f&Ill ~ 3IT'J'Rf \fila \i1Ta llrf. ~ ~ Cf) 111 38. ~&llgl~lc; f.'lfuT ~ . ~ 06.05.2015 f.i"'1fc:lltid ~ ~ (Ex-Show Room) (~ ~) q;l ~ ~ ~ ~. ~<'II$I~IC; l1RT ~-<ffi;ft-~ cf; {!'t:(f xfu;r 'if"<"; w:m Wli ~ 1:R ~ ~ B~ ~ fcl>c! \JlIil %1. QlCffih1 2. crcr fcRT ~ <!T 6T"5T futt ~ '1T'\iIT <!T ~ <!T ~ <!T ~ ~ \[Cffi-4 ('ITA ~-~ <!T ~ ~ ~ cTmcr ~ef fiI;x:\) B-&<'iT >fr C!?l<f ~ I \jqg<il1 ~ ~3lR1 <!T ~ ~ 1%IJ1111x <!T «blfillil <!T ~) rn/¢lbI1 ~ ~ q\l • ~ 14.052015 q;l ~ 03.30 (c:T ~) frrfu wl. ~ 'fi<itlT will 14052015 ~ 12.30 1N1. 38 ~o\ifto wl Wli ~ '\1i1.lT ~ '1T'f. ffrfct<'I • . ~('1I$1~1c; cf; ~ 3lJ'im q\l >rft'r ¢11I1<'I1i ~ ~. ~<'IIWHC; ~ B ¢ Ilil <'Ill w:m cf; G'Rr1 ];[l1(f ~ ~ %I ~~I ~ G~'~b ~~(1ja)ma Cf) 111 f&ll1 ~ 3IT'J'Rf. ~&llgl~lc; I TENDER DOCUMENT Subject: Hiring vehicles by the Income Tax Department, Allahabad-Reg- The Commissioner of Income Tax, Allahabad invites quotations III sealed covers for hiring of the following vehicles:- I.Volkswagen Diesel OR Honda City E-Diesel OR Renault Duster Diesel (Two vehicles) 2. Tata Indigo Manza OR Bolero Etios OR Maruti Swift Dezire OR Scorpio OR Innova OR Maruti S X 4 (Three vehicles) All these should be diesel powered new vehicles and have to be airconditioned with suitable fittings. The quotations should give the following: I. Type of vehicle. 2. Monthly charges for that vehicle for 2000 km/ 1500 km of monthly running separately. 3. Charges for extra running/per kilometer. Last date of filing quotation is 14.05.2015 at 12.30 PM . Quotation should be sent in sealed covers superscribed as QUOTA nON FOR HIRING OF VEHICLES & should reach the Income Tax Officer(Hqrs) 0 10 the Commissioner of Income Tax, Aayakar Bhawan, 38 M.G. Marg, Allahabad-211 00 I on or before 14.05.2015 either by RegdlSpeed Post or by hand. The quotation will be opened on 14.05.2015 at 3.30 p.m. in the presence of the parties or their authorized representatives. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The make of the vehicle should be specified separately and the model should be the latest and preferably white in colour. All the vehi cles must have valid Commercial/taxi permit to run in the territory of Uttar Pradesh. 2. The Vehicle shall be throughout at the disposal of the Income Tax Department for 24x365 and the vehicles will be parked in the departmental premises. 3. Contract Charges include monthly charges of driver, repairs and maintenance of \\ehicle, msurance, expenses. petrol/diesel, oil and also any other . incidental Deduction of tax of source (TDS) as per applicable rates prescribed under the Income Tax Act, 1961, shall be made by the Department. 4. The contractor to quote per month charges per vehicle for 1500/2000 Km. separately. 5. Ifa vehicle has not run 200011500 Kms in a month, the remaining kilometer will be carried forward in the next month. The adjustment of extra running shall be done only at the end of 6 months. 6. In the case of any accident, all the claims arising out of it shall be met by the Contractor. 7. The vehicle will be kept neat and clean and in perfect running condition provided with seat covers and curtains and shall be insured comprehensively. 8. If the vehicle goes out of order, the Contractor shall provide a substitute vehicle immediately. In case vehicle does not report on time/does not report at all, the Department would have a right to hire a vehicle from the market and the additional cost incurred by the Department will be borne by the Contractor. 9. Payment shall be made in the following month on presentation of the bill. ~ ,-J- 6'-o~-'<OIS . tRCl-\IL KUMt.,~i\ " _ " cc.c ( ' -:(;~'- ' \, .,.. .) r·me Tc:.x O," ,1 \ ....... \ , .... -.. ' I nCv - _ ' n~ " "'llnc~ .. \~ \ ... ,. 