J-Directory Template installation tutorial CMS Junkie Version 1.0.0 30. March 2015 TableofContents 1 Template concept description ................................................................................................. 3 1.1 2 Layout............................................................................................................................... 3 Template installation ............................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Install via Admin Panel (packed template file) ................................................................ 4 2.2 Install via Quickstart ........................................................................................................ 5 2.2.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................ 5 2.2.2 Downloading and Uploading J-Directory Quickstart Package Files ........................ 5 2.2.3 Database for Joomla! Installation ............................................................................. 6 2.2.4 Start Install ................................................................................................................ 6 2.2.5 Database Configuration ............................................................................................ 7 2.2.6 Finalize ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.7 Configuration Check ................................................................................................. 9 2.2.8 Finishing Up............................................................................................................ 11 3 Template configuration & customisation.............................................................................. 12 4 SP Page Builder .................................................................................................................... 13 J-Directory Template/ CMS Junkie Page 2 of 13 1 Template concept description A template is used to manipulate the way content is delivered to a web browser or screen reader. Here are some ways you can employ this on your Joomla! site. 1.1 Layout The template is the place where the design of the main layout is set for your site. This includes where you place different elements (components, modules, and plugins), which are responsible for different types of content. For example: The various menus (you can chose from existing options and create your own) Advertising banners Polls The main body of the page (you can select from different styles such as typical blog layout, a news article, etc.) If the template is designed to provide choices, you can also "dynamically" alter the content placement on your site, perhaps putting the main menu on the right or left side of the screen. J-Directory Template/ CMS Junkie Page 3 of 13 2 Te emplate installatio on 2.1 In nstall via A Admin Pa anel (packed temp plate file) Log into o the back-e end of your site s (www.yyour-site.com m/administrator/) Click on n: Extension ns -> Extenssion Manage er You see e the page ""Extension M Manager" From he ere you can install yourr Templatess, Plugins, M Modules, Co omponents and a Langua ages. You have thrree options:: Upload Pacckage File - (select a pa U ackage from m your PC, u upload and install it) I Install from Directory - (enter the p path where tthe package e is located on your serrver) I Install from URL - (ente er the URL to t the packa age) Here, we w choose th he first meth hod: Upload d Package F File Select the package e from your PC and clicck the button n "Upload F File & Install"" J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie P Page 4 of 13 2.2 In nstall via Quickstart Quicksta art is a Joom mla installattion kit that comes with h whole setu up like on ou ur demo site e. You can insttall the quickkstart with the directoryy extension or without d directory exttension, it th his has not been purchased d. 2.2.1 Requireme R ents Hosting R Requirements we start insttalling the Quickstart, Q th here are a ccouple prere equisites tha at need to b be met to Before w install Jo oomla! 3.x ssuccessfullyy. These ap pply whetherr you have a dedicated d server, a sshared hosting plan serverr, or are insttalling a cop py on a loca al computer for testing o or developm ment. eed to meett the following requirem ments below w to install and use Joom mla! You’ll ne Softwarre PHP (M Magic Quotes GPC off) mended Recomm M Minimum 5.4 + 5.3.10 + MySQL[[1] (InnoDB ssupport required) 5.1 + 5.1 + MSSQL L 10.50.160 00.1 + 10.50.1600.1 + Postgre eSQL 8.3.18 + Supportted Databasses: 8.3.18 + Supportted Web Se ervers: [2][3] Apache(with mod_m mysql, mod d_xml, and mod_zlib) m 2.x+ 2.x+ + Hiawath ha (with UrlT Toolkit supp port) latest 8.0 Nginx 1.1 1.0 Microso oft IIS 7 7 2.2.2 Downloadi D ng and Uplloading J-D Directory Q Quickstart P Package Filles 1. D Download th he current rrelease of J-Directory J Q Quickstart. 2. Move M the do ownloaded installation package to the server. Use a FTP P Client to trransfer t Joomla!! 