INTERNATIONAL DIALING CODES Disclaimer: South African Airways is not responsible for the accuracy of the information below. Below is a table listing Country Codes, IDD (International Direct Dialing) prefixes, and NDD (National Direct Dialing) prefixes. If you are not familiar with how these are used, please review the definitions below before using the table. Country Code The country code is the national prefix to be used when dialing TO that particular country FROM another country. In some cases you will also need to dial a city or area code. When a country name appears in the table as a link, there will be additional information regarding city or area codes. IDD Prefix (International Direct Dialing) The IDD prefix is the international prefix needed to dial a call FROM the country listed TO another country. This is followed by the country code for the country you are calling (see above). The IDD situation in many countries has been changing regularly. Some countries have multiple IDDs, with each one used by a different long-distance carrier. NDD Prefix (National Direct Dialing) The NDD prefix is the access code used to make a call WITHIN that country from one city to another (when calling another city in the same vicinity, this may not be necessary). The NDD is followed by the city/area code for the place you are calling (city/area codes, where applicable, can be viewed by following the link from the country name on the table below). Phone numbers are often written in this format: +44(0)1224-XXXX-XXXX. This expresses the numbers used for both international and national long-distance calls. In the example, +44 indicates the country code, while (0) indicates the NDD. When dialing from outside the country, the NDD would not be used after dialing the country code; when dialing from within that country, the NDD would be used, but the country code would not. NOTE: All city/area codes used on this site are expressed for use in international calling; for national calls, prefix the area/city code with the NDD International Dialing Codes Country Name (Includes satellite systems) IDD International Prefix (See above) Country Code NDD National Prefix (See above) Afghanistan +93 00 0 Albania +355 00 0 Algeria +213 00** 7 +1-684* 011 1 Andorra +376 00 Angola +244 00 0 Anguilla +1-264* 011 1 +1-268* 011 1 Argentina +54 00 0 Armenia +374 00 8 Aruba +297 00 Ascension +247 00 Australia +61 0011 (Voice calls) 0015 (Fax calls - Telstra) 0018 (Telstra special rates) 0019 (Fax calls - Singtel Optus) 0 Australian External Territories +672 00 0 Austria +43 00 0 Azerbaijan +994 00 8 Bahamas +1-242* 011 1 Bahrain +973 00 Bangladesh +880 00 0 Barbados +1-246* 011 1 Barbuda +1-268* 011 1 Belarus +375 8**10 ( written as 8~10) 8 Belgium +32 00 0 Belize +501 00 0 Benin +229 00 +1-441* 011 +975 00 American Samoa Antarctica Antigua Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia +672 +591 1 0010 (ENTEL) 0011 (AES COMMUNICATIONS 010 (ENTEL) 011 (AES COMMUNICATIONS BOLIVIA) BOLIVIA) 012 (TELEDATA) 0012 (TELEDATA) 0013 (BOLIVIATEL) Bosnia & Herzegovina +387 00 013 (BOLIVIATEL) 0 Botswana +267 00 Brazil +55 0014 (Brasil Telecom) 0015 (Telefonica) 0021 (Embratel) 0023 (Intelig) 0031 (Telemar) British Virgin Islands +1-284* 011 1 Brunei Darussalam +673 00 0 Bulgaria +359 00 0 Burkina Faso +226 00 Burundi +257 00 Cambodia +855 001 Cameroon +237 00 Canada +1 011 Cape Verde Islands +238 0 Cayman Islands +1-345* 011 Central African Republic +236 00 Chad +235 15 Chatham Island (New Zealand) +64 00 Chile +56 00 0 China (PRC) +86 00 0 +61-8 0011 (Telstra) 0 0011 0 Christmas Island (08 from Australia) 014 (Brasil Telecom) 015 (Telefonica) 