Metabolic Calculations Chapter 5 and Appendix D Importance of Metabolic Calculations It is imperative that the exercise physiologist is able to interpret test results and estimate energy expenditure. Optimizing exercise protocols. Exercise prescription. Weight loss. Metabolic Topics Work, Energy, Power as they relate to calorimetry Expressions of oxygen uptake Concept of the MET Metabolic calculations Case studies 1 Work and Energy Work - Application of force through distance Work = Force x distance ( x m) Force is constant W = 70 kg x 0.75 meters 52.5 kg• kg•m or 515 Joules Energy – capacity to perform work 1 kcal = 4,186 J CHO = 5.05 kcal • LO2 Fat = 4.74 kcal • LO2 Each L of O2 consumed = 5 kcal Power • Power – Amount of work per •6 unit time • work/time (I.e. kgm/min; Watt) • 1 W = 6 kgm•min-1 • Note = For cycle ergometry you must account for • kg • distance the flywheel moves the kg with one turn • rev•min-1 • I.e. Monarch = 6 m • rev -1 • Power = (2 kg x 6 m • rev -1 x 60 rev•min-1) W = 720 kgm•min-1 or Energy Expenditure Understanding energy expenditure is important for weight loss, work tasks, exercise prescription, etc. Calorie - basic unit of measure of energy expenditure Direct and Indirect Calorimetry can be used to estimate energy expenditure 2 Calorimetry Direct Calorimetry Metabolic Chamber (enclosed) Slide 8 Indirect Calorimetry Closed or Open Circuit Spirometry Indirect Calorimetry, Slide 11, Slide 10 Calorimetry Calorimetry 3 Calorimetry Indirect Calorimetry Calorimetry Indirect Calorimetry: Variables Obtained Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production (VO2, VCO2) Respiratory exchange ratio (RER (RER or R)R) Noninvasive method to estimate the relative contribution of fat and CHO to energy metabolism RQ during steady state conditions VCO2/VO2 Calorie/ energy expenditure i.e. 1 liter of VO2 = ~ 5 kcals 4 Need a link In research and in practice, we use information obtained from openopen-circuit spirometry to give us estimates of energy expenditure, aerobic power, and fuel utilization. For example, we can use oxygen consumption measures to help us determine caloric expenditure during exercise. Expressions for O2 uptake (VO2) Absolute – (L· (L·min-1 or ml· ml·min-1): Can be used in a form that will yield rate of energy expenditure (1 L of O2 = 5 kcal) Relative – (ml• (ml•kg-1•min-1): used to compare individuals of different body size and to better quantify aerobic fitness level 5 MET Clinically, the MET or “Metabolic equivalent” equivalent” is used to express energy expenditure and to prescribe exercise in clinical settings. settings. 1 1 1 MET = 3.5 ml• ml•kg •min For example 80 kg man working at 2.5 L•min-1 2,500 mL• ml•kg-1•min-1 mL•min-1 / 80kg = 31.25 ml• 1 1 31.25 ml• • kg • min / 3.5 = 8.9 METs ml Practice with O2 calculations Man weighing 176 lbs has pk O2 uptake = 4.4 L•min-1 What is his relative oxygen consumption? How many METs is this? A woman weighing 140 lbs has VO2 pk = 36.7 ml• ml•kg -1 • min-1 What is her absolute oxygen uptake? How many METs is this? How many METs would 70% of her peak capacity be equivalent to? How many calories per minute is she burning at her peak? How many calories per minute is she burning at 70%? Quiz – Met Calc (3 points per question) Man weighing 200 lbs has pk O2 uptake = 4.0 L•min-1 What is his relative oxygen consumption? How many METs is this? A woman weighing 155 lbs has VO2 pk = 32.1 ml• ml•kg -1 • min-1 What is her absolute oxygen uptake? How many METs is this? What is the difference between indirect and direct calorimetry? calorimetry? 6 Estimation of Energy Expenditure We can estimate energy expenditure through American College of Sports MedicineSM Metabolic Equations Special considerations for these equations Need to assure that person is at steady state in order to use equations There is a variance in prediction Need to consider environmental considerations No railrail-holding and make sure equipment is calibrated Gross Vs. Net O2 cost ACSM Metabolic Calculations Can estimate energy expenditure if you have Vertical component Horizontal component Resting component Useful conversions (Memorize) / Always convert lb to kg (lb/2.2) Centimeters = in x 2.54 Convert speed from mph to m/min (mi/h X 26.8) 1Watt = 6 kgm• kgm•min-1 Remember equivalents Watts to kgm •min-1 kcals (3,500 kcals = 1 lb of fat gain or loss) 1 L O2 = 5 kcals For weight loss purposes, always account for resting metabolic rate, rate, weekly physical activity and energy expenditure, and food intake 7 Metabolic Calculations Walking (S=Speed; G=Grade) VO2 = (0.1• (0.1• S) + (1.8 • S • G) + 3.5 Treadmill and Outdoor Running VO2 = (0.2• (0.2• S) + (0.9 • S • G) + 3.5 Leg Ergometry VO2 = (10.8 • W • M-1) + 7 OR VO2 = ((kgm • min-1) • 2) + (3.5 • W) Arm Ergometry VO2 = (18 • W • M-1) + 3.5 Stepping VO2 = (0.2• (0.2• F) + (1.33 • 1.8 • H • f) + 3.5 Useful calculation tips to live by Write down all known’ known’s and do any necessary conversions first. Calculate each component separately, then complete the calculation I.e. vertical, horizontal, resting Make sure your answer agrees with the question in numerical and unit form (always provide units!!!) Practice Calculation (from pg 311) A 7171-yearyear-old man weighing 180 lb walks on a motormotor-driven treadmill at 3.5 mph and a 15% grade. What is his gross MET level? 8 More Practice Calculations A client weighs 155 lbs was determined to have a VO2 pk of 45 ml/kg/min. What is his oxygen consumption in absolute terms? In METs? How many kcals/min is he expending? More on pages 309 - 312 …and Even More Practice Calculations A cardiac patient has just entered your cardiac rehabilitation program and has an exercise prescription to exercise 40 minutes at 6 METs, 4 days per week and the client weight 210 lbs. Calculate the following Treadmill grade for a speed of 2.5 mph Step rate for a 4 inch bench Resistance for a monarch bike at 50 rpm Total caloric expenditure for each workout session Indirect Calorimetry for Estimation of Fuel Utilization During Exercise CHO (glucose) C6H12O6 Oxidation C6H12O6 + 6O2 × 6 CO2 + 6 H2O R = VCO2 /VO26 = 6 VCO2 / 6 VO2 = 1.0 FAT (C16H32O2) Oxidation C16H32O2 + 23O2 × 16 CO2 + 16 H2O R = VCO2 /VO26 = 16 VCO2 / 23 VO2 = 0.70 9
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