience and historical
data. To help clients reach better decisions more quickly, SNL supplies raw data and sophisticated analysis based on
unbiased research, reporting and consulting. From worldwide exploration, development, and production to strategic
planning, M&A activity and more, SNL’s databases and studies help clients make confident decisions and, ultimately,
improve results.
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