Oak Hills Local School District Board Development Session Agenda May 18, 2015 – 4:30 p.m. District Office Professional Development Center OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION MISSION STATEMENT All students attending the Oak Hills Local School District achieve success by graduating with individual skills for career and college readiness and global competence. I. II. Call to Order Roll Call by Approved Rotation Jeannie Schoonover, Scott Bischoff, Jan Hunter, Julie Murphy, Steve Schinkal III. Motion To Dispense With Formal Agenda IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION - for conferences with an attorney concerning disputes involving pending or imminent court action V. New Business A. Treasurer’s Recommendations 1. Five Year Forecast I recommend that the Board approve the Five Year forecast as attached. B. Superintendent’s Recommendations 1. Personnel I recommend that the Board approve the following Personnel actions (a l) as submitted. Employment is conditional upon a satisfactory criminal records check as required by law. These persons are deemed employed only on a conditional basis until the satisfactory criminal records check has been performed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (or the Federal Bureau of Investigation in cases where the individuals have not resided within the State of Ohio during the previous five years), and the District has received a certified copy of the satisfactory records check. For those individuals whose employment would be considered as casual, on an as-needed or volunteer basis, approval is similarly contingent upon a satisfactory criminal records check. a) Resignation - Certified Name Assignment Janice Hickman Teacher Kathryn Blankenship Teacher Katie Rigney Teacher School BMS OHHS OHHS Reason Personal Personal Personal Effective 08/09/15 08/09/15 08/09/15 b) Resignation - Classified Name Assignment Carol Gutzwiller Bus Driver Thomas Wagner Bus Driver School Trans. Trans. Reason Retirement Retirement Effective 08/01/15 05/29/15 OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEVELOPMENT SESSION May 18, 2015 - PG 1 c) Unpaid Family Medical Leave - Certified Name Assignment School Elizabeth Boeing Teacher RRMS Heather Berkemeier Teacher Reason Child Care OHHS Medical Effective 05/19/1506/01/15 08/10/1505/20/16 d) Appointment - Certified Administrative Contract - 08/01/15-07/31/17 Name Assignment Salary Brian Connors Principal VIC-M+15-4 e) Administrator Extended Days - Summer 2015 - To be paid daily rate as needed for up to 10 days. Name Brian Conners f) Appointment - Certified Name Assignment Lauren Thomas Teacher Kate Hodges Teacher Lauren Heugel Teacher Kathryn Heitkamp Teacher Salary III-0 II-0 II-0 III-4 Effective 08/10/15 08/10/15 08/10/15 08/10/15 g) Rescind Supplemental Contract - 2014-2015 School Year Name Assignment Kim Hulette Oakdale Ambassadors h) Supplemental Contract - 2014-2015 School Year Name Assignment School Kristen Perica Oakdale Ambassadors OAK Amount $ 195.00 i) Home Instructor - To be hired on an as needed basis and paid per home instruction hourly rate. Name Amber Paul j) Student Teacher Mentor Name University Stacey Bode University of Cincinnati Patty Dean University of Cincinnati Stacia Lingo University of Cincinnati Melissa McKnight University of Cincinnati Cindy Nader University of Cincinnati Donna Steioff University of Cincinnati Jamie Dicks University of Cincinnati Tessa Keyes University of Cincinnati Sandy Malloy University of Cincinnati Brandy Smith University of Cincinnati Michelle Austing University of Cincinnati Justin Bradbury University of Cincinnati Amount $700.00 $300.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $100.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEVELOPMENT SESSION May 18, 2015 - PG 2 Karen Garber Emily Kayse Megan Keller Nancy Casey Kristen Niehaus University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati $300.00 $700.00 $300.00 $100.00 $100.00 k) Substitute Teacher - To be hired on an as needed basis and paid per substitute teacher daily rate. Name Carly Wright Ashley Burst l) Substitute Instructional Assistant - To be hired on an as needed basis and paid per substitute instructional assistant hourly rate. Name Diana Lough VI. Superintendent’s Report A. Senior STEMM Capstone Presentation Stephanie Price, Senior - OHHS VII. Board Discussion A. Technology Update B. Testing Update C. Update on Professional Development Plan and Framework VIII. XI. Communications Adjourn OAK HILLS BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEVELOPMENT SESSION May 18, 2015 - PG 3
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