021 (Embratel) 023 (Intelig) 031 (Telemar) 0 (mobile phones) 0 1 1 Cocos-Keeling Islands +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 00 Congo +242 00 Congo, Dem. Rep. of (former Zaire) +243 00 Cook Islands +682 00 Costa Rica +506 00 Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) +225 00 0 Croatia +385 00 0 Cuba +53 119 0 Cuba (Guantanamo Bay) +5399 00 0 Curaçao +599 00 Cyprus +357 00 005 Orbitel 007 ETB 009 Telecom #555 Bellsouth #999 Comcel 03 (Mobile Phones) 05 Orbitel 07 ETB 09 Telecom 00 None required Czech Republic +420 00 95200 (Discount carrier) Denmark +45 00 Diego Garcia +246 00 Djibouti +253 00 Dominica +1-767* 011 1 Dominican Republic +1-809* and +1829* 011 1 East Timor +670 00 Easter Island +56 00 Ecuador +593 00 0 Egypt +20 00 0 El Salvador +503 00 144+00 Telefonica Ellipso (Mobile Satellite service) +8812, +8813 00 EMSAT (Mobile Satellite service) +88213 Equatorial Guinea +240 00 Eritrea +291 00 0 Estonia +372 00 0 (not required after 1 February 2004) Ethiopia +251 00 0 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) +500 00 Faroe Islands +298 00 Fiji Islands +679 00 Finland +358 00, 990, 994, 999 0 France +33 00 (France Telecom) 40 (TELE 2), 50 (OMNICOM) 70 (LE 7 CEGETEL), 90 (9 TELECOM) 0 French Antilles +596 00 French Guiana +594 00 French Polynesia +689 00 Gabonese Republic +241 00 Gambia +220 00 Georgia +995 8**10 (written as 8~10) 8** Germany +49 00 0 Ghana +233 00 Gibraltar +350 00 Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS) None required N/A +881 ICO Global 8810,8811 Ellipso 8812, 8813 Iridium 8816, 8817 00 N/A Globalstar 8818, 8819 Globalstar (Mobile Satellite Service) +8818, +8819 00 N/A Greece +30 00 None required Greenland +299 00 Grenada +1-473* 011 Guadeloupe +590 00 Guam +1-671* 011 1 Guantanamo Bay +5399 00 0 Guatemala +502 00 130+00 Telefonica 147-00 Telgua None required Guinea-Bissau +245 00 Guinea +224 00 0 Guyana +592 001 0 Haiti +509 00 0 Honduras +504 00 0 Hong Kong +852 001-- PCCW 0080 -- Hutchison 009 -- New World None Hungary +36 00 06 ICO Global (Mobile Satellite Service) +8810, +8811 00 N/A Iceland +354 00 0 India +91 00 0 Indonesia +62 001,007 017 Voice Over Internet (VOIP) 0 Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean - East) +871 00 N/A Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean - West) +874 00 N/A Inmarsat (Indian Ocean) +873 00 N/A Inmarsat (Pacific Ocean) +872 00 N/A Inmarsat SNAC Note: Inmarsat plans to shift all other codes to this Single Network Access Code by 2009. +870 00 N/A International Freephone Service +800 N/A N/A International Shared Cost Service (ISCS) +808 Iran +98 00 0 Iraq +964 00 0 Ireland +353 00 048 to Northern Ireland (this 0 special arrangement is much cheaper than dialing through the UK using 1 country code 44) Iridium (Mobile Satellite service) +8816, +8817 00 N/A Israel +972 00 (default selected carrier, not available from public phones); 012 (Golden Lines); 013 (Barak LTD); or 014 (Bezeq LTD) 0 Italy +39 00 See Note in country section Jamaica +1-876* 011 1 Japan +81 001 (KDD) 010 (MYLINE/MYLINE PLUS) 0061 (Cable & Wireless IDC) 0041 (Japan Telecom) 0 Jordan +962 00 0 Kazakhstan +7 8**10 ( written as 8~10) 8 Kenya +254 000 006 to Uganda 007 to Tanzania 0 Kiribati +686 00 0 Korea (North) +850 00 0 Korea (South) +82 001, 002 00700 (Speed/ SKTelecom mobiles) 0, 082 Kuwait +965 00 0 Kyrgyz Republic +996 00 0 Laos +856 00 0 Latvia +371 00 Lebanon +961 00 (To dial Syria From Lebanon, you may Lesotho +266 00 0 Liberia +231 00 22 Libya +218 00 0 Liechtenstein +423 00 None required Lithuania +370 00 8 Luxembourg +352 00 None required Macao +853 00 0 Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Rep of.) +389 00 0 Madagascar +261 00 0 Malawi +265 00 Malaysia +60 00 use "02-xx-number", where xx is the area code in Syria.) 