invitation - learning journey to scotland 22-24 april

invitation - Learning journey to scotland 22-24 april
Meet scottish business partners
DMOG invites you to a business delegation trip to Aberdeen - the Scottish capital of oil
& gas - and Invergordon - the Scottish centre of rig repair
Visit companies chosen by the delegation members
Business lunch with local business partners
Exclusive dinner with members of Energy North
Company presentations
Site visits
Scotland is very good for business!
Business seminars
Scotland has seen a spectacular growth the last years and has
B2B meetings
not lost momentum due to the low oil prices as the majority
Networking reception
of the oil producing sector. Scottish industries are looking for
effective and reliable suppliers and as everywhere else they
Visit at local distillery
prefer ‘more for less’.
Danes are well-reputated in Scotland and now we will test
their interest in our efficiency and flexibility with this business
delegation trip.
Danish Suppliers to the upstream oil, gas, marine & wind power industry
- network for international business
Learning Journey
Wednesday 22 April
11.15 13.00 14.00 15.30 17.00 18.30
SAS: From Billund at 06.45, arr. Aberdeen at 09.15
KLM: From Aalborg at 06.25, arr. Aberdeen at 10.15
Leave with coach from the airport
Visit company (Company name TBA)
Coach from Aberdeen to Dufftown
Visit to Glenfiddich Distillery
Coach to hotel in Craigellachie (hotel name TBA)
Exclusive dinner with Energy North members
and destingtive guests
THURSday 23 April
Showcase Moray, Horizon Scotland, Forres expected 50 - 60 persons (Scotsmen).
Opening Welcome
Oil & Gas Speakers
Renewable Industry Speaker
Utility Company / Main Contractor Speaker
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Tea & Coffee, Networking
Moray Supply Chain Presentations
Danish Marine & Offshore Group presentations
Buffet Lunch, Networking, Exhibition
Moray Company Tours and Visits
Informal Networking Reception
Arrive at hotel in Inverness
Friday 24 April
Leave hotel
Arrive Invergordon
Meet Rig companies at Energy North’s office
and visit site
Coach to Aberdeen airport
Arrive Aberdeen airport. SAS Depart for Billund 19.25, arr. Billund 23.45
KLM Depart for Aalborg 17.20, arr. Aalborg 22.25
DMOG reserves the right to make changes
Companies are responsible for their own travel
arrangements. Accommodation will be arranged by
However DMOG can arrange a joint air travel
package with NorthFlying provided a group of 15
(max. 19) persons register for this. DMOG will offer
to handle local joint travel arrangements including
hotel accommodation for the delegation. After
registration you will receive information on available
flights and hotel accommodation from DMOG.
The budget is based on minimum 15 participating
Business delegation to Scotland:
Price per company DKK 14,000 (additional person
from the same company DKK 9,000)
The participation fee covers coach, all transport
(excl. transport to and from Scotland) for three
days, hotel, lunch and dinners, business seminars,
B2B meetings, reception, exclusive business dinner,
meeting room, conference fee and visit at distillery.
DMOG will handle the invitation procedure and
the marketing towards the participants from
Scotland respectively. Each invited guest will receive
an invitation package from DMOG containing an
invitation letter, a presentation brochure and a
program for the seminar/visit. The presentation
brochure will introduce all the participating
companies and organizations. The guests will consist
of persons targeted according to your requests
within the following categories:
Your company´s own contacts
Relevant local company representatives
Representatives from selected organizations
about energy north
The learning journey is arranged with DMOG’s
partner Energy North.
Energy North is a “not-for-profit” trade group of
over 200 members in the Oil & Gas, Renewable
Energy and Nuclear market.s The area of operation
covers Northern Scotland and the Islands.
Learning journey
- network for international business
Binding registration - see terms & conditions on the following page
Yes, I want to join DMOG’s learning journey to Scotland 22-24 April 2015.
Price DKK 14,000 for 1 person.
Yes, we want to join DMOG’s learning journey to Scotland 22-24 April 2015 with 1
additional person from the same company.
Price DKK 9,000 per additional person.
The participation fee covers coach, all transport (excl. transport to and from Scotland) for three days, hotel, lunch and
dinners, business seminars, B2B meetings, reception, exclusive business dinner, meeting room, conference fee and visit
at distillery.
The price is excl.VAT and is based on minimum 15 participants.
Hotel and dinners comprise approx. DKK 5,000.