3.x files to your serverr. If you don the n’t already h have an FTP P client, we r recommend d Filezilla Hint - This ccan be acco H omplished by b simply mo oving the do ownloaded package p to your s server, then n unpacking g it. Or you can c unpack the files on your local computer, c th hen move t Joomla installation over to you the ur server. Eitther way, th he Joomla in nstallation n needs to b unpacke be ed in the roo ot of your sitte. g! Warning J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie P Page 5 of 13 2.2.3 Database D ffor Joomla!! Installatio on 1. IIf you need to create a database, please p read d "Create a database for f use with h J Joomla!" firrst or skip to o step #2. 2. You Y will nee ed to note basic b databa ase informattion needed d when the a actual installlation is s started. o Loca ation of data abase, localhost? Or a specific hosst's server ssuch as dbse erver1.yourh host.com? o The database n name o The database u user's name e o The database u user's passw word 2.2.4 Start S Installl Main Con nfiguration e above requirements m met, a datab base create ed and the re equired quicckstart files in place, With the you are ready to insstall J-Direcctory quickstart. Start th he by openin ng your favo orite browse er and browsin ng to the site e's domain n name. On host h installattion you will use http://ww ww.yoursite ename.com. If you are installing the e quickstartt locally, you u will use http://loccalhost/<pa ath to Joomlla files>, and d you should see the in nstallation screen. J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie P Page 6 of 13 Joomla! will try to identify the Select Language field automatically from your browser's language. You can change this if needed. Fill in the following information. Site Name: the name of your website — this can be changed at any point later in the Site Global Configuration page. Description: enter a description of the website. This is a the global fallback meta description used on every page which will be used by search engines. Generally, a maximum of 20 to 25 words is optimal. Again, this can be changed on the Site Global Configuration page at any time. For more on metadata, see Global Metadata Settings and Entering search engine meta-data. Admin Email Address: the admin email address. Enter a valid email in case you forget your password. This is the email address where you'll receive a link to change the admin password. Admin Username: Joomla! uses a default "admin" as the username for the Super User. You can leave it as is, change it now (which a good Security measure) or use My Profile in the Administration interface to change it later. Admin Password: remember that super user has maximum control of the site (frontend & backend), so try to use a difficult password. Use My Profile in the Administration interface to change it later. Confirm the password in the Confirm Admin Password box. Site Offline: click the Yes or No box. Yes - this means when installation is complete, your Joomla! website will display the 'Site is offline' message when you browse to yoursitename.com to view the home page. No - this means the site is live when you browse to yoursitename.com to view the home page. You can use the Site Global Configuration in the Administration interface to change the Offline status at any time. When everything on the first page is completed, click the next button to proceed: 2.2.5 Database Configuration Configuration Settings You will need to enter the information about the database you will use for Joomla! now. It was suggested to write this information down under "Prepare for Install" tab. You may also read or review Creating a Database for Joomla!. J-Directory Template/ CMS Junkie Page 7 of 13 For simplification, these instrucctions are a reference tto installing with a MyS SQLi databa ase. The instructions on the installation page are se elf-explanattory, but herre they are again: a Database T D Type: MySQ QLi is the co ommon data abase used H Hostname Where is yo our databasse located? Common iss localhost, but some ho osts use a specific da atabase serrver such ass dbserver1 1.yourhost.ccom U Username: the userna ame used to o connect to the database P Password: the passwo ord for the d database's u username D Database N Name: the n name of the database T Table Prefix: one is ge enerated automatically,, but you can change it. For examp ple, jos3_ c be used can d. Just don'tt forget to put the unde erscore charracter (_) at the end of the prefix. O Databa Old ase Process s: should th he installer b backup or delete existin ng tables du uring the i installation o of new table es? Click, Y Yes or No to o select the choice. c All these e choices ca an be edited d on the Sitte Global Co onfiguration page, unde er Server op ptions after the e installation n is completted. Note, you y will brea ak your insta allation if you change th hese settingss after installation unlesss you have a complete e