0 0 Maldives +960 00 0 Mali Republic +223 00 0 Malta +356 00 21 Marshall Islands +692 011 1 Martinique +596 00 0 Mauritania +222 00 0 Mauritius +230 020 0 Mayotte Island +269 00 Mexico +52 00 01 Micronesia, (Federal States of) +691 011 1 Midway Island +1-808* 011 1 Moldova +373 00 0 Monaco +377 00 0 Mongolia +976 001 0 Montenegro +382 99 0 Montserrat +1-664* 011 1 Morocco +212 00** Mozambique +258 00 Myanmar +95 00 Namibia +264 00 0 Nauru +674 00 0 Nepal +977 00 0 Netherlands +31 00 0 Netherlands Antilles +599 00 0 Nevis +1-869* 011 1 New Caledonia +687 00 0 New Zealand +64 00 0 Nicaragua +505 00 0 Niger +227 00 0 Nigeria +234 009 0 Niue +683 00 0 Norfolk Island +672 00 None required Northern Marianas Islands (Saipan, Rota, & Tinian) +1-670* 011 1 Norway +47 00 None required Oman +968 00 0 Pakistan +92 00 0 Palau +680 011 Palestinian Settlements +970 00 0 0 Panama +507 00 Cable & Wireless 088+00 Telecarrier 055+00 Clarocom Papua New Guinea +675 05 Paraguay +595 002 0 Peru +51 00 0 Philippines +63 00 0 Poland +48 0**0 0 Portugal +351 00 882 Rubicon/BT "GeoVerse" (including Madeira and Azores) Puerto Rico +1-787* or +1-939* 011 1 Qatar +974 00 0 Réunion Island +262 00 0 00 022 to Moldova (this special 0 None required Romania +40 arrangement is much cheaper than dialing through Moldova using country code 373) 0 Russia +7 8**10 ( may be changing to 00) 8 ( may be changing to 0) Rwandese Republic +250 00 0 St. Helena +290 00 St. Kitts/Nevis +1-869* 011 1 St. Lucia +1-758* 011 1 St. Pierre & Miquelon +508 00 0 St. Vincent & Grenadines +1-784* 011 1 Samoa +685 0 0 San Marino +378 00 0 São Tomé and Principe +239 00 0 Saudi Arabia +966 00 0 Senegal +221 00 0 Serbia +381 99 0 Seychelles Republic +248 00 0 Sierra Leone +232 00 0 +65 001 - Singtel IDD 002 - MobileOne IDD 008 - Starhub IDD 012 - Singtel FaxPlus (Fax over IP) 013 - Singtel BudgetCall None Singapore (Voice recommended only/Fax possible) 018 - Starhub I-Call (Voice over IP) 019 - Singtel V019 (Voice over IP) Slovak Republic +421 00 0 Slovenia +386 00 0 Solomon Islands +677 00 Somali Democratic Republic +252 00 South Africa +27 00 0 Spain +34 00 (See Note in country section) Sri Lanka +94 00 0 Sudan +249 00 0 Suriname +597 00 Swaziland +268 00 Sweden +46 00 0 Switzerland +41 00 0 Syria +963 00 (To dial Lebanon from Syria, you may 0 also use ""06-xx-number"", where xx is the area code in Lebanon.) Taiwan +886 002 Tajikistan +992 8**10 (written as 8~10) 8 Tanzania +255 000 000, 005 to Kenya 006 to Uganda 0 Thailand Thuraya (Mobile Satellite service) +66 001 (to call Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar from Thailand, dial 007-60 +Area Code) 008, 009 Voice Over Internet (VOIP) 0 +88216 Timor Leste +670 Togolese Republic +228 00 Tokelau +690 00 Tonga Islands +676 00 +1-868* 011 1 Tunisia +216 00 0 Turkey +90 00 0 Turkmenistan +993 8**10 ( written as 8~10) 8 +1-649* 011 1 Tuvalu +688 00 Uganda +256 000 000, 005 to Kenya 007 to Tanzania 0 Ukraine +380 8**10 ( written as 8~10) 8 United Arab Emirates +971 00 0 United Kingdom +44 00 (including ISDN) 0 United States of America +1 011 1 Trinidad & Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands US Virgin Islands +1-340* 011 1 Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT) +878 Uruguay +598 00 0 Uzbekistan +998 8**10 (written as 8~10) 8 Vanuatu +678 00 Vatican City +39, +379 00 Venezuela +58 00 - DEFAULT 01-02-0 - Etelix 01-07-0 01-10-0 - CANTV 01-11-0 - Convergence Comunications 01-14-0 - Telcel, C.A. 01-19-0 - Totalcom