The price is excl. air transport.
postal code and city___________________________________
participant no. 1_________________________________________
participant no. 2_________________________________________
Date & Signature_________________________________________
Please return the sign up form to or fax 98 31 77 55.
deadline for sign up - wednesday 25 march 2015
Flight information
I will arrange my own transport to Scotland. (Approx. prices for round trip SAS/KLM Billund/Aalborg
- Aberdeen DKK 3,500)
I will prefer a joint flight with NorthFlying: Aalborg - Aberdeen / Inverness - Aalborg.
Advantages: direct flight and faster to Aberdeen = more time for business meetings in Aberdeen.
Outbound flight from Inverness direct to Aalborg in the afternoon = additional half day extra for
B2B and dialogue in Invergordon.
Price DKK 7,800 (provided 15 travellers).
DMOG reserves the right to make changes
terms & Conditions for participation
in Learning Journey events
- under the coordination by
Danish Marine & Offshore Group
1. Basis of the agreement/contract
The contractual basis for participation in a collective export
promotion event under the coordination of DMOG is comprised
by 1) a binding registration form filled in and signed by a duly
authorised representative of the company, and 2) these present
general conditions for participation
2. Conditions for participation
The extent and conditions of participation as well as the services
to be provided by DMOG are laid out in the presentation material
sent, which includes a description of the practical implementation
of the export promotion event. By signing the binding registration
form, participating companies give their approval of the presentation
material sent and of the prices, conditions and provisions described
therein. DMOG is under obligation to supply the services
described in the presentation material.The participating companies
are obligated to comply with the conditions for planning and
implementing the export promotion event described in the material,
including meeting the deadlines given for sending in material etc. to
DMOG. DMOG’s provision of services is conditional on not being
delayed or prevented by force majeure, including but not limited
to war, lockout, strikes, civil commotion, natural disasters or other
circumstances beyond the control of DMOG. If a Learning Journey
event is cancelled on one or more of the above grounds, the
companies registered are under an obligation to pay their share
of costs already defrayed during preparation, insofar as these costs
cannot be covered by co-financing via Learning Journey funds.
3. Financial conditions
By returning the binding registration form, the company commits
itself to paying the cost indicated for participating in the Learning
Journey event. DMOG’s cost calculations (see material sent) are
based on a minimum number of participants. Should this minimum
number of participants not register, DMOG reserves the right
to cancel the event or send out revised material containing new
prices, which will form the basis for the possible implementation
of the promotion with a reduced number of participants. DMOG
reserves the right to adjust the prices given to follow changes in
exchange rates, in the event of increases in rental for the premises,
and in the event of higher prices due to common decisions about
changing and expanding the event relative to the original material
sent out.
4. Invoicing
Unless otherwise agreed, invoices will be issued as follows: 1) 100%
on account with binding registration, 2) final invoice when the
event is over and after all costs, such as any extra services agreed
upon, are included. In the event that DMOG’s terms of payment
are not met, DMOG reserves the right to consider the agreement
repudiated in accordance with section 6. If the invoices issued are
not paid by the deadlines set, DMOG is entitled to add interest to
the amounts due at the prevailing rate for overdraft facilities as of
the expiration of the deadline for payment.
5. Co-financing
In the event that co-financing can be expected via general export
promotion funds, the representation material sent will indicate
that co-financing will be sought by DMOG. Participating companies
are obligated to provide the necessary documentation and other
information relevant to co-financing of the Learning Journey
6. Cancelling the agreement
Registering for a Learning Journey event is binding once the
registration form has been filled in and sent to DMOG. Thus
DMOG has a claim on the price agreed regardless of whether the
company subsequently cancels or reduces its participation. In cases
of co-financed promotion, the company’s registration is conditional
on whether co-financing is granted.
7. Transport and insurance
Unless otherwise agreed with DMOG, participating companies are
charged with buying their own necessary insurance for their own
employees and own goods, exhibition and information materials,
covering damage incurred in transit or while the event is being
8. Venue
In the event of any dispute or controversy between the parties
regarding the interpretation or construction of the conditions for
participation or an alleged breach of contract by either party to
this Agreement, such dispute or controversy shall be settled by
Danish Marine & Offshore Group
Klarup, 13 March 2015
Danish Marine & Offshore Group
Nørremarksvej 27
9270 Klarup
Tlf: (+45) 9831 7711
Fax: (+45) 9831 7755