copy of the e current da atabase bein ng used by the JJoomla! installation. Co ommon usess would be tto update th he username e and passw word of the data abase or to complete a move of an n existing insstallation to a new hostt with differe ent parameters. a the inform mation has b been filled in n, click the n next button n to proceed d: When all J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie P Page 8 of 13 2.2.6 Finalize F Overview w w time to fina alise the Qu uickstart insstallation. Th he last page e of the web b browser installation It is now containss all the info ormation about the insta allation. This includes tthe options((at the top) for f installing g sample da ata and the installation's configura ations(at the e bottom). You should cchoose the first option, Non ne, like in th he image be ellow. 2.2.7 Configura C ation Chec ck Checking g Your Con nfigurations s nstall at the top of the o overview page. If not, th his is the If everytthing is in order, you will see the in place to o check and see what m may be caussing an issu ue. J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie P Page 9 of 13 The sec ction is brokken into 4 groups: g Main Configuration: a M all the website specific information, i , such as the website n name, d description, admin username, etc. D Database C Configuration: contains the inform mation about the databa ase Joomla! will use. P Pre-Installa ation Check k: these req quirements m must all be shown as Y Yes, otherwiise you w not be a will able to insta all Joomla! W With the excception of th he PHP Verssion, the resst are u usually conttrolled in the e php.ini. Yo ou may nee ed assistancce from your host in corrrecting t these settings or checkking to see if it is possib ble to adjustt them. For more inform mation, s PHP co see onfiguration file file. R Recommen nded Settin ngs: these a are settings are recomm mended in yyour PHP c configuratio on, but will n not prevent Joomla! J from m being installed. You can refer to o the a above instru uctions on h how they ma ay be chang ged. If everytthing is corrrect and all checks are passed, you may now click the Ins stall button in the top rightt corner of tthe Overvie ew page. Th his will start the actual installation p process. After yo ou click the IInstall butto on, you shou uld see a prrogress bar with additio onal informa ation of the insta allation. Oncce the insta allation comp pletes, you should see the success page! J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie Paage 10 of 13 2.2.8 Finishing F Up Success and Finish hing Up the e Installatio on oomla! 3 is n now installe ed. If you wa ant to start u using Joomlla! right wayy without Congrattulations! Jo installing g extra lang guages there is one lasst step to complete the installation. You must d delete the Installa ation Folderr. Click on Remove R Ins stallation fo older and a success m message will appear. Now you can navig gate to the A Administrattor log in byy clicking Ad dministrato or or go righ ht to your site by cclicking Site e. J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie Paage 11 of 13 3 Te emplate c configura ation & c customisation The tem mplate uses a layout bu uilder that will help you configure & customize the templatte in an easy wa ay. The layo out builder ccan be acce essed from Extension/T Template Manager and d click on J-D Directory template e. The layo out builder w will allow yo ou to set/cha ange the ma ain data of tthe site like logo, copyrright, body ba ackground im mage, foote er, social ico ons and com ming soon te emplate. The deffault module e position ca an be viewe ed by clicking on Layout Tab. You ccan easily modify m the order orr section and the module positionss. J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie Paage 12 of 13 4 SP P Page Builder SP Pag ge Builder iss a full resp ponsive com mponent (J!3.x only) that allows you to eassily create Joomla!! pages, ad dd them into o menu and d display w with useful a and cool efffects inside. Whether you’re a beginner, w web design ner or develo oper buildin ng commerccial sites for clients or a business owner m managing a and maintaiining your own websitte, SP Builder’s flexibility and functionality means one o thing: w web contentt design made easy. It can c be used d for constru ucting uniqu ue-looking Pages. Take full co ontrol over yyour Joomla a! 3.3+ site with our ba ackend page e builder exttension. This exxtension was especiallyy designed to help yo ou to make your site m more inform mative and attract a attention of your visitorrs to interna al elements.. And what is more imp portant is working w no matter what w Joomla a! template they are ussing. You can n find more details abou ut creating and a configu uring new pa ages on http://ww ww.joomsha aper.com/do ocumentatio on/joomla-e extensions/ssp-page-buillder J-Directtory Templaate/ CMS Juunkie Paage 13 of 13
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