2015 PEOPLE OF VISION AWARD DINNER SPONSORSHIP FORM Yes! I want to honor the outstanding leadership of Dr. Imran Andrabi/Mercy and help in the fight against blindness by participating in the 2015 People of Vision Award Dinner from 5:30pm-8:00pm on March 31, 2015. The dinner will take place at The Pinnacle, 1772 Indian Wood Circle Maumee, Ohio 43537. ___ Friends of the Honoree-Dr. Imran Andrabi and Mercy -$5,000 (includes $4,600 donation) Preferred table for 8 positioned adjacent to the Honoree/Host, signage, prominent program recognition and PBO vision screening and education for sponsor organization employees or clients (up to 3 consecutive hours) ___ Friends of the Host- Toledo-Lucas County Health Department – $5,000 (includes $4,600 donation) Preferred table for 8 positioned adjacent to the Honoree/Host, signage, prominent program recognition and PBO vision screening and education for sponsor organization employees or clients (up to 3 consecutive hours) ___ Reception Sponsor -$5,000 (includes $4,900 donation) Prominent signage at reception, VIP seating for 2, prominent program recognition and PBO vision screening and education for sponsor organization employees or clients (up to 3 consecutive hours) ___ Benefactor Sponsor -$3,500 (includes $3,100 donation) VIP table for 8, prominent recognition and PBO vision screening and education for sponsor organization or clients (up to 2 consecutive hours) ___ Patron Sponsor -$2,500 (includes $2,100 donation) Table of 8, prominent recognition and eye health education for employees. ___ Corporate Table Sponsor -$1,750 (includes $1,350 donation) Table for 8 and program recognition. ___ Individual Vision Sponsor -$750 (includes $650 donation) Two seats and program recognition ___ Individual Seats -$250 (includes $200 donation) ___ Donation Amount $______ (100% tax-deductible) CONTACT NAME:___________________________________ COMPANY NAME:_______________________________ TELEPHONE: (_____)______________________________ FAX:(_____)___________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ CITY:__________________________________ STATE:________________ ZIP CODE:_______________ E-MAIL:____________________________________________ Checks should be made payable to Prevent Blindness. Send form to 2015 People of Vision Award Dinner; c/o Prevent Blindness; 2200 Jefferson Ave, Suite 2020; Toledo Ohio 43604; Email: shaynak@pbohio.org; Fax: 419-327-2494; Phone: 419-327-2020. All sponsorships at the $500 level and above will be listed on all publicity if this form is received before February 16, 2015. NOTE: Tickets will not be sent. Receipt of your pledge or check assures your reservation. Business attire.
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