Venezuela 01-23-0 - Orbitel de Venezuela, C.A. ENTEL Venezuela 01-50-0 - LD Telecomunicaciones, C.A. 01-33-0 Telecomunicaciones NGTV 01-99-0 - Veninfotel Comunicaciones 0 - DEFAULT 01-02 - Etelix 01-07 01-10 - CANTV 01-11 - Convergence Comunications 01-14 - Telcel, C.A. 01-19 - Totalcom Venezuela 01-23 - Orbitel de Venezuela, C.A. ENTEL Venezuela 01-50 - LD Telecomunicaciones, C.A. 01-33 - Telecomunicaciones NGTV 01-99 - Veninfotel Comunicaciones Vietnam +84 00 0 Wake Island +808 00 Wallis and Futuna Islands +681 19** Yemen +967 00 0 Zambia +260 00 0 Zanzibar +255 000 0 Zimbabwe +263 00 0 NOTES: * These countries are part of the North America Numbering Plan (NANP), though they may be far removed from North America (and Mexico is not included). The country code for all NANP countries is 1; the numbers that follow are used as area codes in the U.S. and Canada and function similarly in other NANP areas. ** Await a second tone at this stage How to call from Country to Country To make a direct international phone call from one country to another, you need to know the following things emphasized in bold: The IDD (International Direct Dialing Number) for the country you are calling from. This is available in the third column on the International Dialing Codes page. For example, the IDD to call from the United States to another country is 011. In the United Kingdom and in many other countries, the IDD is 00. Other countries have different numbers, or may offer more than one depending on the carrier and type of service. Make sure you have the correct IDD for the country you are calling from. These will be the first numbers dialed, as shown below. The Country Code of the country you are calling. This is shown in the second column on the International Dialing Codes page. Every country has a distinct code, though in some cases it can be shared with other countries. For example, The US, Canada, much of the Caribbean and even Guam use the country code of 1. The Country code is dialed after the IDD and before the area code and phone number, as shown below. The city/area code (if any) for the number you are dialing. Click the country's hyperlink on the International Dialing Codes page. Some smaller countries don't use city/area codes, while larger ones may have hundreds of them. Due to the tremendous growth most nations have experienced in telecommunications devices, codes are changed and added frequently. If the name of the country on the International Dialing Codes page is highlighted as a hyperlink, there may be a list of city/area codes or other information that might help you complete your call. This is the most difficult information on this site to keep up to date, so unfortunately some listings might be incomplete or outdated. While some countries don't use city/area codes, if it is not listed here it may also mean that I don't have the code. Example: Calling from the United Kingdom to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. How to use the International Dialing Codes page. Dialing sequence: 1. Look up the IDD for the UK >> 2. Look up the Country Code for Brazil. >> 3. Look up the Area Code for Rio -- click the "Brazil" link >> 4. Dial the phone number you are calling. 00 + 55 + 21 + XXX-XXXX NOTE: In most hotels, you will need to dial 9, 0 or perhaps another number to obtain an outside line. The sequence is essentially the same when dialing from anywhere, to anywhere. Sources: ITU Documents; AT&T International Dialing Guide; Microsoft TechNet Knowledge Base; personal reports. -- Updated Copyright © 1996-2009 Steve Kropla All rights reserved.
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