010 CommIS':tl0. -... u Allahabad '. '-1 10. !"he driver should hale lalid dril ing license <'( the n~hick should be registclni II ith the COllCerllec! authorities of Centr~d St~lte COl t. 1\ certiticatl' tll this clTect should bc prol ilkc!. rhe dril CI· of thc I chick Il)Lt-;t 10110\1 traftil' ndes and Olhn regul:nions prescribcd b) thl' (jl)1 CrIlnll'nt liolll tillll' tll lIllle, I I. Thl' contract bct\l l'Cll thl' Dl'p~lrtlllellt and thc Il'ansport (lpcratllr can bc c~lIlL'clied with prior noticc llf ~lt 1c'~lst 30 cb:- s b:- cithcr sick. 1:2. /\ pellalt) orRs, 500,- perda) per lehicle Illay be lelied iran) vehicle rails to Illcct the tcrllls &. conditions prcscribed herein on an) da). Ilcmclel', in case or rl'equent I inlatinlls or the terlllS 8:. conditions, the contr~lct can be e~lncclkd lorth\l ith II ithout an) not icc, 13. The f)ril'er Illust obsel'\'e all the etiquette and pl'Olllcnl while' pcrrurllling thc dut), 1k Illust bc neat I) drcsscd, should wcar pmlx'r unillll'lll <'( Illu st C<lIT) ~I Illobile phone in \lOlling ctlndition, Illr \I 'hich. 110 "::p~ll·~ltc p~l l Ill': III shall beIll~lde b) thc Dep~lI'1I11Cllt. 1-1. The Transport oper.)[lll· and dril el' shall be bound to l' ~lITI out the instl'llctions orthl' Dcpartlllcllt ~lS Ill'" .IS ,,:-:h~ OI'ri"l"I'lO \I'horn thc Ichiclc Iws been assigned, I', ,\ dail) log book indicating tilllc & Illileage for cach vehicle shall be 111ttill1ained. 16. I)edicated Vellicks & f)rilers III list be pn)l'ideci 8: eh'lIlgl's \I ill be ~dlo\led (111) in eXlTptional Cil'CllnlSiances. The I chick Illust be <11 ail.lbk at ~1Il) tlillc of an) dsy :is desired b) the Officcl' connTned, 'lS .llso stated abOl c, 17, The COlllmissioner oJ' Income ·1ax, AII~lh:lhad l'eSC1'1 cs thc I'igilt ttl acccpt m I'e,iect all) 01' [lll quot.llions \I itilout assigning alll l'lW;llno-. I fl, In the el'ent of thc award of tile tendcl' & prior to execution or the' contr:lct. the contractor shall be required to submit copies 01' lhe Registratioll Ccrtilicatc 8:.. cOlllprehcnsile Illsur:lIlce Policies of the I'chicles bcing ()J'k'I't~d Illl' hiI'': & panicui:lrs oJ' tile c1ril el' dedicated to e:lcil I elliele, 1\ ith hi s I , 1 photograph, a copy of his driv ing license and the authority letter of' his deployment in respect of that particu lar vehicle. He shall also be required to produce the vehicle in the office premises of the Commissioner of Income Tax, Allahabad for the physica l verification/ inspection. , ! 19. The contract wi II be generally for :2 years frol11 the date of signing the contract unless te rminated earlier as per clause No. II & 1:2. The cOlllract may be renewed for a fu rther period or one year as mutually agreed upon, subject to satisfactory performance. :20. An illlerest - free refundable security deposit of Rs. 5.000/- in the form of a crossed demand draft in favour of ZAO (CBDT), Allahabad sh::dl be submitt~d by the tendere r at the time of submitting the tender. Oth e r Info rm a ti o n to be s upplied as pa rt o f Qu o ta ti o n/Tender The illlerest\!d parties are reques ted to provide the following information along with quotations: \. ') 3. 4. 5. Name & address of the tenderer. Nature of business. Income Tax assessment particula rs, PAN. Service Tax Registration. Details of hiring of vehicles done in the past: 5.1 Name & address of the parties of who III vehicles were given on hire. Period for whic h the vehic les were hired out. Number of vehicles given on hire. 5.3 5.4 Evidence regarding the above. Name & signature of the Authorized signatory with Office Seal ~_ ~,~ \ '?) 3 ~ ~ (T" O'ile,'r (:·I<;r:. f\.~ lncome ox. " . . . of Income 0 0 10 Co mmlssl on~r Allahabad - ) 1".( Cl -<..<0 {~
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